path: root/storage/ndb/test/src/DbUtil.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'storage/ndb/test/src/DbUtil.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 678 deletions
diff --git a/storage/ndb/test/src/DbUtil.cpp b/storage/ndb/test/src/DbUtil.cpp
deleted file mode 100755
index 5c77f32a018..00000000000
--- a/storage/ndb/test/src/DbUtil.cpp
+++ /dev/null
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-/* Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 MySQL AB
- Use is subject to license terms
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */
-/* DbUtil.cpp: implementation of the database utilities class.*/
-#include "DbUtil.hpp"
-#include <NdbSleep.h>
-/* Constructors */
-DbUtil::DbUtil(const char* _dbname,
- const char* _user,
- const char* _password,
- const char* _suffix):
- m_connected(false),
- m_dbname(_dbname),
- m_mysql(NULL),
- m_free_mysql(true)
- const char* env= getenv("MYSQL_HOME");
- if (env && strlen(env))
- {
- m_default_file.assfmt("%s/my.cnf", env);
- }
- if (_suffix != NULL){
- m_default_group.assfmt("client%s", _suffix);
- }
- else {
- m_default_group.assign("client.1.master");
- }
- ndbout << "default_file: " << m_default_file.c_str() << endl;
- ndbout << "default_group: " << m_default_group.c_str() << endl;
- m_user.assign(_user);
- m_pass.assign(_password);
-DbUtil::DbUtil(MYSQL* mysql):
- m_connected(true),
- m_mysql(mysql),
- m_free_mysql(false)
- if (m_connected == true)
- {
- assert(m_mysql);
- return true;
- }
- return connect() == 0;
-DbUtil::waitConnected(int timeout) {
- timeout*= 10;
- while(!isConnected()){
- if (timeout-- == 0)
- return false;
- NdbSleep_MilliSleep(100);
- }
- return true;
- if (m_mysql != NULL){
- if (m_free_mysql)
- mysql_close(m_mysql);
- m_mysql= NULL;
- }
- m_connected = false;
-/* Destructor */
- disconnect();
-/* Database Login */
-DbUtil::databaseLogin(const char* system, const char* usr,
- const char* password, unsigned int portIn,
- const char* sockIn, bool transactional)
- if (!(m_mysql = mysql_init(NULL)))
- {
- myerror("DB Login-> mysql_init() failed");
- exit(DBU_FAILED);
- }
- setUser(usr);
- setHost(system);
- setPassword(password);
- setPort(portIn);
- setSocket(sockIn);
- if (!(mysql_real_connect(m_mysql,
- m_host.c_str(),
- m_user.c_str(),
- m_pass.c_str(),
- "test",
- m_port,
- m_socket.c_str(), 0)))
- {
- myerror("connection failed");
- mysql_close(m_mysql);
- exit(DBU_FAILED);
- }
- m_mysql->reconnect = TRUE;
- /* set AUTOCOMMIT */
- if(!transactional)
- mysql_autocommit(m_mysql, TRUE);
- else
- mysql_autocommit(m_mysql, FALSE);
- #ifdef DEBUG
- printf("\n\tConnected to MySQL server version: %s (%lu)\n\n",
- mysql_get_server_info(m_mysql),
- (unsigned long) mysql_get_server_version(m_mysql));
- #endif
- selectDb();
-/* Database Connect */
- if (!(m_mysql = mysql_init(NULL)))
- {
- myerror("DB connect-> mysql_init() failed");
- return DBU_FAILED;
- }
- /* Load connection parameters file and group */
- if (mysql_options(m_mysql, MYSQL_READ_DEFAULT_FILE, m_default_file.c_str()) ||
- mysql_options(m_mysql, MYSQL_READ_DEFAULT_GROUP, m_default_group.c_str()))
- {
- myerror("DB Connect -> mysql_options failed");
- return DBU_FAILED;
- }
- /*
- Connect, read settings from my.cnf
- NOTE! user and password can be stored there as well
- */
- if (mysql_real_connect(m_mysql, NULL, "root","", m_dbname.c_str(),
- 0, NULL, 0) == NULL)
- {
- myerror("connection failed");
- mysql_close(m_mysql);
- return DBU_FAILED;
- }
- selectDb();
- m_connected = true;
- return DBU_OK;
-/* Database Logout */
- if (m_mysql){
- #ifdef DEBUG
- printf("\n\tClosing the MySQL database connection ...\n\n");
- #endif
- mysql_close(m_mysql);
- }
-/* Prepare MySQL Statements Cont */
-DbUtil::mysqlSimplePrepare(const char *query)
- #ifdef DEBUG
- printf("Inside DbUtil::mysqlSimplePrepare\n");
- #endif
- int m_res = DBU_OK;
- MYSQL_STMT *my_stmt= mysql_stmt_init(this->getMysql());
- if (my_stmt && (m_res = mysql_stmt_prepare(my_stmt, query, strlen(query)))){
- this->printStError(my_stmt,"Prepare Statement Failed");
- mysql_stmt_close(my_stmt);
- exit(DBU_FAILED);
- }
- return my_stmt;
-/* Close MySQL Statements Handle */
-DbUtil::mysqlCloseStmHandle(MYSQL_STMT *my_stmt)
- mysql_stmt_close(my_stmt);
-/* Error Printing */
-DbUtil::printError(const char *msg)
- if (m_mysql && mysql_errno(m_mysql))
- {
- if (m_mysql->server_version)
- printf("\n [MySQL-%s]", m_mysql->server_version);
- else
- printf("\n [MySQL]");
- printf("[%d] %s\n", getErrorNumber(), getError());
- }
- else if (msg)
- printf(" [MySQL] %s\n", msg);
-DbUtil::printStError(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, const char *msg)
- if (stmt && mysql_stmt_errno(stmt))
- {
- if (m_mysql && m_mysql->server_version)
- printf("\n [MySQL-%s]", m_mysql->server_version);
- else
- printf("\n [MySQL]");
- printf("[%d] %s\n", mysql_stmt_errno(stmt),
- mysql_stmt_error(stmt));
- }
- else if (msg)
- printf("[MySQL] %s\n", msg);
-/* Select which database to use */
- if ((getDbName()) != NULL)
- {
- if(mysql_select_db(m_mysql, this->getDbName()))
- {
- printError("mysql_select_db failed");
- return DBU_FAILED;
- }
- return DBU_OK;
- }
- printError("getDbName() == NULL");
- return DBU_FAILED;
-DbUtil::selectDb(const char * m_db)
- {
- if(mysql_select_db(m_mysql, m_db))
- {
- printError("mysql_select_db failed");
- return DBU_FAILED;
- }
- return DBU_OK;
- }
-DbUtil::createDb(BaseString& m_db)
- BaseString stm;
- {
- if(mysql_select_db(m_mysql, m_db.c_str()) == DBU_OK)
- {
- stm.assfmt("DROP DATABASE %s", m_db.c_str());
- if(doQuery(m_db.c_str()) == DBU_FAILED)
- return DBU_FAILED;
- }
- stm.assfmt("CREATE DATABASE %s", m_db.c_str());
- if(doQuery(m_db.c_str()) == DBU_FAILED)
- return DBU_FAILED;
- return DBU_OK;
- }
-/* Count Table Rows */
-unsigned long
-DbUtil::selectCountTable(const char * table)
- BaseString query;
- SqlResultSet result;
- query.assfmt("select count(*) as count from %s", table);
- if (!doQuery(query, result)) {
- printError("select count(*) failed");
- return -1;
- }
- return result.columnAsInt("count");
-/* Run Simple Queries */
-static bool is_int_type(enum_field_types type){
- switch(type){
- case MYSQL_TYPE_INT24:
- return true;
- default:
- return false;
- }
- return false;
-DbUtil::runQuery(const char* sql,
- const Properties& args,
- SqlResultSet& rows){
- rows.clear();
- if (!isConnected())
- return false;
- g_debug << "runQuery: " << endl
- << " sql: '" << sql << "'" << endl;
- MYSQL_STMT *stmt= mysql_stmt_init(m_mysql);
- if (mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, sql, strlen(sql)))
- {
- g_err << "Failed to prepare: " << mysql_error(m_mysql) << endl;
- return false;
- }
- uint params= mysql_stmt_param_count(stmt);
- MYSQL_BIND bind_param[params];
- bzero(bind_param, sizeof(bind_param));
- for(uint i= 0; i < mysql_stmt_param_count(stmt); i++)
- {
- BaseString name;
- name.assfmt("%d", i);
- // Parameters are named 0, 1, 2...
- if (!args.contains(name.c_str()))
- {
- g_err << "param " << i << " missing" << endl;
- assert(false);
- }
- PropertiesType t;
- Uint32 val_i;
- const char* val_s;
- args.getTypeOf(name.c_str(), &t);
- switch(t) {
- case PropertiesType_Uint32:
- args.get(name.c_str(), &val_i);
- bind_param[i].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
- bind_param[i].buffer= (char*)&val_i;
- g_debug << " param" << name.c_str() << ": " << val_i << endl;
- break;
- case PropertiesType_char:
- args.get(name.c_str(), &val_s);
- bind_param[i].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_STRING;
- bind_param[i].buffer= (char*)val_s;
- bind_param[i].buffer_length= strlen(val_s);
- g_debug << " param" << name.c_str() << ": " << val_s << endl;
- break;
- default:
- assert(false);
- break;
- }
- }
- if (mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, bind_param))
- {
- g_err << "Failed to bind param: " << mysql_error(m_mysql) << endl;
- mysql_stmt_close(stmt);
- return false;
- }
- if (mysql_stmt_execute(stmt))
- {
- g_err << "Failed to execute: " << mysql_error(m_mysql) << endl;
- mysql_stmt_close(stmt);
- return false;
- }
- /*
- Update max_length, making it possible to know how big
- buffers to allocate
- */
- my_bool one= 1;
- mysql_stmt_attr_set(stmt, STMT_ATTR_UPDATE_MAX_LENGTH, (void*) &one);
- if (mysql_stmt_store_result(stmt))
- {
- g_err << "Failed to store result: " << mysql_error(m_mysql) << endl;
- mysql_stmt_close(stmt);
- return false;
- }
- uint row= 0;
- MYSQL_RES* res= mysql_stmt_result_metadata(stmt);
- if (res != NULL)
- {
- MYSQL_FIELD *fields= mysql_fetch_fields(res);
- uint num_fields= mysql_num_fields(res);
- MYSQL_BIND bind_result[num_fields];
- bzero(bind_result, sizeof(bind_result));
- for (uint i= 0; i < num_fields; i++)
- {
- if (is_int_type(fields[i].type)){
- bind_result[i].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
- bind_result[i].buffer= malloc(sizeof(int));
- }
- else
- {
- uint max_length= fields[i].max_length + 1;
- bind_result[i].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_STRING;
- bind_result[i].buffer= malloc(max_length);
- bind_result[i].buffer_length= max_length;
- }
- }
- if (mysql_stmt_bind_result(stmt, bind_result)){
- g_err << "Failed to bind result: " << mysql_error(m_mysql) << endl;
- mysql_stmt_close(stmt);
- return false;
- }
- while (mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt) != MYSQL_NO_DATA)
- {
- Properties curr(true);
- for (uint i= 0; i < num_fields; i++){
- if (is_int_type(fields[i].type))
- curr.put(fields[i].name, *(int*)bind_result[i].buffer);
- else
- curr.put(fields[i].name, (char*)bind_result[i].buffer);
- }
- rows.put("row", row++, &curr);
- }
- mysql_free_result(res);
- for (uint i= 0; i < num_fields; i++)
- free(bind_result[i].buffer);
- }
- // Save stats in result set
- rows.put("rows", row);
- rows.put("affected_rows", mysql_affected_rows(m_mysql));
- rows.put("mysql_errno", mysql_errno(m_mysql));
- rows.put("mysql_error", mysql_error(m_mysql));
- rows.put("mysql_sqlstate", mysql_sqlstate(m_mysql));
- rows.put("insert_id", mysql_insert_id(m_mysql));
- mysql_stmt_close(stmt);
- return true;
-DbUtil::doQuery(const char* query){
- const Properties args;
- SqlResultSet result;
- return doQuery(query, args, result);
-DbUtil::doQuery(const char* query, SqlResultSet& result){
- Properties args;
- return doQuery(query, args, result);
-DbUtil::doQuery(const char* query, const Properties& args,
- SqlResultSet& result){
- if (!runQuery(query, args, result))
- return false;
- result.get_row(0); // Load first row
- return true;
-DbUtil::doQuery(BaseString& str){
- return doQuery(str.c_str());
-DbUtil::doQuery(BaseString& str, SqlResultSet& result){
- return doQuery(str.c_str(), result);
-DbUtil::doQuery(BaseString& str, const Properties& args,
- SqlResultSet& result){
- return doQuery(str.c_str(), args, result);
-/* Return MySQL Error String */
-const char *
- return mysql_error(this->getMysql());
-/* Return MySQL Error Number */
- return mysql_errno(this->getMysql());
-/* DIE */
-DbUtil::die(const char *file, int line, const char *expr)
- printf("%s:%d: check failed: '%s'\n", file, line, expr);
- abort();
-/* SqlResultSet */
-SqlResultSet::get_row(int row_num){
- if(!get("row", row_num, &m_curr_row)){
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- return get_row(++m_curr_row_num);
-// Reset iterator
-void SqlResultSet::reset(void){
- m_curr_row_num= -1;
- m_curr_row= 0;
-// Remove row from resultset
-void SqlResultSet::remove(){
- BaseString row_name;
- row_name.assfmt("row_%d", m_curr_row_num);
- Properties::remove(row_name.c_str());
-SqlResultSet::SqlResultSet(): m_curr_row(0), m_curr_row_num(-1){
-const char* SqlResultSet::column(const char* col_name){
- const char* value;
- if (!m_curr_row){
- g_err << "ERROR: SqlResultSet::column("<< col_name << ")" << endl
- << "There is no row loaded, call next() before "
- << "acessing the column values" << endl;
- assert(m_curr_row);
- }
- if (!m_curr_row->get(col_name, &value))
- return NULL;
- return value;
-uint SqlResultSet::columnAsInt(const char* col_name){
- uint value;
- if (!m_curr_row){
- g_err << "ERROR: SqlResultSet::columnAsInt("<< col_name << ")" << endl
- << "There is no row loaded, call next() before "
- << "acessing the column values" << endl;
- assert(m_curr_row);
- }
- if (!m_curr_row->get(col_name, &value))
- return (uint)-1;
- return value;
-uint SqlResultSet::insertId(){
- return get_int("insert_id");
-uint SqlResultSet::affectedRows(){
- return get_int("affected_rows");
-uint SqlResultSet::numRows(void){
- return get_int("rows");
-uint SqlResultSet::mysqlErrno(void){
- return get_int("mysql_errno");
-const char* SqlResultSet::mysqlError(void){
- return get_string("mysql_error");
-const char* SqlResultSet::mysqlSqlstate(void){
- return get_string("mysql_sqlstate");
-uint SqlResultSet::get_int(const char* name){
- uint value;
- get(name, &value);
- return value;
-const char* SqlResultSet::get_string(const char* name){
- const char* value;
- get(name, &value);
- return value;
-/* EOF */