# vim ft=yaml # travis-ci.org definition sudo: false dist: trusty git: depth: 2 language: cpp os: - linux - osx osx_image: xcode9.1 compiler: - gcc - clang cache: apt: true ccache: true # Does not currently work for clang builds: https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-ci/issues/6201 directories: - /usr/local/Cellar # Fails do to permission error: https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-ci/issues/8092 env: matrix: - GCC_VERSION=4.8 TYPE=RelWithDebInfo MYSQL_TEST_SUITES=rpl - GCC_VERSION=5 TYPE=RelWithDebInfo MYSQL_TEST_SUITES=main,archive,optimizer_unfixed_bugs,parts,sys_vars,unit,vcol,innodb,innodb_gis,innodb_zip,innodb_fts - GCC_VERSION=6 TYPE=RelWithDebInfo MYSQL_TEST_SUITES=binlog,binlog_encryption,encryption,rocksdb - GCC_VERSION=6 TYPE=RelWithDebInfo MYSQL_TEST_SUITES=csv,federated,funcs_1,funcs_2,gcol,handler,heap,json,maria,perfschema,plugins,multi_source,roles matrix: exclude: - os: osx compiler: gcc include: - os: linux compiler: gcc env: - DebPackages addons: apt: packages: # make sure these match debian/control contents - bison - chrpath - cmake - debhelper - dh-apparmor - dpatch - gdb - libaio-dev - libboost-dev - libcurl3-dev - libdbd-mysql - libjudy-dev - libncurses5-dev - libpam0g-dev - libpcre3-dev - libreadline-gplv2-dev - libstemmer-dev - libssl-dev - libnuma-dev - libxml2-dev - lsb-release - perl - po-debconf - psmisc - zlib1g-dev - libcrack2-dev - cracklib-runtime - libjemalloc-dev - libsnappy-dev - liblzma-dev - libzmq-dev - libdistro-info-perl - uuid-dev - devscripts - fakeroot script: - ${CC} --version ; ${CXX} --version # https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-ci/issues/7062 - /run/shm isn't writable or executable # in trusty containers - export MTR_MEM=/tmp - env DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="parallel=6" debian/autobake-deb.sh; - ccache --show-stats # Until OSX becomes a bit more stable: MDEV-12435 allow_failures: - os: osx compiler: clang env: GCC_VERSION=4.8 TYPE=RelWithDebInfo MYSQL_TEST_SUITES=rpl - os: osx compiler: clang env: GCC_VERSION=5 TYPE=RelWithDebInfo MYSQL_TEST_SUITES=main,archive,optimizer_unfixed_bugs,parts,sys_vars,unit,vcol,innodb,innodb_gis,innodb_zip,innodb_fts - os: osx compiler: clang env: GCC_VERSION=6 TYPE=RelWithDebInfo MYSQL_TEST_SUITES=binlog,binlog_encryption,encryption,rocksdb - os: osx compiler: clang env: GCC_VERSION=6 TYPE=RelWithDebInfo MYSQL_TEST_SUITES=csv,federated,funcs_1,funcs_2,gcol,handler,heap,json,maria,perfschema,plugins,multi_source,roles addons: apt: sources: - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test - llvm-toolchain-trusty-4.0 - sourceline: 'deb http://apt.llvm.org/trusty/ llvm-toolchain-trusty-5.0 main' packages: # make sure these include all compilers and all build dependencies (see list above) - gcc-5 - g++-5 - gcc-6 - g++-6 - clang-4.0 - llvm-4.0-dev - clang-5.0 - llvm-5.0-dev - libasan0 - bison - chrpath - cmake - gdb - libaio-dev - libboost-dev - libcurl3-dev - libdbd-mysql - libjudy-dev - libncurses5-dev - libpam0g-dev - libpcre3-dev - libreadline-gplv2-dev - libstemmer-dev - libssl-dev - libnuma-dev - libxml2-dev - lsb-release - perl - psmisc - zlib1g-dev - libcrack2-dev - cracklib-runtime - libjemalloc-dev - libsnappy-dev - liblzma-dev - libzmq-dev - uuid-dev # libsystemd-daemon-dev # https://github.com/travis-ci/apt-package-whitelist/issues/3882 before_install: - if [[ "${TRAVIS_OS_NAME}" == 'osx' ]]; then brew update; brew install gnutls lz4 lzo xz snappy ccache jemalloc curl ossp-uuid pcre; brew link ccache; fi script: - ccache --version # Clang: # mroonga just generates too many warnings with clang and travis stops the job # tokudb has fatal warnings - source .travis.compiler.sh - cmake . -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=${TYPE} ${CMAKE_OPT} -DWITH_SSL=system -DWITH_ZLIB=system -DPLUGIN_AWS_KEY_MANAGEMENT=DYNAMIC -DAWS_SDK_EXTERNAL_PROJECT=ON - make -j 6 - cd mysql-test # With ASAN --thread-stack=400K to account for overhead # Test timeout needs to be 10(minutes) or less due to travis out timeout - ./mtr --force --max-test-fail=20 --parallel=6 --testcase-timeout=2 --suite=${MYSQL_TEST_SUITES} --skip-test-list=unstable-tests --skip-test=binlog.binlog_unsafe - ccache --show-stats notifications: irc: channels: - "chat.freenode.net#maria" on_success: never # [always|never|change] on_failure: never template: - "%{repository}/%{branch} (%{commit} - %{author}): %{build_url}: %{message}"