# Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA IF(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "SunOS" AND CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX AND CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 4) IF(NOT DEFINED BUGGY_GCC_NO_DTRACE_MODULES) EXECUTE_PROCESS( COMMAND ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER} ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ARG1} --version OUTPUT_VARIABLE out) IF(out MATCHES "3.4.6") # This gcc causes crashes in dlopen() for dtraced shared libs, # while standard shipped with Solaris10 3.4.3 is ok SET(BUGGY_GCC_NO_DTRACE_MODULES 1 CACHE INTERNAL "") ELSE() SET(BUGGY_GCC_NO_DTRACE_MODULES 0 CACHE INTERNAL "") ENDIF() ENDIF() ENDIF() # Check if OS supports DTrace MACRO(CHECK_DTRACE) FIND_PROGRAM(DTRACE dtrace) MARK_AS_ADVANCED(DTRACE) IF(CMAKE_C_COMPILER MATCHES "ccache" AND CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Linux") # dtrace fails on fedora if CC='ccache gcc' is used SET(BUGGY_LINUX_DTRACE 1) ENDIF() # On FreeBSD, dtrace does not handle userland tracing yet IF(DTRACE AND NOT CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "FreeBSD" AND NOT BUGGY_GCC_NO_DTRACE_MODULES AND NOT BUGGY_LINUX_DTRACE) SET(ENABLE_DTRACE ON CACHE BOOL "Enable dtrace") ENDIF() SET(HAVE_DTRACE ${ENABLE_DTRACE}) IF(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "SunOS") IF(CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 4) SET(DTRACE_FLAGS -32 CACHE INTERNAL "DTrace architecture flags") ELSE() SET(DTRACE_FLAGS -64 CACHE INTERNAL "DTrace architecture flags") ENDIF() ENDIF() ENDMACRO() CHECK_DTRACE() # Produce a header file with # DTrace macros MACRO (DTRACE_HEADER provider header header_no_dtrace) IF(ENABLE_DTRACE) ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND( OUTPUT ${header} ${header_no_dtrace} COMMAND ${DTRACE} -h -s ${provider} -o ${header} COMMAND perl ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/scripts/dheadgen.pl -f ${provider} > ${header_no_dtrace} DEPENDS ${provider} ) ENDIF() ENDMACRO() # Create provider headers IF(ENABLE_DTRACE) CONFIGURE_FILE(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/include/probes_mysql.d.base ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/include/probes_mysql.d COPYONLY) DTRACE_HEADER( ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/include/probes_mysql.d ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/include/probes_mysql_dtrace.h ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/include/probes_mysql_nodtrace.h ) IF(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Linux") # Systemtap object EXECUTE_PROCESS( COMMAND ${DTRACE} -G -s ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/include/probes_mysql.d.base -o ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/probes_mysql.o ) ENDIF() ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(gen_dtrace_header DEPENDS ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/include/probes_mysql.d ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/include/probes_mysql_dtrace.h ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/include/probes_mysql_nodtrace.h ) ENDIF() FUNCTION(DTRACE_INSTRUMENT target) IF(BUGGY_GCC_NO_DTRACE_MODULES) GET_TARGET_PROPERTY(target_type ${target} TYPE) IF(target_type MATCHES "MODULE_LIBRARY") RETURN() ENDIF() ENDIF() IF(ENABLE_DTRACE) ADD_DEPENDENCIES(${target} gen_dtrace_header) IF(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Linux") TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(${target} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/probes_mysql.o) ENDIF() # On Solaris, invoke dtrace -G to generate object file and # link it together with target. IF(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "SunOS") SET(objdir ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/CMakeFiles/${target}.dir) SET(outfile ${objdir}/${target}_dtrace.o) GET_TARGET_PROPERTY(target_type ${target} TYPE) ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND( TARGET ${target} PRE_LINK COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -DDTRACE=${DTRACE} -DOUTFILE=${outfile} -DDFILE=${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/include/probes_mysql.d -DDTRACE_FLAGS=${DTRACE_FLAGS} -DDIRS=. -DTYPE=${target_type} -P ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/dtrace_prelink.cmake WORKING_DIRECTORY ${objdir} ) # Add full object path to linker flags GET_TARGET_PROPERTY(target_type ${target} TYPE) IF(NOT target_type MATCHES "STATIC") SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(${target} PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS "${outfile}") ELSE() # For static library flags, add the object to the library. # Note: DTrace probes in static libraries are unusable currently # (see explanation for DTRACE_INSTRUMENT_STATIC_LIBS below) # but maybe one day this will be fixed. GET_TARGET_PROPERTY(target_location ${target} LOCATION) ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND( TARGET ${target} POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_AR} r ${target_location} ${outfile} COMMAND ${CMAKE_RANLIB} ${target_location} ) # Used in DTRACE_INSTRUMENT_WITH_STATIC_LIBS SET(TARGET_OBJECT_DIRECTORY_${target} ${objdir} CACHE INTERNAL "") ENDIF() ENDIF() ENDIF() ENDFUNCTION() # Ugly workaround for Solaris' DTrace inability to use probes # from static libraries, discussed e.g in this thread # (http://opensolaris.org/jive/thread.jspa?messageID=432454) # We have to collect all object files that may be instrumented # and go into the mysqld (also those that come from in static libs) # run them again through dtrace -G to generate an ELF file that links # to mysqld. MACRO (DTRACE_INSTRUMENT_STATIC_LIBS target libs) IF(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "SunOS" AND ENABLE_DTRACE) # Filter out non-static libraries in the list, if any SET(static_libs) FOREACH(lib ${libs}) GET_TARGET_PROPERTY(libtype ${lib} TYPE) IF(libtype MATCHES STATIC_LIBRARY) SET(static_libs ${static_lics} ${lib}) ENDIF() ENDFOREACH() FOREACH(lib ${static_libs}) SET(dirs ${dirs} ${TARGET_OBJECT_DIRECTORY_${lib}}) ENDFOREACH() SET (obj ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${target}_dtrace_all.o) ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND( OUTPUT ${obj} DEPENDS ${static_libs} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -DDTRACE=${DTRACE} -DOUTFILE=${obj} -DDFILE=${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/include/probes_mysql.d -DDTRACE_FLAGS=${DTRACE_FLAGS} "-DDIRS=${dirs}" -DTYPE=MERGE -P ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/dtrace_prelink.cmake VERBATIM ) ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(${target}_dtrace_all DEPENDS ${obj}) ADD_DEPENDENCIES(${target} ${target}_dtrace_all) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(${target} ${obj}) ENDIF() ENDMACRO()