path: root/storage/mroonga/vendor/groonga/lib/nfkc.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'storage/mroonga/vendor/groonga/lib/nfkc.rb')
1 files changed, 418 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/storage/mroonga/vendor/groonga/lib/nfkc.rb b/storage/mroonga/vendor/groonga/lib/nfkc.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..1a134384c80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/storage/mroonga/vendor/groonga/lib/nfkc.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,418 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright(C) 2010 Brazil
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+$KCODE = 'u'
+CUSTOM_RULE_PATH = 'nfkc-custom-rules.txt'
+def gen_bc(file, hash, level)
+ bl = ' ' * (level * 2)
+ h2 = {}
+ hash.each{|key,val|
+ head = key[0]
+ rest = key[1..-1]
+ if h2[head]
+ h2[head][rest] = val
+ else
+ h2[head] = {rest => val}
+ end
+ }
+ if h2.size < 3
+ h2.keys.sort.each{|k|
+ if (0x80 < k)
+ file.printf("#{bl}if (str[#{level}] < 0x%02X) { return #{$lv}; }\n", k)
+ end
+ h = h2[k]
+ if h.keys.join =~ /^\x80*$/
+ $lv, = h.values
+ else
+ file.printf("#{bl}if (str[#{level}] == 0x%02X) {\n", k)
+ gen_bc(file, h, level + 1)
+ file.puts bl + '}'
+ end
+ }
+ file.puts bl + "return #{$lv};"
+ else
+ file.puts bl + "switch (str[#{level}]) {"
+ lk = 0x80
+ br = true
+ h2.keys.sort.each{|k|
+ if (lk < k)
+ for j in lk..k-1
+ file.printf("#{bl}case 0x%02X :\n", j)
+ end
+ br = false
+ end
+ unless br
+ file.puts bl + " return #{$lv};"
+ file.puts bl + ' break;'
+ end
+ h = h2[k]
+ file.printf("#{bl}case 0x%02X :\n", k)
+ if h.keys.join =~ /^\x80*$/
+ $lv, = h.values
+ br = false
+ else
+ gen_bc(file, h, level + 1)
+ file.puts bl + ' break;'
+ br = true
+ end
+ lk = k + 1
+ }
+ file.puts bl + 'default :'
+ file.puts bl + " return #{$lv};"
+ file.puts bl + ' break;'
+ file.puts bl + '}'
+ end
+def generate_blockcode_char_type(file, option)
+ bc = {}
+ open("|./icudump --#{option}").each{|l|
+ src,_,code = l.chomp.split("\t")
+ str = src.split(':').collect{|c| format("%c", c.hex)}.join
+ bc[str] = code
+ }
+ $lv = 0
+ gen_bc(file, bc, 0)
+def ccpush(hash, src, dst)
+ head = src.shift
+ hash[head] = {} unless hash[head]
+ if head
+ ccpush(hash[head], src, dst)
+ else
+ hash[head] = dst
+ end
+def subst(hash, str)
+ cand = nil
+ src = str.split(//)
+ for i in 0..src.size-1
+ h = hash
+ for j in i..src.size-1
+ head = src[j]
+ h = h[head]
+ break unless h
+ if h[nil]
+ cand = src[0,i].to_s + h[nil] + src[j + 1..-1].to_s
+ end
+ end
+ return cand if cand
+ end
+ return str
+def map_entry(map1, cc, src, dst)
+ dst.downcase! unless $case_sensitive
+ loop {
+ dst2 = subst(cc, dst)
+ break if dst2 == dst
+ dst = dst2
+ }
+ unless $keep_space
+ dst = $1 if dst =~ /^ +([^ ].*)$/
+ end
+ map1[src] = dst if src != dst
+def create_map1()
+ cc = {}
+ open('|./icudump --cc').each{|l|
+ _,src,dst = l.chomp.split("\t")
+ if cc[src]
+ STDERR.puts "caution: ambiguous mapping #{src}|#{cc[src]}|#{dst}" if cc[src] != dst
+ end
+ ccpush(cc, src.split(//), dst)
+ }
+ map1 = {}
+ open('|./icudump --nfkd').each{|l|
+ n,src,dst = l.chomp.split("\t")
+ map_entry(map1, cc, src, dst)
+ }
+ if File.readable?(CUSTOM_RULE_PATH)
+ open(CUSTOM_RULE_PATH).each{|l|
+ src,dst = l.chomp.split("\t")
+ map_entry(map1, cc, src, dst)
+ }
+ end
+ unless $case_sensitive
+ for c in 'A'..'Z'
+ map1[c] = c.downcase
+ end
+ end
+ return map1
+def create_map2(map1)
+ cc = {}
+ open('|./icudump --cc').each{|l|
+ _,src,dst = l.chomp.split("\t")
+ src = src.split(//).collect{|c| map1[c] || c}.join
+ dst = map1[dst] || dst
+ if cc[src] && cc[src] != dst
+ STDERR.puts("caution: inconsitent mapping '#{src}' => '#{cc[src]}'|'#{dst}'")
+ end
+ cc[src] = dst if src != dst
+ }
+ loop {
+ noccur = 0
+ cc2 = {}
+ cc.each {|src,dst|
+ src2 = src
+ chars = src.split(//)
+ l = chars.size - 1
+ for i in 0..l
+ for j in i..l
+ next if i == 0 && j == l
+ str = chars[i..j].join
+ if map1[str]
+ STDERR.printf("caution: recursive mapping '%s'=>'%s'\n", str, map1[str])
+ end
+ if cc[str]
+ src2 = (i > 0 ? chars[0..i-1].join : '') + cc[str] + (j < l ? chars[j+1..l].join : '')
+ noccur += 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ cc2[src2] = dst if src2 != dst
+ }
+ cc = cc2
+ STDERR.puts("substituted #{noccur} patterns.")
+ break if noccur == 0
+ STDERR.puts('try again..')
+ }
+ return cc
+def generate_map1(file, hash, level)
+ bl = ' ' * ((level + 0) * 2)
+ if hash['']
+ dst = ''
+ hash[''].each_byte{|b| dst << format('\x%02X', b)}
+ file.puts "#{bl}return \"#{dst}\";"
+ hash.delete('')
+ end
+ return if hash.empty?
+ h2 = {}
+ hash.each{|key,val|
+ head = key[0]
+ rest = key[1..-1]
+ if h2[head]
+ h2[head][rest] = val
+ else
+ h2[head] = {rest => val}
+ end
+ }
+ if h2.size == 1
+ h2.each{|key,val|
+ file.printf("#{bl}if (str[#{level}] == 0x%02X) {\n", key)
+ generate_map1(file, val, level + 1)
+ file.puts bl + '}'
+ }
+ else
+ file.puts "#{bl}switch (str[#{level}]) {"
+ h2.keys.sort.each{|k|
+ file.printf("#{bl}case 0x%02X :\n", k)
+ generate_map1(file, h2[k], level + 1)
+ file.puts("#{bl} break;")
+ }
+ file.puts bl + '}'
+ end
+def gen_map2_sub2(file, hash, level, indent)
+ bl = ' ' * ((level + indent + 0) * 2)
+ if hash['']
+ file.print "#{bl}return \""
+ hash[''].each_byte{|b| file.printf('\x%02X', b)}
+ file.puts "\";"
+ hash.delete('')
+ end
+ return if hash.empty?
+ h2 = {}
+ hash.each{|key,val|
+ head = key[0]
+ rest = key[1..-1]
+ if h2[head]
+ h2[head][rest] = val
+ else
+ h2[head] = {rest => val}
+ end
+ }
+ if h2.size == 1
+ h2.each{|key,val|
+ file.printf("#{bl}if (prefix[#{level}] == 0x%02X) {\n", key)
+ gen_map2_sub2(file, val, level + 1, indent)
+ file.puts bl + '}'
+ }
+ else
+ file.puts "#{bl}switch (prefix[#{level}]) {"
+ h2.keys.sort.each{|k|
+ file.printf("#{bl}case 0x%02X :\n", k)
+ gen_map2_sub2(file, h2[k], level + 1, indent)
+ file.puts("#{bl} break;")
+ }
+ file.puts bl + '}'
+ end
+def gen_map2_sub(file, hash, level)
+ bl = ' ' * ((level + 0) * 2)
+ if hash['']
+ gen_map2_sub2(file, hash[''], 0, level)
+ hash.delete('')
+ end
+ return if hash.empty?
+ h2 = {}
+ hash.each{|key,val|
+ head = key[0]
+ rest = key[1..-1]
+ if h2[head]
+ h2[head][rest] = val
+ else
+ h2[head] = {rest => val}
+ end
+ }
+ if h2.size == 1
+ h2.each{|key,val|
+ file.printf("#{bl}if (suffix[#{level}] == 0x%02X) {\n", key)
+ gen_map2_sub(file, val, level + 1)
+ file.puts bl + '}'
+ }
+ else
+ file.puts "#{bl}switch (suffix[#{level}]) {"
+ h2.keys.sort.each{|k|
+ file.printf("#{bl}case 0x%02X :\n", k)
+ gen_map2_sub(file, h2[k], level + 1)
+ file.puts("#{bl} break;")
+ }
+ file.puts bl + '}'
+ end
+def generate_map2(file, map2)
+ suffix = {}
+ map2.each{|src,dst|
+ chars = src.split(//)
+ if chars.size != 2
+ STDERR.puts "caution: more than two chars in pattern #{chars.join('|')}"
+ end
+ s = chars.pop
+ if suffix[s]
+ suffix[s][chars.join] = dst
+ else
+ suffix[s] = {chars.join=>dst}
+ end
+ }
+ gen_map2_sub(file, suffix, 0)
+template = <<END
+/* -*- c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+/* Copyright(C) 2010 Brazil
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+don't edit this file by hand. it generated automatically by nfkc.rb
+#include "nfkc.h"
+unsigned char
+grn_nfkc_char_type(const unsigned char *str)
+% return -1;
+const char *
+grn_nfkc_map1(const unsigned char *str)
+% return 0;
+const char *
+grn_nfkc_map2(const unsigned char *prefix, const unsigned char *suffix)
+% return 0;
+#endif /* GRN_WITH_NFKC */
+######## main #######
+ case arg
+ when /-*c/i
+ $case_sensitive = true
+ when /-*s/i
+ $keep_space = true
+ end
+STDERR.puts('compiling icudump')
+system('cc -Wall -O3 -o icudump icudump.c -licui18n')
+STDERR.puts('creating map1..')
+map1 = create_map1()
+STDERR.puts('creating map2..')
+map2 = create_map2(map1)
+outf = open('nfkc.c', 'w')
+tmps = template.split(/%/)
+#STDERR.puts('generating block code..')
+#generate_blockcode_char_type(outf, 'bc')
+STDERR.puts('generating char type code..')
+generate_blockcode_char_type(outf, 'gc')
+STDERR.puts('generating map1 code..')
+generate_map1(outf, map1, 0)
+STDERR.puts('generating map2 code..')
+generate_map2(outf, map2)