# Copyright (c) 2009, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(MYSQL_CMAKE_SCRIPT_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE} PATH) INCLUDE(${MYSQL_CMAKE_SCRIPT_DIR}/cmake_parse_arguments.cmake) # MYSQL_ADD_PLUGIN(plugin_name source1...sourceN # [STORAGE_ENGINE] # [MANDATORY|DEFAULT] # [STATIC_ONLY|DYNAMIC_ONLY] # [MODULE_OUTPUT_NAME module_name] # [STATIC_OUTPUT_NAME static_name] # [RECOMPILE_FOR_EMBEDDED] # [LINK_LIBRARIES lib1...libN] # [DEPENDENCIES target1...targetN] # Append collections files for the plugin to the common files # Make sure we don't copy twice if running cmake again MACRO(PLUGIN_APPEND_COLLECTIONS plugin) SET(fcopied "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/tests/collections/FilesCopied") IF(NOT EXISTS ${fcopied}) FILE(GLOB collections ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/tests/collections/*) FOREACH(cfile ${collections}) FILE(READ ${cfile} contents) GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(fname ${cfile} NAME) FILE(APPEND ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/mysql-test/collections/${fname} "${contents}") FILE(APPEND ${fcopied} "${fname}\n") ENDFOREACH() ENDIF() ENDMACRO() MACRO(MYSQL_ADD_PLUGIN) MYSQL_PARSE_ARGUMENTS(ARG "LINK_LIBRARIES;DEPENDENCIES;MODULE_OUTPUT_NAME;STATIC_OUTPUT_NAME" "STORAGE_ENGINE;STATIC_ONLY;MODULE_ONLY;MANDATORY;DEFAULT;DISABLED;RECOMPILE_FOR_EMBEDDED" ${ARGN} ) # Add common include directories INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/include ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/sql ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/regex ${SSL_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR}) LIST(GET ARG_DEFAULT_ARGS 0 plugin) SET(SOURCES ${ARG_DEFAULT_ARGS}) LIST(REMOVE_AT SOURCES 0) STRING(TOUPPER ${plugin} plugin) STRING(TOLOWER ${plugin} target) # Figure out whether to build plugin IF(WITH_PLUGIN_${plugin}) SET(WITH_${plugin} 1) ENDIF() IF(WITH_MAX_NO_NDB) SET(WITH_MAX 1) SET(WITHOUT_NDBCLUSTER 1) ENDIF() IF(ARG_DEFAULT) IF(NOT DEFINED WITH_${plugin} AND NOT DEFINED WITH_${plugin}_STORAGE_ENGINE) SET(WITH_${plugin} 1) ENDIF() ENDIF() IF(WITH_${plugin}_STORAGE_ENGINE OR WITH_{$plugin} OR WITH_ALL OR WITH_MAX AND NOT WITHOUT_${plugin}_STORAGE_ENGINE AND NOT WITHOUT_${plugin} AND NOT ARG_MODULE_ONLY) SET(WITH_${plugin} 1) ELSEIF(WITHOUT_${plugin}_STORAGE_ENGINE OR WITH_NONE OR ${plugin}_DISABLED) SET(WITHOUT_${plugin} 1) SET(WITH_${plugin}_STORAGE_ENGINE 0) SET(WITH_${plugin} 0) ENDIF() IF(ARG_MANDATORY) SET(WITH_${plugin} 1) ENDIF() IF(ARG_STORAGE_ENGINE) SET(with_var "WITH_${plugin}_STORAGE_ENGINE" ) ELSE() SET(with_var "WITH_${plugin}") ENDIF() IF(NOT ARG_DEPENDENCIES) SET(ARG_DEPENDENCIES) ENDIF() SET(BUILD_PLUGIN 1) # Build either static library or module IF (WITH_${plugin} AND NOT ARG_MODULE_ONLY) ADD_LIBRARY(${target} STATIC ${SOURCES}) SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(${target} PROPERTIES COMPILE_DEFINITONS "MYSQL_SERVER") DTRACE_INSTRUMENT(${target}) ADD_DEPENDENCIES(${target} GenError ${ARG_DEPENDENCIES}) IF(WITH_EMBEDDED_SERVER) # Embedded library should contain PIC code and be linkable # to shared libraries (on systems that need PIC) IF(ARG_RECOMPILE_FOR_EMBEDDED OR NOT _SKIP_PIC) # Recompile some plugins for embedded ADD_CONVENIENCE_LIBRARY(${target}_embedded ${SOURCES}) DTRACE_INSTRUMENT(${target}_embedded) IF(ARG_RECOMPILE_FOR_EMBEDDED) SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(${target}_embedded PROPERTIES COMPILE_DEFINITIONS "MYSQL_SERVER;EMBEDDED_LIBRARY") ENDIF() ADD_DEPENDENCIES(${target}_embedded GenError) ENDIF() ENDIF() IF(ARG_STATIC_OUTPUT_NAME) SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(${target} PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME ${ARG_STATIC_OUTPUT_NAME}) ENDIF() # Update mysqld dependencies SET (MYSQLD_STATIC_PLUGIN_LIBS ${MYSQLD_STATIC_PLUGIN_LIBS} ${target} ${ARG_LINK_LIBRARIES} CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE) IF(ARG_MANDATORY) SET(${with_var} ON CACHE INTERNAL "Link ${plugin} statically to the server" FORCE) ELSE() SET(${with_var} ON CACHE BOOL "Link ${plugin} statically to the server" FORCE) ENDIF() IF(ARG_MANDATORY) SET (mysql_mandatory_plugins "${mysql_mandatory_plugins} builtin_maria_${target}_plugin," PARENT_SCOPE) ELSE() SET (mysql_optional_plugins "${mysql_optional_plugins} builtin_maria_${target}_plugin," PARENT_SCOPE) ENDIF() ELSEIF(NOT WITHOUT_${plugin} AND NOT ARG_STATIC_ONLY AND NOT WITHOUT_DYNAMIC_PLUGINS) IF(NOT ARG_MODULE_OUTPUT_NAME) IF(ARG_STORAGE_ENGINE) SET(ARG_MODULE_OUTPUT_NAME "ha_${target}") ELSE() SET(ARG_MODULE_OUTPUT_NAME "${target}") ENDIF() ENDIF() ADD_VERSION_INFO(${target} MODULE SOURCES) ADD_LIBRARY(${target} MODULE ${SOURCES}) DTRACE_INSTRUMENT(${target}) SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES (${target} PROPERTIES PREFIX "" COMPILE_DEFINITIONS "MYSQL_DYNAMIC_PLUGIN") TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES (${target} mysqlservices) # Plugin uses symbols defined in mysqld executable. # Some operating systems like Windows and OSX and are pretty strict about # unresolved symbols. Others are less strict and allow unresolved symbols # in shared libraries. On Linux for example, CMake does not even add # executable to the linker command line (it would result into link error). # Thus we skip TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES on Linux, as it would only generate # an additional dependency. IF(NOT CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "Linux") TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES (${target} mysqld ${ARG_LINK_LIBRARIES}) ENDIF() ADD_DEPENDENCIES(${target} GenError ${ARG_DEPENDENCIES}) IF(NOT ARG_MODULE_ONLY) # set cached variable, e.g with checkbox in GUI SET(${with_var} OFF CACHE BOOL "Link ${plugin} statically to the server" FORCE) ENDIF() SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(${target} PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME "${ARG_MODULE_OUTPUT_NAME}") # Install dynamic library MYSQL_INSTALL_TARGETS(${target} DESTINATION ${INSTALL_PLUGINDIR} COMPONENT Server) INSTALL_DEBUG_TARGET(${target} DESTINATION ${INSTALL_PLUGINDIR}/debug) # For internal testing in PB2, append collections files IF(DEFINED ENV{PB2WORKDIR}) PLUGIN_APPEND_COLLECTIONS(${plugin}) ENDIF() ELSE() IF(WITHOUT_${plugin}) # Update cache variable STRING(REPLACE "WITH_" "WITHOUT_" without_var ${with_var}) SET(${without_var} ON CACHE BOOL "Don't build ${plugin}" FORCE) ENDIF() SET(BUILD_PLUGIN 0) ENDIF() IF(BUILD_PLUGIN AND ARG_LINK_LIBRARIES) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES (${target} ${ARG_LINK_LIBRARIES}) ENDIF() ENDMACRO() # Add all CMake projects under storage and plugin # subdirectories, configure sql_builtins.cc MACRO(CONFIGURE_PLUGINS) FILE(GLOB dirs_storage ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/storage/*) FILE(GLOB dirs_plugin ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/plugin/*) FOREACH(dir ${dirs_storage} ${dirs_plugin}) IF (EXISTS ${dir}/CMakeLists.txt) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(${dir}) ENDIF() ENDFOREACH() FOREACH(dir ${dirs_plugin}) IF (EXISTS ${dir}/.bzr) MESSAGE(STATUS "Found repo ${dir}/.bzr") LIST(APPEND PLUGIN_BZR_REPOS "${dir}") ENDIF() ENDFOREACH() SET(PLUGIN_REPOS "${PLUGIN_BZR_REPOS}" CACHE INTERNAL "") ENDMACRO()