path: root/storage/innobase/buf/buf0flu.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'storage/innobase/buf/buf0flu.c')
1 files changed, 1123 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/storage/innobase/buf/buf0flu.c b/storage/innobase/buf/buf0flu.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..49b81196a64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/storage/innobase/buf/buf0flu.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1123 @@
+The database buffer buf_pool flush algorithm
+(c) 1995-2001 Innobase Oy
+Created 11/11/1995 Heikki Tuuri
+#include "buf0flu.h"
+#include "buf0flu.ic"
+#include "trx0sys.h"
+#include "ut0byte.h"
+#include "ut0lst.h"
+#include "page0page.h"
+#include "fil0fil.h"
+#include "buf0buf.h"
+#include "buf0lru.h"
+#include "buf0rea.h"
+#include "ibuf0ibuf.h"
+#include "log0log.h"
+#include "os0file.h"
+#include "trx0sys.h"
+#include "srv0srv.h"
+/* When flushed, dirty blocks are searched in neighborhoods of this size, and
+flushed along with the original page. */
+ buf_pool->curr_size / 16)
+Validates the flush list. */
+ /* out: TRUE if ok */
+Inserts a modified block into the flush list. */
+ buf_block_t* block) /* in: block which is modified */
+ ut_ad(mutex_own(&(buf_pool->mutex)));
+#endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */
+ ut_a(block->state == BUF_BLOCK_FILE_PAGE);
+ ut_ad((UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(buf_pool->flush_list) == NULL)
+ || (ut_dulint_cmp((UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(buf_pool->flush_list))
+ ->oldest_modification,
+ block->oldest_modification) <= 0));
+ UT_LIST_ADD_FIRST(flush_list, buf_pool->flush_list, block);
+ ut_ad(buf_flush_validate_low());
+Inserts a modified block into the flush list in the right sorted position.
+This function is used by recovery, because there the modifications do not
+necessarily come in the order of lsn's. */
+ buf_block_t* block) /* in: block which is modified */
+ buf_block_t* prev_b;
+ buf_block_t* b;
+ ut_ad(mutex_own(&(buf_pool->mutex)));
+#endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */
+ prev_b = NULL;
+ b = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(buf_pool->flush_list);
+ while (b && (ut_dulint_cmp(b->oldest_modification,
+ block->oldest_modification) > 0)) {
+ prev_b = b;
+ b = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(flush_list, b);
+ }
+ if (prev_b == NULL) {
+ UT_LIST_ADD_FIRST(flush_list, buf_pool->flush_list, block);
+ } else {
+ UT_LIST_INSERT_AFTER(flush_list, buf_pool->flush_list, prev_b,
+ block);
+ }
+ ut_ad(buf_flush_validate_low());
+Returns TRUE if the file page block is immediately suitable for replacement,
+i.e., the transition FILE_PAGE => NOT_USED allowed. */
+ /* out: TRUE if can replace immediately */
+ buf_block_t* block) /* in: buffer control block, must be in state
+ BUF_BLOCK_FILE_PAGE and in the LRU list */
+ ut_ad(mutex_own(&(buf_pool->mutex)));
+ ut_ad(mutex_own(&block->mutex));
+#endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */
+ if (block->state != BUF_BLOCK_FILE_PAGE) {
+ ut_print_timestamp(stderr);
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ " InnoDB: Error: buffer block state %lu"
+ " in the LRU list!\n",
+ (ulong)block->state);
+ ut_print_buf(stderr, block, sizeof(buf_block_t));
+ return(FALSE);
+ }
+ if ((ut_dulint_cmp(block->oldest_modification, ut_dulint_zero) > 0)
+ || (block->buf_fix_count != 0)
+ || (block->io_fix != 0)) {
+ return(FALSE);
+ }
+ return(TRUE);
+Returns TRUE if the block is modified and ready for flushing. */
+ /* out: TRUE if can flush immediately */
+ buf_block_t* block, /* in: buffer control block, must be in state
+ ulint flush_type)/* in: BUF_FLUSH_LRU or BUF_FLUSH_LIST */
+ ut_ad(mutex_own(&(buf_pool->mutex)));
+ ut_ad(mutex_own(&(block->mutex)));
+#endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */
+ ut_a(block->state == BUF_BLOCK_FILE_PAGE);
+ if ((ut_dulint_cmp(block->oldest_modification, ut_dulint_zero) > 0)
+ && (block->io_fix == 0)) {
+ if (flush_type != BUF_FLUSH_LRU) {
+ return(TRUE);
+ } else if (block->buf_fix_count == 0) {
+ /* If we are flushing the LRU list, to avoid deadlocks
+ we require the block not to be bufferfixed, and hence
+ not latched. */
+ return(TRUE);
+ }
+ }
+ return(FALSE);
+Updates the flush system data structures when a write is completed. */
+ buf_block_t* block) /* in: pointer to the block in question */
+ ut_ad(block);
+ ut_ad(mutex_own(&(buf_pool->mutex)));
+#endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */
+ ut_a(block->state == BUF_BLOCK_FILE_PAGE);
+ block->oldest_modification = ut_dulint_zero;
+ UT_LIST_REMOVE(flush_list, buf_pool->flush_list, block);
+ ut_d(UT_LIST_VALIDATE(flush_list, buf_block_t, buf_pool->flush_list));
+ (buf_pool->n_flush[block->flush_type])--;
+ if (block->flush_type == BUF_FLUSH_LRU) {
+ /* Put the block to the end of the LRU list to wait to be
+ moved to the free list */
+ buf_LRU_make_block_old(block);
+ buf_pool->LRU_flush_ended++;
+ }
+ /* fprintf(stderr, "n pending flush %lu\n",
+ buf_pool->n_flush[block->flush_type]); */
+ if ((buf_pool->n_flush[block->flush_type] == 0)
+ && (buf_pool->init_flush[block->flush_type] == FALSE)) {
+ /* The running flush batch has ended */
+ os_event_set(buf_pool->no_flush[block->flush_type]);
+ }
+Flushes possible buffered writes from the doublewrite memory buffer to disk,
+and also wakes up the aio thread if simulated aio is used. It is very
+important to call this function after a batch of writes has been posted,
+and also when we may have to wait for a page latch! Otherwise a deadlock
+of threads can occur. */
+ buf_block_t* block;
+ byte* write_buf;
+ ulint len;
+ ulint len2;
+ ulint i;
+ if (!srv_use_doublewrite_buf || trx_doublewrite == NULL) {
+ os_aio_simulated_wake_handler_threads();
+ return;
+ }
+ mutex_enter(&(trx_doublewrite->mutex));
+ /* Write first to doublewrite buffer blocks. We use synchronous
+ aio and thus know that file write has been completed when the
+ control returns. */
+ if (trx_doublewrite->first_free == 0) {
+ mutex_exit(&(trx_doublewrite->mutex));
+ return;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < trx_doublewrite->first_free; i++) {
+ block = trx_doublewrite->buf_block_arr[i];
+ ut_a(block->state == BUF_BLOCK_FILE_PAGE);
+ if (mach_read_from_4(block->frame + FIL_PAGE_LSN + 4)
+ != mach_read_from_4(block->frame + UNIV_PAGE_SIZE
+ ut_print_timestamp(stderr);
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ " InnoDB: ERROR: The page to be written"
+ " seems corrupt!\n"
+ "InnoDB: The lsn fields do not match!"
+ " Noticed in the buffer pool\n"
+ "InnoDB: before posting to the"
+ " doublewrite buffer.\n");
+ }
+ if (block->check_index_page_at_flush
+ && !page_simple_validate(block->frame)) {
+ buf_page_print(block->frame);
+ ut_print_timestamp(stderr);
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ " InnoDB: Apparent corruption of an"
+ " index page n:o %lu in space %lu\n"
+ "InnoDB: to be written to data file."
+ " We intentionally crash server\n"
+ "InnoDB: to prevent corrupt data"
+ " from ending up in data\n"
+ "InnoDB: files.\n",
+ (ulong) block->offset, (ulong) block->space);
+ ut_error;
+ }
+ }
+ /* increment the doublewrite flushed pages counter */
+ srv_dblwr_pages_written+= trx_doublewrite->first_free;
+ srv_dblwr_writes++;
+ if (trx_doublewrite->first_free > TRX_SYS_DOUBLEWRITE_BLOCK_SIZE) {
+ } else {
+ len = trx_doublewrite->first_free * UNIV_PAGE_SIZE;
+ }
+ fil_io(OS_FILE_WRITE,
+ trx_doublewrite->block1, 0, len,
+ (void*)trx_doublewrite->write_buf, NULL);
+ write_buf = trx_doublewrite->write_buf;
+ for (len2 = 0; len2 + UNIV_PAGE_SIZE <= len; len2 += UNIV_PAGE_SIZE) {
+ if (mach_read_from_4(write_buf + len2 + FIL_PAGE_LSN + 4)
+ != mach_read_from_4(write_buf + len2 + UNIV_PAGE_SIZE
+ ut_print_timestamp(stderr);
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ " InnoDB: ERROR: The page to be written"
+ " seems corrupt!\n"
+ "InnoDB: The lsn fields do not match!"
+ " Noticed in the doublewrite block1.\n");
+ }
+ }
+ if (trx_doublewrite->first_free > TRX_SYS_DOUBLEWRITE_BLOCK_SIZE) {
+ len = (trx_doublewrite->first_free
+ fil_io(OS_FILE_WRITE,
+ trx_doublewrite->block2, 0, len,
+ (void*)(trx_doublewrite->write_buf
+ NULL);
+ write_buf = trx_doublewrite->write_buf
+ for (len2 = 0; len2 + UNIV_PAGE_SIZE <= len;
+ len2 += UNIV_PAGE_SIZE) {
+ if (mach_read_from_4(write_buf + len2
+ + FIL_PAGE_LSN + 4)
+ != mach_read_from_4(write_buf + len2
+ + 4)) {
+ ut_print_timestamp(stderr);
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ " InnoDB: ERROR: The page to be"
+ " written seems corrupt!\n"
+ "InnoDB: The lsn fields do not match!"
+ " Noticed in"
+ " the doublewrite block2.\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Now flush the doublewrite buffer data to disk */
+ fil_flush(TRX_SYS_SPACE);
+ /* We know that the writes have been flushed to disk now
+ and in recovery we will find them in the doublewrite buffer
+ blocks. Next do the writes to the intended positions. */
+ for (i = 0; i < trx_doublewrite->first_free; i++) {
+ block = trx_doublewrite->buf_block_arr[i];
+ if (mach_read_from_4(block->frame + FIL_PAGE_LSN + 4)
+ != mach_read_from_4(block->frame + UNIV_PAGE_SIZE
+ ut_print_timestamp(stderr);
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ " InnoDB: ERROR: The page to be written"
+ " seems corrupt!\n"
+ "InnoDB: The lsn fields do not match!"
+ " Noticed in the buffer pool\n"
+ "InnoDB: after posting and flushing"
+ " the doublewrite buffer.\n"
+ "InnoDB: Page buf fix count %lu,"
+ " io fix %lu, state %lu\n",
+ (ulong)block->buf_fix_count,
+ (ulong)block->io_fix,
+ (ulong)block->state);
+ }
+ ut_a(block->state == BUF_BLOCK_FILE_PAGE);
+ FALSE, block->space, block->offset, 0, UNIV_PAGE_SIZE,
+ (void*)block->frame, (void*)block);
+ }
+ /* Wake possible simulated aio thread to actually post the
+ writes to the operating system */
+ os_aio_simulated_wake_handler_threads();
+ /* Wait that all async writes to tablespaces have been posted to
+ the OS */
+ os_aio_wait_until_no_pending_writes();
+ /* Now we flush the data to disk (for example, with fsync) */
+ fil_flush_file_spaces(FIL_TABLESPACE);
+ /* We can now reuse the doublewrite memory buffer: */
+ trx_doublewrite->first_free = 0;
+ mutex_exit(&(trx_doublewrite->mutex));
+Posts a buffer page for writing. If the doublewrite memory buffer is
+full, calls buf_flush_buffered_writes and waits for for free space to
+appear. */
+ buf_block_t* block) /* in: buffer block to write */
+ mutex_enter(&(trx_doublewrite->mutex));
+ ut_a(block->state == BUF_BLOCK_FILE_PAGE);
+ if (trx_doublewrite->first_free
+ mutex_exit(&(trx_doublewrite->mutex));
+ buf_flush_buffered_writes();
+ goto try_again;
+ }
+ ut_memcpy(trx_doublewrite->write_buf
+ + UNIV_PAGE_SIZE * trx_doublewrite->first_free,
+ block->frame, UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
+ trx_doublewrite->buf_block_arr[trx_doublewrite->first_free] = block;
+ trx_doublewrite->first_free++;
+ if (trx_doublewrite->first_free
+ mutex_exit(&(trx_doublewrite->mutex));
+ buf_flush_buffered_writes();
+ return;
+ }
+ mutex_exit(&(trx_doublewrite->mutex));
+Initializes a page for writing to the tablespace. */
+ byte* page, /* in: page */
+ dulint newest_lsn, /* in: newest modification lsn to the page */
+ ulint space, /* in: space id */
+ ulint page_no) /* in: page number */
+ /* Write the newest modification lsn to the page header and trailer */
+ mach_write_to_8(page + FIL_PAGE_LSN, newest_lsn);
+ mach_write_to_8(page + UNIV_PAGE_SIZE - FIL_PAGE_END_LSN_OLD_CHKSUM,
+ newest_lsn);
+ /* Write the page number and the space id */
+ mach_write_to_4(page + FIL_PAGE_OFFSET, page_no);
+ mach_write_to_4(page + FIL_PAGE_ARCH_LOG_NO_OR_SPACE_ID, space);
+ /* Store the new formula checksum */
+ mach_write_to_4(page + FIL_PAGE_SPACE_OR_CHKSUM,
+ srv_use_checksums
+ ? buf_calc_page_new_checksum(page)
+ /* We overwrite the first 4 bytes of the end lsn field to store
+ the old formula checksum. Since it depends also on the field
+ FIL_PAGE_SPACE_OR_CHKSUM, it has to be calculated after storing the
+ new formula checksum. */
+ mach_write_to_4(page + UNIV_PAGE_SIZE - FIL_PAGE_END_LSN_OLD_CHKSUM,
+ srv_use_checksums
+ ? buf_calc_page_old_checksum(page)
+Does an asynchronous write of a buffer page. NOTE: in simulated aio and
+also when the doublewrite buffer is used, we must call
+buf_flush_buffered_writes after we have posted a batch of writes! */
+ buf_block_t* block) /* in: buffer block to write */
+ static ibool univ_log_debug_warned;
+#endif /* UNIV_LOG_DEBUG */
+ ut_a(block->state == BUF_BLOCK_FILE_PAGE);
+ ut_a(ibuf_count_get(block->space, block->offset) == 0);
+ ut_ad(!ut_dulint_is_zero(block->newest_modification));
+ if (!univ_log_debug_warned) {
+ univ_log_debug_warned = TRUE;
+ fputs("Warning: cannot force log to disk if"
+ " UNIV_LOG_DEBUG is defined!\n"
+ "Crash recovery will not work!\n",
+ stderr);
+ }
+ /* Force the log to the disk before writing the modified block */
+ log_write_up_to(block->newest_modification, LOG_WAIT_ALL_GROUPS, TRUE);
+ buf_flush_init_for_writing(block->frame, block->newest_modification,
+ block->space, block->offset);
+ if (!srv_use_doublewrite_buf || !trx_doublewrite) {
+ FALSE, block->space, block->offset, 0, UNIV_PAGE_SIZE,
+ (void*)block->frame, (void*)block);
+ } else {
+ buf_flush_post_to_doublewrite_buf(block);
+ }
+Writes a page asynchronously from the buffer buf_pool to a file, if it can be
+found in the buf_pool and it is in a flushable state. NOTE: in simulated aio
+we must call os_aio_simulated_wake_handler_threads after we have posted a batch
+of writes! */
+ /* out: 1 if a page was flushed, 0 otherwise */
+ ulint space, /* in: space id */
+ ulint offset, /* in: page offset */
+ ulint flush_type) /* in: BUF_FLUSH_LRU, BUF_FLUSH_LIST, or
+ buf_block_t* block;
+ ibool locked;
+ ut_ad(flush_type == BUF_FLUSH_LRU || flush_type == BUF_FLUSH_LIST
+ || flush_type == BUF_FLUSH_SINGLE_PAGE);
+ mutex_enter(&(buf_pool->mutex));
+ block = buf_page_hash_get(space, offset);
+ ut_a(!block || block->state == BUF_BLOCK_FILE_PAGE);
+ if (!block) {
+ mutex_exit(&(buf_pool->mutex));
+ return(0);
+ }
+ mutex_enter(&block->mutex);
+ if (flush_type == BUF_FLUSH_LIST
+ && buf_flush_ready_for_flush(block, flush_type)) {
+ block->io_fix = BUF_IO_WRITE;
+ /* If AWE is enabled and the page is not mapped to a frame,
+ then map it */
+ if (block->frame == NULL) {
+ ut_a(srv_use_awe);
+ /* We set second parameter TRUE because the block is
+ in the LRU list and we must put it to
+ awe_LRU_free_mapped list once mapped to a frame */
+ buf_awe_map_page_to_frame(block, TRUE);
+ }
+ block->flush_type = flush_type;
+ if (buf_pool->n_flush[flush_type] == 0) {
+ os_event_reset(buf_pool->no_flush[flush_type]);
+ }
+ (buf_pool->n_flush[flush_type])++;
+ locked = FALSE;
+ /* If the simulated aio thread is not running, we must
+ not wait for any latch, as we may end up in a deadlock:
+ if buf_fix_count == 0, then we know we need not wait */
+ if (block->buf_fix_count == 0) {
+ rw_lock_s_lock_gen(&(block->lock), BUF_IO_WRITE);
+ locked = TRUE;
+ }
+ mutex_exit(&block->mutex);
+ mutex_exit(&(buf_pool->mutex));
+ if (!locked) {
+ buf_flush_buffered_writes();
+ rw_lock_s_lock_gen(&(block->lock), BUF_IO_WRITE);
+ }
+#ifdef UNIV_DEBUG
+ if (buf_debug_prints) {
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "Flushing page space %lu, page no %lu \n",
+ (ulong) block->space, (ulong) block->offset);
+ }
+#endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */
+ buf_flush_write_block_low(block);
+ return(1);
+ } else if (flush_type == BUF_FLUSH_LRU
+ && buf_flush_ready_for_flush(block, flush_type)) {
+ Because any thread may call the LRU flush, even when owning
+ locks on pages, to avoid deadlocks, we must make sure that the
+ s-lock is acquired on the page without waiting: this is
+ accomplished because in the if-condition above we require
+ the page not to be bufferfixed (in function
+ ..._ready_for_flush). */
+ block->io_fix = BUF_IO_WRITE;
+ /* If AWE is enabled and the page is not mapped to a frame,
+ then map it */
+ if (block->frame == NULL) {
+ ut_a(srv_use_awe);
+ /* We set second parameter TRUE because the block is
+ in the LRU list and we must put it to
+ awe_LRU_free_mapped list once mapped to a frame */
+ buf_awe_map_page_to_frame(block, TRUE);
+ }
+ block->flush_type = flush_type;
+ if (buf_pool->n_flush[flush_type] == 0) {
+ os_event_reset(buf_pool->no_flush[flush_type]);
+ }
+ (buf_pool->n_flush[flush_type])++;
+ rw_lock_s_lock_gen(&(block->lock), BUF_IO_WRITE);
+ /* Note that the s-latch is acquired before releasing the
+ buf_pool mutex: this ensures that the latch is acquired
+ immediately. */
+ mutex_exit(&block->mutex);
+ mutex_exit(&(buf_pool->mutex));
+ buf_flush_write_block_low(block);
+ return(1);
+ } else if (flush_type == BUF_FLUSH_SINGLE_PAGE
+ && buf_flush_ready_for_flush(block, flush_type)) {
+ block->io_fix = BUF_IO_WRITE;
+ /* If AWE is enabled and the page is not mapped to a frame,
+ then map it */
+ if (block->frame == NULL) {
+ ut_a(srv_use_awe);
+ /* We set second parameter TRUE because the block is
+ in the LRU list and we must put it to
+ awe_LRU_free_mapped list once mapped to a frame */
+ buf_awe_map_page_to_frame(block, TRUE);
+ }
+ block->flush_type = flush_type;
+ if (buf_pool->n_flush[block->flush_type] == 0) {
+ os_event_reset(buf_pool->no_flush[block->flush_type]);
+ }
+ (buf_pool->n_flush[flush_type])++;
+ mutex_exit(&block->mutex);
+ mutex_exit(&(buf_pool->mutex));
+ rw_lock_s_lock_gen(&(block->lock), BUF_IO_WRITE);
+#ifdef UNIV_DEBUG
+ if (buf_debug_prints) {
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "Flushing single page space %lu,"
+ " page no %lu \n",
+ (ulong) block->space,
+ (ulong) block->offset);
+ }
+#endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */
+ buf_flush_write_block_low(block);
+ return(1);
+ }
+ mutex_exit(&block->mutex);
+ mutex_exit(&(buf_pool->mutex));
+ return(0);
+Flushes to disk all flushable pages within the flush area. */
+ /* out: number of pages flushed */
+ ulint space, /* in: space id */
+ ulint offset, /* in: page offset */
+ ulint flush_type) /* in: BUF_FLUSH_LRU or BUF_FLUSH_LIST */
+ buf_block_t* block;
+ ulint low, high;
+ ulint count = 0;
+ ulint i;
+ ut_ad(flush_type == BUF_FLUSH_LRU || flush_type == BUF_FLUSH_LIST);
+ low = (offset / BUF_FLUSH_AREA) * BUF_FLUSH_AREA;
+ high = (offset / BUF_FLUSH_AREA + 1) * BUF_FLUSH_AREA;
+ if (UT_LIST_GET_LEN(buf_pool->LRU) < BUF_LRU_OLD_MIN_LEN) {
+ /* If there is little space, it is better not to flush any
+ block except from the end of the LRU list */
+ low = offset;
+ high = offset + 1;
+ }
+ /* fprintf(stderr, "Flush area: low %lu high %lu\n", low, high); */
+ if (high > fil_space_get_size(space)) {
+ high = fil_space_get_size(space);
+ }
+ mutex_enter(&(buf_pool->mutex));
+ for (i = low; i < high; i++) {
+ block = buf_page_hash_get(space, i);
+ ut_a(!block || block->state == BUF_BLOCK_FILE_PAGE);
+ if (!block) {
+ continue;
+ } else if (flush_type == BUF_FLUSH_LRU && i != offset
+ && !block->old) {
+ /* We avoid flushing 'non-old' blocks in an LRU flush,
+ because the flushed blocks are soon freed */
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ mutex_enter(&block->mutex);
+ if (buf_flush_ready_for_flush(block, flush_type)
+ && (i == offset || block->buf_fix_count == 0)) {
+ /* We only try to flush those
+ neighbors != offset where the buf fix count is
+ zero, as we then know that we probably can
+ latch the page without a semaphore wait.
+ Semaphore waits are expensive because we must
+ flush the doublewrite buffer before we start
+ waiting. */
+ mutex_exit(&block->mutex);
+ mutex_exit(&(buf_pool->mutex));
+ /* Note: as we release the buf_pool mutex
+ above, in buf_flush_try_page we cannot be sure
+ the page is still in a flushable state:
+ therefore we check it again inside that
+ function. */
+ count += buf_flush_try_page(space, i,
+ flush_type);
+ mutex_enter(&(buf_pool->mutex));
+ } else {
+ mutex_exit(&block->mutex);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ mutex_exit(&(buf_pool->mutex));
+ return(count);
+This utility flushes dirty blocks from the end of the LRU list or flush_list.
+NOTE 1: in the case of an LRU flush the calling thread may own latches to
+pages: to avoid deadlocks, this function must be written so that it cannot
+end up waiting for these latches! NOTE 2: in the case of a flush list flush,
+the calling thread is not allowed to own any latches on pages! */
+ /* out: number of blocks for which the write
+ request was queued; ULINT_UNDEFINED if there
+ was a flush of the same type already running */
+ ulint flush_type, /* in: BUF_FLUSH_LRU or BUF_FLUSH_LIST; if
+ BUF_FLUSH_LIST, then the caller must not own
+ any latches on pages */
+ ulint min_n, /* in: wished minimum mumber of blocks flushed
+ (it is not guaranteed that the actual number
+ is that big, though) */
+ dulint lsn_limit) /* in the case BUF_FLUSH_LIST all blocks whose
+ oldest_modification is smaller than this
+ should be flushed (if their number does not
+ exceed min_n), otherwise ignored */
+ buf_block_t* block;
+ ulint page_count = 0;
+ ulint old_page_count;
+ ulint space;
+ ulint offset;
+ ibool found;
+ ut_ad((flush_type == BUF_FLUSH_LRU)
+ || (flush_type == BUF_FLUSH_LIST));
+ ut_ad((flush_type != BUF_FLUSH_LIST)
+ || sync_thread_levels_empty_gen(TRUE));
+ mutex_enter(&(buf_pool->mutex));
+ if ((buf_pool->n_flush[flush_type] > 0)
+ || (buf_pool->init_flush[flush_type] == TRUE)) {
+ /* There is already a flush batch of the same type running */
+ mutex_exit(&(buf_pool->mutex));
+ }
+ (buf_pool->init_flush)[flush_type] = TRUE;
+ for (;;) {
+ /* If we have flushed enough, leave the loop */
+ if (page_count >= min_n) {
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Start from the end of the list looking for a suitable
+ block to be flushed. */
+ if (flush_type == BUF_FLUSH_LRU) {
+ block = UT_LIST_GET_LAST(buf_pool->LRU);
+ } else {
+ ut_ad(flush_type == BUF_FLUSH_LIST);
+ block = UT_LIST_GET_LAST(buf_pool->flush_list);
+ if (!block
+ || (ut_dulint_cmp(block->oldest_modification,
+ lsn_limit) >= 0)) {
+ /* We have flushed enough */
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ found = FALSE;
+ /* Note that after finding a single flushable page, we try to
+ flush also all its neighbors, and after that start from the
+ END of the LRU list or flush list again: the list may change
+ during the flushing and we cannot safely preserve within this
+ function a pointer to a block in the list! */
+ while ((block != NULL) && !found) {
+ ut_a(block->state == BUF_BLOCK_FILE_PAGE);
+ mutex_enter(&block->mutex);
+ if (buf_flush_ready_for_flush(block, flush_type)) {
+ found = TRUE;
+ space = block->space;
+ offset = block->offset;
+ mutex_exit(&block->mutex);
+ mutex_exit(&(buf_pool->mutex));
+ old_page_count = page_count;
+ /* Try to flush also all the neighbors */
+ page_count += buf_flush_try_neighbors(
+ space, offset, flush_type);
+ /* fprintf(stderr,
+ "Flush type %lu, page no %lu, neighb %lu\n",
+ flush_type, offset,
+ page_count - old_page_count); */
+ mutex_enter(&(buf_pool->mutex));
+ } else if (flush_type == BUF_FLUSH_LRU) {
+ mutex_exit(&block->mutex);
+ block = UT_LIST_GET_PREV(LRU, block);
+ } else {
+ ut_ad(flush_type == BUF_FLUSH_LIST);
+ mutex_exit(&block->mutex);
+ block = UT_LIST_GET_PREV(flush_list, block);
+ }
+ }
+ /* If we could not find anything to flush, leave the loop */
+ if (!found) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ (buf_pool->init_flush)[flush_type] = FALSE;
+ if ((buf_pool->n_flush[flush_type] == 0)
+ && (buf_pool->init_flush[flush_type] == FALSE)) {
+ /* The running flush batch has ended */
+ os_event_set(buf_pool->no_flush[flush_type]);
+ }
+ mutex_exit(&(buf_pool->mutex));
+ buf_flush_buffered_writes();
+#ifdef UNIV_DEBUG
+ if (buf_debug_prints && page_count > 0) {
+ ut_a(flush_type == BUF_FLUSH_LRU
+ || flush_type == BUF_FLUSH_LIST);
+ fprintf(stderr, flush_type == BUF_FLUSH_LRU
+ ? "Flushed %lu pages in LRU flush\n"
+ : "Flushed %lu pages in flush list flush\n",
+ (ulong) page_count);
+ }
+#endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */
+ if (page_count != ULINT_UNDEFINED)
+ srv_buf_pool_flushed+= page_count;
+ return(page_count);
+Waits until a flush batch of the given type ends */
+ ulint type) /* in: BUF_FLUSH_LRU or BUF_FLUSH_LIST */
+ ut_ad((type == BUF_FLUSH_LRU) || (type == BUF_FLUSH_LIST));
+ os_event_wait(buf_pool->no_flush[type]);
+Gives a recommendation of how many blocks should be flushed to establish
+a big enough margin of replaceable blocks near the end of the LRU list
+and in the free list. */
+ /* out: number of blocks which should be flushed
+ from the end of the LRU list */
+ buf_block_t* block;
+ ulint n_replaceable;
+ ulint distance = 0;
+ mutex_enter(&(buf_pool->mutex));
+ n_replaceable = UT_LIST_GET_LEN(buf_pool->free);
+ block = UT_LIST_GET_LAST(buf_pool->LRU);
+ while ((block != NULL)
+ && (n_replaceable < BUF_FLUSH_FREE_BLOCK_MARGIN
+ && (distance < BUF_LRU_FREE_SEARCH_LEN)) {
+ mutex_enter(&block->mutex);
+ if (buf_flush_ready_for_replace(block)) {
+ n_replaceable++;
+ }
+ mutex_exit(&block->mutex);
+ distance++;
+ block = UT_LIST_GET_PREV(LRU, block);
+ }
+ mutex_exit(&(buf_pool->mutex));
+ if (n_replaceable >= BUF_FLUSH_FREE_BLOCK_MARGIN) {
+ return(0);
+ }
+ - n_replaceable);
+Flushes pages from the end of the LRU list if there is too small a margin
+of replaceable pages there or in the free list. VERY IMPORTANT: this function
+is called also by threads which have locks on pages. To avoid deadlocks, we
+flush only pages such that the s-lock required for flushing can be acquired
+immediately, without waiting. */
+ ulint n_to_flush;
+ ulint n_flushed;
+ n_to_flush = buf_flush_LRU_recommendation();
+ if (n_to_flush > 0) {
+ n_flushed = buf_flush_batch(BUF_FLUSH_LRU, n_to_flush,
+ ut_dulint_zero);
+ if (n_flushed == ULINT_UNDEFINED) {
+ /* There was an LRU type flush batch already running;
+ let us wait for it to end */
+ buf_flush_wait_batch_end(BUF_FLUSH_LRU);
+ }
+ }
+Validates the flush list. */
+ /* out: TRUE if ok */
+ buf_block_t* block;
+ dulint om;
+ UT_LIST_VALIDATE(flush_list, buf_block_t, buf_pool->flush_list);
+ block = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(buf_pool->flush_list);
+ while (block != NULL) {
+ om = block->oldest_modification;
+ ut_a(block->state == BUF_BLOCK_FILE_PAGE);
+ ut_a(ut_dulint_cmp(om, ut_dulint_zero) > 0);
+ block = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(flush_list, block);
+ if (block) {
+ ut_a(ut_dulint_cmp(om, block->oldest_modification)
+ >= 0);
+ }
+ }
+ return(TRUE);
+Validates the flush list. */
+ /* out: TRUE if ok */
+ ibool ret;
+ mutex_enter(&(buf_pool->mutex));
+ ret = buf_flush_validate_low();
+ mutex_exit(&(buf_pool->mutex));
+ return(ret);