# Copyright (C) 2010 Sun Microsystems, Inc # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # The purpose of this file is to set the default installation layout. # Currently, there are 2 different installation layouts , # one is used in tar.gz packages (Windows zip is about the same), another one # in RPMs. # There are currently 2 layouts defines, named STANDALONE (tar.gz layout) # and UNIX (rpm layout). To force a directory layout when invoking cmake use # -DINSTALL_LAYOUT=[STANDALONE|UNIX]. # This wil use a predefined layout. There is a possibility to further fine-tune # installation directories. Several variables are can be overwritten # # - INSTALL_BINDIR (directory with client executables and Unix shell scripts) # - INSTALL_SBINDIR (directory with mysqld) # - INSTALL_LIBDIR (directory with client end embedded libraries) # - INSTALL_PLUGINDIR (directory for plugins) # - INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR (directory for MySQL headers) # - INSTALL_DOCDIR (documentation) # - INSTALL_MANDIR (man pages) # - INSTALL_SCRIPTDIR (several scripts, rarely used) # - INSTALL_MYSQLSHAREDIR (MySQL character sets and localized error messages) # - INSTALL_SHAREDIR (location of aclocal/mysql.m4) # - INSTALL_SQLBENCHDIR (sql-bench) # - INSTALL_MYSQLTESTDIR (mysql-test) # - INSTALL_DOCREADMEDIR (readme and similar) # - INSTALL_SUPPORTFILESDIR (used only in standalone installer) # Default installation layout on Unix is UNIX (kent wants it so) IF(NOT INSTALL_LAYOUT) IF(WIN32) SET(DEFAULT_INSTALL_LAYOUT "STANDALONE") ELSE() SET(DEFAULT_INSTALL_LAYOUT "UNIX") ENDIF() ENDIF() SET(INSTALL_LAYOUT "${DEFAULT_INSTALL_LAYOUT}" CACHE STRING "Installation directory layout. Options are: STANDALONE (as in zip or tar.gz installer) or UNIX") IF(NOT INSTALL_LAYOUT MATCHES "STANDALONE") IF(NOT INSTALL_LAYOUT MATCHES "UNIX") SET(INSTALL_LAYOUT "${DEFAULT_INSTALL_LAYOUT}") ENDIF() ENDIF() IF(UNIX) IF(INSTALL_LAYOUT MATCHES "UNIX") SET(default_prefix "/usr") ELSE() SET(default_prefix "/usr/local/mysql") ENDIF() IF(CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX_INITIALIZED_TO_DEFAULT) SET(CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX ${default_prefix} CACHE PATH "install prefix" FORCE) ENDIF() SET(SYSCONFDIR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/etc" CACHE PATH "config directory (for my.cnf)") MARK_AS_ADVANCED(SYSCONFDIR) ENDIF() # STANDALONE layout SET(INSTALL_BINDIR_STANDALONE "bin") SET(INSTALL_SBINDIR_STANDALONE "bin") SET(INSTALL_LIBDIR_STANDALONE "lib") SET(INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR_STANDALONE "include") SET(INSTALL_PLUGINDIR_STANDALONE "lib/plugin") SET(INSTALL_DOCDIR_STANDALONE "doc") SET(INSTALL_MANDIR_STANDALONE "man") SET(INSTALL_MYSQLSHAREDIR_STANDALONE "share") SET(INSTALL_SHAREDIR_STANDALONE "share") SET(INSTALL_SCRIPTDIR_STANDALONE "scripts") SET(INSTALL_MYSQLTESTDIR_STANDALONE "mysql-test") SET(INSTALL_SQLBENCHROOTDIR_STANDALONE ".") SET(INSTALL_DOCREADMEDIR_STANDALONE ".") SET(INSTALL_SUPPORTFILESDIR_STANDALONE "support-files") SET(INSTALL_MYSQLDATADIR_STANDALONE "data") # UNIX layout SET(INSTALL_BINDIR_UNIX "bin") SET(INSTALL_SBINDIR_UNIX "sbin") SET(INSTALL_LIBDIR_UNIX "lib/mysql") SET(INSTALL_PLUGINDIR_UNIX "lib/mysql/plugin") SET(INSTALL_DOCDIR_UNIX "share/mysql/doc/MySQL-server-${MYSQL_NO_DASH_VERSION}") SET(INSTALL_MANDIR_UNIX "share/mysql/man") SET(INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR_UNIX "include/mysql") SET(INSTALL_MYSQLSHAREDIR_UNIX "share/mysql") SET(INSTALL_SHAREDIR_UNIX "share") SET(INSTALL_SCRIPTDIR_UNIX "bin") SET(INSTALL_MYSQLTESTDIR_UNIX "mysql-test") SET(INSTALL_SQLBENCHROOTDIR_UNIX "") SET(INSTALL_DOCREADMEDIR_UNIX "share/mysql/doc/MySQL-server-${MYSQL_NO_DASH_VERSION}") SET(INSTALL_SUPPORTFILESDIR_UNIX "") SET(INSTALL_MYSQLDATADIR_UNIX "var") # Clear cached variables if install layout was changed IF(OLD_INSTALL_LAYOUT) IF(NOT OLD_INSTALL_LAYOUT STREQUAL INSTALL_LAYOUR) SET(FORCE FORCE) ENDIF() ENDIF() SET(OLD_INSTALL_LAYOUT ${INSTALL_LAYOUT} CACHE INTERNAL "") # Set INSTALL_FOODIR variables for chosen layout # (for example, INSTALL_BINDIR will be defined as # ${INSTALL_BINDIR_STANDALONE} by default if STANDALONE layout is chosen) FOREACH(var BIN SBIN LIB MYSQLSHARE SHARE PLUGIN INCLUDE SCRIPT DOC MAN MYSQLTEST SQLBENCHROOT DOCREADME SUPPORTFILES MYSQLDATA) SET(INSTALL_${var}DIR ${INSTALL_${var}DIR_${INSTALL_LAYOUT}} CACHE STRING "${var} installation directory" ${FORCE}) MARK_AS_ADVANCED(INSTALL_${var}DIR) ENDFOREACH()