path: root/storage/innobase/include/row0trunc.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'storage/innobase/include/row0trunc.h')
1 files changed, 433 insertions, 0 deletions
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+Copyright (c) 2013, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA
+@file include/row0trunc.h
+TRUNCATE implementation
+Created 2013-04-25 Krunal Bauskar
+#ifndef row0trunc_h
+#define row0trunc_h
+#include "row0mysql.h"
+#include "dict0boot.h"
+#include "fil0fil.h"
+#include "srv0start.h"
+#include "ut0new.h"
+#include <vector>
+/** The information of TRUNCATE log record.
+This class handles the recovery stage of TRUNCATE table. */
+class truncate_t {
+ /**
+ Constructor
+ @param old_table_id old table id assigned to table before truncate
+ @param new_table_id new table id that will be assigned to table
+ after truncate
+ @param dir_path directory path */
+ truncate_t(
+ table_id_t old_table_id,
+ table_id_t new_table_id,
+ const char* dir_path);
+ /**
+ Constructor
+ @param log_file_name parse the log file during recovery to populate
+ information related to table to truncate */
+ truncate_t(const char* log_file_name);
+ /**
+ Consturctor
+ @param space_id space in which table reisde
+ @param name table name
+ @param tablespace_flags tablespace flags use for recreating tablespace
+ @param log_flags page format flag
+ @param recv_lsn lsn of redo log record. */
+ truncate_t(
+ ulint space_id,
+ const char* name,
+ ulint tablespace_flags,
+ ulint log_flags,
+ lsn_t recv_lsn);
+ /** Destructor */
+ ~truncate_t();
+ /** The index information of MLOG_FILE_TRUNCATE redo record */
+ struct index_t {
+ /* Default copy constructor and destructor should be OK. */
+ index_t();
+ /**
+ Set the truncate log values for a compressed table.
+ @return DB_CORRUPTION or error code */
+ dberr_t set(const dict_index_t* index);
+ typedef std::vector<byte, ut_allocator<byte> > fields_t;
+ /** Index id */
+ index_id_t m_id;
+ /** Index type */
+ ulint m_type;
+ /** Root Page Number */
+ ulint m_root_page_no;
+ /** New Root Page Number.
+ Note: This field is not persisted to TRUNCATE log but used
+ during truncate table fix-up for updating SYS_XXXX tables. */
+ ulint m_new_root_page_no;
+ /** Number of index fields */
+ ulint m_n_fields;
+ /** DATA_TRX_ID column position. */
+ ulint m_trx_id_pos;
+ /** Compressed table field meta data, encode by
+ page_zip_fields_encode. Empty for non-compressed tables.
+ Should be NUL terminated. */
+ fields_t m_fields;
+ };
+ /**
+ @return the directory path, can be NULL */
+ const char* get_dir_path() const
+ {
+ return(m_dir_path);
+ }
+ /**
+ Register index information
+ @param index index information logged as part of truncate log. */
+ void add(index_t& index)
+ {
+ m_indexes.push_back(index);
+ }
+ /**
+ Add table to truncate post recovery.
+ @param ptr table information need to complete truncate of table. */
+ static void add(truncate_t* ptr)
+ {
+ s_tables.push_back(ptr);
+ }
+ /**
+ Clear registered index vector */
+ void clear()
+ {
+ m_indexes.clear();
+ }
+ /**
+ @return old table id of the table to truncate */
+ table_id_t old_table_id() const
+ {
+ return(m_old_table_id);
+ }
+ /**
+ @return new table id of the table to truncate */
+ table_id_t new_table_id() const
+ {
+ return(m_new_table_id);
+ }
+ /**
+ Update root page number in SYS_XXXX tables.
+ @param trx transaction object
+ @param table_id table id for which information needs to
+ be updated.
+ @param reserve_dict_mutex if TRUE, acquire/release
+ dict_sys->mutex around call to pars_sql.
+ @param mark_index_corrupted if true, then mark index corrupted
+ @return DB_SUCCESS or error code */
+ dberr_t update_root_page_no(
+ trx_t* trx,
+ table_id_t table_id,
+ ibool reserve_dict_mutex,
+ bool mark_index_corrupted) const;
+ /** Create an index for a table.
+ @param[in] table_name table name, for which to create
+ the index
+ @param[in] space_id space id where we have to
+ create the index
+ @param[in] page_size page size of the .ibd file
+ @param[in] index_type type of index to truncate
+ @param[in] index_id id of index to truncate
+ @param[in] btr_redo_create_info control info for ::btr_create()
+ @param[in,out] mtr mini-transaction covering the
+ create index
+ @return root page no or FIL_NULL on failure */
+ ulint create_index(
+ const char* table_name,
+ ulint space_id,
+ const page_size_t& page_size,
+ ulint index_type,
+ index_id_t index_id,
+ const btr_create_t& btr_redo_create_info,
+ mtr_t* mtr) const;
+ /** Create the indexes for a table
+ @param[in] table_name table name, for which to create the
+ indexes
+ @param[in] space_id space id where we have to create the
+ indexes
+ @param[in] page_size page size of the .ibd file
+ @param[in] flags tablespace flags
+ @param[in] format_flags page format flags
+ @return DB_SUCCESS or error code. */
+ dberr_t create_indexes(
+ const char* table_name,
+ ulint space_id,
+ const page_size_t& page_size,
+ ulint flags,
+ ulint format_flags);
+ /** Check if index has been modified since TRUNCATE log snapshot
+ was recorded.
+ @param space_id space_id where table/indexes resides.
+ @return true if modified else false */
+ bool is_index_modified_since_logged(
+ ulint space_id,
+ ulint root_page_no) const;
+ /** Drop indexes for a table.
+ @param space_id space_id where table/indexes resides.
+ @return DB_SUCCESS or error code. */
+ void drop_indexes(ulint space_id) const;
+ /**
+ Parses log record during recovery
+ @param start_ptr buffer containing log body to parse
+ @param end_ptr buffer end
+ @return DB_SUCCESS or error code */
+ dberr_t parse(
+ byte* start_ptr,
+ const byte* end_ptr);
+ /** Parse MLOG_TRUNCATE log record from REDO log file during recovery.
+ @param[in,out] start_ptr buffer containing log body to parse
+ @param[in] end_ptr buffer end
+ @param[in] space_id tablespace identifier
+ @return parsed upto or NULL. */
+ static byte* parse_redo_entry(
+ byte* start_ptr,
+ const byte* end_ptr,
+ ulint space_id);
+ /**
+ Write a log record for truncating a single-table tablespace.
+ @param start_ptr buffer to write log record
+ @param end_ptr buffer end
+ @param space_id space id
+ @param tablename the table name in the usual
+ databasename/tablename format of InnoDB
+ @param flags tablespace flags
+ @param format_flags page format
+ @param lsn lsn while logging */
+ dberr_t write(
+ byte* start_ptr,
+ byte* end_ptr,
+ ulint space_id,
+ const char* tablename,
+ ulint flags,
+ ulint format_flags,
+ lsn_t lsn) const;
+ /**
+ @return number of indexes parsed from the truncate log record */
+ size_t indexes() const;
+ /**
+ Truncate a single-table tablespace. The tablespace must be cached
+ in the memory cache.
+ Note: This is defined in because it needs to access some
+ types that are local to that file.
+ @param space_id space id
+ @param dir_path directory path
+ @param tablename the table name in the usual
+ databasename/tablename format of InnoDB
+ @param flags tablespace flags
+ @param default_size if true, truncate to default size if tablespace
+ is being newly re-initialized.
+ @return DB_SUCCESS or error */
+ static dberr_t truncate(
+ ulint space_id,
+ const char* dir_path,
+ const char* tablename,
+ ulint flags,
+ bool default_size);
+ /**
+ Fix the table truncate by applying information parsed from TRUNCATE log.
+ Fix-up includes re-creating table (drop and re-create indexes)
+ @return error code or DB_SUCCESS */
+ static dberr_t fixup_tables_in_system_tablespace();
+ /**
+ Fix the table truncate by applying information parsed from TRUNCATE log.
+ Fix-up includes re-creating tablespace.
+ @return error code or DB_SUCCESS */
+ static dberr_t fixup_tables_in_non_system_tablespace();
+ /**
+ Check whether a tablespace was truncated during recovery
+ @param space_id tablespace id to check
+ @return true if the tablespace was truncated */
+ static bool is_tablespace_truncated(ulint space_id);
+ /** Was tablespace truncated (on crash before checkpoint).
+ If the MLOG_TRUNCATE redo-record is still available then tablespace
+ was truncated and checkpoint is yet to happen.
+ @param[in] space_id tablespace id to check.
+ @return true if tablespace was truncated. */
+ static bool was_tablespace_truncated(ulint space_id);
+ /** Get the lsn associated with space.
+ @param[in] space_id tablespace id to check.
+ @return associated lsn. */
+ static lsn_t get_truncated_tablespace_init_lsn(ulint space_id);
+ typedef std::vector<index_t, ut_allocator<index_t> > indexes_t;
+ /** Space ID of tablespace */
+ ulint m_space_id;
+ /** ID of table that is being truncated. */
+ table_id_t m_old_table_id;
+ /** New ID that will be assigned to table on truncation. */
+ table_id_t m_new_table_id;
+ /** Data dir path of tablespace */
+ char* m_dir_path;
+ /** Table name */
+ char* m_tablename;
+ /** Tablespace Flags */
+ ulint m_tablespace_flags;
+ /** Format flags (log flags; stored in page-no field of header) */
+ ulint m_format_flags;
+ /** Index meta-data */
+ indexes_t m_indexes;
+ /** LSN of TRUNCATE log record. */
+ lsn_t m_log_lsn;
+ /** Log file name. */
+ char* m_log_file_name;
+ /** Encryption information of the table */
+ fil_encryption_t m_encryption;
+ uint m_key_id;
+ /** Vector of tables to truncate. */
+ typedef std::vector<truncate_t*, ut_allocator<truncate_t*> >
+ tables_t;
+ /** Information about tables to truncate post recovery */
+ static tables_t s_tables;
+ /** Information about truncated table
+ This is case when truncate is complete but checkpoint hasn't. */
+ typedef std::map<ulint, lsn_t> truncated_tables_t;
+ static truncated_tables_t s_truncated_tables;
+ /** If true then fix-up of table is active and so while creating
+ index instead of grabbing information from dict_index_t, grab it
+ from parsed truncate log record. */
+ static bool s_fix_up_active;
+Parse truncate log file. */
+class TruncateLogParser {
+ /**
+ Scan and Parse truncate log files.
+ @param dir_path look for log directory in following path
+ @return DB_SUCCESS or error code. */
+ static dberr_t scan_and_parse(
+ const char* dir_path);
+ typedef std::vector<char*, ut_allocator<char*> >
+ trunc_log_files_t;
+ /**
+ Scan to find out truncate log file from the given directory path.
+ @param dir_path look for log directory in following path.
+ @param log_files cache to hold truncate log file name found.
+ @return DB_SUCCESS or error code. */
+ static dberr_t scan(
+ const char* dir_path,
+ trunc_log_files_t& log_files);
+ /**
+ Parse the log file and populate table to truncate information.
+ (Add this table to truncate information to central vector that is then
+ used by truncate fix-up routine to fix-up truncate action of the table.)
+ @param log_file_name log file to parse
+ @return DB_SUCCESS or error code. */
+ static dberr_t parse(
+ const char* log_file_name);
+Truncates a table for MySQL.
+@param table table being truncated
+@param trx transaction covering the truncate
+@return error code or DB_SUCCESS */
+row_truncate_table_for_mysql(dict_table_t* table, trx_t* trx);
+#endif /* row0trunc_h */