path: root/storage/xtradb/build/debian/additions/innotop/innotop
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'storage/xtradb/build/debian/additions/innotop/innotop')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 9485 deletions
diff --git a/storage/xtradb/build/debian/additions/innotop/innotop b/storage/xtradb/build/debian/additions/innotop/innotop
deleted file mode 100644
index e2bfc1bd965..00000000000
--- a/storage/xtradb/build/debian/additions/innotop/innotop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9485 +0,0 @@
-# vim: tw=160:nowrap:expandtab:tabstop=3:shiftwidth=3:softtabstop=3
-use strict;
-use warnings FATAL => 'all';
-use sigtrap qw(handler finish untrapped normal-signals);
-use Data::Dumper;
-use DBI;
-use English qw(-no_match_vars);
-use File::Basename qw(dirname);
-use Getopt::Long;
-use List::Util qw(max min maxstr sum);
-use InnoDBParser;
-use POSIX qw(ceil);
-use Time::HiRes qw(time sleep);
-use Term::ReadKey qw(ReadMode ReadKey);
-# Version, license and warranty information. {{{1
-# ###########################################################################
-our $VERSION = '1.6.0';
-our $SVN_REV = sprintf("%d", q$Revision: 383 $ =~ m/(\d+)/g);
-our $SVN_URL = sprintf("%s", q$URL: $ =~ m$svnroot/innotop/(\S+)$g);
-my $innotop_license = <<"LICENSE";
-This is innotop version $VERSION, a MySQL and InnoDB monitor.
-This program is copyright (c) 2006 Baron Schwartz.
-Feedback and improvements are welcome.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
-Foundation, version 2; OR the Perl Artistic License. On UNIX and similar
-systems, you can issue `man perlgpl' or `man perlartistic' to read these
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
-Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
-# Configuration information and global setup {{{1
-# ###########################################################################
-# Really, really, super-global variables.
-my @config_versions = (
- "000-000-000", "001-003-000", # config file was one big name-value hash.
- "001-003-000", "001-004-002", # config file contained non-user-defined stuff.
-my $clear_screen_sub;
-# This defines expected properties and defaults for the column definitions that
-# eventually end up in tbl_meta.
-my %col_props = (
- hdr => '',
- just => '-',
- dec => 0, # Whether to align the column on the decimal point
- num => 0,
- label => '',
- user => 0,
- src => '',
- tbl => '', # Helps when writing/reading custom columns in config files
- minw => 0,
- maxw => 0,
- trans => [],
- agg => 'first', # Aggregate function
- aggonly => 0, # Whether to show only when tbl_meta->{aggregate} is true
-# Actual DBI connections to MySQL servers.
-my %dbhs;
-# Command-line parameters {{{2
-# ###########################################################################
-my @opt_spec = (
- { s => 'help', d => 'Show this help message' },
- { s => 'color|C!', d => 'Use terminal coloring (default)', c => 'color' },
- { s => 'config|c=s', d => 'Config file to read' },
- { s => 'nonint|n', d => 'Non-interactive, output tab-separated fields' },
- { s => 'count=i', d => 'Number of updates before exiting' },
- { s => 'delay|d=f', d => 'Delay between updates in seconds', c => 'interval' },
- { s => 'mode|m=s', d => 'Operating mode to start in', c => 'mode' },
- { s => 'inc|i!', d => 'Measure incremental differences', c => 'status_inc' },
- { s => 'version', d => 'Output version information and exit' },
-# This is the container for the command-line options' values to be stored in
-# after processing. Initial values are defaults.
-my %opts = (
- n => !( -t STDIN && -t STDOUT ), # If in/out aren't to terminals, we're interactive
-# Post-process...
-my %opt_seen;
-foreach my $spec ( @opt_spec ) {
- my ( $long, $short ) = $spec->{s} =~ m/^(\w+)(?:\|([^!+=]*))?/;
- $spec->{k} = $short || $long;
- $spec->{l} = $long;
- $spec->{t} = $short;
- $spec->{n} = $spec->{s} =~ m/!/;
- $opts{$spec->{k}} = undef unless defined $opts{$spec->{k}};
- die "Duplicate option $spec->{k}" if $opt_seen{$spec->{k}}++;
-Getopt::Long::Configure('no_ignore_case', 'bundling');
-GetOptions( map { $_->{s} => \$opts{$_->{k}} } @opt_spec) or $opts{help} = 1;
-if ( $opts{version} ) {
- print "innotop Ver $VERSION Changeset $SVN_REV from $SVN_URL\n";
- exit(0);
-if ( $opts{'help'} ) {
- print "Usage: innotop <options> <innodb-status-file>\n\n";
- my $maxw = max(map { length($_->{l}) + ($_->{n} ? 4 : 0)} @opt_spec);
- foreach my $spec ( sort { $a->{l} cmp $b->{l} } @opt_spec ) {
- my $long = $spec->{n} ? "[no]$spec->{l}" : $spec->{l};
- my $short = $spec->{t} ? "-$spec->{t}" : '';
- printf(" --%-${maxw}s %-4s %s\n", $long, $short, $spec->{d});
- }
- print <<USAGE;
-innotop is a MySQL and InnoDB transaction/status monitor, like 'top' for
-MySQL. It displays queries, InnoDB transactions, lock waits, deadlocks,
-foreign key errors, open tables, replication status, buffer information,
-row operations, logs, I/O operations, load graph, and more. You can
-monitor many servers at once with innotop.
- exit(1);
-# Meta-data (table definitions etc) {{{2
-# ###########################################################################
-# Expressions {{{3
-# Convenience so I can copy/paste these in several places...
-# ###########################################################################
-my %exprs = (
- Host => q{my $host = host || hostname || ''; ($host) = $host =~ m/^((?:[\d.]+(?=:))|(?:[a-zA-Z]\w+))/; return $host || ''},
- Port => q{my ($p) = host =~ m/:(.*)$/; return $p || 0},
- OldVersions => q{dulint_to_int(IB_tx_trx_id_counter) - dulint_to_int(IB_tx_purge_done_for)},
- MaxTxnTime => q/max(map{ $_->{active_secs} } @{ IB_tx_transactions }) || 0/,
- NumTxns => q{scalar @{ IB_tx_transactions } },
- DirtyBufs => q{ $cur->{IB_bp_pages_modified} / ($cur->{IB_bp_buf_pool_size} || 1) },
- BufPoolFill => q{ $cur->{IB_bp_pages_total} / ($cur->{IB_bp_buf_pool_size} || 1) },
- ServerLoad => q{ $cur->{Threads_connected}/(Questions||1)/Uptime_hires },
- TxnTimeRemain => q{ defined undo_log_entries && defined $pre->{undo_log_entries} && undo_log_entries < $pre->{undo_log_entries} ? undo_log_entries / (($pre->{undo_log_entries} - undo_log_entries)/((active_secs-$pre->{active_secs})||1))||1 : 0},
- SlaveCatchupRate => ' defined $cur->{seconds_behind_master} && defined $pre->{seconds_behind_master} && $cur->{seconds_behind_master} < $pre->{seconds_behind_master} ? ($pre->{seconds_behind_master}-$cur->{seconds_behind_master})/($cur->{Uptime_hires}-$pre->{Uptime_hires}) : 0',
- QcacheHitRatio => q{(Qcache_hits||0)/(((Com_select||0)+(Qcache_hits||0))||1)},
-# ###########################################################################
-# Column definitions {{{3
-# Defines every column in every table. A named column has the following
-# properties:
-# * hdr Column header/title
-# * label Documentation for humans.
-# * num Whether it's numeric (for sorting).
-# * just Alignment; generated from num, user-overridable in tbl_meta
-# * minw, maxw Auto-generated, user-overridable.
-# Values from this hash are just copied to tbl_meta, which is where everything
-# else in the program should read from.
-# ###########################################################################
-my %columns = (
- active_secs => { hdr => 'SecsActive', num => 1, label => 'Seconds transaction has been active', },
- add_pool_alloc => { hdr => 'Add\'l Pool', num => 1, label => 'Additonal pool allocated' },
- attempted_op => { hdr => 'Action', num => 0, label => 'The action that caused the error' },
- awe_mem_alloc => { hdr => 'AWE Memory', num => 1, label => '[Windows] AWE memory allocated' },
- binlog_cache_overflow => { hdr => 'Binlog Cache', num => 1, label => 'Transactions too big for binlog cache that went to disk' },
- binlog_do_db => { hdr => 'Binlog Do DB', num => 0, label => 'binlog-do-db setting' },
- binlog_ignore_db => { hdr => 'Binlog Ignore DB', num => 0, label => 'binlog-ignore-db setting' },
- bps_in => { hdr => 'BpsIn', num => 1, label => 'Bytes per second received by the server', },
- bps_out => { hdr => 'BpsOut', num => 1, label => 'Bytes per second sent by the server', },
- buf_free => { hdr => 'Free Bufs', num => 1, label => 'Buffers free in the buffer pool' },
- buf_pool_hit_rate => { hdr => 'Hit Rate', num => 0, label => 'Buffer pool hit rate' },
- buf_pool_hits => { hdr => 'Hits', num => 1, label => 'Buffer pool hits' },
- buf_pool_reads => { hdr => 'Reads', num => 1, label => 'Buffer pool reads' },
- buf_pool_size => { hdr => 'Size', num => 1, label => 'Buffer pool size' },
- bufs_in_node_heap => { hdr => 'Node Heap Bufs', num => 1, label => 'Buffers in buffer pool node heap' },
- bytes_behind_master => { hdr => 'ByteLag', num => 1, label => 'Bytes the slave lags the master in binlog' },
- cell_event_set => { hdr => 'Ending?', num => 1, label => 'Whether the cell event is set' },
- cell_waiting => { hdr => 'Waiting?', num => 1, label => 'Whether the cell is waiting' },
- child_db => { hdr => 'Child DB', num => 0, label => 'The database of the child table' },
- child_index => { hdr => 'Child Index', num => 0, label => 'The index in the child table' },
- child_table => { hdr => 'Child Table', num => 0, label => 'The child table' },
- cmd => { hdr => 'Cmd', num => 0, label => 'Type of command being executed', },
- cnt => { hdr => 'Cnt', num => 0, label => 'Count', agg => 'count', aggonly => 1 },
- connect_retry => { hdr => 'Connect Retry', num => 1, label => 'Slave connect-retry timeout' },
- cxn => { hdr => 'CXN', num => 0, label => 'Connection from which the data came', },
- db => { hdr => 'DB', num => 0, label => 'Current database', },
- dict_mem_alloc => { hdr => 'Dict Mem', num => 1, label => 'Dictionary memory allocated' },
- dirty_bufs => { hdr => 'Dirty Buf', num => 1, label => 'Dirty buffer pool pages' },
- dl_txn_num => { hdr => 'Num', num => 0, label => 'Deadlocked transaction number', },
- event_set => { hdr => 'Evt Set?', num => 1, label => '[Win32] if a wait event is set', },
- exec_master_log_pos => { hdr => 'Exec Master Log Pos', num => 1, label => 'Exec Master Log Position' },
- fk_name => { hdr => 'Constraint', num => 0, label => 'The name of the FK constraint' },
- free_list_len => { hdr => 'Free List Len', num => 1, label => 'Length of the free list' },
- has_read_view => { hdr => 'Rd View', num => 1, label => 'Whether the transaction has a read view' },
- hash_searches_s => { hdr => 'Hash/Sec', num => 1, label => 'Number of hash searches/sec' },
- hash_table_size => { hdr => 'Size', num => 1, label => 'Number of non-hash searches/sec' },
- heap_no => { hdr => 'Heap', num => 1, label => 'Heap number' },
- heap_size => { hdr => 'Heap', num => 1, label => 'Heap size' },
- history_list_len => { hdr => 'History', num => 1, label => 'History list length' },
- host_and_domain => { hdr => 'Host', num => 0, label => 'Hostname/IP and domain' },
- host_and_port => { hdr => 'Host/IP', num => 0, label => 'Hostname or IP address, and port number', },
- hostname => { hdr => 'Host', num => 0, label => 'Hostname' },
- index => { hdr => 'Index', num => 0, label => 'The index involved' },
- index_ref => { hdr => 'Index Ref', num => 0, label => 'Index referenced' },
- info => { hdr => 'Query', num => 0, label => 'Info or the current query', },
- insert_intention => { hdr => 'Ins Intent', num => 1, label => 'Whether the thread was trying to insert' },
- inserts => { hdr => 'Inserts', num => 1, label => 'Inserts' },
- io_bytes_s => { hdr => 'Bytes/Sec', num => 1, label => 'Average I/O bytes/sec' },
- io_flush_type => { hdr => 'Flush Type', num => 0, label => 'I/O Flush Type' },
- io_fsyncs_s => { hdr => 'fsyncs/sec', num => 1, label => 'I/O fsyncs/sec' },
- io_reads_s => { hdr => 'Reads/Sec', num => 1, label => 'Average I/O reads/sec' },
- io_writes_s => { hdr => 'Writes/Sec', num => 1, label => 'Average I/O writes/sec' },
- ip => { hdr => 'IP', num => 0, label => 'IP address' },
- is_name_locked => { hdr => 'Locked', num => 1, label => 'Whether table is name locked', },
- key_buffer_hit => { hdr => 'KCacheHit', num => 1, label => 'Key cache hit ratio', },
- key_len => { hdr => 'Key Length', num => 1, label => 'Number of bytes used in the key' },
- last_chkp => { hdr => 'Last Checkpoint', num => 0, label => 'Last log checkpoint' },
- last_errno => { hdr => 'Last Errno', num => 1, label => 'Last error number' },
- last_error => { hdr => 'Last Error', num => 0, label => 'Last error' },
- last_s_file_name => { hdr => 'S-File', num => 0, label => 'Filename where last read locked' },
- last_s_line => { hdr => 'S-Line', num => 1, label => 'Line where last read locked' },
- last_x_file_name => { hdr => 'X-File', num => 0, label => 'Filename where last write locked' },
- last_x_line => { hdr => 'X-Line', num => 1, label => 'Line where last write locked' },
- last_pct => { hdr => 'Pct', num => 1, label => 'Last Percentage' },
- last_total => { hdr => 'Last Total', num => 1, label => 'Last Total' },
- last_value => { hdr => 'Last Incr', num => 1, label => 'Last Value' },
- load => { hdr => 'Load', num => 1, label => 'Server load' },
- lock_cfile_name => { hdr => 'Crtd File', num => 0, label => 'Filename where lock created' },
- lock_cline => { hdr => 'Crtd Line', num => 1, label => 'Line where lock created' },
- lock_mem_addr => { hdr => 'Addr', num => 0, label => 'The lock memory address' },
- lock_mode => { hdr => 'Mode', num => 0, label => 'The lock mode' },
- lock_structs => { hdr => 'LStrcts', num => 1, label => 'Number of lock structs' },
- lock_type => { hdr => 'Type', num => 0, label => 'The lock type' },
- lock_var => { hdr => 'Lck Var', num => 1, label => 'The lock variable' },
- lock_wait_time => { hdr => 'Wait', num => 1, label => 'How long txn has waited for a lock' },
- log_flushed_to => { hdr => 'Flushed To', num => 0, label => 'Log position flushed to' },
- log_ios_done => { hdr => 'IO Done', num => 1, label => 'Log I/Os done' },
- log_ios_s => { hdr => 'IO/Sec', num => 1, label => 'Average log I/Os per sec' },
- log_seq_no => { hdr => 'Sequence No.', num => 0, label => 'Log sequence number' },
- main_thread_id => { hdr => 'Main Thread ID', num => 1, label => 'Main thread ID' },
- main_thread_proc_no => { hdr => 'Main Thread Proc', num => 1, label => 'Main thread process number' },
- main_thread_state => { hdr => 'Main Thread State', num => 0, label => 'Main thread state' },
- master_file => { hdr => 'File', num => 0, label => 'Master file' },
- master_host => { hdr => 'Master', num => 0, label => 'Master server hostname' },
- master_log_file => { hdr => 'Master Log File', num => 0, label => 'Master log file' },
- master_port => { hdr => 'Master Port', num => 1, label => 'Master port' },
- master_pos => { hdr => 'Position', num => 1, label => 'Master position' },
- master_ssl_allowed => { hdr => 'Master SSL Allowed', num => 0, label => 'Master SSL Allowed' },
- master_ssl_ca_file => { hdr => 'Master SSL CA File', num => 0, label => 'Master SSL Cert Auth File' },
- master_ssl_ca_path => { hdr => 'Master SSL CA Path', num => 0, label => 'Master SSL Cert Auth Path' },
- master_ssl_cert => { hdr => 'Master SSL Cert', num => 0, label => 'Master SSL Cert' },
- master_ssl_cipher => { hdr => 'Master SSL Cipher', num => 0, label => 'Master SSL Cipher' },
- master_ssl_key => { hdr => 'Master SSL Key', num => 0, label => 'Master SSL Key' },
- master_user => { hdr => 'Master User', num => 0, label => 'Master username' },
- max_txn => { hdr => 'MaxTxnTime', num => 1, label => 'MaxTxn' },
- merged_recs => { hdr => 'Merged Recs', num => 1, label => 'Merged records' },
- merges => { hdr => 'Merges', num => 1, label => 'Merges' },
- mutex_os_waits => { hdr => 'Waits', num => 1, label => 'Mutex OS Waits' },
- mutex_spin_rounds => { hdr => 'Rounds', num => 1, label => 'Mutex Spin Rounds' },
- mutex_spin_waits => { hdr => 'Spins', num => 1, label => 'Mutex Spin Waits' },
- mysql_thread_id => { hdr => 'ID', num => 1, label => 'MySQL connection (thread) ID', },
- name => { hdr => 'Name', num => 0, label => 'Variable Name' },
- n_bits => { hdr => '# Bits', num => 1, label => 'Number of bits' },
- non_hash_searches_s => { hdr => 'Non-Hash/Sec', num => 1, label => 'Non-hash searches/sec' },
- num_deletes => { hdr => 'Del', num => 1, label => 'Number of deletes' },
- num_deletes_sec => { hdr => 'Del/Sec', num => 1, label => 'Number of deletes' },
- num_inserts => { hdr => 'Ins', num => 1, label => 'Number of inserts' },
- num_inserts_sec => { hdr => 'Ins/Sec', num => 1, label => 'Number of inserts' },
- num_readers => { hdr => 'Readers', num => 1, label => 'Number of readers' },
- num_reads => { hdr => 'Read', num => 1, label => 'Number of reads' },
- num_reads_sec => { hdr => 'Read/Sec', num => 1, label => 'Number of reads' },
- num_res_ext => { hdr => 'BTree Extents', num => 1, label => 'Number of extents reserved for B-Tree' },
- num_rows => { hdr => 'Row Count', num => 1, label => 'Number of rows estimated to examine' },
- num_times_open => { hdr => 'In Use', num => 1, label => '# times table is opened', },
- num_txns => { hdr => 'Txns', num => 1, label => 'Number of transactions' },
- num_updates => { hdr => 'Upd', num => 1, label => 'Number of updates' },
- num_updates_sec => { hdr => 'Upd/Sec', num => 1, label => 'Number of updates' },
- os_file_reads => { hdr => 'OS Reads', num => 1, label => 'OS file reads' },
- os_file_writes => { hdr => 'OS Writes', num => 1, label => 'OS file writes' },
- os_fsyncs => { hdr => 'OS fsyncs', num => 1, label => 'OS fsyncs' },
- os_thread_id => { hdr => 'OS Thread', num => 1, label => 'The operating system thread ID' },
- p_aio_writes => { hdr => 'Async Wrt', num => 1, label => 'Pending asynchronous I/O writes' },
- p_buf_pool_flushes => { hdr => 'Buffer Pool Flushes', num => 1, label => 'Pending buffer pool flushes' },
- p_ibuf_aio_reads => { hdr => 'IBuf Async Rds', num => 1, label => 'Pending insert buffer asynch I/O reads' },
- p_log_flushes => { hdr => 'Log Flushes', num => 1, label => 'Pending log flushes' },
- p_log_ios => { hdr => 'Log I/Os', num => 1, label => 'Pending log I/O operations' },
- p_normal_aio_reads => { hdr => 'Async Rds', num => 1, label => 'Pending asynchronous I/O reads' },
- p_preads => { hdr => 'preads', num => 1, label => 'Pending p-reads' },
- p_pwrites => { hdr => 'pwrites', num => 1, label => 'Pending p-writes' },
- p_sync_ios => { hdr => 'Sync I/Os', num => 1, label => 'Pending synchronous I/O operations' },
- page_creates_sec => { hdr => 'Creates/Sec', num => 1, label => 'Page creates/sec' },
- page_no => { hdr => 'Page', num => 1, label => 'Page number' },
- page_reads_sec => { hdr => 'Reads/Sec', num => 1, label => 'Page reads per second' },
- page_writes_sec => { hdr => 'Writes/Sec', num => 1, label => 'Page writes per second' },
- pages_created => { hdr => 'Created', num => 1, label => 'Pages created' },
- pages_modified => { hdr => 'Dirty Pages', num => 1, label => 'Pages modified (dirty)' },
- pages_read => { hdr => 'Reads', num => 1, label => 'Pages read' },
- pages_total => { hdr => 'Pages', num => 1, label => 'Pages total' },
- pages_written => { hdr => 'Writes', num => 1, label => 'Pages written' },
- parent_col => { hdr => 'Parent Column', num => 0, label => 'The referred column in the parent table', },
- parent_db => { hdr => 'Parent DB', num => 0, label => 'The database of the parent table' },
- parent_index => { hdr => 'Parent Index', num => 0, label => 'The referred index in the parent table' },
- parent_table => { hdr => 'Parent Table', num => 0, label => 'The parent table' },
- part_id => { hdr => 'Part ID', num => 1, label => 'Sub-part ID of the query' },
- partitions => { hdr => 'Partitions', num => 0, label => 'Query partitions used' },
- pct => { hdr => 'Pct', num => 1, label => 'Percentage' },
- pending_chkp_writes => { hdr => 'Chkpt Writes', num => 1, label => 'Pending log checkpoint writes' },
- pending_log_writes => { hdr => 'Log Writes', num => 1, label => 'Pending log writes' },
- port => { hdr => 'Port', num => 1, label => 'Client port number', },
- possible_keys => { hdr => 'Poss. Keys', num => 0, label => 'Possible keys' },
- proc_no => { hdr => 'Proc', num => 1, label => 'Process number' },
- q_cache_hit => { hdr => 'QCacheHit', num => 1, label => 'Query cache hit ratio', },
- qps => { hdr => 'QPS', num => 1, label => 'How many queries/sec', },
- queries_in_queue => { hdr => 'Queries Queued', num => 1, label => 'Queries in queue' },
- queries_inside => { hdr => 'Queries Inside', num => 1, label => 'Queries inside InnoDB' },
- query_id => { hdr => 'Query ID', num => 1, label => 'Query ID' },
- query_status => { hdr => 'Query Status', num => 0, label => 'The query status' },
- query_text => { hdr => 'Query Text', num => 0, label => 'The query text' },
- questions => { hdr => 'Questions', num => 1, label => 'How many queries the server has gotten', },
- read_master_log_pos => { hdr => 'Read Master Pos', num => 1, label => 'Read master log position' },
- read_views_open => { hdr => 'Rd Views', num => 1, label => 'Number of read views open' },
- reads_pending => { hdr => 'Pending Reads', num => 1, label => 'Reads pending' },
- relay_log_file => { hdr => 'Relay File', num => 0, label => 'Relay log file' },
- relay_log_pos => { hdr => 'Relay Pos', num => 1, label => 'Relay log position' },
- relay_log_size => { hdr => 'Relay Size', num => 1, label => 'Relay log size' },
- relay_master_log_file => { hdr => 'Relay Master File', num => 0, label => 'Relay master log file' },
- replicate_do_db => { hdr => 'Do DB', num => 0, label => 'Replicate-do-db setting' },
- replicate_do_table => { hdr => 'Do Table', num => 0, label => 'Replicate-do-table setting' },
- replicate_ignore_db => { hdr => 'Ignore DB', num => 0, label => 'Replicate-ignore-db setting' },
- replicate_ignore_table => { hdr => 'Ignore Table', num => 0, label => 'Replicate-do-table setting' },
- replicate_wild_do_table => { hdr => 'Wild Do Table', num => 0, label => 'Replicate-wild-do-table setting' },
- replicate_wild_ignore_table => { hdr => 'Wild Ignore Table', num => 0, label => 'Replicate-wild-ignore-table setting' },
- request_type => { hdr => 'Type', num => 0, label => 'Type of lock the thread waits for' },
- reservation_count => { hdr => 'ResCnt', num => 1, label => 'Reservation Count' },
- row_locks => { hdr => 'RLocks', num => 1, label => 'Number of row locks' },
- rw_excl_os_waits => { hdr => 'RW Waits', num => 1, label => 'R/W Excl. OS Waits' },
- rw_excl_spins => { hdr => 'RW Spins', num => 1, label => 'R/W Excl. Spins' },
- rw_shared_os_waits => { hdr => 'Sh Waits', num => 1, label => 'R/W Shared OS Waits' },
- rw_shared_spins => { hdr => 'Sh Spins', num => 1, label => 'R/W Shared Spins' },
- scan_type => { hdr => 'Type', num => 0, label => 'Scan type in chosen' },
- seg_size => { hdr => 'Seg. Size', num => 1, label => 'Segment size' },
- select_type => { hdr => 'Select Type', num => 0, label => 'Type of select used' },
- signal_count => { hdr => 'Signals', num => 1, label => 'Signal Count' },
- size => { hdr => 'Size', num => 1, label => 'Size of the tablespace' },
- skip_counter => { hdr => 'Skip Counter', num => 1, label => 'Skip counter' },
- slave_catchup_rate => { hdr => 'Catchup', num => 1, label => 'How fast the slave is catching up in the binlog' },
- slave_io_running => { hdr => 'Slave-IO', num => 0, label => 'Whether the slave I/O thread is running' },
- slave_io_state => { hdr => 'Slave IO State', num => 0, label => 'Slave I/O thread state' },
- slave_open_temp_tables => { hdr => 'Temp', num => 1, label => 'Slave open temp tables' },
- slave_sql_running => { hdr => 'Slave-SQL', num => 0, label => 'Whether the slave SQL thread is running' },
- slow => { hdr => 'Slow', num => 1, label => 'How many slow queries', },
- space_id => { hdr => 'Space', num => 1, label => 'Tablespace ID' },
- special => { hdr => 'Special', num => 0, label => 'Special/Other info' },
- state => { hdr => 'State', num => 0, label => 'Connection state', maxw => 18, },
- tables_in_use => { hdr => 'Tbl Used', num => 1, label => 'Number of tables in use' },
- tables_locked => { hdr => 'Tbl Lck', num => 1, label => 'Number of tables locked' },
- tbl => { hdr => 'Table', num => 0, label => 'Table', },
- thread => { hdr => 'Thread', num => 1, label => 'Thread number' },
- thread_decl_inside => { hdr => 'Thread Inside', num => 0, label => 'What the thread is declared inside' },
- thread_purpose => { hdr => 'Purpose', num => 0, label => "The thread's purpose" },
- thread_status => { hdr => 'Thread Status', num => 0, label => 'The thread status' },
- time => { hdr => 'Time', num => 1, label => 'Time since the last event', },
- time_behind_master => { hdr => 'TimeLag', num => 1, label => 'Time slave lags master' },
- timestring => { hdr => 'Timestring', num => 0, label => 'Time the event occurred' },
- total => { hdr => 'Total', num => 1, label => 'Total' },
- total_mem_alloc => { hdr => 'Memory', num => 1, label => 'Total memory allocated' },
- truncates => { hdr => 'Trunc', num => 0, label => 'Whether the deadlock is truncating InnoDB status' },
- txn_doesnt_see_ge => { hdr => "Txn Won't See", num => 0, label => 'Where txn read view is limited' },
- txn_id => { hdr => 'ID', num => 0, label => 'Transaction ID' },
- txn_sees_lt => { hdr => 'Txn Sees', num => 1, label => 'Where txn read view is limited' },
- txn_status => { hdr => 'Txn Status', num => 0, label => 'Transaction status' },
- txn_time_remain => { hdr => 'Remaining', num => 1, label => 'Time until txn rollback/commit completes' },
- undo_log_entries => { hdr => 'Undo', num => 1, label => 'Number of undo log entries' },
- undo_for => { hdr => 'Undo', num => 0, label => 'Undo for' },
- until_condition => { hdr => 'Until Condition', num => 0, label => 'Slave until condition' },
- until_log_file => { hdr => 'Until Log File', num => 0, label => 'Slave until log file' },
- until_log_pos => { hdr => 'Until Log Pos', num => 1, label => 'Slave until log position' },
- used_cells => { hdr => 'Cells Used', num => 1, label => 'Number of cells used' },
- used_bufs => { hdr => 'Used Bufs', num => 1, label => 'Number of buffer pool pages used' },
- user => { hdr => 'User', num => 0, label => 'Database username', },
- value => { hdr => 'Value', num => 1, label => 'Value' },
- versions => { hdr => 'Versions', num => 1, label => 'Number of InnoDB MVCC versions unpurged' },
- victim => { hdr => 'Victim', num => 0, label => 'Whether this txn was the deadlock victim' },
- wait_array_size => { hdr => 'Wait Array Size', num => 1, label => 'Wait Array Size' },
- wait_status => { hdr => 'Lock Status', num => 0, label => 'Status of txn locks' },
- waited_at_filename => { hdr => 'File', num => 0, label => 'Filename at which thread waits' },
- waited_at_line => { hdr => 'Line', num => 1, label => 'Line at which thread waits' },
- waiters_flag => { hdr => 'Waiters', num => 1, label => 'Waiters Flag' },
- waiting => { hdr => 'Waiting', num => 1, label => 'Whether lock is being waited for' },
- when => { hdr => 'When', num => 0, label => 'Time scale' },
- writer_lock_mode => { hdr => 'Wrtr Lck Mode', num => 0, label => 'Writer lock mode' },
- writer_thread => { hdr => 'Wrtr Thread', num => 1, label => 'Writer thread ID' },
- writes_pending => { hdr => 'Writes', num => 1, label => 'Number of writes pending' },
- writes_pending_flush_list => { hdr => 'Flush List Writes', num => 1, label => 'Number of flush list writes pending' },
- writes_pending_lru => { hdr => 'LRU Writes', num => 1, label => 'Number of LRU writes pending' },
- writes_pending_single_page => { hdr => '1-Page Writes', num => 1, label => 'Number of 1-page writes pending' },
-# Apply a default property or three. By default, columns are not width-constrained,
-# aligned left, and sorted alphabetically, not numerically.
-foreach my $col ( values %columns ) {
- map { $col->{$_} ||= 0 } qw(num minw maxw);
- $col->{just} = $col->{num} ? '' : '-';
-# Filters {{{3
-# This hash defines every filter that can be applied to a table. These
-# become part of tbl_meta as well. Each filter is just an expression that
-# returns true or false.
-# Properties of each entry:
-# * func: the subroutine
-# * name: the name, repeated
-# * user: whether it's a user-defined filter (saved in config)
-# * text: text of the subroutine
-# * note: explanation
-my %filters = ();
-# These are pre-processed to live in %filters above, by compiling them.
-my %builtin_filters = (
- hide_self => {
- text => <<' END',
- return ( !$set->{info} || $set->{info} ne 'SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST' )
- && ( !$set->{query_text} || $set->{query_text} !~ m/INNODB STATUS$/ );
- note => 'Removes the innotop processes from the list',
- tbls => [qw(innodb_transactions processlist)],
- },
- hide_inactive => {
- text => <<' END',
- return ( !defined($set->{txn_status}) || $set->{txn_status} ne 'not started' )
- && ( !defined($set->{cmd}) || $set->{cmd} !~ m/Sleep|Binlog Dump/ )
- && ( !defined($set->{info}) || $set->{info} =~ m/\S/ );
- note => 'Removes processes which are not doing anything',
- tbls => [qw(innodb_transactions processlist)],
- },
- hide_slave_io => {
- text => <<' END',
- return !$set->{state} || $set->{state} !~ m/^(?:Waiting for master|Has read all relay)/;
- note => 'Removes slave I/O threads from the list',
- tbls => [qw(processlist slave_io_status)],
- },
- table_is_open => {
- text => <<' END',
- return $set->{num_times_open} + $set->{is_name_locked};
- note => 'Removes tables that are not in use or locked',
- tbls => [qw(open_tables)],
- },
- cxn_is_master => {
- text => <<' END',
- return $set->{master_file} ? 1 : 0;
- note => 'Removes servers that are not masters',
- tbls => [qw(master_status)],
- },
- cxn_is_slave => {
- text => <<' END',
- return $set->{master_host} ? 1 : 0;
- note => 'Removes servers that are not slaves',
- tbls => [qw(slave_io_status slave_sql_status)],
- },
- thd_is_not_waiting => {
- text => <<' END',
- return $set->{thread_status} !~ m#waiting for i/o request#;
- note => 'Removes idle I/O threads',
- tbls => [qw(io_threads)],
- },
-foreach my $key ( keys %builtin_filters ) {
- my ( $sub, $err ) = compile_filter($builtin_filters{$key}->{text});
- $filters{$key} = {
- func => $sub,
- text => $builtin_filters{$key}->{text},
- user => 0,
- name => $key, # useful for later
- note => $builtin_filters{$key}->{note},
- tbls => $builtin_filters{$key}->{tbls},
- }
-# Variable sets {{{3
-# Sets (arrayrefs) of variables that are used in S mode. They are read/written to
-# the config file.
-my %var_sets = (
- general => {
- text => join(
- ', ',
- 'set_precision(Questions/Uptime_hires) as QPS',
- 'set_precision(Com_commit/Uptime_hires) as Commit_PS',
- 'set_precision((Com_rollback||0)/(Com_commit||1)) as Rollback_Commit',
- 'set_precision(('
- . join('+', map { "($_||0)" }
- qw(Com_delete Com_delete_multi Com_insert Com_insert_select Com_replace
- Com_replace_select Com_select Com_update Com_update_multi))
- . ')/(Com_commit||1)) as Write_Commit',
- 'set_precision((Com_select+(Qcache_hits||0))/(('
- . join('+', map { "($_||0)" }
- qw(Com_delete Com_delete_multi Com_insert Com_insert_select Com_replace
- Com_replace_select Com_select Com_update Com_update_multi))
- . ')||1)) as R_W_Ratio',
- 'set_precision(Opened_tables/Uptime_hires) as Opens_PS',
- 'percent($cur->{Open_tables}/($cur->{table_cache})) as Table_Cache_Used',
- 'set_precision(Threads_created/Uptime_hires) as Threads_PS',
- 'percent($cur->{Threads_cached}/($cur->{thread_cache_size}||1)) as Thread_Cache_Used',
- 'percent($cur->{Max_used_connections}/($cur->{max_connections}||1)) as CXN_Used_Ever',
- 'percent($cur->{Threads_connected}/($cur->{max_connections}||1)) as CXN_Used_Now',
- ),
- },
- commands => {
- text => join(
- ', ',
- qw(Uptime Questions Com_delete Com_delete_multi Com_insert
- Com_insert_select Com_replace Com_replace_select Com_select Com_update
- Com_update_multi)
- ),
- },
- query_status => {
- text => join(
- ',',
- qw( Uptime Select_full_join Select_full_range_join Select_range
- Select_range_check Select_scan Slow_queries Sort_merge_passes
- Sort_range Sort_rows Sort_scan)
- ),
- },
- innodb => {
- text => join(
- ',',
- qw( Uptime Innodb_row_lock_current_waits Innodb_row_lock_time
- Innodb_row_lock_time_avg Innodb_row_lock_time_max Innodb_row_lock_waits
- Innodb_rows_deleted Innodb_rows_inserted Innodb_rows_read
- Innodb_rows_updated)
- ),
- },
- txn => {
- text => join(
- ',',
- qw( Uptime Com_begin Com_commit Com_rollback Com_savepoint
- Com_xa_commit Com_xa_end Com_xa_prepare Com_xa_recover Com_xa_rollback
- Com_xa_start)
- ),
- },
- key_cache => {
- text => join(
- ',',
- qw( Uptime Key_blocks_not_flushed Key_blocks_unused Key_blocks_used
- Key_read_requests Key_reads Key_write_requests Key_writes )
- ),
- },
- query_cache => {
- text => join(
- ',',
- "percent($exprs{QcacheHitRatio}) as Hit_Pct",
- 'set_precision((Qcache_hits||0)/(Qcache_inserts||1)) as Hit_Ins',
- 'set_precision((Qcache_lowmem_prunes||0)/Uptime_hires) as Lowmem_Prunes_sec',
- 'percent(1-((Qcache_free_blocks||0)/(Qcache_total_blocks||1))) as Blocks_used',
- qw( Qcache_free_blocks Qcache_free_memory Qcache_not_cached Qcache_queries_in_cache)
- ),
- },
- handler => {
- text => join(
- ',',
- qw( Uptime Handler_read_key Handler_read_first Handler_read_next
- Handler_read_prev Handler_read_rnd Handler_read_rnd_next Handler_delete
- Handler_update Handler_write)
- ),
- },
- cxns_files_threads => {
- text => join(
- ',',
- qw( Uptime Aborted_clients Aborted_connects Bytes_received Bytes_sent
- Compression Connections Created_tmp_disk_tables Created_tmp_files
- Created_tmp_tables Max_used_connections Open_files Open_streams
- Open_tables Opened_tables Table_locks_immediate Table_locks_waited
- Threads_cached Threads_connected Threads_created Threads_running)
- ),
- },
- prep_stmt => {
- text => join(
- ',',
- qw( Uptime Com_dealloc_sql Com_execute_sql Com_prepare_sql Com_reset
- Com_stmt_close Com_stmt_execute Com_stmt_fetch Com_stmt_prepare
- Com_stmt_reset Com_stmt_send_long_data )
- ),
- },
- innodb_health => {
- text => join(
- ',',
- "$exprs{OldVersions} as OldVersions",
- qw(IB_sm_mutex_spin_waits IB_sm_mutex_spin_rounds IB_sm_mutex_os_waits),
- "$exprs{NumTxns} as NumTxns",
- "$exprs{MaxTxnTime} as MaxTxnTime",
- qw(IB_ro_queries_inside IB_ro_queries_in_queue),
- "set_precision($exprs{DirtyBufs} * 100) as dirty_bufs",
- "set_precision($exprs{BufPoolFill} * 100) as buf_fill",
- qw(IB_bp_pages_total IB_bp_pages_read IB_bp_pages_written IB_bp_pages_created)
- ),
- },
- innodb_health2 => {
- text => join(
- ', ',
- 'percent(1-((Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free||0)/($cur->{Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total}||1))) as BP_page_cache_usage',
- 'percent(1-((Innodb_buffer_pool_reads||0)/(Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests||1))) as BP_cache_hit_ratio',
- 'Innodb_buffer_pool_wait_free',
- 'Innodb_log_waits',
- ),
- },
- slow_queries => {
- text => join(
- ', ',
- 'set_precision(Slow_queries/Uptime_hires) as Slow_PS',
- 'set_precision(Select_full_join/Uptime_hires) as Full_Join_PS',
- 'percent(Select_full_join/(Com_select||1)) as Full_Join_Ratio',
- ),
- },
-# Server sets {{{3
-# Defines sets of servers between which the user can quickly switch.
-my %server_groups;
-# Connections {{{3
-# This hash defines server connections. Each connection is a string that can be passed to
-# the DBI connection. These are saved in the connections section in the config file.
-my %connections;
-# Defines the parts of connections.
-my @conn_parts = qw(user have_user pass have_pass dsn savepass dl_table);
-# Graph widths {{{3
-# This hash defines the max values seen for various status/variable values, for graphing.
-# These are stored in their own section in the config file. These are just initial values:
-my %mvs = (
- Com_select => 50,
- Com_insert => 50,
- Com_update => 50,
- Com_delete => 50,
- Questions => 100,
-# ###########################################################################
-# Valid Term::ANSIColor color strings.
-# ###########################################################################
-my %ansicolors = map { $_ => 1 }
- qw( black blink blue bold clear concealed cyan dark green magenta on_black
- on_blue on_cyan on_green on_magenta on_red on_white on_yellow red reset
- reverse underline underscore white yellow);
-# ###########################################################################
-# Valid comparison operators for color rules
-# ###########################################################################
-my %comp_ops = (
- '==' => 'Numeric equality',
- '>' => 'Numeric greater-than',
- '<' => 'Numeric less-than',
- '>=' => 'Numeric greater-than/equal',
- '<=' => 'Numeric less-than/equal',
- '!=' => 'Numeric not-equal',
- 'eq' => 'String equality',
- 'gt' => 'String greater-than',
- 'lt' => 'String less-than',
- 'ge' => 'String greater-than/equal',
- 'le' => 'String less-than/equal',
- 'ne' => 'String not-equal',
- '=~' => 'Pattern match',
- '!~' => 'Negated pattern match',
-# ###########################################################################
-# Valid aggregate functions.
-# ###########################################################################
-my %agg_funcs = (
- first => sub {
- return $_[0]
- },
- count => sub {
- return 0 + @_;
- },
- avg => sub {
- my @args = grep { defined $_ } @_;
- return (sum(map { m/([\d\.-]+)/g } @args) || 0) / (scalar(@args) || 1);
- },
- sum => \&sum,
-# ###########################################################################
-# Valid functions for transformations.
-# ###########################################################################
-my %trans_funcs = (
- shorten => \&shorten,
- secs_to_time => \&secs_to_time,
- no_ctrl_char => \&no_ctrl_char,
- percent => \&percent,
- commify => \&commify,
- dulint_to_int => \&dulint_to_int,
- set_precision => \&set_precision,
-# Table definitions {{{3
-# This hash defines every table that can get displayed in every mode. Each
-# table specifies columns and column data sources. The column is
-# defined by the %columns hash.
-# Example: foo => { src => 'bar' } means the foo column (look at
-# $columns{foo} for its definition) gets its data from the 'bar' element of
-# the current data set, whatever that is.
-# These columns are post-processed after being defined, because they get stuff
-# from %columns. After all the config is loaded for columns, there's more
-# post-processing too; the subroutines compiled from src get added to
-# the hash elements for extract_values to use.
-# ###########################################################################
-my %tbl_meta = (
- adaptive_hash_index => {
- capt => 'Adaptive Hash Index',
- cust => {},
- cols => {
- cxn => { src => 'cxn' },
- hash_table_size => { src => 'IB_ib_hash_table_size', trans => [qw(shorten)], },
- used_cells => { src => 'IB_ib_used_cells' },
- bufs_in_node_heap => { src => 'IB_ib_bufs_in_node_heap' },
- hash_searches_s => { src => 'IB_ib_hash_searches_s' },
- non_hash_searches_s => { src => 'IB_ib_non_hash_searches_s' },
- },
- visible => [ qw(cxn hash_table_size used_cells bufs_in_node_heap hash_searches_s non_hash_searches_s) ],
- filters => [],
- sort_cols => 'cxn',
- sort_dir => '1',
- innodb => 'ib',
- group_by => [],
- aggregate => 0,
- },
- buffer_pool => {
- capt => 'Buffer Pool',
- cust => {},
- cols => {
- cxn => { src => 'cxn' },
- total_mem_alloc => { src => 'IB_bp_total_mem_alloc', trans => [qw(shorten)], },
- awe_mem_alloc => { src => 'IB_bp_awe_mem_alloc', trans => [qw(shorten)], },
- add_pool_alloc => { src => 'IB_bp_add_pool_alloc', trans => [qw(shorten)], },
- buf_pool_size => { src => 'IB_bp_buf_pool_size', trans => [qw(shorten)], },
- buf_free => { src => 'IB_bp_buf_free' },
- buf_pool_hit_rate => { src => 'IB_bp_buf_pool_hit_rate' },
- buf_pool_reads => { src => 'IB_bp_buf_pool_reads' },
- buf_pool_hits => { src => 'IB_bp_buf_pool_hits' },
- dict_mem_alloc => { src => 'IB_bp_dict_mem_alloc' },
- pages_total => { src => 'IB_bp_pages_total' },
- pages_modified => { src => 'IB_bp_pages_modified' },
- reads_pending => { src => 'IB_bp_reads_pending' },
- writes_pending => { src => 'IB_bp_writes_pending' },
- writes_pending_lru => { src => 'IB_bp_writes_pending_lru' },
- writes_pending_flush_list => { src => 'IB_bp_writes_pending_flush_list' },
- writes_pending_single_page => { src => 'IB_bp_writes_pending_single_page' },
- page_creates_sec => { src => 'IB_bp_page_creates_sec' },
- page_reads_sec => { src => 'IB_bp_page_reads_sec' },
- page_writes_sec => { src => 'IB_bp_page_writes_sec' },
- pages_created => { src => 'IB_bp_pages_created' },
- pages_read => { src => 'IB_bp_pages_read' },
- pages_written => { src => 'IB_bp_pages_written' },
- },
- visible => [ qw(cxn buf_pool_size buf_free pages_total pages_modified buf_pool_hit_rate total_mem_alloc add_pool_alloc)],
- filters => [],
- sort_cols => 'cxn',
- sort_dir => '1',
- innodb => 'bp',
- group_by => [],
- aggregate => 0,
- },
- # TODO: a new step in set_to_tbl: join result to itself, grouped?
- # TODO: this would also enable pulling Q and T data together.
- # TODO: using a SQL-ish language would also allow pivots to be easier -- treat the pivoted data as a view and SELECT from it.
- cmd_summary => {
- capt => 'Command Summary',
- cust => {},
- cols => {
- name => { src => 'name' },
- total => { src => 'total' },
- value => { src => 'value', agg => 'sum'},
- pct => { src => 'value/total', trans => [qw(percent)] },
- last_total => { src => 'last_total' },
- last_value => { src => 'last_value', agg => 'sum'},
- last_pct => { src => 'last_value/last_total', trans => [qw(percent)] },
- },
- visible => [qw(name value pct last_value last_pct)],
- filters => [qw()],
- sort_cols => '-value',
- sort_dir => '1',
- innodb => '',
- group_by => [qw(name)],
- aggregate => 1,
- },
- deadlock_locks => {
- capt => 'Deadlock Locks',
- cust => {},
- cols => {
- cxn => { src => 'cxn' },
- mysql_thread_id => { src => 'mysql_thread_id' },
- dl_txn_num => { src => 'dl_txn_num' },
- lock_type => { src => 'lock_type' },
- space_id => { src => 'space_id' },
- page_no => { src => 'page_no' },
- heap_no => { src => 'heap_no' },
- n_bits => { src => 'n_bits' },
- index => { src => 'index' },
- db => { src => 'db' },
- tbl => { src => 'table' },
- lock_mode => { src => 'lock_mode' },
- special => { src => 'special' },
- insert_intention => { src => 'insert_intention' },
- waiting => { src => 'waiting' },
- },
- visible => [ qw(cxn mysql_thread_id waiting lock_mode db tbl index special insert_intention)],
- filters => [],
- sort_cols => 'cxn mysql_thread_id',
- sort_dir => '1',
- innodb => 'dl',
- group_by => [],
- aggregate => 0,
- },
- deadlock_transactions => {
- capt => 'Deadlock Transactions',
- cust => {},
- cols => {
- cxn => { src => 'cxn' },
- active_secs => { src => 'active_secs' },
- dl_txn_num => { src => 'dl_txn_num' },
- has_read_view => { src => 'has_read_view' },
- heap_size => { src => 'heap_size' },
- host_and_domain => { src => 'hostname' },
- hostname => { src => $exprs{Host} },
- ip => { src => 'ip' },
- lock_structs => { src => 'lock_structs' },
- lock_wait_time => { src => 'lock_wait_time', trans => [ qw(secs_to_time) ] },
- mysql_thread_id => { src => 'mysql_thread_id' },
- os_thread_id => { src => 'os_thread_id' },
- proc_no => { src => 'proc_no' },
- query_id => { src => 'query_id' },
- query_status => { src => 'query_status' },
- query_text => { src => 'query_text', trans => [ qw(no_ctrl_char) ] },
- row_locks => { src => 'row_locks' },
- tables_in_use => { src => 'tables_in_use' },
- tables_locked => { src => 'tables_locked' },
- thread_decl_inside => { src => 'thread_decl_inside' },
- thread_status => { src => 'thread_status' },
- 'time' => { src => 'active_secs', trans => [ qw(secs_to_time) ] },
- timestring => { src => 'timestring' },
- txn_doesnt_see_ge => { src => 'txn_doesnt_see_ge' },
- txn_id => { src => 'txn_id' },
- txn_sees_lt => { src => 'txn_sees_lt' },
- txn_status => { src => 'txn_status' },
- truncates => { src => 'truncates' },
- undo_log_entries => { src => 'undo_log_entries' },
- user => { src => 'user' },
- victim => { src => 'victim' },
- wait_status => { src => 'lock_wait_status' },
- },
- visible => [ qw(cxn mysql_thread_id timestring user hostname victim time undo_log_entries lock_structs query_text)],
- filters => [],
- sort_cols => 'cxn mysql_thread_id',
- sort_dir => '1',
- innodb => 'dl',
- group_by => [],
- aggregate => 0,
- },
- explain => {
- capt => 'EXPLAIN Results',
- cust => {},
- cols => {
- part_id => { src => 'id' },
- select_type => { src => 'select_type' },
- tbl => { src => 'table' },
- partitions => { src => 'partitions' },
- scan_type => { src => 'type' },
- possible_keys => { src => 'possible_keys' },
- index => { src => 'key' },
- key_len => { src => 'key_len' },
- index_ref => { src => 'ref' },
- num_rows => { src => 'rows' },
- special => { src => 'extra' },
- },
- visible => [ qw(select_type tbl partitions scan_type possible_keys index key_len index_ref num_rows special)],
- filters => [],
- sort_cols => '',
- sort_dir => '1',
- innodb => '',
- group_by => [],
- aggregate => 0,
- },
- file_io_misc => {
- capt => 'File I/O Misc',
- cust => {},
- cols => {
- cxn => { src => 'cxn' },
- io_bytes_s => { src => 'IB_io_avg_bytes_s' },
- io_flush_type => { src => 'IB_io_flush_type' },
- io_fsyncs_s => { src => 'IB_io_fsyncs_s' },
- io_reads_s => { src => 'IB_io_reads_s' },
- io_writes_s => { src => 'IB_io_writes_s' },
- os_file_reads => { src => 'IB_io_os_file_reads' },
- os_file_writes => { src => 'IB_io_os_file_writes' },
- os_fsyncs => { src => 'IB_io_os_fsyncs' },
- },
- visible => [ qw(cxn os_file_reads os_file_writes os_fsyncs io_reads_s io_writes_s io_bytes_s)],
- filters => [],
- sort_cols => 'cxn',
- sort_dir => '1',
- innodb => 'io',
- group_by => [],
- aggregate => 0,
- },
- fk_error => {
- capt => 'Foreign Key Error Info',
- cust => {},
- cols => {
- timestring => { src => 'IB_fk_timestring' },
- child_db => { src => 'IB_fk_child_db' },
- child_table => { src => 'IB_fk_child_table' },
- child_index => { src => 'IB_fk_child_index' },
- fk_name => { src => 'IB_fk_fk_name' },
- parent_db => { src => 'IB_fk_parent_db' },
- parent_table => { src => 'IB_fk_parent_table' },
- parent_col => { src => 'IB_fk_parent_col' },
- parent_index => { src => 'IB_fk_parent_index' },
- attempted_op => { src => 'IB_fk_attempted_op' },
- },
- visible => [ qw(timestring child_db child_table child_index parent_db parent_table parent_col parent_index fk_name attempted_op)],
- filters => [],
- sort_cols => '',
- sort_dir => '1',
- innodb => 'fk',
- group_by => [],
- aggregate => 0,
- },
- insert_buffers => {
- capt => 'Insert Buffers',
- cust => {},
- cols => {
- cxn => { src => 'cxn' },
- inserts => { src => 'IB_ib_inserts' },
- merged_recs => { src => 'IB_ib_merged_recs' },
- merges => { src => 'IB_ib_merges' },
- size => { src => 'IB_ib_size' },
- free_list_len => { src => 'IB_ib_free_list_len' },
- seg_size => { src => 'IB_ib_seg_size' },
- },
- visible => [ qw(cxn inserts merged_recs merges size free_list_len seg_size)],
- filters => [],
- sort_cols => 'cxn',
- sort_dir => '1',
- innodb => 'ib',
- group_by => [],
- aggregate => 0,
- },
- innodb_locks => {
- capt => 'InnoDB Locks',
- cust => {},
- cols => {
- cxn => { src => 'cxn' },
- db => { src => 'db' },
- index => { src => 'index' },
- insert_intention => { src => 'insert_intention' },
- lock_mode => { src => 'lock_mode' },
- lock_type => { src => 'lock_type' },
- lock_wait_time => { src => 'lock_wait_time', trans => [ qw(secs_to_time) ] },
- mysql_thread_id => { src => 'mysql_thread_id' },
- n_bits => { src => 'n_bits' },
- page_no => { src => 'page_no' },
- space_id => { src => 'space_id' },
- special => { src => 'special' },
- tbl => { src => 'table' },
- 'time' => { src => 'active_secs', hdr => 'Active', trans => [ qw(secs_to_time) ] },
- txn_id => { src => 'txn_id' },
- waiting => { src => 'waiting' },
- },
- visible => [ qw(cxn mysql_thread_id lock_type waiting lock_wait_time time lock_mode db tbl index insert_intention special)],
- filters => [],
- sort_cols => 'cxn -lock_wait_time',
- sort_dir => '1',
- innodb => 'tx',
- colors => [
- { col => 'lock_wait_time', op => '>', arg => 60, color => 'red' },
- { col => 'lock_wait_time', op => '>', arg => 30, color => 'yellow' },
- { col => 'lock_wait_time', op => '>', arg => 10, color => 'green' },
- ],
- group_by => [],
- aggregate => 0,
- },
- innodb_transactions => {
- capt => 'InnoDB Transactions',
- cust => {},
- cols => {
- cxn => { src => 'cxn' },
- active_secs => { src => 'active_secs' },
- has_read_view => { src => 'has_read_view' },
- heap_size => { src => 'heap_size' },
- hostname => { src => $exprs{Host} },
- ip => { src => 'ip' },
- wait_status => { src => 'lock_wait_status' },
- lock_wait_time => { src => 'lock_wait_time', trans => [ qw(secs_to_time) ] },
- lock_structs => { src => 'lock_structs' },
- mysql_thread_id => { src => 'mysql_thread_id' },
- os_thread_id => { src => 'os_thread_id' },
- proc_no => { src => 'proc_no' },
- query_id => { src => 'query_id' },
- query_status => { src => 'query_status' },
- query_text => { src => 'query_text', trans => [ qw(no_ctrl_char) ] },
- txn_time_remain => { src => $exprs{TxnTimeRemain}, trans => [ qw(secs_to_time) ] },
- row_locks => { src => 'row_locks' },
- tables_in_use => { src => 'tables_in_use' },
- tables_locked => { src => 'tables_locked' },
- thread_decl_inside => { src => 'thread_decl_inside' },
- thread_status => { src => 'thread_status' },
- 'time' => { src => 'active_secs', trans => [ qw(secs_to_time) ], agg => 'sum' },
- txn_doesnt_see_ge => { src => 'txn_doesnt_see_ge' },
- txn_id => { src => 'txn_id' },
- txn_sees_lt => { src => 'txn_sees_lt' },
- txn_status => { src => 'txn_status', minw => 10, maxw => 10 },
- undo_log_entries => { src => 'undo_log_entries' },
- user => { src => 'user', maxw => 10 },
- cnt => { src => 'mysql_thread_id', minw => 0 },
- },
- visible => [ qw(cxn cnt mysql_thread_id user hostname txn_status time undo_log_entries query_text)],
- filters => [ qw( hide_self hide_inactive ) ],
- sort_cols => '-active_secs txn_status cxn mysql_thread_id',
- sort_dir => '1',
- innodb => 'tx',
- hide_caption => 1,
- colors => [
- { col => 'wait_status', op => 'eq', arg => 'LOCK WAIT', color => 'black on_red' },
- { col => 'time', op => '>', arg => 600, color => 'red' },
- { col => 'time', op => '>', arg => 300, color => 'yellow' },
- { col => 'time', op => '>', arg => 60, color => 'green' },
- { col => 'time', op => '>', arg => 30, color => 'cyan' },
- { col => 'txn_status', op => 'eq', arg => 'not started', color => 'white' },
- ],
- group_by => [ qw(cxn txn_status) ],
- aggregate => 0,
- },
- io_threads => {
- capt => 'I/O Threads',
- cust => {},
- cols => {
- cxn => { src => 'cxn' },
- thread => { src => 'thread' },
- thread_purpose => { src => 'purpose' },
- event_set => { src => 'event_set' },
- thread_status => { src => 'state' },
- },
- visible => [ qw(cxn thread thread_purpose thread_status)],
- filters => [ qw() ],
- sort_cols => 'cxn thread',
- sort_dir => '1',
- innodb => 'io',
- group_by => [],
- aggregate => 0,
- },
- log_statistics => {
- capt => 'Log Statistics',
- cust => {},
- cols => {
- cxn => { src => 'cxn' },
- last_chkp => { src => 'IB_lg_last_chkp' },
- log_flushed_to => { src => 'IB_lg_log_flushed_to' },
- log_ios_done => { src => 'IB_lg_log_ios_done' },
- log_ios_s => { src => 'IB_lg_log_ios_s' },
- log_seq_no => { src => 'IB_lg_log_seq_no' },
- pending_chkp_writes => { src => 'IB_lg_pending_chkp_writes' },
- pending_log_writes => { src => 'IB_lg_pending_log_writes' },
- },
- visible => [ qw(cxn log_seq_no log_flushed_to last_chkp log_ios_done log_ios_s)],
- filters => [],
- sort_cols => 'cxn',
- sort_dir => '1',
- innodb => 'lg',
- group_by => [],
- aggregate => 0,
- },
- master_status => {
- capt => 'Master Status',
- cust => {},
- cols => {
- cxn => { src => 'cxn' },
- binlog_do_db => { src => 'binlog_do_db' },
- binlog_ignore_db => { src => 'binlog_ignore_db' },
- master_file => { src => 'file' },
- master_pos => { src => 'position' },
- binlog_cache_overflow => { src => '(Binlog_cache_disk_use||0)/(Binlog_cache_use||1)', trans => [ qw(percent) ] },
- },
- visible => [ qw(cxn master_file master_pos binlog_cache_overflow)],
- filters => [ qw(cxn_is_master) ],
- sort_cols => 'cxn',
- sort_dir => '1',
- innodb => '',
- group_by => [],
- aggregate => 0,
- },
- pending_io => {
- capt => 'Pending I/O',
- cust => {},
- cols => {
- cxn => { src => 'cxn' },
- p_normal_aio_reads => { src => 'IB_io_pending_normal_aio_reads' },
- p_aio_writes => { src => 'IB_io_pending_aio_writes' },
- p_ibuf_aio_reads => { src => 'IB_io_pending_ibuf_aio_reads' },
- p_sync_ios => { src => 'IB_io_pending_sync_ios' },
- p_buf_pool_flushes => { src => 'IB_io_pending_buffer_pool_flushes' },
- p_log_flushes => { src => 'IB_io_pending_log_flushes' },
- p_log_ios => { src => 'IB_io_pending_log_ios' },
- p_preads => { src => 'IB_io_pending_preads' },
- p_pwrites => { src => 'IB_io_pending_pwrites' },
- },
- visible => [ qw(cxn p_normal_aio_reads p_aio_writes p_ibuf_aio_reads p_sync_ios p_log_flushes p_log_ios)],
- filters => [],
- sort_cols => 'cxn',
- sort_dir => '1',
- innodb => 'io',
- group_by => [],
- aggregate => 0,
- },
- open_tables => {
- capt => 'Open Tables',
- cust => {},
- cols => {
- cxn => { src => 'cxn' },
- db => { src => 'database' },
- tbl => { src => 'table' },
- num_times_open => { src => 'in_use' },
- is_name_locked => { src => 'name_locked' },
- },
- visible => [ qw(cxn db tbl num_times_open is_name_locked)],
- filters => [ qw(table_is_open) ],
- sort_cols => '-num_times_open cxn db tbl',
- sort_dir => '1',
- innodb => '',
- group_by => [],
- aggregate => 0,
- },
- page_statistics => {
- capt => 'Page Statistics',
- cust => {},
- cols => {
- cxn => { src => 'cxn' },
- pages_read => { src => 'IB_bp_pages_read' },
- pages_written => { src => 'IB_bp_pages_written' },
- pages_created => { src => 'IB_bp_pages_created' },
- page_reads_sec => { src => 'IB_bp_page_reads_sec' },
- page_writes_sec => { src => 'IB_bp_page_writes_sec' },
- page_creates_sec => { src => 'IB_bp_page_creates_sec' },
- },
- visible => [ qw(cxn pages_read pages_written pages_created page_reads_sec page_writes_sec page_creates_sec)],
- filters => [],
- sort_cols => 'cxn',
- sort_dir => '1',
- innodb => 'bp',
- group_by => [],
- aggregate => 0,
- },
- processlist => {
- capt => 'MySQL Process List',
- cust => {},
- cols => {
- cxn => { src => 'cxn', minw => 6, maxw => 10 },
- mysql_thread_id => { src => 'id', minw => 6, maxw => 0 },
- user => { src => 'user', minw => 5, maxw => 8 },
- hostname => { src => $exprs{Host}, minw => 13, maxw => 8, },
- port => { src => $exprs{Port}, minw => 0, maxw => 0, },
- host_and_port => { src => 'host', minw => 0, maxw => 0 },
- db => { src => 'db', minw => 6, maxw => 12 },
- cmd => { src => 'command', minw => 5, maxw => 0 },
- time => { src => 'time', minw => 5, maxw => 0, trans => [ qw(secs_to_time) ], agg => 'sum' },
- state => { src => 'state', minw => 0, maxw => 0 },
- info => { src => 'info', minw => 0, maxw => 0, trans => [ qw(no_ctrl_char) ] },
- cnt => { src => 'id', minw => 0, maxw => 0 },
- },
- visible => [ qw(cxn cmd cnt mysql_thread_id user hostname db time info)],
- filters => [ qw(hide_self hide_inactive hide_slave_io) ],
- sort_cols => '-time cxn hostname mysql_thread_id',
- sort_dir => '1',
- innodb => '',
- hide_caption => 1,
- colors => [
- { col => 'state', op => 'eq', arg => 'Locked', color => 'black on_red' },
- { col => 'cmd', op => 'eq', arg => 'Sleep', color => 'white' },
- { col => 'user', op => 'eq', arg => 'system user', color => 'white' },
- { col => 'cmd', op => 'eq', arg => 'Connect', color => 'white' },
- { col => 'cmd', op => 'eq', arg => 'Binlog Dump', color => 'white' },
- { col => 'time', op => '>', arg => 600, color => 'red' },
- { col => 'time', op => '>', arg => 120, color => 'yellow' },
- { col => 'time', op => '>', arg => 60, color => 'green' },
- { col => 'time', op => '>', arg => 30, color => 'cyan' },
- ],
- group_by => [qw(cxn cmd)],
- aggregate => 0,
- },
- # TODO: some more columns:
- # kb_used=hdr='BufUsed' minw='0' num='0' src='percent(1 - ((Key_blocks_unused * key_cache_block_size) / (key_buffer_size||1)))' dec='0' trans='' tbl='q_header' just='-' user='1' maxw='0' label='User-defined'
- # retries=hdr='Retries' minw='0' num='0' src='Slave_retried_transactions' dec='0' trans='' tbl='slave_sql_status' just='-' user='1' maxw='0' label='User-defined'
- # thd=hdr='Thd' minw='0' num='0' src='Threads_connected' dec='0' trans='' tbl='slave_sql_status' just='-' user='1' maxw='0' label='User-defined'
- q_header => {
- capt => 'Q-mode Header',
- cust => {},
- cols => {
- cxn => { src => 'cxn' },
- questions => { src => 'Questions' },
- qps => { src => 'Questions/Uptime_hires', dec => 1, trans => [qw(shorten)] },
- load => { src => $exprs{ServerLoad}, dec => 1, trans => [qw(shorten)] },
- slow => { src => 'Slow_queries', dec => 1, trans => [qw(shorten)] },
- q_cache_hit => { src => $exprs{QcacheHitRatio}, dec => 1, trans => [qw(percent)] },
- key_buffer_hit => { src => '1-(Key_reads/(Key_read_requests||1))', dec => 1, trans => [qw(percent)] },
- bps_in => { src => 'Bytes_received/Uptime_hires', dec => 1, trans => [qw(shorten)] },
- bps_out => { src => 'Bytes_sent/Uptime_hires', dec => 1, trans => [qw(shorten)] },
- when => { src => 'when' },
- },
- visible => [ qw(cxn when load qps slow q_cache_hit key_buffer_hit bps_in bps_out)],
- filters => [],
- sort_cols => 'when cxn',
- sort_dir => '1',
- innodb => '',
- hide_caption => 1,
- group_by => [],
- aggregate => 0,
- },
- row_operations => {
- capt => 'InnoDB Row Operations',
- cust => {},
- cols => {
- cxn => { src => 'cxn' },
- num_inserts => { src => 'IB_ro_num_rows_ins' },
- num_updates => { src => 'IB_ro_num_rows_upd' },
- num_reads => { src => 'IB_ro_num_rows_read' },
- num_deletes => { src => 'IB_ro_num_rows_del' },
- num_inserts_sec => { src => 'IB_ro_ins_sec' },
- num_updates_sec => { src => 'IB_ro_upd_sec' },
- num_reads_sec => { src => 'IB_ro_read_sec' },
- num_deletes_sec => { src => 'IB_ro_del_sec' },
- },
- visible => [ qw(cxn num_inserts num_updates num_reads num_deletes num_inserts_sec
- num_updates_sec num_reads_sec num_deletes_sec)],
- filters => [],
- sort_cols => 'cxn',
- sort_dir => '1',
- innodb => 'ro',
- group_by => [],
- aggregate => 0,
- },
- row_operation_misc => {
- capt => 'Row Operation Misc',
- cust => {},
- cols => {
- cxn => { src => 'cxn' },
- queries_in_queue => { src => 'IB_ro_queries_in_queue' },
- queries_inside => { src => 'IB_ro_queries_inside' },
- read_views_open => { src => 'IB_ro_read_views_open' },
- main_thread_id => { src => 'IB_ro_main_thread_id' },
- main_thread_proc_no => { src => 'IB_ro_main_thread_proc_no' },
- main_thread_state => { src => 'IB_ro_main_thread_state' },
- num_res_ext => { src => 'IB_ro_n_reserved_extents' },
- },
- visible => [ qw(cxn queries_in_queue queries_inside read_views_open main_thread_state)],
- filters => [],
- sort_cols => 'cxn',
- sort_dir => '1',
- innodb => 'ro',
- group_by => [],
- aggregate => 0,
- },
- semaphores => {
- capt => 'InnoDB Semaphores',
- cust => {},
- cols => {
- cxn => { src => 'cxn' },
- mutex_os_waits => { src => 'IB_sm_mutex_os_waits' },
- mutex_spin_rounds => { src => 'IB_sm_mutex_spin_rounds' },
- mutex_spin_waits => { src => 'IB_sm_mutex_spin_waits' },
- reservation_count => { src => 'IB_sm_reservation_count' },
- rw_excl_os_waits => { src => 'IB_sm_rw_excl_os_waits' },
- rw_excl_spins => { src => 'IB_sm_rw_excl_spins' },
- rw_shared_os_waits => { src => 'IB_sm_rw_shared_os_waits' },
- rw_shared_spins => { src => 'IB_sm_rw_shared_spins' },
- signal_count => { src => 'IB_sm_signal_count' },
- wait_array_size => { src => 'IB_sm_wait_array_size' },
- },
- visible => [ qw(cxn mutex_os_waits mutex_spin_waits mutex_spin_rounds
- rw_excl_os_waits rw_excl_spins rw_shared_os_waits rw_shared_spins
- signal_count reservation_count )],
- filters => [],
- sort_cols => 'cxn',
- sort_dir => '1',
- innodb => 'sm',
- group_by => [],
- aggregate => 0,
- },
- slave_io_status => {
- capt => 'Slave I/O Status',
- cust => {},
- cols => {
- cxn => { src => 'cxn' },
- connect_retry => { src => 'connect_retry' },
- master_host => { src => 'master_host', hdr => 'Master'},
- master_log_file => { src => 'master_log_file', hdr => 'File' },
- master_port => { src => 'master_port' },
- master_ssl_allowed => { src => 'master_ssl_allowed' },
- master_ssl_ca_file => { src => 'master_ssl_ca_file' },
- master_ssl_ca_path => { src => 'master_ssl_ca_path' },
- master_ssl_cert => { src => 'master_ssl_cert' },
- master_ssl_cipher => { src => 'master_ssl_cipher' },
- master_ssl_key => { src => 'master_ssl_key' },
- master_user => { src => 'master_user' },
- read_master_log_pos => { src => 'read_master_log_pos', hdr => 'Pos' },
- relay_log_size => { src => 'relay_log_space', trans => [qw(shorten)] },
- slave_io_running => { src => 'slave_io_running', hdr => 'On?' },
- slave_io_state => { src => 'slave_io_state', hdr => 'State' },
- },
- visible => [ qw(cxn master_host slave_io_running master_log_file relay_log_size read_master_log_pos slave_io_state)],
- filters => [ qw( cxn_is_slave ) ],
- sort_cols => 'slave_io_running cxn',
- colors => [
- { col => 'slave_io_running', op => 'ne', arg => 'Yes', color => 'black on_red' },
- ],
- sort_dir => '1',
- innodb => '',
- group_by => [],
- aggregate => 0,
- },
- slave_sql_status => {
- capt => 'Slave SQL Status',
- cust => {},
- cols => {
- cxn => { src => 'cxn' },
- exec_master_log_pos => { src => 'exec_master_log_pos', hdr => 'Master Pos' },
- last_errno => { src => 'last_errno' },
- last_error => { src => 'last_error' },
- master_host => { src => 'master_host', hdr => 'Master' },
- relay_log_file => { src => 'relay_log_file' },
- relay_log_pos => { src => 'relay_log_pos' },
- relay_log_size => { src => 'relay_log_space', trans => [qw(shorten)] },
- relay_master_log_file => { src => 'relay_master_log_file', hdr => 'Master File' },
- replicate_do_db => { src => 'replicate_do_db' },
- replicate_do_table => { src => 'replicate_do_table' },
- replicate_ignore_db => { src => 'replicate_ignore_db' },
- replicate_ignore_table => { src => 'replicate_ignore_table' },
- replicate_wild_do_table => { src => 'replicate_wild_do_table' },
- replicate_wild_ignore_table => { src => 'replicate_wild_ignore_table' },
- skip_counter => { src => 'skip_counter' },
- slave_sql_running => { src => 'slave_sql_running', hdr => 'On?' },
- until_condition => { src => 'until_condition' },
- until_log_file => { src => 'until_log_file' },
- until_log_pos => { src => 'until_log_pos' },
- time_behind_master => { src => 'seconds_behind_master', trans => [ qw(secs_to_time) ] },
- bytes_behind_master => { src => 'master_log_file && master_log_file eq relay_master_log_file ? read_master_log_pos - exec_master_log_pos : 0', trans => [qw(shorten)] },
- slave_catchup_rate => { src => $exprs{SlaveCatchupRate}, trans => [ qw(set_precision) ] },
- slave_open_temp_tables => { src => 'Slave_open_temp_tables' },
- },
- visible => [ qw(cxn master_host slave_sql_running time_behind_master slave_catchup_rate slave_open_temp_tables relay_log_pos last_error)],
- filters => [ qw( cxn_is_slave ) ],
- sort_cols => 'slave_sql_running cxn',
- sort_dir => '1',
- innodb => '',
- colors => [
- { col => 'slave_sql_running', op => 'ne', arg => 'Yes', color => 'black on_red' },
- { col => 'time_behind_master', op => '>', arg => 600, color => 'red' },
- { col => 'time_behind_master', op => '>', arg => 60, color => 'yellow' },
- { col => 'time_behind_master', op => '==', arg => 0, color => 'white' },
- ],
- group_by => [],
- aggregate => 0,
- },
- t_header => {
- capt => 'T-Mode Header',
- cust => {},
- cols => {
- cxn => { src => 'cxn' },
- dirty_bufs => { src => $exprs{DirtyBufs}, trans => [qw(percent)] },
- history_list_len => { src => 'IB_tx_history_list_len' },
- lock_structs => { src => 'IB_tx_num_lock_structs' },
- num_txns => { src => $exprs{NumTxns} },
- max_txn => { src => $exprs{MaxTxnTime}, trans => [qw(secs_to_time)] },
- undo_for => { src => 'IB_tx_purge_undo_for' },
- used_bufs => { src => $exprs{BufPoolFill}, trans => [qw(percent)]},
- versions => { src => $exprs{OldVersions} },
- },
- visible => [ qw(cxn history_list_len versions undo_for dirty_bufs used_bufs num_txns max_txn lock_structs)],
- filters => [ ],
- sort_cols => 'cxn',
- sort_dir => '1',
- innodb => '',
- colors => [],
- hide_caption => 1,
- group_by => [],
- aggregate => 0,
- },
- var_status => {
- capt => 'Variables & Status',
- cust => {},
- cols => {}, # Generated from current varset
- visible => [], # Generated from current varset
- filters => [],
- sort_cols => '',
- sort_dir => 1,
- innodb => '',
- temp => 1, # Do not persist to config file.
- hide_caption => 1,
- pivot => 0,
- group_by => [],
- aggregate => 0,
- },
- wait_array => {
- capt => 'InnoDB Wait Array',
- cust => {},
- cols => {
- cxn => { src => 'cxn' },
- thread => { src => 'thread' },
- waited_at_filename => { src => 'waited_at_filename' },
- waited_at_line => { src => 'waited_at_line' },
- 'time' => { src => 'waited_secs', trans => [ qw(secs_to_time) ] },
- request_type => { src => 'request_type' },
- lock_mem_addr => { src => 'lock_mem_addr' },
- lock_cfile_name => { src => 'lock_cfile_name' },
- lock_cline => { src => 'lock_cline' },
- writer_thread => { src => 'writer_thread' },
- writer_lock_mode => { src => 'writer_lock_mode' },
- num_readers => { src => 'num_readers' },
- lock_var => { src => 'lock_var' },
- waiters_flag => { src => 'waiters_flag' },
- last_s_file_name => { src => 'last_s_file_name' },
- last_s_line => { src => 'last_s_line' },
- last_x_file_name => { src => 'last_x_file_name' },
- last_x_line => { src => 'last_x_line' },
- cell_waiting => { src => 'cell_waiting' },
- cell_event_set => { src => 'cell_event_set' },
- },
- visible => [ qw(cxn thread time waited_at_filename waited_at_line request_type num_readers lock_var waiters_flag cell_waiting cell_event_set)],
- filters => [],
- sort_cols => 'cxn -time',
- sort_dir => '1',
- innodb => 'sm',
- group_by => [],
- aggregate => 0,
- },
-# Initialize %tbl_meta from %columns and do some checks.
-foreach my $table_name ( keys %tbl_meta ) {
- my $table = $tbl_meta{$table_name};
- my $cols = $table->{cols};
- foreach my $col_name ( keys %$cols ) {
- my $col_def = $table->{cols}->{$col_name};
- die "I can't find a column named '$col_name' for '$table_name'" unless $columns{$col_name};
- $columns{$col_name}->{referenced} = 1;
- foreach my $prop ( keys %col_props ) {
- # Each column gets non-existing values set from %columns or defaults from %col_props.
- if ( !$col_def->{$prop} ) {
- $col_def->{$prop}
- = defined($columns{$col_name}->{$prop})
- ? $columns{$col_name}->{$prop}
- : $col_props{$prop};
- }
- }
- # Ensure transformations and aggregate functions are valid
- die "Unknown aggregate function '$col_def->{agg}' "
- . "for column '$col_name' in table '$table_name'"
- unless exists $agg_funcs{$col_def->{agg}};
- foreach my $trans ( @{$col_def->{trans}} ) {
- die "Unknown transformation '$trans' "
- . "for column '$col_name' in table '$table_name'"
- unless exists $trans_funcs{$trans};
- }
- }
- # Ensure each column in visible and group_by exists in cols
- foreach my $place ( qw(visible group_by) ) {
- foreach my $col_name ( @{$table->{$place}} ) {
- if ( !exists $cols->{$col_name} ) {
- die "Column '$col_name' is listed in '$place' for '$table_name', but doesn't exist";
- }
- }
- }
- # Compile sort and color subroutines
- $table->{sort_func} = make_sort_func($table);
- $table->{color_func} = make_color_func($table);
-# This is for code cleanup:
- my @unused_cols = grep { !$columns{$_}->{referenced} } sort keys %columns;
- if ( @unused_cols ) {
- die "The following columns are not used: "
- . join(' ', @unused_cols);
- }
-# ###########################################################################
-# Operating modes {{{3
-# ###########################################################################
-my %modes = (
- B => {
- hdr => 'InnoDB Buffers',
- cust => {},
- note => 'Shows buffer info from InnoDB',
- action_for => {
- i => {
- action => sub { toggle_config('status_inc') },
- label => 'Toggle incremental status display',
- },
- },
- display_sub => \&display_B,
- connections => [],
- server_group => '',
- one_connection => 0,
- tables => [qw(buffer_pool page_statistics insert_buffers adaptive_hash_index)],
- visible_tables => [qw(buffer_pool page_statistics insert_buffers adaptive_hash_index)],
- },
- C => {
- hdr => 'Command Summary',
- cust => {},
- note => 'Shows relative magnitude of variables',
- action_for => {
- s => {
- action => sub { get_config_interactive('cmd_filter') },
- label => 'Choose variable prefix',
- },
- },
- display_sub => \&display_C,
- connections => [],
- server_group => '',
- one_connection => 0,
- tables => [qw(cmd_summary)],
- visible_tables => [qw(cmd_summary)],
- },
- D => {
- hdr => 'InnoDB Deadlocks',
- cust => {},
- note => 'View InnoDB deadlock information',
- action_for => {
- c => {
- action => sub { edit_table('deadlock_transactions') },
- label => 'Choose visible columns',
- },
- w => {
- action => \&create_deadlock,
- label => 'Wipe deadlock status info by creating a deadlock',
- },
- },
- display_sub => \&display_D,
- connections => [],
- server_group => '',
- one_connection => 0,
- tables => [qw(deadlock_transactions deadlock_locks)],
- visible_tables => [qw(deadlock_transactions deadlock_locks)],
- },
- F => {
- hdr => 'InnoDB FK Err',
- cust => {},
- note => 'View the latest InnoDB foreign key error',
- action_for => {},
- display_sub => \&display_F,
- connections => [],
- server_group => '',
- one_connection => 1,
- tables => [qw(fk_error)],
- visible_tables => [qw(fk_error)],
- },
- I => {
- hdr => 'InnoDB I/O Info',
- cust => {},
- note => 'Shows I/O info (i/o, log...) from InnoDB',
- action_for => {
- i => {
- action => sub { toggle_config('status_inc') },
- label => 'Toggle incremental status display',
- },
- },
- display_sub => \&display_I,
- connections => [],
- server_group => '',
- one_connection => 0,
- tables => [qw(io_threads pending_io file_io_misc log_statistics)],
- visible_tables => [qw(io_threads pending_io file_io_misc log_statistics)],
- },
- L => {
- hdr => 'Locks',
- cust => {},
- note => 'Shows transaction locks',
- action_for => {
- a => {
- action => sub { send_cmd_to_servers('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test.innodb_lock_monitor(a int) ENGINE=InnoDB', 0, '', []); },
- label => 'Start the InnoDB Lock Monitor',
- },
- o => {
- action => sub { send_cmd_to_servers('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test.innodb_lock_monitor', 0, '', []); },
- label => 'Stop the InnoDB Lock Monitor',
- },
- },
- display_sub => \&display_L,
- connections => [],
- server_group => '',
- one_connection => 0,
- tables => [qw(innodb_locks)],
- visible_tables => [qw(innodb_locks)],
- },
- M => {
- hdr => 'Replication Status',
- cust => {},
- note => 'Shows replication (master and slave) status',
- action_for => {
- a => {
- action => sub { send_cmd_to_servers('START SLAVE', 0, 'START SLAVE SQL_THREAD UNTIL MASTER_LOG_FILE = ?, MASTER_LOG_POS = ?', []); },
- label => 'Start slave(s)',
- },
- i => {
- action => sub { toggle_config('status_inc') },
- label => 'Toggle incremental status display',
- },
- o => {
- action => sub { send_cmd_to_servers('STOP SLAVE', 0, '', []); },
- label => 'Stop slave(s)',
- },
- b => {
- action => sub { purge_master_logs() },
- label => 'Purge unused master logs',
- },
- },
- display_sub => \&display_M,
- connections => [],
- server_group => '',
- one_connection => 0,
- tables => [qw(slave_sql_status slave_io_status master_status)],
- visible_tables => [qw(slave_sql_status slave_io_status master_status)],
- },
- O => {
- hdr => 'Open Tables',
- cust => {},
- note => 'Shows open tables in MySQL',
- action_for => {
- r => {
- action => sub { reverse_sort('open_tables'); },
- label => 'Reverse sort order',
- },
- s => {
- action => sub { choose_sort_cols('open_tables'); },
- label => "Choose sort column",
- },
- },
- display_sub => \&display_O,
- connections => [],
- server_group => '',
- one_connection => 0,
- tables => [qw(open_tables)],
- visible_tables => [qw(open_tables)],
- },
- Q => {
- hdr => 'Query List',
- cust => {},
- note => 'Shows queries from SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST',
- action_for => {
- a => {
- action => sub { toggle_filter('processlist', 'hide_self') },
- label => 'Toggle the innotop process',
- },
- c => {
- action => sub { edit_table('processlist') },
- label => 'Choose visible columns',
- },
- e => {
- action => sub { analyze_query('e'); },
- label => "Explain a thread's query",
- },
- f => {
- action => sub { analyze_query('f'); },
- label => "Show a thread's full query",
- },
- h => {
- action => sub { toggle_visible_table('Q', 'q_header') },
- label => 'Toggle the header on and off',
- },
- i => {
- action => sub { toggle_filter('processlist', 'hide_inactive') },
- label => 'Toggle idle processes',
- },
- k => {
- action => sub { kill_query('CONNECTION') },
- label => "Kill a query's connection",
- },
- r => {
- action => sub { reverse_sort('processlist'); },
- label => 'Reverse sort order',
- },
- s => {
- action => sub { choose_sort_cols('processlist'); },
- label => "Change the display's sort column",
- },
- x => {
- action => sub { kill_query('QUERY') },
- label => "Kill a query",
- },
- },
- display_sub => \&display_Q,
- connections => [],
- server_group => '',
- one_connection => 0,
- tables => [qw(q_header processlist)],
- visible_tables => [qw(q_header processlist)],
- },
- R => {
- hdr => 'InnoDB Row Ops',
- cust => {},
- note => 'Shows InnoDB row operation and semaphore info',
- action_for => {
- i => {
- action => sub { toggle_config('status_inc') },
- label => 'Toggle incremental status display',
- },
- },
- display_sub => \&display_R,
- connections => [],
- server_group => '',
- one_connection => 0,
- tables => [qw(row_operations row_operation_misc semaphores wait_array)],
- visible_tables => [qw(row_operations row_operation_misc semaphores wait_array)],
- },
- S => {
- hdr => 'Variables & Status',
- cust => {},
- note => 'Shows query load statistics a la vmstat',
- action_for => {
- '>' => {
- action => sub { switch_var_set('S_set', 1) },
- label => 'Switch to next variable set',
- },
- '<' => {
- action => sub { switch_var_set('S_set', -1) },
- label => 'Switch to prev variable set',
- },
- c => {
- action => sub {
- choose_var_set('S_set');
- start_S_mode();
- },
- label => "Choose which set to display",
- },
- e => {
- action => \&edit_current_var_set,
- label => 'Edit the current set of variables',
- },
- i => {
- action => sub { $clear_screen_sub->(); toggle_config('status_inc') },
- label => 'Toggle incremental status display',
- },
- '-' => {
- action => sub { set_display_precision(-1) },
- label => 'Decrease fractional display precision',
- },
- '+' => {
- action => sub { set_display_precision(1) },
- label => 'Increase fractional display precision',
- },
- g => {
- action => sub { set_s_mode('g') },
- label => 'Switch to graph (tload) view',
- },
- s => {
- action => sub { set_s_mode('s') },
- label => 'Switch to standard (vmstat) view',
- },
- v => {
- action => sub { set_s_mode('v') },
- label => 'Switch to pivoted view',
- },
- },
- display_sub => \&display_S,
- no_clear_screen => 1,
- connections => [],
- server_group => '',
- one_connection => 0,
- tables => [qw(var_status)],
- visible_tables => [qw(var_status)],
- },
- T => {
- hdr => 'InnoDB Txns',
- cust => {},
- note => 'Shows InnoDB transactions in top-like format',
- action_for => {
- a => {
- action => sub { toggle_filter('innodb_transactions', 'hide_self') },
- label => 'Toggle the innotop process',
- },
- c => {
- action => sub { edit_table('innodb_transactions') },
- label => 'Choose visible columns',
- },
- e => {
- action => sub { analyze_query('e'); },
- label => "Explain a thread's query",
- },
- f => {
- action => sub { analyze_query('f'); },
- label => "Show a thread's full query",
- },
- h => {
- action => sub { toggle_visible_table('T', 't_header') },
- label => 'Toggle the header on and off',
- },
- i => {
- action => sub { toggle_filter('innodb_transactions', 'hide_inactive') },
- label => 'Toggle inactive transactions',
- },
- k => {
- action => sub { kill_query('CONNECTION') },
- label => "Kill a transaction's connection",
- },
- r => {
- action => sub { reverse_sort('innodb_transactions'); },
- label => 'Reverse sort order',
- },
- s => {
- action => sub { choose_sort_cols('innodb_transactions'); },
- label => "Change the display's sort column",
- },
- x => {
- action => sub { kill_query('QUERY') },
- label => "Kill a query",
- },
- },
- display_sub => \&display_T,
- connections => [],
- server_group => '',
- one_connection => 0,
- tables => [qw(t_header innodb_transactions)],
- visible_tables => [qw(t_header innodb_transactions)],
- },
-# ###########################################################################
-# Global key mappings {{{3
-# Keyed on a single character, which is read from the keyboard. Uppercase
-# letters switch modes. Lowercase letters access commands when in a mode.
-# These can be overridden by action_for in %modes.
-# ###########################################################################
-my %action_for = (
- '$' => {
- action => \&edit_configuration,
- label => 'Edit configuration settings',
- },
- '?' => {
- action => \&display_help,
- label => 'Show help',
- },
- '!' => {
- action => \&display_license,
- label => 'Show license and warranty',
- },
- '^' => {
- action => \&edit_table,
- label => "Edit the displayed table(s)",
- },
- '#' => {
- action => \&choose_server_groups,
- label => 'Select/create server groups',
- },
- '@' => {
- action => \&choose_servers,
- label => 'Select/create server connections',
- },
- '/' => {
- action => \&add_quick_filter,
- label => 'Quickly filter what you see',
- },
- '\\' => {
- action => \&clear_quick_filters,
- label => 'Clear quick-filters',
- },
- '%' => {
- action => \&choose_filters,
- label => 'Choose and edit table filters',
- },
- "\t" => {
- action => \&next_server_group,
- label => 'Switch to the next server group',
- key => 'TAB',
- },
- '=' => {
- action => \&toggle_aggregate,
- label => 'Toggle aggregation',
- },
- # TODO: can these be auto-generated from %modes?
- B => {
- action => sub { switch_mode('B') },
- label => '',
- },
- C => {
- action => sub { switch_mode('C') },
- label => '',
- },
- D => {
- action => sub { switch_mode('D') },
- label => '',
- },
- F => {
- action => sub { switch_mode('F') },
- label => '',
- },
- I => {
- action => sub { switch_mode('I') },
- label => '',
- },
- L => {
- action => sub { switch_mode('L') },
- label => '',
- },
- M => {
- action => sub { switch_mode('M') },
- label => '',
- },
- O => {
- action => sub { switch_mode('O') },
- label => '',
- },
- Q => {
- action => sub { switch_mode('Q') },
- label => '',
- },
- R => {
- action => sub { switch_mode('R') },
- label => '',
- },
- S => {
- action => \&start_S_mode,
- label => '',
- },
- T => {
- action => sub { switch_mode('T') },
- label => '',
- },
- d => {
- action => sub { get_config_interactive('interval') },
- label => 'Change refresh interval',
- },
- n => { action => \&next_server, label => 'Switch to the next connection' },
- p => { action => \&pause, label => 'Pause innotop', },
- q => { action => \&finish, label => 'Quit innotop', },
-# ###########################################################################
-# Sleep times after certain statements {{{3
-# ###########################################################################
-my %stmt_sleep_time_for = ();
-# ###########################################################################
-# Config editor key mappings {{{3
-# ###########################################################################
-my %cfg_editor_action = (
- c => {
- note => 'Edit columns, etc in the displayed table(s)',
- func => \&edit_table,
- },
- g => {
- note => 'Edit general configuration',
- func => \&edit_configuration_variables,
- },
- k => {
- note => 'Edit row-coloring rules',
- func => \&edit_color_rules,
- },
- p => {
- note => 'Manage plugins',
- func => \&edit_plugins,
- },
- s => {
- note => 'Edit server groups',
- func => \&edit_server_groups,
- },
- S => {
- note => 'Edit SQL statement sleep delays',
- func => \&edit_stmt_sleep_times,
- },
- t => {
- note => 'Choose which table(s) to display in this mode',
- func => \&choose_mode_tables,
- },
-# ###########################################################################
-# Color editor key mappings {{{3
-# ###########################################################################
-my %color_editor_action = (
- n => {
- note => 'Create a new color rule',
- func => sub {
- my ( $tbl, $idx ) = @_;
- my $meta = $tbl_meta{$tbl};
- $clear_screen_sub->();
- my $col;
- do {
- $col = prompt_list(
- 'Choose the target column for the rule',
- '',
- sub { return keys %{$meta->{cols}} },
- { map { $_ => $meta->{cols}->{$_}->{label} } keys %{$meta->{cols}} });
- } while ( !$col );
- ( $col ) = grep { $_ } split(/\W+/, $col);
- return $idx unless $col && exists $meta->{cols}->{$col};
- $clear_screen_sub->();
- my $op;
- do {
- $op = prompt_list(
- 'Choose the comparison operator for the rule',
- '',
- sub { return keys %comp_ops },
- { map { $_ => $comp_ops{$_} } keys %comp_ops } );
- } until ( $op );
- $op =~ s/\s+//g;
- return $idx unless $op && exists $comp_ops{$op};
- my $arg;
- do {
- $arg = prompt('Specify an argument for the comparison');
- } until defined $arg;
- my $color;
- do {
- $color = prompt_list(
- 'Choose the color(s) the row should be when the rule matches',
- '',
- sub { return keys %ansicolors },
- { map { $_ => $_ } keys %ansicolors } );
- } until defined $color;
- $color = join(' ', unique(grep { exists $ansicolors{$_} } split(/\W+/, $color)));
- return $idx unless $color;
- push @{$tbl_meta{$tbl}->{colors}}, {
- col => $col,
- op => $op,
- arg => $arg,
- color => $color
- };
- $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{cust}->{colors} = 1;
- return $idx;
- },
- },
- d => {
- note => 'Remove the selected rule',
- func => sub {
- my ( $tbl, $idx ) = @_;
- my @rules = @{ $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{colors} };
- return 0 unless @rules > 0 && $idx < @rules && $idx >= 0;
- splice(@{$tbl_meta{$tbl}->{colors}}, $idx, 1);
- $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{cust}->{colors} = 1;
- return $idx == @rules ? $#rules : $idx;
- },
- },
- j => {
- note => 'Move highlight down one',
- func => sub {
- my ( $tbl, $idx ) = @_;
- my $num_rules = scalar @{$tbl_meta{$tbl}->{colors}};
- return ($idx + 1) % $num_rules;
- },
- },
- k => {
- note => 'Move highlight up one',
- func => sub {
- my ( $tbl, $idx ) = @_;
- my $num_rules = scalar @{$tbl_meta{$tbl}->{colors}};
- return ($idx - 1) % $num_rules;
- },
- },
- '+' => {
- note => 'Move selected rule up one',
- func => sub {
- my ( $tbl, $idx ) = @_;
- my $meta = $tbl_meta{$tbl};
- my $dest = $idx == 0 ? scalar(@{$meta->{colors}} - 1) : $idx - 1;
- my $temp = $meta->{colors}->[$idx];
- $meta->{colors}->[$idx] = $meta->{colors}->[$dest];
- $meta->{colors}->[$dest] = $temp;
- $meta->{cust}->{colors} = 1;
- return $dest;
- },
- },
- '-' => {
- note => 'Move selected rule down one',
- func => sub {
- my ( $tbl, $idx ) = @_;
- my $meta = $tbl_meta{$tbl};
- my $dest = $idx == scalar(@{$meta->{colors}} - 1) ? 0 : $idx + 1;
- my $temp = $meta->{colors}->[$idx];
- $meta->{colors}->[$idx] = $meta->{colors}->[$dest];
- $meta->{colors}->[$dest] = $temp;
- $meta->{cust}->{colors} = 1;
- return $dest;
- },
- },
-# ###########################################################################
-# Plugin editor key mappings {{{3
-# ###########################################################################
-my %plugin_editor_action = (
- '*' => {
- note => 'Toggle selected plugin active/inactive',
- func => sub {
- my ( $plugins, $idx ) = @_;
- my $plugin = $plugins->[$idx];
- $plugin->{active} = $plugin->{active} ? 0 : 1;
- return $idx;
- },
- },
- j => {
- note => 'Move highlight down one',
- func => sub {
- my ( $plugins, $idx ) = @_;
- return ($idx + 1) % scalar(@$plugins);
- },
- },
- k => {
- note => 'Move highlight up one',
- func => sub {
- my ( $plugins, $idx ) = @_;
- return $idx == 0 ? @$plugins - 1 : $idx - 1;
- },
- },
-# ###########################################################################
-# Table editor key mappings {{{3
-# ###########################################################################
-my %tbl_editor_action = (
- a => {
- note => 'Add a column to the table',
- func => sub {
- my ( $tbl, $col ) = @_;
- my @visible_cols = @{ $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{visible} };
- my %all_cols = %{ $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{cols} };
- delete @all_cols{@visible_cols};
- my $choice = prompt_list(
- 'Choose a column',
- '',
- sub { return keys %all_cols; },
- { map { $_ => $all_cols{$_}->{label} || $all_cols{$_}->{hdr} } keys %all_cols });
- if ( $all_cols{$choice} ) {
- push @{$tbl_meta{$tbl}->{visible}}, $choice;
- $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{cust}->{visible} = 1;
- return $choice;
- }
- return $col;
- },
- },
- n => {
- note => 'Create a new column and add it to the table',
- func => sub {
- my ( $tbl, $col ) = @_;
- $clear_screen_sub->();
- print word_wrap("Choose a name for the column. This name is not displayed, and is used only "
- . "for internal reference. It can contain only lowercase letters, numbers, "
- . "and underscores.");
- print "\n\n";
- do {
- $col = prompt("Enter column name");
- $col = '' if $col =~ m/[^a-z0-9_]/;
- } while ( !$col );
- $clear_screen_sub->();
- my $hdr;
- do {
- $hdr = prompt("Enter column header");
- } while ( !$hdr );
- $clear_screen_sub->();
- print "Choose a source for the column's data\n\n";
- my ( $src, $sub, $err );
- do {
- if ( $err ) {
- print "Error: $err\n\n";
- }
- $src = prompt("Enter column source");
- if ( $src ) {
- ( $sub, $err ) = compile_expr($src);
- }
- } until ( !$err);
- # TODO: this duplicates %col_props.
- $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{cols}->{$col} = {
- hdr => $hdr,
- src => $src,
- just => '-',
- num => 0,
- label => 'User-defined',
- user => 1,
- tbl => $tbl,
- minw => 0,
- maxw => 0,
- trans => [],
- func => $sub,
- dec => 0,
- agg => 0,
- aggonly => 0,
- };
- $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{visible} = [ unique(@{$tbl_meta{$tbl}->{visible}}, $col) ];
- $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{cust}->{visible} = 1;
- return $col;
- },
- },
- d => {
- note => 'Remove selected column',
- func => sub {
- my ( $tbl, $col ) = @_;
- my @visible_cols = @{ $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{visible} };
- my $idx = 0;
- return $col unless @visible_cols > 1;
- while ( $visible_cols[$idx] ne $col ) {
- $idx++;
- }
- $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{visible} = [ grep { $_ ne $col } @visible_cols ];
- $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{cust}->{visible} = 1;
- return $idx == $#visible_cols ? $visible_cols[$idx - 1] : $visible_cols[$idx + 1];
- },
- },
- e => {
- note => 'Edit selected column',
- func => sub {
- # TODO: make this editor hotkey-driven and give readline support.
- my ( $tbl, $col ) = @_;
- $clear_screen_sub->();
- my $meta = $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{cols}->{$col};
- my @prop = qw(hdr label src just num minw maxw trans agg); # TODO redundant
- my $answer;
- do {
- # Do what the user asked...
- if ( $answer && grep { $_ eq $answer } @prop ) {
- # Some properties are arrays, others scalars.
- my $ini = ref $col_props{$answer} ? join(' ', @{$meta->{$answer}}) : $meta->{$answer};
- my $val = prompt("New value for $answer", undef, $ini);
- $val = [ split(' ', $val) ] if ref($col_props{$answer});
- if ( $answer eq 'trans' ) {
- $val = [ unique(grep{ exists $trans_funcs{$_} } @$val) ];
- }
- @{$meta}{$answer, 'user', 'tbl' } = ( $val, 1, $tbl );
- }
- my @display_lines = (
- '',
- "You are editing column $tbl.$col.\n",
- );
- push @display_lines, create_table2(
- \@prop,
- { map { $_ => $_ } @prop },
- { map { $_ => ref $meta->{$_} eq 'ARRAY' ? join(' ', @{$meta->{$_}})
- : ref $meta->{$_} ? '[expression code]'
- : $meta->{$_}
- } @prop
- },
- { sep => ' ' });
- draw_screen(\@display_lines, { raw => 1 });
- print "\n\n"; # One to add space, one to clear readline artifacts
- $answer = prompt('Edit what? (q to quit)');
- } while ( $answer ne 'q' );
- return $col;
- },
- },
- j => {
- note => 'Move highlight down one',
- func => sub {
- my ( $tbl, $col ) = @_;
- my @visible_cols = @{ $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{visible} };
- my $idx = 0;
- while ( $visible_cols[$idx] ne $col ) {
- $idx++;
- }
- return $visible_cols[ ($idx + 1) % @visible_cols ];
- },
- },
- k => {
- note => 'Move highlight up one',
- func => sub {
- my ( $tbl, $col ) = @_;
- my @visible_cols = @{ $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{visible} };
- my $idx = 0;
- while ( $visible_cols[$idx] ne $col ) {
- $idx++;
- }
- return $visible_cols[ $idx - 1 ];
- },
- },
- '+' => {
- note => 'Move selected column up one',
- func => sub {
- my ( $tbl, $col ) = @_;
- my $meta = $tbl_meta{$tbl};
- my @visible_cols = @{$meta->{visible}};
- my $idx = 0;
- while ( $visible_cols[$idx] ne $col ) {
- $idx++;
- }
- if ( $idx ) {
- $visible_cols[$idx] = $visible_cols[$idx - 1];
- $visible_cols[$idx - 1] = $col;
- $meta->{visible} = \@visible_cols;
- }
- else {
- shift @{$meta->{visible}};
- push @{$meta->{visible}}, $col;
- }
- $meta->{cust}->{visible} = 1;
- return $col;
- },
- },
- '-' => {
- note => 'Move selected column down one',
- func => sub {
- my ( $tbl, $col ) = @_;
- my $meta = $tbl_meta{$tbl};
- my @visible_cols = @{$meta->{visible}};
- my $idx = 0;
- while ( $visible_cols[$idx] ne $col ) {
- $idx++;
- }
- if ( $idx == $#visible_cols ) {
- unshift @{$meta->{visible}}, $col;
- pop @{$meta->{visible}};
- }
- else {
- $visible_cols[$idx] = $visible_cols[$idx + 1];
- $visible_cols[$idx + 1] = $col;
- $meta->{visible} = \@visible_cols;
- }
- $meta->{cust}->{visible} = 1;
- return $col;
- },
- },
- f => {
- note => 'Choose filters',
- func => sub {
- my ( $tbl, $col ) = @_;
- choose_filters($tbl);
- return $col;
- },
- },
- o => {
- note => 'Edit color rules',
- func => sub {
- my ( $tbl, $col ) = @_;
- edit_color_rules($tbl);
- return $col;
- },
- },
- s => {
- note => 'Choose sort columns',
- func => sub {
- my ( $tbl, $col ) = @_;
- choose_sort_cols($tbl);
- return $col;
- },
- },
- g => {
- note => 'Choose group-by (aggregate) columns',
- func => sub {
- my ( $tbl, $col ) = @_;
- choose_group_cols($tbl);
- return $col;
- },
- },
-# ###########################################################################
-# Global variables and environment {{{2
-# ###########################################################################
-my @this_term_size; # w_chars, h_chars, w_pix, h_pix
-my @last_term_size; # w_chars, h_chars, w_pix, h_pix
-my $char;
-my $windows = $OSNAME =~ m/MSWin/;
-my $have_color = 0;
-my $MAX_ULONG = 4294967295; # 2^32-1
-my $num_regex = qr/^[+-]?(?=\d|\.)\d*(?:\.\d+)?(?:E[+-]?\d+|)$/i;
-my $int_regex = qr/^\d+$/;
-my $bool_regex = qr/^[01]$/;
-my $term = undef;
-my $file = undef; # File to watch for InnoDB monitor output
-my $file_mtime = undef; # Status of watched file
-my $file_data = undef; # Last chunk of text read from file
-my $innodb_parser = InnoDBParser->new;
-my $nonfatal_errs = join('|',
- 'Access denied for user',
- 'Unknown MySQL server host',
- 'Unknown database',
- 'Can\'t connect to local MySQL server through socket',
- 'Can\'t connect to MySQL server on',
- 'MySQL server has gone away',
- 'Cannot call SHOW INNODB STATUS',
- 'Access denied',
- 'AutoCommit',
-if ( !$opts{n} ) {
- require Term::ReadLine;
- $term = Term::ReadLine->new('innotop');
-# Stores status, variables, innodb status, master/slave status etc.
-# Keyed on connection name. Each entry is a hashref of current and past data sets,
-# keyed on clock tick.
-my %vars;
-my %info_gotten = (); # Which things have been retrieved for the current clock tick.
-# Stores info on currently displayed queries: cxn, connection ID, query text.
-my @current_queries;
-my $lines_printed = 0;
-my $clock = 0; # Incremented with every wake-sleep cycle
-my $clearing_deadlocks = 0;
-# Find the home directory; it's different on different OSes.
-my $homepath = $ENV{HOME} || $ENV{HOMEPATH} || $ENV{USERPROFILE} || '.';
-# If terminal coloring is available, use it. The only function I want from
-# the module is the colored() function.
-eval {
- if ( !$opts{n} ) {
- if ( $windows ) {
- require Win32::Console::ANSI;
- }
- require Term::ANSIColor;
- import Term::ANSIColor qw(colored);
- $have_color = 1;
- }
-if ( $EVAL_ERROR || $opts{n} ) {
- # If there was an error, manufacture my own colored() function that does no
- # coloring.
- *colored = sub { pop @_; @_; };
-if ( $opts{n} ) {
- $clear_screen_sub = sub {};
-elsif ( $windows ) {
- $clear_screen_sub = sub { $lines_printed = 0; system("cls") };
-else {
- my $clear = `clear`;
- $clear_screen_sub = sub { $lines_printed = 0; print $clear };
-# ###########################################################################
-# Config storage. {{{2
-# ###########################################################################
-my %config = (
- color => {
- val => $have_color,
- note => 'Whether to use terminal coloring',
- conf => 'ALL',
- pat => $bool_regex,
- },
- cmd_filter => {
- val => 'Com_',
- note => 'Prefix for values in C mode',
- conf => [qw(C)],
- },
- plugin_dir => {
- val => "$homepath/.innotop/plugins",
- note => 'Directory where plugins can be found',
- conf => 'ALL',
- },
- show_percent => {
- val => 1,
- note => 'Show the % symbol after percentages',
- conf => 'ALL',
- pat => $bool_regex,
- },
- skip_innodb => {
- val => 0,
- note => 'Disable SHOW INNODB STATUS',
- conf => 'ALL',
- pat => $bool_regex,
- },
- S_func => {
- val => 's',
- note => 'What to display in S mode: graph, status, pivoted status',
- conf => [qw(S)],
- pat => qr/^[gsv]$/,
- },
- cxn_timeout => {
- val => 28800,
- note => 'Connection timeout for keeping unused connections alive',
- conf => 'ALL',
- pat => $int_regex,
- },
- graph_char => {
- val => '*',
- note => 'Character for drawing graphs',
- conf => [ qw(S) ],
- pat => qr/^.$/,
- },
- show_cxn_errors_in_tbl => {
- val => 1,
- note => 'Whether to display connection errors as rows in the table',
- conf => 'ALL',
- pat => $bool_regex,
- },
- hide_hdr => {
- val => 0,
- note => 'Whether to show column headers',
- conf => 'ALL',
- pat => $bool_regex,
- },
- show_cxn_errors => {
- val => 1,
- note => 'Whether to print connection errors to STDOUT',
- conf => 'ALL',
- pat => $bool_regex,
- },
- readonly => {
- val => 0,
- note => 'Whether the config file is read-only',
- conf => [ qw() ],
- pat => $bool_regex,
- },
- global => {
- val => 1,
- note => 'Whether to show GLOBAL variables and status',
- conf => 'ALL',
- pat => $bool_regex,
- },
- header_highlight => {
- val => 'bold',
- note => 'How to highlight table column headers',
- conf => 'ALL',
- pat => qr/^(?:bold|underline)$/,
- },
- display_table_captions => {
- val => 1,
- note => 'Whether to put captions on tables',
- conf => 'ALL',
- pat => $bool_regex,
- },
- charset => {
- val => 'ascii',
- note => 'What type of characters should be displayed in queries (ascii, unicode, none)',
- conf => 'ALL',
- pat => qr/^(?:ascii|unicode|none)$/,
- },
- auto_wipe_dl => {
- val => 0,
- note => 'Whether to auto-wipe InnoDB deadlocks',
- conf => 'ALL',
- pat => $bool_regex,
- },
- max_height => {
- val => 30,
- note => '[Win32] Max window height',
- conf => 'ALL',
- },
- debug => {
- val => 0,
- pat => $bool_regex,
- note => 'Debug mode (more verbose errors, uses more memory)',
- conf => 'ALL',
- },
- num_digits => {
- val => 2,
- pat => $int_regex,
- note => 'How many digits to show in fractional numbers and percents',
- conf => 'ALL',
- },
- debugfile => {
- val => "$homepath/.innotop/core_dump",
- note => 'A debug file in case you are interested in error output',
- },
- show_statusbar => {
- val => 1,
- pat => $bool_regex,
- note => 'Whether to show the status bar in the display',
- conf => 'ALL',
- },
- mode => {
- val => "T",
- note => "Which mode to start in",
- cmdline => 1,
- },
- status_inc => {
- val => 0,
- note => 'Whether to show raw or incremental values for status variables',
- pat => $bool_regex,
- },
- interval => {
- val => 10,
- pat => qr/^(?:(?:\d*?[1-9]\d*(?:\.\d*)?)|(?:\d*\.\d*?[1-9]\d*))$/,
- note => "The interval at which the display will be refreshed. Fractional values allowed.",
- },
- num_status_sets => {
- val => 9,
- pat => $int_regex,
- note => 'How many sets of STATUS and VARIABLES values to show',
- conf => [ qw(S) ],
- },
- S_set => {
- val => 'general',
- pat => qr/^\w+$/,
- note => 'Which set of variables to display in S (Variables & Status) mode',
- conf => [ qw(S) ],
- },
-# ###########################################################################
-# Config file sections {{{2
-# The configuration file is broken up into sections like a .ini file. This
-# variable defines those sections and the subroutines responsible for reading
-# and writing them.
-# ###########################################################################
-my %config_file_sections = (
- plugins => {
- reader => \&load_config_plugins,
- writer => \&save_config_plugins,
- },
- group_by => {
- reader => \&load_config_group_by,
- writer => \&save_config_group_by,
- },
- filters => {
- reader => \&load_config_filters,
- writer => \&save_config_filters,
- },
- active_filters => {
- reader => \&load_config_active_filters,
- writer => \&save_config_active_filters,
- },
- visible_tables => {
- reader => \&load_config_visible_tables,
- writer => \&save_config_visible_tables,
- },
- sort_cols => {
- reader => \&load_config_sort_cols,
- writer => \&save_config_sort_cols,
- },
- active_columns => {
- reader => \&load_config_active_columns,
- writer => \&save_config_active_columns,
- },
- tbl_meta => {
- reader => \&load_config_tbl_meta,
- writer => \&save_config_tbl_meta,
- },
- general => {
- reader => \&load_config_config,
- writer => \&save_config_config,
- },
- connections => {
- reader => \&load_config_connections,
- writer => \&save_config_connections,
- },
- active_connections => {
- reader => \&load_config_active_connections,
- writer => \&save_config_active_connections,
- },
- server_groups => {
- reader => \&load_config_server_groups,
- writer => \&save_config_server_groups,
- },
- active_server_groups => {
- reader => \&load_config_active_server_groups,
- writer => \&save_config_active_server_groups,
- },
- max_values_seen => {
- reader => \&load_config_mvs,
- writer => \&save_config_mvs,
- },
- varsets => {
- reader => \&load_config_varsets,
- writer => \&save_config_varsets,
- },
- colors => {
- reader => \&load_config_colors,
- writer => \&save_config_colors,
- },
- stmt_sleep_times => {
- reader => \&load_config_stmt_sleep_times,
- writer => \&save_config_stmt_sleep_times,
- },
-# Config file sections have some dependencies, so they have to be read/written in order.
-my @ordered_config_file_sections = qw(general plugins filters active_filters tbl_meta
- connections active_connections server_groups active_server_groups max_values_seen
- active_columns sort_cols visible_tables varsets colors stmt_sleep_times
- group_by);
-# All events for which plugins may register themselves. Entries are arrayrefs.
-my %event_listener_for = map { $_ => [] }
- qw(
- extract_values
- set_to_tbl_pre_filter set_to_tbl_pre_sort set_to_tbl_pre_group
- set_to_tbl_pre_colorize set_to_tbl_pre_transform set_to_tbl_pre_pivot
- set_to_tbl_pre_create set_to_tbl_post_create
- draw_screen
- );
-# All variables to which plugins have access.
-my %pluggable_vars = (
- action_for => \%action_for,
- agg_funcs => \%agg_funcs,
- config => \%config,
- connections => \%connections,
- dbhs => \%dbhs,
- filters => \%filters,
- modes => \%modes,
- server_groups => \%server_groups,
- tbl_meta => \%tbl_meta,
- trans_funcs => \%trans_funcs,
- var_sets => \%var_sets,
-# ###########################################################################
-# Contains logic to generate prepared statements for a given function for a
-# given DB connection. Returns a $sth.
-# ###########################################################################
-my %stmt_maker_for = (
- INNODB_STATUS => sub {
- my ( $dbh ) = @_;
- return $dbh->prepare(version_ge( $dbh, '5.0.0' )
- },
- my ( $dbh ) = @_;
- return $dbh->prepare($config{global}->{val} && version_ge( $dbh, '4.0.3' )
- },
- SHOW_STATUS => sub {
- my ( $dbh ) = @_;
- return $dbh->prepare($config{global}->{val} && version_ge( $dbh, '5.0.2' )
- },
- KILL_QUERY => sub {
- my ( $dbh ) = @_;
- return $dbh->prepare(version_ge( $dbh, '5.0.0' )
- ? 'KILL QUERY ?'
- : 'KILL ?');
- },
- my ( $dbh ) = @_;
- return $dbh->prepare('SHOW MASTER LOGS');
- },
- my ( $dbh ) = @_;
- return $dbh->prepare('SHOW MASTER STATUS');
- },
- my ( $dbh ) = @_;
- return $dbh->prepare('SHOW SLAVE STATUS');
- },
- my ( $dbh ) = @_;
- return $dbh->prepare(version_ge( $dbh, '5.0.0' )
- : 'KILL ?');
- },
- OPEN_TABLES => sub {
- my ( $dbh ) = @_;
- return version_ge($dbh, '4.0.0')
- ? $dbh->prepare('SHOW OPEN TABLES')
- : undef;
- },
- PROCESSLIST => sub {
- my ( $dbh ) = @_;
- return $dbh->prepare('SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST');
- },
-# Plugins!
-my %plugins = (
-# ###########################################################################
-# Run the program {{{1
-# ###########################################################################
-# This config variable is only useful for MS Windows because its terminal
-# can't tell how tall it is.
-if ( !$windows ) {
- delete $config{max_height};
-# Try to lower my priority.
-eval { setpriority(0, 0, getpriority(0, 0) + 10); };
-# Print stuff to the screen immediately, don't wait for a newline.
-# Clear the screen and load the configuration.
-# Make sure no changes are written to config file in non-interactive mode.
-if ( $opts{n} ) {
- $config{readonly}->{val} = 1;
-eval {
- # Open the file for InnoDB status
- if ( @ARGV ) {
- my $filename = shift @ARGV;
- open $file, "<", $filename
- or die "Cannot open '$filename': $OS_ERROR";
- }
- # In certain modes we might have to collect data for two cycles
- # before printing anything out, so we need to bump up the count one.
- if ( $opts{n} && $opts{count} && $config{status_inc}->{val}
- && $config{mode}->{val} =~ m/[S]/ )
- {
- $opts{count}++;
- }
- while (++$clock) {
- my $mode = $config{mode}->{val} || 'T';
- if ( !$modes{$mode} ) {
- die "Mode '$mode' doesn't exist; try one of these:\n"
- . join("\n", map { " $_ $modes{$_}->{hdr}" } sort keys %modes)
- . "\n";
- }
- if ( !$opts{n} ) {
- @last_term_size = @this_term_size;
- @this_term_size = Term::ReadKey::GetTerminalSize(\*STDOUT);
- if ( $windows ) {
- $this_term_size[0]--;
- $this_term_size[1]
- = min($this_term_size[1], $config{max_height}->{val});
- }
- die("Can't read terminal size") unless @this_term_size;
- }
- # If there's no connection to a database server, we need to fix that...
- if ( !%connections ) {
- print "You have not defined any database connections.\n\n";
- add_new_dsn();
- }
- # See whether there are any connections defined for this mode. If there's only one
- # connection total, assume the user wants to just use innotop for a single server
- # and don't ask which server to connect to. Also, if we're monitoring from a file,
- # we just use the first connection.
- if ( !get_connections() ) {
- if ( $file || 1 == scalar keys %connections ) {
- $modes{$config{mode}->{val}}->{connections} = [ keys %connections ];
- }
- else {
- choose_connections();
- }
- }
- # Term::ReadLine might have re-set $OUTPUT_AUTOFLUSH.
- # Prune old data
- my $sets = $config{num_status_sets}->{val};
- foreach my $store ( values %vars ) {
- delete @{$store}{ grep { $_ < $clock - $sets } keys %$store };
- }
- %info_gotten = ();
- # Call the subroutine to display this mode.
- $modes{$mode}->{display_sub}->();
- # It may be time to quit now.
- if ( $opts{count} && $clock >= $opts{count} ) {
- finish();
- }
- # Wait for a bit.
- if ( $opts{n} ) {
- sleep($config{interval}->{val});
- }
- else {
- ReadMode('cbreak');
- $char = ReadKey($config{interval}->{val});
- ReadMode('normal');
- }
- # Handle whatever action the key indicates.
- do_key_action();
- }
-if ( $EVAL_ERROR ) {
- core_dump( $EVAL_ERROR );
-# Subroutines {{{1
-# Mode functions{{{2
-# switch_mode {{{3
-sub switch_mode {
- my $mode = shift;
- $config{mode}->{val} = $mode;
-# Prompting functions {{{2
-# prompt_list {{{3
-# Prompts the user for a value, given a question, initial value,
-# a completion function and a hashref of hints.
-sub prompt_list {
- die "Can't call in non-interactive mode" if $opts{n};
- my ( $question, $init, $completion, $hints ) = @_;
- if ( $hints ) {
- # Figure out how wide the table will be
- my $max_name = max(map { length($_) } keys %$hints );
- $max_name ||= 0;
- $max_name += 3;
- my @meta_rows = create_table2(
- [ sort keys %$hints ],
- { map { $_ => $_ } keys %$hints },
- { map { $_ => trunc($hints->{$_}, $this_term_size[0] - $max_name) } keys %$hints },
- { sep => ' ' });
- if (@meta_rows > 10) {
- # Try to split and stack the meta rows next to each other
- my $split = int(@meta_rows / 2);
- @meta_rows = stack_next(
- [@meta_rows[0..$split - 1]],
- [@meta_rows[$split..$#meta_rows]],
- { pad => ' | '},
- );
- }
- print join( "\n",
- '',
- map { ref $_ ? colored(@$_) : $_ } create_caption('Choose from', @meta_rows), ''),
- "\n";
- }
- $term->Attribs->{completion_function} = $completion;
- my $answer = $term->readline("$question: ", $init);
- $answer = '' if !defined($answer);
- $answer =~ s/\s+$//;
- return $answer;
-# prompt {{{3
-# Prints out a prompt and reads from the keyboard, then validates with the
-# validation regex until the input is correct.
-sub prompt {
- die "Can't call in non-interactive mode" if $opts{n};
- my ( $prompt, $regex, $init, $completion ) = @_;
- my $response;
- my $success = 0;
- do {
- if ( $completion ) {
- $term->Attribs->{completion_function} = $completion;
- }
- $response = $term->readline("$prompt: ", $init);
- if ( $regex && $response !~ m/$regex/ ) {
- print "Invalid response.\n\n";
- }
- else {
- $success = 1;
- }
- } while ( !$success );
- $response =~ s/\s+$//;
- return $response;
-# prompt_noecho {{{3
-# Unfortunately, suppressing echo with Term::ReadLine isn't reliable; the user might not
-# have that library, or it might not support that feature.
-sub prompt_noecho {
- my ( $prompt ) = @_;
- print colored("$prompt: ", 'underline');
- my $response;
- ReadMode('noecho');
- $response = <STDIN>;
- chomp($response);
- ReadMode('normal');
- return $response;
-# do_key_action {{{3
-# Depending on whether a key was read, do something. Keys have certain
-# actions defined in lookup tables. Each mode may have its own lookup table,
-# which trumps the global table -- so keys can be context-sensitive. The key
-# may be read and written in a subroutine, so it's a global.
-sub do_key_action {
- if ( defined $char ) {
- my $mode = $config{mode}->{val};
- my $action
- = defined($modes{$mode}->{action_for}->{$char})
- ? $modes{$mode}->{action_for}->{$char}->{action}
- : defined($action_for{$char})
- ? $action_for{$char}->{action}
- : sub{};
- $action->();
- }
-# pause {{{3
-sub pause {
- die "Can't call in non-interactive mode" if $opts{n};
- my $msg = shift;
- print defined($msg) ? "\n$msg" : "\nPress any key to continue";
- ReadMode('cbreak');
- my $char = ReadKey(0);
- ReadMode('normal');
- return $char;
-# reverse_sort {{{3
-sub reverse_sort {
- my $tbl = shift;
- $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{sort_dir} *= -1;
-# select_cxn {{{3
-# Selects connection(s). If the mode (or argument list) has only one, returns
-# it without prompt.
-sub select_cxn {
- my ( $prompt, @cxns ) = @_;
- if ( !@cxns ) {
- @cxns = get_connections();
- }
- if ( @cxns == 1 ) {
- return $cxns[0];
- }
- my $choices = prompt_list(
- $prompt,
- $cxns[0],
- sub{ return @cxns },
- { map { $_ => $connections{$_}->{dsn} } @cxns });
- my @result = unique(grep { my $a = $_; grep { $_ eq $a } @cxns } split(/\s+/, $choices));
- return @result;
-# kill_query {{{3
-# Kills a connection, or on new versions, optionally a query but not connection.
-sub kill_query {
- my ( $q_or_c ) = @_;
- my $info = choose_thread(
- sub { 1 },
- 'Select a thread to kill the ' . $q_or_c,
- );
- return unless $info;
- return unless pause("Kill $info->{id}?") =~ m/y/i;
- eval {
- do_stmt($info->{cxn}, $q_or_c eq 'QUERY' ? 'KILL_QUERY' : 'KILL_CONNECTION', $info->{id} );
- };
- if ( $EVAL_ERROR ) {
- print "\nError: $EVAL_ERROR";
- pause();
- }
-# set_display_precision {{{3
-sub set_display_precision {
- my $dir = shift;
- $config{num_digits}->{val} = min(9, max(0, $config{num_digits}->{val} + $dir));
-sub toggle_visible_table {
- my ( $mode, $table ) = @_;
- my $visible = $modes{$mode}->{visible_tables};
- if ( grep { $_ eq $table } @$visible ) {
- $modes{$mode}->{visible_tables} = [ grep { $_ ne $table } @$visible ];
- }
- else {
- unshift @$visible, $table;
- }
- $modes{$mode}->{cust}->{visible_tables} = 1;
-# toggle_filter{{{3
-sub toggle_filter {
- my ( $tbl, $filter ) = @_;
- my $filters = $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{filters};
- if ( grep { $_ eq $filter } @$filters ) {
- $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{filters} = [ grep { $_ ne $filter } @$filters ];
- }
- else {
- push @$filters, $filter;
- }
- $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{cust}->{filters} = 1;
-# toggle_config {{{3
-sub toggle_config {
- my ( $key ) = @_;
- $config{$key}->{val} ^= 1;
-# create_deadlock {{{3
-sub create_deadlock {
- $clear_screen_sub->();
- print "This function will deliberately cause a small deadlock, "
- . "clearing deadlock information from the InnoDB monitor.\n\n";
- my $answer = prompt("Are you sure you want to proceed? Say 'y' if you do");
- return 0 unless $answer eq 'y';
- my ( $cxn ) = select_cxn('Clear on which server? ');
- return unless $cxn && exists($connections{$cxn});
- clear_deadlock($cxn);
-# deadlock_thread {{{3
-sub deadlock_thread {
- my ( $id, $tbl, $cxn ) = @_;
- eval {
- my $dbh = get_new_db_connection($cxn, 1);
- my @stmts = (
- "set transaction isolation level serializable",
- (version_ge($dbh, '4.0.11') ? "start transaction" : 'begin'),
- "select * from $tbl where a = $id",
- "update $tbl set a = $id where a <> $id",
- );
- foreach my $stmt (@stmts[0..2]) {
- $dbh->do($stmt);
- }
- sleep(1 + $id);
- $dbh->do($stmts[-1]);
- };
- if ( $EVAL_ERROR ) {
- if ( $EVAL_ERROR !~ m/Deadlock found/ ) {
- die $EVAL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- exit(0);
-# Purges unused binlogs on the master, up to but not including the latest log.
-# TODO: guess which connections are slaves of a given master.
-sub purge_master_logs {
- my @cxns = get_connections();
- get_master_slave_status(@cxns);
- # Toss out the rows that don't have master/slave status...
- my @vars =
- grep { $_ && ($_->{file} || $_->{master_host}) }
- map { $vars{$_}->{$clock} } @cxns;
- @cxns = map { $_->{cxn} } @vars;
- # Figure out which master to purge ons.
- my @masters = map { $_->{cxn} } grep { $_->{file} } @vars;
- my ( $master ) = select_cxn('Which master?', @masters );
- return unless $master;
- my ($master_status) = grep { $_->{cxn} eq $master } @vars;
- # Figure out the result order (not lexical order) of master logs.
- my @master_logs = get_master_logs($master);
- my $i = 0;
- my %master_logs = map { $_->{log_name} => $i++ } @master_logs;
- # Ask which slave(s) are reading from this master.
- my @slave_status = grep { $_->{master_host} } @vars;
- my @slaves = map { $_->{cxn} } @slave_status;
- @slaves = select_cxn("Which slaves are reading from $master?", @slaves);
- @slave_status = grep { my $item = $_; grep { $item->{cxn} eq $_ } @slaves } @slave_status;
- return unless @slave_status;
- # Find the minimum binary log in use.
- my $min_log = min(map { $master_logs{$_->{master_log_file}} } @slave_status);
- my $log_name = $master_logs[$min_log]->{log_name};
- my $stmt = "PURGE MASTER LOGS TO '$log_name'";
- send_cmd_to_servers($stmt, 0, 'PURGE {MASTER | BINARY} LOGS {TO "log_name" | BEFORE "date"}', [$master]);
-sub send_cmd_to_servers {
- my ( $cmd, $all, $hint, $cxns ) = @_;
- if ( $all ) {
- @$cxns = get_connections();
- }
- elsif ( !@$cxns ) {
- @$cxns = select_cxn('Which servers?', @$cxns);
- }
- if ( $hint ) {
- print "\nHint: $hint\n";
- }
- $cmd = prompt('Command to send', undef, $cmd);
- foreach my $cxn ( @$cxns ) {
- eval {
- my $sth = do_query($cxn, $cmd);
- };
- if ( $EVAL_ERROR ) {
- print "Error from $cxn: $EVAL_ERROR\n";
- }
- else {
- print "Success on $cxn\n";
- }
- }
- pause();
-# Display functions {{{2
-sub set_s_mode {
- my ( $func ) = @_;
- $clear_screen_sub->();
- $config{S_func}->{val} = $func;
-# start_S_mode {{{3
-sub start_S_mode {
- $clear_screen_sub->();
- switch_mode('S');
-# display_B {{{3
-sub display_B {
- my @display_lines;
- my @cxns = get_connections();
- get_innodb_status(\@cxns);
- my @buffer_pool;
- my @page_statistics;
- my @insert_buffers;
- my @adaptive_hash_index;
- my %rows_for = (
- buffer_pool => \@buffer_pool,
- page_statistics => \@page_statistics,
- insert_buffers => \@insert_buffers,
- adaptive_hash_index => \@adaptive_hash_index,
- );
- my @visible = get_visible_tables();
- my %wanted = map { $_ => 1 } @visible;
- foreach my $cxn ( @cxns ) {
- my $set = $vars{$cxn}->{$clock};
- my $pre = $vars{$cxn}->{$clock-1} || $set;
- if ( $set->{IB_bp_complete} ) {
- if ( $wanted{buffer_pool} ) {
- push @buffer_pool, extract_values($set, $set, $pre, 'buffer_pool');
- }
- if ( $wanted{page_statistics} ) {
- push @page_statistics, extract_values($set, $set, $pre, 'page_statistics');
- }
- }
- if ( $set->{IB_ib_complete} ) {
- if ( $wanted{insert_buffers} ) {
- push @insert_buffers, extract_values(
- $config{status_inc}->{val} ? inc(0, $cxn) : $set, $set, $pre,
- 'insert_buffers');
- }
- if ( $wanted{adaptive_hash_index} ) {
- push @adaptive_hash_index, extract_values($set, $set, $pre, 'adaptive_hash_index');
- }
- }
- }
- my $first_table = 0;
- foreach my $tbl ( @visible ) {
- push @display_lines, '', set_to_tbl($rows_for{$tbl}, $tbl);
- push @display_lines, get_cxn_errors(@cxns)
- if ( $config{debug}->{val} || !$first_table++ );
- }
- draw_screen(\@display_lines);
-# display_C {{{3
-sub display_C {
- my @display_lines;
- my @cxns = get_connections();
- get_status_info(@cxns);
- my @cmd_summary;
- my %rows_for = (
- cmd_summary => \@cmd_summary,
- );
- my @visible = get_visible_tables();
- my %wanted = map { $_ => 1 } @visible;
- # For now, I'm manually pulling these variables out and pivoting. Eventually a SQL-ish
- # dialect should let me join a table to a grouped and pivoted table and do this more easily.
- # TODO: make it so.
- my $prefix = qr/^$config{cmd_filter}->{val}/; # TODO: this is a total hack
- my @values;
- my ($total, $last_total) = (0, 0);
- foreach my $cxn ( @cxns ) {
- my $set = $vars{$cxn}->{$clock};
- my $pre = $vars{$cxn}->{$clock-1} || $set;
- foreach my $key ( keys %$set ) {
- next unless $key =~ m/$prefix/i;
- my $val = $set->{$key};
- next unless defined $val && $val =~ m/^\d+$/;
- my $last_val = $val - ($pre->{$key} || 0);
- $total += $val;
- $last_total += $last_val;
- push @values, {
- name => $key,
- value => $val,
- last_value => $last_val,
- };
- }
- }
- # Add aggregation and turn into a real set TODO: total hack
- if ( $wanted{cmd_summary} ) {
- foreach my $value ( @values ) {
- @{$value}{qw(total last_total)} = ($total, $last_total);
- push @cmd_summary, extract_values($value, $value, $value, 'cmd_summary');
- }
- }
- my $first_table = 0;
- foreach my $tbl ( @visible ) {
- push @display_lines, '', set_to_tbl($rows_for{$tbl}, $tbl);
- push @display_lines, get_cxn_errors(@cxns)
- if ( $config{debug}->{val} || !$first_table++ );
- }
- draw_screen(\@display_lines);
-# display_D {{{3
-sub display_D {
- my @display_lines;
- my @cxns = get_connections();
- get_innodb_status(\@cxns);
- my @deadlock_transactions;
- my @deadlock_locks;
- my %rows_for = (
- deadlock_transactions => \@deadlock_transactions,
- deadlock_locks => \@deadlock_locks,
- );
- my @visible = get_visible_tables();
- my %wanted = map { $_ => 1 } @visible;
- foreach my $cxn ( @cxns ) {
- my $innodb_status = $vars{$cxn}->{$clock};
- my $prev_status = $vars{$cxn}->{$clock-1} || $innodb_status;
- if ( $innodb_status->{IB_dl_timestring} ) {
- my $victim = $innodb_status->{IB_dl_rolled_back} || 0;
- if ( %wanted ) {
- foreach my $txn_id ( keys %{$innodb_status->{IB_dl_txns}} ) {
- my $txn = $innodb_status->{IB_dl_txns}->{$txn_id};
- my $pre = $prev_status->{IB_dl_txns}->{$txn_id} || $txn;
- if ( $wanted{deadlock_transactions} ) {
- my $hash = extract_values($txn->{tx}, $txn->{tx}, $pre->{tx}, 'deadlock_transactions');
- $hash->{cxn} = $cxn;
- $hash->{dl_txn_num} = $txn_id;
- $hash->{victim} = $txn_id == $victim ? 'Yes' : 'No';
- $hash->{timestring} = $innodb_status->{IB_dl_timestring};
- $hash->{truncates} = $innodb_status->{IB_dl_complete} ? 'No' : 'Yes';
- push @deadlock_transactions, $hash;
- }
- if ( $wanted{deadlock_locks} ) {
- foreach my $lock ( @{$txn->{locks}} ) {
- my $hash = extract_values($lock, $lock, $lock, 'deadlock_locks');
- $hash->{dl_txn_num} = $txn_id;
- $hash->{cxn} = $cxn;
- $hash->{mysql_thread_id} = $txn->{tx}->{mysql_thread_id};
- push @deadlock_locks, $hash;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- my $first_table = 0;
- foreach my $tbl ( @visible ) {
- push @display_lines, '', set_to_tbl($rows_for{$tbl}, $tbl);
- push @display_lines, get_cxn_errors(@cxns)
- if ( $config{debug}->{val} || !$first_table++ );
- }
- draw_screen(\@display_lines);
-# display_F {{{3
-sub display_F {
- my @display_lines;
- my ( $cxn ) = get_connections();
- get_innodb_status([$cxn]);
- my $innodb_status = $vars{$cxn}->{$clock};
- if ( $innodb_status->{IB_fk_timestring} ) {
- push @display_lines, 'Reason: ' . $innodb_status->{IB_fk_reason};
- # Display FK errors caused by invalid DML.
- if ( $innodb_status->{IB_fk_txn} ) {
- my $txn = $innodb_status->{IB_fk_txn};
- push @display_lines,
- '',
- "User $txn->{user} from $txn->{hostname}, thread $txn->{mysql_thread_id} was executing:",
- '', no_ctrl_char($txn->{query_text});
- }
- my @fk_table = create_table2(
- $tbl_meta{fk_error}->{visible},
- meta_to_hdr('fk_error'),
- extract_values($innodb_status, $innodb_status, $innodb_status, 'fk_error'),
- { just => '-', sep => ' '});
- push @display_lines, '', @fk_table;
- }
- else {
- push @display_lines, '', 'No foreign key error data.';
- }
- draw_screen(\@display_lines, { raw => 1 } );
-# display_I {{{3
-sub display_I {
- my @display_lines;
- my @cxns = get_connections();
- get_innodb_status(\@cxns);
- my @io_threads;
- my @pending_io;
- my @file_io_misc;
- my @log_statistics;
- my %rows_for = (
- io_threads => \@io_threads,
- pending_io => \@pending_io,
- file_io_misc => \@file_io_misc,
- log_statistics => \@log_statistics,
- );
- my @visible = get_visible_tables();
- my %wanted = map { $_ => 1 } @visible;
- foreach my $cxn ( @cxns ) {
- my $set = $vars{$cxn}->{$clock};
- my $pre = $vars{$cxn}->{$clock-1} || $set;
- if ( $set->{IB_io_complete} ) {
- if ( $wanted{io_threads} ) {
- my $cur_threads = $set->{IB_io_threads};
- my $pre_threads = $pre->{IB_io_threads} || $cur_threads;
- foreach my $key ( sort keys %$cur_threads ) {
- my $cur_thd = $cur_threads->{$key};
- my $pre_thd = $pre_threads->{$key} || $cur_thd;
- my $hash = extract_values($cur_thd, $cur_thd, $pre_thd, 'io_threads');
- $hash->{cxn} = $cxn;
- push @io_threads, $hash;
- }
- }
- if ( $wanted{pending_io} ) {
- push @pending_io, extract_values($set, $set, $pre, 'pending_io');
- }
- if ( $wanted{file_io_misc} ) {
- push @file_io_misc, extract_values(
- $config{status_inc}->{val} ? inc(0, $cxn) : $set,
- $set, $pre, 'file_io_misc');
- }
- }
- if ( $set->{IB_lg_complete} && $wanted{log_statistics} ) {
- push @log_statistics, extract_values($set, $set, $pre, 'log_statistics');
- }
- }
- my $first_table = 0;
- foreach my $tbl ( @visible ) {
- push @display_lines, '', set_to_tbl($rows_for{$tbl}, $tbl);
- push @display_lines, get_cxn_errors(@cxns)
- if ( $config{debug}->{val} || !$first_table++ );
- }
- draw_screen(\@display_lines);
-# display_L {{{3
-sub display_L {
- my @display_lines;
- my @cxns = get_connections();
- get_innodb_status(\@cxns);
- my @innodb_locks;
- my %rows_for = (
- innodb_locks => \@innodb_locks,
- );
- my @visible = get_visible_tables();
- my %wanted = map { $_ => 1 } @visible;
- # Get info on locks
- foreach my $cxn ( @cxns ) {
- my $set = $vars{$cxn}->{$clock} or next;
- my $pre = $vars{$cxn}->{$clock-1} || $set;
- if ( $wanted{innodb_locks} && defined $set->{IB_tx_transactions} && @{$set->{IB_tx_transactions}} ) {
- my $cur_txns = $set->{IB_tx_transactions};
- my $pre_txns = $pre->{IB_tx_transactions} || $cur_txns;
- my %cur_txns = map { $_->{mysql_thread_id} => $_ } @$cur_txns;
- my %pre_txns = map { $_->{mysql_thread_id} => $_ } @$pre_txns;
- foreach my $txn ( @$cur_txns ) {
- foreach my $lock ( @{$txn->{locks}} ) {
- my %hash = map { $_ => $txn->{$_} } qw(txn_id mysql_thread_id lock_wait_time active_secs);
- map { $hash{$_} = $lock->{$_} } qw(lock_type space_id page_no n_bits index db table txn_id lock_mode special insert_intention waiting);
- $hash{cxn} = $cxn;
- push @innodb_locks, extract_values(\%hash, \%hash, \%hash, 'innodb_locks');
- }
- }
- }
- }
- my $first_table = 0;
- foreach my $tbl ( @visible ) {
- push @display_lines, '', set_to_tbl($rows_for{$tbl}, $tbl);
- push @display_lines, get_cxn_errors(@cxns)
- if ( $config{debug}->{val} || !$first_table++ );
- }
- draw_screen(\@display_lines);
-# display_M {{{3
-sub display_M {
- my @display_lines;
- my @cxns = get_connections();
- get_master_slave_status(@cxns);
- get_status_info(@cxns);
- my @slave_sql_status;
- my @slave_io_status;
- my @master_status;
- my %rows_for = (
- slave_sql_status => \@slave_sql_status,
- slave_io_status => \@slave_io_status,
- master_status => \@master_status,
- );
- my @visible = get_visible_tables();
- my %wanted = map { $_ => 1 } @visible;
- foreach my $cxn ( @cxns ) {
- my $set = $config{status_inc}->{val} ? inc(0, $cxn) : $vars{$cxn}->{$clock};
- my $pre = $vars{$cxn}->{$clock - 1} || $set;
- if ( $wanted{slave_sql_status} ) {
- push @slave_sql_status, extract_values($set, $set, $pre, 'slave_sql_status');
- }
- if ( $wanted{slave_io_status} ) {
- push @slave_io_status, extract_values($set, $set, $pre, 'slave_io_status');
- }
- if ( $wanted{master_status} ) {
- push @master_status, extract_values($set, $set, $pre, 'master_status');
- }
- }
- my $first_table = 0;
- foreach my $tbl ( @visible ) {
- push @display_lines, '', set_to_tbl($rows_for{$tbl}, $tbl);
- push @display_lines, get_cxn_errors(@cxns)
- if ( $config{debug}->{val} || !$first_table++ );
- }
- draw_screen(\@display_lines);
-# display_O {{{3
-sub display_O {
- my @display_lines = ('');
- my @cxns = get_connections();
- my @open_tables = get_open_tables(@cxns);
- my @tables = map { extract_values($_, $_, $_, 'open_tables') } @open_tables;
- push @display_lines, set_to_tbl(\@tables, 'open_tables'), get_cxn_errors(@cxns);
- draw_screen(\@display_lines);
-# display_Q {{{3
-sub display_Q {
- my @display_lines;
- my @q_header;
- my @processlist;
- my %rows_for = (
- q_header => \@q_header,
- processlist => \@processlist,
- );
- my @visible = $opts{n} ? 'processlist' : get_visible_tables();
- my %wanted = map { $_ => 1 } @visible;
- # Get the data
- my @cxns = get_connections();
- my @full_processlist = get_full_processlist(@cxns);
- # Create header
- if ( $wanted{q_header} ) {
- get_status_info(@cxns);
- foreach my $cxn ( @cxns ) {
- my $set = $vars{$cxn}->{$clock};
- my $pre = $vars{$cxn}->{$clock-1} || $set;
- my $hash = extract_values($set, $set, $pre, 'q_header');
- $hash->{cxn} = $cxn;
- $hash->{when} = 'Total';
- push @q_header, $hash;
- if ( exists $vars{$cxn}->{$clock - 1} ) {
- my $inc = inc(0, $cxn);
- my $hash = extract_values($inc, $set, $pre, 'q_header');
- $hash->{cxn} = $cxn;
- $hash->{when} = 'Now';
- push @q_header, $hash;
- }
- }
- }
- if ( $wanted{processlist} ) {
- # TODO: save prev values
- push @processlist, map { extract_values($_, $_, $_, 'processlist') } @full_processlist;
- }
- my $first_table = 0;
- foreach my $tbl ( @visible ) {
- next unless $wanted{$tbl};
- push @display_lines, '', set_to_tbl($rows_for{$tbl}, $tbl);
- push @display_lines, get_cxn_errors(@cxns)
- if ( $config{debug}->{val} || !$first_table++ );
- }
- # Save queries in global variable for analysis. The rows in %rows_for have been
- # filtered, etc as a side effect of set_to_tbl(), so they are the same as the rows
- # that get pushed to the screen.
- @current_queries = map {
- my %hash;
- @hash{ qw(cxn id db query secs) } = @{$_}{ qw(cxn mysql_thread_id db info secs) };
- \%hash;
- } @{$rows_for{processlist}};
- draw_screen(\@display_lines);
-# display_R {{{3
-sub display_R {
- my @display_lines;
- my @cxns = get_connections();
- get_innodb_status(\@cxns);
- my @row_operations;
- my @row_operation_misc;
- my @semaphores;
- my @wait_array;
- my %rows_for = (
- row_operations => \@row_operations,
- row_operation_misc => \@row_operation_misc,
- semaphores => \@semaphores,
- wait_array => \@wait_array,
- );
- my @visible = get_visible_tables();
- my %wanted = map { $_ => 1 } @visible;
- my $incvar = $config{status_inc}->{val};
- foreach my $cxn ( @cxns ) {
- my $set = $vars{$cxn}->{$clock};
- my $pre = $vars{$cxn}->{$clock-1} || $set;
- my $inc; # Only assigned to if wanted
- if ( $set->{IB_ro_complete} ) {
- if ( $wanted{row_operations} ) {
- $inc ||= $incvar ? inc(0, $cxn) : $set;
- push @row_operations, extract_values($inc, $set, $pre, 'row_operations');
- }
- if ( $wanted{row_operation_misc} ) {
- push @row_operation_misc, extract_values($set, $set, $pre, 'row_operation_misc'),
- }
- }
- if ( $set->{IB_sm_complete} && $wanted{semaphores} ) {
- $inc ||= $incvar ? inc(0, $cxn) : $set;
- push @semaphores, extract_values($inc, $set, $pre, 'semaphores');
- }
- if ( $set->{IB_sm_wait_array_size} && $wanted{wait_array} ) {
- foreach my $wait ( @{$set->{IB_sm_waits}} ) {
- my $hash = extract_values($wait, $wait, $wait, 'wait_array');
- $hash->{cxn} = $cxn;
- push @wait_array, $hash;
- }
- }
- }
- my $first_table = 0;
- foreach my $tbl ( @visible ) {
- push @display_lines, '', set_to_tbl($rows_for{$tbl}, $tbl);
- push @display_lines, get_cxn_errors(@cxns)
- if ( $config{debug}->{val} || !$first_table++ );
- }
- draw_screen(\@display_lines);
-# display_T {{{3
-sub display_T {
- my @display_lines;
- my @t_header;
- my @innodb_transactions;
- my %rows_for = (
- t_header => \@t_header,
- innodb_transactions => \@innodb_transactions,
- );
- my @visible = $opts{n} ? 'innodb_transactions' : get_visible_tables();
- my %wanted = map { $_ => 1 } @visible;
- my @cxns = get_connections();
- # If the header is to be shown, buffer pool data is required.
- get_innodb_status( \@cxns, [ $wanted{t_header} ? qw(bp) : () ] );
- foreach my $cxn ( get_connections() ) {
- my $set = $vars{$cxn}->{$clock};
- my $pre = $vars{$cxn}->{$clock-1} || $set;
- next unless $set->{IB_tx_transactions};
- if ( $wanted{t_header} ) {
- my $hash = extract_values($set, $set, $pre, 't_header');
- push @t_header, $hash;
- }
- if ( $wanted{innodb_transactions} ) {
- my $cur_txns = $set->{IB_tx_transactions};
- my $pre_txns = $pre->{IB_tx_transactions} || $cur_txns;
- my %cur_txns = map { $_->{mysql_thread_id} => $_ } @$cur_txns;
- my %pre_txns = map { $_->{mysql_thread_id} => $_ } @$pre_txns;
- foreach my $thd_id ( sort keys %cur_txns ) {
- my $cur_txn = $cur_txns{$thd_id};
- my $pre_txn = $pre_txns{$thd_id} || $cur_txn;
- my $hash = extract_values($cur_txn, $cur_txn, $pre_txn, 'innodb_transactions');
- $hash->{cxn} = $cxn;
- push @innodb_transactions, $hash;
- }
- }
- }
- my $first_table = 0;
- foreach my $tbl ( @visible ) {
- push @display_lines, '', set_to_tbl($rows_for{$tbl}, $tbl);
- push @display_lines, get_cxn_errors(@cxns)
- if ( $config{debug}->{val} || !$first_table++ );
- }
- # Save queries in global variable for analysis. The rows in %rows_for have been
- # filtered, etc as a side effect of set_to_tbl(), so they are the same as the rows
- # that get pushed to the screen.
- @current_queries = map {
- my %hash;
- @hash{ qw(cxn id db query secs) } = @{$_}{ qw(cxn mysql_thread_id db query_text active_secs) };
- \%hash;
- } @{$rows_for{innodb_transactions}};
- draw_screen(\@display_lines);
-# display_S {{{3
-sub display_S {
- my $fmt = get_var_set('S_set');
- my $func = $config{S_func}->{val};
- my $inc = $func eq 'g' || $config{status_inc}->{val};
- # The table's meta-data is generated from the compiled var_set.
- my ( $cols, $visible );
- if ( $tbl_meta{var_status}->{fmt} && $fmt eq $tbl_meta{var_status}->{fmt} ) {
- ( $cols, $visible ) = @{$tbl_meta{var_status}}{qw(cols visible)};
- }
- else {
- ( $cols, $visible ) = compile_select_stmt($fmt);
- # Apply missing values to columns. Always apply averages across all connections.
- map {
- $_->{agg} = 'avg';
- $_->{label} = $_->{hdr};
- } values %$cols;
- $tbl_meta{var_status}->{cols} = $cols;
- $tbl_meta{var_status}->{visible} = $visible;
- $tbl_meta{var_status}->{fmt} = $fmt;
- map { $tbl_meta{var_status}->{cols}->{$_}->{just} = ''} @$visible;
- }
- my @var_status;
- my %rows_for = (
- var_status => \@var_status,
- );
- my @visible = get_visible_tables();
- my %wanted = map { $_ => 1 } @visible;
- my @cxns = get_connections();
- get_status_info(@cxns);
- get_innodb_status(\@cxns);
- # Set up whether to pivot and how many sets to extract.
- $tbl_meta{var_status}->{pivot} = $func eq 'v';
- my $num_sets
- = $func eq 'v'
- ? $config{num_status_sets}->{val}
- : 0;
- foreach my $set ( 0 .. $num_sets ) {
- my @rows;
- foreach my $cxn ( @cxns ) {
- my $vars = $inc ? inc($set, $cxn) : $vars{$cxn}->{$clock - $set};
- my $cur = $vars{$cxn}->{$clock-$set};
- my $pre = $vars{$cxn}->{$clock-$set-1} || $cur;
- next unless $vars && %$vars;
- my $hash = extract_values($vars, $cur, $pre, 'var_status');
- push @rows, $hash;
- }
- @rows = apply_group_by('var_status', [], @rows);
- push @var_status, @rows;
- }
- # Recompile the sort func. TODO: avoid recompiling at every refresh.
- # Figure out whether the data is all numeric and decide on a sort type.
- # my $cmp
- # = scalar(
- # grep { !defined $_ || $_ !~ m/^\d+$/ }
- # map { my $col = $_; map { $_->{$col} } @var_status }
- # $tbl_meta{var_status}->{sort_cols} =~ m/(\w+)/g)
- # ? 'cmp'
- # : '<=>';
- $tbl_meta{var_status}->{sort_func} = make_sort_func($tbl_meta{var_status});
- # ################################################################
- # Now there is specific display code based on $config{S_func}
- # ################################################################
- if ( $func =~ m/s|g/ ) {
- my $min_width = 4;
- # Clear the screen if the display width changed.
- if ( @last_term_size && $this_term_size[0] != $last_term_size[0] ) {
- $lines_printed = 0;
- $clear_screen_sub->();
- }
- if ( $func eq 's' ) {
- # Decide how wide columns should be.
- my $num_cols = scalar(@$visible);
- my $width = $opts{n} ? 0 : max($min_width, int(($this_term_size[0] - $num_cols + 1) / $num_cols));
- my $g_format = $opts{n} ? ( "%s\t" x $num_cols ) : ( "%-${width}s " x $num_cols );
- # Print headers every now and then. Headers can get really long, so compact them.
- my @hdr = @$visible;
- if ( $opts{n} ) {
- if ( $lines_printed == 0 ) {
- print join("\t", @hdr), "\n";
- $lines_printed++;
- }
- }
- elsif ( $lines_printed == 0 || $lines_printed > $this_term_size[1] - 2 ) {
- @hdr = map { donut(crunch($_, $width), $width) } @hdr;
- print join(' ', map { sprintf( "%${width}s", donut($_, $width)) } @hdr) . "\n";
- $lines_printed = 1;
- }
- # Design a column format for the values.
- my $format
- = $opts{n}
- ? join("\t", map { '%s' } @$visible) . "\n"
- : join(' ', map { "%${width}s" } @hdr) . "\n";
- foreach my $row ( @var_status ) {
- printf($format, map { defined $_ ? $_ : '' } @{$row}{ @$visible });
- $lines_printed++;
- }
- }
- else { # 'g' mode
- # Design a column format for the values.
- my $num_cols = scalar(@$visible);
- my $width = $opts{n} ? 0 : int(($this_term_size[0] - $num_cols + 1) / $num_cols);
- my $format = $opts{n} ? ( "%s\t" x $num_cols ) : ( "%-${width}s " x $num_cols );
- $format =~ s/\s$/\n/;
- # Print headers every now and then.
- if ( $opts{n} ) {
- if ( $lines_printed == 0 ) {
- print join("\t", @$visible), "\n";
- print join("\t", map { shorten($mvs{$_}) } @$visible), "\n";
- }
- }
- elsif ( $lines_printed == 0 || $lines_printed > $this_term_size[1] - 2 ) {
- printf($format, map { donut(crunch($_, $width), $width) } @$visible);
- printf($format, map { shorten($mvs{$_} || 0) } @$visible);
- $lines_printed = 2;
- }
- # Update the max ever seen, and scale by the max ever seen.
- my $set = $var_status[0];
- foreach my $col ( @$visible ) {
- $set->{$col} = 1 unless defined $set->{$col} && $set->{$col} =~ m/$num_regex/;
- $set->{$col} = ($set->{$col} || 1) / ($set->{Uptime_hires} || 1);
- $mvs{$col} = max($mvs{$col} || 1, $set->{$col});
- $set->{$col} /= $mvs{$col};
- }
- printf($format, map { ( $config{graph_char}->{val} x int( $width * $set->{$_} )) || '.' } @$visible );
- $lines_printed++;
- }
- }
- else { # 'v'
- my $first_table = 0;
- my @display_lines;
- foreach my $tbl ( @visible ) {
- push @display_lines, '', set_to_tbl($rows_for{$tbl}, $tbl);
- push @display_lines, get_cxn_errors(@cxns)
- if ( $config{debug}->{val} || !$first_table++ );
- }
- $clear_screen_sub->();
- draw_screen( \@display_lines );
- }
-# display_explain {{{3
-sub display_explain {
- my $info = shift;
- my $cxn = $info->{cxn};
- my $db = $info->{db};
- my ( $mods, $query ) = rewrite_for_explain($info->{query});
- my @display_lines;
- if ( $query ) {
- my $part = version_ge($dbhs{$cxn}->{dbh}, '5.1.5') ? 'PARTITIONS' : '';
- $query = "EXPLAIN $part\n" . $query;
- eval {
- if ( $db ) {
- do_query($cxn, "use $db");
- }
- my $sth = do_query($cxn, $query);
- my $res;
- while ( $res = $sth->fetchrow_hashref() ) {
- map { $res->{$_} ||= '' } ( 'partitions', keys %$res);
- my @this_table = create_caption("Sub-Part $res->{id}",
- create_table2(
- $tbl_meta{explain}->{visible},
- meta_to_hdr('explain'),
- extract_values($res, $res, $res, 'explain')));
- @display_lines = stack_next(\@display_lines, \@this_table, { pad => ' ', vsep => 2 });
- }
- };
- if ( $EVAL_ERROR ) {
- push @display_lines,
- '',
- "The query could not be explained. Only SELECT queries can be "
- . "explained; innotop tries to rewrite certain REPLACE and INSERT queries "
- . "into SELECT, but this doesn't always succeed.";
- }
- }
- else {
- push @display_lines, '', 'The query could not be explained.';
- }
- if ( $mods ) {
- push @display_lines, '', '[This query has been re-written to be explainable]';
- }
- unshift @display_lines, no_ctrl_char($query);
- draw_screen(\@display_lines, { raw => 1 } );
-# rewrite_for_explain {{{3
-sub rewrite_for_explain {
- my $query = shift;
- my $mods = 0;
- my $orig = $query;
- $mods += $query =~ s/^\s*(?:replace|insert).*?select/select/is;
- $mods += $query =~ s/^
- \s*create\s+(?:temporary\s+)?table
- \s+(?:\S+\s+)as\s+select/select/xis;
- $mods += $query =~ s/\s+on\s+duplicate\s+key\s+update.*$//is;
- return ( $mods, $query );
-# show_optimized_query {{{3
-sub show_optimized_query {
- my $info = shift;
- my $cxn = $info->{cxn};
- my $db = $info->{db};
- my $meta = $dbhs{$cxn};
- my @display_lines;
- my ( $mods, $query ) = rewrite_for_explain($info->{query});
- if ( $mods ) {
- push @display_lines, '[This query has been re-written to be explainable]';
- }
- if ( $query ) {
- push @display_lines, no_ctrl_char($info->{query});
- eval {
- if ( $db ) {
- do_query($cxn, "use $db");
- }
- do_query( $cxn, 'EXPLAIN EXTENDED ' . $query ) or die "Can't explain query";
- my $sth = do_query($cxn, 'SHOW WARNINGS');
- my $res = $sth->fetchall_arrayref({});
- if ( $res ) {
- foreach my $result ( @$res ) {
- push @display_lines, 'Note:', no_ctrl_char($result->{message});
- }
- }
- else {
- push @display_lines, '', 'The query optimization could not be generated.';
- }
- };
- if ( $EVAL_ERROR ) {
- push @display_lines, '', "The optimization could not be generated: $EVAL_ERROR";
- }
- }
- else {
- push @display_lines, '', 'The query optimization could not be generated.';
- }
- draw_screen(\@display_lines, { raw => 1 } );
-# display_help {{{3
-sub display_help {
- my $mode = $config{mode}->{val};
- # Get globally mapped keys, then overwrite them with mode-specific ones.
- my %keys = map {
- $_ => $action_for{$_}->{label}
- } keys %action_for;
- foreach my $key ( keys %{$modes{$mode}->{action_for}} ) {
- $keys{$key} = $modes{$mode}->{action_for}->{$key}->{label};
- }
- delete $keys{'?'};
- # Split them into three kinds of keys: MODE keys, action keys, and
- # magic (special character) keys.
- my @modes = sort grep { m/[A-Z]/ } keys %keys;
- my @actions = sort grep { m/[a-z]/ } keys %keys;
- my @magic = sort grep { m/[^A-Z]/i } keys %keys;
- my @display_lines = ( '', 'Switch to a different mode:' );
- # Mode keys
- my @all_modes = map { "$_ $modes{$_}->{hdr}" } @modes;
- my @col1 = splice(@all_modes, 0, ceil(@all_modes/3));
- my @col2 = splice(@all_modes, 0, ceil(@all_modes/2));
- my $max1 = max(map {length($_)} @col1);
- my $max2 = max(map {length($_)} @col2);
- while ( @col1 ) {
- push @display_lines, sprintf(" %-${max1}s %-${max2}s %s",
- (shift @col1 || ''),
- (shift @col2 || ''),
- (shift @all_modes || ''));
- }
- # Action keys
- my @all_actions = map { "$_ $keys{$_}" } @actions;
- @col1 = splice(@all_actions, 0, ceil(@all_actions/2));
- $max1 = max(map {length($_)} @col1);
- push @display_lines, '', 'Actions:';
- while ( @col1 ) {
- push @display_lines, sprintf(" %-${max1}s %s",
- (shift @col1 || ''),
- (shift @all_actions || ''));
- }
- # Magic keys
- my @all_magic = map { sprintf('%4s', $action_for{$_}->{key} || $_) . " $keys{$_}" } @magic;
- @col1 = splice(@all_magic, 0, ceil(@all_magic/2));
- $max1 = max(map {length($_)} @col1);
- push @display_lines, '', 'Other:';
- while ( @col1 ) {
- push @display_lines, sprintf("%-${max1}s%s",
- (shift @col1 || ''),
- (shift @all_magic || ''));
- }
- $clear_screen_sub->();
- draw_screen(\@display_lines, { show_all => 1 } );
- pause();
- $clear_screen_sub->();
-# show_full_query {{{3
-sub show_full_query {
- my $info = shift;
- my @display_lines = no_ctrl_char($info->{query});
- draw_screen(\@display_lines, { raw => 1 });
-# Formatting functions {{{2
-# create_table2 {{{3
-# Makes a two-column table, labels on left, data on right.
-# Takes refs of @cols, %labels and %data, %user_prefs
-sub create_table2 {
- my ( $cols, $labels, $data, $user_prefs ) = @_;
- my @rows;
- if ( @$cols && %$data ) {
- # Override defaults
- my $p = {
- just => '',
- sep => ':',
- just1 => '-',
- };
- if ( $user_prefs ) {
- map { $p->{$_} = $user_prefs->{$_} } keys %$user_prefs;
- }
- # Fix undef values
- map { $data->{$_} = '' unless defined $data->{$_} } @$cols;
- # Format the table
- my $max_l = max(map{ length($labels->{$_}) } @$cols);
- my $max_v = max(map{ length($data->{$_}) } @$cols);
- my $format = "%$p->{just}${max_l}s$p->{sep} %$p->{just1}${max_v}s";
- foreach my $col ( @$cols ) {
- push @rows, sprintf($format, $labels->{$col}, $data->{$col});
- }
- }
- return @rows;
-# stack_next {{{3
-# Stacks one display section next to the other. Accepts left-hand arrayref,
-# right-hand arrayref, and options hashref. Tries to stack as high as
-# possible, so
-# aaaaaa
-# bbb
-# can stack ccc next to the bbb.
-# NOTE: this DOES modify its arguments, even though it returns a new array.
-sub stack_next {
- my ( $left, $right, $user_prefs ) = @_;
- my @result;
- my $p = {
- pad => ' ',
- vsep => 0,
- };
- if ( $user_prefs ) {
- map { $p->{$_} = $user_prefs->{$_} } keys %$user_prefs;
- }
- # Find out how wide the LHS can be and still let the RHS fit next to it.
- my $pad = $p->{pad};
- my $max_r = max( map { length($_) } @$right) || 0;
- my $max_l = $this_term_size[0] - $max_r - length($pad);
- # Find the minimum row on the LHS that the RHS will fit next to.
- my $i = scalar(@$left) - 1;
- while ( $i >= 0 && length($left->[$i]) <= $max_l ) {
- $i--;
- }
- $i++;
- my $offset = $i;
- if ( $i < scalar(@$left) ) {
- # Find the max width of the section of the LHS against which the RHS
- # will sit.
- my $max_i_in_common = min($i + scalar(@$right) - 1, scalar(@$left) - 1);
- my $max_width = max( map { length($_) } @{$left}[$i..$max_i_in_common]);
- # Append the RHS onto the LHS until one runs out.
- while ( $i < @$left && $i - $offset < @$right ) {
- my $format = "%-${max_width}s$pad%${max_r}s";
- $left->[$i] = sprintf($format, $left->[$i], $right->[$i - $offset]);
- $i++;
- }
- while ( $i - $offset < @$right ) {
- # There is more RHS to push on the end of the array
- push @$left,
- sprintf("%${max_width}s$pad%${max_r}s", ' ', $right->[$i - $offset]);
- $i++;
- }
- push @result, @$left;
- }
- else {
- # There is no room to put them side by side. Add them below, with
- # a blank line above them if specified.
- push @result, @$left;
- push @result, (' ' x $this_term_size[0]) if $p->{vsep} && @$left;
- push @result, @$right;
- }
- return @result;
-# create_caption {{{3
-sub create_caption {
- my ( $caption, @rows ) = @_;
- if ( @rows ) {
- # Calculate the width of what will be displayed, so it can be centered
- # in that space. When the thing is wider than the display, center the
- # caption in the display.
- my $width = min($this_term_size[0], max(map { length(ref($_) ? $_->[0] : $_) } @rows));
- my $cap_len = length($caption);
- # It may be narrow enough to pad the sides with underscores and save a
- # line on the screen.
- if ( $cap_len <= $width - 6 ) {
- my $left = int(($width - 2 - $cap_len) / 2);
- unshift @rows,
- ("_" x $left) . " $caption " . ("_" x ($width - $left - $cap_len - 2));
- }
- # The caption is too wide to add underscores on each side.
- else {
- # Color is supported, so we can use terminal underlining.
- if ( $config{color}->{val} ) {
- my $left = int(($width - $cap_len) / 2);
- unshift @rows, [
- (" " x $left) . $caption . (" " x ($width - $left - $cap_len)),
- 'underline',
- ];
- }
- # Color is not supported, so we have to add a line underneath to separate the
- # caption from whatever it's captioning.
- else {
- my $left = int(($width - $cap_len) / 2);
- unshift @rows, ('-' x $width);
- unshift @rows, (" " x $left) . $caption . (" " x ($width - $left - $cap_len));
- }
- # The caption is wider than the thing it labels, so we have to pad the
- # thing it labels to a consistent width.
- if ( $cap_len > $width ) {
- @rows = map {
- ref($_)
- ? [ sprintf('%-' . $cap_len . 's', $_->[0]), $_->[1] ]
- : sprintf('%-' . $cap_len . 's', $_);
- } @rows;
- }
- }
- }
- return @rows;
-# create_table {{{3
-# Input: an arrayref of columns, hashref of col info, and an arrayref of hashes
-# Example: [ 'a', 'b' ]
-# { a => spec, b => spec }
-# [ { a => 1, b => 2}, { a => 3, b => 4 } ]
-# The 'spec' is a hashref of hdr => label, just => ('-' or ''). It also supports min and max-widths
-# vi the minw and maxw params.
-# Output: an array of strings, one per row.
-# Example:
-# Column One Column Two
-# ---------- ----------
-# 1 2
-# 3 4
-sub create_table {
- my ( $cols, $info, $data, $prefs ) = @_;
- $prefs ||= {};
- $prefs->{no_hdr} ||= ($opts{n} && $clock != 1);
- # Truncate rows that will surely be off screen even if this is the only table.
- if ( !$opts{n} && !$prefs->{raw} && !$prefs->{show_all} && $this_term_size[1] < @$data-1 ) {
- $data = [ @$data[0..$this_term_size[1] - 1] ];
- }
- my @rows = ();
- if ( @$cols && %$info ) {
- # Fix undef values, collapse whitespace.
- foreach my $row ( @$data ) {
- map { $row->{$_} = collapse_ws($row->{$_}) } @$cols;
- }
- my $col_sep = $opts{n} ? "\t" : ' ';
- # Find each column's max width.
- my %width_for;
- if ( !$opts{n} ) {
- %width_for = map {
- my $col_name = $_;
- if ( $info->{$_}->{dec} ) {
- # Align along the decimal point
- my $max_rodp = max(0, map { $_->{$col_name} =~ m/([^\s\d-].*)$/ ? length($1) : 0 } @$data);
- foreach my $row ( @$data ) {
- my $col = $row->{$col_name};
- my ( $l, $r ) = $col =~ m/^([\s\d]*)(.*)$/;
- $row->{$col_name} = sprintf("%s%-${max_rodp}s", $l, $r);
- }
- }
- my $max_width = max( length($info->{$_}->{hdr}), map { length($_->{$col_name}) } @$data);
- if ( $info->{$col_name}->{maxw} ) {
- $max_width = min( $max_width, $info->{$col_name}->{maxw} );
- }
- if ( $info->{$col_name}->{minw} ) {
- $max_width = max( $max_width, $info->{$col_name}->{minw} );
- }
- $col_name => $max_width;
- } @$cols;
- }
- # The table header.
- if ( !$config{hide_hdr}->{val} && !$prefs->{no_hdr} ) {
- push @rows, $opts{n}
- ? join( $col_sep, @$cols )
- : join( $col_sep, map { sprintf( "%-$width_for{$_}s", trunc($info->{$_}->{hdr}, $width_for{$_}) ) } @$cols );
- if ( $config{color}->{val} && $config{header_highlight}->{val} ) {
- push @rows, [ pop @rows, $config{header_highlight}->{val} ];
- }
- elsif ( !$opts{n} ) {
- push @rows, join( $col_sep, map { "-" x $width_for{$_} } @$cols );
- }
- }
- # The table data.
- if ( $opts{n} ) {
- foreach my $item ( @$data ) {
- push @rows, join($col_sep, map { $item->{$_} } @$cols );
- }
- }
- else {
- my $format = join( $col_sep,
- map { "%$info->{$_}->{just}$width_for{$_}s" } @$cols );
- foreach my $item ( @$data ) {
- my $row = sprintf($format, map { trunc($item->{$_}, $width_for{$_}) } @$cols );
- if ( $config{color}->{val} && $item->{_color} ) {
- push @rows, [ $row, $item->{_color} ];
- }
- else {
- push @rows, $row;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return @rows;
-# Aggregates a table. If $group_by is an arrayref of columns, the grouping key
-# is the specified columns; otherwise it's just the empty string (e.g.
-# everything is grouped as one group).
-sub apply_group_by {
- my ( $tbl, $group_by, @rows ) = @_;
- my $meta = $tbl_meta{$tbl};
- my %is_group = map { $_ => 1 } @$group_by;
- my @non_grp = grep { !$is_group{$_} } keys %{$meta->{cols}};
- my %temp_table;
- foreach my $row ( @rows ) {
- my $group_key
- = @$group_by
- ? '{' . join('}{', map { defined $_ ? $_ : '' } @{$row}{@$group_by}) . '}'
- : '';
- $temp_table{$group_key} ||= [];
- push @{$temp_table{$group_key}}, $row;
- }
- # Crush the rows together...
- my @new_rows;
- foreach my $key ( sort keys %temp_table ) {
- my $group = $temp_table{$key};
- my %new_row;
- @new_row{@$group_by} = @{$group->[0]}{@$group_by};
- foreach my $col ( @non_grp ) {
- my $agg = $meta->{cols}->{$col}->{agg} || 'first';
- $new_row{$col} = $agg_funcs{$agg}->( map { $_->{$col} } @$group );
- }
- push @new_rows, \%new_row;
- }
- return @new_rows;
-# set_to_tbl {{{3
-# Unifies all the work of filtering, sorting etc. Alters the input.
-# TODO: pull all the little pieces out into subroutines and stick events in each of them.
-sub set_to_tbl {
- my ( $rows, $tbl ) = @_;
- my $meta = $tbl_meta{$tbl} or die "No such table $tbl in tbl_meta";
- if ( !$meta->{pivot} ) {
- # Hook in event listeners
- foreach my $listener ( @{$event_listener_for{set_to_tbl_pre_filter}} ) {
- $listener->set_to_tbl_pre_filter($rows, $tbl);
- }
- # Apply filters. Note that if the table is pivoted, filtering and sorting
- # are applied later.
- foreach my $filter ( @{$meta->{filters}} ) {
- eval {
- @$rows = grep { $filters{$filter}->{func}->($_) } @$rows;
- };
- if ( $EVAL_ERROR && $config{debug}->{val} ) {
- die $EVAL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- foreach my $listener ( @{$event_listener_for{set_to_tbl_pre_sort}} ) {
- $listener->set_to_tbl_pre_sort($rows, $tbl);
- }
- # Sort. Note that if the table is pivoted, sorting might have the wrong
- # columns and it could crash. This will only be an issue if it's possible
- # to toggle pivoting on and off, which it's not at the moment.
- if ( @$rows && $meta->{sort_func} && !$meta->{aggregate} ) {
- if ( $meta->{sort_dir} > 0 ) {
- @$rows = $meta->{sort_func}->( @$rows );
- }
- else {
- @$rows = reverse $meta->{sort_func}->( @$rows );
- }
- }
- }
- # Stop altering arguments now.
- my @rows = @$rows;
- foreach my $listener ( @{$event_listener_for{set_to_tbl_pre_group}} ) {
- $listener->set_to_tbl_pre_group(\@rows, $tbl);
- }
- # Apply group-by.
- if ( $meta->{aggregate} ) {
- @rows = apply_group_by($tbl, $meta->{group_by}, @rows);
- # Sort. Note that if the table is pivoted, sorting might have the wrong
- # columns and it could crash. This will only be an issue if it's possible
- # to toggle pivoting on and off, which it's not at the moment.
- if ( @rows && $meta->{sort_func} ) {
- if ( $meta->{sort_dir} > 0 ) {
- @rows = $meta->{sort_func}->( @rows );
- }
- else {
- @rows = reverse $meta->{sort_func}->( @rows );
- }
- }
- }
- foreach my $listener ( @{$event_listener_for{set_to_tbl_pre_colorize}} ) {
- $listener->set_to_tbl_pre_colorize(\@rows, $tbl);
- }
- if ( !$meta->{pivot} ) {
- # Colorize. Adds a _color column to rows.
- if ( @rows && $meta->{color_func} ) {
- eval {
- foreach my $row ( @rows ) {
- $row->{_color} = $meta->{color_func}->($row);
- }
- };
- if ( $EVAL_ERROR ) {
- pause($EVAL_ERROR);
- }
- }
- }
- foreach my $listener ( @{$event_listener_for{set_to_tbl_pre_transform}} ) {
- $listener->set_to_tbl_pre_transform(\@rows, $tbl);
- }
- # Apply_transformations.
- if ( @rows ) {
- my $cols = $meta->{cols};
- foreach my $col ( keys %{$rows->[0]} ) {
- # Don't auto-vivify $tbl_meta{tbl}-{cols}->{_color}->{trans}
- next if $col eq '_color';
- foreach my $trans ( @{$cols->{$col}->{trans}} ) {
- map { $_->{$col} = $trans_funcs{$trans}->($_->{$col}) } @rows;
- }
- }
- }
- my ($fmt_cols, $fmt_meta);
- # Pivot.
- if ( $meta->{pivot} ) {
- foreach my $listener ( @{$event_listener_for{set_to_tbl_pre_pivot}} ) {
- $listener->set_to_tbl_pre_pivot(\@rows, $tbl);
- }
- my @vars = @{$meta->{visible}};
- my @tmp = map { { name => $_ } } @vars;
- my @cols = 'name';
- foreach my $i ( 0..@$rows-1 ) {
- my $col = "set_$i";
- push @cols, $col;
- foreach my $j ( 0..@vars-1 ) {
- $tmp[$j]->{$col} = $rows[$i]->{$vars[$j]};
- }
- }
- $fmt_meta = { map { $_ => { hdr => $_, just => '-' } } @cols };
- $fmt_cols = \@cols;
- @rows = @tmp;
- # Hook in event listeners
- foreach my $listener ( @{$event_listener_for{set_to_tbl_pre_filter}} ) {
- $listener->set_to_tbl_pre_filter($rows, $tbl);
- }
- # Apply filters.
- foreach my $filter ( @{$meta->{filters}} ) {
- eval {
- @rows = grep { $filters{$filter}->{func}->($_) } @rows;
- };
- if ( $EVAL_ERROR && $config{debug}->{val} ) {
- die $EVAL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- foreach my $listener ( @{$event_listener_for{set_to_tbl_pre_sort}} ) {
- $listener->set_to_tbl_pre_sort($rows, $tbl);
- }
- # Sort.
- if ( @rows && $meta->{sort_func} ) {
- if ( $meta->{sort_dir} > 0 ) {
- @rows = $meta->{sort_func}->( @rows );
- }
- else {
- @rows = reverse $meta->{sort_func}->( @rows );
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- # If the table isn't pivoted, just show all columns that are supposed to
- # be shown; but eliminate aggonly columns if the table isn't aggregated.
- my $aggregated = $meta->{aggregate};
- $fmt_cols = [ grep { $aggregated || !$meta->{cols}->{$_}->{aggonly} } @{$meta->{visible}} ];
- $fmt_meta = { map { $_ => $meta->{cols}->{$_} } @$fmt_cols };
- # If the table is aggregated, re-order the group_by columns to the left of
- # the display.
- if ( $aggregated ) {
- my %is_group = map { $_ => 1 } @{$meta->{group_by}};
- $fmt_cols = [ @{$meta->{group_by}}, grep { !$is_group{$_} } @$fmt_cols ];
- }
- }
- foreach my $listener ( @{$event_listener_for{set_to_tbl_pre_create}} ) {
- $listener->set_to_tbl_pre_create(\@rows, $tbl);
- }
- @rows = create_table( $fmt_cols, $fmt_meta, \@rows);
- if ( !$meta->{hide_caption} && !$opts{n} && $config{display_table_captions}->{val} ) {
- @rows = create_caption($meta->{capt}, @rows)
- }
- foreach my $listener ( @{$event_listener_for{set_to_tbl_post_create}} ) {
- $listener->set_to_tbl_post_create(\@rows, $tbl);
- }
- return @rows;
-# meta_to_hdr {{{3
-sub meta_to_hdr {
- my $tbl = shift;
- my $meta = $tbl_meta{$tbl};
- my %labels = map { $_ => $meta->{cols}->{$_}->{hdr} } @{$meta->{visible}};
- return \%labels;
-# commify {{{3
-# From perlfaq5: add commas.
-sub commify {
- my ( $num ) = @_;
- $num = 0 unless defined $num;
- $num =~ s/(^[-+]?\d+?(?=(?>(?:\d{3})+)(?!\d))|\G\d{3}(?=\d))/$1,/g;
- return $num;
-# set_precision {{{3
-# Trim to desired precision.
-sub set_precision {
- my ( $num, $precision ) = @_;
- $precision = $config{num_digits}->{val} if !defined $precision;
- sprintf("%.${precision}f", $num);
-# percent {{{3
-# Convert to percent
-sub percent {
- my ( $num ) = @_;
- $num = 0 unless defined $num;
- my $digits = $config{num_digits}->{val};
- return sprintf("%.${digits}f", $num * 100)
- . ($config{show_percent}->{val} ? '%' : '');
-# shorten {{{3
-sub shorten {
- my ( $num, $opts ) = @_;
- return $num if !defined($num) || $opts{n} || $num !~ m/$num_regex/;
- $opts ||= {};
- my $pad = defined $opts->{pad} ? $opts->{pad} : '';
- my $num_digits = defined $opts->{num_digits}
- ? $opts->{num_digits}
- : $config{num_digits}->{val};
- my $force = defined $opts->{force};
- my $n = 0;
- while ( $num >= 1_024 ) {
- $num /= 1_024;
- ++$n;
- }
- return sprintf(
- $num =~ m/\./ || $n || $force
- ? "%.${num_digits}f%s"
- : '%d',
- $num, ($pad,'k','M','G', 'T')[$n]);
-# Utility functions {{{2
-# unique {{{3
-sub unique {
- my %seen;
- return grep { !$seen{$_}++ } @_;
-# make_color_func {{{3
-sub make_color_func {
- my ( $tbl ) = @_;
- my @criteria;
- foreach my $spec ( @{$tbl->{colors}} ) {
- next unless exists $comp_ops{$spec->{op}};
- my $val = $spec->{op} =~ m/^(?:eq|ne|le|ge|lt|gt)$/ ? "'$spec->{arg}'"
- : $spec->{op} =~ m/^(?:=~|!~)$/ ? "m/" . quotemeta($spec->{arg}) . "/"
- : $spec->{arg};
- push @criteria,
- "( defined \$set->{$spec->{col}} && \$set->{$spec->{col}} $spec->{op} $val ) { return '$spec->{color}'; }";
- }
- return undef unless @criteria;
- my $sub = eval 'sub { my ( $set ) = @_; if ' . join(" elsif ", @criteria) . '}';
- die if $EVAL_ERROR;
- return $sub;
-# make_sort_func {{{3
-# Gets a list of sort columns from the table, like "+cxn -time" and returns a
-# subroutine that will sort that way.
-sub make_sort_func {
- my ( $tbl ) = @_;
- my @criteria;
- # Pivoted tables can be sorted by 'name' and set_x columns; others must be
- # sorted by existing columns. TODO: this will crash if you toggle between
- # pivoted and nonpivoted. I have several other 'crash' notes about this if
- # this ever becomes possible.
- if ( $tbl->{pivot} ) {
- # Sort type is not really possible on pivoted columns, because a 'column'
- # contains data from an entire non-pivoted row, so there could be a mix of
- # numeric and non-numeric data. Thus everything has to be 'cmp' type.
- foreach my $col ( split(/\s+/, $tbl->{sort_cols} ) ) {
- next unless $col;
- my ( $dir, $name ) = $col =~ m/([+-])?(\w+)$/;
- next unless $name && $name =~ m/^(?:name|set_\d+)$/;
- $dir ||= '+';
- my $op = 'cmp';
- my $df = "''";
- push @criteria,
- $dir eq '+'
- ? "(\$a->{$name} || $df) $op (\$b->{$name} || $df)"
- : "(\$b->{$name} || $df) $op (\$a->{$name} || $df)";
- }
- }
- else {
- foreach my $col ( split(/\s+/, $tbl->{sort_cols} ) ) {
- next unless $col;
- my ( $dir, $name ) = $col =~ m/([+-])?(\w+)$/;
- next unless $name && $tbl->{cols}->{$name};
- $dir ||= '+';
- my $op = $tbl->{cols}->{$name}->{num} ? "<=>" : "cmp";
- my $df = $tbl->{cols}->{$name}->{num} ? "0" : "''";
- push @criteria,
- $dir eq '+'
- ? "(\$a->{$name} || $df) $op (\$b->{$name} || $df)"
- : "(\$b->{$name} || $df) $op (\$a->{$name} || $df)";
- }
- }
- return sub { return @_ } unless @criteria;
- my $sub = eval 'sub { sort {' . join("||", @criteria) . '} @_; }';
- die if $EVAL_ERROR;
- return $sub;
-# trunc {{{3
-# Shortens text to specified length.
-sub trunc {
- my ( $text, $len ) = @_;
- if ( length($text) <= $len ) {
- return $text;
- }
- return substr($text, 0, $len);
-# donut {{{3
-# Takes out the middle of text to shorten it.
-sub donut {
- my ( $text, $len ) = @_;
- return $text if length($text) <= $len;
- my $max = length($text) - $len;
- my $min = $max - 1;
- # Try to remove a single "word" from somewhere in the center
- if ( $text =~ s/_[^_]{$min,$max}_/_/ ) {
- return $text;
- }
- # Prefer removing the end of a "word"
- if ( $text =~ s/([^_]+)[^_]{$max}_/$1_/ ) {
- return $text;
- }
- $text = substr($text, 0, int($len/2))
- . "_"
- . substr($text, int($len/2) + $max + 1);
- return $text;
-# crunch {{{3
-# Removes vowels and compacts repeated letters to shorten text.
-sub crunch {
- my ( $text, $len ) = @_;
- return $text if $len && length($text) <= $len;
- $text =~ s/^IB_\w\w_//;
- $text =~ s/(?<![_ ])[aeiou]//g;
- $text =~ s/(.)\1+/$1/g;
- return $text;
-# collapse_ws {{{3
-# Collapses all whitespace to a single space.
-sub collapse_ws {
- my ( $text ) = @_;
- return '' unless defined $text;
- $text =~ s/\s+/ /g;
- return $text;
-# Strips out non-printable characters within fields, which freak terminals out.
-sub no_ctrl_char {
- my ( $text ) = @_;
- return '' unless defined $text;
- my $charset = $config{charset}->{val};
- if ( $charset && $charset eq 'unicode' ) {
- $text =~ s/
- ("(?:(?!(?<!\\)").)*" # Double-quoted string
- |'(?:(?!(?<!\\)').)*') # Or single-quoted string
- /$1 =~ m#\p{IsC}# ? "[BINARY]" : $1/egx;
- }
- elsif ( $charset && $charset eq 'none' ) {
- $text =~ s/
- ("(?:(?!(?<!\\)").)*"
- |'(?:(?!(?<!\\)').)*')
- /[TEXT]/gx;
- }
- else { # The default is 'ascii'
- $text =~ s/
- ("(?:(?!(?<!\\)").)*"
- |'(?:(?!(?<!\\)').)*')
- /$1 =~ m#[^\040-\176]# ? "[BINARY]" : $1/egx;
- }
- return $text;
-# word_wrap {{{3
-# Wraps text at word boundaries so it fits the screen.
-sub word_wrap {
- my ( $text, $width) = @_;
- $width ||= $this_term_size[0];
- $text =~ s/(.{0,$width})(?:\s+|$)/$1\n/g;
- $text =~ s/ +$//mg;
- return $text;
-# draw_screen {{{3
-# Prints lines to the screen. The first argument is an arrayref. Each
-# element of the array is either a string or an arrayref. If it's a string it
-# just gets printed. If it's an arrayref, the first element is the string to
-# print, and the second is args to colored().
-sub draw_screen {
- my ( $display_lines, $prefs ) = @_;
- if ( !$opts{n} && $config{show_statusbar}->{val} ) {
- unshift @$display_lines, create_statusbar();
- }
- foreach my $listener ( @{$event_listener_for{draw_screen}} ) {
- $listener->draw_screen($display_lines);
- }
- $clear_screen_sub->()
- if $prefs->{clear} || !$modes{$config{mode}->{val}}->{no_clear_screen};
- if ( $opts{n} || $prefs->{raw} ) {
- my $num_lines = 0;
- print join("\n",
- map {
- $num_lines++;
- ref $_
- ? colored($_->[0], $_->[1])
- : $_;
- }
- grep { !$opts{n} || $_ } # Suppress empty lines
- @$display_lines);
- if ( $opts{n} && $num_lines ) {
- print "\n";
- }
- }
- else {
- my $max_lines = $prefs->{show_all}
- ? scalar(@$display_lines)- 1
- : min(scalar(@$display_lines), $this_term_size[1]);
- print join("\n",
- map {
- ref $_
- ? colored(substr($_->[0], 0, $this_term_size[0]), $_->[1])
- : substr($_, 0, $this_term_size[0]);
- } @$display_lines[0..$max_lines - 1]);
- }
-# secs_to_time {{{3
-sub secs_to_time {
- my ( $secs, $fmt ) = @_;
- $secs ||= 0;
- return '00:00' unless $secs;
- # Decide what format to use, if not given
- $fmt ||= $secs >= 86_400 ? 'd'
- : $secs >= 3_600 ? 'h'
- : 'm';
- return
- $fmt eq 'd' ? sprintf(
- "%d+%02d:%02d:%02d",
- int($secs / 86_400),
- int(($secs % 86_400) / 3_600),
- int(($secs % 3_600) / 60),
- $secs % 60)
- : $fmt eq 'h' ? sprintf(
- "%02d:%02d:%02d",
- int(($secs % 86_400) / 3_600),
- int(($secs % 3_600) / 60),
- $secs % 60)
- : sprintf(
- "%02d:%02d",
- int(($secs % 3_600) / 60),
- $secs % 60);
-# dulint_to_int {{{3
-# Takes a number that InnoDB formats as two ulint integers, like transaction IDs
-# and such, and turns it into a single integer
-sub dulint_to_int {
- my $num = shift;
- return 0 unless $num;
- my ( $high, $low ) = $num =~ m/^(\d+) (\d+)$/;
- return $low unless $high;
- return $low + ( $high * $MAX_ULONG );
-# create_statusbar {{{3
-sub create_statusbar {
- my $mode = $config{mode}->{val};
- my @cxns = sort { $a cmp $b } get_connections();
- my $modeline = ( $config{readonly}->{val} ? '[RO] ' : '' )
- . $modes{$mode}->{hdr} . " (? for help)";
- my $mode_width = length($modeline);
- my $remaining_width = $this_term_size[0] - $mode_width - 1;
- my $result;
- # The thingie in top-right that says what we're monitoring.
- my $cxn = '';
- if ( 1 == @cxns && $dbhs{$cxns[0]} && $dbhs{$cxns[0]}->{dbh} ) {
- $cxn = $dbhs{$cxns[0]}->{dbh}->{mysql_serverinfo} || '';
- }
- else {
- if ( $modes{$mode}->{server_group} ) {
- $cxn = "Servers: " . $modes{$mode}->{server_group};
- my $err_count = grep { $dbhs{$_} && $dbhs{$_}->{err_count} } @cxns;
- if ( $err_count ) {
- $cxn .= "(" . ( scalar(@cxns) - $err_count ) . "/" . scalar(@cxns) . ")";
- }
- }
- else {
- $cxn = join(' ', map { ($dbhs{$_}->{err_count} ? '!' : '') . $_ }
- grep { $dbhs{$_} } @cxns);
- }
- }
- if ( 1 == @cxns ) {
- get_driver_status(@cxns);
- my $vars = $vars{$cxns[0]}->{$clock};
- my $inc = inc(0, $cxns[0]);
- # Format server uptime human-readably, calculate QPS...
- my $uptime = secs_to_time( $vars->{Uptime_hires} );
- my $qps = ($inc->{Questions}||0) / ($inc->{Uptime_hires}||1);
- my $ibinfo = '';
- if ( exists $vars->{IB_last_secs} ) {
- $ibinfo .= "InnoDB $vars->{IB_last_secs}s ";
- if ( $vars->{IB_got_all} ) {
- if ( ($mode eq 'T' || $mode eq 'W')
- && $vars->{IB_tx_is_truncated} ) {
- $ibinfo .= ':^|';
- }
- else {
- $ibinfo .= ':-)';
- }
- }
- else {
- $ibinfo .= ':-(';
- }
- }
- $result = sprintf(
- "%-${mode_width}s %${remaining_width}s",
- $modeline,
- join(', ', grep { $_ } (
- $cxns[0],
- $uptime,
- $ibinfo,
- shorten($qps) . " QPS",
- ($vars->{Threads} || 0) . " thd",
- $cxn)));
- }
- else {
- $result = sprintf(
- "%-${mode_width}s %${remaining_width}s",
- $modeline,
- $cxn);
- }
- return $config{color}->{val} ? [ $result, 'bold reverse' ] : $result;
-# Database connections {{{3
-sub add_new_dsn {
- my ( $name ) = @_;
- if ( defined $name ) {
- $name =~ s/[\s:;]//g;
- }
- if ( !$name ) {
- print word_wrap("Choose a name for the connection. It cannot contain "
- . "whitespace, colons or semicolons."), "\n\n";
- do {
- $name = prompt("Enter a name");
- $name =~ s/[\s:;]//g;
- } until ( $name );
- }
- my $dsn;
- do {
- $clear_screen_sub->();
- print "Typical DSN strings look like\n DBI:mysql:;host=hostname;port=port\n"
- . "The db and port are optional and can usually be omitted.\n"
- . "If you specify 'mysql_read_default_group=mysql' many options can be read\n"
- . "from your mysql options files (~/.my.cnf, /etc/my.cnf).\n\n";
- $dsn = prompt("Enter a DSN string", undef, "DBI:mysql:;mysql_read_default_group=mysql;host=$name");
- } until ( $dsn );
- $clear_screen_sub->();
- my $dl_table = prompt("Optional: enter a table (must not exist) to use when resetting InnoDB deadlock information",
- undef, 'test.innotop_dl');
- $connections{$name} = {
- dsn => $dsn,
- dl_table => $dl_table,
- };
-sub add_new_server_group {
- my ( $name ) = @_;
- if ( defined $name ) {
- $name =~ s/[\s:;]//g;
- }
- if ( !$name ) {
- print word_wrap("Choose a name for the group. It cannot contain "
- . "whitespace, colons or semicolons."), "\n\n";
- do {
- $name = prompt("Enter a name");
- $name =~ s/[\s:;]//g;
- } until ( $name );
- }
- my @cxns;
- do {
- $clear_screen_sub->();
- @cxns = select_cxn("Choose servers for $name", keys %connections);
- } until ( @cxns );
- $server_groups{$name} = \@cxns;
- return $name;
-sub get_var_set {
- my ( $name ) = @_;
- while ( !$name || !exists($var_sets{$config{$name}->{val}}) ) {
- $name = choose_var_set($name);
- }
- return $var_sets{$config{$name}->{val}}->{text};
-sub add_new_var_set {
- my ( $name ) = @_;
- if ( defined $name ) {
- $name =~ s/\W//g;
- }
- if ( !$name ) {
- do {
- $name = prompt("Enter a name");
- $name =~ s/\W//g;
- } until ( $name );
- }
- my $variables;
- do {
- $clear_screen_sub->();
- $variables = prompt("Enter variables for $name", undef );
- } until ( $variables );
- $var_sets{$name} = { text => $variables, user => 1 };
-sub next_server {
- my $mode = $config{mode}->{val};
- my @cxns = sort keys %connections;
- my ($cur) = get_connections($mode);
- $cur ||= $cxns[0];
- my $pos = grep { $_ lt $cur } @cxns;
- my $newpos = ($pos + 1) % @cxns;
- $modes{$mode}->{server_group} = '';
- $modes{$mode}->{connections} = [ $cxns[$newpos] ];
- $clear_screen_sub->();
-sub next_server_group {
- my $mode = shift || $config{mode}->{val};
- my @grps = sort keys %server_groups;
- my $curr = $modes{$mode}->{server_group};
- return unless @grps;
- if ( $curr ) {
- # Find the current group's position.
- my $pos = 0;
- while ( $curr ne $grps[$pos] ) {
- $pos++;
- }
- $modes{$mode}->{server_group} = $grps[ ($pos + 1) % @grps ];
- }
- else {
- $modes{$mode}->{server_group} = $grps[0];
- }
-# Get a list of connection names used in this mode.
-sub get_connections {
- if ( $file ) {
- return qw(file);
- }
- my $mode = shift || $config{mode}->{val};
- my @connections = $modes{$mode}->{server_group}
- ? @{$server_groups{$modes{$mode}->{server_group}}}
- : @{$modes{$mode}->{connections}};
- if ( $modes{$mode}->{one_connection} ) {
- @connections = @connections ? $connections[0] : ();
- }
- return unique(@connections);
-# Get a list of tables used in this mode. If innotop is running non-interactively, just use the first.
-sub get_visible_tables {
- my $mode = shift || $config{mode}->{val};
- my @tbls = @{$modes{$mode}->{visible_tables}};
- if ( $opts{n} ) {
- return $tbls[0];
- }
- else {
- return @tbls;
- }
-# Choose from among available connections or server groups.
-# If the mode has a server set in use, prefers that instead.
-sub choose_connections {
- $clear_screen_sub->();
- my $mode = $config{mode}->{val};
- my $meta = { map { $_ => $connections{$_}->{dsn} } keys %connections };
- foreach my $group ( keys %server_groups ) {
- $meta->{"#$group"} = join(' ', @{$server_groups{$group}});
- }
- my $choices = prompt_list("Choose connections or a group for $mode mode",
- undef, sub { return keys %$meta }, $meta);
- my @choices = unique(grep { $_ } split(/\s+/, $choices));
- if ( @choices ) {
- if ( $choices[0] =~ s/^#// && exists $server_groups{$choices[0]} ) {
- $modes{$mode}->{server_group} = $choices[0];
- }
- else {
- $modes{$mode}->{connections} = [ grep { exists $connections{$_} } @choices ];
- }
- }
-# Accepts a DB connection name and the name of a prepared query (e.g. status, kill).
-# Also a list of params for the prepared query. This allows not storing prepared
-# statements globally. Returns a $sth that's been executed.
-# ERROR-HANDLING SEMANTICS: if the statement throws an error, propagate, but if the
-# connection has gone away or can't connect, DO NOT. Just return undef.
-sub do_stmt {
- my ( $cxn, $stmt_name, @args ) = @_;
- return undef if $file;
- # Test if the cxn should not even be tried
- return undef if $dbhs{$cxn}
- && $dbhs{$cxn}->{err_count}
- && ( !$dbhs{$cxn}->{dbh} || !$dbhs{$cxn}->{dbh}->{Active} || $dbhs{$cxn}->{mode} eq $config{mode}->{val} )
- && $dbhs{$cxn}->{wake_up} > $clock;
- my $sth;
- my $retries = 1;
- my $success = 0;
- TRY:
- while ( $retries-- >= 0 && !$success ) {
- eval {
- my $dbh = connect_to_db($cxn);
- # If the prepared query doesn't exist, make it.
- if ( !exists $dbhs{$cxn}->{stmts}->{$stmt_name} ) {
- $dbhs{$cxn}->{stmts}->{$stmt_name} = $stmt_maker_for{$stmt_name}->($dbh);
- }
- $sth = $dbhs{$cxn}->{stmts}->{$stmt_name};
- if ( $sth ) {
- $sth->execute(@args);
- }
- $success = 1;
- };
- if ( $EVAL_ERROR ) {
- if ( $EVAL_ERROR =~ m/$nonfatal_errs/ ) {
- handle_cxn_error($cxn, $EVAL_ERROR);
- }
- else {
- die "$cxn $stmt_name: $EVAL_ERROR";
- }
- if ( $retries < 0 ) {
- $sth = undef;
- }
- }
- }
- if ( $sth && $sth->{NUM_OF_FIELDS} ) {
- sleep($stmt_sleep_time_for{$stmt_name}) if $stmt_sleep_time_for{$stmt_name};
- return $sth;
- }
-# Keeps track of error count, sleep times till retries, etc etc.
-# When there's an error we retry the connection every so often, increasing in
-# Fibonacci series to prevent too much banging on the server.
-sub handle_cxn_error {
- my ( $cxn, $err ) = @_;
- my $meta = $dbhs{$cxn};
- $meta->{err_count}++;
- # This is used so errors that have to do with permissions needed by the current
- # mode will get displayed as long as we're in this mode, but get ignored if the
- # mode changes.
- $meta->{mode} = $config{mode}->{val};
- # Strip garbage from the error text if possible.
- $err =~ s/\s+/ /g;
- if ( $err =~ m/failed: (.*?) at \S*innotop line/ ) {
- $err = $1;
- }
- $meta->{last_err} = $err;
- my $sleep_time = $meta->{this_sleep} + $meta->{prev_sleep};
- $meta->{prev_sleep} = $meta->{this_sleep};
- $meta->{this_sleep} = $sleep_time;
- $meta->{wake_up} = $clock + $sleep_time;
- if ( $config{show_cxn_errors}->{val} ) {
- print STDERR "Error at tick $clock $cxn $err" if $config{debug}->{val};
- }
-# Accepts a DB connection name and a (string) query. Returns a $sth that's been
-# executed.
-sub do_query {
- my ( $cxn, $query ) = @_;
- return undef if $file;
- # Test if the cxn should not even be tried
- return undef if $dbhs{$cxn}
- && $dbhs{$cxn}->{err_count}
- && ( !$dbhs{$cxn}->{dbh} || !$dbhs{$cxn}->{dbh}->{Active} || $dbhs{$cxn}->{mode} eq $config{mode}->{val} )
- && $dbhs{$cxn}->{wake_up} > $clock;
- my $sth;
- my $retries = 1;
- my $success = 0;
- TRY:
- while ( $retries-- >= 0 && !$success ) {
- eval {
- my $dbh = connect_to_db($cxn);
- $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
- $sth->execute();
- $success = 1;
- };
- if ( $EVAL_ERROR ) {
- if ( $EVAL_ERROR =~ m/$nonfatal_errs/ ) {
- handle_cxn_error($cxn, $EVAL_ERROR);
- }
- else {
- die $EVAL_ERROR;
- }
- if ( $retries < 0 ) {
- $sth = undef;
- }
- }
- }
- return $sth;
-sub get_uptime {
- my ( $cxn ) = @_;
- $dbhs{$cxn}->{start_time} ||= time();
- # Avoid dividing by zero
- return (time() - $dbhs{$cxn}->{start_time}) || .001;
-sub connect_to_db {
- my ( $cxn ) = @_;
- $dbhs{$cxn} ||= {
- stmts => {}, # bucket for prepared statements.
- prev_sleep => 0,
- this_sleep => 1,
- wake_up => 0,
- start_time => 0,
- dbh => undef,
- };
- my $href = $dbhs{$cxn};
- if ( !$href->{dbh} || ref($href->{dbh}) !~ m/DBI/ || !$href->{dbh}->ping ) {
- my $dbh = get_new_db_connection($cxn);
- @{$href}{qw(dbh err_count wake_up this_sleep start_time prev_sleep)}
- = ($dbh, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
- # Derive and store the server's start time in hi-res
- my $uptime = $dbh->selectrow_hashref("show status like 'Uptime'")->{value};
- $href->{start_time} = time() - $uptime;
- # Set timeouts so an unused connection stays alive.
- # For example, a connection might be used in Q mode but idle in T mode.
- if ( version_ge($dbh, '4.0.3')) {
- my $timeout = $config{cxn_timeout}->{val};
- $dbh->do("set session wait_timeout=$timeout, interactive_timeout=$timeout");
- }
- }
- return $href->{dbh};
-# Compares versions like 5.0.27 and 4.1.15-standard-log
-sub version_ge {
- my ( $dbh, $target ) = @_;
- my $version = sprintf('%03d%03d%03d', $dbh->{mysql_serverinfo} =~ m/(\d+)/g);
- return $version ge sprintf('%03d%03d%03d', $target =~ m/(\d+)/g);
-# Extracts status values that can be gleaned from the DBD driver without doing a whole query.
-sub get_driver_status {
- my @cxns = @_;
- if ( !$info_gotten{driver_status}++ ) {
- foreach my $cxn ( @cxns ) {
- next unless $dbhs{$cxn} && $dbhs{$cxn}->{dbh} && $dbhs{$cxn}->{dbh}->{Active};
- $vars{$cxn}->{$clock} ||= {};
- my $vars = $vars{$cxn}->{$clock};
- my %res = map { $_ =~ s/ +/_/g; $_ } $dbhs{$cxn}->{dbh}->{mysql_stat} =~ m/(\w[^:]+): ([\d\.]+)/g;
- map { $vars->{$_} ||= $res{$_} } keys %res;
- $vars->{Uptime_hires} ||= get_uptime($cxn);
- $vars->{cxn} = $cxn;
- }
- }
-sub get_new_db_connection {
- my ( $connection, $destroy ) = @_;
- if ( $file ) {
- die "You can't connect to a MySQL server while monitoring a file. This is probably a bug.";
- }
- my $dsn = $connections{$connection}
- or die "No connection named '$connection' is defined in your configuration";
- if ( !defined $dsn->{have_user} ) {
- my $answer = prompt("Do you want to specify a username for $connection?", undef, 'n');
- $dsn->{have_user} = $answer && $answer =~ m/1|y/i;
- }
- if ( !defined $dsn->{have_pass} ) {
- my $answer = prompt("Do you want to specify a password for $connection?", undef, 'n');
- $dsn->{have_pass} = $answer && $answer =~ m/1|y/i;
- }
- if ( !$dsn->{user} && $dsn->{have_user} ) {
- my $user = $ENV{USERNAME} || $ENV{USER} || getlogin() || getpwuid($REAL_USER_ID) || undef;
- $dsn->{user} = prompt("Enter username for $connection", undef, $user);
- }
- if ( !defined $dsn->{user} ) {
- $dsn->{user} = '';
- }
- if ( !$dsn->{pass} && !$dsn->{savepass} && $dsn->{have_pass} ) {
- $dsn->{pass} = prompt_noecho("Enter password for '$dsn->{user}' on $connection");
- print "\n";
- if ( !defined($dsn->{savepass}) ) {
- my $answer = prompt("Save password in plain text in the config file?", undef, 'y');
- $dsn->{savepass} = $answer && $answer =~ m/1|y/i;
- }
- }
- my $dbh = DBI->connect(
- $dsn->{dsn}, $dsn->{user}, $dsn->{pass},
- { RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 0, AutoCommit => 1 });
- $dbh->{InactiveDestroy} = 1 unless $destroy; # Can't be set in $db_options
- $dbh->{FetchHashKeyName} = 'NAME_lc'; # Lowercases all column names for fetchrow_hashref
- return $dbh;
-sub get_cxn_errors {
- my @cxns = @_;
- return () unless $config{show_cxn_errors_in_tbl}->{val};
- return
- map { [ $_ . ': ' . $dbhs{$_}->{last_err}, 'red' ] }
- grep { $dbhs{$_} && $dbhs{$_}->{err_count} && $dbhs{$_}->{mode} eq $config{mode}->{val} }
- @cxns;
-# Setup and tear-down functions {{{2
-# Takes a string and turns it into a hashref you can apply to %tbl_meta tables. The string
-# can be in the form 'foo, bar, foo/bar, foo as bar' much like a SQL SELECT statement.
-sub compile_select_stmt {
- my ($str) = @_;
- my @exps = $str =~ m/\s*([^,]+(?i:\s+as\s+[^,\s]+)?)\s*(?=,|$)/g;
- my %cols;
- my @visible;
- foreach my $exp ( @exps ) {
- my ( $text, $colname );
- if ( $exp =~ m/as\s+(\w+)\s*/ ) {
- $colname = $1;
- $exp =~ s/as\s+(\w+)\s*//;
- $text = $exp;
- }
- else {
- $text = $colname = $exp;
- }
- my ($func, $err) = compile_expr($text);
- $cols{$colname} = {
- src => $text,
- hdr => $colname,
- num => 0,
- func => $func,
- };
- push @visible, $colname;
- }
- return (\%cols, \@visible);
-# compile_filter {{{3
-sub compile_filter {
- my ( $text ) = @_;
- my ( $sub, $err );
- eval "\$sub = sub { my \$set = shift; $text }";
- if ( $EVAL_ERROR ) {
- $EVAL_ERROR =~ s/at \(eval.*$//;
- $sub = sub { return $EVAL_ERROR };
- $err = $EVAL_ERROR;
- }
- return ( $sub, $err );
-# compile_expr {{{3
-sub compile_expr {
- my ( $expr ) = @_;
- # Leave built-in functions alone so they get called as Perl functions, unless
- # they are the only word in $expr, in which case treat them as hash keys.
- if ( $expr =~ m/\W/ ) {
- $expr =~ s/(?<!\{|\$)\b([A-Za-z]\w{2,})\b/is_func($1) ? $1 : "\$set->{$1}"/eg;
- }
- else {
- $expr = "\$set->{$expr}";
- }
- my ( $sub, $err );
- my $quoted = quotemeta($expr);
- eval qq{
- \$sub = sub {
- my (\$set, \$cur, \$pre) = \@_;
- my \$val = eval { $expr };
- if ( \$EVAL_ERROR && \$config{debug}->{val} ) {
- \$EVAL_ERROR =~ s/ at \\(eval.*//s;
- die "\$EVAL_ERROR in expression $quoted";
- }
- return \$val;
- }
- };
- if ( $EVAL_ERROR ) {
- if ( $config{debug}->{val} ) {
- die $EVAL_ERROR;
- }
- $EVAL_ERROR =~ s/ at \(eval.*$//;
- $sub = sub { return $EVAL_ERROR };
- $err = $EVAL_ERROR;
- }
- return ( $sub, $err );
-# finish {{{3
-# This is a subroutine because it's called from a key to quit the program.
-sub finish {
- save_config();
- ReadMode('normal') unless $opts{n};
- print "\n";
- exit(0);
-# core_dump {{{3
-sub core_dump {
- my $msg = shift;
- if ($config{debugfile}->{val} && $config{debug}->{val}) {
- eval {
- open my $file, '>>', $config{debugfile}->{val};
- if ( %vars ) {
- print $file "Current variables:\n" . Dumper(\%vars);
- }
- close $file;
- };
- }
- print $msg;
-# load_config {{{3
-sub load_config {
- my $filename = $opts{c} || "$homepath/.innotop/innotop.ini";
- my $dirname = dirname($filename);
- if ( -f $dirname && !$opts{c} ) {
- # innotop got upgraded and this is the old config file.
- my $answer = pause("Innotop's default config location has moved to $filename. Move old config file $dirname there now? y/n");
- if ( lc $answer eq 'y' ) {
- rename($dirname, "$homepath/innotop.ini")
- or die "Can't rename '$dirname': $OS_ERROR";
- mkdir($dirname) or die "Can't create directory '$dirname': $OS_ERROR";
- mkdir("$dirname/plugins") or die "Can't create directory '$dirname/plugins': $OS_ERROR";
- rename("$homepath/innotop.ini", $filename)
- or die "Can't rename '$homepath/innotop.ini' to '$filename': $OS_ERROR";
- }
- else {
- print "\nInnotop will now exit so you can fix the config file.\n";
- exit(0);
- }
- }
- if ( ! -d $dirname ) {
- mkdir $dirname
- or die "Can't create directory '$dirname': $OS_ERROR";
- }
- if ( ! -d "$dirname/plugins" ) {
- mkdir "$dirname/plugins"
- or die "Can't create directory '$dirname/plugins': $OS_ERROR";
- }
- if ( -f $filename ) {
- open my $file, "<", $filename or die("Can't open '$filename': $OS_ERROR");
- # Check config file version. Just ignore if either innotop or the file has
- # garbage in the version number.
- if ( defined(my $line = <$file>) && $VERSION =~ m/\d/ ) {
- chomp $line;
- if ( my ($maj, $min, $rev) = $line =~ m/^version=(\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?$/ ) {
- $rev ||= 0;
- my $cfg_ver = sprintf('%03d-%03d-%03d', $maj, $min, $rev);
- ( $maj, $min, $rev ) = $VERSION =~ m/^(\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?$/;
- $rev ||= 0;
- my $innotop_ver = sprintf('%03d-%03d-%03d', $maj, $min, $rev);
- if ( $cfg_ver gt $innotop_ver ) {
- pause("The config file is for a newer version of innotop and may not be read correctly.");
- }
- else {
- my @ver_history = @config_versions;
- while ( my ($start, $end) = splice(@ver_history, 0, 2) ) {
- # If the config file is between the endpoints and innotop is greater than
- # the endpoint, innotop has a newer config file format than the file.
- if ( $cfg_ver ge $start && $cfg_ver lt $end && $innotop_ver ge $end ) {
- my $msg = "innotop's config file format has changed. Overwrite $filename? y or n";
- if ( pause($msg) eq 'n' ) {
- $config{readonly}->{val} = 1;
- print "\ninnotop will not save any configuration changes you make.";
- pause();
- print "\n";
- }
- close $file;
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- while ( my $line = <$file> ) {
- chomp $line;
- next unless $line =~ m/^\[([a-z_]+)\]$/;
- if ( exists $config_file_sections{$1} ) {
- $config_file_sections{$1}->{reader}->($file);
- }
- else {
- warn "Unknown config file section '$1'";
- }
- }
- close $file or die("Can't close $filename: $OS_ERROR");
- }
-# Do some post-processing on %tbl_meta: compile src properties into func etc.
-sub post_process_tbl_meta {
- foreach my $table ( values %tbl_meta ) {
- foreach my $col_name ( keys %{$table->{cols}} ) {
- my $col_def = $table->{cols}->{$col_name};
- my ( $sub, $err ) = compile_expr($col_def->{src});
- $col_def->{func} = $sub;
- }
- }
-# load_config_plugins {{{3
-sub load_config_plugins {
- my ( $file ) = @_;
- # First, find a list of all plugins that exist on disk, and get information about them.
- my $dir = $config{plugin_dir}->{val};
- foreach my $p_file ( <$dir/*.pm> ) {
- my ($package, $desc);
- eval {
- open my $p_in, "<", $p_file or die $OS_ERROR;
- while ( my $line = <$p_in> ) {
- chomp $line;
- if ( $line =~ m/^package\s+(.*?);/ ) {
- $package = $1;
- }
- elsif ( $line =~ m/^# description: (.*)/ ) {
- $desc = $1;
- }
- last if $package && $desc;
- }
- close $p_in;
- };
- if ( $package ) {
- $plugins{$package} = {
- file => $p_file,
- desc => $desc,
- class => $package,
- active => 0,
- };
- if ( $config{debug}->{val} && $EVAL_ERROR ) {
- die $EVAL_ERROR;
- }
- }
- }
- # Now read which ones the user has activated. Each line simply represents an active plugin.
- while ( my $line = <$file> ) {
- chomp $line;
- next if $line =~ m/^#/;
- last if $line =~ m/^\[/;
- next unless $line && $plugins{$line};
- my $obj;
- eval {
- require $plugins{$line}->{file};
- $obj = $line->new(%pluggable_vars);
- foreach my $event ( $obj->register_for_events() ) {
- my $queue = $event_listener_for{$event};
- if ( $queue ) {
- push @$queue, $obj;
- }
- }
- };
- if ( $config{debug}->{val} && $EVAL_ERROR ) {
- die $EVAL_ERROR;
- }
- if ( $obj ) {
- $plugins{$line}->{active} = 1;
- $plugins{$line}->{object} = $obj;
- }
- }
-# save_config_plugins {{{3
-sub save_config_plugins {
- my $file = shift;
- foreach my $class ( sort keys %plugins ) {
- next unless $plugins{$class}->{active};
- print $file "$class\n";
- }
-# load_config_active_server_groups {{{3
-sub load_config_active_server_groups {
- my ( $file ) = @_;
- while ( my $line = <$file> ) {
- chomp $line;
- next if $line =~ m/^#/;
- last if $line =~ m/^\[/;
- my ( $mode, $group ) = $line =~ m/^(.*?)=(.*)$/;
- next unless $mode && $group
- && exists $modes{$mode} && exists $server_groups{$group};
- $modes{$mode}->{server_group} = $group;
- }
-# save_config_active_server_groups {{{3
-sub save_config_active_server_groups {
- my $file = shift;
- foreach my $mode ( sort keys %modes ) {
- print $file "$mode=$modes{$mode}->{server_group}\n";
- }
-# load_config_server_groups {{{3
-sub load_config_server_groups {
- my ( $file ) = @_;
- while ( my $line = <$file> ) {
- chomp $line;
- next if $line =~ m/^#/;
- last if $line =~ m/^\[/;
- my ( $name, $rest ) = $line =~ m/^(.*?)=(.*)$/;
- next unless $name && $rest;
- my @vars = unique(grep { $_ && exists $connections{$_} } split(/\s+/, $rest));
- next unless @vars;
- $server_groups{$name} = \@vars;
- }
-# save_config_server_groups {{{3
-sub save_config_server_groups {
- my $file = shift;
- foreach my $set ( sort keys %server_groups ) {
- print $file "$set=", join(' ', @{$server_groups{$set}}), "\n";
- }
-# load_config_varsets {{{3
-sub load_config_varsets {
- my ( $file ) = @_;
- while ( my $line = <$file> ) {
- chomp $line;
- next if $line =~ m/^#/;
- last if $line =~ m/^\[/;
- my ( $name, $rest ) = $line =~ m/^(.*?)=(.*)$/;
- next unless $name && $rest;
- $var_sets{$name} = {
- text => $rest,
- user => 1,
- };
- }
-# save_config_varsets {{{3
-sub save_config_varsets {
- my $file = shift;
- foreach my $varset ( sort keys %var_sets ) {
- next unless $var_sets{$varset}->{user};
- print $file "$varset=$var_sets{$varset}->{text}\n";
- }
-# load_config_group_by {{{3
-sub load_config_group_by {
- my ( $file ) = @_;
- while ( my $line = <$file> ) {
- chomp $line;
- next if $line =~ m/^#/;
- last if $line =~ m/^\[/;
- my ( $tbl , $rest ) = $line =~ m/^(.*?)=(.*)$/;
- next unless $tbl && exists $tbl_meta{$tbl};
- my @parts = unique(grep { exists($tbl_meta{$tbl}->{cols}->{$_}) } split(/\s+/, $rest));
- $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{group_by} = [ @parts ];
- $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{cust}->{group_by} = 1;
- }
-# save_config_group_by {{{3
-sub save_config_group_by {
- my $file = shift;
- foreach my $tbl ( sort keys %tbl_meta ) {
- next if $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{temp};
- next unless $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{cust}->{group_by};
- my $aref = $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{group_by};
- print $file "$tbl=", join(' ', @$aref), "\n";
- }
-# load_config_filters {{{3
-sub load_config_filters {
- my ( $file ) = @_;
- while ( my $line = <$file> ) {
- chomp $line;
- next if $line =~ m/^#/;
- last if $line =~ m/^\[/;
- my ( $key, $rest ) = $line =~ m/^(.+?)=(.*)$/;
- next unless $key && $rest;
- my %parts = $rest =~ m/(\w+)='((?:(?!(?<!\\)').)*)'/g; # Properties are single-quoted
- next unless $parts{text} && $parts{tbls};
- foreach my $prop ( keys %parts ) {
- # Un-escape escaping
- $parts{$prop} =~ s/\\\\/\\/g;
- $parts{$prop} =~ s/\\'/'/g;
- }
- my ( $sub, $err ) = compile_filter($parts{text});
- my @tbls = unique(split(/\s+/, $parts{tbls}));
- @tbls = grep { exists $tbl_meta{$_} } @tbls;
- $filters{$key} = {
- func => $sub,
- text => $parts{text},
- user => 1,
- name => $key,
- note => 'User-defined filter',
- tbls => \@tbls,
- }
- }
-# save_config_filters {{{3
-sub save_config_filters {
- my $file = shift;
- foreach my $key ( sort keys %filters ) {
- next if !$filters{$key}->{user} || $filters{$key}->{quick};
- my $text = $filters{$key}->{text};
- $text =~ s/([\\'])/\\$1/g;
- my $tbls = join(" ", @{$filters{$key}->{tbls}});
- print $file "$key=text='$text' tbls='$tbls'\n";
- }
-# load_config_visible_tables {{{3
-sub load_config_visible_tables {
- my ( $file ) = @_;
- while ( my $line = <$file> ) {
- chomp $line;
- next if $line =~ m/^#/;
- last if $line =~ m/^\[/;
- my ( $mode, $rest ) = $line =~ m/^(.*?)=(.*)$/;
- next unless $mode && exists $modes{$mode};
- $modes{$mode}->{visible_tables} =
- [ unique(grep { $_ && exists $tbl_meta{$_} } split(/\s+/, $rest)) ];
- $modes{$mode}->{cust}->{visible_tables} = 1;
- }
-# save_config_visible_tables {{{3
-sub save_config_visible_tables {
- my $file = shift;
- foreach my $mode ( sort keys %modes ) {
- next unless $modes{$mode}->{cust}->{visible_tables};
- my $tables = $modes{$mode}->{visible_tables};
- print $file "$mode=", join(' ', @$tables), "\n";
- }
-# load_config_sort_cols {{{3
-sub load_config_sort_cols {
- my ( $file ) = @_;
- while ( my $line = <$file> ) {
- chomp $line;
- next if $line =~ m/^#/;
- last if $line =~ m/^\[/;
- my ( $key , $rest ) = $line =~ m/^(.*?)=(.*)$/;
- next unless $key && exists $tbl_meta{$key};
- $tbl_meta{$key}->{sort_cols} = $rest;
- $tbl_meta{$key}->{cust}->{sort_cols} = 1;
- $tbl_meta{$key}->{sort_func} = make_sort_func($tbl_meta{$key});
- }
-# save_config_sort_cols {{{3
-sub save_config_sort_cols {
- my $file = shift;
- foreach my $tbl ( sort keys %tbl_meta ) {
- next unless $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{cust}->{sort_cols};
- my $col = $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{sort_cols};
- print $file "$tbl=$col\n";
- }
-# load_config_active_filters {{{3
-sub load_config_active_filters {
- my ( $file ) = @_;
- while ( my $line = <$file> ) {
- chomp $line;
- next if $line =~ m/^#/;
- last if $line =~ m/^\[/;
- my ( $tbl , $rest ) = $line =~ m/^(.*?)=(.*)$/;
- next unless $tbl && exists $tbl_meta{$tbl};
- my @parts = unique(grep { exists($filters{$_}) } split(/\s+/, $rest));
- @parts = grep { grep { $tbl eq $_ } @{$filters{$_}->{tbls}} } @parts;
- $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{filters} = [ @parts ];
- $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{cust}->{filters} = 1;
- }
-# save_config_active_filters {{{3
-sub save_config_active_filters {
- my $file = shift;
- foreach my $tbl ( sort keys %tbl_meta ) {
- next if $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{temp};
- next unless $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{cust}->{filters};
- my $aref = $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{filters};
- print $file "$tbl=", join(' ', @$aref), "\n";
- }
-# load_config_active_columns {{{3
-sub load_config_active_columns {
- my ( $file ) = @_;
- while ( my $line = <$file> ) {
- chomp $line;
- next if $line =~ m/^#/;
- last if $line =~ m/^\[/;
- my ( $key , $rest ) = $line =~ m/^(.*?)=(.*)$/;
- next unless $key && exists $tbl_meta{$key};
- my @parts = grep { exists($tbl_meta{$key}->{cols}->{$_}) } unique split(/ /, $rest);
- $tbl_meta{$key}->{visible} = [ @parts ];
- $tbl_meta{$key}->{cust}->{visible} = 1;
- }
-# save_config_active_columns {{{3
-sub save_config_active_columns {
- my $file = shift;
- foreach my $tbl ( sort keys %tbl_meta ) {
- next unless $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{cust}->{visible};
- my $aref = $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{visible};
- print $file "$tbl=", join(' ', @$aref), "\n";
- }
-# save_config_tbl_meta {{{3
-sub save_config_tbl_meta {
- my $file = shift;
- foreach my $tbl ( sort keys %tbl_meta ) {
- foreach my $col ( keys %{$tbl_meta{$tbl}->{cols}} ) {
- my $meta = $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{cols}->{$col};
- next unless $meta->{user};
- print $file "$col=", join(
- " ",
- map {
- # Some properties (trans) are arrays, others scalars
- my $val = ref($meta->{$_}) ? join(',', @{$meta->{$_}}) : $meta->{$_};
- $val =~ s/([\\'])/\\$1/g; # Escape backslashes and single quotes
- "$_='$val'"; # Enclose in single quotes
- }
- grep { $_ ne 'func' }
- keys %$meta
- ), "\n";
- }
- }
-# save_config_config {{{3
-sub save_config_config {
- my $file = shift;
- foreach my $key ( sort keys %config ) {
- eval {
- if ( $key ne 'password' || $config{savepass}->{val} ) {
- print $file "# $config{$key}->{note}\n"
- or die "Cannot print to file: $OS_ERROR";
- my $val = $config{$key}->{val};
- $val = '' unless defined($val);
- if ( ref( $val ) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
- print $file "$key="
- . join( " ", @$val ) . "\n"
- or die "Cannot print to file: $OS_ERROR";
- }
- elsif ( ref( $val ) eq 'HASH' ) {
- print $file "$key="
- . join( " ",
- map { "$_:$val->{$_}" } keys %$val
- ) . "\n";
- }
- else {
- print $file "$key=$val\n";
- }
- }
- };
- if ( $EVAL_ERROR ) { print "$EVAL_ERROR in $key"; };
- }
-# load_config_config {{{3
-sub load_config_config {
- my ( $file ) = @_;
- # Look in the command-line parameters for things stored in the same slot.
- my %cmdline =
- map { $_->{c} => $opts{$_->{k}} }
- grep { exists $_->{c} && exists $opts{$_->{k}} }
- @opt_spec;
- while ( my $line = <$file> ) {
- chomp $line;
- next if $line =~ m/^#/;
- last if $line =~ m/^\[/;
- my ( $name, $val ) = $line =~ m/^(.+?)=(.*)$/;
- next unless defined $name && defined $val;
- # Values might already have been set at the command line.
- $val = defined($cmdline{$name}) ? $cmdline{$name} : $val;
- # Validate the incoming values...
- if ( $name && exists( $config{$name} ) ) {
- if ( !$config{$name}->{pat} || $val =~ m/$config{$name}->{pat}/ ) {
- $config{$name}->{val} = $val;
- $config{$name}->{read} = 1;
- }
- }
- }
-# load_config_tbl_meta {{{3
-sub load_config_tbl_meta {
- my ( $file ) = @_;
- while ( my $line = <$file> ) {
- chomp $line;
- next if $line =~ m/^#/;
- last if $line =~ m/^\[/;
- # Each tbl_meta section has all the properties defined in %col_props.
- my ( $col , $rest ) = $line =~ m/^(.*?)=(.*)$/;
- next unless $col;
- my %parts = $rest =~ m/(\w+)='((?:(?!(?<!\\)').)*)'/g; # Properties are single-quoted
- # Each section read from the config file has one extra property: which table it
- # goes in.
- my $tbl = $parts{tbl} or die "There's no table for tbl_meta $col";
- my $meta = $tbl_meta{$tbl} or die "There's no table in tbl_meta named $tbl";
- # The section is user-defined by definition (if that makes sense).
- $parts{user} = 1;
- # The column may already exist in the table, in which case this is just a
- # customization.
- $meta->{cols}->{$col} ||= {};
- foreach my $prop ( keys %col_props ) {
- if ( !defined($parts{$prop}) ) {
- die "Undefined property $prop for column $col in table $tbl";
- }
- # Un-escape escaping
- $parts{$prop} =~ s/\\\\/\\/g;
- $parts{$prop} =~ s/\\'/'/g;
- if ( ref $col_props{$prop} ) {
- if ( $prop eq 'trans' ) {
- $meta->{cols}->{$col}->{trans}
- = [ unique(grep { exists $trans_funcs{$_} } split(',', $parts{$prop})) ];
- }
- else {
- $meta->{cols}->{$col}->{$prop} = [ split(',', $parts{$prop}) ];
- }
- }
- else {
- $meta->{cols}->{$col}->{$prop} = $parts{$prop};
- }
- }
- }
-# save_config {{{3
-sub save_config {
- return if $config{readonly}->{val};
- # Save to a temp file first, so a crash doesn't destroy the main config file
- my $newname = $opts{c} || "$homepath/.innotop/innotop.ini";
- my $filename = $newname . '_tmp';
- open my $file, "+>", $filename
- or die("Can't write to $filename: $OS_ERROR");
- print $file "version=$VERSION\n";
- foreach my $section ( @ordered_config_file_sections ) {
- die "No such config file section $section" unless $config_file_sections{$section};
- print $file "\n[$section]\n\n";
- $config_file_sections{$section}->{writer}->($file);
- print $file "\n[/$section]\n";
- }
- # Now clobber the main config file with the temp.
- close $file or die("Can't close $filename: $OS_ERROR");
- rename($filename, $newname) or die("Can't rename $filename to $newname: $OS_ERROR");
-# load_config_connections {{{3
-sub load_config_connections {
- my ( $file ) = @_;
- while ( my $line = <$file> ) {
- chomp $line;
- next if $line =~ m/^#/;
- last if $line =~ m/^\[/;
- my ( $key , $rest ) = $line =~ m/^(.*?)=(.*)$/;
- next unless $key;
- my %parts = $rest =~ m/(\S+?)=(\S*)/g;
- my %conn = map { $_ => $parts{$_} || '' } @conn_parts;
- $connections{$key} = \%conn;
- }
-# save_config_connections {{{3
-sub save_config_connections {
- my $file = shift;
- foreach my $conn ( sort keys %connections ) {
- my $href = $connections{$conn};
- my @keys = $href->{savepass} ? @conn_parts : grep { $_ ne 'pass' } @conn_parts;
- print $file "$conn=", join(' ', map { "$_=$href->{$_}" } grep { defined $href->{$_} } @keys), "\n";
- }
-sub load_config_colors {
- my ( $file ) = @_;
- my %rule_set_for;
- while ( my $line = <$file> ) {
- chomp $line;
- next if $line =~ m/^#/;
- last if $line =~ m/^\[/;
- my ( $tbl, $rule ) = $line =~ m/^(.*?)=(.*)$/;
- next unless $tbl && $rule;
- next unless exists $tbl_meta{$tbl};
- my %parts = $rule =~ m/(\w+)='((?:(?!(?<!\\)').)*)'/g; # Properties are single-quoted
- next unless $parts{col} && exists $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{cols}->{$parts{col}};
- next unless $parts{op} && exists $comp_ops{$parts{op}};
- next unless defined $parts{arg};
- next unless defined $parts{color};
- my @colors = unique(grep { exists $ansicolors{$_} } split(/\W+/, $parts{color}));
- next unless @colors;
- # Finally! Enough validation...
- $rule_set_for{$tbl} ||= [];
- push @{$rule_set_for{$tbl}}, \%parts;
- }
- foreach my $tbl ( keys %rule_set_for ) {
- $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{colors} = $rule_set_for{$tbl};
- $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{color_func} = make_color_func($tbl_meta{$tbl});
- $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{cust}->{colors} = 1;
- }
-# save_config_colors {{{3
-sub save_config_colors {
- my $file = shift;
- foreach my $tbl ( sort keys %tbl_meta ) {
- my $meta = $tbl_meta{$tbl};
- next unless $meta->{cust}->{colors};
- foreach my $rule ( @{$meta->{colors}} ) {
- print $file "$tbl=", join(
- ' ',
- map {
- my $val = $rule->{$_};
- $val =~ s/([\\'])/\\$1/g; # Escape backslashes and single quotes
- "$_='$val'"; # Enclose in single quotes
- }
- qw(col op arg color)
- ), "\n";
- }
- }
-# load_config_active_connections {{{3
-sub load_config_active_connections {
- my ( $file ) = @_;
- while ( my $line = <$file> ) {
- chomp $line;
- next if $line =~ m/^#/;
- last if $line =~ m/^\[/;
- my ( $key , $rest ) = $line =~ m/^(.*?)=(.*)$/;
- next unless $key && exists $modes{$key};
- my @parts = grep { exists $connections{$_} } split(/ /, $rest);
- $modes{$key}->{connections} = [ @parts ] if exists $modes{$key};
- }
-# save_config_active_connections {{{3
-sub save_config_active_connections {
- my $file = shift;
- foreach my $mode ( sort keys %modes ) {
- my @connections = get_connections($mode);
- print $file "$mode=", join(' ', @connections), "\n";
- }
-# load_config_stmt_sleep_times {{{3
-sub load_config_stmt_sleep_times {
- my ( $file ) = @_;
- while ( my $line = <$file> ) {
- chomp $line;
- next if $line =~ m/^#/;
- last if $line =~ m/^\[/;
- my ( $key , $val ) = split('=', $line);
- next unless $key && defined $val && $val =~ m/$num_regex/;
- $stmt_sleep_time_for{$key} = $val;
- }
-# save_config_stmt_sleep_times {{{3
-sub save_config_stmt_sleep_times {
- my $file = shift;
- foreach my $key ( sort keys %stmt_sleep_time_for ) {
- print $file "$key=$stmt_sleep_time_for{$key}\n";
- }
-# load_config_mvs {{{3
-sub load_config_mvs {
- my ( $file ) = @_;
- while ( my $line = <$file> ) {
- chomp $line;
- next if $line =~ m/^#/;
- last if $line =~ m/^\[/;
- my ( $key , $val ) = split('=', $line);
- next unless $key && defined $val && $val =~ m/$num_regex/;
- $mvs{$key} = $val;
- }
-# save_config_mvs {{{3
-sub save_config_mvs {
- my $file = shift;
- foreach my $key ( sort keys %mvs ) {
- print $file "$key=$mvs{$key}\n";
- }
-# edit_configuration {{{3
-sub edit_configuration {
- my $key = '';
- while ( $key ne 'q' ) {
- $clear_screen_sub->();
- my @display_lines = '';
- if ( $key && $cfg_editor_action{$key} ) {
- $cfg_editor_action{$key}->{func}->();
- }
- # Show help
- push @display_lines, create_caption('What configuration do you want to edit?',
- create_table2(
- [ sort keys %cfg_editor_action ],
- { map { $_ => $_ } keys %cfg_editor_action },
- { map { $_ => $cfg_editor_action{$_}->{note} } keys %cfg_editor_action },
- { sep => ' ' }));
- draw_screen(\@display_lines);
- $key = pause('');
- }
-# edit_configuration_variables {{{3
-sub edit_configuration_variables {
- $clear_screen_sub->();
- my $mode = $config{mode}->{val};
- my %config_choices
- = map { $_ => $config{$_}->{note} || '' }
- # Only config values that are marked as applying to this mode.
- grep {
- my $key = $_;
- $config{$key}->{conf} &&
- ( $config{$key}->{conf} eq 'ALL'
- || grep { $mode eq $_ } @{$config{$key}->{conf}} )
- } keys %config;
- my $key = prompt_list(
- "Enter the name of the variable you wish to configure",
- '',
- sub{ return keys %config_choices },
- \%config_choices);
- if ( exists($config_choices{$key}) ) {
- get_config_interactive($key);
- }
-# edit_color_rules {{{3
-sub edit_color_rules {
- my ( $tbl ) = @_;
- $clear_screen_sub->();
- $tbl ||= choose_visible_table();
- if ( $tbl && exists($tbl_meta{$tbl}) ) {
- my $meta = $tbl_meta{$tbl};
- my @cols = ('', qw(col op arg color));
- my $info = { map { $_ => { hdr => $_, just => '-', } } @cols };
- $info->{label}->{maxw} = 30;
- my $key;
- my $selected_rule;
- # This loop builds a tabular view of the rules.
- do {
- # Show help
- if ( $key && $key eq '?' ) {
- my @display_lines = '';
- push @display_lines, create_caption('Editor key mappings',
- create_table2(
- [ sort keys %color_editor_action ],
- { map { $_ => $_ } keys %color_editor_action },
- { map { $_ => $color_editor_action{$_}->{note} } keys %color_editor_action },
- { sep => ' ' }));
- draw_screen(\@display_lines);
- pause();
- $key = '';
- }
- else {
- # Do the action specified
- $selected_rule ||= 0;
- if ( $key && $color_editor_action{$key} ) {
- $selected_rule = $color_editor_action{$key}->{func}->($tbl, $selected_rule);
- $selected_rule ||= 0;
- }
- # Build the table of rules. If the terminal has color, the selected rule
- # will be highlighted; otherwise a > at the left will indicate.
- my $data = $meta->{colors} || [];
- foreach my $i ( 0..@$data - 1 ) {
- $data->[$i]->{''} = $i == $selected_rule ? '>' : '';
- }
- my @display_lines = create_table(\@cols, $info, $data);
- # Highlight selected entry
- for my $i ( 0 .. $#display_lines ) {
- if ( $display_lines[$i] =~ m/^>/ ) {
- $display_lines[$i] = [ $display_lines[$i], 'reverse' ];
- }
- }
- # Draw the screen and wait for a command.
- unshift @display_lines, '',
- "Editing color rules for $meta->{capt}. Press ? for help, q to "
- . "quit.", '';
- draw_screen(\@display_lines);
- print "\n\n", word_wrap('Rules are applied in order from top to '
- . 'bottom. The first matching rule wins and prevents the '
- . 'rest of the rules from being applied.');
- $key = pause('');
- }
- } while ( $key ne 'q' );
- $meta->{color_func} = make_color_func($meta);
- }
-# add_quick_filter {{{3
-sub add_quick_filter {
- my $tbl = choose_visible_table();
- if ( $tbl && exists($tbl_meta{$tbl}) ) {
- print "\n";
- my $response = prompt_list(
- "Enter column name and filter text",
- '',
- sub { return keys %{$tbl_meta{$tbl}->{cols}} },
- ()
- );
- my ( $col, $text ) = split(/\s+/, $response, 2);
- # You can't filter on a nonexistent column. But if you filter on a pivoted
- # table, the columns are different, so on a pivoted table, allow filtering
- # on the 'name' column.
- # NOTE: if a table is pivoted and un-pivoted, this will likely cause crashes.
- # Currently not an issue since there's no way to toggle pivot/nopivot.
- return unless $col && $text &&
- (exists($tbl_meta{$tbl}->{cols}->{$col})
- || ($tbl_meta{$tbl}->{pivot} && $col eq 'name'));
- my ( $sub, $err ) = compile_filter( "defined \$set->{$col} && \$set->{$col} =~ m/$text/" );
- return if !$sub || $err;
- my $name = "quick_$tbl.$col";
- $filters{$name} = {
- func => $sub,
- text => $text,
- user => 1,
- quick => 1,
- name => $name,
- note => 'Quick-filter',
- tbls => [$tbl],
- };
- push @{$tbl_meta{$tbl}->{filters}}, $name;
- }
-# clear_quick_filters {{{3
-sub clear_quick_filters {
- my $tbl = choose_visible_table(
- # Only tables that have quick-filters
- sub {
- my ( $tbl ) = @_;
- return scalar grep { $filters{$_}->{quick} } @{ $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{filters} };
- }
- );
- if ( $tbl && exists($tbl_meta{$tbl}) ) {
- my @current = @{$tbl_meta{$tbl}->{filters}};
- @current = grep { !$filters{$_}->{quick} } @current;
- $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{filters} = \@current;
- }
-sub edit_plugins {
- $clear_screen_sub->();
- my @cols = ('', qw(class desc active));
- my $info = { map { $_ => { hdr => $_, just => '-', } } @cols };
- my @rows = map { $plugins{$_} } sort keys %plugins;
- my $key;
- my $selected;
- # This loop builds a tabular view of the plugins.
- do {
- # Show help
- if ( $key && $key eq '?' ) {
- my @display_lines = '';
- push @display_lines, create_caption('Editor key mappings',
- create_table2(
- [ sort keys %plugin_editor_action ],
- { map { $_ => $_ } keys %plugin_editor_action },
- { map { $_ => $plugin_editor_action{$_}->{note} } keys %plugin_editor_action },
- { sep => ' ' }));
- draw_screen(\@display_lines);
- pause();
- $key = '';
- }
- # Do the action specified
- else {
- $selected ||= 0;
- if ( $key && $plugin_editor_action{$key} ) {
- $selected = $plugin_editor_action{$key}->{func}->(\@rows, $selected);
- $selected ||= 0;
- }
- # Build the table of plugins.
- foreach my $row ( 0.. $#rows ) {
- $rows[$row]->{''} = $row eq $selected ? '>' : ' ';
- }
- my @display_lines = create_table(\@cols, $info, \@rows);
- # Highlight selected entry
- for my $i ( 0 .. $#display_lines ) {
- if ( $display_lines[$i] =~ m/^>/ ) {
- $display_lines[$i] = [ $display_lines[$i], 'reverse' ];
- }
- }
- # Draw the screen and wait for a command.
- unshift @display_lines, '',
- "Plugin Management. Press ? for help, q to quit.", '';
- draw_screen(\@display_lines);
- $key = pause('');
- }
- } while ( $key ne 'q' );
-# edit_table {{{3
-sub edit_table {
- $clear_screen_sub->();
- my ( $tbl ) = @_;
- $tbl ||= choose_visible_table();
- if ( $tbl && exists($tbl_meta{$tbl}) ) {
- my $meta = $tbl_meta{$tbl};
- my @cols = ('', qw(name hdr label src));
- my $info = { map { $_ => { hdr => $_, just => '-', } } @cols };
- $info->{label}->{maxw} = 30;
- my $key;
- my $selected_column;
- # This loop builds a tabular view of the tbl_meta's structure, showing each column
- # in the entry as a row.
- do {
- # Show help
- if ( $key && $key eq '?' ) {
- my @display_lines = '';
- push @display_lines, create_caption('Editor key mappings',
- create_table2(
- [ sort keys %tbl_editor_action ],
- { map { $_ => $_ } keys %tbl_editor_action },
- { map { $_ => $tbl_editor_action{$_}->{note} } keys %tbl_editor_action },
- { sep => ' ' }));
- draw_screen(\@display_lines);
- pause();
- $key = '';
- }
- else {
- # Do the action specified
- $selected_column ||= $meta->{visible}->[0];
- if ( $key && $tbl_editor_action{$key} ) {
- $selected_column = $tbl_editor_action{$key}->{func}->($tbl, $selected_column);
- $selected_column ||= $meta->{visible}->[0];
- }
- # Build the pivoted view of the table's meta-data. If the terminal has color,
- # The selected row will be highlighted; otherwise a > at the left will indicate.
- my $data = [];
- foreach my $row ( @{$meta->{visible}} ) {
- my %hash;
- @hash{ @cols } = @{$meta->{cols}->{$row}}{@cols};
- $hash{src} = '' if ref $hash{src};
- $hash{name} = $row;
- $hash{''} = $row eq $selected_column ? '>' : ' ';
- push @$data, \%hash;
- }
- my @display_lines = create_table(\@cols, $info, $data);
- # Highlight selected entry
- for my $i ( 0 .. $#display_lines ) {
- if ( $display_lines[$i] =~ m/^>/ ) {
- $display_lines[$i] = [ $display_lines[$i], 'reverse' ];
- }
- }
- # Draw the screen and wait for a command.
- unshift @display_lines, '',
- "Editing table definition for $meta->{capt}. Press ? for help, q to quit.", '';
- draw_screen(\@display_lines, { clear => 1 });
- $key = pause('');
- }
- } while ( $key ne 'q' );
- }
-# choose_mode_tables {{{3
-# Choose which table(s), and in what order, to display in a given mode.
-sub choose_mode_tables {
- my $mode = $config{mode}->{val};
- my @tbls = @{$modes{$mode}->{visible_tables}};
- my $new = prompt_list(
- "Choose tables to display",
- join(' ', @tbls),
- sub { return @{$modes{$mode}->{tables}} },
- { map { $_ => $tbl_meta{$_}->{capt} } @{$modes{$mode}->{tables}} }
- );
- $modes{$mode}->{visible_tables} =
- [ unique(grep { $_ && exists $tbl_meta{$_} } split(/\s+/, $new)) ];
- $modes{$mode}->{cust}->{visible_tables} = 1;
-# choose_visible_table {{{3
-sub choose_visible_table {
- my ( $grep_cond ) = @_;
- my $mode = $config{mode}->{val};
- my @tbls
- = grep { $grep_cond ? $grep_cond->($_) : 1 }
- @{$modes{$mode}->{visible_tables}};
- my $tbl = $tbls[0];
- if ( @tbls > 1 ) {
- $tbl = prompt_list(
- "Choose a table",
- '',
- sub { return @tbls },
- { map { $_ => $tbl_meta{$_}->{capt} } @tbls }
- );
- }
- return $tbl;
-sub toggle_aggregate {
- my ( $tbl ) = @_;
- $tbl ||= choose_visible_table();
- return unless $tbl && exists $tbl_meta{$tbl};
- my $meta = $tbl_meta{$tbl};
- $meta->{aggregate} ^= 1;
-sub choose_filters {
- my ( $tbl ) = @_;
- $tbl ||= choose_visible_table();
- return unless $tbl && exists $tbl_meta{$tbl};
- my $meta = $tbl_meta{$tbl};
- $clear_screen_sub->();
- print "Choose filters for $meta->{capt}:\n";
- my $ini = join(' ', @{$meta->{filters}});
- my $val = prompt_list(
- 'Choose filters',
- $ini,
- sub { return keys %filters },
- {
- map { $_ => $filters{$_}->{note} }
- grep { grep { $tbl eq $_ } @{$filters{$_}->{tbls}} }
- keys %filters
- }
- );
- my @choices = unique(split(/\s+/, $val));
- foreach my $new ( grep { !exists($filters{$_}) } @choices ) {
- my $answer = prompt("There is no filter called '$new'. Create it?", undef, 'y');
- if ( $answer eq 'y' ) {
- create_new_filter($new, $tbl);
- }
- }
- @choices = grep { exists $filters{$_} } @choices;
- @choices = grep { grep { $tbl eq $_ } @{$filters{$_}->{tbls}} } @choices;
- $meta->{filters} = [ @choices ];
- $meta->{cust}->{filters} = 1;
-sub choose_group_cols {
- my ( $tbl ) = @_;
- $tbl ||= choose_visible_table();
- return unless $tbl && exists $tbl_meta{$tbl};
- $clear_screen_sub->();
- my $meta = $tbl_meta{$tbl};
- my $curr = join(', ', @{$meta->{group_by}});
- my $val = prompt_list(
- 'Group-by columns',
- $curr,
- sub { return keys %{$meta->{cols}} },
- { map { $_ => $meta->{cols}->{$_}->{label} } keys %{$meta->{cols}} });
- if ( $curr ne $val ) {
- $meta->{group_by} = [ grep { exists $meta->{cols}->{$_} } $val =~ m/(\w+)/g ];
- $meta->{cust}->{group_by} = 1;
- }
-sub choose_sort_cols {
- my ( $tbl ) = @_;
- $tbl ||= choose_visible_table();
- return unless $tbl && exists $tbl_meta{$tbl};
- $clear_screen_sub->();
- my $meta = $tbl_meta{$tbl};
- my ( $cols, $hints );
- if ( $meta->{pivot} ) {
- $cols = sub { qw(name set_0) };
- $hints = { name => 'name', set_0 => 'set_0' };
- }
- else {
- $cols = sub { return keys %{$meta->{cols}} };
- $hints = { map { $_ => $meta->{cols}->{$_}->{label} } keys %{$meta->{cols}} };
- }
- my $val = prompt_list(
- 'Sort columns (reverse sort with -col)',
- $meta->{sort_cols},
- $cols,
- $hints );
- if ( $meta->{sort_cols} ne $val ) {
- $meta->{sort_cols} = $val;
- $meta->{cust}->{sort_cols} = 1;
- $tbl_meta{$tbl}->{sort_func} = make_sort_func($tbl_meta{$tbl});
- }
-# create_new_filter {{{3
-sub create_new_filter {
- my ( $filter, $tbl ) = @_;
- $clear_screen_sub->();
- if ( !$filter || $filter =~ m/\W/ ) {
- print word_wrap("Choose a name for the filter. This name is not displayed, and is only used "
- . "for internal reference. It can only contain lowercase letters, numbers, and underscores.");
- print "\n\n";
- do {
- $filter = prompt("Enter filter name");
- } while ( !$filter || $filter =~ m/\W/ );
- }
- my $completion = sub { keys %{$tbl_meta{$tbl}->{cols}} };
- my ( $err, $sub, $body );
- do {
- $clear_screen_sub->();
- print word_wrap("A filter is a Perl subroutine that accepts a hashref of columns "
- . "called \$set, and returns a true value if the filter accepts the row. Example:\n"
- . " \$set->{active_secs} > 5\n"
- . "will only allow rows if their active_secs column is greater than 5.");
- print "\n\n";
- if ( $err ) {
- print "There's an error in your filter expression: $err\n\n";
- }
- $body = prompt("Enter subroutine body", undef, undef, $completion);
- ( $sub, $err ) = compile_filter($body);
- } while ( $err );
- $filters{$filter} = {
- func => $sub,
- text => $body,
- user => 1,
- name => $filter,
- note => 'User-defined filter',
- tbls => [$tbl],
- };
-# get_config_interactive {{{3
-sub get_config_interactive {
- my $key = shift;
- $clear_screen_sub->();
- # Print help first.
- print "Enter a new value for '$key' ($config{$key}->{note}).\n";
- my $current = ref($config{$key}->{val}) ? join(" ", @{$config{$key}->{val}}) : $config{$key}->{val};
- my $new_value = prompt('Enter a value', $config{$key}->{pat}, $current);
- $config{$key}->{val} = $new_value;
-sub edit_current_var_set {
- my $mode = $config{mode}->{val};
- my $name = $config{"${mode}_set"}->{val};
- my $variables = $var_sets{$name}->{text};
- my $new = $variables;
- do {
- $clear_screen_sub->();
- $new = prompt("Enter variables for $name", undef, $variables);
- } until ( $new );
- if ( $new ne $variables ) {
- @{$var_sets{$name}}{qw(text user)} = ( $new, 1);
- }
-sub choose_var_set {
- my ( $key ) = @_;
- $clear_screen_sub->();
- my $new_value = prompt_list(
- 'Choose a set of values to display, or enter the name of a new one',
- $config{$key}->{val},
- sub { return keys %var_sets },
- { map { $_ => $var_sets{$_}->{text} } keys %var_sets });
- if ( !exists $var_sets{$new_value} ) {
- add_new_var_set($new_value);
- }
- $config{$key}->{val} = $new_value if exists $var_sets{$new_value};
-sub switch_var_set {
- my ( $cfg_var, $dir ) = @_;
- my @var_sets = sort keys %var_sets;
- my $cur = $config{$cfg_var}->{val};
- my $pos = grep { $_ lt $cur } @var_sets;
- my $newpos = ($pos + $dir) % @var_sets;
- $config{$cfg_var}->{val} = $var_sets[$newpos];
- $clear_screen_sub->();
-# Online configuration and prompting functions {{{2
-# edit_stmt_sleep_times {{{3
-sub edit_stmt_sleep_times {
- $clear_screen_sub->();
- my $stmt = prompt_list('Specify a statement', '', sub { return sort keys %stmt_maker_for });
- return unless $stmt && exists $stmt_maker_for{$stmt};
- $clear_screen_sub->();
- my $curr_val = $stmt_sleep_time_for{$stmt} || 0;
- my $new_val = prompt('Specify a sleep delay after calling this SQL', $num_regex, $curr_val);
- if ( $new_val ) {
- $stmt_sleep_time_for{$stmt} = $new_val;
- }
- else {
- delete $stmt_sleep_time_for{$stmt};
- }
-# edit_server_groups {{{3
-# Choose which server connections are in a server group. First choose a group,
-# then choose which connections are in it.
-sub edit_server_groups {
- $clear_screen_sub->();
- my $mode = $config{mode}->{val};
- my $group = $modes{$mode}->{server_group};
- my %curr = %server_groups;
- my $new = choose_or_create_server_group($group, 'to edit');
- $clear_screen_sub->();
- if ( exists $curr{$new} ) {
- # Don't do this step if the user just created a new server group,
- # because part of that process was to choose connections.
- my $cxns = join(' ', @{$server_groups{$new}});
- my @conns = choose_or_create_connection($cxns, 'for this group');
- $server_groups{$new} = \@conns;
- }
-# choose_server_groups {{{3
-sub choose_server_groups {
- $clear_screen_sub->();
- my $mode = $config{mode}->{val};
- my $group = $modes{$mode}->{server_group};
- my $new = choose_or_create_server_group($group, 'for this mode');
- $modes{$mode}->{server_group} = $new if exists $server_groups{$new};
-sub choose_or_create_server_group {
- my ( $group, $prompt ) = @_;
- my $new = '';
- my @available = sort keys %server_groups;
- if ( @available ) {
- print "You can enter the name of a new group to create it.\n";
- $new = prompt_list(
- "Choose a server group $prompt",
- $group,
- sub { return @available },
- { map { $_ => join(' ', @{$server_groups{$_}}) } @available });
- $new =~ s/\s.*//;
- if ( !exists $server_groups{$new} ) {
- my $answer = prompt("There is no server group called '$new'. Create it?", undef, "y");
- if ( $answer eq 'y' ) {
- add_new_server_group($new);
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- $new = add_new_server_group();
- }
- return $new;
-sub choose_or_create_connection {
- my ( $cxns, $prompt ) = @_;
- print "You can enter the name of a new connection to create it.\n";
- my @available = sort keys %connections;
- my $new_cxns = prompt_list(
- "Choose connections $prompt",
- $cxns,
- sub { return @available },
- { map { $_ => $connections{$_}->{dsn} } @available });
- my @new = unique(grep { !exists $connections{$_} } split(/\s+/, $new_cxns));
- foreach my $new ( @new ) {
- my $answer = prompt("There is no connection called '$new'. Create it?", undef, "y");
- if ( $answer eq 'y' ) {
- add_new_dsn($new);
- }
- }
- return unique(grep { exists $connections{$_} } split(/\s+/, $new_cxns));
-# choose_servers {{{3
-sub choose_servers {
- $clear_screen_sub->();
- my $mode = $config{mode}->{val};
- my $cxns = join(' ', get_connections());
- my @chosen = choose_or_create_connection($cxns, 'for this mode');
- $modes{$mode}->{connections} = \@chosen;
- $modes{$mode}->{server_group} = ''; # Clear this because it overrides {connections}
-# display_license {{{3
-sub display_license {
- $clear_screen_sub->();
- print $innotop_license;
- pause();
-# Data-retrieval functions {{{2
-# get_status_info {{{3
-sub get_status_info {
- my @cxns = @_;
- if ( !$info_gotten{status}++ ) {
- foreach my $cxn ( @cxns ) {
- $vars{$cxn}->{$clock} ||= {};
- my $vars = $vars{$cxn}->{$clock};
- my $sth = do_stmt($cxn, 'SHOW_STATUS') or next;
- my $res = $sth->fetchall_arrayref();
- map { $vars->{$_->[0]} = $_->[1] || 0 } @$res;
- # Calculate hi-res uptime and add cxn to the hash. This duplicates get_driver_status,
- # but it's most important to have consistency.
- $vars->{Uptime_hires} ||= get_uptime($cxn);
- $vars->{cxn} = $cxn;
- # Add SHOW VARIABLES to the hash
- $sth = do_stmt($cxn, 'SHOW_VARIABLES') or next;
- $res = $sth->fetchall_arrayref();
- map { $vars->{$_->[0]} = $_->[1] || 0 } @$res;
- }
- }
-# Chooses a thread for explaining, killing, etc...
-# First arg is a func that can be called in grep.
-sub choose_thread {
- my ( $grep_cond, $prompt ) = @_;
- # Narrow the list to queries that can be explained.
- my %thread_for = map {
- # Eliminate innotop's own threads.
- $_ => $dbhs{$_}->{dbh} ? $dbhs{$_}->{dbh}->{mysql_thread_id} : 0
- } keys %connections;
- my @candidates = grep {
- $_->{id} != $thread_for{$_->{cxn}} && $grep_cond->($_)
- } @current_queries;
- return unless @candidates;
- # Find out which server.
- my @cxns = unique map { $_->{cxn} } @candidates;
- my ( $cxn ) = select_cxn('On which server', @cxns);
- return unless $cxn && exists($connections{$cxn});
- # Re-filter the list of candidates to only those on this server
- @candidates = grep { $_->{cxn} eq $cxn } @candidates;
- # Find out which thread to do.
- my $info;
- if ( @candidates > 1 ) {
- # Sort longest-active first, then longest-idle.
- my $sort_func = sub {
- my ( $a, $b ) = @_;
- return $a->{query} && !$b->{query} ? 1
- : $b->{query} && !$a->{query} ? -1
- : ($a->{time} || 0) <=> ($b->{time} || 0);
- };
- my @threads = map { $_->{id} } reverse sort { $sort_func->($a, $b) } @candidates;
- print "\n";
- my $thread = prompt_list($prompt,
- $threads[0],
- sub { return @threads });
- return unless $thread && $thread =~ m/$int_regex/;
- # Find the info hash of that query on that server.
- ( $info ) = grep { $thread == $_->{id} } @candidates;
- }
- else {
- $info = $candidates[0];
- }
- return $info;
-# analyze_query {{{3
-# Allows the user to show fulltext, explain, show optimized...
-sub analyze_query {
- my ( $action ) = @_;
- my $info = choose_thread(
- sub { $_[0]->{query} },
- 'Select a thread to analyze',
- );
- return unless $info;
- my %actions = (
- e => \&display_explain,
- f => \&show_full_query,
- o => \&show_optimized_query,
- );
- do {
- $actions{$action}->($info);
- print "\n";
- $action = pause('Press e to explain, f for full query, o for optimized query');
- } while ( exists($actions{$action}) );
-# inc {{{3
-# Returns the difference between two sets of variables/status/innodb stuff.
-sub inc {
- my ( $offset, $cxn ) = @_;
- my $vars = $vars{$cxn};
- if ( $offset < 0 ) {
- return $vars->{$clock};
- }
- elsif ( exists $vars{$clock - $offset} && !exists $vars->{$clock - $offset - 1} ) {
- return $vars->{$clock - $offset};
- }
- my $cur = $vars->{$clock - $offset};
- my $pre = $vars->{$clock - $offset - 1};
- return {
- # Numeric variables get subtracted, non-numeric get passed straight through.
- map {
- $_ =>
- ( (defined $cur->{$_} && $cur->{$_} =~ m/$num_regex/)
- ? $cur->{$_} - ($pre->{$_} || 0)
- : $cur->{$_} )
- } keys %{$cur}
- };
-# extract_values {{{3
-# Arguments are a set of values (which may be incremental, derived from
-# current and previous), current, and previous values.
-# TODO: there are a few places that don't remember prev set so can't pass it.
-sub extract_values {
- my ( $set, $cur, $pre, $tbl ) = @_;
- # Hook in event listeners
- foreach my $listener ( @{$event_listener_for{extract_values}} ) {
- $listener->extract_values($set, $cur, $pre, $tbl);
- }
- my $result = {};
- my $meta = $tbl_meta{$tbl};
- my $cols = $meta->{cols};
- foreach my $key ( keys %$cols ) {
- my $info = $cols->{$key}
- or die "Column '$key' doesn't exist in $tbl";
- die "No func defined for '$key' in $tbl"
- unless $info->{func};
- eval {
- $result->{$key} = $info->{func}->($set, $cur, $pre)
- };
- if ( $EVAL_ERROR ) {
- if ( $config{debug}->{val} ) {
- die $EVAL_ERROR;
- }
- $result->{$key} = $info->{num} ? 0 : '';
- }
- }
- return $result;
-# get_full_processlist {{{3
-sub get_full_processlist {
- my @cxns = @_;
- my @result;
- foreach my $cxn ( @cxns ) {
- my $stmt = do_stmt($cxn, 'PROCESSLIST') or next;
- my $arr = $stmt->fetchall_arrayref({});
- push @result, map { $_->{cxn} = $cxn; $_ } @$arr;
- }
- return @result;
-# get_open_tables {{{3
-sub get_open_tables {
- my @cxns = @_;
- my @result;
- foreach my $cxn ( @cxns ) {
- my $stmt = do_stmt($cxn, 'OPEN_TABLES') or next;
- my $arr = $stmt->fetchall_arrayref({});
- push @result, map { $_->{cxn} = $cxn; $_ } @$arr;
- }
- return @result;
-# get_innodb_status {{{3
-sub get_innodb_status {
- my ( $cxns, $addl_sections ) = @_;
- if ( !$config{skip_innodb}->{val} && !$info_gotten{innodb_status}++ ) {
- # Determine which sections need to be parsed
- my %sections_required =
- map { $tbl_meta{$_}->{innodb} => 1 }
- grep { $_ && $tbl_meta{$_}->{innodb} }
- get_visible_tables();
- # Add in any other sections the caller requested.
- foreach my $sec ( @$addl_sections ) {
- $sections_required{$sec} = 1;
- }
- foreach my $cxn ( @$cxns ) {
- my $innodb_status_text;
- if ( $file ) { # Try to fetch status text from the file.
- my @stat = stat($file);
- # Initialize the file.
- if ( !$file_mtime ) {
- # Initialize to 130k from the end of the file (because the limit
- # on the size of innodb status is 128k even with Google's patches)
- # and try to grab the last status from the file.
- sysseek($file, (-128 * 1_024), 2);
- }
- # Read from the file.
- my $buffer;
- if ( !$file_mtime || $file_mtime != $stat[9] ) {
- $file_data = '';
- while ( sysread($file, $buffer, 4096) ) {
- $file_data .= $buffer;
- }
- $file_mtime = $stat[9];
- }
- # Delete everything but the last InnoDB status text from the file.
- $file_data =~ s/\A.*(?=^=====================================\n...... ........ INNODB MONITOR OUTPUT)//ms;
- $innodb_status_text = $file_data;
- }
- else {
- my $stmt = do_stmt($cxn, 'INNODB_STATUS') or next;
- $innodb_status_text = $stmt->fetchrow_hashref()->{status};
- }
- next unless $innodb_status_text
- && substr($innodb_status_text, 0, 100) =~ m/INNODB MONITOR OUTPUT/;
- # Parse and merge into %vars storage
- my %innodb_status = (
- $innodb_parser->get_status_hash(
- $innodb_status_text,
- $config{debug}->{val},
- \%sections_required,
- 0, # don't parse full lock information
- )
- );
- if ( !$innodb_status{IB_got_all} && $config{auto_wipe_dl}->{val} ) {
- clear_deadlock($cxn);
- }
- # Merge using a hash slice, which is the fastest way
- $vars{$cxn}->{$clock} ||= {};
- my $hash = $vars{$cxn}->{$clock};
- @{$hash}{ keys %innodb_status } = values %innodb_status;
- $hash->{cxn} = $cxn;
- $hash->{Uptime_hires} ||= get_uptime($cxn);
- }
- }
-# clear_deadlock {{{3
-sub clear_deadlock {
- my ( $cxn ) = @_;
- return if $clearing_deadlocks++;
- my $tbl = $connections{$cxn}->{dl_table};
- return unless $tbl;
- eval {
- # Set up the table for creating a deadlock.
- my $engine = version_ge($dbhs{$cxn}->{dbh}, '4.1.2') ? 'engine' : 'type';
- return unless do_query($cxn, "drop table if exists $tbl");
- return unless do_query($cxn, "create table $tbl(a int) $engine=innodb");
- return unless do_query($cxn, "delete from $tbl");
- return unless do_query($cxn, "insert into $tbl(a) values(0), (1)");
- return unless do_query($cxn, "commit"); # Or the children will block against the parent
- # Fork off two children to deadlock against each other.
- my %children;
- foreach my $child ( 0..1 ) {
- my $pid = fork();
- if ( defined($pid) && $pid == 0 ) { # I am a child
- deadlock_thread( $child, $tbl, $cxn );
- }
- elsif ( !defined($pid) ) {
- die("Unable to fork for clearing deadlocks!\n");
- }
- # I already exited if I'm a child, so I'm the parent.
- $children{$child} = $pid;
- }
- # Wait for the children to exit.
- foreach my $child ( keys %children ) {
- my $pid = waitpid($children{$child}, 0);
- }
- # Clean up.
- do_query($cxn, "drop table $tbl");
- };
- if ( $EVAL_ERROR ) {
- print $EVAL_ERROR;
- pause();
- }
- $clearing_deadlocks = 0;
-sub get_master_logs {
- my @cxns = @_;
- my @result;
- if ( !$info_gotten{master_logs}++ ) {
- foreach my $cxn ( @cxns ) {
- my $stmt = do_stmt($cxn, 'SHOW_MASTER_LOGS') or next;
- push @result, @{$stmt->fetchall_arrayref({})};
- }
- }
- return @result;
-# get_master_slave_status {{{3
-sub get_master_slave_status {
- my @cxns = @_;
- if ( !$info_gotten{replication_status}++ ) {
- foreach my $cxn ( @cxns ) {
- $vars{$cxn}->{$clock} ||= {};
- my $vars = $vars{$cxn}->{$clock};
- $vars->{cxn} = $cxn;
- my $stmt = do_stmt($cxn, 'SHOW_MASTER_STATUS') or next;
- my $res = $stmt->fetchall_arrayref({})->[0];
- @{$vars}{ keys %$res } = values %$res;
- $stmt = do_stmt($cxn, 'SHOW_SLAVE_STATUS') or next;
- $res = $stmt->fetchall_arrayref({})->[0];
- @{$vars}{ keys %$res } = values %$res;
- $vars->{Uptime_hires} ||= get_uptime($cxn);
- }
- }
-sub is_func {
- my ( $word ) = @_;
- return defined(&$word)
- || eval "my \$x= sub { $word }; 1"
- || $EVAL_ERROR !~ m/^Bareword/;
-# Documentation {{{1
-# ############################################################################
-# I put this last as per the Dog book.
-# ############################################################################
-=head1 NAME
-innotop - MySQL and InnoDB transaction/status monitor.
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-To monitor servers normally:
- innotop
-To monitor InnoDB status information from a file:
- innotop /var/log/mysql/mysqld.err
-To run innotop non-interactively in a pipe-and-filter configuration:
- innotop --count 5 -d 1 -n
-innotop monitors MySQL servers. Each of its modes shows you a different aspect
-of what's happening in the server. For example, there's a mode for monitoring
-replication, one for queries, and one for transactions. innotop refreshes its
-data periodically, so you see an updating view.
-innotop has lots of features for power users, but you can start and run it with
-virtually no configuration. If you're just getting started, see
-L<"QUICK-START">. Press '?' at any time while running innotop for
-context-sensitive help.
-To start innotop, open a terminal or command prompt. If you have installed
-innotop on your system, you should be able to just type "innotop" and press
-Enter; otherwise, you will need to change to innotop's directory and type "perl
-The first thing innotop needs to know is how to connect to a MySQL server. You
-can just enter the hostname of the server, for example "localhost" or
-"" if the server is on the same machine as innotop. After this innotop
-will prompt you for a DSN (data source name). You should be able to just accept
-the defaults by pressing Enter.
-When innotop asks you about a table to use when resetting InnoDB deadlock
-information, just accept the default for now. This is an advanced feature you
-can configure later (see L<"D: InnoDB Deadlocks"> for more).
-If you have a .my.cnf file with your MySQL connection defaults, innotop can read
-it, and you won't need to specify a username and password if it's in that file.
-Otherwise, you should answer 'y' to the next couple of prompts.
-After this, you should be connected, and innotop should show you something like
-the following:
- InnoDB Txns (? for help) localhost, 01:11:19, InnoDB 10s :-), 50 QPS,
- CXN History Versions Undo Dirty Buf Used Bufs Txns MaxTxn
- localhost 7 2035 0 0 0.00% 92.19% 1 07:34
- CXN ID User Host Txn Status Time Undo Query Tex
- localhost 98379 user1 webserver ACTIVE 07:34 0 SELECT `c
- localhost 98450 user1 webserver ACTIVE 01:06 0 INSERT IN
- localhost 97750 user1 webserver not starte 00:00 0
- localhost 98375 user1 appserver not starte 00:00 0
-(This sample is truncated at the right so it will fit on a terminal when running
-'man innotop')
-This sample comes from a quiet server with few transactions active. If your
-server is busy, you'll see more output. Notice the first line on the screen,
-which tells you what mode you're in and what server you're connected to. You
-can change to other modes with keystrokes; press 'Q' to switch to a list of
-currently running queries.
-Press the '?' key to see what keys are active in the current mode. You can
-press any of these keys and innotop will either take the requested action or
-prompt you for more input. If your system has Term::ReadLine support, you can
-use TAB and other keys to auto-complete and edit input.
-To quit innotop, press the 'q' key.
-=head1 OPTIONS
-innotop is mostly configured via its configuration file, but some of the
-configuration options can come from the command line. You can also specify a
-file to monitor for InnoDB status output; see L<"MONITORING A FILE"> for more
-You can negate some options by prefixing the option name with --no. For
-example, --noinc (or --no-inc) negates L<"--inc">.
-=item --help
-Print a summary of command-line usage and exit.
-=item --color
-Enable or disable terminal coloring. Corresponds to the L<"color"> config file
-=item --config
-Specifies a configuration file to read. This option is non-sticky, that is to
-say it does not persist to the configuration file itself.
-=item --nonint
-Enable non-interactive operation. See L<"NON-INTERACTIVE OPERATION"> for more.
-=item --count
-Refresh only the specified number of times (ticks) before exiting. Each refresh
-is a pause for L<"interval"> seconds, followed by requesting data from MySQL
-connections and printing it to the terminal.
-=item --delay
-Specifies the amount of time to pause between ticks (refreshes). Corresponds to
-the configuration option L<"interval">.
-=item --mode
-Specifies the mode in which innotop should start. Corresponds to the
-configuration option L<"mode">.
-=item --inc
-Specifies whether innotop should display absolute numbers or relative numbers
-(offsets from their previous values). Corresponds to the configuration option
-=item --version
-Output version information and exit.
-=head1 HOTKEYS
-innotop is interactive, and you control it with key-presses.
-=item *
-Uppercase keys switch between modes.
-=item *
-Lowercase keys initiate some action within the current mode.
-=item *
-Other keys do something special like change configuration or show the
-innotop license.
-Press '?' at any time to see the currently active keys and what they do.
-=head1 MODES
-Each of innotop's modes retrieves and displays a particular type of data from
-the servers you're monitoring. You switch between modes with uppercase keys.
-The following is a brief description of each mode, in alphabetical order. To
-switch to the mode, press the key listed in front of its heading in the
-following list:
-=item B: InnoDB Buffers
-This mode displays information about the InnoDB buffer pool, page statistics,
-insert buffer, and adaptive hash index. The data comes from SHOW INNODB STATUS.
-This mode contains the L<"buffer_pool">, L<"page_statistics">,
-L<"insert_buffers">, and L<"adaptive_hash_index"> tables by default.
-=item C: Command Summary
-This mode is similar to mytop's Command Summary mode. It shows the
-L<"cmd_summary"> table, which looks something like the following:
- Command Summary (? for help) localhost, 25+07:16:43, 2.45 QPS, 3 thd, 5.0.40
- _____________________ Command Summary _____________________
- Name Value Pct Last Incr Pct
- Select_scan 3244858 69.89% 2 100.00%
- Select_range 1354177 29.17% 0 0.00%
- Select_full_join 39479 0.85% 0 0.00%
- Select_full_range_join 4097 0.09% 0 0.00%
- Select_range_check 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
-The command summary table is built by extracting variables from
-L<"STATUS_VARIABLES">. The variables must be numeric and must match the prefix
-given by the L<"cmd_filter"> configuration variable. The variables are then
-sorted by value descending and compared to the last variable, as shown above.
-The percentage columns are percentage of the total of all variables in the
-table, so you can see the relative weight of the variables.
-The example shows what you see if the prefix is "Select_". The default
-prefix is "Com_". You can choose a prefix with the 's' key.
-It's rather like running SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "prefix%" with memory and
-nice formatting.
-Values are aggregated across all servers. The Pct columns are not correctly
-aggregated across multiple servers. This is a known limitation of the grouping
-algorithm that may be fixed in the future.
-=item D: InnoDB Deadlocks
-This mode shows the transactions involved in the last InnoDB deadlock. A second
-table shows the locks each transaction held and waited for. A deadlock is
-caused by a cycle in the waits-for graph, so there should be two locks held and
-one waited for unless the deadlock information is truncated.
-InnoDB puts deadlock information before some other information in the SHOW
-INNODB STATUS output. If there are a lot of locks, the deadlock information can
-grow very large, and there is a limit on the size of the SHOW INNODB
-STATUS output. A large deadlock can fill the entire output, or even be
-truncated, and prevent you from seeing other information at all. If you are
-running innotop in another mode, for example T mode, and suddenly you don't see
-anything, you might want to check and see if a deadlock has wiped out the data
-you need.
-If it has, you can create a small deadlock to replace the large one. Use the
-'w' key to 'wipe' the large deadlock with a small one. This will not work
-unless you have defined a deadlock table for the connection (see L<"SERVER
-You can also configure innotop to automatically detect when a large deadlock
-needs to be replaced with a small one (see L<"auto_wipe_dl">).
-This mode displays the L<"deadlock_transactions"> and L<"deadlock_locks"> tables
-by default.
-=item F: InnoDB Foreign Key Errors
-This mode shows the last InnoDB foreign key error information, such as the
-table where it happened, when and who and what query caused it, and so on.
-InnoDB has a huge variety of foreign key error messages, and many of them are
-just hard to parse. innotop doesn't always do the best job here, but there's
-so much code devoted to parsing this messy, unparseable output that innotop is
-likely never to be perfect in this regard. If innotop doesn't show you what
-you need to see, just look at the status text directly.
-This mode displays the L<"fk_error"> table by default.
-=item I: InnoDB I/O Info
-This mode shows InnoDB's I/O statistics, including the I/O threads, pending I/O,
-file I/O miscellaneous, and log statistics. It displays the L<"io_threads">,
-L<"pending_io">, L<"file_io_misc">, and L<"log_statistics"> tables by default.
-=item L: Locks
-This mode shows information about current locks. At the moment only InnoDB
-locks are supported, and by default you'll only see locks for which transactions
-are waiting. This information comes from the TRANSACTIONS section of the InnoDB
-status text. If you have a very busy server, you may have frequent lock waits;
-it helps to be able to see which tables and indexes are the "hot spot" for
-locks. If your server is running pretty well, this mode should show nothing.
-You can configure MySQL and innotop to monitor not only locks for which a
-transaction is waiting, but those currently held, too. You can do this with the
-InnoDB Lock Monitor (L<>). It's
-not documented in the MySQL manual, but creating the lock monitor with the
-following statement also affects the output of SHOW INNODB STATUS, which innotop
- CREATE TABLE innodb_lock_monitor(a int) ENGINE=INNODB;
-This causes InnoDB to print its output to the MySQL file every 16 seconds or so,
-as stated in the manual, but it also makes the normal SHOW INNODB STATUS output
-include lock information, which innotop can parse and display (that's the
-undocumented feature).
-This means you can do what may have seemed impossible: to a limited extent
-(InnoDB truncates some information in the output), you can see which transaction
-holds the locks something else is waiting for. You can also enable and disable
-the InnoDB Lock Monitor with the key mappings in this mode.
-This mode displays the L<"innodb_locks"> table by default. Here's a sample of
-the screen when one connection is waiting for locks another connection holds:
- _________________________________ InnoDB Locks __________________________
- CXN ID Type Waiting Wait Active Mode DB Table Index
- localhost 12 RECORD 1 00:10 00:10 X test t1 PRIMARY
- localhost 12 TABLE 0 00:10 00:10 IX test t1
- localhost 12 RECORD 1 00:10 00:10 X test t1 PRIMARY
- localhost 11 TABLE 0 00:00 00:25 IX test t1
- localhost 11 RECORD 0 00:00 00:25 X test t1 PRIMARY
-You can see the first connection, ID 12, is waiting for a lock on the PRIMARY
-key on test.t1, and has been waiting for 10 seconds. The second connection
-isn't waiting, because the Waiting column is 0, but it holds locks on the same
-index. That tells you connection 11 is blocking connection 12.
-=item M: Master/Slave Replication Status
-This mode shows the output of SHOW SLAVE STATUS and SHOW MASTER STATUS in three
-tables. The first two divide the slave's status into SQL and I/O thread status,
-and the last shows master status. Filters are applied to eliminate non-slave
-servers from the slave tables, and non-master servers from the master table.
-This mode displays the L<"slave_sql_status">, L<"slave_io_status">, and
-L<"master_status"> tables by default.
-=item O: Open Tables
-This section comes from MySQL's SHOW OPEN TABLES command. By default it is
-filtered to show tables which are in use by one or more queries, so you can
-get a quick look at which tables are 'hot'. You can use this to guess which
-tables might be locked implicitly.
-This mode displays the L<"open_tables"> mode by default.
-=item Q: Query List
-This mode displays the output from SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST, much like B<mytop>'s
-query list mode. This mode does B<not> show InnoDB-related information. This
-is probably one of the most useful modes for general usage.
-There is an informative header that shows general status information about
-your server. You can toggle it on and off with the 'h' key. By default,
-innotop hides inactive processes and its own process. You can toggle these on
-and off with the 'i' and 'a' keys.
-You can EXPLAIN a query from this mode with the 'e' key. This displays the
-query's full text, the results of EXPLAIN, and in newer MySQL versions, even
-the optimized query resulting from EXPLAIN EXTENDED. innotop also tries to
-rewrite certain queries to make them EXPLAIN-able. For example, INSERT/SELECT
-statements are rewritable.
-This mode displays the L<"q_header"> and L<"processlist"> tables by default.
-=item R: InnoDB Row Operations and Semaphores
-This mode shows InnoDB row operations, row operation miscellaneous, semaphores,
-and information from the wait array. It displays the L<"row_operations">,
-L<"row_operation_misc">, L<"semaphores">, and L<"wait_array"> tables by default.
-=item S: Variables & Status
-This mode calculates statistics, such as queries per second, and prints them out
-in several different styles. You can show absolute values, or incremental values
-between ticks.
-You can switch between the views by pressing a key. The 's' key prints a
-single line each time the screen updates, in the style of B<vmstat>. The 'g'
-key changes the view to a graph of the same numbers, sort of like B<tload>.
-The 'v' key changes the view to a pivoted table of variable names on the left,
-with successive updates scrolling across the screen from left to right. You can
-choose how many updates to put on the screen with the L<"num_status_sets">
-configuration variable.
-Headers may be abbreviated to fit on the screen in interactive operation. You
-choose which variables to display with the 'c' key, which selects from
-predefined sets, or lets you create your own sets. You can edit the current set
-with the 'e' key.
-This mode doesn't really display any tables like other modes. Instead, it uses
-a table definition to extract and format the data, but it then transforms the
-result in special ways before outputting it. It uses the L<"var_status"> table
-definition for this.
-=item T: InnoDB Transactions
-This mode shows transactions from the InnoDB monitor's output, in B<top>-like
-format. This mode is the reason I wrote innotop.
-You can kill queries or processes with the 'k' and 'x' keys, and EXPLAIN a query
-with the 'e' or 'f' keys. InnoDB doesn't print the full query in transactions,
-so explaining may not work right if the query is truncated.
-The informational header can be toggled on and off with the 'h' key. By
-default, innotop hides inactive transactions and its own transaction. You can
-toggle this on and off with the 'i' and 'a' keys.
-This mode displays the L<"t_header"> and L<"innodb_transactions"> tables by
-The first line innotop displays is a "status bar" of sorts. What it contains
-depends on the mode you're in, and what servers you're monitoring. The first
-few words are always the innotop mode, such as "InnoDB Txns" for T mode,
-followed by a reminder to press '?' for help at any time.
-=head2 ONE SERVER
-The simplest case is when you're monitoring a single server. In this case, the
-name of the connection is next on the status line. This is the name you gave
-when you created the connection -- most likely the MySQL server's hostname.
-This is followed by the server's uptime.
-If you're in an InnoDB mode, such as T or B, the next word is "InnoDB" followed
-by some information about the SHOW INNODB STATUS output used to render the
-screen. The first word is the number of seconds since the last SHOW INNODB
-STATUS, which InnoDB uses to calculate some per-second statistics. The next is
-a smiley face indicating whether the InnoDB output is truncated. If the smiley
-face is a :-), all is well; there is no truncation. A :^| means the transaction
-list is so long, InnoDB has only printed out some of the transactions. Finally,
-a frown :-( means the output is incomplete, which is probably due to a deadlock
-printing too much lock information (see L<"D: InnoDB Deadlocks">).
-The next two words indicate the server's queries per second (QPS) and how many
-threads (connections) exist. Finally, the server's version number is the last
-thing on the line.
-If you are monitoring multiple servers (see L<"SERVER CONNECTIONS">), the status
-line does not show any details about individual servers. Instead, it shows the
-names of the connections that are active. Again, these are connection names you
-specified, which are likely to be the server's hostname. A connection that has
-an error is prefixed with an exclamation point.
-If you are monitoring a group of servers (see L<"SERVER GROUPS">), the status
-line shows the name of the group. If any connection in the group has an
-error, the group's name is followed by the fraction of the connections that
-don't have errors.
-See L<"ERROR HANDLING"> for more details about innotop's error handling.
-If you give a filename on the command line, innotop will not connect to ANY
-servers at all. It will watch the specified file for InnoDB status output and
-use that as its data source. It will always show a single connection called
-'file'. And since it can't connect to a server, it can't determine how long the
-server it's monitoring has been up; so it calculates the server's uptime as time
-since innotop started running.
-While innotop is primarily a monitor that lets you watch and analyze your
-servers, it can also send commands to servers. The most frequently useful
-commands are killing queries and stopping or starting slaves.
-You can kill a connection, or in newer versions of MySQL kill a query but not a
-connection, from L<"Q: Query List"> and L<"T: InnoDB Transactions"> modes.
-Press 'k' to issue a KILL command, or 'x' to issue a KILL QUERY command.
-innotop will prompt you for the server and/or connection ID to kill (innotop
-does not prompt you if there is only one possible choice for any input).
-innotop pre-selects the longest-running query, or the oldest connection.
-Confirm the command with 'y'.
-In L<"M: Master/Slave Replication Status"> mode, you can start and stop slaves
-with the 'a' and 'o' keys, respectively. You can send these commands to many
-slaves at once. innotop fills in a default command of START SLAVE or STOP SLAVE
-for you, but you can actually edit the command and send anything you wish, such
-as SET GLOBAL SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER=1 to make the slave skip one binlog event
-when it starts.
-You can also ask innotop to calculate the earliest binlog in use by any slave
-and issue a PURGE MASTER LOGS on the master. Use the 'b' key for this. innotop
-will prompt you for a master to run the command on, then prompt you for the
-connection names of that master's slaves (there is no way for innotop to
-determine this reliably itself). innotop will find the minimum binlog in use by
-these slave connections and suggest it as the argument to PURGE MASTER LOGS.
-When you create a server connection, innotop asks you for a series of inputs, as
-=item DSN
-A DSN is a Data Source Name, which is the initial argument passed to the DBI
-module for connecting to a server. It is usually of the form
- DBI:mysql:;mysql_read_default_group=mysql;host=HOSTNAME
-Since this DSN is passed to the DBD::mysql driver, you should read the driver's
-documentation at L<""> for
-the exact details on all the options you can pass the driver in the DSN. You
-can read more about DBI at L<>, and especially at
-The mysql_read_default_group=mysql option lets the DBD driver read your MySQL
-options files, such as ~/.my.cnf on UNIX-ish systems. You can use this to avoid
-specifying a username or password for the connection.
-=item InnoDB Deadlock Table
-This optional item tells innotop a table name it can use to deliberately create
-a small deadlock (see L<"D: InnoDB Deadlocks">). If you specify this option,
-you just need to be sure the table doesn't exist, and that innotop can create
-and drop the table with the InnoDB storage engine. You can safely omit or just
-accept the default if you don't intend to use this.
-=item Username
-innotop will ask you if you want to specify a username. If you say 'y', it will
-then prompt you for a user name. If you have a MySQL option file that specifies
-your username, you don't have to specify a username.
-The username defaults to your login name on the system you're running innotop on.
-=item Password
-innotop will ask you if you want to specify a password. Like the username, the
-password is optional, but there's an additional prompt that asks if you want to
-save the password in the innotop configuration file. If you don't save it in
-the configuration file, innotop will prompt you for a password each time it
-starts. Passwords in the innotop configuration file are saved in plain text,
-not encrypted in any way.
-Once you finish answering these questions, you should be connected to a server.
-But innotop isn't limited to monitoring a single server; you can define many
-server connections and switch between them by pressing the '@' key. See
-To create a new connection, press the '@' key and type the name of the new
-connection, then follow the steps given above.
-If you have multiple MySQL instances, you can put them into named groups, such
-as 'all', 'masters', and 'slaves', which innotop can monitor all together.
-You can choose which group to monitor with the '#' key, and you can press the
-TAB key to switch to the next group. If you're not currently monitoring a
-group, pressing TAB selects the first group.
-To create a group, press the '#' key and type the name of your new group, then
-type the names of the connections you want the group to contain.
-innotop lets you quickly switch which servers you're monitoring. The most basic
-way is by pressing the '@' key and typing the name(s) of the connection(s) you
-want to use. This setting is per-mode, so you can monitor different connections
-in each mode, and innotop remembers which connections you choose.
-You can quickly switch to the 'next' connection in alphabetical order with the
-'n' key. If you're monitoring a server group (see L<"SERVER GROUPS">) this will
-switch to the first connection.
-You can also type many connection names, and innotop will fetch and display data
-from them all. Just separate the connection names with spaces, for example
-"server1 server2." Again, if you type the name of a connection that doesn't
-exist, innotop will prompt you for connection information and create the
-Another way to monitor multiple connections at once is with server groups. You
-can use the TAB key to switch to the 'next' group in alphabetical order, or if
-you're not monitoring any groups, TAB will switch to the first group.
-innotop does not fetch data in parallel from connections, so if you are
-monitoring a large group or many connections, you may notice increased delay
-between ticks.
-When you monitor more than one connection, innotop's status bar changes. See
-Error handling is not that important when monitoring a single connection, but is
-crucial when you have many active connections. A crashed server or lost
-connection should not crash innotop. As a result, innotop will continue to run
-even when there is an error; it just won't display any information from the
-connection that had an error. Because of this, innotop's behavior might confuse
-you. It's a feature, not a bug!
-innotop does not continue to query connections that have errors, because they
-may slow innotop and make it hard to use, especially if the error is a problem
-connecting and causes a long time-out. Instead, innotop retries the connection
-occasionally to see if the error still exists. If so, it will wait until some
-point in the future. The wait time increases in ticks as the Fibonacci series,
-so it tries less frequently as time passes.
-Since errors might only happen in certain modes because of the SQL commands
-issued in those modes, innotop keeps track of which mode caused the error. If
-you switch to a different mode, innotop will retry the connection instead of
-By default innotop will display the problem in red text at the bottom of the
-first table on the screen. You can disable this behavior with the
-L<"show_cxn_errors_in_tbl"> configuration option, which is enabled by default.
-If the L<"debug"> option is enabled, innotop will display the error at the
-bottom of every table, not just the first. And if L<"show_cxn_errors"> is
-enabled, innotop will print the error text to STDOUT as well. Error messages
-might only display in the mode that caused the error, depending on the mode and
-whether innotop is avoiding querying that connection.
-You can run innotop in non-interactive mode, in which case it is entirely
-controlled from the configuration file and command-line options. To start
-innotop in non-interactive mode, give the L"<--nonint"> command-line option.
-This changes innotop's behavior in the following ways:
-=item *
-Certain Perl modules are not loaded. Term::Readline is not loaded, since
-innotop doesn't prompt interactively. Term::ANSIColor and Win32::Console::ANSI
-modules are not loaded. Term::ReadKey is still used, since innotop may have to
-prompt for connection passwords when starting up.
-=item *
-innotop does not clear the screen after each tick.
-=item *
-innotop does not persist any changes to the configuration file.
-=item *
-If L<"--count"> is given and innotop is in incremental mode (see L<"status_inc">
-and L<"--inc">), innotop actually refreshes one more time than specified so it
-can print incremental statistics. This suppresses output during the first
-tick, so innotop may appear to hang.
-=item *
-innotop only displays the first table in each mode. This is so the output can
-be easily processed with other command-line utilities such as awk and sed. To
-change which tables display in each mode, see L<"TABLES">. Since L<"Q: Query
-List"> mode is so important, innotop automatically disables the L<"q_header">
-table. This ensures you'll see the L<"processlist"> table, even if you have
-innotop configured to show the q_header table during interactive operation.
-Similarly, in L<"T: InnoDB Transactions"> mode, the L<"t_header"> table is
-suppressed so you see only the L<"innodb_transactions"> table.
-=item *
-All output is tab-separated instead of being column-aligned with whitespace, and
-innotop prints the full contents of each table instead of only printing one
-screenful at a time.
-=item *
-innotop only prints column headers once instead of every tick (see
-L<"hide_hdr">). innotop does not print table captions (see
-L<"display_table_captions">). innotop ensures there are no empty lines in the
-=item *
-innotop does not honor the L<"shorten"> transformation, which normally shortens
-some numbers to human-readable formats.
-=item *
-innotop does not print a status line (see L<"INNOTOP STATUS">).
-Nearly everything about innotop is configurable. Most things are possible to
-change with built-in commands, but you can also edit the configuration file.
-While running innotop, press the '$' key to bring up the configuration editing
-dialog. Press another key to select the type of data you want to edit:
-=item S: Statement Sleep Times
-Edits SQL statement sleep delays, which make innotop pause for the specified
-amount of time after executing a statement. See L<"SQL STATEMENTS"> for a
-definition of each statement and what it does. By default innotop does not
-delay after any statements.
-This feature is included so you can customize the side-effects caused by
-monitoring your server. You may not see any effects, but some innotop users
-have noticed that certain MySQL versions under very high load with InnoDB
-enabled take longer than usual to execute SHOW GLOBAL STATUS. If innotop calls
-SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST immediately afterward, the processlist contains more
-queries than the machine actually averages at any given moment. Configuring
-innotop to pause briefly after calling SHOW GLOBAL STATUS alleviates this
-Sleep times are stored in the L<"stmt_sleep_times"> section of the configuration
-file. Fractional-second sleeps are supported, subject to your hardware's
-=item c: Edit Columns
-Starts the table editor on one of the displayed tables. See L<"TABLE EDITOR">.
-An alternative way to start the table editor without entering the configuration
-dialog is with the '^' key.
-=item g: General Configuration
-Starts the configuration editor to edit global and mode-specific configuration
-variables (see L<"MODES">). innotop prompts you to choose a variable from among
-the global and mode-specific ones depending on the current mode.
-=item k: Row-Coloring Rules
-Starts the row-coloring rules editor on one of the displayed table(s). See
-L<"COLORS"> for details.
-=item p: Manage Plugins
-Starts the plugin configuration editor. See L<"PLUGINS"> for details.
-=item s: Server Groups
-Lets you create and edit server groups. See L<"SERVER GROUPS">.
-=item t: Choose Displayed Tables
-Lets you choose which tables to display in this mode. See L<"MODES"> and
-innotop's default configuration file location is in $HOME/.innotop, but can be
-overridden with the L<"--config"> command-line option. You can edit it by hand
-safely. innotop reads the configuration file when it starts, and writes it out
-again when it exits, so any changes you make while innotop is running will be
-innotop doesn't store its entire configuration in the configuration file. It
-has a huge set of default configuration that it holds only in memory, and the
-configuration file only overrides these defaults. When you customize a default
-setting, innotop notices, and then stores the customizations into the file.
-This keeps the file size down, makes it easier to edit, and makes upgrades
-A configuration file can be made read-only. See L<"readonly">.
-The configuration file is arranged into sections like an INI file. Each
-section begins with [section-name] and ends with [/section-name]. Each
-section's entries have a different syntax depending on the data they need to
-store. You can put comments in the file; any line that begins with a #
-character is a comment. innotop will not read the comments, so it won't write
-them back out to the file when it exits. Comments in read-only configuration
-files are still useful, though.
-The first line in the file is innotop's version number. This lets innotop
-notice when the file format is not backwards-compatible, and upgrade smoothly
-without destroying your customized configuration.
-The following list describes each section of the configuration file and the data
-it contains:
-=item general
-The 'general' section contains global configuration variables and variables that
-may be mode-specific, but don't belong in any other section. The syntax is a
-simple key=value list. innotop writes a comment above each value to help you
-edit the file by hand.
-=item S_func
-Controls S mode presentation (see L<"S: Variables & Status">). If g, values are
-graphed; if s, values are like vmstat; if p, values are in a pivoted table.
-=item S_set
-Specifies which set of variables to display in L<"S: Variables & Status"> mode.
-=item auto_wipe_dl
-Instructs innotop to automatically wipe large deadlocks when it notices them.
-When this happens you may notice a slight delay. At the next tick, you will
-usually see the information that was being truncated by the large deadlock.
-=item charset
-Specifies what kind of characters to allow through the L<"no_ctrl_char">
-transformation. This keeps non-printable characters from confusing a
-terminal when you monitor queries that contain binary data, such as images.
-The default is 'ascii', which considers anything outside normal ASCII to be a
-control character. The other allowable values are 'unicode' and 'none'. 'none'
-considers every character a control character, which can be useful for
-collapsing ALL text fields in queries.
-=item cmd_filter
-This is the prefix that filters variables in L<"C: Command Summary"> mode.
-=item color
-Whether terminal coloring is permitted.
-=item cxn_timeout
-On MySQL versions 4.0.3 and newer, this variable is used to set the connection's
-timeout, so MySQL doesn't close the connection if it is not used for a while.
-This might happen because a connection isn't monitored in a particular mode, for
-=item debug
-This option enables more verbose errors and makes innotop more strict in some
-places. It can help in debugging filters and other user-defined code. It also
-makes innotop write a lot of information to L<"debugfile"> when there is a
-=item debugfile
-A file to which innotop will write information when there is a crash. See
-=item display_table_captions
-innotop displays a table caption above most tables. This variable suppresses or
-shows captions on all tables globally. Some tables are configured with the
-hide_caption property, which overrides this.
-=item global
-Whether to show GLOBAL variables and status. innotop only tries to do this on
-servers which support the GLOBAL option to SHOW VARIABLES and SHOW STATUS. In
-some MySQL versions, you need certain privileges to do this; if you don't have
-them, innotop will not be able to fetch any variable and status data. This
-configuration variable lets you run innotop and fetch what data you can even
-without the elevated privileges.
-I can no longer find or reproduce the situation where GLOBAL wasn't allowed, but
-I know there was one.
-=item graph_char
-Defines the character to use when drawing graphs in L<"S: Variables & Status">
-=item header_highlight
-Defines how to highlight column headers. This only works if Term::ANSIColor is
-available. Valid values are 'bold' and 'underline'.
-=item hide_hdr
-Hides column headers globally.
-=item interval
-The interval at which innotop will refresh its data (ticks). The interval is
-implemented as a sleep time between ticks, so the true interval will vary
-depending on how long it takes innotop to fetch and render data.
-This variable accepts fractions of a second.
-=item mode
-The mode in which innotop should start. Allowable arguments are the same as the
-key presses that select a mode interactively. See L<"MODES">.
-=item num_digits
-How many digits to show in fractional numbers and percents. This variable's
-range is between 0 and 9 and can be set directly from L<"S: Variables & Status">
-mode with the '+' and '-' keys. It is used in the L<"set_precision">,
-L<"shorten">, and L<"percent"> transformations.
-=item num_status_sets
-Controls how many sets of status variables to display in pivoted L<"S: Variables
-& Status"> mode. It also controls the number of old sets of variables innotop
-keeps in its memory, so the larger this variable is, the more memory innotop
-=item plugin_dir
-Specifies where plugins can be found. By default, innotop stores plugins in the
-'plugins' subdirectory of your innotop configuration directory.
-=item readonly
-Whether the configuration file is readonly. This cannot be set interactively,
-because it would prevent itself from being written to the configuration file.
-=item show_cxn_errors
-Makes innotop print connection errors to STDOUT. See L<"ERROR HANDLING">.
-=item show_cxn_errors_in_tbl
-Makes innotop display connection errors as rows in the first table on screen.
-=item show_percent
-Adds a '%' character after the value returned by the L<"percent">
-=item show_statusbar
-Controls whether to show the status bar in the display. See L<"INNOTOP
-=item skip_innodb
-Disables fetching SHOW INNODB STATUS, in case your server(s) do not have InnoDB
-enabled and you don't want innotop to try to fetch it. This can also be useful
-when you don't have the SUPER privilege, required to run SHOW INNODB STATUS.
-=item status_inc
-Whether to show absolute or incremental values for status variables.
-Incremental values are calculated as an offset from the last value innotop saw
-for that variable. This is a global setting, but will probably become
-mode-specific at some point. Right now it is honored a bit inconsistently; some
-modes don't pay attention to it.
-=item plugins
-This section holds a list of package names of active plugins. If the plugin
-exists, innotop will activate it. See L<"PLUGINS"> for more information.
-=item filters
-This section holds user-defined filters (see L<"FILTERS">). Each line is in the
-format filter_name=text='filter text' tbls='table list'.
-The filter text is the text of the subroutine's code. The table list is a list
-of tables to which the filter can apply. By default, user-defined filters apply
-to the table for which they were created, but you can manually override that by
-editing the definition in the configuration file.
-=item active_filters
-This section stores which filters are active on each table. Each line is in the
-format table_name=filter_list.
-=item tbl_meta
-This section stores user-defined or user-customized columns (see L<"COLUMNS">).
-Each line is in the format col_name=properties, where the properties are a
-name=quoted-value list.
-=item connections
-This section holds the server connections you have defined. Each line is in the
-format name=properties, where the properties are a name=value list. The
-properties are self-explanatory, and the only one that is treated specially is
-'pass' which is only present if 'savepass' is set. See L<"SERVER CONNECTIONS">.
-=item active_connections
-This section holds a list of which connections are active in each mode. Each
-line is in the format mode_name=connection_list.
-=item server_groups
-This section holds server groups. Each line is in the format
-name=connection_list. See L<"SERVER GROUPS">.
-=item active_server_groups
-This section holds a list of which server group is active in each mode. Each
-line is in the format mode_name=server_group.
-=item max_values_seen
-This section holds the maximum values seen for variables. This is used to scale
-the graphs in L<"S: Variables & Status"> mode. Each line is in the format
-=item active_columns
-This section holds table column lists. Each line is in the format
-tbl_name=column_list. See L<"COLUMNS">.
-=item sort_cols
-This section holds the sort definition. Each line is in the format
-tbl_name=column_list. If a column is prefixed with '-', that column sorts
-descending. See L<"SORTING">.
-=item visible_tables
-This section defines which tables are visible in each mode. Each line is in the
-format mode_name=table_list. See L<"TABLES">.
-=item varsets
-This section defines variable sets for use in L<"S: Status & Variables"> mode.
-Each line is in the format name=variable_list. See L<"VARIABLE SETS">.
-=item colors
-This section defines colorization rules. Each line is in the format
-tbl_name=property_list. See L<"COLORS">.
-=item stmt_sleep_times
-This section contains statement sleep times. Each line is in the format
-statement_name=sleep_time. See L<"S: Statement Sleep Times">.
-=item group_by
-This section contains column lists for table group_by expressions. Each line is
-in the format tbl_name=column_list. See L<"GROUPING">.
-You can customize innotop a great deal. For example, you can:
-=item *
-Choose which tables to display, and in what order.
-=item *
-Choose which columns are in those tables, and create new columns.
-=item *
-Filter which rows display with built-in filters, user-defined filters, and
-=item *
-Sort the rows to put important data first or group together related rows.
-=item *
-Highlight rows with color.
-=item *
-Customize the alignment, width, and formatting of columns, and apply
-transformations to columns to extract parts of their values or format the values
-as you wish (for example, shortening large numbers to familiar units).
-=item *
-Design your own expressions to extract and combine data as you need. This gives
-you unlimited flexibility.
-All these and more are explained in the following sections.
-=head2 TABLES
-A table is what you'd expect: a collection of columns. It also has some other
-properties, such as a caption. Filters, sorting rules, and colorization rules
-belong to tables and are covered in later sections.
-Internally, table meta-data is defined in a data structure called %tbl_meta.
-This hash holds all built-in table definitions, which contain a lot of default
-instructions to innotop. The meta-data includes the caption, a list of columns
-the user has customized, a list of columns, a list of visible columns, a list of
-filters, color rules, a sort-column list, sort direction, and some information
-about the table's data sources. Most of this is customizable via the table
-editor (see L<"TABLE EDITOR">).
-You can choose which tables to show by pressing the '$' key. See L<"MODES"> and
-The table life-cycle is as follows:
-=item *
-Each table begins with a data source, which is an array of hashes. See below
-for details on data sources.
-=item *
-Each element of the data source becomes a row in the final table.
-=item *
-For each element in the data source, innotop extracts values from the source and
-creates a row. This row is another hash, which later steps will refer to as
-$set. The values innotop extracts are determined by the table's columns. Each
-column has an extraction subroutine, compiled from an expression (see
-L<"EXPRESSIONS">). The resulting row is a hash whose keys are named the same as
-the column name.
-=item *
-innotop filters the rows, removing those that don't need to be displayed. See
-=item *
-innotop sorts the rows. See L<"SORTING">.
-=item *
-innotop groups the rows together, if specified. See L<"GROUPING">.
-=item *
-innotop colorizes the rows. See L<"COLORS">.
-=item *
-innotop transforms the column values in each row. See L<"TRANSFORMATIONS">.
-=item *
-innotop optionally pivots the rows (see L<"PIVOTING">), then filters and sorts
-=item *
-innotop formats and justifies the rows as a table. During this step, innotop
-applies further formatting to the column values, including alignment, maximum
-and minimum widths. innotop also does final error checking to ensure there are
-no crashes due to undefined values. innotop then adds a caption if specified,
-and the table is ready to print.
-The lifecycle is slightly different if the table is pivoted, as noted above. To
-clarify, if the table is pivoted, the process is extract, group, transform,
-pivot, filter, sort, create. If it's not pivoted, the process is extract,
-filter, sort, group, color, transform, create. This slightly convoluted process
-doesn't map all that well to SQL, but pivoting complicates things pretty
-thoroughly. Roughly speaking, filtering and sorting happen as late as needed to
-effect the final result as you might expect, but as early as possible for
-Each built-in table is described below:
-=item adaptive_hash_index
-Displays data about InnoDB's adaptive hash index. Data source:
-=item buffer_pool
-Displays data about InnoDB's buffer pool. Data source: L<"STATUS_VARIABLES">.
-=item cmd_summary
-Displays weighted status variables. Data source: L<"STATUS_VARIABLES">.
-=item deadlock_locks
-Shows which locks were held and waited for by the last detected deadlock. Data
-source: L<"DEADLOCK_LOCKS">.
-=item deadlock_transactions
-Shows transactions involved in the last detected deadlock. Data source:
-=item explain
-Shows the output of EXPLAIN. Data source: L<"EXPLAIN">.
-=item file_io_misc
-Displays data about InnoDB's file and I/O operations. Data source:
-=item fk_error
-Displays various data about InnoDB's last foreign key error. Data source:
-=item innodb_locks
-Displays InnoDB locks. Data source: L<"INNODB_LOCKS">.
-=item innodb_transactions
-Displays data about InnoDB's current transactions. Data source:
-=item insert_buffers
-Displays data about InnoDB's insert buffer. Data source: L<"STATUS_VARIABLES">.
-=item io_threads
-Displays data about InnoDB's I/O threads. Data source: L<"IO_THREADS">.
-=item log_statistics
-Displays data about InnoDB's logging system. Data source: L<"STATUS_VARIABLES">.
-=item master_status
-Displays replication master status. Data source: L<"STATUS_VARIABLES">.
-=item open_tables
-Displays open tables. Data source: L<"OPEN_TABLES">.
-=item page_statistics
-Displays InnoDB page statistics. Data source: L<"STATUS_VARIABLES">.
-=item pending_io
-Displays InnoDB pending I/O operations. Data source: L<"STATUS_VARIABLES">.
-=item processlist
-Displays current MySQL processes (threads/connections). Data source:
-=item q_header
-Displays various status values. Data source: L<"STATUS_VARIABLES">.
-=item row_operation_misc
-Displays data about InnoDB's row operations. Data source:
-=item row_operations
-Displays data about InnoDB's row operations. Data source:
-=item semaphores
-Displays data about InnoDB's semaphores and mutexes. Data source:
-=item slave_io_status
-Displays data about the slave I/O thread. Data source:
-=item slave_sql_status
-Displays data about the slave SQL thread. Data source: L<"STATUS_VARIABLES">.
-=item t_header
-Displays various InnoDB status values. Data source: L<"STATUS_VARIABLES">.
-=item var_status
-Displays user-configurable data. Data source: L<"STATUS_VARIABLES">.
-=item wait_array
-Displays data about InnoDB's OS wait array. Data source: L<"OS_WAIT_ARRAY">.
-=head2 COLUMNS
-Columns belong to tables. You can choose a table's columns by pressing the '^'
-key, which starts the L<"TABLE EDITOR"> and lets you choose and edit columns.
-Pressing 'e' from within the table editor lets you edit the column's properties:
-=item *
-hdr: a column header. This appears in the first row of the table.
-=item *
-just: justification. '-' means left-justified and '' means right-justified,
-just as with printf formatting codes (not a coincidence).
-=item *
-dec: whether to further align the column on the decimal point.
-=item *
-num: whether the column is numeric. This affects how values are sorted
-(lexically or numerically).
-=item *
-label: a small note about the column, which appears in dialogs that help the
-user choose columns.
-=item *
-src: an expression that innotop uses to extract the column's data from its
-source (see L<"DATA SOURCES">). See L<"EXPRESSIONS"> for more on expressions.
-=item *
-minw: specifies a minimum display width. This helps stabilize the display,
-which makes it easier to read if the data is changing frequently.
-=item *
-maxw: similar to minw.
-=item *
-trans: a list of column transformations. See L<"TRANSFORMATIONS">.
-=item *
-agg: an aggregate function. See L<"GROUPING">. The default is L<"first">.
-=item *
-aggonly: controls whether the column only shows when grouping is enabled on the
-table (see L<"GROUPING">). By default, this is disabled. This means columns
-will always be shown by default, whether grouping is enabled or not. If a
-column's aggonly is set true, the column will appear when you toggle grouping on
-the table. Several columns are set this way, such as the count column on
-L<"processlist"> and L<"innodb_transactions">, so you don't see a count when the
-grouping isn't enabled, but you do when it is.
-=head2 FILTERS
-Filters remove rows from the display. They behave much like a WHERE clause in
-SQL. innotop has several built-in filters, which remove irrelevant information
-like inactive queries, but you can define your own as well. innotop also lets
-you create quick-filters, which do not get saved to the configuration file, and
-are just an easy way to quickly view only some rows.
-You can enable or disable a filter on any table. Press the '%' key (mnemonic: %
-looks kind of like a line being filtered between two circles) and choose which
-table you want to filter, if asked. You'll then see a list of possible filters
-and a list of filters currently enabled for that table. Type the names of
-filters you want to apply and press Enter.
-If you type a name that doesn't exist, innotop will prompt you to create the
-filter. Filters are easy to create if you know Perl, and not hard if you don't.
-What you're doing is creating a subroutine that returns true if the row should
-be displayed. The row is a hash reference passed to your subroutine as $set.
-For example, imagine you want to filter the processlist table so you only see
-queries that have been running more than five minutes. Type a new name for your
-filter, and when prompted for the subroutine body, press TAB to initiate your
-terminal's auto-completion. You'll see the names of the columns in the
-L<"processlist"> table (innotop generally tries to help you with auto-completion
-lists). You want to filter on the 'time' column. Type the text "$set->{time} >
-300" to return true when the query is more than five minutes old. That's all
-you need to do.
-In other words, the code you're typing is surrounded by an implicit context,
-which looks like this:
- sub filter {
- my ( $set ) = @_;
- }
-If your filter doesn't work, or if something else suddenly behaves differently,
-you might have made an error in your filter, and innotop is silently catching
-the error. Try enabling L<"debug"> to make innotop throw an error instead.
-innotop's quick-filters are a shortcut to create a temporary filter that doesn't
-persist when you restart innotop. To create a quick-filter, press the '/' key.
-innotop will prompt you for the column name and filter text. Again, you can use
-auto-completion on column names. The filter text can be just the text you want
-to "search for." For example, to filter the L<"processlist"> table on queries
-that refer to the products table, type '/' and then 'info product'.
-The filter text can actually be any Perl regular expression, but of course a
-literal string like 'product' works fine as a regular expression.
-Behind the scenes innotop compiles the quick-filter into a specially tagged
-filter that is otherwise like any other filter. It just isn't saved to the
-configuration file.
-To clear quick-filters, press the '\' key and innotop will clear them all at
-=head2 SORTING
-innotop has sensible built-in defaults to sort the most important rows to the
-top of the table. Like anything else in innotop, you can customize how any
-table is sorted.
-To start the sort dialog, start the L<"TABLE EDITOR"> with the '^' key, choose a
-table if necessary, and press the 's' key. You'll see a list of columns you can
-use in the sort expression and the current sort expression, if any. Enter a
-list of columns by which you want to sort and press Enter. If you want to
-reverse sort, prefix the column name with a minus sign. For example, if you
-want to sort by column a ascending, then column b descending, type 'a -b'. You
-can also explicitly add a + in front of columns you want to sort ascending, but
-it's not required.
-Some modes have keys mapped to open this dialog directly, and to quickly reverse
-sort direction. Press '?' as usual to see which keys are mapped in any mode.
-=head2 GROUPING
-innotop can group, or aggregate, rows together (I use the terms
-interchangeably). This is quite similar to an SQL GROUP BY clause. You can
-specify to group on certain columns, or if you don't specify any, the entire set
-of rows is treated as one group. This is quite like SQL so far, but unlike SQL,
-you can also select un-grouped columns. innotop actually aggregates every
-column. If you don't explicitly specify a grouping function, the default is
-'first'. This is basically a convenience so you don't have to specify an
-aggregate function for every column you want in the result.
-You can quickly toggle grouping on a table with the '=' key, which toggles its
-aggregate property. This property doesn't persist to the config file.
-The columns by which the table is grouped are specified in its group_by
-property. When you turn grouping on, innotop places the group_by columns at the
-far left of the table, even if they're not supposed to be visible. The rest of
-the visible columns appear in order after them.
-Two tables have default group_by lists and a count column built in:
-L<"processlist"> and L<"innodb_transactions">. The grouping is by connection
-and status, so you can quickly see how many queries or transactions are in a
-given status on each server you're monitoring. The time columns are aggregated
-as a sum; other columns are left at the default 'first' aggregation.
-By default, the table shown in L<"S: Variables & Status"> mode also uses
-grouping so you can monitor variables and status across many servers. The
-default aggregation function in this mode is 'avg'.
-Valid grouping functions are defined in the %agg_funcs hash. They include
-=item first
-Returns the first element in the group.
-=item count
-Returns the number of elements in the group, including undefined elements, much
-like SQL's COUNT(*).
-=item avg
-Returns the average of defined elements in the group.
-=item sum
-Returns the sum of elements in the group.
-Here's an example of grouping at work. Suppose you have a very busy server with
-hundreds of open connections, and you want to see how many connections are in
-what status. Using the built-in grouping rules, you can press 'Q' to enter
-L<"Q: Query List"> mode. Press '=' to toggle grouping (if necessary, select the
-L<"processlist"> table when prompted).
-Your display might now look like the following:
- Query List (? for help) localhost, 32:33, 0.11 QPS, 1 thd, 5.0.38-log
- CXN Cmd Cnt ID User Host Time Query
- localhost Query 49 12933 webusr localhost 19:38 SELECT * FROM
- localhost Sending Da 23 2383 webusr localhost 12:43 SELECT col1,
- localhost Sleep 120 140 webusr localhost 5:18:12
- localhost Statistics 12 19213 webusr localhost 01:19 SELECT * FROM
-That's actually quite a worrisome picture. You've got a lot of idle connections
-(Sleep), and some connections executing queries (Query and Sending Data).
-That's okay, but you also have a lot in Statistics status, collectively spending
-over a minute. That means the query optimizer is having a really hard time
-optimizing your statements. Something is wrong; it should normally take
-milliseconds to optimize queries. You might not have seen this pattern if you
-didn't look at your connections in aggregate. (This is a made-up example, but
-it can happen in real life).
-=head2 PIVOTING
-innotop can pivot a table for more compact display, similar to a Pivot Table in
-a spreadsheet (also known as a crosstab). Pivoting a table makes columns into
-rows. Assume you start with this table:
- foo bar
- === ===
- 1 3
- 2 4
-After pivoting, the table will look like this:
- name set0 set1
- ==== ==== ====
- foo 1 2
- bar 3 4
-To get reasonable results, you might need to group as well as pivoting.
-innotop currently does this for L<"S: Variables & Status"> mode.
-=head2 COLORS
-By default, innotop highlights rows with color so you can see at a glance which
-rows are more important. You can customize the colorization rules and add your
-own to any table. Open the table editor with the '^' key, choose a table if
-needed, and press 'o' to open the color editor dialog.
-The color editor dialog displays the rules applied to the table, in the order
-they are evaluated. Each row is evaluated against each rule to see if the rule
-matches the row; if it does, the row gets the specified color, and no further
-rules are evaluated. The rules look like the following:
- state eq Locked black on_red
- cmd eq Sleep white
- user eq system user white
- cmd eq Connect white
- cmd eq Binlog Dump white
- time > 600 red
- time > 120 yellow
- time > 60 green
- time > 30 cyan
-This is the default rule set for the L<"processlist"> table. In order of
-priority, these rules make locked queries black on a red background, "gray out"
-connections from replication and sleeping queries, and make queries turn from
-cyan to red as they run longer.
-(For some reason, the ANSI color code "white" is actually a light gray. Your
-terminal's display may vary; experiment to find colors you like).
-You can use keystrokes to move the rules up and down, which re-orders their
-priority. You can also delete rules and add new ones. If you add a new rule,
-innotop prompts you for the column, an operator for the comparison, a value
-against which to compare the column, and a color to assign if the rule matches.
-There is auto-completion and prompting at each step.
-The value in the third step needs to be correctly quoted. innotop does not try
-to quote the value because it doesn't know whether it should treat the value as
-a string or a number. If you want to compare the column against a string, as
-for example in the first rule above, you should enter 'Locked' surrounded by
-quotes. If you get an error message about a bareword, you probably should have
-quoted something.
-Expressions are at the core of how innotop works, and are what enables you to
-extend innotop as you wish. Recall the table lifecycle explained in
-L<"TABLES">. Expressions are used in the earliest step, where it extracts
-values from a data source to form rows.
-It does this by calling a subroutine for each column, passing it the source data
-set, a set of current values, and a set of previous values. These are all
-needed so the subroutine can calculate things like the difference between this
-tick and the previous tick.
-The subroutines that extract the data from the set are compiled from
-expressions. This gives significantly more power than just naming the values to
-fill the columns, because it allows the column's value to be calculated from
-whatever data is necessary, but avoids the need to write complicated and lengthy
-Perl code.
-innotop begins with a string of text that can look as simple as a value's name
-or as complicated as a full-fledged Perl expression. It looks at each
-'bareword' token in the string and decides whether it's supposed to be a key
-into the $set hash. A bareword is an unquoted value that isn't already
-surrounded by code-ish things like dollar signs or curly brackets. If innotop
-decides that the bareword isn't a function or other valid Perl code, it converts
-it into a hash access. After the whole string is processed, innotop compiles a
-subroutine, like this:
- sub compute_column_value {
- my ( $set, $cur, $pre ) = @_;
- return $val;
- }
-Here's a concrete example, taken from the header table L<"q_header"> in L<"Q:
-Query List"> mode. This expression calculates the qps, or Queries Per Second,
-column's values, from the values returned by SHOW STATUS:
- Questions/Uptime_hires
-innotop decides both words are barewords, and transforms this expression into
-the following Perl code:
- $set->{Questions}/$set->{Uptime_hires}
-When surrounded by the rest of the subroutine's code, this is executable Perl
-that calculates a high-resolution queries-per-second value.
-The arguments to the subroutine are named $set, $cur, and $pre. In most cases,
-$set and $cur will be the same values. However, if L<"status_inc"> is set, $cur
-will not be the same as $set, because $set will already contain values that are
-the incremental difference between $cur and $pre.
-Every column in innotop is computed by subroutines compiled in the same fashion.
-There is no difference between innotop's built-in columns and user-defined
-columns. This keeps things consistent and predictable.
-Transformations change how a value is rendered. For example, they can take a
-number of seconds and display it in H:M:S format. The following transformations
-are defined:
-=item commify
-Adds commas to large numbers every three decimal places.
-=item dulint_to_int
-Accepts two unsigned integers and converts them into a single longlong. This is
-useful for certain operations with InnoDB, which uses two integers as
-transaction identifiers, for example.
-=item no_ctrl_char
-Removes quoted control characters from the value. This is affected by the
-L<"charset"> configuration variable.
-This transformation only operates within quoted strings, for example, values to
-a SET clause in an UPDATE statement. It will not alter the UPDATE statement,
-but will collapse the quoted string to [BINARY] or [TEXT], depending on the
-=item percent
-Converts a number to a percentage by multiplying it by two, formatting it with
-L<"num_digits"> digits after the decimal point, and optionally adding a percent
-sign (see L<"show_percent">).
-=item secs_to_time
-Formats a number of seconds as time in days+hours:minutes:seconds format.
-=item set_precision
-Formats numbers with L<"num_digits"> number of digits after the decimal point.
-=item shorten
-Formats a number as a unit of 1024 (k/M/G/T) and with L<"num_digits"> number of
-digits after the decimal point.
-The innotop table editor lets you customize tables with keystrokes. You start
-the table editor with the '^' key. If there's more than one table on the
-screen, it will prompt you to choose one of them. Once you do, innotop will
-show you something like this:
- Editing table definition for Buffer Pool. Press ? for help, q to quit.
- name hdr label src
- cxn CXN Connection from which cxn
- buf_pool_size Size Buffer pool size IB_bp_buf_poo
- buf_free Free Bufs Buffers free in the b IB_bp_buf_fre
- pages_total Pages Pages total IB_bp_pages_t
- pages_modified Dirty Pages Pages modified (dirty IB_bp_pages_m
- buf_pool_hit_rate Hit Rate Buffer pool hit rate IB_bp_buf_poo
- total_mem_alloc Memory Total memory allocate IB_bp_total_m
- add_pool_alloc Add'l Pool Additonal pool alloca IB_bp_add_poo
-The first line shows which table you're editing, and reminds you again to press
-'?' for a list of key mappings. The rest is a tabular representation of the
-table's columns, because that's likely what you're trying to edit. However, you
-can edit more than just the table's columns; this screen can start the filter
-editor, color rule editor, and more.
-Each row in the display shows a single column in the table you're editing, along
-with a couple of its properties such as its header and source expression (see
-The key mappings are Vim-style, as in many other places. Pressing 'j' and 'k'
-moves the highlight up or down. You can then (d)elete or (e)dit the highlighted
-column. You can also (a)dd a column to the table. This actually just activates
-one of the columns already defined for the table; it prompts you to choose from
-among the columns available but not currently displayed. Finally, you can
-re-order the columns with the '+' and '-' keys.
-You can do more than just edit the columns with the table editor, you can also
-edit other properties, such as the table's sort expression and group-by
-expression. Press '?' to see the full list, of course.
-If you want to really customize and create your own column, as opposed to just
-activating a built-in one that's not currently displayed, press the (n)ew key,
-and innotop will prompt you for the information it needs:
-=item *
-The column name: this needs to be a word without any funny characters, e.g. just
-letters, numbers and underscores.
-=item *
-The column header: this is the label that appears at the top of the column, in
-the table header. This can have spaces and funny characters, but be careful not
-to make it too wide and waste space on-screen.
-=item *
-The column's data source: this is an expression that determines what data from
-the source (see L<"TABLES">) innotop will put into the column. This can just be
-the name of an item in the source, or it can be a more complex expression, as
-described in L<"EXPRESSIONS">.
-Once you've entered the required data, your table has a new column. There is no
-difference between this column and the built-in ones; it can have all the same
-properties and behaviors. innotop will write the column's definition to the
-configuration file, so it will persist across sessions.
-Here's an example: suppose you want to track how many times your slaves have
-retried transactions. According to the MySQL manual, the
-Slave_retried_transactions status variable gives you that data: "The total
-number of times since startup that the replication slave SQL thread has retried
-transactions. This variable was added in version 5.0.4." This is appropriate to
-add to the L<"slave_sql_status"> table.
-To add the column, switch to the replication-monitoring mode with the 'M' key,
-and press the '^' key to start the table editor. When prompted, choose
-slave_sql_status as the table, then press 'n' to create the column. Type
-'retries' as the column name, 'Retries' as the column header, and
-'Slave_retried_transactions' as the source. Now the column is created, and you
-see the table editor screen again. Press 'q' to exit the table editor, and
-you'll see your column at the end of the table.
-Variable sets are used in L<"S: Variables & Status"> mode to define more easily
-what variables you want to monitor. Behind the scenes they are compiled to a
-list of expressions, and then into a column list so they can be treated just
-like columns in any other table, in terms of data extraction and
-transformations. However, you're protected from the tedious details by a syntax
-that ought to feel very natural to you: a SQL SELECT list.
-The data source for variable sets, and indeed the entire S mode, is the
-that you had a huge table with one column per variable returned from those
-statements. That's the data source for variable sets. You can now query this
-data source just like you'd expect. For example:
- Questions, Uptime, Questions/Uptime as QPS
-Behind the scenes innotop will split that variable set into three expressions,
-compile them and turn them into a table definition, then extract as usual. This
-becomes a "variable set," or a "list of variables you want to monitor."
-innotop lets you name and save your variable sets, and writes them to the
-configuration file. You can choose which variable set you want to see with the
-'c' key, or activate the next and previous sets with the '>' and '<' keys.
-There are many built-in variable sets as well, which should give you a good
-start for creating your own. Press 'e' to edit the current variable set, or
-just to see how it's defined. To create a new one, just press 'c' and type its
-You may want to use some of the functions listed in L<"TRANSFORMATIONS"> to help
-format the results. In particular, L<"set_precision"> is often useful to limit
-the number of digits you see. Extending the above example, here's how:
- Questions, Uptime, set_precision(Questions/Uptime) as QPS
-Actually, this still needs a little more work. If your L<"interval"> is less
-than one second, you might be dividing by zero because Uptime is incremental in
-this mode by default. Instead, use Uptime_hires:
- Questions, Uptime, set_precision(Questions/Uptime_hires) as QPS
-This example is simple, but it shows how easy it is to choose which variables
-you want to monitor.
-=head1 PLUGINS
-innotop has a simple but powerful plugin mechanism by which you can extend
-or modify its existing functionality, and add new functionality. innotop's
-plugin functionality is event-based: plugins register themselves to be called
-when events happen. They then have a chance to influence the event.
-An innotop plugin is a Perl module placed in innotop's L<"plugin_dir">
-directory. On UNIX systems, you can place a symbolic link to the module instead
-of putting the actual file there. innotop automatically discovers the file. If
-there is a corresponding entry in the L<"plugins"> configuration file section,
-innotop loads and activates the plugin.
-The module must conform to innotop's plugin interface. Additionally, the source
-code of the module must be written in such a way that innotop can inspect the
-file and determine the package name and description.
-=head2 Package Source Convention
-innotop inspects the plugin module's source to determine the Perl package name.
-It looks for a line of the form "package Foo;" and if found, considers the
-plugin's package name to be Foo. Of course the package name can be a valid Perl
-package name, with double semicolons and so on.
-It also looks for a description in the source code, to make the plugin editor
-more human-friendly. The description is a comment line of the form "#
-description: Foo", where "Foo" is the text innotop will consider to be the
-plugin's description.
-=head2 Plugin Interface
-The innotop plugin interface is quite simple: innotop expects the plugin to be
-an object-oriented module it can call certain methods on. The methods are
-=item new(%variables)
-This is the plugin's constructor. It is passed a hash of innotop's variables,
-which it can manipulate (see L<"Plugin Variables">). It must return a reference
-to the newly created plugin object.
-At construction time, innotop has only loaded the general configuration and
-created the default built-in variables with their default contents (which is
-quite a lot). Therefore, the state of the program is exactly as in the innotop
-source code, plus the configuration variables from the L<"general"> section in
-the config file.
-If your plugin manipulates the variables, it is changing global data, which is
-shared by innotop and all plugins. Plugins are loaded in the order they're
-listed in the config file. Your plugin may load before or after another plugin,
-so there is a potential for conflict or interaction between plugins if they
-modify data other plugins use or modify.
-=item register_for_events()
-This method must return a list of events in which the plugin is interested, if
-any. See L<"Plugin Events"> for the defined events. If the plugin returns an
-event that's not defined, the event is ignored.
-=item event handlers
-The plugin must implement a method named the same as each event for which it has
-registered. In other words, if the plugin returns qw(foo bar) from
-register_for_events(), it must have foo() and bar() methods. These methods are
-callbacks for the events. See L<"Plugin Events"> for more details about each
-=head2 Plugin Variables
-The plugin's constructor is passed a hash of innotop's variables, which it can
-manipulate. It is probably a good idea if the plugin object saves a copy of it
-for later use. The variables are defined in the innotop variable
-%pluggable_vars, and are as follows:
-=item action_for
-A hashref of key mappings. These are innotop's global hot-keys.
-=item agg_funcs
-A hashref of functions that can be used for grouping. See L<"GROUPING">.
-=item config
-The global configuration hash.
-=item connections
-A hashref of connection specifications. These are just specifications of how to
-connect to a server.
-=item dbhs
-A hashref of innotop's database connections. These are actual DBI connection
-=item filters
-A hashref of filters applied to table rows. See L<"FILTERS"> for more.
-=item modes
-A hashref of modes. See L<"MODES"> for more.
-=item server_groups
-A hashref of server groups. See L<"SERVER GROUPS">.
-=item tbl_meta
-A hashref of innotop's table meta-data, with one entry per table (see
-L<"TABLES"> for more information).
-=item trans_funcs
-A hashref of transformation functions. See L<"TRANSFORMATIONS">.
-=item var_sets
-A hashref of variable sets. See L<"VARIABLE SETS">.
-=head2 Plugin Events
-Each event is defined somewhere in the innotop source code. When innotop runs
-that code, it executes the callback function for each plugin that expressed its
-interest in the event. innotop passes some data for each event. The events are
-defined in the %event_listener_for variable, and are as follows:
-=item extract_values($set, $cur, $pre, $tbl)
-This event occurs inside the function that extracts values from a data source.
-The arguments are the set of values, the current values, the previous values,
-and the table name.
-=item set_to_tbl
-Events are defined at many places in this subroutine, which is responsible for
-turning an arrayref of hashrefs into an arrayref of lines that can be printed to
-the screen. The events all pass the same data: an arrayref of rows and the name
-of the table being created. The events are set_to_tbl_pre_filter,
-set_to_tbl_pre_sort,set_to_tbl_pre_group, set_to_tbl_pre_colorize,
-set_to_tbl_pre_transform, set_to_tbl_pre_pivot, set_to_tbl_pre_create,
-=item draw_screen($lines)
-This event occurs inside the subroutine that prints the lines to the screen.
-$lines is an arrayref of strings.
-=head2 Simple Plugin Example
-The easiest way to explain the plugin functionality is probably with a simple
-example. The following module adds a column to the beginning of every table and
-sets its value to 1.
- use strict;
- use warnings FATAL => 'all';
- package Innotop::Plugin::Example;
- # description: Adds an 'example' column to every table
- sub new {
- my ( $class, %vars ) = @_;
- # Store reference to innotop's variables in $self
- my $self = bless { %vars }, $class;
- # Design the example column
- my $col = {
- hdr => 'Example',
- just => '',
- dec => 0,
- num => 1,
- label => 'Example',
- src => 'example', # Get data from this column in the data source
- tbl => '',
- trans => [],
- };
- # Add the column to every table.
- my $tbl_meta = $vars{tbl_meta};
- foreach my $tbl ( values %$tbl_meta ) {
- # Add the column to the list of defined columns
- $tbl->{cols}->{example} = $col;
- # Add the column to the list of visible columns
- unshift @{$tbl->{visible}}, 'example';
- }
- # Be sure to return a reference to the object.
- return $self;
- }
- # I'd like to be called when a data set is being rendered into a table, please.
- sub register_for_events {
- my ( $self ) = @_;
- return qw(set_to_tbl_pre_filter);
- }
- # This method will be called when the event fires.
- sub set_to_tbl_pre_filter {
- my ( $self, $rows, $tbl ) = @_;
- # Set the example column's data source to the value 1.
- foreach my $row ( @$rows ) {
- $row->{example} = 1;
- }
- }
- 1;
-=head2 Plugin Editor
-The plugin editor lets you view the plugins innotop discovered and activate or
-deactivate them. Start the editor by pressing $ to start the configuration
-editor from any mode. Press the 'p' key to start the plugin editor. You'll see
-a list of plugins innotop discovered. You can use the 'j' and 'k' keys to move
-the highlight to the desired one, then press the * key to toggle it active or
-inactive. Exit the editor and restart innotop for the changes to take effect.
-innotop uses a limited set of SQL statements to retrieve data from MySQL for
-display. The statements are customized depending on the server version against
-which they are executed; for example, on MySQL 5 and newer, INNODB_STATUS
-executes "SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS", while on earlier versions it executes
-"SHOW INNODB STATUS". The statements are as follows:
- Statement SQL executed
- =================== ===============================
-Each time innotop extracts values to create a table (see L<"EXPRESSIONS"> and
-L<"TABLES">), it does so from a particular data source. Largely because of the
-complex data extracted from SHOW INNODB STATUS, this is slightly messy. SHOW
-INNODB STATUS contains a mixture of single values and repeated values that form
-nested data sets.
-Whenever innotop fetches data from MySQL, it adds two extra bits to each set:
-cxn and Uptime_hires. cxn is the name of the connection from which the data
-came. Uptime_hires is a high-resolution version of the server's Uptime status
-variable, which is important if your L<"interval"> setting is sub-second.
-Here are the kinds of data sources from which data is extracted:
-This is the broadest category, into which the most kinds of data fall. It
-begins with the combination of SHOW STATUS and SHOW VARIABLES, but other sources
-may be included as needed, for example, SHOW MASTER STATUS and SHOW SLAVE
-STATUS, as well as many of the non-repeated values from SHOW INNODB STATUS.
-This data is extracted from the transaction list in the LATEST DETECTED DEADLOCK
-section of SHOW INNODB STATUS. It is nested two levels deep: transactions, then
-This data is from the transaction list in the LATEST DETECTED DEADLOCK
-section of SHOW INNODB STATUS. It is nested one level deep.
-=item EXPLAIN
-This data is from the result set returned by EXPLAIN.
-This data is from the TRANSACTIONS section of SHOW INNODB STATUS.
-This data is from the list of threads in the the FILE I/O section of SHOW INNODB
-This data is from the TRANSACTIONS section of SHOW INNODB STATUS and is nested
-two levels deep.
-This data is from SHOW OPEN TABLES.
-This data is from SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST.
-This data is from the SEMAPHORES section of SHOW INNODB STATUS and is nested one
-level deep. It comes from the lines that look like this:
- --Thread 1568861104 has waited at btr0cur.c line 424 ....
-=item *
-You must connect to MySQL as a user who has the SUPER privilege for many of the
-=item *
-If you don't have the SUPER privilege, you can still run some functions, but you
-won't necessarily see all the same data.
-=item *
-You need the PROCESS privilege to see the list of currently running queries in Q
-=item *
-You need special privileges to start and stop slave servers.
-=item *
-You need appropriate privileges to create and drop the deadlock tables if needed
-You need Perl to run innotop, of course. You also need a few Perl modules: DBI,
-DBD::mysql, Term::ReadKey, and Time::HiRes. These should be included with most
-Perl distributions, but in case they are not, I recommend using versions
-distributed with your operating system or Perl distribution, not from CPAN.
-Term::ReadKey in particular has been known to cause problems if installed from
-If you have Term::ANSIColor, innotop will use it to format headers more readably
-and compactly. (Under Microsoft Windows, you also need Win32::Console::ANSI for
-terminal formatting codes to be honored). If you install Term::ReadLine,
-preferably Term::ReadLine::Gnu, you'll get nice auto-completion support.
-I run innotop on Gentoo GNU/Linux, Debian and Ubuntu, and I've had feedback from
-people successfully running it on Red Hat, CentOS, Solaris, and Mac OSX. I
-don't see any reason why it won't work on other UNIX-ish operating systems, but
-I don't know for sure. It also runs on Windows under ActivePerl without
-I use innotop on MySQL versions 3.23.58, 4.0.27, 4.1.0, 4.1.22, 5.0.26, 5.1.15,
-and 5.2.3. If it doesn't run correctly for you, that is a bug and I hope you
-report it.
-=head1 FILES
-$HOMEDIR/.innotop is used to store configuration information. Files include the
-configuration file innotop.ini, the core_dump file which contains verbose error
-messages if L<"debug"> is enabled, and the plugins/ subdirectory.
-=item tick
-A tick is a refresh event, when innotop re-fetches data from connections and
-displays it.
-I'm grateful to the following people for various reasons, and hope I haven't
-forgotten to include anyone:
-Allen K. Smith,
-Aurimas Mikalauskas,
-Bartosz Fenski,
-Brian Miezejewski,
-Christian Hammers,
-Cyril Scetbon,
-Dane Miller,
-David Multer,
-Dr. Frank Ullrich,
-Giuseppe Maxia, Site Reliability Engineers,
-Jan Pieter Kunst,
-Jari Aalto,
-Jay Pipes,
-Jeremy Zawodny,
-Johan Idren,
-Kristian Kohntopp,
-Lenz Grimmer,
-Maciej Dobrzanski,
-Michiel Betel,
-Paul McCullagh,
-Sebastien Estienne,,
-Steven Kreuzer,
-The Gentoo MySQL Team,
-Trevor Price,
-Yaar Schnitman,
-and probably more people I've neglected to include.
-(If I misspelled your name, it's probably because I'm afraid of putting
-international characters into this documentation; earlier versions of Perl might
-not be able to compile it then).
-This program is copyright (c) 2006 Baron Schwartz.
-Feedback and improvements are welcome.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
-Foundation, version 2; OR the Perl Artistic License. On UNIX and similar
-systems, you can issue `man perlgpl' or `man perlartistic' to read these
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
-this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
-Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
-Execute innotop and press '!' to see this information at any time.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Baron Schwartz.
-=head1 BUGS
-You can report bugs, ask for improvements, and get other help and support at
-L<>. There are mailing lists, forums,
-a bug tracker, etc. Please use these instead of contacting me directly, as it
-makes my job easier and benefits others if the discussions are permanent and
-public. Of course, if you need to contact me in private, please do.