path: root/storage/ndb/include/newtonapi/dba.h
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1 files changed, 730 insertions, 0 deletions
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+/* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
+ * @mainpage DBA User Guide
+ *
+ * @section secIntro Introduction
+ * DBA is an API to access the NDB Cluster.
+ *
+ * DBA supports transactions using an asynchronous execution model.
+ * Everything but transactions is synchronous.
+ *
+ * DBA uses the concept of bindings to simplify database access.
+ * A <em>binding</em> is a relation between a database table and
+ * one or several C structs.
+ * A binding is created initially and then used multiple time during
+ * application execution.
+ *
+ * Each of the data accessing functions in DBA is implemented as a
+ * transaction, i.e. the call will either fully complete or
+ * nothing happens (the transaction fails).
+ *
+ * DBA also supports "read as much as possible" with bulk read.
+ * With bulk read the application can specify a set of primary keys and
+ * try to read all of the corresponding rows. The bulk read will not fail
+ * if a row does not exist but will instead inform the application using a
+ * RowFoundIndicator variable.
+ *
+ * A <em>request</em> is a transaction or a bulk read.
+ *
+ * @section secError Error Handling
+ * When a synchronous method in DBA fails these methods are applicable:
+ * -# DBA_GetLatestError()
+ * -# DBA_GetLatestNdbError()
+ * -# DBA_GetLatestErrorMsg()
+ *
+ * The DBA_GetLatestErrorMsg() will then return a description of
+ * what has failed.
+ *
+ * For asynchronous methods the application should:
+ * -# check that the RequestId returned by function is not
+ * -# check Status supplied in callback (see @ref DBA_AsyncCallbackFn_t)
+ *
+ * If @ref DBA_INVALID_REQID is returned,
+ * the details of error can be found using
+ * "latest"-functions.
+ *
+ * If error is indicated in callback (using Status), when the
+ * "latest"-functions are <b>NOT</b> applicable.
+ *
+ * @section secExamples Example Programs
+ *
+ * - @ref common.hpp
+ * - @ref basic.cpp
+ * - @ref br_test.cpp
+ * - @ref ptr_binding_test.cpp
+ *
+ */
+ * @page basic.cpp basic.cpp
+ * @include basic.cpp
+ */
+ * @page common.hpp common.hpp
+ * @include common.hpp
+ */
+ * @page br_test.cpp br_test.cpp
+ * @include br_test.cpp
+ */
+ * @page ptr_binding_test.cpp ptr_binding_test.cpp
+ * @include ptr_binding_test.cpp
+ */
+/** @addtogroup DBA
+ * @{
+ */
+#ifndef DBA_H
+#define DBA_H
+/* --- Include files ---- */
+#include <ndb_global.h>
+#include <defs/pcn_types.h>
+/* --- Types and definitions --- */
+ * Possible error status for DBA functions.
+ */
+typedef enum {
+ DBA_NO_ERROR = 0, /**< Success */
+ DBA_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = -1, /**< Function not implemented */
+ DBA_NDB_ERROR = -2, /**< Uncategorised error from NDB */
+ DBA_ERROR = -3, /**< Uncategorised error from DBA implementation */
+ DBA_APPLICATION_ERROR = 1, /**< Function called with invalid argument(s)
+ or other application errors */
+ DBA_NO_DATA = 2, /**< No row with specified PK existed */
+ DBA_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION = 3, /**< There already exists a row with that PK*/
+ DBA_SCHEMA_ERROR = 4, /**< Table already exists */
+ DBA_INSUFFICIENT_SPACE = 5, /**< The DB is full */
+ DBA_TEMPORARY_ERROR = 6, /**< Some temporary problem occured */
+ DBA_TIMEOUT = 7, /**< The request timed out, probably due to
+ dead-lock */
+ DBA_OVERLOAD = 8, /**< The DB is overloaded */
+ DBA_UNKNOWN_RESULT = 9 /**< It is unknown wheater transaction was
+ commited or aborted */
+} DBA_Error_t;
+ * Error code. This is the error code that is returned by NDB.
+ * Not to be confused by the status returned by the DBA implementation.
+ */
+typedef int DBA_ErrorCode_t;
+ * DBA column types
+ */
+typedef enum {
+ DBA_CHAR, /**< String */
+ DBA_INT /**< Integer */
+} DBA_DataTypes_t;
+ * Column description.
+ * Used for creating tables.
+ */
+typedef struct DBA_ColumnDesc {
+ const char* Name; /**< Name of table column */
+ DBA_DataTypes_t DataType; /**< Datatype of table column*/
+ Size_t Size; /**< Column size in bytes */
+ Boolean_t IsKey; /**< True if column is part of primary key */
+} DBA_ColumnDesc_t;
+ * Used to simplify binding definitions. See @ref DBA_ColumnBinding
+ * for example.
+ *
+ * @param ColName Name of column in db table
+ * @param Type Column/field type.
+ * @param Struct Structure
+ * @param Field Field in structure
+ * @return Arg list for defining binding of type @ref DBA_Binding_t
+ */
+#define DBA_BINDING( ColName, Type, Struct, Field ) \
+ { ColName, Type, PCN_SIZE_OF( Struct, Field ), \
+ PCN_OFFSET_OF( Struct, Field ), 0, 0 }
+ * Used to simplify ptr binding definitions. See @ref DBA_ColumnBinding
+ * for example.
+ *
+ * @param Struct Structure
+ * @param Field Field in structure
+ * @return Arg list for defining binding of type @ref DBA_Binding_t
+ */
+#define DBA_BINDING_PTR(Struct, Field, ColBindings, NbCBindings) \
+ { 0, DBA_CHAR, NbCBindings, PCN_OFFSET_OF( Struct, Field ), \
+ 1, ColBindings }
+ * The @ref DBA_ColumnBinding_t is used to describe a binding between one
+ * column and one field of a C struct.
+ *
+ *<pre>
+ * typedef struct Address {
+ * char StreetName[30];
+ * int StreetNumber;
+ * } Address_t;
+ *
+ * typdef struct Person {
+ * char Name[30];
+ * Address_t * AddressPtr;
+ * } Person_t; </pre>
+ *
+ *
+ * For example, if the field Name of a Person_t data structure is
+ * bound to the column "NAME", the corresponding binding would be
+ * defined as:
+ *
+ *<pre>
+ * DBA_ColumnBinding_t NameBinding =
+ * DBA_BINDING( "name", DBA_CHAR, Person_t, Name ); </pre>
+ *
+ *
+ * There is also the @ref DBA_BINDING_PTR which is used when
+ * several linked structures should be put into one table.
+ *
+ * For example, if data in a Person_t data structure should be saved
+ * in the same table as the Address_t data structure
+ * (as the address belongs to the person), the corresponding binding would be
+ * defined as:
+ *
+ *<pre>
+ * DBA_ColumnBinding_t AddrBinding[AddrLen]; This binding describes how the
+ * fields in the Address_t
+ * structure is linked to the
+ *
+ * DBA_ColumnBinding_t AddressBinding =
+ * DBA_BINDING_PTR(Person_t, AddressPtr, AddrBinding, AddrLen); </pre>
+ *
+ *
+ */
+struct DBA_ColumnBinding {
+ const char* Name; /**< Name of table column */
+ DBA_DataTypes_t DataType; /**< Type of member in structure */
+ Size_t Size; /**< Size in bytes of member
+ or no of @ref DBA_ColumnBinding's
+ when doing ptr binding */
+ Size_t Offset; /**< Offset of the member */
+ Boolean_t Ptr; /**< True if binding is of ptr type */
+ const struct DBA_ColumnBinding * SubBinding; /**< Address of Binding Ptr
+ valid if Ptr is true */
+ * Typedef: @ref DBA_ColumnBinding
+ */
+typedef struct DBA_ColumnBinding DBA_ColumnBinding_t;
+ * A @ref DBA_Binding_t object is used to establish a binding between
+ * one or more columns of a table to the fields of C structs.
+ *
+ * It is used with insert, and update and read transactions to define
+ * on which columns of the table the operations is performed, and to
+ * which members of a C data structure they map.
+ *
+ * All key columns must be bound to a field of the struct.
+ *
+ * The function @ref DBA_CreateBinding is used to create this binding.
+ */
+typedef struct DBA_Binding DBA_Binding_t;
+/* --- Exported functions --- */
+ * Set DBA configuration parameter
+ *<pre>
+ * Id Description Default Min Max
+ * == =========================== ======= ==== ====
+ * 0 NBP Interval 10 4 -
+ * 1 Operations/Bulkread 1000 1 5000
+ * 2 Start transaction timeout 0 0 -
+ * 3 Force send algorithm 1 0 2
+ *</pre>
+ * @return Status
+ */
+DBA_Error_t DBA_SetParameter(int ParameterId, int Value);
+ * Set DBA configuration parameter.
+ * See @ref DBA_SetParameter for description of parameters.
+ *
+ * @return Status
+ */
+DBA_Error_t DBA_GetParameter(int ParameterId, int * Value);
+ * Initialize DBA library and connect to NDB Cluster.
+ *
+ * @return Status
+ */
+DBA_Error_t DBA_Open( );
+ * Close connection to NDB cluster and free allocated memory.
+ *
+ * @return Error status
+ */
+DBA_Error_t DBA_Close(void);
+ * Get latest DBA error.
+ *
+ * @note Only applicable to synchronous methods
+ */
+DBA_Error_t DBA_GetLatestError();
+ * Get latest NDB error.
+ *
+ * @note Only applicable to synchronous methods
+ */
+DBA_ErrorCode_t DBA_GetLatestNdbError();
+ * Get latest error string associated with DBA_GetLatestError().
+ *
+ * @note String must not be free by caller of this method.
+ * @note Only applicable to synchronous methods.
+ */
+const char * DBA_GetLatestErrorMsg();
+ * Get error msg associated with code
+ *
+ * @note String must not be free by caller of this method
+ */
+const char * DBA_GetErrorMsg(DBA_Error_t);
+ * Get error msg associated with code
+ *
+ * @note String must not be free by caller of this method
+ */
+const char * DBA_GetNdbErrorMsg(DBA_ErrorCode_t);
+ * Create a table.
+ *
+ * @param TableName Name of table to create.
+ * @param NbColumns numbers of columns.
+ * @param Columns Column descriptions.
+ * @return Status.
+ */
+DBA_CreateTable( const char* TableName, int NbColumns,
+ const DBA_ColumnDesc_t Columns[] );
+ * Destroy a table.
+ *
+ * @param TableName Table name.
+ * @return Status.
+ * @note Not implemented
+ */
+DBA_DropTable( const char* TableName );
+ * Test for existence of a table.
+ *
+ * @param TableName Table name.
+ * @return Boolean value indicating if table exists or not.
+ */
+DBA_TableExists( const char* TableName );
+ * Define a binding between the columns of a table and a C structure.
+ *
+ * @param TableName table
+ * @param NbCol number of columns bindings
+ * @param ColBinding bindings
+ * @param StructSz Sizeof structure.
+ * @return Created binding, or NULL if binding could not be created.
+ */
+DBA_CreateBinding( const char* TableName,
+ int NbCol, const DBA_ColumnBinding_t ColsBinding[],
+ Size_t StructSz );
+ * Destroys a @ref DBA_Binding_t allocated with @ref
+ * DBA_CreateBinding.
+ *
+ * @param pBinding Pointer to binding.
+ * @return Status.
+ */
+DBA_DestroyBinding( DBA_Binding_t* Binding );
+ * Used to identify a pending db request
+ */
+typedef long DBA_ReqId_t;
+ * An asynchronous call returning this means that the function was called
+ * with invalid arguments. The application should check error status
+ * with DBA_GetLatestError() etc.
+ */
+ * Callback function for transactions.
+ * Will be called in NBP process (Newton Batch Process).
+ *
+ * @note The implementation of the callback function is not allowed to
+ * make an asynchronous database call.
+ *
+ * @param ReqId Request identifier
+ * @param Status Status of the request
+ * @param ErrorCode Error code given by NDB
+ * @see DBA_Error_t
+ */
+typedef void (*DBA_AsyncCallbackFn_t)( DBA_ReqId_t ReqId,
+ DBA_Error_t Status,
+ DBA_ErrorCode_t ErrorCode );
+ * Insert row(s) in the table (one transaction)
+ *
+ * @param pBinding Binding between table columns and struct fields.
+ * @param pData Array of pointers to structures.
+ * @param NbRows No of rows to insert (i.e. length of pData array)
+ * @return Request identifier
+ *
+ * @note All the table columns must be part of the binding.
+ */
+DBA_InsertRows( const DBA_Binding_t* pBinding, const void * const pData[],
+ int NbRows,
+ DBA_AsyncCallbackFn_t CbFunc );
+ * Insert row(s) in the table (one transaction)
+ *
+ * @param pBinding Binding between table columns and struct fields.
+ * @param pData Array of structures.
+ * @param NbRows No of rows to insert (i.e. length of pData array)
+ * @return Request identifier
+ *
+ * @note All the table columns must be part of the binding.
+ */
+DBA_ArrayInsertRows( const DBA_Binding_t* pBinding, const void * pData,
+ int NbRows,
+ DBA_AsyncCallbackFn_t CbFunc );
+ * Update row(s) in the table (one transaction)
+ *
+ * @param pBinding Binding between table columns and struct fields.
+ * @param pData Array of pointers to structures. Fields that are part of the
+ * key are used to generate the where clause, the
+ * other fields are used to update the row.
+ * @param NbRows No of rows to update (i.e. length of pData array).
+ * @return Request identifier
+ */
+DBA_UpdateRows( const DBA_Binding_t* pBinding, const void * const pData[],
+ int NbRows,
+ DBA_AsyncCallbackFn_t CbFunc );
+ * Update row(s) in the table (one transaction)
+ *
+ * @param pBinding Binding between table columns and struct fields.
+ * @param pData Array of structures. Fields that are part of the
+ * key are used to generate the where clause, the
+ * other fields are used to update the row.
+ * @param NbRows No of rows to update (i.e. length of pData array).
+ * @return Request identifier
+ */
+DBA_ArrayUpdateRows( const DBA_Binding_t* pBinding, const void * pData,
+ int NbRows,
+ DBA_AsyncCallbackFn_t CbFunc );
+ * Delete row(s) from the table (one transaction)
+ *
+ * @param pBinding Binding between table columns and struct fields.
+ * @param pData Array of pointers to structures.
+ * Only fields part of the primary key needs to be set.
+ * @param NbRows No of rows to delete (i.e. length of pData array)
+ * @return Request identifier
+ */
+DBA_DeleteRows( const DBA_Binding_t* pBinding, const void * const pData[],
+ int NbRows,
+ DBA_AsyncCallbackFn_t CbFunc );
+ * Delete row(s) from the table (one transaction)
+ *
+ * @param pBinding Binding between table columns and struct fields.
+ * @param pData Array of structures. Only fields part of the primary
+ * key needs to be set.
+ * @param NbRows No of rows to delete (i.e. length of pData array)
+ * @return Request identifier
+ */
+DBA_ArrayDeleteRows( const DBA_Binding_t* pBinding, const void * pData,
+ int NbRows,
+ DBA_AsyncCallbackFn_t CbFunc );
+ * Updates/Inserts row(s) in the table (one transaction)
+ *
+ * @param pBinding Binding between table columns and struct fields.
+ * @param pData Array of pointers to structures.
+ * @param NbRows No of rows to update/insert (i.e. length of pData array)
+ * @return Request identifier
+ * @note All the table columns must be part of the binding.
+ */
+DBA_WriteRows( const DBA_Binding_t* pBinding, const void * const pData[],
+ int NbRows,
+ DBA_AsyncCallbackFn_t CbFunc );
+ * Update/Insert row(s) in the table (one transaction)
+ *
+ * @param pBinding Binding between table columns and struct fields.
+ * @param pData Array of structures.
+ * @param NbRows No of rows to update/insert (i.e. length of pData array)
+ * @return Request identifier
+ * @note All the table columns must be part of the binding.
+ */
+DBA_ArrayWriteRows( const DBA_Binding_t* pBinding, const void * pData,
+ int NbRows,
+ DBA_AsyncCallbackFn_t CbFunc );
+ * Read row(s) from a table of the database (one transaction)
+ *
+ * @param pBinding Binding between table columns and struct fields.
+ * @param pData Array of pointers to structures.
+ * Only fields part of the primary key needs to be set.
+ * The other fields in the binding will be populated.
+ * @param NbRows No of rows to read (i.e. length of pData array)
+ * @return Request identifier
+ */
+DBA_ReadRows( const DBA_Binding_t* pBinding, void * const pData[],
+ int NbRows,
+ DBA_AsyncCallbackFn_t CbFunc );
+ * Read row(s) from a table of the database (one transaction)
+ *
+ * @param pBinding Binding between table columns and struct fields.
+ * @param pData Array of structures.
+ * Only fields part of the primary key needs to be set.
+ * The other fields in the binding will be populated.
+ * @param NbRows No of rows to read (i.e. length of pData array)
+ * @return Request identifier
+ */
+DBA_ArrayReadRows( const DBA_Binding_t* pBinding, void * pData,
+ int NbRows,
+ DBA_AsyncCallbackFn_t CbFunc );
+ * Insert <b>one</b> row for each specified binding (as one transaction).
+ *
+ * @param pBindings Array of pointers to bindings.
+ * @param pData Array of pointers to structures.
+ * @param NbBindings No of bindings (tables) to insert into,
+ * i.e. length of arrays pBindings and pData
+ * @return Request identifier
+ * @note It is valid to specify the same binding twice
+ * (with corresponding data pointer) if you want to insert two
+ * rows in one table
+ */
+DBA_MultiInsertRow(const DBA_Binding_t * const pBindings[],
+ const void * const pData[],
+ int NbBindings,
+ DBA_AsyncCallbackFn_t CbFunc );
+ * Update <b>one</b> row for each specified binding (as one transaction).
+ *
+ * @param pBindings Array of pointers to bindings.
+ * @param pData Array of pointers to structures.
+ * @param NbBindings No of bindings (tables) to insert into
+ * i.e. length of arrays pBindings and pData
+ * @return Request identifier
+ * @note It is valid to specify the same binding twice
+ * (with corresponding data pointer) if you want to update two
+ * rows in one table
+ */
+DBA_MultiUpdateRow(const DBA_Binding_t * const pBindings[],
+ const void * const pData[],
+ int NbBindings,
+ DBA_AsyncCallbackFn_t CbFunc );
+ * Update/insert <b>one</b> row for each specified binding (as one transaction).
+ *
+ * @param pBindings Array of pointers to bindings.
+ * @param pData Array of pointers to structures.
+ * @param NbBindings No of bindings (tables) to insert into
+ * i.e. length of arrays pBindings and pData
+ * @return Request identifier
+ * @note It is valid to specify the same binding twice
+ * (with corresponding data pointer) if you want to update/insert two
+ * rows in one table
+ */
+DBA_MultiWriteRow(const DBA_Binding_t * const pBindings[],
+ const void * const pData[],
+ int NbBindings,
+ DBA_AsyncCallbackFn_t CbFunc );
+ * Delete <b>one</b> row for each specified binding (as one transaction).
+ *
+ * @param pBindings Array of pointers to bindings.
+ * @param pData Array of pointers to structures.
+ * @param NbBindings No of bindings (tables) to insert into
+ * i.e. length of arrays pBindings and pData
+ * @return Request identifier
+ * @note It is valid to specify the same binding twice
+ * (with corresponding data pointer) if you want to delete two
+ * rows in one table
+ */
+DBA_MultiDeleteRow(const DBA_Binding_t * const pBindings[],
+ const void * const pData[],
+ int NbBindings,
+ DBA_AsyncCallbackFn_t CbFunc );
+ * Read <b>one</b> row for each specified binding (as one transaction).
+ *
+ * @param pBindings Array of pointers to bindings.
+ * @param pData Array of pointers to structures.
+ * @param NbBindings No of bindings (tables) to insert into
+ * i.e. length of arrays pBindings and pData
+ * @return Request identifier
+ * @note It is valid to specify the same binding twice
+ * (with corresponding data pointer) if you want to read two
+ * rows in one table
+ */
+DBA_MultiReadRow(const DBA_Binding_t * const pBindings[],
+ void * const pData[],
+ int NbBindings,
+ DBA_AsyncCallbackFn_t CbFunc );
+ * A structure used for bulk reads.
+ * The structure contains a pointer to the data and an indicator.
+ * After the bulk read has completed, the indicator is set to 1 if the row
+ * was found and to 0 if the row was not found.
+ *
+ */
+typedef struct DBA_BulkReadResultSet {
+ void * DataPtr; /**< Pointer to data. Only fields part of
+ primary key members needs
+ to be set before bulk read. */
+ Boolean_t RowFoundIndicator; /**< This indicator has a valid value
+ only after bulk read has completed.
+ If the value is 1 then the row was found */
+} DBA_BulkReadResultSet_t;
+ * Read rows from a table of the database (potentially multiple transactions)
+ * The users should for each NbRows specify the fields part of the primary key
+ *
+ * @param pBinding Binding between table columns and struct fields.
+ * @param pData Array of DBA_BulkReadResultSet_t, with DataPtr pointing to
+ * structure. Only the fields which are part of the
+ * primary key need be set.
+ * The RowFoundIndicator will be set when the request returns.
+ * @param NbRows No of rows to read (i.e. length of pData array)
+ * @return Request identifier
+ *
+ */
+DBA_BulkReadRows(const DBA_Binding_t * pBinding,
+ DBA_BulkReadResultSet_t pData[],
+ int NbRows,
+ DBA_AsyncCallbackFn_t CbFunc );
+ * Read rows from several tables of the database in potentially multiple
+ * transactions.
+ *
+ *<pre>
+ * The pData array <b>must</b> be organized as follows:
+ * NbRows with DataPtr pointing to structure of type pBindings[0]
+ * NbRows with DataPtr pointing to structure of type pBindings[1]
+ * ... </pre>
+ * Meaning that the pData array must be (NbBindings * NbRows) in length.
+ *
+ * The user should for each (NbRows * NbBindings) specify the primary key
+ * fields.
+ *
+ * @param pBindings Array of pointers to bindings
+ * @param pData Array of DBA_BulkReadResultSet_t.
+ * With DataPtr pointing to structure. Only the fields which
+ * are part of the key need be set.
+ * The RowFoundIndicator will be set when the operations returns.
+ * @param NbBindings No of bindings (i.e. length of pBindings array)
+ * @param NbRows No of rows per binding to read
+ * @return Request identifier
+ */
+DBA_BulkMultiReadRows(const DBA_Binding_t * const pBindings[],
+ DBA_BulkReadResultSet_t pData[],
+ int NbBindings,
+ int NbRows,
+ DBA_AsyncCallbackFn_t CbFunc );
+/** @} */