path: root/storage/ndb/test/ndbapi/testLcp.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'storage/ndb/test/ndbapi/testLcp.cpp')
1 files changed, 331 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/storage/ndb/test/ndbapi/testLcp.cpp b/storage/ndb/test/ndbapi/testLcp.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8bfc7ccf9b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/storage/ndb/test/ndbapi/testLcp.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+#include <NDBT.hpp>
+#include <NdbApi.hpp>
+#include <NdbRestarter.hpp>
+#include <HugoOperations.hpp>
+#include <UtilTransactions.hpp>
+#include <signaldata/DumpStateOrd.hpp>
+struct CASE
+ bool start_row;
+ bool end_row;
+ bool curr_row;
+ const char * op1;
+ const char * op2;
+ int val;
+static CASE g_ops[] =
+ { false, true, false, "INSERT", 0, 0 },
+ { false, true, false, "INSERT", "UPDATE", 0 },
+ { false, false, false, "INSERT", "DELETE", 0 },
+ { true, true, false, "UPDATE", 0, 0 },
+ { true, true, false, "UPDATE", "UPDATE", 0 },
+ { true, false, false, "UPDATE", "DELETE", 0 },
+ { true, false, false, "DELETE", 0, 0 },
+ { true, true, false, "DELETE", "INSERT", 0 }
+const size_t OP_COUNT = (sizeof(g_ops)/sizeof(g_ops[0]));
+static Ndb* g_ndb = 0;
+static Ndb_cluster_connection *g_cluster_connection= 0;
+static CASE* g_cases;
+static HugoOperations* g_hugo_ops;
+static int g_rows = 1000;
+static int g_setup_tables = 1;
+static const char * g_tablename = "T1";
+static const NdbDictionary::Table* g_table = 0;
+static NdbRestarter g_restarter;
+static int init_ndb(int argc, char** argv);
+static int parse_args(int argc, char** argv);
+static int connect_ndb();
+static int drop_all_tables();
+static int load_table();
+static int pause_lcp();
+static int do_op(int row);
+static int continue_lcp(int error);
+static int commit();
+static int restart();
+static int validate();
+#define require(x) { bool b = x; if(!b){g_err << __LINE__ << endl; abort();}}
+main(int argc, char ** argv){
+ require(!init_ndb(argc, argv));
+ require(!parse_args(argc, argv));
+ require(!connect_ndb());
+ if(g_setup_tables){
+ require(!drop_all_tables());
+ if(NDBT_Tables::createTable(g_ndb, g_tablename) != 0){
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ }
+ g_table = g_ndb->getDictionary()->getTable(g_tablename);
+ if(g_table == 0){
+ g_err << "Failed to retreive table: " << g_tablename << endl;
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ require(g_hugo_ops = new HugoOperations(* g_table));
+ require(!g_hugo_ops->startTransaction(g_ndb));
+ g_cases= new CASE[g_rows];
+ require(!load_table());
+ g_info << "Performing all ops wo/ inteference of LCP" << endl;
+ g_info << "Testing pre LCP operations, ZLCP_OP_WRITE_RT_BREAK" << endl;
+ g_info << " where ZLCP_OP_WRITE_RT_BREAK is finished before SAVE_PAGES"
+ << endl;
+ require(!pause_lcp());
+ size_t j;
+ for(j = 0; j<g_rows; j++){
+ require(!do_op(j));
+ }
+ require(!continue_lcp(5900));
+ require(!commit());
+ require(!restart());
+ require(!validate());
+ g_info << "Testing pre LCP operations, ZLCP_OP_WRITE_RT_BREAK" << endl;
+ g_info << " where ZLCP_OP_WRITE_RT_BREAK is finished after SAVE_PAGES"
+ << endl;
+ require(!load_table());
+ require(!pause_lcp());
+ for(j = 0; j<g_rows; j++){
+ require(!do_op(j));
+ }
+ require(!continue_lcp(5901));
+ require(!commit());
+ require(!restart());
+ require(!validate());
+ g_info << "Testing pre LCP operations, undo-ed at commit" << endl;
+ require(!load_table());
+ require(!pause_lcp());
+ for(j = 0; j<g_rows; j++){
+ require(!do_op(j));
+ }
+ require(!continue_lcp(5902));
+ require(!commit());
+ require(!continue_lcp(5903));
+ require(!restart());
+ require(!validate());
+static int init_ndb(int argc, char** argv)
+ ndb_init();
+ return 0;
+static int parse_args(int argc, char** argv)
+ return 0;
+static int connect_ndb()
+ g_cluster_connection = new Ndb_cluster_connection();
+ if(g_cluster_connection->connect(12, 5, 1) != 0)
+ {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ g_ndb = new Ndb(g_cluster_connection, "TEST_DB");
+ g_ndb->init();
+ if(g_ndb->waitUntilReady(30) == 0){
+ int args[] = { DumpStateOrd::DihMaxTimeBetweenLCP };
+ return g_restarter.dumpStateAllNodes(args, 1);
+ }
+ return -1;
+static int disconnect_ndb()
+ delete g_ndb;
+ delete g_cluster_connection;
+ g_ndb = 0;
+ g_table = 0;
+ g_cluster_connection= 0;
+ return 0;
+static int drop_all_tables()
+ NdbDictionary::Dictionary * dict = g_ndb->getDictionary();
+ require(dict);
+ BaseString db = g_ndb->getDatabaseName();
+ BaseString schema = g_ndb->getSchemaName();
+ NdbDictionary::Dictionary::List list;
+ if (dict->listObjects(list, NdbDictionary::Object::TypeUndefined) == -1){
+ g_err << "Failed to list tables: " << endl
+ << dict->getNdbError() << endl;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < list.count; i++) {
+ NdbDictionary::Dictionary::List::Element& elt = list.elements[i];
+ switch (elt.type) {
+ case NdbDictionary::Object::SystemTable:
+ case NdbDictionary::Object::UserTable:
+ g_ndb->setDatabaseName(elt.database);
+ g_ndb->setSchemaName(elt.schema);
+ if(dict->dropTable( != 0){
+ g_err << "Failed to drop table: "
+ << elt.database << "/" << elt.schema << "/" << <<endl;
+ g_err << dict->getNdbError() << endl;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ break;
+ case NdbDictionary::Object::UniqueHashIndex:
+ case NdbDictionary::Object::OrderedIndex:
+ case NdbDictionary::Object::HashIndexTrigger:
+ case NdbDictionary::Object::IndexTrigger:
+ case NdbDictionary::Object::SubscriptionTrigger:
+ case NdbDictionary::Object::ReadOnlyConstraint:
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ g_ndb->setDatabaseName(db.c_str());
+ g_ndb->setSchemaName(schema.c_str());
+ return 0;
+static int load_table()
+ UtilTransactions clear(* g_table);
+ require(!clear.clearTable(g_ndb));
+ HugoOperations ops(* g_table);
+ require(!ops.startTransaction(g_ndb));
+ for(size_t i = 0; i<g_rows; i++){
+ g_cases[i] = g_ops[ i % OP_COUNT];
+ if(g_cases[i].start_row){
+ g_cases[i].curr_row = true;
+ g_cases[i].val = rand();
+ require(!ops.pkInsertRecord(g_ndb, i, 1, g_cases[i].val));
+ }
+ if((i+1) % 100 == 0){
+ require(!ops.execute_Commit(g_ndb));
+ require(!ops.getTransaction()->restart());
+ }
+ }
+ if((g_rows+1) % 100 != 0)
+ require(!ops.execute_Commit(g_ndb));
+ return 0;
+static int pause_lcp()
+ return 0;
+static int do_op(int row)
+ HugoOperations & ops = * g_hugo_ops;
+ if(strcmp(g_cases[row].op1, "INSERT") == 0){
+ require(!g_cases[row].curr_row);
+ g_cases[row].curr_row = true;
+ g_cases[row].val = rand();
+ require(!ops.pkInsertRecord(g_ndb, row, 1, g_cases[row].val));
+ } else if(strcmp(g_cases[row].op1, "UPDATE") == 0){
+ require(g_cases[row].curr_row);
+ g_cases[row].val = rand();
+ require(!ops.pkUpdateRecord(g_ndb, row, 1, g_cases[row].val));
+ } else if(strcmp(g_cases[row].op1, "DELETE") == 0){
+ require(g_cases[row].curr_row);
+ g_cases[row].curr_row = false;
+ require(!ops.pkDeleteRecord(g_ndb, row, 1));
+ }
+ require(!ops.execute_NoCommit(g_ndb));
+ if(g_cases[row].op2 == 0){
+ } else if(strcmp(g_cases[row].op2, "INSERT") == 0){
+ require(!g_cases[row].curr_row);
+ g_cases[row].curr_row = true;
+ g_cases[row].val = rand();
+ require(!ops.pkInsertRecord(g_ndb, row, 1, g_cases[row].val));
+ } else if(strcmp(g_cases[row].op2, "UPDATE") == 0){
+ require(g_cases[row].curr_row);
+ g_cases[row].val = rand();
+ require(!ops.pkUpdateRecord(g_ndb, row, 1, g_cases[row].val));
+ } else if(strcmp(g_cases[row].op2, "DELETE") == 0){
+ require(g_cases[row].curr_row);
+ g_cases[row].curr_row = false;
+ require(!ops.pkDeleteRecord(g_ndb, row, 1));
+ }
+ if(g_cases[row].op2 != 0)
+ require(!ops.execute_NoCommit(g_ndb));
+ return 0;
+static int continue_lcp(int error)
+ error = 0;
+ if(g_restarter.insertErrorInAllNodes(error) == 0){
+ int args[] = { DumpStateOrd::DihStartLcpImmediately };
+ return g_restarter.dumpStateAllNodes(args, 1);
+ }
+ return -1;
+static int commit()
+ HugoOperations & ops = * g_hugo_ops;
+ int res = ops.execute_Commit(g_ndb);
+ if(res == 0){
+ return ops.getTransaction()->restart();
+ }
+ return res;
+static int restart()
+ g_info << "Restarting cluster" << endl;
+ disconnect_ndb();
+ delete g_hugo_ops;
+ require(!g_restarter.restartAll());
+ require(!g_restarter.waitClusterStarted(30));
+ require(!connect_ndb());
+ g_table = g_ndb->getDictionary()->getTable(g_tablename);
+ require(g_table);
+ require(g_hugo_ops = new HugoOperations(* g_table));
+ require(!g_hugo_ops->startTransaction(g_ndb));
+ return 0;
+static int validate()
+ HugoOperations ops(* g_table);
+ for(size_t i = 0; i<g_rows; i++){
+ require(g_cases[i].curr_row == g_cases[i].end_row);
+ require(!ops.startTransaction(g_ndb));
+ ops.pkReadRecord(g_ndb, i, 1);
+ int res = ops.execute_Commit(g_ndb);
+ if(g_cases[i].curr_row){
+ require(res == 0 && ops.verifyUpdatesValue(g_cases[i].val) == 0);
+ } else {
+ require(res == 626);
+ }
+ ops.closeTransaction(g_ndb);
+ }
+ return 0;