path: root/storage/bdb/test/test083.tcl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'storage/bdb/test/test083.tcl')
1 files changed, 162 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/storage/bdb/test/test083.tcl b/storage/bdb/test/test083.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e4168ee1c43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/storage/bdb/test/test083.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+# Copyright (c) 2000-2002
+# Sleepycat Software. All rights reserved.
+# $Id: test083.tcl,v 11.13 2002/06/24 14:06:38 sue Exp $
+# TEST test083
+# TEST Test of DB->key_range.
+proc test083 { method {pgsz 512} {maxitems 5000} {step 2} args} {
+ source ./include.tcl
+ set omethod [convert_method $method]
+ set args [convert_args $method $args]
+ puts "Test083 $method ($args): Test of DB->key_range"
+ if { [is_btree $method] != 1 } {
+ puts "\tTest083: Skipping for method $method."
+ return
+ }
+ set pgindex [lsearch -exact $args "-pagesize"]
+ if { $pgindex != -1 } {
+ puts "Test083: skipping for specific pagesizes"
+ return
+ }
+ # If we are using an env, then testfile should just be the db name.
+ # Otherwise it is the test directory and the name.
+ set txnenv 0
+ set eindex [lsearch -exact $args "-env"]
+ if { $eindex == -1 } {
+ set testfile $testdir/test083.db
+ set env NULL
+ } else {
+ set testfile test083.db
+ incr eindex
+ set env [lindex $args $eindex]
+ set txnenv [is_txnenv $env]
+ if { $txnenv == 1 } {
+ append args " -auto_commit "
+ }
+ set testdir [get_home $env]
+ }
+ # We assume that numbers will be at most six digits wide
+ error_check_bad maxitems_range [expr $maxitems > 999999] 1
+ # We want to test key_range on a variety of sizes of btree.
+ # Start at ten keys and work up to $maxitems keys, at each step
+ # multiplying the number of keys by $step.
+ for { set nitems 10 } { $nitems <= $maxitems }\
+ { set nitems [expr $nitems * $step] } {
+ puts "\tTest083.a: Opening new database"
+ if { $env != "NULL"} {
+ set testdir [get_home $env]
+ }
+ cleanup $testdir $env
+ set db [eval {berkdb_open -create -mode 0644} \
+ -pagesize $pgsz $omethod $args $testfile]
+ error_check_good dbopen [is_valid_db $db] TRUE
+ t83_build $db $nitems $env $txnenv
+ t83_test $db $nitems $env $txnenv
+ error_check_good db_close [$db close] 0
+ }
+proc t83_build { db nitems env txnenv } {
+ source ./include.tcl
+ puts "\tTest083.b: Populating database with $nitems keys"
+ set keylist {}
+ puts "\t\tTest083.b.1: Generating key list"
+ for { set i 0 } { $i < $nitems } { incr i } {
+ lappend keylist $i
+ }
+ # With randomly ordered insertions, the range of errors we
+ # get from key_range can be unpredictably high [#2134]. For now,
+ # just skip the randomization step.
+ #puts "\t\tTest083.b.2: Randomizing key list"
+ #set keylist [randomize_list $keylist]
+ #puts "\t\tTest083.b.3: Populating database with randomized keys"
+ puts "\t\tTest083.b.2: Populating database"
+ set data [repeat . 50]
+ set txn ""
+ foreach keynum $keylist {
+ if { $txnenv == 1 } {
+ set t [$env txn]
+ error_check_good txn [is_valid_txn $t $env] TRUE
+ set txn "-txn $t"
+ }
+ set ret [eval {$db put} $txn {key[format %6d $keynum] $data}]
+ error_check_good db_put $ret 0
+ if { $txnenv == 1 } {
+ error_check_good txn [$t commit] 0
+ }
+ }
+proc t83_test { db nitems env txnenv } {
+ # Look at the first key, then at keys about 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, and
+ # all the way through the database. Make sure the key_ranges
+ # aren't off by more than 10%.
+ if { $txnenv == 1 } {
+ set t [$env txn]
+ error_check_good txn [is_valid_txn $t $env] TRUE
+ set txn "-txn $t"
+ } else {
+ set txn ""
+ }
+ set dbc [eval {$db cursor} $txn]
+ error_check_good dbc [is_valid_cursor $dbc $db] TRUE
+ puts "\tTest083.c: Verifying ranges..."
+ for { set i 0 } { $i < $nitems } \
+ { incr i [expr $nitems / [berkdb random_int 3 16]] } {
+ puts "\t\t...key $i"
+ error_check_bad key0 [llength [set dbt [$dbc get -first]]] 0
+ for { set j 0 } { $j < $i } { incr j } {
+ error_check_bad key$j \
+ [llength [set dbt [$dbc get -next]]] 0
+ }
+ set ranges [$db keyrange [lindex [lindex $dbt 0] 0]]
+ #puts $ranges
+ error_check_good howmanyranges [llength $ranges] 3
+ set lessthan [lindex $ranges 0]
+ set morethan [lindex $ranges 2]
+ set rangesum [expr $lessthan + [lindex $ranges 1] + $morethan]
+ roughly_equal $rangesum 1 0.05
+ # Wild guess.
+ if { $nitems < 500 } {
+ set tol 0.3
+ } elseif { $nitems > 500 } {
+ set tol 0.15
+ }
+ roughly_equal $lessthan [expr $i * 1.0 / $nitems] $tol
+ }
+ error_check_good dbc_close [$dbc close] 0
+ if { $txnenv == 1 } {
+ error_check_good txn [$t commit] 0
+ }
+proc roughly_equal { a b tol } {
+ error_check_good "$a =~ $b" [expr $a - $b < $tol] 1