use warnings FATAL => 'all'; use strict; use English qw(-no_match_vars); use POSIX "strftime"; my @required_perl_version = (5, 0, 5); my $required_perl_version_old_style = 5.005; # check existence of DBD::mysql module eval { require DBD::mysql; }; my $dbd_mysql_installed = $EVAL_ERROR ? 0 : 1; my $now; my %mysql; my $prefix = "version_check"; # ########################################################################### # HTTPMicro package # This package is a copy without comments from the original. The original # with comments and its test file can be found in the Bazaar repository at, # lib/ # t/lib/HTTPMicro.t # See for more information. # ########################################################################### { package HTTPMicro; BEGIN { $HTTPMicro::VERSION = '0.001'; } use strict; use warnings; use Carp (); my @attributes; BEGIN { @attributes = qw(agent timeout); no strict 'refs'; for my $accessor ( @attributes ) { *{$accessor} = sub { @_ > 1 ? $_[0]->{$accessor} = $_[1] : $_[0]->{$accessor}; }; } } sub new { my($class, %args) = @_; (my $agent = $class) =~ s{::}{-}g; my $self = { agent => $agent . "/" . ($class->VERSION || 0), timeout => 60, }; for my $key ( @attributes ) { $self->{$key} = $args{$key} if exists $args{$key} } return bless $self, $class; } my %DefaultPort = ( http => 80, https => 443, ); sub request { my ($self, $method, $url, $args) = @_; @_ == 3 || (@_ == 4 && ref $args eq 'HASH') or Carp::croak(q/Usage: $http->request(METHOD, URL, [HASHREF])/); $args ||= {}; # we keep some state in this during _request my $response; for ( 0 .. 1 ) { $response = eval { $self->_request($method, $url, $args) }; last unless $@ && $method eq 'GET' && $@ =~ m{^(?:Socket closed|Unexpected end)}; } if (my $e = "$@") { $response = { success => q{}, status => 599, reason => 'Internal Exception', content => $e, headers => { 'content-type' => 'text/plain', 'content-length' => length $e, } }; } return $response; } sub _request { my ($self, $method, $url, $args) = @_; my ($scheme, $host, $port, $path_query) = $self->_split_url($url); my $request = { method => $method, scheme => $scheme, host_port => ($port == $DefaultPort{$scheme} ? $host : "$host:$port"), uri => $path_query, headers => {}, }; my $handle = HTTPMicro::Handle->new(timeout => $self->{timeout}); $handle->connect($scheme, $host, $port); $self->_prepare_headers_and_cb($request, $args); $handle->write_request_header(@{$request}{qw/method uri headers/}); $handle->write_content_body($request) if $request->{content}; my $response; do { $response = $handle->read_response_header } until (substr($response->{status},0,1) ne '1'); if (!($method eq 'HEAD' || $response->{status} =~ /^[23]04/)) { $response->{content} = ''; $handle->read_content_body(sub { $_[1]->{content} .= $_[0] }, $response); } $handle->close; $response->{success} = substr($response->{status},0,1) eq '2'; return $response; } sub _prepare_headers_and_cb { my ($self, $request, $args) = @_; for ($args->{headers}) { next unless defined; while (my ($k, $v) = each %$_) { $request->{headers}{lc $k} = $v; } } $request->{headers}{'host'} = $request->{host_port}; $request->{headers}{'connection'} = "close"; $request->{headers}{'user-agent'} ||= $self->{agent}; if (defined $args->{content}) { $request->{headers}{'content-type'} ||= "application/octet-stream"; utf8::downgrade($args->{content}, 1) or Carp::croak(q/Wide character in request message body/); $request->{headers}{'content-length'} = length $args->{content}; $request->{content} = $args->{content}; } return; } sub _split_url { my $url = pop; my ($scheme, $authority, $path_query) = $url =~ m<\A([^:/?#]+)://([^/?#]*)([^#]*)> or Carp::croak(qq/Cannot parse URL: '$url'/); $scheme = lc $scheme; $path_query = "/$path_query" unless $path_query =~ m<\A/>; my $host = (length($authority)) ? lc $authority : 'localhost'; $host =~ s/\A[^@]*@//; # userinfo my $port = do { $host =~ s/:([0-9]*)\z// && length $1 ? $1 : $DefaultPort{$scheme} }; return ($scheme, $host, $port, $path_query); } package HTTPMicro::Handle; # hide from PAUSE/indexers use strict; use warnings; use Carp qw[croak]; use Errno qw[EINTR EPIPE]; use IO::Socket qw[SOCK_STREAM]; sub BUFSIZE () { 32768 } my $Printable = sub { local $_ = shift; s/\r/\\r/g; s/\n/\\n/g; s/\t/\\t/g; s/([^\x20-\x7E])/sprintf('\\x%.2X', ord($1))/ge; $_; }; sub new { my ($class, %args) = @_; return bless { rbuf => '', timeout => 60, max_line_size => 16384, %args }, $class; } my $ssl_verify_args = { check_cn => "when_only", wildcards_in_alt => "anywhere", wildcards_in_cn => "anywhere" }; sub connect { @_ == 4 || croak(q/Usage: $handle->connect(scheme, host, port)/); my ($self, $scheme, $host, $port) = @_; if ( $scheme eq 'https' ) { eval "require IO::Socket::SSL" unless exists $INC{'IO/Socket/'}; croak(qq/IO::Socket::SSL must be installed for https support\n/) unless $INC{'IO/Socket/'}; } elsif ( $scheme ne 'http' ) { croak(qq/Unsupported URL scheme '$scheme'\n/); } $self->{fh} = 'IO::Socket::INET'->new( PeerHost => $host, PeerPort => $port, Proto => 'tcp', Type => SOCK_STREAM, Timeout => $self->{timeout} ) or croak(qq/Could not connect to '$host:$port': $@/); binmode($self->{fh}) or croak(qq/Could not binmode() socket: '$!'/); if ( $scheme eq 'https') { IO::Socket::SSL->start_SSL($self->{fh}); ref($self->{fh}) eq 'IO::Socket::SSL' or die(qq/SSL connection failed for $host\n/); if ( $self->{fh}->can("verify_hostname") ) { $self->{fh}->verify_hostname( $host, $ssl_verify_args ) or die(qq/SSL certificate not valid for $host\n/); } else { my $fh = $self->{fh}; _verify_hostname_of_cert($host, _peer_certificate($fh), $ssl_verify_args) or die(qq/SSL certificate not valid for $host\n/); } } $self->{host} = $host; $self->{port} = $port; return $self; } sub close { @_ == 1 || croak(q/Usage: $handle->close()/); my ($self) = @_; CORE::close($self->{fh}) or croak(qq/Could not close socket: '$!'/); } sub write { @_ == 2 || croak(q/Usage: $handle->write(buf)/); my ($self, $buf) = @_; my $len = length $buf; my $off = 0; local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE'; while () { $self->can_write or croak(q/Timed out while waiting for socket to become ready for writing/); my $r = syswrite($self->{fh}, $buf, $len, $off); if (defined $r) { $len -= $r; $off += $r; last unless $len > 0; } elsif ($! == EPIPE) { croak(qq/Socket closed by remote server: $!/); } elsif ($! != EINTR) { croak(qq/Could not write to socket: '$!'/); } } return $off; } sub read { @_ == 2 || @_ == 3 || croak(q/Usage: $handle->read(len)/); my ($self, $len) = @_; my $buf = ''; my $got = length $self->{rbuf}; if ($got) { my $take = ($got < $len) ? $got : $len; $buf = substr($self->{rbuf}, 0, $take, ''); $len -= $take; } while ($len > 0) { $self->can_read or croak(q/Timed out while waiting for socket to become ready for reading/); my $r = sysread($self->{fh}, $buf, $len, length $buf); if (defined $r) { last unless $r; $len -= $r; } elsif ($! != EINTR) { croak(qq/Could not read from socket: '$!'/); } } if ($len) { croak(q/Unexpected end of stream/); } return $buf; } sub readline { @_ == 1 || croak(q/Usage: $handle->readline()/); my ($self) = @_; while () { if ($self->{rbuf} =~ s/\A ([^\x0D\x0A]* \x0D?\x0A)//x) { return $1; } $self->can_read or croak(q/Timed out while waiting for socket to become ready for reading/); my $r = sysread($self->{fh}, $self->{rbuf}, BUFSIZE, length $self->{rbuf}); if (defined $r) { last unless $r; } elsif ($! != EINTR) { croak(qq/Could not read from socket: '$!'/); } } croak(q/Unexpected end of stream while looking for line/); } sub read_header_lines { @_ == 1 || @_ == 2 || croak(q/Usage: $handle->read_header_lines([headers])/); my ($self, $headers) = @_; $headers ||= {}; my $lines = 0; my $val; while () { my $line = $self->readline; if ($line =~ /\A ([^\x00-\x1F\x7F:]+) : [\x09\x20]* ([^\x0D\x0A]*)/x) { my ($field_name) = lc $1; $val = \($headers->{$field_name} = $2); } elsif ($line =~ /\A [\x09\x20]+ ([^\x0D\x0A]*)/x) { $val or croak(q/Unexpected header continuation line/); next unless length $1; $$val .= ' ' if length $$val; $$val .= $1; } elsif ($line =~ /\A \x0D?\x0A \z/x) { last; } else { croak(q/Malformed header line: / . $Printable->($line)); } } return $headers; } sub write_header_lines { (@_ == 2 && ref $_[1] eq 'HASH') || croak(q/Usage: $handle->write_header_lines(headers)/); my($self, $headers) = @_; my $buf = ''; while (my ($k, $v) = each %$headers) { my $field_name = lc $k; $field_name =~ /\A [\x21\x23-\x27\x2A\x2B\x2D\x2E\x30-\x39\x41-\x5A\x5E-\x7A\x7C\x7E]+ \z/x or croak(q/Invalid HTTP header field name: / . $Printable->($field_name)); $field_name =~ s/\b(\w)/\u$1/g; $buf .= "$field_name: $v\x0D\x0A"; } $buf .= "\x0D\x0A"; return $self->write($buf); } sub read_content_body { @_ == 3 || @_ == 4 || croak(q/Usage: $handle->read_content_body(callback, response, [read_length])/); my ($self, $cb, $response, $len) = @_; $len ||= $response->{headers}{'content-length'}; croak("No content-length in the returned response, and this " . "UA doesn't implement chunking") unless defined $len; while ($len > 0) { my $read = ($len > BUFSIZE) ? BUFSIZE : $len; $cb->($self->read($read), $response); $len -= $read; } return; } sub write_content_body { @_ == 2 || croak(q/Usage: $handle->write_content_body(request)/); my ($self, $request) = @_; my ($len, $content_length) = (0, $request->{headers}{'content-length'}); $len += $self->write($request->{content}); $len == $content_length or croak(qq/Content-Length missmatch (got: $len expected: $content_length)/); return $len; } sub read_response_header { @_ == 1 || croak(q/Usage: $handle->read_response_header()/); my ($self) = @_; my $line = $self->readline; $line =~ /\A (HTTP\/(0*\d+\.0*\d+)) [\x09\x20]+ ([0-9]{3}) [\x09\x20]+ ([^\x0D\x0A]*) \x0D?\x0A/x or croak(q/Malformed Status-Line: / . $Printable->($line)); my ($protocol, $version, $status, $reason) = ($1, $2, $3, $4); return { status => $status, reason => $reason, headers => $self->read_header_lines, protocol => $protocol, }; } sub write_request_header { @_ == 4 || croak(q/Usage: $handle->write_request_header(method, request_uri, headers)/); my ($self, $method, $request_uri, $headers) = @_; return $self->write("$method $request_uri HTTP/1.1\x0D\x0A") + $self->write_header_lines($headers); } sub _do_timeout { my ($self, $type, $timeout) = @_; $timeout = $self->{timeout} unless defined $timeout && $timeout >= 0; my $fd = fileno $self->{fh}; defined $fd && $fd >= 0 or croak(q/select(2): 'Bad file descriptor'/); my $initial = time; my $pending = $timeout; my $nfound; vec(my $fdset = '', $fd, 1) = 1; while () { $nfound = ($type eq 'read') ? select($fdset, undef, undef, $pending) : select(undef, $fdset, undef, $pending) ; if ($nfound == -1) { $! == EINTR or croak(qq/select(2): '$!'/); redo if !$timeout || ($pending = $timeout - (time - $initial)) > 0; $nfound = 0; } last; } $! = 0; return $nfound; } sub can_read { @_ == 1 || @_ == 2 || croak(q/Usage: $handle->can_read([timeout])/); my $self = shift; return $self->_do_timeout('read', @_) } sub can_write { @_ == 1 || @_ == 2 || croak(q/Usage: $handle->can_write([timeout])/); my $self = shift; return $self->_do_timeout('write', @_) } my $prog = <<'EOP'; BEGIN { if ( defined &IO::Socket::SSL::CAN_IPV6 ) { *CAN_IPV6 = \*IO::Socket::SSL::CAN_IPV6; } else { constant->import( CAN_IPV6 => '' ); } my %const = ( NID_CommonName => 13, GEN_DNS => 2, GEN_IPADD => 7, ); while ( my ($name,$value) = each %const ) { no strict 'refs'; *{$name} = UNIVERSAL::can( 'Net::SSLeay', $name ) || sub { $value }; } } { my %dispatcher = ( issuer => sub { Net::SSLeay::X509_NAME_oneline( Net::SSLeay::X509_get_issuer_name( shift )) }, subject => sub { Net::SSLeay::X509_NAME_oneline( Net::SSLeay::X509_get_subject_name( shift )) }, ); if ( $Net::SSLeay::VERSION >= 1.30 ) { $dispatcher{commonName} = sub { my $cn = Net::SSLeay::X509_NAME_get_text_by_NID( Net::SSLeay::X509_get_subject_name( shift ), NID_CommonName); $cn =~s{\0$}{}; # work around Bug in Net::SSLeay <1.33 $cn; } } else { $dispatcher{commonName} = sub { croak "you need at least Net::SSLeay version 1.30 for getting commonName" } } if ( $Net::SSLeay::VERSION >= 1.33 ) { $dispatcher{subjectAltNames} = sub { Net::SSLeay::X509_get_subjectAltNames( shift ) }; } else { $dispatcher{subjectAltNames} = sub { return; }; } $dispatcher{authority} = $dispatcher{issuer}; $dispatcher{owner} = $dispatcher{subject}; $dispatcher{cn} = $dispatcher{commonName}; sub _peer_certificate { my ($self, $field) = @_; my $ssl = $self->_get_ssl_object or return; my $cert = ${*$self}{_SSL_certificate} ||= Net::SSLeay::get_peer_certificate($ssl) or return $self->error("Could not retrieve peer certificate"); if ($field) { my $sub = $dispatcher{$field} or croak "invalid argument for peer_certificate, valid are: ".join( " ",keys %dispatcher ). "\nMaybe you need to upgrade your Net::SSLeay"; return $sub->($cert); } else { return $cert } } my %scheme = ( ldap => { wildcards_in_cn => 0, wildcards_in_alt => 'leftmost', check_cn => 'always', }, http => { wildcards_in_cn => 'anywhere', wildcards_in_alt => 'anywhere', check_cn => 'when_only', }, smtp => { wildcards_in_cn => 0, wildcards_in_alt => 0, check_cn => 'always' }, none => {}, # do not check ); $scheme{www} = $scheme{http}; # alias $scheme{xmpp} = $scheme{http}; # rfc 3920 $scheme{pop3} = $scheme{ldap}; # rfc 2595 $scheme{imap} = $scheme{ldap}; # rfc 2595 $scheme{acap} = $scheme{ldap}; # rfc 2595 $scheme{nntp} = $scheme{ldap}; # rfc 4642 $scheme{ftp} = $scheme{http}; # rfc 4217 sub _verify_hostname_of_cert { my $identity = shift; my $cert = shift; my $scheme = shift || 'none'; if ( ! ref($scheme) ) { $scheme = $scheme{$scheme} or croak "scheme $scheme not defined"; } return 1 if ! %$scheme; # 'none' my $commonName = $dispatcher{cn}->($cert); my @altNames = $dispatcher{subjectAltNames}->($cert); if ( my $sub = $scheme->{callback} ) { return $sub->($identity,$commonName,@altNames); } my $ipn; if ( CAN_IPV6 and $identity =~m{:} ) { $ipn = IO::Socket::SSL::inet_pton(IO::Socket::SSL::AF_INET6,$identity) or croak "'$identity' is not IPv6, but neither IPv4 nor hostname"; } elsif ( $identity =~m{^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$} ) { $ipn = IO::Socket::SSL::inet_aton( $identity ) or croak "'$identity' is not IPv4, but neither IPv6 nor hostname"; } else { if ( $identity =~m{[^a-zA-Z0-9_.\-]} ) { $identity =~m{\0} and croak("name '$identity' has \\0 byte"); $identity = IO::Socket::SSL::idn_to_ascii($identity) or croak "Warning: Given name '$identity' could not be converted to IDNA!"; } } my $check_name = sub { my ($name,$identity,$wtyp) = @_; $wtyp ||= ''; my $pattern; if ( $wtyp eq 'anywhere' and $name =~m{^([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]*)\*(.+)} ) { $pattern = qr{^\Q$1\E[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]*\Q$2\E$}i; } elsif ( $wtyp eq 'leftmost' and $name =~m{^\*(\..+)$} ) { $pattern = qr{^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]*\Q$1\E$}i; } else { $pattern = qr{^\Q$name\E$}i; } return $identity =~ $pattern; }; my $alt_dnsNames = 0; while (@altNames) { my ($type, $name) = splice (@altNames, 0, 2); if ( $ipn and $type == GEN_IPADD ) { return 1 if $ipn eq $name; } elsif ( ! $ipn and $type == GEN_DNS ) { $name =~s/\s+$//; $name =~s/^\s+//; $alt_dnsNames++; $check_name->($name,$identity,$scheme->{wildcards_in_alt}) and return 1; } } if ( ! $ipn and ( $scheme->{check_cn} eq 'always' or $scheme->{check_cn} eq 'when_only' and !$alt_dnsNames)) { $check_name->($commonName,$identity,$scheme->{wildcards_in_cn}) and return 1; } return 0; # no match } } EOP eval { require IO::Socket::SSL }; if ( $INC{"IO/Socket/"} ) { eval $prog; die $@ if $@; } 1; } # ########################################################################### # End HTTPMicro package # ########################################################################### # ########################################################################### # VersionCheck package # This package is a copy without comments from the original. The original # with comments and its test file can be found in the Bazaar repository at, # lib/ # t/lib/VersionCheck.t # See for more information. # ########################################################################### { package VersionCheck; use strict; use warnings FATAL => 'all'; use English qw(-no_match_vars); use constant PTDEBUG => $ENV{PTDEBUG} || 0; use Data::Dumper; local $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1; local $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1; local $Data::Dumper::Quotekeys = 0; use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex); use Sys::Hostname qw(hostname); use File::Basename qw(); use File::Spec; use FindBin qw(); eval { require Percona::Toolkit; require HTTPMicro; }; { my $file = 'percona-version-check'; my $home = $ENV{HOME} || $ENV{HOMEPATH} || $ENV{USERPROFILE} || '.'; my @vc_dirs = ( '/etc/percona', '/etc/percona-toolkit', '/tmp', "$home", ); if ($ENV{PTDEBUG_VERSION_CHECK_HOME}) { @vc_dirs = ( $ENV{PTDEBUG_VERSION_CHECK_HOME} ); } sub version_check_file { foreach my $dir ( @vc_dirs ) { if ( -d $dir && -w $dir ) { PTDEBUG && _d('Version check file', $file, 'in', $dir); return $dir . '/' . $file; } } PTDEBUG && _d('Version check file', $file, 'in', $ENV{PWD}); return $file; # in the CWD } } sub version_check_time_limit { return 60 * 60 * 24; # one day } sub version_check { my (%args) = @_; my $instances = $args{instances} || []; my $instances_to_check; PTDEBUG && _d('FindBin::Bin:', $FindBin::Bin); if ( !$args{force} ) { if ( $FindBin::Bin && (-d "$FindBin::Bin/../.bzr" || -d "$FindBin::Bin/../../.bzr") ) { PTDEBUG && _d("$FindBin::Bin/../.bzr disables --version-check"); return; } } eval { foreach my $instance ( @$instances ) { my ($name, $id) = get_instance_id($instance); $instance->{name} = $name; $instance->{id} = $id; } push @$instances, { name => 'system', id => 0 }; $instances_to_check = get_instances_to_check( instances => $instances, vc_file => $args{vc_file}, # testing now => $args{now}, # testing ); PTDEBUG && _d(scalar @$instances_to_check, 'instances to check'); return unless @$instances_to_check; my $protocol = 'https'; eval { require IO::Socket::SSL; }; if ( $EVAL_ERROR ) { PTDEBUG && _d($EVAL_ERROR); PTDEBUG && _d("SSL not available, won't run version_check"); return; } PTDEBUG && _d('Using', $protocol); my $advice = pingback( instances => $instances_to_check, protocol => $protocol, url => $args{url} # testing || $ENV{PERCONA_VERSION_CHECK_URL} # testing || "$protocol://", ); if ( $advice ) { PTDEBUG && _d('Advice:', Dumper($advice)); if ( scalar @$advice > 1) { print "\n# " . scalar @$advice . " software updates are " . "available:\n"; } else { print "\n# A software update is available:\n"; } print join("\n", map { "# * $_" } @$advice), "\n\n"; } }; if ( $EVAL_ERROR ) { PTDEBUG && _d('Version check failed:', $EVAL_ERROR); } if ( @$instances_to_check ) { eval { update_check_times( instances => $instances_to_check, vc_file => $args{vc_file}, # testing now => $args{now}, # testing ); }; if ( $EVAL_ERROR ) { PTDEBUG && _d('Error updating version check file:', $EVAL_ERROR); } } if ( $ENV{PTDEBUG_VERSION_CHECK} ) { warn "Exiting because the PTDEBUG_VERSION_CHECK " . "environment variable is defined.\n"; exit 255; } return; } sub get_instances_to_check { my (%args) = @_; my $instances = $args{instances}; my $now = $args{now} || int(time); my $vc_file = $args{vc_file} || version_check_file(); if ( !-f $vc_file ) { PTDEBUG && _d('Version check file', $vc_file, 'does not exist;', 'version checking all instances'); return $instances; } open my $fh, '<', $vc_file or die "Cannot open $vc_file: $OS_ERROR"; chomp(my $file_contents = do { local $/ = undef; <$fh> }); PTDEBUG && _d('Version check file', $vc_file, 'contents:', $file_contents); close $fh; my %last_check_time_for = $file_contents =~ /^([^,]+),(.+)$/mg; my $check_time_limit = version_check_time_limit(); my @instances_to_check; foreach my $instance ( @$instances ) { my $last_check_time = $last_check_time_for{ $instance->{id} }; PTDEBUG && _d('Intsance', $instance->{id}, 'last checked', $last_check_time, 'now', $now, 'diff', $now - ($last_check_time || 0), 'hours until next check', sprintf '%.2f', ($check_time_limit - ($now - ($last_check_time || 0))) / 3600); if ( !defined $last_check_time || ($now - $last_check_time) >= $check_time_limit ) { PTDEBUG && _d('Time to check', Dumper($instance)); push @instances_to_check, $instance; } } return \@instances_to_check; } sub update_check_times { my (%args) = @_; my $instances = $args{instances}; my $now = $args{now} || int(time); my $vc_file = $args{vc_file} || version_check_file(); PTDEBUG && _d('Updating last check time:', $now); my %all_instances = map { $_->{id} => { name => $_->{name}, ts => $now } } @$instances; if ( -f $vc_file ) { open my $fh, '<', $vc_file or die "Cannot read $vc_file: $OS_ERROR"; my $contents = do { local $/ = undef; <$fh> }; close $fh; foreach my $line ( split("\n", ($contents || '')) ) { my ($id, $ts) = split(',', $line); if ( !exists $all_instances{$id} ) { $all_instances{$id} = { ts => $ts }; # original ts, not updated } } } open my $fh, '>', $vc_file or die "Cannot write to $vc_file: $OS_ERROR"; foreach my $id ( sort keys %all_instances ) { PTDEBUG && _d('Updated:', $id, Dumper($all_instances{$id})); print { $fh } $id . ',' . $all_instances{$id}->{ts} . "\n"; } close $fh; return; } sub get_instance_id { my ($instance) = @_; my $dbh = $instance->{dbh}; my $dsn = $instance->{dsn}; my $sql = q{SELECT CONCAT(@@hostname, @@port)}; PTDEBUG && _d($sql); my ($name) = eval { $dbh->selectrow_array($sql) }; if ( $EVAL_ERROR ) { PTDEBUG && _d($EVAL_ERROR); $sql = q{SELECT @@hostname}; PTDEBUG && _d($sql); ($name) = eval { $dbh->selectrow_array($sql) }; if ( $EVAL_ERROR ) { PTDEBUG && _d($EVAL_ERROR); $name = ($dsn->{h} || 'localhost') . ($dsn->{P} || 3306); } else { $sql = q{SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'port'}; PTDEBUG && _d($sql); my (undef, $port) = eval { $dbh->selectrow_array($sql) }; PTDEBUG && _d('port:', $port); $name .= $port || ''; } } my $id = md5_hex($name); PTDEBUG && _d('MySQL instance:', $id, $name, Dumper($dsn)); return $name, $id; } sub pingback { my (%args) = @_; my @required_args = qw(url instances); foreach my $arg ( @required_args ) { die "I need a $arg arugment" unless $args{$arg}; } my $url = $args{url}; my $instances = $args{instances}; my $ua = $args{ua} || HTTPMicro->new( timeout => 3 ); my $response = $ua->request('GET', $url); PTDEBUG && _d('Server response:', Dumper($response)); die "No response from GET $url" if !$response; die("GET on $url returned HTTP status $response->{status}; expected 200\n", ($response->{content} || '')) if $response->{status} != 200; die("GET on $url did not return any programs to check") if !$response->{content}; my $items = parse_server_response( response => $response->{content} ); die "Failed to parse server requested programs: $response->{content}" if !scalar keys %$items; my $versions = get_versions( items => $items, instances => $instances, ); die "Failed to get any program versions; should have at least gotten Perl" if !scalar keys %$versions; my $client_content = encode_client_response( items => $items, versions => $versions, general_id => md5_hex( hostname() ), ); my $client_response = { headers => { "X-Percona-Toolkit-Tool" => File::Basename::basename($0) }, content => $client_content, }; PTDEBUG && _d('Client response:', Dumper($client_response)); $response = $ua->request('POST', $url, $client_response); PTDEBUG && _d('Server suggestions:', Dumper($response)); die "No response from POST $url $client_response" if !$response; die "POST $url returned HTTP status $response->{status}; expected 200" if $response->{status} != 200; return unless $response->{content}; $items = parse_server_response( response => $response->{content}, split_vars => 0, ); die "Failed to parse server suggestions: $response->{content}" if !scalar keys %$items; my @suggestions = map { $_->{vars} } sort { $a->{item} cmp $b->{item} } values %$items; return \@suggestions; } sub encode_client_response { my (%args) = @_; my @required_args = qw(items versions general_id); foreach my $arg ( @required_args ) { die "I need a $arg arugment" unless $args{$arg}; } my ($items, $versions, $general_id) = @args{@required_args}; my @lines; foreach my $item ( sort keys %$items ) { next unless exists $versions->{$item}; if ( ref($versions->{$item}) eq 'HASH' ) { my $mysql_versions = $versions->{$item}; for my $id ( sort keys %$mysql_versions ) { push @lines, join(';', $id, $item, $mysql_versions->{$id}); } } else { push @lines, join(';', $general_id, $item, $versions->{$item}); } } my $client_response = join("\n", @lines) . "\n"; return $client_response; } sub parse_server_response { my (%args) = @_; my @required_args = qw(response); foreach my $arg ( @required_args ) { die "I need a $arg arugment" unless $args{$arg}; } my ($response) = @args{@required_args}; my %items = map { my ($item, $type, $vars) = split(";", $_); if ( !defined $args{split_vars} || $args{split_vars} ) { $vars = [ split(",", ($vars || '')) ]; } $item => { item => $item, type => $type, vars => $vars, }; } split("\n", $response); PTDEBUG && _d('Items:', Dumper(\%items)); return \%items; } my %sub_for_type = ( os_version => \&get_os_version, perl_version => \&get_perl_version, perl_module_version => \&get_perl_module_version, mysql_variable => \&get_mysql_variable, ); sub valid_item { my ($item) = @_; return unless $item; if ( !exists $sub_for_type{ $item->{type} } ) { PTDEBUG && _d('Invalid type:', $item->{type}); return 0; } return 1; } sub get_versions { my (%args) = @_; my @required_args = qw(items); foreach my $arg ( @required_args ) { die "I need a $arg arugment" unless $args{$arg}; } my ($items) = @args{@required_args}; my %versions; foreach my $item ( values %$items ) { next unless valid_item($item); eval { my $version = $sub_for_type{ $item->{type} }->( item => $item, instances => $args{instances}, ); if ( $version ) { chomp $version unless ref($version); $versions{$item->{item}} = $version; } }; if ( $EVAL_ERROR ) { PTDEBUG && _d('Error getting version for', Dumper($item), $EVAL_ERROR); } } return \%versions; } sub get_os_version { if ( $OSNAME eq 'MSWin32' ) { require Win32; return Win32::GetOSDisplayName(); } chomp(my $platform = `uname -s`); PTDEBUG && _d('platform:', $platform); return $OSNAME unless $platform; chomp(my $lsb_release = `which lsb_release 2>/dev/null | awk '{print \$1}'` || ''); PTDEBUG && _d('lsb_release:', $lsb_release); my $release = ""; if ( $platform eq 'Linux' ) { if ( -f "/etc/fedora-release" ) { $release = `cat /etc/fedora-release`; } elsif ( -f "/etc/redhat-release" ) { $release = `cat /etc/redhat-release`; } elsif ( -f "/etc/system-release" ) { $release = `cat /etc/system-release`; } elsif ( $lsb_release ) { $release = `$lsb_release -ds`; } elsif ( -f "/etc/lsb-release" ) { $release = `grep DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION /etc/lsb-release`; $release =~ s/^\w+="([^"]+)".+/$1/; } elsif ( -f "/etc/debian_version" ) { chomp(my $rel = `cat /etc/debian_version`); $release = "Debian $rel"; if ( -f "/etc/apt/sources.list" ) { chomp(my $code_name = `awk '/^deb/ {print \$3}' /etc/apt/sources.list | awk -F/ '{print \$1}'| awk 'BEGIN {FS="|"} {print \$1}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | head -n1 | awk '{print \$2}'`); $release .= " ($code_name)" if $code_name; } } elsif ( -f "/etc/os-release" ) { # openSUSE chomp($release = `grep PRETTY_NAME /etc/os-release`); $release =~ s/^PRETTY_NAME="(.+)"$/$1/; } elsif ( `ls /etc/*release 2>/dev/null` ) { if ( `grep DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION /etc/*release 2>/dev/null` ) { $release = `grep DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION /etc/*release | head -n1`; } else { $release = `cat /etc/*release | head -n1`; } } } elsif ( $platform =~ m/(?:BSD|^Darwin)$/ ) { my $rel = `uname -r`; $release = "$platform $rel"; } elsif ( $platform eq "SunOS" ) { my $rel = `head -n1 /etc/release` || `uname -r`; $release = "$platform $rel"; } if ( !$release ) { PTDEBUG && _d('Failed to get the release, using platform'); $release = $platform; } chomp($release); $release =~ s/^"|"$//g; PTDEBUG && _d('OS version =', $release); return $release; } sub get_perl_version { my (%args) = @_; my $item = $args{item}; return unless $item; my $version = sprintf '%vd', $PERL_VERSION; PTDEBUG && _d('Perl version', $version); return $version; } sub get_perl_module_version { my (%args) = @_; my $item = $args{item}; return unless $item; my $var = '$' . $item->{item} . '::VERSION'; my $version = eval "use $item->{item}; $var;"; PTDEBUG && _d('Perl version for', $var, '=', $version); return $version; } sub get_mysql_variable { return get_from_mysql( show => 'VARIABLES', @_, ); } sub get_from_mysql { my (%args) = @_; my $show = $args{show}; my $item = $args{item}; my $instances = $args{instances}; return unless $show && $item; if ( !$instances || !@$instances ) { PTDEBUG && _d('Cannot check', $item, 'because there are no MySQL instances'); return; } if ($item->{item} eq 'MySQL' && $item->{type} eq 'mysql_variable') { $item->{vars} = ['version_comment', 'version']; } my @versions; my %version_for; foreach my $instance ( @$instances ) { next unless $instance->{id}; # special system instance has id=0 my $dbh = $instance->{dbh}; local $dbh->{FetchHashKeyName} = 'NAME_lc'; my $sql = qq/SHOW $show/; PTDEBUG && _d($sql); my $rows = $dbh->selectall_hashref($sql, 'variable_name'); my @versions; foreach my $var ( @{$item->{vars}} ) { $var = lc($var); my $version = $rows->{$var}->{value}; PTDEBUG && _d('MySQL version for', $item->{item}, '=', $version, 'on', $instance->{name}); push @versions, $version; } $version_for{ $instance->{id} } = join(' ', @versions); } return \%version_for; } sub _d { my ($package, undef, $line) = caller 0; @_ = map { (my $temp = $_) =~ s/\n/\n# /g; $temp; } map { defined $_ ? $_ : 'undef' } @_; print STDERR "# $package:$line $PID ", join(' ', @_), "\n"; } 1; } # ########################################################################### # End VersionCheck package # ########################################################################### # # parse_connection_options() subroutine parses connection-related command line # options # sub parse_connection_options { my $con = shift; $con->{dsn} = 'dbi:mysql:'; # this option has to be first if ($ENV{option_defaults_file}) { $con->{dsn} .= ";mysql_read_default_file=$ENV{option_defaults_file}"; } if ($ENV{option_defaults_extra_file}) { $con->{dsn} .= ";mysql_read_default_file=$ENV{option_defaults_extra_file}"; } $con->{dsn} .= ";mysql_read_default_group=xtrabackup"; if ($ENV{option_mysql_password}) { $con->{dsn_password} = "$ENV{option_mysql_password}"; } if ($ENV{option_mysql_user}) { $con->{dsn_user} = "$ENV{option_mysql_user}"; } if ($ENV{option_mysql_host}) { $con->{dsn} .= ";host=$ENV{option_mysql_host}"; } if ($ENV{option_mysql_port}) { $con->{dsn} .= ";port=$ENV{option_mysql_port}"; } if ($ENV{option_mysql_socket}) { $con->{dsn} .= ";mysql_socket=$ENV{option_mysql_socket}"; } } # # mysql_connect subroutine connects to MySQL server # sub mysql_connect { my %con; my %args = ( # Defaults abort_on_error => 1, @_ ); $con{abort_on_error} = $args{abort_on_error}; parse_connection_options(\%con); $now = current_time(); print STDERR "$now $prefix Connecting to MySQL server with DSN '$con{dsn}'" . (defined($con{dsn_user}) ? " as '$con{dsn_user}' " : "") . " (using password: "; if (defined($con{dsn_password})) { print STDERR "YES).\n"; } else { print STDERR "NO).\n"; } eval { $con{dbh}=DBI->connect($con{dsn}, $con{dsn_user}, $con{dsn_password}, { RaiseError => 1 }); }; if ($EVAL_ERROR) { $con{connect_error}=$EVAL_ERROR; } else { $now = current_time(); print STDERR "$now $prefix Connected to MySQL server\n"; } if ($args{abort_on_error}) { if (!$dbd_mysql_installed) { die "Failed to connect to MySQL server as " . "DBD::mysql module is not installed"; } else { if (!$con{dbh}) { die "Failed to connect to MySQL server: " . $con{connect_error}; } } } if ($con{dbh}) { $con{dbh}->do("SET SESSION wait_timeout=2147483"); } return %con; } # # return current local time as string in form "070816 12:23:15" # sub current_time { return strftime("%y%m%d %H:%M:%S", localtime()); } %mysql = mysql_connect(abort_on_error => 1); $now = current_time(); print STDERR "$now $prefix Executing a version check against the server...\n"; # Redirect STDOUT to STDERR, as VersionCheck prints alerts to STDOUT select STDERR; VersionCheck::version_check( force => 1, instances => [ { dbh => $mysql{dbh}, dsn => $mysql{dsn} } ] ); # Restore STDOUT as the default filehandle select STDOUT; $now = current_time(); print STDERR "$now $prefix Done.\n";