path: root/storage/myisam/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'storage/myisam/')
1 files changed, 357 insertions, 214 deletions
diff --git a/storage/myisam/ b/storage/myisam/
index 397856a4a4e..764c53d2f75 100644
--- a/storage/myisam/
+++ b/storage/myisam/
@@ -95,6 +95,308 @@ static void mi_check_print_msg(MI_CHECK *param, const char* msg_type,
+ Convert TABLE object to MyISAM key and column definition
+ table2myisam()
+ table_arg in TABLE object.
+ keydef_out out MyISAM key definition.
+ recinfo_out out MyISAM column definition.
+ records_out out Number of fields.
+ This function will allocate and initialize MyISAM key and column
+ definition for further use in mi_create or for a check for underlying
+ table conformance in merge engine.
+ 0 OK
+ !0 error code
+int table2myisam(TABLE *table_arg, MI_KEYDEF **keydef_out,
+ MI_COLUMNDEF **recinfo_out, uint *records_out)
+ uint i, j, recpos, minpos, fieldpos, temp_length, length;
+ enum ha_base_keytype type= HA_KEYTYPE_BINARY;
+ byte *record;
+ KEY *pos;
+ MI_KEYDEF *keydef;
+ MI_COLUMNDEF *recinfo, *recinfo_pos;
+ HA_KEYSEG *keyseg;
+ TABLE_SHARE *share= table_arg->s;
+ uint options= share->db_options_in_use;
+ DBUG_ENTER("table2myisam");
+ if (!(my_multi_malloc(MYF(MY_WME),
+ recinfo_out, (share->fields * 2 + 2) * sizeof(MI_COLUMNDEF),
+ keydef_out, share->keys * sizeof(MI_KEYDEF),
+ &keyseg,
+ (share->key_parts + share->keys) * sizeof(HA_KEYSEG),
+ NullS)))
+ DBUG_RETURN(HA_ERR_OUT_OF_MEM); /* purecov: inspected */
+ keydef= *keydef_out;
+ recinfo= *recinfo_out;
+ pos= table_arg->key_info;
+ for (i= 0; i < share->keys; i++, pos++)
+ {
+ keydef[i].flag= (pos->flags & (HA_NOSAME | HA_FULLTEXT | HA_SPATIAL));
+ keydef[i].key_alg= pos->algorithm == HA_KEY_ALG_UNDEF ?
+ pos->algorithm;
+ keydef[i].block_length= pos->block_size;
+ keydef[i].seg= keyseg;
+ keydef[i].keysegs= pos->key_parts;
+ for (j= 0; j < pos->key_parts; j++)
+ {
+ Field *field= pos->key_part[j].field;
+ type= field->key_type();
+ keydef[i].seg[j].flag= pos->key_part[j].key_part_flag;
+ if (options & HA_OPTION_PACK_KEYS ||
+ (pos->flags & (HA_PACK_KEY | HA_BINARY_PACK_KEY |
+ {
+ if (pos->key_part[j].length > 8 &&
+ (type == HA_KEYTYPE_TEXT ||
+ type == HA_KEYTYPE_NUM ||
+ (type == HA_KEYTYPE_BINARY && !field->zero_pack())))
+ {
+ /* No blobs here */
+ if (j == 0)
+ keydef[i].flag|= HA_PACK_KEY;
+ if (!(field->flags & ZEROFILL_FLAG) &&
+ (field->type() == MYSQL_TYPE_STRING ||
+ field->type() == MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING ||
+ ((int) (pos->key_part[j].length - field->decimals())) >= 4))
+ keydef[i].seg[j].flag|= HA_SPACE_PACK;
+ }
+ else if (j == 0 && (!(pos->flags & HA_NOSAME) || pos->key_length > 16))
+ keydef[i].flag|= HA_BINARY_PACK_KEY;
+ }
+ keydef[i].seg[j].type= (int) type;
+ keydef[i].seg[j].start= pos->key_part[j].offset;
+ keydef[i].seg[j].length= pos->key_part[j].length;
+ keydef[i].seg[j].bit_start= keydef[i].seg[j].bit_end=
+ keydef[i].seg[j].bit_length= 0;
+ keydef[i].seg[j].bit_pos= 0;
+ keydef[i].seg[j].language= field->charset()->number;
+ if (field->null_ptr)
+ {
+ keydef[i].seg[j].null_bit= field->null_bit;
+ keydef[i].seg[j].null_pos= (uint) (field->null_ptr-
+ (uchar*) table_arg->record[0]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ keydef[i].seg[j].null_bit= 0;
+ keydef[i].seg[j].null_pos= 0;
+ }
+ if (field->type() == MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB ||
+ field->type() == MYSQL_TYPE_GEOMETRY)
+ {
+ keydef[i].seg[j].flag|= HA_BLOB_PART;
+ /* save number of bytes used to pack length */
+ keydef[i].seg[j].bit_start= (uint) (field->pack_length() -
+ share->blob_ptr_size);
+ }
+ else if (field->type() == MYSQL_TYPE_BIT)
+ {
+ keydef[i].seg[j].bit_length= ((Field_bit *) field)->bit_len;
+ keydef[i].seg[j].bit_start= ((Field_bit *) field)->bit_ofs;
+ keydef[i].seg[j].bit_pos= (uint) (((Field_bit *) field)->bit_ptr -
+ (uchar*) table_arg->record[0]);
+ }
+ }
+ keyseg+= pos->key_parts;
+ }
+ if (table_arg->found_next_number_field)
+ keydef[share->next_number_index].flag|= HA_AUTO_KEY;
+ record= table_arg->record[0];
+ recpos= 0;
+ recinfo_pos= recinfo;
+ while (recpos < (uint) share->reclength)
+ {
+ Field **field, *found= 0;
+ minpos= share->reclength;
+ length= 0;
+ for (field= table_arg->field; *field; field++)
+ {
+ if ((fieldpos= (*field)->offset(record)) >= recpos &&
+ fieldpos <= minpos)
+ {
+ /* skip null fields */
+ if (!(temp_length= (*field)->pack_length_in_rec()))
+ continue; /* Skip null-fields */
+ if (! found || fieldpos < minpos ||
+ (fieldpos == minpos && temp_length < length))
+ {
+ minpos= fieldpos;
+ found= *field;
+ length= temp_length;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ DBUG_PRINT("loop", ("found: 0x%lx recpos: %d minpos: %d length: %d",
+ (long) found, recpos, minpos, length));
+ if (recpos != minpos)
+ { // Reserved space (Null bits?)
+ bzero((char*) recinfo_pos, sizeof(*recinfo_pos));
+ recinfo_pos->type= (int) FIELD_NORMAL;
+ recinfo_pos++->length= (uint16) (minpos - recpos);
+ }
+ if (!found)
+ break;
+ if (found->flags & BLOB_FLAG)
+ recinfo_pos->type= (int) FIELD_BLOB;
+ else if (found->type() == MYSQL_TYPE_VARCHAR)
+ recinfo_pos->type= FIELD_VARCHAR;
+ else if (!(options & HA_OPTION_PACK_RECORD))
+ recinfo_pos->type= (int) FIELD_NORMAL;
+ else if (found->zero_pack())
+ recinfo_pos->type= (int) FIELD_SKIP_ZERO;
+ else
+ recinfo_pos->type= (int) ((length <= 3 ||
+ (found->flags & ZEROFILL_FLAG)) ?
+ found->type() == MYSQL_TYPE_STRING ||
+ found->type() == MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING ?
+ if (found->null_ptr)
+ {
+ recinfo_pos->null_bit= found->null_bit;
+ recinfo_pos->null_pos= (uint) (found->null_ptr -
+ (uchar*) table_arg->record[0]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ recinfo_pos->null_bit= 0;
+ recinfo_pos->null_pos= 0;
+ }
+ (recinfo_pos++)->length= (uint16) length;
+ recpos= minpos + length;
+ DBUG_PRINT("loop", ("length: %d type: %d",
+ recinfo_pos[-1].length,recinfo_pos[-1].type));
+ }
+ *records_out= (uint) (recinfo_pos - recinfo);
+ Check for underlying table conformance
+ check_definition()
+ t1_keyinfo in First table key definition
+ t1_recinfo in First table record definition
+ t1_keys in Number of keys in first table
+ t1_recs in Number of records in first table
+ t2_keyinfo in Second table key definition
+ t2_recinfo in Second table record definition
+ t2_keys in Number of keys in second table
+ t2_recs in Number of records in second table
+ strict in Strict check switch
+ This function compares two MyISAM definitions. By intention it was done
+ to compare merge table definition against underlying table definition.
+ It may also be used to compare dot-frm and MYI definitions of MyISAM
+ table as well to compare different MyISAM table definitions.
+ For merge table it is not required that number of keys in merge table
+ must exactly match number of keys in underlying table. When calling this
+ function for underlying table conformance check, 'strict' flag must be
+ set to false, and converted merge definition must be passed as t1_*.
+ Otherwise 'strict' flag must be set to 1 and it is not required to pass
+ converted dot-frm definition as t1_*.
+ 0 - Equal definitions.
+ 1 - Different definitions.
+int check_definition(MI_KEYDEF *t1_keyinfo, MI_COLUMNDEF *t1_recinfo,
+ uint t1_keys, uint t1_recs,
+ MI_KEYDEF *t2_keyinfo, MI_COLUMNDEF *t2_recinfo,
+ uint t2_keys, uint t2_recs, bool strict)
+ uint i, j;
+ DBUG_ENTER("check_definition");
+ if ((strict ? t1_keys != t2_keys : t1_keys > t2_keys))
+ {
+ DBUG_PRINT("error", ("Number of keys differs: t1_keys=%u, t2_keys=%u",
+ t1_keys, t2_keys));
+ }
+ if (t1_recs != t2_recs)
+ {
+ DBUG_PRINT("error", ("Number of recs differs: t1_recs=%u, t2_recs=%u",
+ t1_recs, t2_recs));
+ }
+ for (i= 0; i < t1_keys; i++)
+ {
+ HA_KEYSEG *t1_keysegs= t1_keyinfo[i].seg;
+ HA_KEYSEG *t2_keysegs= t2_keyinfo[i].seg;
+ if (t1_keyinfo[i].keysegs != t2_keyinfo[i].keysegs ||
+ t1_keyinfo[i].key_alg != t2_keyinfo[i].key_alg)
+ {
+ DBUG_PRINT("error", ("Key %d has different definition", i));
+ DBUG_PRINT("error", ("t1_keysegs=%d, t1_key_alg=%d",
+ t1_keyinfo[i].keysegs, t1_keyinfo[i].key_alg));
+ DBUG_PRINT("error", ("t2_keysegs=%d, t2_key_alg=%d",
+ t2_keyinfo[i].keysegs, t2_keyinfo[i].key_alg));
+ }
+ for (j= t1_keyinfo[i].keysegs; j--;)
+ {
+ if (t1_keysegs[j].type != t2_keysegs[j].type ||
+ t1_keysegs[j].language != t2_keysegs[j].language ||
+ t1_keysegs[j].null_bit != t2_keysegs[j].null_bit ||
+ t1_keysegs[j].length != t2_keysegs[j].length)
+ {
+ DBUG_PRINT("error", ("Key segment %d (key %d) has different "
+ "definition", j, i));
+ DBUG_PRINT("error", ("t1_type=%d, t1_language=%d, t1_null_bit=%d, "
+ "t1_length=%d",
+ t1_keysegs[j].type, t1_keysegs[j].language,
+ t1_keysegs[j].null_bit, t1_keysegs[j].length));
+ DBUG_PRINT("error", ("t2_type=%d, t2_language=%d, t2_null_bit=%d, "
+ "t2_length=%d",
+ t2_keysegs[j].type, t2_keysegs[j].language,
+ t2_keysegs[j].null_bit, t2_keysegs[j].length));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (i= 0; i < t1_recs; i++)
+ {
+ MI_COLUMNDEF *t1_rec= &t1_recinfo[i];
+ MI_COLUMNDEF *t2_rec= &t2_recinfo[i];
+ if (t1_rec->type != t2_rec->type ||
+ t1_rec->length != t2_rec->length ||
+ t1_rec->null_bit != t2_rec->null_bit)
+ {
+ DBUG_PRINT("error", ("Field %d has different definition", i));
+ DBUG_PRINT("error", ("t1_type=%d, t1_length=%d, t1_null_bit=%d",
+ t1_rec->type, t1_rec->length, t1_rec->null_bit));
+ DBUG_PRINT("error", ("t2_type=%d, t2_length=%d, t2_null_bit=%d",
+ t2_rec->type, t2_rec->length, t2_rec->null_bit));
+ }
+ }
extern "C" {
volatile int *killed_ptr(MI_CHECK *param)
@@ -656,11 +958,11 @@ int ha_myisam::optimize(THD* thd, HA_CHECK_OPT *check_opt)
-int ha_myisam::repair(THD *thd, MI_CHECK &param, bool optimize)
+int ha_myisam::repair(THD *thd, MI_CHECK &param, bool do_optimize)
int error=0;
uint local_testflag=param.testflag;
- bool optimize_done= !optimize, statistics_done=0;
+ bool optimize_done= !do_optimize, statistics_done=0;
const char *old_proc_info=thd->proc_info;
char fixed_name[FN_REFLEN];
MYISAM_SHARE* share = file->s;
@@ -684,7 +986,7 @@ int ha_myisam::repair(THD *thd, MI_CHECK &param, bool optimize)
- if (!optimize ||
+ if (!do_optimize ||
((file->state->del || share->state.split != file->state->records) &&
(!(param.testflag & T_QUICK) ||
!(share->state.changed & STATE_NOT_OPTIMIZED_KEYS))))
@@ -1320,46 +1622,46 @@ int ha_myisam::rnd_pos(byte * buf, byte *pos)
void ha_myisam::position(const byte* record)
- my_off_t position=mi_position(file);
- my_store_ptr(ref, ref_length, position);
+ my_off_t row_position= mi_position(file);
+ my_store_ptr(ref, ref_length, row_position);
int ha_myisam::info(uint flag)
+ MI_ISAMINFO misam_info;
char name_buff[FN_REFLEN];
- (void) mi_status(file,&info,flag);
+ (void) mi_status(file,&misam_info,flag);
- stats.records = info.records;
- stats.deleted = info.deleted;
- stats.data_file_length=info.data_file_length;
- stats.index_file_length=info.index_file_length;
- stats.delete_length = info.delete_length;
- stats.check_time = info.check_time;
- stats. mean_rec_length=info.mean_reclength;
+ stats.records= misam_info.records;
+ stats.deleted= misam_info.deleted;
+ stats.data_file_length= misam_info.data_file_length;
+ stats.index_file_length= misam_info.index_file_length;
+ stats.delete_length= misam_info.delete_length;
+ stats.check_time= misam_info.check_time;
+ stats.mean_rec_length= misam_info.mean_reclength;
if (flag & HA_STATUS_CONST)
TABLE_SHARE *share= table->s;
- stats.max_data_file_length= info.max_data_file_length;
- stats.max_index_file_length= info.max_index_file_length;
- stats.create_time= info.create_time;
- ref_length= info.reflength;
- share->db_options_in_use= info.options;
+ stats.max_data_file_length= misam_info.max_data_file_length;
+ stats.max_index_file_length= misam_info.max_index_file_length;
+ stats.create_time= misam_info.create_time;
+ ref_length= misam_info.reflength;
+ share->db_options_in_use= misam_info.options;
stats.block_size= myisam_block_size; /* record block size */
/* Update share */
if (share->tmp_table == NO_TMP_TABLE)
- share->keys_in_use.intersect_extended(info.key_map);
+ share->keys_in_use.intersect_extended(misam_info.key_map);
- share->db_record_offset= info.record_offset;
+ share->db_record_offset= misam_info.record_offset;
if (share->key_parts)
memcpy((char*) table->key_info[0].rec_per_key,
- (char*) info.rec_per_key,
+ (char*) misam_info.rec_per_key,
if (share->tmp_table == NO_TMP_TABLE)
@@ -1371,22 +1673,22 @@ int ha_myisam::info(uint flag)
data_file_name= index_file_name= 0;
fn_format(name_buff, file->filename, "", MI_NAME_DEXT,
- if (strcmp(name_buff, info.data_file_name))
- data_file_name=info.data_file_name;
+ if (strcmp(name_buff, misam_info.data_file_name))
+ data_file_name=misam_info.data_file_name;
fn_format(name_buff, file->filename, "", MI_NAME_IEXT,
- if (strcmp(name_buff, info.index_file_name))
- index_file_name=info.index_file_name;
+ if (strcmp(name_buff, misam_info.index_file_name))
+ index_file_name=misam_info.index_file_name;
if (flag & HA_STATUS_ERRKEY)
- errkey = info.errkey;
- my_store_ptr(dup_ref, ref_length, info.dupp_key_pos);
+ errkey = misam_info.errkey;
+ my_store_ptr(dup_ref, ref_length, misam_info.dupp_key_pos);
if (flag & HA_STATUS_TIME)
- stats.update_time = info.update_time;
+ stats.update_time = misam_info.update_time;
if (flag & HA_STATUS_AUTO)
- stats.auto_increment_value= info.auto_increment;
+ stats.auto_increment_value= misam_info.auto_increment;
return 0;
@@ -1454,199 +1756,40 @@ void ha_myisam::update_create_info(HA_CREATE_INFO *create_info)
int ha_myisam::create(const char *name, register TABLE *table_arg,
+ HA_CREATE_INFO *ha_create_info)
int error;
- uint i,j,recpos,minpos,fieldpos,temp_length,length, create_flags= 0;
- bool found_real_auto_increment=0;
- enum ha_base_keytype type;
+ uint create_flags= 0, records, i;
char buff[FN_REFLEN];
- byte *record;
- KEY *pos;
MI_KEYDEF *keydef;
- MI_COLUMNDEF *recinfo,*recinfo_pos;
- HA_KEYSEG *keyseg;
+ MI_COLUMNDEF *recinfo;
+ MI_CREATE_INFO create_info;
TABLE_SHARE *share= table_arg->s;
uint options= share->db_options_in_use;
- type=HA_KEYTYPE_BINARY; // Keep compiler happy
- if (!(my_multi_malloc(MYF(MY_WME),
- &recinfo,(share->fields*2+2)*
- sizeof(MI_COLUMNDEF),
- &keydef, share->keys*sizeof(MI_KEYDEF),
- &keyseg,
- ((share->key_parts + share->keys) *
- sizeof(HA_KEYSEG)),
- NullS)))
- pos=table_arg->key_info;
- for (i=0; i < share->keys ; i++, pos++)
- {
- if (pos->flags & HA_USES_PARSER)
- keydef[i].flag= (pos->flags & (HA_NOSAME | HA_FULLTEXT | HA_SPATIAL));
- keydef[i].key_alg= pos->algorithm == HA_KEY_ALG_UNDEF ?
- pos->algorithm;
- keydef[i].block_length= pos->block_size;
- keydef[i].seg=keyseg;
- keydef[i].keysegs=pos->key_parts;
- for (j=0 ; j < pos->key_parts ; j++)
- {
- Field *field=pos->key_part[j].field;
- type=field->key_type();
- keydef[i].seg[j].flag=pos->key_part[j].key_part_flag;
- if (options & HA_OPTION_PACK_KEYS ||
- (pos->flags & (HA_PACK_KEY | HA_BINARY_PACK_KEY |
- {
- if (pos->key_part[j].length > 8 &&
- (type == HA_KEYTYPE_TEXT ||
- type == HA_KEYTYPE_NUM ||
- (type == HA_KEYTYPE_BINARY && !field->zero_pack())))
- {
- /* No blobs here */
- if (j == 0)
- keydef[i].flag|=HA_PACK_KEY;
- if (!(field->flags & ZEROFILL_FLAG) &&
- (field->type() == MYSQL_TYPE_STRING ||
- field->type() == MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING ||
- ((int) (pos->key_part[j].length - field->decimals()))
- >= 4))
- keydef[i].seg[j].flag|=HA_SPACE_PACK;
- }
- else if (j == 0 && (!(pos->flags & HA_NOSAME) || pos->key_length > 16))
- keydef[i].flag|= HA_BINARY_PACK_KEY;
- }
- keydef[i].seg[j].type= (int) type;
- keydef[i].seg[j].start= pos->key_part[j].offset;
- keydef[i].seg[j].length= pos->key_part[j].length;
- keydef[i].seg[j].bit_start= keydef[i].seg[j].bit_end=
- keydef[i].seg[j].bit_length= 0;
- keydef[i].seg[j].bit_pos= 0;
- keydef[i].seg[j].language= field->charset()->number;
- if (field->null_ptr)
- {
- keydef[i].seg[j].null_bit=field->null_bit;
- keydef[i].seg[j].null_pos= (uint) (field->null_ptr-
- (uchar*) table_arg->record[0]);
- }
- else
- {
- keydef[i].seg[j].null_bit=0;
- keydef[i].seg[j].null_pos=0;
- }
- if (field->type() == MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB ||
- field->type() == MYSQL_TYPE_GEOMETRY)
- {
- keydef[i].seg[j].flag|=HA_BLOB_PART;
- /* save number of bytes used to pack length */
- keydef[i].seg[j].bit_start= (uint) (field->pack_length() -
- share->blob_ptr_size);
- }
- else if (field->type() == MYSQL_TYPE_BIT)
- {
- keydef[i].seg[j].bit_length= ((Field_bit *) field)->bit_len;
- keydef[i].seg[j].bit_start= ((Field_bit *) field)->bit_ofs;
- keydef[i].seg[j].bit_pos= (uint) (((Field_bit *) field)->bit_ptr -
- (uchar*) table_arg->record[0]);
- }
- }
- keyseg+=pos->key_parts;
- }
- if (table_arg->found_next_number_field)
+ for (i= 0; i < share->keys; i++)
- keydef[share->next_number_index].flag|= HA_AUTO_KEY;
- found_real_auto_increment= share->next_number_key_offset == 0;
- }
- record= table_arg->record[0];
- recpos=0; recinfo_pos=recinfo;
- while (recpos < (uint) share->reclength)
- {
- Field **field,*found=0;
- minpos= share->reclength;
- length=0;
- for (field=table_arg->field ; *field ; field++)
+ if (table_arg->key_info[i].flags & HA_USES_PARSER)
- if ((fieldpos=(*field)->offset(record)) >= recpos &&
- fieldpos <= minpos)
- {
- /* skip null fields */
- if (!(temp_length= (*field)->pack_length_in_rec()))
- continue; /* Skip null-fields */
- if (! found || fieldpos < minpos ||
- (fieldpos == minpos && temp_length < length))
- {
- minpos=fieldpos; found= *field; length=temp_length;
- }
- }
- }
- DBUG_PRINT("loop",("found: 0x%lx recpos: %d minpos: %d length: %d",
- (long) found, recpos, minpos, length));
- if (recpos != minpos)
- { // Reserved space (Null bits?)
- bzero((char*) recinfo_pos,sizeof(*recinfo_pos));
- recinfo_pos->type=(int) FIELD_NORMAL;
- recinfo_pos++->length= (uint16) (minpos-recpos);
- }
- if (! found)
- if (found->flags & BLOB_FLAG)
- recinfo_pos->type= (int) FIELD_BLOB;
- else if (found->type() == MYSQL_TYPE_VARCHAR)
- recinfo_pos->type= FIELD_VARCHAR;
- else if (!(options & HA_OPTION_PACK_RECORD))
- recinfo_pos->type= (int) FIELD_NORMAL;
- else if (found->zero_pack())
- recinfo_pos->type= (int) FIELD_SKIP_ZERO;
- else
- recinfo_pos->type= (int) ((length <= 3 ||
- (found->flags & ZEROFILL_FLAG)) ?
- found->type() == MYSQL_TYPE_STRING ||
- found->type() == MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING ?
- if (found->null_ptr)
- {
- recinfo_pos->null_bit=found->null_bit;
- recinfo_pos->null_pos= (uint) (found->null_ptr-
- (uchar*) table_arg->record[0]);
- }
- else
- {
- recinfo_pos->null_bit=0;
- recinfo_pos->null_pos=0;
- (recinfo_pos++)->length= (uint16) length;
- recpos=minpos+length;
- DBUG_PRINT("loop",("length: %d type: %d",
- recinfo_pos[-1].length,recinfo_pos[-1].type));
- MI_CREATE_INFO create_info;
- bzero((char*) &create_info,sizeof(create_info));
+ if ((error= table2myisam(table_arg, &keydef, &recinfo, &records)))
+ DBUG_RETURN(error); /* purecov: inspected */
+ bzero((char*) &create_info, sizeof(create_info));
create_info.max_rows= share->max_rows;
create_info.reloc_rows= share->min_rows;
- create_info.with_auto_increment=found_real_auto_increment;
- create_info.auto_increment=(info->auto_increment_value ?
- info->auto_increment_value -1 :
- (ulonglong) 0);
+ create_info.with_auto_increment= share->next_number_key_offset == 0;
+ create_info.auto_increment= (ha_create_info->auto_increment_value ?
+ ha_create_info->auto_increment_value -1 :
+ (ulonglong) 0);
create_info.data_file_length= ((ulonglong) share->max_rows *
- share->avg_row_length);
- create_info.data_file_name= info->data_file_name;
- create_info.index_file_name= info->index_file_name;
+ share->avg_row_length);
+ create_info.data_file_name= ha_create_info->data_file_name;
+ create_info.index_file_name= ha_create_info->index_file_name;
- if (info->options & HA_LEX_CREATE_TMP_TABLE)
+ if (ha_create_info->options & HA_LEX_CREATE_TMP_TABLE)
create_flags|= HA_CREATE_TMP_TABLE;
if (options & HA_OPTION_PACK_RECORD)
create_flags|= HA_PACK_RECORD;
@@ -1656,13 +1799,13 @@ int ha_myisam::create(const char *name, register TABLE *table_arg,
/* TODO: Check that the following fn_format is really needed */
- error=mi_create(fn_format(buff,name,"","",MY_UNPACK_FILENAME|MY_APPEND_EXT),
- share->keys,keydef,
- (uint) (recinfo_pos-recinfo), recinfo,
- 0, (MI_UNIQUEDEF*) 0,
- &create_info, create_flags);
- my_free((gptr) recinfo,MYF(0));
+ error= mi_create(fn_format(buff, name, "", "",
+ share->keys, keydef,
+ records, recinfo,
+ 0, (MI_UNIQUEDEF*) 0,
+ &create_info, create_flags);
+ my_free((gptr) recinfo, MYF(0));