# # NOTE: This file is read only by the traditional SysV init script. # Debian 9 and Ubuntu 17.04 onwards do not normally read this file as they use # systemd by default. # # For similar behaviour, systemd users should override ExecStart by dropping # files into /etc/systemd/system/mariadb.service.d/ # # See also: # https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/pkg-systemd/Packaging#overriding_options_and_.2Fetc.2Fdefault_handling # https://mariadb.com/kb/en/mariadb/systemd/ # # Note also that MariaDB systemd does _not_ utilize mysqld_safe. # The delay in seconds the init script waits for the server to be up and running after having started "mysqld_safe" to run the "/etc/mysql/debian-start" script. # If the server is still not responding after the delay, the script won't be executed and an error will be thrown on the syslog. # Default: 30 #MYSQLD_STARTUP_TIMEOUT=30 # The email recipient(s) of the output of the check for crashed and improperly closed MyISAM and Aria tables done at each server start by the "/etc/mysql/debian-start" script. # Default: root #MYCHECK_RCPT="root"