path: root/storage/sequence/mysql-test/sequence/simple.test
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'storage/sequence/mysql-test/sequence/simple.test')
1 files changed, 93 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/storage/sequence/mysql-test/sequence/simple.test b/storage/sequence/mysql-test/sequence/simple.test
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9559e42fafd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/storage/sequence/mysql-test/sequence/simple.test
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+--source include/
+--source include/
+--query_vertical select * from information_schema.engines where engine='sequence'
+set sql_quote_show_create=0;
+show create table seq_1_to_15_step_2;
+show create table seq_1_to_15_step;
+show create table seq_1_to_15_st;
+show create table seq_1_to_15;
+show create table seq_1_to_1;
+show create table seq_1_to_;
+show create table seq_1_t;
+show create table seq_1;
+show create table seq_;
+show create table se;
+--error ER_GET_ERRNO
+show create table seq_1_to_15_step_0;
+# simple select
+select * from seq_1_to_15_step_2;
+select * from seq_1_to_15;
+select * from seq_1_to_1;
+# backwards
+select * from seq_15_to_1;
+select * from seq_15_to_1_step_2;
+# step > |to - from|
+select * from seq_1_to_15_step_12345;
+select * from seq_15_to_1_step_12345;
+explain select * from seq_15_to_1_step_12345;
+show open tables from test;
+show tables;
+# row estimates
+explain select * from seq_1_to_15_step_2;
+explain select * from seq_1_to_15_step_2 where seq > 4;
+explain select * from seq_1_to_15_step_2 where seq between 4 and 9;
+explain select * from seq_1_to_15_step_2 where seq between 20 and 30;
+explain select * from seq_1_to_15_step_2 where seq between 4 and 6;
+explain select * from seq_1_to_15_step_2 where seq between 4 and 5;
+explain select * from seq_1_to_15_step_2 where seq between 4 and 4;
+explain select * from seq_1_to_15_step_2 where seq between 5 and 5;
+# join
+create table t1 (a int, aa int, b varchar(100));
+insert t1 select seq, seq*seq, if (seq % 2, 'odd', 'even') from seq_1_to_20;
+select * from t1;
+select aa, b from t1, seq_1_to_20_step_3 as seq where a=seq;
+# adding more rows, example
+insert t1
+ select seq, seq*seq, if (seq % 2, 'odd', 'even') from seq_1_to_30
+ where seq > (select max(a) from t1);
+select * from t1;
+drop table t1;
+# Prime Numbers from 2 to 50 :)
+select seq from seq_2_to_50 s1 where 0 not in
+ (select s1.seq % s2.seq from seq_2_to_50 s2 where s2.seq <= sqrt(s1.seq));
+explain select seq from seq_2_to_50 s1 where 0 not in
+ (select s1.seq % s2.seq from seq_2_to_50 s2 where s2.seq <= sqrt(s1.seq));
+# Years of XX-th century where 28th of February was Monday
+select year(dt) from
+ (select '1901-02-28' + interval seq year as dt from seq_0_to_99) as seqdt
+ where weekday(dt) = 0;
+# transactions and XA
+create table t1 (a int) engine=innodb;
+reset master;
+start transaction;
+# No warning about "accesses nontransactional table"
+insert t1 select * from seq_1_to_10;
+savepoint s1;
+insert t1 select * from seq_11_to_20;
+rollback to savepoint s1;
+select count(*) from t1;
+# must show Xid event
+--replace_regex /xid=[0-9]+/xid/
+show binlog events limit 2,10;
+drop table t1;