path: root/tools/mysqlmngd.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/mysqlmngd.c')
1 files changed, 624 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/tools/mysqlmngd.c b/tools/mysqlmngd.c
index 3f5e404cbda..6e95d033954 100644
--- a/tools/mysqlmngd.c
+++ b/tools/mysqlmngd.c
@@ -20,10 +20,632 @@
* Sasha Pachev <>
-#define VERSION "1.0"
#include <global.h>
#include <my_sys.h>
#include <m_string.h>
#include <mysql.h>
+#include <mysql_version.h>
+#include <m_ctype.h>
+#include <my_config.h>
+#include <my_dir.h>
+#include <hash.h>
+#include <mysqld_error.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <getopt.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <violite.h>
+#include <my_pthread.h>
+#define MNGD_VERSION "1.0"
+#define MNGD_GREETING "MySQL Server Management Daemon v.1.0"
+#define LOG_ERR 1
+#define LOG_WARN 2
+#define LOG_INFO 3
+#define LOG_DEBUG 4
+#ifndef MNGD_PORT
+#define MNGD_PORT 23546
+#define MNGD_MAX_CMD_LEN 16384
+#ifndef MNGD_LOG_FILE
+#define MNGD_LOG_FILE "/var/log/mysqlmngd.log"
+#ifndef MNGD_BACK_LOG
+#define MNGD_BACK_LOG 50
+#ifndef MAX_USER_NAME
+#define MAX_USER_NAME 16
+/* Variable naming convention - if starts with mngd_, either is set
+ directly by the user, or used closely in ocnjunction with a variable
+ set by the user
+uint mngd_port = MNGD_PORT;
+FILE* errfp;
+const char* mngd_log_file = MNGD_LOG_FILE;
+pthread_mutex_t lock_log, lock_shutdown;
+int mngd_sock = -1;
+struct sockaddr_in mngd_addr;
+ulong mngd_bind_addr = INADDR_ANY;
+int mngd_back_log = MNGD_BACK_LOG;
+int in_shutdown = 0, shutdown_requested=0;
+const char* mngd_greeting = MNGD_GREETING;
+uint mngd_max_cmd_len = MNGD_MAX_CMD_LEN;
+/* messages */
+#define MAX_CLIENT_MSG_LEN 256
+#define NET_BLOCK 2048
+#define ESCAPE_CHAR '\\'
+#define EOL_CHAR '\n'
+#define MSG_OK 200
+#define MSG_INFO 250
+#define MSG_ACCESS 401
+#define MSG_CLIENT_ERR 450
+#define MSG_INTERNAL_ERR 500
+/* access flags */
+#define PRIV_SHUTDOWN 1
+struct mngd_thd
+ Vio* vio;
+ char user[MAX_USER_NAME];
+ int priv_flags;
+ char* cmd_buf;
+ int fatal,finished;
+struct mngd_thd* mngd_thd_new(Vio* vio);
+void mngd_thd_free(struct mngd_thd* thd);
+typedef int (*mngd_cmd_handler)(struct mngd_thd*,char*,char*);
+struct mngd_cmd
+ const char* name;
+ const char* help;
+ mngd_cmd_handler handler_func;
+ int len;
+#define HANDLE_DECL(com) static int handle_ ## com (struct mngd_thd* thd,\
+ char* args_start,char* args_end)
+#define HANDLE_NOARG_DECL(com) static int handle_ ## com \
+ (struct mngd_thd* thd, char* __attribute__((unused)) args_start,\
+ char* __attribute__((unused)) args_end)
+struct mngd_cmd commands[] =
+ {"ping", "Check if this server is alive", handle_ping,4},
+ {"quit", "Finish session", handle_quit,4},
+ {"shutdown", "Shutdown this server", handle_shutdown,8},
+ {"help", "Print this message", handle_help,4},
+ {0,0,0,0}
+struct option long_options[] =
+ {"debug", optional_argument, 0, '#'},
+ {"help", no_argument, 0, 'h'},
+ {"port", required_argument, 0, 'P'},
+ {"log", required_argument, 0, 'l'},
+ {"bind-address", required_argument, 0, 'b'},
+ {"tcp-backlog", required_argument, 0, 'B'},
+ {"greeting", required_argument, 0, 'g'},
+ {"max-command-len",required_argument,0,'m'},
+ {"version", no_argument, 0, 'V'},
+ {0, 0, 0, 0}
+static void die(const char* fmt,...);
+static void print_time(FILE* fp);
+static void clean_up();
+static struct mngd_cmd* lookup_cmd(char* s,int len);
+static void client_msg(Vio* vio,int err_code,const char* fmt,...);
+static void client_msg_pre(Vio* vio,int err_code,const char* fmt,...);
+static void client_msg_raw(Vio* vio,int err_code,int pre,const char* fmt,
+ va_list args);
+static int authenticate(struct mngd_thd* thd);
+static char* read_line(struct mngd_thd* thd); /* returns pointer to end of
+ line
+ */
+static pthread_handler_decl(process_connection,arg);
+static int exec_line(struct mngd_thd* thd,char* buf,char* buf_end);
+static int exec_line(struct mngd_thd* thd,char* buf,char* buf_end)
+ char* p=buf;
+ struct mngd_cmd* cmd;
+ for (;p<buf_end && !isspace(*p);p++)
+ *p=tolower(*p);
+ if (!(cmd=lookup_cmd(buf,(int)(p-buf))))
+ {
+ client_msg(thd->vio,MSG_CLIENT_ERR,
+ "Unrecognized command, type help to see list of supported\
+ commands");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return cmd->handler_func(thd,p,buf_end);
+static struct mngd_cmd* lookup_cmd(char* s,int len)
+ struct mngd_cmd* cmd = commands;
+ for (;cmd->name;cmd++)
+ {
+ if (cmd->len == len && !memcmp(cmd->name,s,len))
+ return cmd;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ client_msg(thd->vio,MSG_OK,"Server management daemon is alive");
+ return 0;
+ client_msg(thd->vio,MSG_OK,"Goodbye");
+ thd->finished=1;
+ return 0;
+ struct mngd_cmd* cmd = commands;
+ Vio* vio = thd->vio;
+ client_msg_pre(vio,MSG_INFO,"Available commands:");
+ for (;cmd->name;cmd++)
+ {
+ client_msg_pre(vio,MSG_INFO,"%s - %s", cmd->name, cmd->help);
+ }
+ client_msg_pre(vio,MSG_INFO,"End of help");
+ return 0;
+ client_msg(thd->vio,MSG_OK,"Shutdown started, goodbye");
+ thd->finished=1;
+ shutdown_requested = 1;
+ return 0;
+static int authenticate(struct mngd_thd* thd)
+ char* buf_end;
+ client_msg(thd->vio,MSG_INFO, mngd_greeting);
+ if (!(buf_end=read_line(thd)))
+ return -1;
+ client_msg(thd->vio,MSG_OK,"OK");
+ return 0;
+static void print_time(FILE* fp)
+ struct tm now;
+ time_t t;
+ time(&t);
+ localtime_r(&t,&now);
+ fprintf(fp,"[%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d] ", now.tm_year+1900,
+ now.tm_mon+1,now.tm_mday,now.tm_hour,now.tm_min,
+ now.tm_sec);
+static void die(const char* fmt, ...)
+ va_list args;
+ va_start(args,fmt);
+ if (fmt)
+ {
+ if (errfp==stderr)
+ fprintf(errfp, "%s: ", my_progname);
+ else
+ {
+ print_time(errfp);
+ fprintf(errfp,"Fatal error: ");
+ }
+ vfprintf(errfp, fmt, args);
+ if (errno)
+ fprintf(errfp, " errno=%d", errno);
+ fprintf(errfp, "\n");
+ fflush(errfp);
+ }
+ va_end(args);
+ clean_up();
+ exit(1);
+void print_msg_type(int msg_type)
+ const char* msg;
+ switch (msg_type)
+ {
+ case LOG_ERR: msg = "ERROR"; break;
+ case LOG_WARN: msg = "WARNING"; break;
+ case LOG_INFO: msg = "INFO"; break;
+#ifndef DBUG_OFF
+ case LOG_DEBUG: msg = "DEBUG"; break;
+ default: msg = "UNKNOWN TYPE"; break;
+ }
+ fprintf(errfp," %s: ", msg);
+static void log_msg(const char* fmt, int msg_type, va_list args)
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&lock_log);
+ print_time(errfp);
+ print_msg_type(msg_type);
+ vfprintf(errfp,fmt,args);
+ fputc('\n',errfp);
+ fflush(errfp);
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock_log);
+#define LOG_MSG_FUNC(type,TYPE) inline static void log_ ## type \
+ (const char* fmt,...) { \
+ va_list args; \
+ va_start(args,fmt); \
+ log_msg(fmt,LOG_ ## TYPE,args);\
+ }
+#ifndef DBUG_OFF
+static pthread_handler_decl(process_connection,arg)
+ struct mngd_thd* thd = (struct mngd_thd*)arg;
+ my_thread_init();
+ pthread_detach_this_thread();
+ for (;!thd->finished;)
+ {
+ char* buf_end;
+ if ((!(buf_end=read_line(thd)) || exec_line(thd,thd->cmd_buf,buf_end))
+ && thd->fatal)
+ {
+ log_err("Thread aborted");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ mngd_thd_free(thd);
+ pthread_exit(0);
+static void client_msg_raw(Vio* vio, int err_code, int pre, const char* fmt,
+ va_list args)
+ char buf[MAX_CLIENT_MSG_LEN],*p,*buf_end;
+ p=buf;
+ buf_end=buf+sizeof(buf);
+ p=int10_to_str(err_code,p,10);
+ if (pre)
+ *p++='-';
+ *p++=' ';
+ p+=my_vsnprintf(p,buf_end-p,fmt,args);
+ if (p>buf_end-2)
+ p=buf_end - 2;
+ *p++='\r';
+ *p++='\n';
+ if (vio_write(vio,buf,(uint)(p-buf))<=0)
+ log_err("Failed writing to client: errno=%d");
+static void client_msg(Vio* vio, int err_code, const char* fmt, ...)
+ va_list args;
+ va_start(args,fmt);
+ client_msg_raw(vio,err_code,0,fmt,args);
+static void client_msg_pre(Vio* vio, int err_code, const char* fmt, ...)
+ va_list args;
+ va_start(args,fmt);
+ client_msg_raw(vio,err_code,1,fmt,args);
+static char* read_line(struct mngd_thd* thd)
+ char* p=thd->cmd_buf;
+ char* buf_end = thd->cmd_buf + mngd_max_cmd_len;
+ int escaped = 0;
+ for (;p<buf_end;)
+ {
+ int len,read_len;
+ char *block_end,*p_back;
+ read_len = min(NET_BLOCK,(uint)(buf_end-p));
+ if ((len=vio_read(thd->vio,p,read_len))<=0)
+ {
+ log_err("Error reading command from client");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ block_end=p+len;
+ /* a trick to unescape in place */
+ for (p_back=p;p<block_end;p++)
+ {
+ char c=*p;
+ if (c==ESCAPE_CHAR)
+ {
+ if (!escaped)
+ {
+ escaped=1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ escaped=0;
+ }
+ if (c==EOL_CHAR && !escaped)
+ break;
+ *p_back++=c;
+ escaped=0;
+ }
+ if (p!=block_end)
+ {
+ *p_back=0;
+ return p_back;
+ }
+ }
+ client_msg(thd->vio,MSG_CLIENT_ERR,"Command line too long");
+ return 0;
+struct mngd_thd* mngd_thd_new(Vio* vio)
+ struct mngd_thd* tmp;
+ if (!(tmp=(struct mngd_thd*)my_malloc(sizeof(*tmp)+mngd_max_cmd_len,
+ MYF(0))))
+ {
+ log_err("Out of memory in mngd_thd_new");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ tmp->vio=vio;
+ tmp->user[0]=0;
+ tmp->priv_flags=0;
+ tmp->fatal=tmp->finished=0;
+ tmp->cmd_buf=(char*)tmp+sizeof(*tmp);
+ return tmp;
+void mngd_thd_free(struct mngd_thd* thd)
+ if (thd->vio)
+ vio_close(thd->vio);
+ my_free((byte*)thd->vio,MYF(0));
+static void clean_up()
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&lock_shutdown);
+ if (in_shutdown)
+ {
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock_shutdown);
+ return;
+ }
+ in_shutdown = 1;
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock_shutdown);
+ log_info("Shutdown started");
+ if (mngd_sock)
+ close(mngd_sock);
+ log_info("Ended");
+ if (errfp != stderr)
+ fclose(errfp);
+static void print_version(void)
+ printf("%s Ver %s Distrib %s, for %s (%s)\n",my_progname,MNGD_VERSION,
+void usage()
+ print_version();
+ printf("MySQL AB, by Sasha\n");
+ printf("This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY\n\n");
+ printf("Manages instances of MySQL server.\n\n");
+ printf("Usage: %s [OPTIONS]", my_progname);
+ printf("\n\
+ -?, --help Display this help and exit.\n");
+#ifndef DBUG_OFF
+ puts("\
+ -#, --debug=[...] Output debug log. Often this is 'd:t:o,filename`");
+ printf("\
+ -P, --port=... Port number to listen on.\n\
+ -l, --log=... Path to log file.\n\
+ -b, --bind-address=... Address to listen on.\n\
+ -B, --tcp-backlog==... Size of TCP/IP listen queue.\n\
+ -g, --greeting= Set greeting on connect \n\
+ -m, --max-command-len Maximum command length \n\
+ -V, --version Output version information and exit.\n\n");
+int parse_args(int argc, char **argv)
+ int c, option_index = 0;
+ while ((c=getopt_long(argc,argv,"P:?#:Vl:b:B:g:m:",
+ long_options,&option_index)) != EOF)
+ {
+ switch (c)
+ {
+ case '#':
+ DBUG_PUSH(optarg ? optarg : "d:t:O,/tmp/mysqlmgrd.trace");
+ break;
+ case 'P':
+ mngd_port=atoi(optarg);
+ break;
+ case 'm':
+ mngd_max_cmd_len=atoi(optarg);
+ break;
+ case 'g':
+ mngd_greeting=optarg;
+ case 'b':
+ mngd_bind_addr = inet_addr(optarg);
+ break;
+ case 'B':
+ mngd_back_log = atoi(optarg);
+ break;
+ case 'l':
+ mngd_log_file=optarg;
+ break;
+ case 'V':
+ print_version();
+ exit(0);
+ case '?':
+ usage();
+ exit(0);
+ default:
+ usage();
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+int init_server()
+ int arg=1;
+ log_info("Started");
+ if ((mngd_sock=socket(PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0)) < 0)
+ die("Could not create socket");
+ bzero((char*)&mngd_addr, sizeof(mngd_addr));
+ mngd_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
+ mngd_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = mngd_bind_addr;
+ mngd_addr.sin_port = htons(mngd_port);
+ setsockopt(mngd_sock,SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR,(char*)&arg,sizeof(arg));
+ if (bind(mngd_sock,(struct sockaddr*)&mngd_addr, sizeof(mngd_addr)) < 0)
+ die("Could not bind");
+ if (listen(mngd_sock,mngd_back_log) < 0)
+ die("Could not listen");
+ return 0;
+int run_server_loop()
+ pthread_t th;
+ struct mngd_thd *thd;
+ int client_sock,len;
+ Vio* vio;
+ for (;!shutdown_requested;)
+ {
+ len=sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
+ if ((client_sock=accept(mngd_sock,(struct sockaddr*)&mngd_addr,&len))<0)
+ {
+ if (shutdown_requested)
+ break;
+ if (errno != EAGAIN)
+ {
+ log_warn("Error in accept, errno=%d", errno);
+ sleep(1); /* avoid tying up CPU if accept is broken */
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (shutdown_requested)
+ break;
+ if (!(vio=vio_new(client_sock,VIO_TYPE_TCPIP,FALSE)))
+ {
+ log_err("Could not create I/O object");
+ close(client_sock);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!(thd=mngd_thd_new(vio)))
+ {
+ log_err("Could not create thread object");
+ vio_close(vio);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (authenticate(thd))
+ {
+ client_msg(vio,MSG_ACCESS, "Access denied");
+ mngd_thd_free(thd);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (shutdown_requested)
+ break;
+ if (pthread_create(&th,0,process_connection,(void*)thd))
+ {
+ client_msg(vio,MSG_INTERNAL_ERR,"Could not create thread, errno=%d",
+ errno);
+ mngd_thd_free(thd);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+FILE* open_log_stream()
+ FILE* fp;
+ if (!(fp=fopen(mngd_log_file,"a")))
+ die("Could not open log file '%s'", mngd_log_file);
+ return fp;
+int daemonize()
+ switch (fork())
+ {
+ case -1:
+ die("Cannot fork");
+ case 0:
+ errfp = open_log_stream();
+ close(0);
+ close(1);
+ init_server();
+ run_server_loop();
+ clean_up();
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int main(int argc, char** argv)
+ MY_INIT(argv[0]);
+ errfp = stderr;
+ parse_args(argc,argv);
+ pthread_mutex_init(&lock_log,0);
+ pthread_mutex_init(&lock_shutdown,0);
+ return daemonize();