path: root/storage/ndb/tools/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'storage/ndb/tools/')
1 files changed, 196 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/storage/ndb/tools/ b/storage/ndb/tools/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ac9c7d1d58a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/storage/ndb/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+#! /usr/local/bin/perl
+# Copyright (C) 2004 MySQL AB
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+use strict;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use XML::Parser;
+(my $progname = $0) =~ s!^.*/!!;
+sub usage {
+ my $errstr = "@_";
+ while (chomp($errstr)) {}
+ print <<END;
+$progname: $errstr
+$progname -- read codes.xml and write codes.hpp and codes.cpp
+usage: $progname [options] codes.xml
+-c check xml file only
+-d check xml file and show diff against old hpp and cpp
+ exit(1);
+my $opts = {};
+opts: {
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = \&usage;
+ GetOptions($opts, qw(c d));
+@ARGV == 1 or usage("one filename argument expected");
+my $filexml = shift;
+$filexml =~ /^(.*)\.xml$/ or usage("$filexml does not end in .xml");
+my $filehpp = "$1.hpp";
+my $filecpp = "$1.cpp";
+my $temphpp = "$filehpp-new";
+my $tempcpp = "$filecpp-new";
+unlink $temphpp, $tempcpp;
+open(HPP, ">$temphpp") or die "$temphpp: $!\n";
+open(CPP, ">$tempcpp") or die "$tempcpp: $!\n";
+my $i2 = " " x 2;
+my $i4 = " " x 4;
+my $lb = "{";
+my $rb = "}";
+sub disclaimer {
+ my $filename = shift;
+ return <<END;
+ * $filename -- DO NOT EDIT !!
+ *
+ * To create a new version (both *.hpp and *.cpp):
+ *
+ * 1) edit $filexml
+ * 2) perl tools/$progname $filexml
+ * 3) check all files (*.xml *.hpp *.cpp) into CVS
+ *
+ * On RedHat linux requires perl-XML-Parser package.
+ */
+my $classname = $filehpp;
+$classname =~ s!^.*/!!;
+$classname =~ s/\.hpp$//;
+sub handle_init {
+ my($parser) = @_;
+ my $guard = $filehpp;
+ $guard =~ s!^.*/!!;
+ $guard =~ s!([a-z])([A-Z])!${1}_${2}!g;
+ $guard =~ s!\.!_!g;
+ $guard = uc($guard);
+ print HPP "#ifndef $guard\n#define $guard\n\n";
+ print HPP disclaimer($filehpp), "\n";
+ print HPP "class $classname $lb\n";
+ print HPP "${i2}enum Value $lb\n";
+ print CPP disclaimer($filecpp), "\n";
+ print CPP "/* included in Ndberror.cpp */\n\n";
+my %classhash = (
+ ApplicationError => 1,
+ NoDataFound => 1,
+ ConstraintViolation => 1,
+ SchemaError => 1,
+ UserDefinedError => 1,
+ InsufficientSpace => 1,
+ TemporaryResourceError => 1,
+ NodeRecoveryError => 1,
+ OverloadError => 1,
+ TimeoutExpired => 1,
+ UnknownResultError => 1,
+ InternalError => 1,
+ FunctionNotImplemented => 1,
+ UnknownErrorCode => 1,
+ NodeShutdown => 1,
+my $section = undef;
+my %codehash = ();
+my %namehash = ();
+sub handle_start {
+ my($parser, $tag, %attr) = @_;
+ if ($tag eq 'Error') {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($tag eq 'Section') {
+ $section = $attr{name};
+ $section =~ /^\w+$/ or
+ $parser->xpcroak("invalid or missing section name");
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($tag eq 'Code') {
+ print HPP ",\n" if %codehash;
+ print CPP ",\n" if %codehash;
+ my $name = $attr{name};
+ my $class = $attr{class};
+ my $code = $attr{code};
+ my $message = $attr{message};
+ $name =~ /^\w+$/ or
+ $parser->xpcroak("invalid or missing error name '$name'");
+ $namehash{$name}++ and
+ $parser->xpcroak("duplicate error name '$name'");
+ $classhash{$class} or
+ $parser->xpcroak("invalid or missing error class '$class'");
+ $code =~ /^\d+$/ or
+ $parser->xpcroak("invalid or missing error code '$code'");
+ $codehash{$code}++ and
+ $parser->xpcroak("duplicate error code '$code'");
+ $message =~ /\S/ or
+ $parser->xpcroak("invalid or missing error message '$message'");
+ $message =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
+ my $enum = "${section}_${name}";
+ print HPP "${i4}$enum = $code";
+ print CPP "${i2}$lb ${classname}::$enum,\n";
+ print CPP "${i4}NdbError::$class,\n";
+ print CPP "${i4}\"$message\"\n";
+ print CPP "${i2}$rb";
+ return;
+ }
+ $parser->xpcroak("unknown tag $tag");
+sub handle_end {
+ my($parser, $tag) = @_;
+sub handle_final {
+ print HPP "\n" if %codehash;
+ print HPP "${i2}$rb;\n";
+ print HPP "$rb;\n\n#endif\n";
+ print CPP ",\n" if 1;
+ return 1;
+my $parser = new XML::Parser(
+ ParseParamEnt => 1,
+ Handlers => {
+ Init => \&handle_init,
+ Start => \&handle_start,
+ End => \&handle_end,
+ Final => \&handle_final,
+ },
+ ErrorContext => 0,
+eval {
+ $parser->parsefile($filexml);
+if ($@) {
+ my $errstr = join("\n", grep(m!\S! && ! m!^\s*at\s!, split(/\n/, $@)));
+ die "$filexml:\n$errstr\n";
+rename($temphpp, $filehpp);
+rename($tempcpp, $filecpp);
+# vim:set sw=4: