path: root/storage/tokudb/hatoku_cmp.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'storage/tokudb/hatoku_cmp.h')
1 files changed, 426 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/storage/tokudb/hatoku_cmp.h b/storage/tokudb/hatoku_cmp.h
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+/* -*- mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
+// vim: ft=cpp:expandtab:ts=8:sw=4:softtabstop=4:
+#ident "$Id$"
+This file is part of TokuDB
+Copyright (c) 2006, 2015, Percona and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ TokuDBis is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2,
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ TokuDB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with TokuDB. If not, see <>.
+======= */
+#ident "Copyright (c) 2006, 2015, Percona and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved."
+#ifndef _HATOKU_CMP
+#define _HATOKU_CMP
+#include "stdint.h"
+#include <db.h>
+// A MySQL row is encoded in TokuDB, as follows:
+// Keys:
+// Keys pack the defined columns in the order that they are declared.
+// The primary key contains only the columns listed
+// If no primary key is defined, then an eight byte hidden primary key is autogenerated (like an auto increment) and used
+// Secondary keys contains the defined key and the primary key.
+// Two examples:
+// 1) table foo (a int, b int, c int, d int, key(b))
+// The key of the main dictionary contains an eight byte autogenerated hidden primary key
+// The key of key-b is the column 'b' followed by the hidden primary key
+// 2) table foo (a int, b int, c int, d int, primary key(a), key(b))
+// The key of the main dictionary contains 'a'
+// The key of key-b is the column 'b followed by 'a'
+// Vals:
+// For secondary keys they are empty.
+// For the main dictionary and clustering keys, they contain all columns that do not show up in the dictionary's key
+// Two examples:
+// 1) table foo (a int, b int, c int, d varchar(100), primary key(a), clustering key d(d), clustering key d2(d(20))
+// the val of the main dictionary contains (b,c,d)
+// the val of d contains (b,c)
+// the val of d2 contains (b,c,d). d is there because the entire row does not show up in the key
+// Vals are encoded as follows. They have four components:
+// 1) Null bytes: contains a bit field that states what columns are NULL.
+// 2) Fixed fields: all fixed fields are then packed together. If a fixed field is NULL, its data is considered junk
+// 3) varchars and varbinaries: stored in two pieces, first all the offsets and then all the data. If a var field is NULL, its data is considered junk
+// 4) blobs: stored in (length, data) pairs. If a blob is NULL, its data is considered junk
+// An example:
+// Table: (a int, b varchar(20), c blob, d bigint, e varbinary(10), f largeblob, g varchar(10)) <-- no primary key defined
+// Row inserted: (1, "bbb", "cc", 100, "eeeee", "ffff", "g")
+// The packed format of the val looks like:
+// NULL byte <-- 1 byte to encode nothing is NULL
+// 1 <-- four bytes for 'a'
+// 100 <-- four bytes for 'd'
+// 3,8,9 <--offsets for location of data fields, note offsets point to where data ENDS
+// "bbbeeeeeg" <-- data for variable length stuff
+// 2,"cc",4,"ffff"<-- data that stores the blobs
+// The structures below describe are used for the TokuDB encoding of a row
+// used for queries
+typedef struct st_col_pack_info {
+ uint32_t col_pack_val; //offset if fixed, pack_index if var
+// used to define a couple of characteristics of a packed val for the main dictionary or a clustering dictionary
+// fixed_field_size is the size of the fixed fields in the val.
+// len_of_offsets is the size of the bytes that make up the offsets of variable size columns
+// Some notes:
+// If the val has no fixed fields, fixed_field_size is 0
+// If the val has no variable fields, len_of_offsets is 0
+// The number of null bytes at the beginning of a row is not saved, it is derived from table_share->null_bytes
+// The pointer to where the variable data in a val starts is table_share->null_bytes + fixed_field_size + len_of_offsets
+// To figure out where the blobs start, find the last offset listed (if offsets exist)
+typedef struct st_multi_col_pack_info {
+ uint32_t fixed_field_size; //where the fixed length stuff ends and the offsets for var stuff begins
+ uint32_t len_of_offsets; //length of the offset bytes in a packed row
+typedef struct st_key_and_col_info {
+ //
+ // bitmaps for each key. key_filters[i] is associated with the i'th dictionary
+ // States what columns are not stored in the vals of each key, because
+ // the column is stored in the key. So, for example, the table (a int, b int, c int, d int, primary key (b,d)) will
+ // have bit 1 (for 'b') and bit 3 (for 'd') of the primary key's bitmap set for the main dictionary's bitmap,
+ // because 'b' and 'd' do not show up in the val
+ //
+ MY_BITMAP key_filters[MAX_KEY+1];
+ //
+ // following three arrays are used to identify the types of rows in the field
+ // If table->field[i] is a fixed field:
+ // field_lengths[i] stores the field length, which is fixed
+ // length_bytes[i] is 0
+ // 'i' does not show up in the array blob_fields
+ // If table->field[i] is a varchar or varbinary:
+ // field_lengths[i] is 0
+ // length_bytes[i] stores the number of bytes MySQL uses to encode the length of the field in table->record[0]
+ // 'i' does not show up in the array blob_fields
+ // If table->field[i] is a blob:
+ // field_lengths[i] is 0
+ // length_bytes[i] is 0
+ // 'i' shows up in blob_fields
+ //
+ void *multi_ptr;
+ uint8_t *field_types;
+ uint16_t* field_lengths; //stores the field lengths of fixed size fields (1<<16 - 1 max),
+ uint8_t* length_bytes; // stores the length of lengths of varchars and varbinaries
+ uint32_t* blob_fields; // list of indexes of blob fields,
+ uint32_t num_blobs; // number of blobs in the table
+ //
+ // val packing info for all dictionaries. i'th one represents info for i'th dictionary
+ //
+ COL_PACK_INFO* cp_info[MAX_KEY+1];
+ //
+ // number bytes used to represent an offset in a val. Can be 1 or 2.
+ // The number of var fields in a val for dictionary i can be evaluated by
+ // mcp_info[i].len_of_offsets/num_offset_bytes.
+ //
+ uint32_t num_offset_bytes; //number of bytes needed to encode the offset
+static bool is_fixed_field(KEY_AND_COL_INFO *kcinfo, uint field_num) {
+ return kcinfo->field_types[field_num] == KEY_AND_COL_INFO::TOKUDB_FIXED_FIELD;
+static bool is_variable_field(KEY_AND_COL_INFO *kcinfo, uint field_num) {
+ return kcinfo->field_types[field_num] == KEY_AND_COL_INFO::TOKUDB_VARIABLE_FIELD;
+static bool is_blob_field(KEY_AND_COL_INFO *kcinfo, uint field_num) {
+ return kcinfo->field_types[field_num] == KEY_AND_COL_INFO::TOKUDB_BLOB_FIELD;
+static bool field_valid_for_tokudb_table(Field* field);
+static void get_var_field_info(
+ uint32_t* field_len,
+ uint32_t* start_offset,
+ uint32_t var_field_index,
+ const uchar* var_field_offset_ptr,
+ uint32_t num_offset_bytes
+ );
+static void get_blob_field_info(
+ uint32_t* start_offset,
+ uint32_t len_of_offsets,
+ const uchar* var_field_data_ptr,
+ uint32_t num_offset_bytes
+ );
+static inline uint32_t get_blob_field_len(const uchar* from_tokudb, uint32_t len_bytes) {
+ uint32_t length = 0;
+ switch (len_bytes) {
+ case (1):
+ length = (uint32_t)(*from_tokudb);
+ break;
+ case (2):
+ length = uint2korr(from_tokudb);
+ break;
+ case (3):
+ length = tokudb_uint3korr(from_tokudb);
+ break;
+ case (4):
+ length = uint4korr(from_tokudb);
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert(false);
+ }
+ return length;
+static inline const uchar* unpack_toku_field_blob(uchar *to_mysql, const uchar* from_tokudb, uint32_t len_bytes, bool skip) {
+ uint32_t length = 0;
+ const uchar* data_ptr = NULL;
+ if (!skip) {
+ memcpy(to_mysql, from_tokudb, len_bytes);
+ }
+ length = get_blob_field_len(from_tokudb,len_bytes);
+ data_ptr = from_tokudb + len_bytes;
+ if (!skip) {
+ memcpy(to_mysql + len_bytes, (uchar *)(&data_ptr), sizeof data_ptr);
+ }
+ return from_tokudb + len_bytes + length;
+static inline uint get_null_offset(TABLE* table, Field* field) {
+#if (50606 <= MYSQL_VERSION_ID && MYSQL_VERSION_ID <= 50699) || \
+ (50700 <= MYSQL_VERSION_ID && MYSQL_VERSION_ID <= 50799)
+ return field->null_offset(table->record[0]);
+ return (uint) ((uchar*) field->null_ptr - (uchar*) table->record[0]);
+typedef enum {
+ toku_type_int = 0,
+ toku_type_double,
+ toku_type_float,
+ toku_type_fixbinary,
+ toku_type_fixstring,
+ toku_type_varbinary,
+ toku_type_varstring,
+ toku_type_blob,
+ toku_type_hpk, //for hidden primary key
+ toku_type_unknown
+static TOKU_TYPE mysql_to_toku_type (Field* field);
+static uchar* pack_toku_varbinary_from_desc(
+ uchar* to_tokudb,
+ const uchar* from_desc,
+ uint32_t key_part_length, //number of bytes to use to encode the length in to_tokudb
+ uint32_t field_length //length of field
+ );
+static uchar* pack_toku_varstring_from_desc(
+ uchar* to_tokudb,
+ const uchar* from_desc,
+ uint32_t key_part_length, //number of bytes to use to encode the length in to_tokudb
+ uint32_t field_length,
+ uint32_t charset_num//length of field
+ );
+static uchar* pack_toku_key_field(
+ uchar* to_tokudb,
+ uchar* from_mysql,
+ Field* field,
+ uint32_t key_part_length //I really hope this is temporary as I phase out the pack_cmp stuff
+ );
+static uchar* pack_key_toku_key_field(
+ uchar* to_tokudb,
+ uchar* from_mysql,
+ Field* field,
+ uint32_t key_part_length //I really hope this is temporary as I phase out the pack_cmp stuff
+ );
+static uchar* unpack_toku_key_field(
+ uchar* to_mysql,
+ uchar* from_tokudb,
+ Field* field,
+ uint32_t key_part_length
+ );
+// for storing NULL byte in keys
+#define NULL_COL_VAL 0
+#define NONNULL_COL_VAL 1
+// for storing if rest of key is +/- infinity
+#define COL_NEG_INF -1
+#define COL_ZERO 0
+#define COL_POS_INF 1
+#define COL_FIX_FIELD 0x11
+#define COL_VAR_FIELD 0x22
+#define COL_BLOB_FIELD 0x33
+// information for hidden primary keys
+// function to convert a hidden primary key into a byte stream that can be stored in DBT
+static inline void hpk_num_to_char(uchar* to, ulonglong num) {
+ int8store(to, num);
+// function that takes a byte stream of a hidden primary key and returns a ulonglong
+static inline ulonglong hpk_char_to_num(uchar* val) {
+ return uint8korr(val);
+static int tokudb_compare_two_keys(
+ const void* new_key_data,
+ const uint32_t new_key_size,
+ const void* saved_key_data,
+ const uint32_t saved_key_size,
+ const void* row_desc,
+ const uint32_t row_desc_size,
+ bool cmp_prefix,
+ bool* read_string
+ );
+static int tokudb_cmp_dbt_key(DB* db, const DBT *keya, const DBT *keyb);
+//TODO: QQQ Only do one direction for prefix.
+static int tokudb_prefix_cmp_dbt_key(DB *file, const DBT *keya, const DBT *keyb);
+static int tokudb_compare_two_key_parts(
+ const void* new_key_data,
+ const uint32_t new_key_size,
+ const void* saved_key_data,
+ const uint32_t saved_key_size,
+ const void* row_desc,
+ const uint32_t row_desc_size,
+ uint max_parts
+ );
+static int tokudb_cmp_dbt_key_parts(DB *file, const DBT *keya, const DBT *keyb, uint max_parts);
+static int create_toku_key_descriptor(
+ uchar* buf,
+ bool is_first_hpk,
+ KEY* first_key,
+ bool is_second_hpk,
+ KEY* second_key
+ );
+static uint32_t create_toku_main_key_pack_descriptor (
+ uchar* buf
+ );
+static uint32_t get_max_clustering_val_pack_desc_size(
+ TABLE_SHARE* table_share
+ );
+static uint32_t create_toku_clustering_val_pack_descriptor (
+ uchar* buf,
+ uint pk_index,
+ TABLE_SHARE* table_share,
+ KEY_AND_COL_INFO* kc_info,
+ uint32_t keynr,
+ bool is_clustering
+ );
+static inline bool is_key_clustering(
+ void* row_desc,
+ uint32_t row_desc_size
+ )
+ return (row_desc_size > 0);
+static uint32_t pack_clustering_val_from_desc(
+ uchar* buf,
+ void* row_desc,
+ uint32_t row_desc_size,
+ const DBT* pk_val
+ );
+static uint32_t get_max_secondary_key_pack_desc_size(
+ KEY_AND_COL_INFO* kc_info
+ );
+static uint32_t create_toku_secondary_key_pack_descriptor (
+ uchar* buf,
+ bool has_hpk,
+ uint pk_index,
+ TABLE_SHARE* table_share,
+ TABLE* table,
+ KEY_AND_COL_INFO* kc_info,
+ KEY* key_info,
+ KEY* prim_key
+ );
+static inline bool is_key_pk(
+ void* row_desc,
+ uint32_t row_desc_size
+ )
+ uchar* buf = (uchar *)row_desc;
+ return buf[0];
+static uint32_t max_key_size_from_desc(
+ void* row_desc,
+ uint32_t row_desc_size
+ );
+static uint32_t pack_key_from_desc(
+ uchar* buf,
+ void* row_desc,
+ uint32_t row_desc_size,
+ const DBT* pk_key,
+ const DBT* pk_val
+ );
+static bool fields_have_same_name(
+ Field* a,
+ Field* b
+ );
+static bool fields_are_same_type(
+ Field* a,
+ Field* b
+ );
+static bool are_two_fields_same(
+ Field* a,
+ Field* b
+ );