#!/bin/bash # # Build MariaDB .deb packages for test and release at mariadb.org # # Exit immediately on any error set -e # This file is invocated from Buildbot and Travis-CI to build deb packages. # As both of those CI systems have many parallel jobs that include different # parts of the test suite, we don't need to run the mysql-test-run at all when # building the deb packages here. export DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="nocheck $DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS" # Travis-CI optimizations if [[ $TRAVIS ]] then # On Travis-CI, the log must stay under 4MB so make the build less verbose sed -i -e '/Add support for verbose builds/,+2d' debian/rules # Don't include test suite package on Travis-CI to make the build time shorter sed '/Package: mariadb-test-data/,/^$/d' -i debian/control sed '/Package: mariadb-test/,/^$/d' -i debian/control # Don't build the test package at all to save time and disk space sed 's|DINSTALL_MYSQLTESTDIR=share/mysql/mysql-test|DINSTALL_MYSQLTESTDIR=false|' -i debian/rules # Also skip building RocksDB and TokuDB to save even more time and disk space sed 's|-DDEB|-DPLUGIN_TOKUDB=NO -DPLUGIN_MROONGA=NO -DPLUGIN_ROCKSDB=NO -DPLUGIN_SPIDER=NO -DPLUGIN_OQGRAPH=NO -DPLUGIN_PERFSCHEMA=NO -DPLUGIN_SPHINX=NO -WITH_EMBEDDED_SERVER=OFF -DDEB|' -i debian/rules fi # Convert gcc version to numberical value. Format is Mmmpp where M is Major # version, mm is minor version and p is patch. # -dumpfullversion & -dumpversion to make it uniform across old and new (>=7) GCCVERSION=$(gcc -dumpfullversion -dumpversion | sed -e 's/\.\([0-9][0-9]\)/\1/g' \ -e 's/\.\([0-9]\)/0\1/g' \ -e 's/^[0-9]\{3,4\}$/&00/') # Look up distro-version specific stuff # # Always keep the actual packaging as up-to-date as possible following the latest # Debian policy and targeting Debian Sid. Then case-by-case run in autobake-deb.sh # tests for backwards compatibility and strip away parts on older builders. # If libcrack2 (>= 2.9.0) is not available (before Debian Jessie and Ubuntu Trusty) # clean away the cracklib stanzas so the package can build without them. if ! apt-cache madison libcrack2-dev | grep 'libcrack2-dev *| *2\.9' >/dev/null 2>&1 then sed '/libcrack2-dev/d' -i debian/control sed '/Package: mariadb-plugin-cracklib/,/^$/d' -i debian/control fi # If libpcre3-dev (>= 2:8.35-3.2~) is not available (before Debian Jessie or Ubuntu Wily) # clean away the PCRE3 stanzas so the package can build without them. # Update check when version 2:8.40 or newer is available. if ! apt-cache madison libpcre3-dev | grep 'libpcre3-dev *| *2:8\.3[2-9]' >/dev/null 2>&1 then sed '/libpcre3-dev/d' -i debian/control fi # If libsystemd-dev is not available (before Debian Jessie or Ubuntu Wily) # clean away the systemd stanzas so the package can build without them. if ! apt-cache madison libsystemd-dev | grep 'libsystemd-dev' >/dev/null 2>&1 then sed '/dh-systemd/d' -i debian/control sed '/libsystemd-dev/d' -i debian/control sed 's/ --with systemd//' -i debian/rules sed '/systemd/d' -i debian/rules sed '/\.service/d' -i debian/rules sed '/galera_new_cluster/d' -i debian/mariadb-server-10.3.install sed '/galera_recovery/d' -i debian/mariadb-server-10.3.install sed '/mariadb-service-convert/d' -i debian/mariadb-server-10.3.install fi # If libzstd-dev is not available (before Debian Stretch and Ubuntu Xenial) # remove the dependency from server and rocksdb so it can build properly if ! apt-cache madison libzstd-dev | grep 'libzstd-dev' >/dev/null 2>&1 then sed '/libzstd-dev/d' -i debian/control sed '/libzstd1/d' -i debian/control fi # The binaries should be fully hardened by default. However TokuDB compilation seems to fail on # Debian Jessie and older and on Ubuntu Xenial and older with the following error message: # /usr/bin/ld.bfd.real: /tmp/ccOIwjFo.ltrans0.ltrans.o: relocation R_X86_64_PC32 against symbol # `toku_product_name_strings' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC # Therefore we need to disable PIE on those releases using gcc as proxy for detection. if [[ $GCCVERSION -lt 60000 ]] then sed 's/hardening=+all$/hardening=+all,-pie/' -i debian/rules fi # Don't build rocksdb package if gcc version is less than 4.8 or we are running on # x86 32 bit. if [[ $GCCVERSION -lt 40800 ]] || [[ $(arch) =~ i[346]86 ]] || [[ $TRAVIS ]] then sed '/Package: mariadb-plugin-rocksdb/,/^$/d' -i debian/control fi # Always remove aws plugin, see -DNOT_FOR_DISTRIBUTION in CMakeLists.txt sed '/Package: mariadb-plugin-aws-key-management-10.2/,/^$/d' -i debian/control # Don't build cassandra package if thrift is not installed if [[ ! -f /usr/local/include/thrift/Thrift.h && ! -f /usr/include/thrift/Thrift.h ]] then sed '/Package: mariadb-plugin-cassandra/,/^$/d' -i debian/control fi # Mroonga, TokuDB never built on Travis CI anyway, see build flags above if [[ $TRAVIS ]] then sed -i -e "/Package: mariadb-plugin-tokudb/,/^$/d" debian/control sed -i -e "/Package: mariadb-plugin-mroonga/,/^$/d" debian/control sed -i -e "/Package: mariadb-plugin-spider/,/^$/d" debian/control sed -i -e "/Package: mariadb-plugin-oqgraph/,/^$/d" debian/control sed -i -e "/usr\/lib\/mysql\/plugin\/ha_sphinx.so/d" debian/mariadb-server-10.3.install sed -i -e "/Package: libmariadbd-dev/,/^$/d" debian/control fi # Adjust changelog, add new version echo "Incrementing changelog and starting build scripts" # Find major.minor version source ./VERSION UPSTREAM="${MYSQL_VERSION_MAJOR}.${MYSQL_VERSION_MINOR}.${MYSQL_VERSION_PATCH}${MYSQL_VERSION_EXTRA}" PATCHLEVEL="+maria" LOGSTRING="MariaDB build" CODENAME="$(lsb_release -sc)" EPOCH="1:" dch -b -D ${CODENAME} -v "${EPOCH}${UPSTREAM}${PATCHLEVEL}~${CODENAME}" "Automatic build with ${LOGSTRING}." echo "Creating package version ${EPOCH}${UPSTREAM}${PATCHLEVEL}~${CODENAME} ... " # On Travis CI, use -b to build binary only packages as there is no need to # waste time on generating the source package. if [[ $TRAVIS ]] then BUILDPACKAGE_FLAGS="-b" fi # Build the package # Pass -I so that .git and other unnecessary temporary and source control files # will be ignored by dpkg-source when creating the tar.gz source package. fakeroot dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -I $BUILDPACKAGE_FLAGS -j$(nproc) # If the step above fails due to missing dependencies, you can manually run # sudo mk-build-deps debian/control -r -i # Don't log package contents on Travis-CI to save time and log size if [[ ! $TRAVIS ]] then echo "List package contents ..." cd .. for package in `ls *.deb` do echo $package | cut -d '_' -f 1 dpkg-deb -c $package | awk '{print $1 " " $2 " " $6}' | sort -k 3 echo "------------------------------------------------" done fi echo "Build complete"