path: root/storage/bdb/test/reputils.tcl
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Diffstat (limited to 'storage/bdb/test/reputils.tcl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1275 deletions
diff --git a/storage/bdb/test/reputils.tcl b/storage/bdb/test/reputils.tcl
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-# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
-# Copyright (c) 2001-2004
-# Sleepycat Software. All rights reserved.
-# $Id: reputils.tcl,v 11.84 2004/11/03 18:50:52 carol Exp $
-# Replication testing utilities
-# Environment handle for the env containing the replication "communications
-# structure" (really a CDB environment).
-# The test environment consists of a queue and a # directory (environment)
-# per replication site. The queue is used to hold messages destined for a
-# particular site and the directory will contain the environment for the
-# site. So the environment looks like:
-# $testdir
-# ___________|______________________________
-# / | \ \
-# | | ... |
-# 1 2 .. N+1
-# The master is site 1 in the MSGQUEUEDIR and clients 1-N map to message
-# queues 2 - N+1.
-# The globals repenv(1-N) contain the environment handles for the sites
-# with a given id (i.e., repenv(1) is the master's environment.
-global queueenv
-# Array of DB handles, one per machine ID, for the databases that contain
-# messages.
-global queuedbs
-global machids
-global perm_response_list
-set perm_response_list {}
-global perm_sent_list
-set perm_sent_list {}
-global elect_timeout
-set elect_timeout 50000000
-set drop 0
-# The default for replication testing is for logs to be on-disk.
-# Mixed-mode log testing provides a mixture of on-disk and
-# in-memory logging, or even all in-memory. When testing on a
-# 1-master/1-client test, we try all four options. On a test
-# with more clients, we still try four options, randomly
-# selecting whether the later clients are on-disk or in-memory.
-global mixed_mode_logging
-set mixed_mode_logging 0
-proc create_logsets { nsites } {
- global mixed_mode_logging
- global logsets
- global rand_init
- error_check_good set_random_seed [berkdb srand $rand_init] 0
- if { $mixed_mode_logging == 0 } {
- set loglist {}
- for { set i 0 } { $i < $nsites } { incr i } {
- lappend loglist "on-disk"
- }
- set logsets [list $loglist]
- }
- if { $mixed_mode_logging == 1 } {
- set set1 {on-disk on-disk}
- set set2 {on-disk in-memory}
- set set3 {in-memory on-disk}
- set set4 {in-memory in-memory}
- # Start with nsites at 2 since we already set up
- # the master and first client.
- for { set i 2 } { $i < $nsites } { incr i } {
- foreach set { set1 set2 set3 set4 } {
- if { [berkdb random_int 0 1] == 0 } {
- lappend $set "on-disk"
- } else {
- lappend $set "in-memory"
- }
- }
- }
- set logsets [list $set1 $set2 $set3 $set4]
- }
- return $logsets
-proc run_mixedmode { method test {display 0} {run 1} \
- {outfile stdout} {largs ""} } {
- global mixed_mode_logging
- set mixed_mode_logging 1
- set prefix [string range $test 0 2]
- if { $prefix != "rep" } {
- puts "Skipping mixed-mode log testing for non-rep test."
- set mixed_mode_logging 0
- return
- }
- eval run_method $method $test $display $run $outfile $largs
- # Reset to default values after run.
- set mixed_mode_logging 0
-# Create the directory structure for replication testing.
-# Open the master and client environments; store these in the global repenv
-# Return the master's environment: "-env masterenv"
-proc repl_envsetup { envargs largs test {nclients 1} {droppct 0} { oob 0 } } {
- source ./include.tcl
- global clientdir
- global drop drop_msg
- global masterdir
- global repenv
- global testdir
- env_cleanup $testdir
- replsetup $testdir/MSGQUEUEDIR
- set masterdir $testdir/MASTERDIR
- file mkdir $masterdir
- if { $droppct != 0 } {
- set drop 1
- set drop_msg [expr 100 / $droppct]
- } else {
- set drop 0
- }
- for { set i 0 } { $i < $nclients } { incr i } {
- set clientdir($i) $testdir/CLIENTDIR.$i
- file mkdir $clientdir($i)
- }
- # Open a master.
- repladd 1
- #
- # Set log smaller than default to force changing files,
- # but big enough so that the tests that use binary files
- # as keys/data can run.
- #
- set logmax [expr 3 * 1024 * 1024]
- set ma_cmd "berkdb_env -create -log_max $logmax $envargs \
- -lock_max 10000 \
- -home $masterdir -txn nosync -rep_master -rep_transport \
- \[list 1 replsend\]"
-# set ma_cmd "berkdb_env_noerr -create -log_max $logmax $envargs \
-# -lock_max 10000 -verbose {rep on} -errfile /dev/stderr \
-# -errpfx $masterdir \
-# -home $masterdir -txn nosync -rep_master -rep_transport \
-# \[list 1 replsend\]"
- set masterenv [eval $ma_cmd]
- error_check_good master_env [is_valid_env $masterenv] TRUE
- set repenv(master) $masterenv
- # Open clients
- for { set i 0 } { $i < $nclients } { incr i } {
- set envid [expr $i + 2]
- repladd $envid
- set cl_cmd "berkdb_env -create $envargs -txn nosync \
- -cachesize { 0 10000000 0 } -lock_max 10000 \
- -home $clientdir($i) -rep_client -rep_transport \
- \[list $envid replsend\]"
-# set cl_cmd "berkdb_env_noerr -create $envargs -txn nosync \
-# -cachesize { 0 10000000 0 } -lock_max 10000 \
-# -home $clientdir($i) -rep_client -rep_transport \
-# \[list $envid replsend\] -verbose {rep on} \
-# -errfile /dev/stderr -errpfx $clientdir($i)"
- set clientenv [eval $cl_cmd]
- error_check_good client_env [is_valid_env $clientenv] TRUE
- set repenv($i) $clientenv
- }
- set repenv($i) NULL
- append largs " -env $masterenv "
- # Process startup messages
- repl_envprocq $test $nclients $oob
- return $largs
-# Process all incoming messages. Iterate until there are no messages left
-# in anyone's queue so that we capture all message exchanges. We verify that
-# the requested number of clients matches the number of client environments
-# we have. The oob parameter indicates if we should process the queue
-# with out-of-order delivery. The replprocess procedure actually does
-# the real work of processing the queue -- this routine simply iterates
-# over the various queues and does the initial setup.
-proc repl_envprocq { test { nclients 1 } { oob 0 }} {
- global repenv
- global drop
- set masterenv $repenv(master)
- for { set i 0 } { 1 } { incr i } {
- if { $repenv($i) == "NULL"} {
- break
- }
- }
- error_check_good i_nclients $nclients $i
- berkdb debug_check
- puts -nonewline "\t$test: Processing master/$i client queues"
- set rand_skip 0
- if { $oob } {
- puts " out-of-order"
- } else {
- puts " in order"
- }
- set do_check 1
- set droprestore $drop
- while { 1 } {
- set nproced 0
- if { $oob } {
- set rand_skip [berkdb random_int 2 10]
- }
- incr nproced [replprocessqueue $masterenv 1 $rand_skip]
- for { set i 0 } { $i < $nclients } { incr i } {
- set envid [expr $i + 2]
- if { $oob } {
- set rand_skip [berkdb random_int 2 10]
- }
- set n [replprocessqueue $repenv($i) \
- $envid $rand_skip]
- incr nproced $n
- }
- if { $nproced == 0 } {
- # Now that we delay requesting records until
- # we've had a few records go by, we should always
- # see that the number of requests is lower than the
- # number of messages that were enqueued.
- for { set i 0 } { $i < $nclients } { incr i } {
- set clientenv $repenv($i)
- set queued [stat_field $clientenv rep_stat \
- "Total log records queued"]
- error_check_bad queued_stats \
- $queued -1
- set requested [stat_field $clientenv rep_stat \
- "Log records requested"]
- error_check_bad requested_stats \
- $requested -1
- if { $queued != 0 && $do_check != 0 } {
- error_check_good num_requested \
- [expr $requested <= $queued] 1
- }
- $clientenv rep_request 1 1
- }
- # If we were dropping messages, we might need
- # to flush the log so that we get everything
- # and end up in the right state.
- if { $drop != 0 } {
- set drop 0
- set do_check 0
- $masterenv rep_flush
- berkdb debug_check
- puts "\t$test: Flushing Master"
- } else {
- break
- }
- }
- }
- # Reset the clients back to the default state in case we
- # have more processing to do.
- for { set i 0 } { $i < $nclients } { incr i } {
- set clientenv $repenv($i)
- $clientenv rep_request 4 128
- }
- set drop $droprestore
-# Verify that the directories in the master are exactly replicated in
-# each of the client environments.
-proc repl_envver0 { test method { nclients 1 } } {
- global clientdir
- global masterdir
- global repenv
- # Verify the database in the client dir.
- # First dump the master.
- set t1 $masterdir/t1
- set t2 $masterdir/t2
- set t3 $masterdir/t3
- set omethod [convert_method $method]
- #
- # We are interested in the keys of whatever databases are present
- # in the master environment, so we just call a no-op check function
- # since we have no idea what the contents of this database really is.
- # We just need to walk the master and the clients and make sure they
- # have the same contents.
- #
- set cwd [pwd]
- cd $masterdir
- set stat [catch {glob test*.db} dbs]
- cd $cwd
- if { $stat == 1 } {
- return
- }
- foreach testfile $dbs {
- open_and_dump_file $testfile $repenv(master) $masterdir/t2 \
- repl_noop dump_file_direction "-first" "-next"
- if { [string compare [convert_method $method] -recno] != 0 } {
- filesort $t2 $t3
- file rename -force $t3 $t2
- }
- for { set i 0 } { $i < $nclients } { incr i } {
- puts "\t$test: Verifying client $i database $testfile contents."
- open_and_dump_file $testfile $repenv($i) \
- $t1 repl_noop dump_file_direction "-first" "-next"
- if { [string compare $omethod "-recno"] != 0 } {
- filesort $t1 $t3
- } else {
- catch {file copy -force $t1 $t3} ret
- }
- error_check_good diff_files($t2,$t3) [filecmp $t2 $t3] 0
- }
- }
-# Remove all the elements from the master and verify that these
-# deletions properly propagated to the clients.
-proc repl_verdel { test method { nclients 1 } } {
- global clientdir
- global masterdir
- global repenv
- # Delete all items in the master.
- set cwd [pwd]
- cd $masterdir
- set stat [catch {glob test*.db} dbs]
- cd $cwd
- if { $stat == 1 } {
- return
- }
- foreach testfile $dbs {
- puts "\t$test: Deleting all items from the master."
- set txn [$repenv(master) txn]
- error_check_good txn_begin [is_valid_txn $txn \
- $repenv(master)] TRUE
- set db [berkdb_open -txn $txn -env $repenv(master) $testfile]
- error_check_good reopen_master [is_valid_db $db] TRUE
- set dbc [$db cursor -txn $txn]
- error_check_good reopen_master_cursor \
- [is_valid_cursor $dbc $db] TRUE
- for { set dbt [$dbc get -first] } { [llength $dbt] > 0 } \
- { set dbt [$dbc get -next] } {
- error_check_good del_item [$dbc del] 0
- }
- error_check_good dbc_close [$dbc close] 0
- error_check_good txn_commit [$txn commit] 0
- error_check_good db_close [$db close] 0
- repl_envprocq $test $nclients
- # Check clients.
- for { set i 0 } { $i < $nclients } { incr i } {
- puts "\t$test: Verifying client database $i is empty."
- set db [berkdb_open -env $repenv($i) $testfile]
- error_check_good reopen_client($i) \
- [is_valid_db $db] TRUE
- set dbc [$db cursor]
- error_check_good reopen_client_cursor($i) \
- [is_valid_cursor $dbc $db] TRUE
- error_check_good client($i)_empty \
- [llength [$dbc get -first]] 0
- error_check_good dbc_close [$dbc close] 0
- error_check_good db_close [$db close] 0
- }
- }
-# Replication "check" function for the dump procs that expect to
-# be able to verify the keys and data.
-proc repl_noop { k d } {
- return
-# Close all the master and client environments in a replication test directory.
-proc repl_envclose { test envargs } {
- source ./include.tcl
- global clientdir
- global encrypt
- global masterdir
- global repenv
- global testdir
- if { [lsearch $envargs "-encrypta*"] !=-1 } {
- set encrypt 1
- }
- # In order to make sure that we have fully-synced and ready-to-verify
- # databases on all the clients, do a checkpoint on the master and
- # process messages in order to flush all the clients.
- set drop 0
- set do_check 0
- berkdb debug_check
- puts "\t$test: Checkpointing master."
- error_check_good masterenv_ckp [$repenv(master) txn_checkpoint] 0
- # Count clients.
- for { set ncli 0 } { 1 } { incr ncli } {
- if { $repenv($ncli) == "NULL" } {
- break
- }
- }
- repl_envprocq $test $ncli
- error_check_good masterenv_close [$repenv(master) close] 0
- verify_dir $masterdir "\t$test: " 0 0 1
- for { set i 0 } { $i < $ncli } { incr i } {
- error_check_good client($i)_close [$repenv($i) close] 0
- verify_dir $clientdir($i) "\t$test: " 0 0 1
- }
- replclose $testdir/MSGQUEUEDIR
-# Close up a replication group
-proc replclose { queuedir } {
- global queueenv queuedbs machids
- foreach m $machids {
- set db $queuedbs($m)
- error_check_good dbr_close [$db close] 0
- }
- error_check_good qenv_close [$queueenv close] 0
- set machids {}
-# Create a replication group for testing.
-proc replsetup { queuedir } {
- global queueenv queuedbs machids
- file mkdir $queuedir
- set queueenv \
- [berkdb_env -create -txn nosync -lock_max 20000 -home $queuedir]
- error_check_good queueenv [is_valid_env $queueenv] TRUE
- if { [info exists queuedbs] } {
- unset queuedbs
- }
- set machids {}
- return $queueenv
-# Send function for replication.
-proc replsend { control rec fromid toid flags lsn } {
- global queuedbs queueenv machids
- global drop drop_msg
- global perm_sent_list
- if { [llength $perm_sent_list] != 0 && $flags == "perm" } {
-# puts "replsend sent perm message, LSN $lsn"
- lappend perm_sent_list $lsn
- }
- #
- # If we are testing with dropped messages, then we drop every
- # $drop_msg time. If we do that just return 0 and don't do
- # anything.
- #
- if { $drop != 0 } {
- incr drop
- if { $drop == $drop_msg } {
- set drop 1
- return 0
- }
- }
- # XXX
- if { $toid == -1 } {
- set machlist $machids
- } else {
- if { [info exists queuedbs($toid)] != 1 } {
- error "replsend: machid $toid not found"
- }
- set machlist [list $toid]
- }
- foreach m $machlist {
- # XXX should a broadcast include to "self"?
- if { $m == $fromid } {
- continue
- }
- set db $queuedbs($m)
- set txn [$queueenv txn]
- $db put -txn $txn -append [list $control $rec $fromid]
- error_check_good replsend_commit [$txn commit] 0
- }
- return 0
-# Discard all the pending messages for a particular site.
-proc replclear { machid } {
- global queuedbs queueenv
- if { [info exists queuedbs($machid)] != 1 } {
- error "FAIL: replclear: machid $machid not found"
- }
- set db $queuedbs($machid)
- set txn [$queueenv txn]
- set dbc [$db cursor -txn $txn]
- for { set dbt [$dbc get -rmw -first] } { [llength $dbt] > 0 } \
- { set dbt [$dbc get -rmw -next] } {
- error_check_good replclear($machid)_del [$dbc del] 0
- }
- error_check_good replclear($machid)_dbc_close [$dbc close] 0
- error_check_good replclear($machid)_txn_commit [$txn commit] 0
-# Add a machine to a replication environment.
-proc repladd { machid } {
- global queueenv queuedbs machids
- if { [info exists queuedbs($machid)] == 1 } {
- error "FAIL: repladd: machid $machid already exists"
- }
- set queuedbs($machid) [berkdb open -auto_commit \
- -env $queueenv -create -recno -renumber repqueue$machid.db]
- error_check_good repqueue_create [is_valid_db $queuedbs($machid)] TRUE
- lappend machids $machid
-# Acquire a handle to work with an existing machine's replication
-# queue. This is for situations where more than one process
-# is working with a message queue. In general, having more than one
-# process handle the queue is wrong. However, in order to test some
-# things, we need two processes (since Tcl doesn't support threads). We
-# go to great pain in the test harness to make sure this works, but we
-# don't let customers do it.
-proc repljoin { machid } {
- global queueenv queuedbs machids
- set queuedbs($machid) [berkdb open -auto_commit \
- -env $queueenv repqueue$machid.db]
- error_check_good repqueue_create [is_valid_db $queuedbs($machid)] TRUE
- lappend machids $machid
-# Process a queue of messages, skipping every "skip_interval" entry.
-# We traverse the entire queue, but since we skip some messages, we
-# may end up leaving things in the queue, which should get picked up
-# on a later run.
-proc replprocessqueue { dbenv machid { skip_interval 0 } { hold_electp NONE } \
- { newmasterp NONE } { dupmasterp NONE } { errp NONE } } {
- global queuedbs queueenv errorCode
- global perm_response_list
- global startup_done
- # hold_electp is a call-by-reference variable which lets our caller
- # know we need to hold an election.
- if { [string compare $hold_electp NONE] != 0 } {
- upvar $hold_electp hold_elect
- }
- set hold_elect 0
- # newmasterp is the same idea, only returning the ID of a master
- # given in a DB_REP_NEWMASTER return.
- if { [string compare $newmasterp NONE] != 0 } {
- upvar $newmasterp newmaster
- }
- set newmaster 0
- # dupmasterp is a call-by-reference variable which lets our caller
- # know we have a duplicate master.
- if { [string compare $dupmasterp NONE] != 0 } {
- upvar $dupmasterp dupmaster
- }
- set dupmaster 0
- # errp is a call-by-reference variable which lets our caller
- # know we have gotten an error (that they expect).
- if { [string compare $errp NONE] != 0 } {
- upvar $errp errorp
- }
- set errorp 0
- set nproced 0
- set txn [$queueenv txn]
- # If we are running separate processes, the second process has
- # to join an existing message queue.
- if { [info exists queuedbs($machid)] == 0 } {
- repljoin $machid
- }
- set dbc [$queuedbs($machid) cursor -txn $txn]
- error_check_good process_dbc($machid) \
- [is_valid_cursor $dbc $queuedbs($machid)] TRUE
- for { set dbt [$dbc get -first] } \
- { [llength $dbt] != 0 } \
- { } {
- set data [lindex [lindex $dbt 0] 1]
- set recno [lindex [lindex $dbt 0] 0]
- # If skip_interval is nonzero, we want to process messages
- # out of order. We do this in a simple but slimy way--
- # continue walking with the cursor without processing the
- # message or deleting it from the queue, but do increment
- # "nproced". The way this proc is normally used, the
- # precise value of nproced doesn't matter--we just don't
- # assume the queues are empty if it's nonzero. Thus,
- # if we contrive to make sure it's nonzero, we'll always
- # come back to records we've skipped on a later call
- # to replprocessqueue. (If there really are no records,
- # we'll never get here.)
- #
- # Skip every skip_interval'th record (and use a remainder other
- # than zero so that we're guaranteed to really process at least
- # one record on every call).
- if { $skip_interval != 0 } {
- if { $nproced % $skip_interval == 1 } {
- incr nproced
- set dbt [$dbc get -next]
- continue
- }
- }
- # We need to remove the current message from the queue,
- # because we're about to end the transaction and someone
- # else processing messages might come in and reprocess this
- # message which would be bad.
- error_check_good queue_remove [$dbc del] 0
- # We have to play an ugly cursor game here: we currently
- # hold a lock on the page of messages, but rep_process_message
- # might need to lock the page with a different cursor in
- # order to send a response. So save the next recno, close
- # the cursor, and then reopen and reset the cursor.
- # If someone else is processing this queue, our entry might
- # have gone away, and we need to be able to handle that.
- error_check_good dbc_process_close [$dbc close] 0
- error_check_good txn_commit [$txn commit] 0
- set ret [catch {$dbenv rep_process_message \
- [lindex $data 2] [lindex $data 0] [lindex $data 1]} res]
- # Save all ISPERM and NOTPERM responses so we can compare their
- # LSNs to the LSN in the log. The variable perm_response_list
- # holds the entire response so we can extract responses and
- # LSNs as needed.
- #
- if { [llength $perm_response_list] != 0 && \
- ([is_substr $res ISPERM] || [is_substr $res NOTPERM]) } {
- lappend perm_response_list $res
- }
- if { $ret != 0 } {
- if { [string compare $errp NONE] != 0 } {
- set errorp "$dbenv $machid $res"
- } else {
- error "FAIL:[timestamp]\
- rep_process_message returned $res"
- }
- }
- incr nproced
- # Now, re-establish the cursor position. We fetch the
- # current record number. If there is something there,
- # that is the record for the next iteration. If there
- # is nothing there, then we've consumed the last item
- # in the queue.
- set txn [$queueenv txn]
- set dbc [$queuedbs($machid) cursor -txn $txn]
- set dbt [$dbc get -set_range $recno]
- if { $ret == 0 } {
- set rettype [lindex $res 0]
- set retval [lindex $res 1]
- #
- # Do nothing for 0 and NEWSITE
- #
- if { [is_substr $rettype STARTUPDONE] } {
- set startup_done 1
- }
- if { [is_substr $rettype HOLDELECTION] } {
- set hold_elect 1
- }
- if { [is_substr $rettype DUPMASTER] } {
- set dupmaster "1 $dbenv $machid"
- }
- if { [is_substr $rettype NOTPERM] || \
- [is_substr $rettype ISPERM] } {
- set lsnfile [lindex $retval 0]
- set lsnoff [lindex $retval 1]
- }
- if { [is_substr $rettype NEWMASTER] } {
- set newmaster $retval
- # Break as soon as we get a NEWMASTER message;
- # our caller needs to handle it.
- break
- }
- }
- if { $errorp != 0 } {
- # Break also on an error, caller wants to handle it.
- break
- }
- if { $hold_elect == 1 } {
- # Break also on a HOLDELECTION, for the same reason.
- break
- }
- if { $dupmaster == 1 } {
- # Break also on a DUPMASTER, for the same reason.
- break
- }
- }
- error_check_good dbc_close [$dbc close] 0
- error_check_good txn_commit [$txn commit] 0
- # Return the number of messages processed.
- return $nproced
-set run_repl_flag "-run_repl"
-proc extract_repl_args { args } {
- global run_repl_flag
- for { set arg [lindex $args [set i 0]] } \
- { [string length $arg] > 0 } \
- { set arg [lindex $args [incr i]] } {
- if { [string compare $arg $run_repl_flag] == 0 } {
- return [lindex $args [expr $i + 1]]
- }
- }
- return ""
-proc delete_repl_args { args } {
- global run_repl_flag
- set ret {}
- for { set arg [lindex $args [set i 0]] } \
- { [string length $arg] > 0 } \
- { set arg [lindex $args [incr i]] } {
- if { [string compare $arg $run_repl_flag] != 0 } {
- lappend ret $arg
- } else {
- incr i
- }
- }
- return $ret
-global elect_serial
-global elections_in_progress
-set elect_serial 0
-# Start an election in a sub-process.
-proc start_election \
- { pfx qdir envstring nsites nvotes pri timeout {err "none"} {crash 0}} {
- source ./include.tcl
- global elect_serial elect_timeout elections_in_progress machids
- set filelist {}
- set ret [catch {glob $testdir/ELECTION*.$elect_serial} result]
- if { $ret == 0 } {
- set filelist [concat $filelist $result]
- }
- foreach f $filelist {
- fileremove -f $f
- }
- set oid [open $testdir/ELECTION_SOURCE.$elect_serial w]
- puts $oid "source $test_path/test.tcl"
- puts $oid "replsetup $qdir"
- foreach i $machids { puts $oid "repladd $i" }
- puts $oid "set env_cmd \{$envstring\}"
-# puts $oid "set dbenv \[eval \$env_cmd -errfile \
-# $testdir/ELECTION_ERRFILE.$elect_serial -errpfx $pfx \]"
- puts $oid "set dbenv \[eval \$env_cmd -errfile \
- /dev/stdout -errpfx $pfx \]"
- puts $oid "\$dbenv test abort $err"
- puts $oid "set res \[catch \{\$dbenv rep_elect $nsites $nvotes $pri \
- $elect_timeout\} ret\]"
- puts $oid "set r \[open \$testdir/ELECTION_RESULT.$elect_serial w\]"
- puts $oid "if \{\$res == 0 \} \{"
- puts $oid "puts \$r \"NEWMASTER \$ret\""
- puts $oid "\} else \{"
- puts $oid "puts \$r \"ERROR \$ret\""
- puts $oid "\}"
- #
- # This loop calls rep_elect a second time with the error cleared.
- # We don't want to do that if we are simulating a crash.
- if { $err != "none" && $crash != 1 } {
- puts $oid "\$dbenv test abort none"
- puts $oid "set res \[catch \{\$dbenv rep_elect $nsites \
- $nvotes $pri $elect_timeout\} ret\]"
- puts $oid "if \{\$res == 0 \} \{"
- puts $oid "puts \$r \"NEWMASTER \$ret\""
- puts $oid "\} else \{"
- puts $oid "puts \$r \"ERROR \$ret\""
- puts $oid "\}"
- }
- puts $oid "close \$r"
- close $oid
-# set t [open "|$tclsh_path >& $testdir/ELECTION_OUTPUT.$elect_serial" w]
- set t [open "|$tclsh_path" w]
- puts $t "source ./include.tcl"
- puts $t "source $testdir/ELECTION_SOURCE.$elect_serial"
- flush $t
- set elections_in_progress($elect_serial) $t
- return $elect_serial
-proc setpriority { priority nclients winner {start 0} } {
- upvar $priority pri
- for { set i $start } { $i < [expr $nclients + $start] } { incr i } {
- if { $i == $winner } {
- set pri($i) 100
- } else {
- set pri($i) 10
- }
- }
-# run_election has the following arguments:
-# Arrays:
-# ecmd Array of the commands for setting up each client env.
-# cenv Array of the handles to each client env.
-# errcmd Array of where errors should be forced.
-# priority Array of the priorities of each client env.
-# crash If an error is forced, should we crash or recover?
-# The upvar command takes care of making these arrays available to
-# the procedure.
-# Ordinary variables:
-# qdir Directory where the message queue is located.
-# msg Message prefixed to the output.
-# elector This client calls the first election.
-# nsites Number of sites in the replication group.
-# nvotes Number of votes required to win the election.
-# nclients Number of clients participating in the election.
-# win The expected winner of the election.
-# reopen Should the new master (i.e. winner) be closed
-# and reopened as a client?
-# dbname Name of the underlying database. Defaults to
-# the name of the db created by rep_test.
-proc run_election { ecmd celist errcmd priority crsh qdir msg elector \
- nsites nvotes nclients win {reopen 0} {dbname "test.db"} } {
- global elect_timeout elect_serial
- global is_hp_test
- global is_windows_test
- global rand_init
- upvar $ecmd env_cmd
- upvar $celist cenvlist
- upvar $errcmd err_cmd
- upvar $priority pri
- upvar $crsh crash
- set elect_timeout 5000000
- foreach pair $cenvlist {
- set id [lindex $pair 1]
- set i [expr $id - 2]
- set elect_pipe($i) INVALID
- replclear $id
- }
- #
- # XXX
- # We need to somehow check for the warning if nvotes is not
- # a majority. Problem is that warning will go into the child
- # process' output. Furthermore, we need a mechanism that can
- # handle both sending the output to a file and sending it to
- # /dev/stderr when debugging without failing the
- # error_check_good check.
- #
- puts "\t\t$msg.1: Election with nsites=$nsites,\
- nvotes=$nvotes, nclients=$nclients"
- puts "\t\t$msg.2: First elector is $elector,\
- expected winner is $win (eid [expr $win + 2])"
- incr elect_serial
- set pfx "CHILD$elector.$elect_serial"
- # Windows and HP-UX require a longer timeout.
- if { $is_windows_test == 1 || $is_hp_test == 1 } {
- set elect_timeout [expr $elect_timeout * 3]
- }
- set elect_pipe($elector) [start_election \
- $pfx $qdir $env_cmd($elector) $nsites $nvotes $pri($elector) \
- $elect_timeout $err_cmd($elector) $crash($elector)]
- tclsleep 2
- set got_newmaster 0
- set tries [expr [expr $elect_timeout * 4] / 1000000]
- # If we're simulating a crash, skip the while loop and
- # just give the initial election a chance to complete.
- set crashing 0
- for { set i 0 } { $i < $nclients } { incr i } {
- if { $crash($i) == 1 } {
- set crashing 1
- }
- }
- if { $crashing == 1 } {
- tclsleep 10
- } else {
- while { 1 } {
- set nproced 0
- set he 0
- set nm 0
- set nm2 0
- foreach pair $cenvlist {
- set he 0
- set envid [lindex $pair 1]
- set i [expr $envid - 2]
- set clientenv($i) [lindex $pair 0]
- set child_done [check_election $elect_pipe($i) nm2]
- if { $got_newmaster == 0 && $nm2 != 0 } {
- error_check_good newmaster_is_master2 $nm2 \
- [expr $win + 2]
- set got_newmaster $nm2
- # If this env is the new master, it needs to
- # configure itself as such--this is a different
- # env handle from the one that performed the
- # election.
- if { $nm2 == $envid } {
- error_check_good make_master($i) \
- [$clientenv($i) rep_start -master] \
- 0
- }
- }
- incr nproced \
- [replprocessqueue $clientenv($i) $envid 0 he nm]
-# puts "Tries $tries: Processed queue for client $i, $nproced msgs he $he nm $nm nm2 $nm2"
- if { $he == 1 } {
- #
- # Only close down the election pipe if the
- # previously created one is done and
- # waiting for new commands, otherwise
- # if we try to close it while it's in
- # progress we hang this main tclsh.
- #
- if { $elect_pipe($i) != "INVALID" && \
- $child_done == 1 } {
- close_election $elect_pipe($i)
- set elect_pipe($i) "INVALID"
- }
-# puts "Starting election on client $i"
- if { $elect_pipe($i) == "INVALID" } {
- incr elect_serial
- set pfx "CHILD$i.$elect_serial"
- set elect_pipe($i) [start_election \
- $pfx $qdir \
- $env_cmd($i) $nsites \
- $nvotes $pri($i) $elect_timeout]
- set got_hold_elect($i) 1
- }
- }
- if { $nm != 0 } {
- error_check_good newmaster_is_master $nm \
- [expr $win + 2]
- set got_newmaster $nm
- # If this env is the new master, it needs to
- # configure itself as such--this is a different
- # env handle from the one that performed the
- # election.
- if { $nm == $envid } {
- error_check_good make_master($i) \
- [$clientenv($i) rep_start -master] \
- 0
- # Occasionally force new log records
- # to be written.
- set write [berkdb random_int 1 10]
- if { $write == 1 } {
- set db [berkdb_open -env \
- $clientenv($i) \
- -auto_commit $dbname]
- error_check_good dbopen \
- [is_valid_db $db] TRUE
- error_check_good dbclose \
- [$db close] 0
- }
- }
- }
- }
- # We need to wait around to make doubly sure that the
- # election has finished...
- if { $nproced == 0 } {
- incr tries -1
- if { $tries == 0 } {
- break
- } else {
- tclsleep 1
- }
- } else {
- set tries $tries
- }
- }
- # Verify that expected winner is actually the winner.
- error_check_good "client $win wins" $got_newmaster [expr $win + 2]
- }
- cleanup_elections
- #
- # Make sure we've really processed all the post-election
- # sync-up messages. If we're simulating a crash, don't process
- # any more messages.
- #
- if { $crashing == 0 } {
- process_msgs $cenvlist
- }
- if { $reopen == 1 } {
- puts "\t\t$msg.3: Closing new master and reopening as client"
- error_check_good newmaster_close [$clientenv($win) close] 0
- set clientenv($win) [eval $env_cmd($win)]
- error_check_good cl($win) [is_valid_env $clientenv($win)] TRUE
- set newelector "$clientenv($win) [expr $win + 2]"
- set cenvlist [lreplace $cenvlist $win $win $newelector]
- if { $crashing == 0 } {
- process_msgs $cenvlist
- }
- }
-proc got_newmaster { cenv i newmaster win {dbname "test.db"} } {
- upvar $cenv clientenv
- # Check that the new master we got is the one we expected.
- error_check_good newmaster_is_master $newmaster [expr $win + 2]
- # If this env is the new master, it needs to configure itself
- # as such -- this is a different env handle from the one that
- # performed the election.
- if { $nm == $envid } {
- error_check_good make_master($i) \
- [$clientenv($i) rep_start -master] 0
- # Occasionally force new log records to be written.
- set write [berkdb random_int 1 10]
- if { $write == 1 } {
- set db [berkdb_open -env $clientenv($i) -auto_commit \
- -create -btree $dbname]
- error_check_good dbopen [is_valid_db $db] TRUE
- error_check_good dbclose [$db close] 0
- }
- }
-proc check_election { id newmasterp } {
- source ./include.tcl
- if { $id == "INVALID" } {
- return 0
- }
- upvar $newmasterp newmaster
- set newmaster 0
- set res [catch {open $testdir/ELECTION_RESULT.$id} nmid]
- if { $res != 0 } {
- return 0
- }
- while { [gets $nmid val] != -1 } {
-# puts "result $id: $val"
- set str [lindex $val 0]
- if { [is_substr $str NEWMASTER] } {
- set newmaster [lindex $val 1]
- }
- }
- close $nmid
- return 1
-proc close_election { i } {
- global elections_in_progress
- set t $elections_in_progress($i)
- puts $t "replclose \$testdir/MSGQUEUEDIR"
- puts $t "\$dbenv close"
- close $t
- unset elections_in_progress($i)
-proc cleanup_elections { } {
- global elect_serial elections_in_progress
- for { set i 0 } { $i <= $elect_serial } { incr i } {
- if { [info exists elections_in_progress($i)] != 0 } {
- close_election $i
- }
- }
- set elect_serial 0
-# This is essentially a copy of test001, but it only does the put/get
-# loop AND it takes an already-opened db handle.
-proc rep_test { method env repdb {nentries 10000} \
- {start 0} {skip 0} {needpad 0} args } {
- source ./include.tcl
- #
- # Open the db if one isn't given. Close before exit.
- #
- if { $repdb == "NULL" } {
- set testfile "test.db"
- set largs [convert_args $method $args]
- set omethod [convert_method $method]
- set db [eval {berkdb_open_noerr -env $env -auto_commit -create \
- -mode 0644} $largs $omethod $testfile]
- error_check_good reptest_db [is_valid_db $db] TRUE
- } else {
- set db $repdb
- }
- #
- # If we are using an env, then testfile should just be the db name.
- # Otherwise it is the test directory and the name.
- # If we are not using an external env, then test setting
- # the database cache size and using multiple caches.
- puts "\t\tRep_test: $method $nentries key/data pairs starting at $start"
- set did [open $dict]
- # The "start" variable determines the record number to start
- # with, if we're using record numbers. The "skip" variable
- # determines which dictionary entry to start with. In normal
- # use, skip is equal to start.
- if { $skip != 0 } {
- for { set count 0 } { $count < $skip } { incr count } {
- gets $did str
- }
- }
- set pflags ""
- set gflags ""
- set txn ""
- if { [is_record_based $method] == 1 } {
- append gflags " -recno"
- }
- puts "\t\tRep_test.a: put/get loop"
- # Here is the loop where we put and get each key/data pair
- set count 0
- while { [gets $did str] != -1 && $count < $nentries } {
- if { [is_record_based $method] == 1 } {
- global kvals
- set key [expr $count + 1 + $start]
- if { 0xffffffff > 0 && $key > 0xffffffff } {
- set key [expr $key - 0x100000000]
- }
- if { $key == 0 || $key - 0xffffffff == 1 } {
- incr key
- incr count
- }
- set kvals($key) [pad_data $method $str]
- } else {
- set key $str
- set str [reverse $str]
- }
- #
- # We want to make sure we send in exactly the same
- # length data so that LSNs match up for some tests
- # in replication (rep021).
- #
- if { [is_fixed_length $method] == 1 && $needpad } {
- #
- # Make it something visible and obvious, 'A'.
- #
- set p 65
- set str [make_fixed_length $method $str $p]
- set kvals($key) $str
- }
- set t [$env txn]
- error_check_good txn [is_valid_txn $t $env] TRUE
- set txn "-txn $t"
- set ret [eval \
- {$db put} $txn $pflags {$key [chop_data $method $str]}]
- error_check_good put $ret 0
- error_check_good txn [$t commit] 0
- # Checkpoint 10 times during the run, but not more
- # frequently than every 5 entries.
- set checkfreq [expr $nentries / 10]
- if { $checkfreq < 5 } {
- set checkfreq 5
- }
- if { $count % $checkfreq == 0 } {
- error_check_good txn_checkpoint($count) \
- [$env txn_checkpoint] 0
- }
- incr count
- }
- close $did
- if { $repdb == "NULL" } {
- error_check_good rep_close [$db close] 0
- }
-proc process_msgs { elist {perm_response 0} {dupp NONE} {errp NONE} } {
- if { $perm_response == 1 } {
- global perm_response_list
- set perm_response_list {{}}
- }
- if { [string compare $dupp NONE] != 0 } {
- upvar $dupp dupmaster
- set dupmaster 0
- } else {
- set dupmaster NONE
- }
- if { [string compare $errp NONE] != 0 } {
- upvar $errp errorp
- set errorp 0
- } else {
- set errorp NONE
- }
- while { 1 } {
- set nproced 0
- foreach pair $elist {
- set envname [lindex $pair 0]
- set envid [lindex $pair 1]
- #
- # If we need to send in all the other args
- incr nproced [replprocessqueue $envname $envid \
- 0 NONE NONE dupmaster errorp]
- #
- # If the user is expecting to handle an error and we get
- # one, return the error immediately.
- #
- if { $dupmaster != 0 && $dupmaster != "NONE" } {
- return
- }
- if { $errorp != 0 && $errorp != "NONE" } {
- return
- }
- }
- if { $nproced == 0 } {
- break
- }
- }