path: root/storage/rocksdb/mysql-test/rocksdb_rpl/t
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'storage/rocksdb/mysql-test/rocksdb_rpl/t')
12 files changed, 247 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/storage/rocksdb/mysql-test/rocksdb_rpl/t/combinations b/storage/rocksdb/mysql-test/rocksdb_rpl/t/combinations
deleted file mode 100644
index f09d338c357..00000000000
--- a/storage/rocksdb/mysql-test/rocksdb_rpl/t/combinations
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/storage/rocksdb/mysql-test/rocksdb_rpl/t/disabled.def b/storage/rocksdb/mysql-test/rocksdb_rpl/t/disabled.def
index 3896a822872..2147e3e086d 100644
--- a/storage/rocksdb/mysql-test/rocksdb_rpl/t/disabled.def
+++ b/storage/rocksdb/mysql-test/rocksdb_rpl/t/disabled.def
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ rpl_gtid_rocksdb_sys_header : MariaDB doesn't support printing "RocksDB: Last My
singledelete_idempotent_recovery: MariaDB doesn't support --slave-use-idempotent-for-recovery
rpl_mts_dependency_unique_key_conflicts: MariaDB doesn't support --slave-use-idempotent-for-recovery
rpl_missing_columns_sk_update : Uses log_column_names=ON feature which is only present in FB/MySQL
+optimize_myrocks_replace_into: requires @@enable_blind_replace support.
+rpl_gtid_crash_safe_optimized: requires slave_gtid_info=optimized
## Tests that do not fit MariaDB's test environment (Functional tests only,
@@ -28,4 +30,5 @@ rpl_gtid_crash_safe : Didn't try with MariaDB, yet
rpl_gtid_crash_safe_wal_corrupt : Didn't try with MariaDB, yet
rpl_rocksdb_snapshot : Didn't try with MariaDB, yet
rpl_rocksdb_snapshot_without_gtid : Didn't try with MariaDB, yet
+rpl_rocksdb_slave_gtid_info_optimized: requires slave-gtid-info=optimized which is an FB/MySQL-only feature
+rocksdb_slave_check_before_image_consistency: requires slave_check_before_image_consistency feature
diff --git a/storage/rocksdb/mysql-test/rocksdb_rpl/t/optimize_myrocks_replace_into.test b/storage/rocksdb/mysql-test/rocksdb_rpl/t/optimize_myrocks_replace_into.test
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..82b231d489a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/storage/rocksdb/mysql-test/rocksdb_rpl/t/optimize_myrocks_replace_into.test
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+--source include/
+--source include/
+--source include/
+connection master;
+SET @prior_rocksdb_perf_context_level = @@rocksdb_perf_context_level;
+SET GLOBAL rocksdb_perf_context_level=3;
+SET GLOBAL enable_blind_replace=ON;
+# Create and insert some rows in a table
+create table t1(c1 int,c2 int, primary key (c1)) engine=rocksdb;
+insert into t1 values(1,1),(2,2),(3,3);
+select * from t1;
+# Create table which has a trigger only in slave
+create table t2(c1 int,c2 int, primary key (c1)) engine=rocksdb;
+insert into t2 values(1,1),(2,2),(3,3);
+select * from t2;
+# Create table which has a secondary key only in slave
+create table t3(c1 int,c2 int, primary key (c1)) engine=rocksdb;
+insert into t3 values(1,1),(2,2),(3,3);
+select * from t3;
+# Enable blind replace in both slave and master
+connection slave;
+SET GLOBAL enable_blind_replace=ON;
+create trigger trg before insert on t2 for each row set @a:=1;
+alter table t3 add constraint slave_unique_key unique (c2);
+connection master;
+--echo connect slave
+select variable_value into @d from information_schema.global_status where variable_name='rocksdb_num_get_for_update_calls';
+# Case 1 - 'replace into' on a table with no triggers or secondary keys. Blind replace optimization should kick in both in master and slave
+--echo Case 1
+connection master;
+--echo connect master
+select variable_value into @d from information_schema.global_status where variable_name='rocksdb_num_get_for_update_calls';
+replace into t1 values(1,11);
+replace into t1 values(2,22);
+replace into t1 values(3,33);
+select case when variable_value-@d > 3 then 'false' else 'true' end as read_free from information_schema.global_status where variable_name='rocksdb_num_get_for_update_calls';
+select * from t1;
+--echo connect slave
+select case when variable_value-@d > 3 then 'false' else 'true' end as read_free from information_schema.global_status where variable_name='rocksdb_num_get_for_update_calls';
+select * from t1;
+select variable_value into @d from information_schema.global_status where variable_name='rocksdb_num_get_for_update_calls';
+# Case 2 - Multiple replaces in a single statement. blind replace optimization should kick in
+connection master;
+--echo Case 2
+--echo connect master
+select variable_value into @d from information_schema.global_status where variable_name='rocksdb_num_get_for_update_calls';
+replace into t1 values(2,44),(3,55);
+select case when variable_value-@d > 2 then 'false' else 'true' end as read_free from information_schema.global_status where variable_name='rocksdb_num_get_for_update_calls';
+select * from t1;
+--echo connect slave
+select case when variable_value-@d > 2 then 'false' else 'true' end as read_free from information_schema.global_status where variable_name='rocksdb_num_get_for_update_calls';
+select * from t1;
+select variable_value into @d from information_schema.global_status where variable_name='rocksdb_num_get_for_update_calls';
+# Case 3 - A regular update. This is not a blind replace
+--echo Case 3
+connection master;
+--echo connect master
+update t1 set c2=66 where c1=3;
+select * from t1;
+--echo connect slave
+select * from t1;
+select variable_value into @d from information_schema.global_status where variable_name='rocksdb_num_get_for_update_calls';
+# Case 4 - Slave has trigger on its table. No triggers on the table in master.
+# Blind replace optimization should kick in on master.
+# Slave should convert this statement into a regular update
+--echo Case 4
+connection master;
+--echo connect master
+select variable_value into @d from information_schema.global_status where variable_name='rocksdb_num_get_for_update_calls';
+replace into t2 values(1,111);
+replace into t2 values(2,222);
+replace into t2 values(3,333);
+select case when variable_value-@d > 3 then 'false' else 'true' end as read_free from information_schema.global_status where variable_name='rocksdb_num_get_for_update_calls';
+select * from t2;
+--echo connect slave
+select case when variable_value-@d > 3 then 'false' else 'true' end as read_free from information_schema.global_status where variable_name='rocksdb_num_get_for_update_calls';
+select * from t2;
+select variable_value into @d from information_schema.global_status where variable_name='rocksdb_num_get_for_update_calls';
+# Case 5 - Slave has secondary keys on the table. No secondary keys on the table in master
+# Blind replace optimization should kick in on master.
+# Slave should convert this statement into a regular delete_insert
+--echo Case 5
+connection master;
+--echo connect master
+select variable_value into @d from information_schema.global_status where variable_name='rocksdb_num_get_for_update_calls';
+replace into t3 values(1,1111);
+replace into t3 values(2,2222);
+replace into t3 values(3,3333);
+select * from t3;
+select case when variable_value-@d > 3 then 'false' else 'true' end as read_free from information_schema.global_status where variable_name='rocksdb_num_get_for_update_calls';
+--echo connect slave
+select case when variable_value-@d > 3 then 'false' else 'true' end as read_free from information_schema.global_status where variable_name='rocksdb_num_get_for_update_calls';
+select * from t3;
+select * from t3 use index (slave_unique_key);
+# Case 6 - Just to verify all binlog events.
+# blind replace will generate a write_rows event.
+# Or else, it will be a update_rows event or a delete_rows_write_rows event
+--echo Case 6
+connection master;
+--source include/
+connection slave;
+--source include/
+# Cleanup
+connection master;
+drop table t1;
+drop table t2;
+drop table t3;
+SET GLOBAL rocksdb_perf_context_level = @prior_rocksdb_perf_context_level;
+SET GLOBAL enable_blind_replace=DEFAULT;
+connection slave;
+SET GLOBAL enable_blind_replace=DEFAULT;
+--source include/
diff --git a/storage/rocksdb/mysql-test/rocksdb_rpl/t/rocksdb_slave_check_before_image_consistency-slave.opt b/storage/rocksdb/mysql-test/rocksdb_rpl/t/rocksdb_slave_check_before_image_consistency-slave.opt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..78b517e93ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/storage/rocksdb/mysql-test/rocksdb_rpl/t/rocksdb_slave_check_before_image_consistency-slave.opt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/storage/rocksdb/mysql-test/rocksdb_rpl/t/rocksdb_slave_check_before_image_consistency.test b/storage/rocksdb/mysql-test/rocksdb_rpl/t/rocksdb_slave_check_before_image_consistency.test
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d7db127a207
--- /dev/null
+++ b/storage/rocksdb/mysql-test/rocksdb_rpl/t/rocksdb_slave_check_before_image_consistency.test
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+source include/;
+source include/;
+call mtr.add_suppression("Error_code: 1032");
+let $engine= rocksdb;
+source extra/rpl_tests/;
+# check detection with HASH_SCAN enabled
+connection slave;
+source include/;
+set @@global.slave_rows_search_algorithms = 'INDEX_SCAN,TABLE_SCAN,HASH_SCAN';
+source include/;
+source extra/rpl_tests/;
+# cleanup
+source include/;
+set @@global.slave_rows_search_algorithms = DEFAULT;
+source include/;
+source include/;
diff --git a/storage/rocksdb/mysql-test/rocksdb_rpl/t/rpl_gtid_crash_safe.test b/storage/rocksdb/mysql-test/rocksdb_rpl/t/rpl_gtid_crash_safe.test
index f1b1b16704f..5a3e665a025 100644
--- a/storage/rocksdb/mysql-test/rocksdb_rpl/t/rpl_gtid_crash_safe.test
+++ b/storage/rocksdb/mysql-test/rocksdb_rpl/t/rpl_gtid_crash_safe.test
@@ -4,39 +4,8 @@
-- source include/
-- source include/
--- let $engine = ROCKSDB
+if (`select count(*) = 1 from information_schema.global_variables where variable_name = 'slave_gtid_info' and variable_value = 'optimized';`) {
+ --skip Test does not support row_write_committed_slave_gtid_optimized policy due to subtle behavioral differences. rpl_gtid_crash_safe_optimized covers slave_gtid_info=optimized.
-call mtr.add_suppression("Recovery from master pos");
--- let $debug_option = crash_before_update_pos
--- source extra/rpl_tests/
--- source include/
--- let $debug_option = crash_after_update_pos_before_apply
--- source extra/rpl_tests/
--- source include/
--- let $debug_option = crash_before_writing_xid
--- source extra/rpl_tests/
--- source include/
--- let $debug_option = half_binlogged_transaction
--- source extra/rpl_tests/
--- source include/
--- let $debug_option = crash_commit_before
--- source extra/rpl_tests/
--- source include/
--- let $debug_option = crash_commit_after_log
--- source extra/rpl_tests/
--- source include/
--- let $debug_option = crash_commit_after_prepare
--- source extra/rpl_tests/
--- source include/
--- let $debug_option = crash_commit_after
--- source extra/rpl_tests/
--- source include/
+-- source ../include/
diff --git a/storage/rocksdb/mysql-test/rocksdb_rpl/t/rpl_gtid_crash_safe_optimized-master.opt b/storage/rocksdb/mysql-test/rocksdb_rpl/t/rpl_gtid_crash_safe_optimized-master.opt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..397310d37b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/storage/rocksdb/mysql-test/rocksdb_rpl/t/rpl_gtid_crash_safe_optimized-master.opt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+--gtid_mode=ON --enforce_gtid_consistency --log_slave_updates --rocksdb_enable_2pc=OFF
diff --git a/storage/rocksdb/mysql-test/rocksdb_rpl/t/rpl_gtid_crash_safe_optimized-slave.opt b/storage/rocksdb/mysql-test/rocksdb_rpl/t/rpl_gtid_crash_safe_optimized-slave.opt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e41dcc5eecd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/storage/rocksdb/mysql-test/rocksdb_rpl/t/rpl_gtid_crash_safe_optimized-slave.opt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+--gtid_mode=ON --enforce_gtid_consistency --log_slave_updates --rocksdb_enable_2pc=OFF
+--sync_binlog=1000 --relay_log_recovery=1 --slave_gtid_info=optimized
diff --git a/storage/rocksdb/mysql-test/rocksdb_rpl/t/rpl_gtid_crash_safe_optimized.test b/storage/rocksdb/mysql-test/rocksdb_rpl/t/rpl_gtid_crash_safe_optimized.test
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c262403286c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/storage/rocksdb/mysql-test/rocksdb_rpl/t/rpl_gtid_crash_safe_optimized.test
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+-- source include/
+-- source include/
+-- source include/
+-- source include/
+-- source include/
+if (`select count(*) = 0 from information_schema.global_variables where variable_name = 'slave_gtid_info' and variable_value = 'optimized';`) {
+ --skip Test requires row_write_committed_slave_gtid_optimized policy where slave_gtid_info=optimized
+-- source ../include/
diff --git a/storage/rocksdb/mysql-test/rocksdb_rpl/t/rpl_rocksdb_slave_gtid_info_optimized-master.opt b/storage/rocksdb/mysql-test/rocksdb_rpl/t/rpl_rocksdb_slave_gtid_info_optimized-master.opt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c747adc94d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/storage/rocksdb/mysql-test/rocksdb_rpl/t/rpl_rocksdb_slave_gtid_info_optimized-master.opt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+--gtid_mode=ON --enforce_gtid_consistency --log_bin --log_slave_updates
diff --git a/storage/rocksdb/mysql-test/rocksdb_rpl/t/rpl_rocksdb_slave_gtid_info_optimized-slave.opt b/storage/rocksdb/mysql-test/rocksdb_rpl/t/rpl_rocksdb_slave_gtid_info_optimized-slave.opt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6cde3c553d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/storage/rocksdb/mysql-test/rocksdb_rpl/t/rpl_rocksdb_slave_gtid_info_optimized-slave.opt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+--gtid_mode=ON --enforce_gtid_consistency --log_bin --log_slave_updates --slave-gtid-info=optimized
diff --git a/storage/rocksdb/mysql-test/rocksdb_rpl/t/rpl_rocksdb_slave_gtid_info_optimized.test b/storage/rocksdb/mysql-test/rocksdb_rpl/t/rpl_rocksdb_slave_gtid_info_optimized.test
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c8a0c8daf10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/storage/rocksdb/mysql-test/rocksdb_rpl/t/rpl_rocksdb_slave_gtid_info_optimized.test
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+--source include/
+--source include/
+--source include/
+if (`select count(*) = 0 from information_schema.global_variables where variable_name = 'slave_gtid_info' and variable_value = 'optimized';`) {
+ --skip Test requires row_write_committed_slave_gtid_optimized policy where slave_gtid_info=optimized
+--echo Make changes in master
+create table test1 (a int primary key, b int) engine=rocksdb;
+insert into test1 values (1, 1);
+--echo Make sure slave is up-to-date and mysql.slave_gtid_info is good
+sync_slave_with_master slave;
+connection slave;
+select * from test1;
+-- replace_regex /[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12}/UUID/
+select id, database_name, last_gtid from mysql.slave_gtid_info;
+--echo Make changes in master
+connection master;
+insert into test1 values (2, 2);
+--echo Make sure slave is up-to-date and mysql.slave_gtid_info is good
+sync_slave_with_master slave;
+connection slave;
+select @@slave_gtid_info;
+select * from test1;
+-- replace_regex /[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12}/UUID/
+select * from mysql.slave_gtid_info;
+--echo Make changes in master
+connection master;
+insert into test1 values (3, 3);
+insert into test1 values (4, 4);
+--echo Make sure slave is up-to-date and mysql.slave_gtid_info is good
+sync_slave_with_master slave;
+connection slave;
+select * from test1;
+-- replace_regex /[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12}/UUID/
+select id, database_name, last_gtid from mysql.slave_gtid_info;
+connection master;
+sync_slave_with_master slave;
+--source include/