path: root/storage/bdb/txn/txn_recover.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'storage/bdb/txn/txn_recover.c')
1 files changed, 306 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/storage/bdb/txn/txn_recover.c b/storage/bdb/txn/txn_recover.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..732a82e5030
--- /dev/null
+++ b/storage/bdb/txn/txn_recover.c
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+ * See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2001-2002
+ * Sleepycat Software. All rights reserved.
+ */
+#include "db_config.h"
+#ifndef lint
+static const char revid[] = "$Id: txn_recover.c,v 1.36 2002/08/19 16:59:15 bostic Exp $";
+#endif /* not lint */
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "db_int.h"
+#include "dbinc/txn.h"
+#include "dbinc/db_page.h"
+#include "dbinc/log.h"
+#include "dbinc_auto/db_auto.h"
+#include "dbinc_auto/crdel_auto.h"
+#include "dbinc_auto/db_ext.h"
+ * __txn_continue
+ * Fill in the fields of the local transaction structure given
+ * the detail transaction structure.
+ *
+ * XXX
+ * I'm not sure that we work correctly with nested txns.
+ *
+ * PUBLIC: void __txn_continue __P((DB_ENV *, DB_TXN *, TXN_DETAIL *, size_t));
+ */
+__txn_continue(env, txnp, td, off)
+ DB_ENV *env;
+ DB_TXN *txnp;
+ size_t off;
+ txnp->mgrp = env->tx_handle;
+ txnp->parent = NULL;
+ txnp->last_lsn = td->last_lsn;
+ txnp->txnid = td->txnid;
+ txnp->off = (roff_t)off;
+ txnp->abort = __txn_abort;
+ txnp->commit = __txn_commit;
+ txnp->discard = __txn_discard;
+ txnp->id = __txn_id;
+ txnp->prepare = __txn_prepare;
+ txnp->flags = 0;
+ * __txn_map_gid
+ * Return the txn that corresponds to this global ID.
+ *
+ * PUBLIC: int __txn_map_gid __P((DB_ENV *,
+ * PUBLIC: u_int8_t *, TXN_DETAIL **, size_t *));
+ */
+__txn_map_gid(dbenv, gid, tdp, offp)
+ DB_ENV *dbenv;
+ u_int8_t *gid;
+ TXN_DETAIL **tdp;
+ size_t *offp;
+ DB_TXNMGR *mgr;
+ mgr = dbenv->tx_handle;
+ tmr = mgr->reginfo.primary;
+ /*
+ * Search the internal active transaction table to find the
+ * matching xid. If this is a performance hit, then we
+ * can create a hash table, but I doubt it's worth it.
+ */
+ R_LOCK(dbenv, &mgr->reginfo);
+ for (*tdp = SH_TAILQ_FIRST(&tmr->active_txn, __txn_detail);
+ *tdp != NULL;
+ *tdp = SH_TAILQ_NEXT(*tdp, links, __txn_detail))
+ if (memcmp(gid, (*tdp)->xid, sizeof((*tdp)->xid)) == 0)
+ break;
+ R_UNLOCK(dbenv, &mgr->reginfo);
+ if (*tdp == NULL)
+ return (EINVAL);
+ *offp = R_OFFSET(&mgr->reginfo, *tdp);
+ return (0);
+ * __txn_recover --
+ * Public interface to retrieve the list of prepared, but not yet
+ * commited transactions. See __txn_get_prepared for details. This
+ * function and __db_xa_recover both wrap that one.
+ *
+ * PUBLIC: int __txn_recover
+ * PUBLIC: __P((DB_ENV *, DB_PREPLIST *, long, long *, u_int32_t));
+ */
+__txn_recover(dbenv, preplist, count, retp, flags)
+ DB_ENV *dbenv;
+ DB_PREPLIST *preplist;
+ long count, *retp;
+ u_int32_t flags;
+ PANIC_CHECK(dbenv);
+ dbenv, dbenv->tx_handle, "txn_recover", DB_INIT_TXN);
+ ((DB_TXNMGR *)dbenv->tx_handle)->reginfo.primary,
+ __db_err(dbenv, "operation not permitted while in recovery");
+ return (EINVAL);
+ }
+ return (__txn_get_prepared(dbenv, NULL, preplist, count, retp, flags));
+ * __txn_get_prepared --
+ * Returns a list of prepared (and for XA, heuristically completed)
+ * transactions (less than or equal to the count parameter). One of
+ * xids or txns must be set to point to an array of the appropriate type.
+ * The count parameter indicates the number of entries in the xids and/or
+ * txns array. The retp parameter will be set to indicate the number of
+ * entries returned in the xids/txns array. Flags indicates the operation,
+ * one of DB_FIRST or DB_NEXT.
+ *
+ * PUBLIC: int __txn_get_prepared __P((DB_ENV *,
+ * PUBLIC: XID *, DB_PREPLIST *, long, long *, u_int32_t));
+ */
+__txn_get_prepared(dbenv, xids, txns, count, retp, flags)
+ DB_ENV *dbenv;
+ XID *xids;
+ DB_PREPLIST *txns;
+ long count; /* This is long for XA compatibility. */
+ long *retp;
+ u_int32_t flags;
+ DBT data;
+ DB_LOGC *logc;
+ DB_LSN min, open_lsn;
+ DB_PREPLIST *prepp;
+ DB_TXNMGR *mgr;
+ XID *xidp;
+ __txn_ckp_args *ckp_args;
+ long i;
+ int nrestores, open_files, ret, t_ret;
+ void *txninfo;
+ *retp = 0;
+ logc = NULL;
+ MAX_LSN(min);
+ prepp = txns;
+ xidp = xids;
+ nrestores = ret = 0;
+ open_files = 1;
+ /*
+ * If we are starting a scan, then we traverse the active transaction
+ * list once making sure that all transactions are marked as not having
+ * been collected. Then on each pass, we mark the ones we collected
+ * so that if we cannot collect them all at once, we can finish up
+ * next time with a continue.
+ */
+ mgr = dbenv->tx_handle;
+ tmr = mgr->reginfo.primary;
+ /*
+ * During this pass we need to figure out if we are going to need
+ * to open files. We need to open files if we've never collected
+ * before (in which case, none of the COLLECTED bits will be set)
+ * and the ones that we are collecting are restored (if they aren't
+ * restored, then we never crashed; just the main server did).
+ */
+ R_LOCK(dbenv, &mgr->reginfo);
+ if (flags == DB_FIRST) {
+ for (td = SH_TAILQ_FIRST(&tmr->active_txn, __txn_detail);
+ td != NULL;
+ td = SH_TAILQ_NEXT(td, links, __txn_detail)) {
+ nrestores++;
+ open_files = 0;
+ }
+ mgr->n_discards = 0;
+ } else
+ open_files = 0;
+ /* Now begin collecting active transactions. */
+ for (td = SH_TAILQ_FIRST(&tmr->active_txn, __txn_detail);
+ td != NULL && *retp < count;
+ td = SH_TAILQ_NEXT(td, links, __txn_detail)) {
+ if (td->status != TXN_PREPARED || F_ISSET(td, TXN_COLLECTED))
+ continue;
+ if (xids != NULL) {
+ xidp->formatID = td->format;
+ xidp->gtrid_length = td->gtrid;
+ xidp->bqual_length = td->bqual;
+ memcpy(xidp->data, td->xid, sizeof(td->xid));
+ xidp++;
+ }
+ if (txns != NULL) {
+ if ((ret = __os_calloc(dbenv,
+ 1, sizeof(DB_TXN), &prepp->txn)) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ __txn_continue(dbenv,
+ prepp->txn, td, R_OFFSET(&mgr->reginfo, td));
+ F_SET(prepp->txn, TXN_MALLOC);
+ memcpy(prepp->gid, td->xid, sizeof(td->xid));
+ prepp++;
+ }
+ if (log_compare(&td->begin_lsn, &min) < 0)
+ min = td->begin_lsn;
+ (*retp)++;
+ }
+ R_UNLOCK(dbenv, &mgr->reginfo);
+ /*
+ * Now link all the transactions into the transaction manager's list.
+ */
+ if (txns != NULL) {
+ MUTEX_THREAD_LOCK(dbenv, mgr->mutexp);
+ for (i = 0; i < *retp; i++)
+ TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&mgr->txn_chain, txns[i].txn, links);
+ MUTEX_THREAD_UNLOCK(dbenv, mgr->mutexp);
+ }
+ if (open_files && nrestores && *retp != 0 && !IS_MAX_LSN(min)) {
+ /*
+ * Figure out the last checkpoint before the smallest
+ * start_lsn in the region.
+ */
+ F_SET((DB_LOG *)dbenv->lg_handle, DBLOG_RECOVER);
+ if ((ret = dbenv->log_cursor(dbenv, &logc, 0)) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data));
+ if ((ret = __txn_getckp(dbenv, &open_lsn)) == 0)
+ while (!IS_ZERO_LSN(open_lsn) && (ret =
+ logc->get(logc, &open_lsn, &data, DB_SET)) == 0 &&
+ log_compare(&min, &open_lsn) < 0) {
+ /* Format the log record. */
+ if ((ret = __txn_ckp_read(dbenv,
+, &ckp_args)) != 0) {
+ __db_err(dbenv,
+ "Invalid checkpoint record at [%lu][%lu]",
+ (u_long)open_lsn.file,
+ (u_long)open_lsn.offset);
+ goto err;
+ }
+ open_lsn = ckp_args->last_ckp;
+ __os_free(dbenv, ckp_args);
+ }
+ /*
+ * There are three ways by which we may have gotten here.
+ * - We got a DB_NOTFOUND -- we need to read the first
+ * log record.
+ * - We found a checkpoint before min. We're done.
+ * - We found a checkpoint after min who's last_ckp is 0. We
+ * need to start at the beginning of the log.
+ */
+ if ((ret == DB_NOTFOUND || IS_ZERO_LSN(open_lsn)) &&
+ (ret = logc->get(logc, &open_lsn, &data, DB_FIRST)) != 0) {
+ __db_err(dbenv, "No log records");
+ goto err;
+ }
+ if ((ret = __db_txnlist_init(dbenv, 0, 0, NULL, &txninfo)) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ ret = __env_openfiles(dbenv, logc,
+ txninfo, &data, &open_lsn, NULL, 0, 0);
+ if (txninfo != NULL)
+ __db_txnlist_end(dbenv, txninfo);
+ }
+err: F_CLR((DB_LOG *)dbenv->lg_handle, DBLOG_RECOVER);
+ if (logc != NULL && (t_ret = logc->close(logc, 0)) != 0 && ret == 0)
+ ret = t_ret;
+ return (ret);