# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information. # # Copyright (c) 1996-2002 # Sleepycat Software. All rights reserved. # # $Id: archive.tcl,v 11.20 2002/04/30 19:21:21 sue Exp $ # # Options are: # -checkrec <checkpoint frequency" # -dir <dbhome directory> # -maxfilesize <maxsize of log file> proc archive { args } { global alphabet source ./include.tcl # Set defaults set maxbsize [expr 8 * 1024] set maxfile [expr 32 * 1024] set checkrec 500 for { set i 0 } { $i < [llength $args] } {incr i} { switch -regexp -- [lindex $args $i] { -c.* { incr i; set checkrec [lindex $args $i] } -d.* { incr i; set testdir [lindex $args $i] } -m.* { incr i; set maxfile [lindex $args $i] } default { puts "FAIL:[timestamp] archive usage" puts "usage: archive -checkrec <checkpt freq> \ -dir <directory> -maxfilesize <max size of log files>" return } } } # Clean out old log if it existed puts "Archive: Log archive test" puts "Unlinking log: error message OK" env_cleanup $testdir # Now run the various functionality tests set eflags "-create -txn -home $testdir \ -log_buffer $maxbsize -log_max $maxfile" set dbenv [eval {berkdb_env} $eflags] error_check_bad dbenv $dbenv NULL error_check_good dbenv [is_substr $dbenv env] 1 set logc [$dbenv log_cursor] error_check_good log_cursor [is_valid_logc $logc $dbenv] TRUE # The basic test structure here is that we write a lot of log # records (enough to fill up 100 log files; each log file it # small). We take periodic checkpoints. Between each pair # of checkpoints, we refer to 2 files, overlapping them each # checkpoint. We also start transactions and let them overlap # checkpoints as well. The pattern that we try to create is: # ---- write log records----|||||--- write log records --- # -T1 T2 T3 --- D1 D2 ------CHECK--- CT1 --- D2 D3 CD1 ----CHECK # where TX is begin transaction, CTx is commit transaction, DX is # open data file and CDx is close datafile. set baserec "1:$alphabet:2:$alphabet:3:$alphabet:4:$alphabet" puts "\tArchive.a: Writing log records; checkpoint every $checkrec records" set nrecs $maxfile set rec 0:$baserec # Begin transaction and write a log record set t1 [$dbenv txn] error_check_good t1:txn_begin [is_substr $t1 "txn"] 1 set l1 [$dbenv log_put $rec] error_check_bad l1:log_put [llength $l1] 0 set lsnlist [list [lindex $l1 0]] set t2 [$dbenv txn] error_check_good t2:txn_begin [is_substr $t2 "txn"] 1 set l1 [$dbenv log_put $rec] lappend lsnlist [lindex $l1 0] set t3 [$dbenv txn] set l1 [$dbenv log_put $rec] lappend lsnlist [lindex $l1 0] set txnlist [list $t1 $t2 $t3] set db1 [eval {berkdb_open} "-create -mode 0644 -hash -env $dbenv ar1"] set db2 [eval {berkdb_open} "-create -mode 0644 -btree -env $dbenv ar2"] set dbcount 3 set dblist [list $db1 $db2] for { set i 1 } { $i <= $nrecs } { incr i } { set rec $i:$baserec set lsn [$dbenv log_put $rec] error_check_bad log_put [llength $lsn] 0 if { [expr $i % $checkrec] == 0 } { # Take a checkpoint $dbenv txn_checkpoint set ckp_file [lindex [lindex [$logc get -last] 0] 0] catch { archive_command -h $testdir -a } res_log_full if { [string first db_archive $res_log_full] == 0 } { set res_log_full "" } catch { archive_command -h $testdir } res_log if { [string first db_archive $res_log] == 0 } { set res_log "" } catch { archive_command -h $testdir -l } res_alllog catch { archive_command -h $testdir -a -s } \ res_data_full catch { archive_command -h $testdir -s } res_data error_check_good nlogfiles [llength $res_alllog] \ [lindex [lindex [$logc get -last] 0] 0] error_check_good logs_match [llength $res_log_full] \ [llength $res_log] error_check_good data_match [llength $res_data_full] \ [llength $res_data] # Check right number of log files error_check_good nlogs [llength $res_log] \ [expr [lindex $lsnlist 0] - 1] # Check that the relative names are a subset of the # full names set n 0 foreach x $res_log { error_check_bad log_name_match:$res_log \ [string first $x \ [lindex $res_log_full $n]] -1 incr n } set n 0 foreach x $res_data { error_check_bad log_name_match:$res_data \ [string first $x \ [lindex $res_data_full $n]] -1 incr n } # Begin/commit any transactions set t [lindex $txnlist 0] if { [string length $t] != 0 } { error_check_good txn_commit:$t [$t commit] 0 set txnlist [lrange $txnlist 1 end] } set lsnlist [lrange $lsnlist 1 end] if { [llength $txnlist] == 0 } { set t1 [$dbenv txn] error_check_bad tx_begin $t1 NULL error_check_good \ tx_begin [is_substr $t1 $dbenv] 1 set l1 [lindex [$dbenv log_put $rec] 0] lappend lsnlist [min $l1 $ckp_file] set t2 [$dbenv txn] error_check_bad tx_begin $t2 NULL error_check_good \ tx_begin [is_substr $t2 $dbenv] 1 set l1 [lindex [$dbenv log_put $rec] 0] lappend lsnlist [min $l1 $ckp_file] set t3 [$dbenv txn] error_check_bad tx_begin $t3 NULL error_check_good \ tx_begin [is_substr $t3 $dbenv] 1 set l1 [lindex [$dbenv log_put $rec] 0] lappend lsnlist [min $l1 $ckp_file] set txnlist [list $t1 $t2 $t3] } # Open/close some DB files if { [expr $dbcount % 2] == 0 } { set type "-hash" } else { set type "-btree" } set db [eval {berkdb_open} \ "-create -mode 0644 $type -env $dbenv ar$dbcount"] error_check_bad db_open:$dbcount $db NULL error_check_good db_open:$dbcount [is_substr $db db] 1 incr dbcount lappend dblist $db set db [lindex $dblist 0] error_check_good db_close:$db [$db close] 0 set dblist [lrange $dblist 1 end] } } # Commit any transactions still running. puts "\tArchive.b: Commit any transactions still running." foreach t $txnlist { error_check_good txn_commit:$t [$t commit] 0 } # Close any files that are still open. puts "\tArchive.c: Close open files." foreach d $dblist { error_check_good db_close:$db [$d close] 0 } # Close and unlink the file error_check_good log_cursor_close [$logc close] 0 reset_env $dbenv } proc archive_command { args } { source ./include.tcl # Catch a list of files output by db_archive. catch { eval exec $util_path/db_archive $args } output if { $is_windows_test == 1 || 1 } { # On Windows, convert all filenames to use forward slashes. regsub -all {[\\]} $output / output } # Output the [possibly-transformed] list. return $output } proc min { a b } { if {$a < $b} { return $a } else { return $b } }