/****************************************************** MariaBackup: hot backup tool for InnoDB (c) 2009-2017 Percona LLC and/or its affiliates Originally Created 3/3/2009 Yasufumi Kinoshita Written by Alexey Kopytov, Aleksandr Kuzminsky, Stewart Smith, Vadim Tkachenko, Yasufumi Kinoshita, Ignacio Nin and Baron Schwartz. (c) 2017, 2019, MariaDB Corporation. Portions written by Marko Mäkelä. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA ******************************************************* This file incorporates work covered by the following copyright and permission notice: Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, MySQL AB & Innobase Oy. All Rights Reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA *******************************************************/ //#define XTRABACKUP_TARGET_IS_PLUGIN #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __linux__ # include #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "trx0sys.h" #include #include #include #include #include #define G_PTR uchar* #include "common.h" #include "datasink.h" #include "xb_regex.h" #include "fil_cur.h" #include "write_filt.h" #include "xtrabackup.h" #include "ds_buffer.h" #include "ds_tmpfile.h" #include "xbstream.h" #include "changed_page_bitmap.h" #include "read_filt.h" #include "backup_wsrep.h" #include "innobackupex.h" #include "backup_mysql.h" #include "backup_copy.h" #include "backup_mysql.h" #include "encryption_plugin.h" #include #include #include #include int sys_var_init(); /* === xtrabackup specific options === */ char xtrabackup_real_target_dir[FN_REFLEN] = "./xtrabackup_backupfiles/"; char *xtrabackup_target_dir= xtrabackup_real_target_dir; static my_bool xtrabackup_version; static my_bool verbose; my_bool xtrabackup_backup; my_bool xtrabackup_prepare; my_bool xtrabackup_copy_back; my_bool xtrabackup_move_back; my_bool xtrabackup_decrypt_decompress; my_bool xtrabackup_print_param; my_bool xtrabackup_export; longlong xtrabackup_use_memory; uint opt_protocol; long xtrabackup_throttle; /* 0:unlimited */ static lint io_ticket; static os_event_t wait_throttle; static os_event_t log_copying_stop; char *xtrabackup_incremental; lsn_t incremental_lsn; lsn_t incremental_to_lsn; lsn_t incremental_last_lsn; xb_page_bitmap *changed_page_bitmap; char *xtrabackup_incremental_basedir; /* for --backup */ char *xtrabackup_extra_lsndir; /* for --backup with --extra-lsndir */ char *xtrabackup_incremental_dir; /* for --prepare */ char xtrabackup_real_incremental_basedir[FN_REFLEN]; char xtrabackup_real_extra_lsndir[FN_REFLEN]; char xtrabackup_real_incremental_dir[FN_REFLEN]; char *xtrabackup_tmpdir; char *xtrabackup_tables; char *xtrabackup_tables_file; char *xtrabackup_tables_exclude; char *xb_rocksdb_datadir; my_bool xb_backup_rocksdb = 1; typedef std::list regex_list_t; static regex_list_t regex_include_list; static regex_list_t regex_exclude_list; static hash_table_t* tables_include_hash = NULL; static hash_table_t* tables_exclude_hash = NULL; char *xtrabackup_databases = NULL; char *xtrabackup_databases_file = NULL; char *xtrabackup_databases_exclude = NULL; static hash_table_t* databases_include_hash = NULL; static hash_table_t* databases_exclude_hash = NULL; static hash_table_t* inc_dir_tables_hash; struct xb_filter_entry_struct{ char* name; ibool has_tables; hash_node_t name_hash; }; typedef struct xb_filter_entry_struct xb_filter_entry_t; lsn_t checkpoint_lsn_start; lsn_t checkpoint_no_start; static lsn_t log_copy_scanned_lsn; static bool log_copying_running; static bool io_watching_thread_running; int xtrabackup_parallel; char *xtrabackup_stream_str = NULL; xb_stream_fmt_t xtrabackup_stream_fmt = XB_STREAM_FMT_NONE; ibool xtrabackup_stream = FALSE; const char *xtrabackup_compress_alg = NULL; uint xtrabackup_compress = FALSE; uint xtrabackup_compress_threads; ulonglong xtrabackup_compress_chunk_size = 0; /* sleep interval beetween log copy iterations in log copying thread in milliseconds (default is 1 second) */ ulint xtrabackup_log_copy_interval = 1000; static ulong max_buf_pool_modified_pct; /* Ignored option (--log) for MySQL option compatibility */ static char* log_ignored_opt; extern my_bool opt_use_ssl; my_bool opt_ssl_verify_server_cert; my_bool opt_extended_validation; my_bool opt_encrypted_backup; /* === metadata of backup === */ #define XTRABACKUP_METADATA_FILENAME "xtrabackup_checkpoints" char metadata_type[30] = ""; /*[full-backuped|log-applied|incremental]*/ static lsn_t metadata_from_lsn; lsn_t metadata_to_lsn; static lsn_t metadata_last_lsn; static ds_file_t* dst_log_file; static char mysql_data_home_buff[2]; const char *defaults_group = "mysqld"; /* === static parameters in ha_innodb.cc */ #define HA_INNOBASE_ROWS_IN_TABLE 10000 /* to get optimization right */ #define HA_INNOBASE_RANGE_COUNT 100 /* The default values for the following, type long or longlong, start-up parameters are declared in mysqld.cc: */ long innobase_buffer_pool_awe_mem_mb = 0; long innobase_file_io_threads = 4; long innobase_read_io_threads = 4; long innobase_write_io_threads = 4; longlong innobase_page_size = (1LL << 14); /* 16KB */ char* innobase_buffer_pool_filename = NULL; /* The default values for the following char* start-up parameters are determined in innobase_init below: */ static char* innobase_ignored_opt; char* innobase_data_home_dir; char* innobase_data_file_path; my_bool innobase_use_doublewrite; my_bool innobase_file_per_table; my_bool innobase_locks_unsafe_for_binlog; my_bool innobase_rollback_on_timeout; my_bool innobase_create_status_file; /* The following counter is used to convey information to InnoDB about server activity: in selects it is not sensible to call srv_active_wake_master_thread after each fetch or search, we only do it every INNOBASE_WAKE_INTERVAL'th step. */ #define INNOBASE_WAKE_INTERVAL 32 ulong innobase_active_counter = 0; #ifndef _WIN32 static char *xtrabackup_debug_sync = NULL; #endif my_bool xtrabackup_incremental_force_scan = FALSE; /* The flushed lsn which is read from data files */ lsn_t flushed_lsn= 0; ulong xb_open_files_limit= 0; char *xb_plugin_dir; char *xb_plugin_load; my_bool xb_close_files; /* Datasinks */ ds_ctxt_t *ds_data = NULL; ds_ctxt_t *ds_meta = NULL; ds_ctxt_t *ds_redo = NULL; static bool innobackupex_mode = false; /* String buffer used by --print-param to accumulate server options as they are parsed from the defaults file */ static std::ostringstream print_param_str; /* Set of specified parameters */ std::set param_set; static ulonglong global_max_value; extern "C" sig_handler handle_fatal_signal(int sig); extern LOGGER logger; my_bool opt_galera_info = FALSE; my_bool opt_slave_info = FALSE; my_bool opt_no_lock = FALSE; my_bool opt_safe_slave_backup = FALSE; my_bool opt_rsync = FALSE; my_bool opt_force_non_empty_dirs = FALSE; my_bool opt_noversioncheck = FALSE; my_bool opt_no_backup_locks = FALSE; my_bool opt_decompress = FALSE; my_bool opt_remove_original; my_bool opt_lock_ddl_per_table = FALSE; static my_bool opt_check_privileges; extern const char *innodb_checksum_algorithm_names[]; extern TYPELIB innodb_checksum_algorithm_typelib; extern const char *innodb_flush_method_names[]; extern TYPELIB innodb_flush_method_typelib; static const char *binlog_info_values[] = {"off", "lockless", "on", "auto", NullS}; static TYPELIB binlog_info_typelib = {array_elements(binlog_info_values)-1, "", binlog_info_values, NULL}; ulong opt_binlog_info; char *opt_incremental_history_name; char *opt_incremental_history_uuid; char *opt_user; char *opt_password; char *opt_host; char *opt_defaults_group; char *opt_socket; uint opt_port; char *opt_log_bin; const char *query_type_names[] = { "ALL", "UPDATE", "SELECT", NullS}; TYPELIB query_type_typelib= {array_elements(query_type_names) - 1, "", query_type_names, NULL}; ulong opt_lock_wait_query_type; ulong opt_kill_long_query_type; uint opt_kill_long_queries_timeout = 0; uint opt_lock_wait_timeout = 0; uint opt_lock_wait_threshold = 0; uint opt_debug_sleep_before_unlock = 0; uint opt_safe_slave_backup_timeout = 0; const char *opt_history = NULL; char mariabackup_exe[FN_REFLEN]; char orig_argv1[FN_REFLEN]; pthread_mutex_t backup_mutex; pthread_cond_t scanned_lsn_cond; typedef std::map space_id_to_name_t; struct ddl_tracker_t { /** Tablspaces with their ID and name, as they were copied to backup.*/ space_id_to_name_t tables_in_backup; /** Tablespaces for that optimized DDL without redo log was found.*/ std::set optimized_ddl; /** Drop operations found in redo log. */ std::set drops; /* For DDL operation found in redo log, */ space_id_to_name_t id_to_name; }; static ddl_tracker_t ddl_tracker; /* Simple datasink creation tracking...add datasinks in the reverse order you want them destroyed. */ #define XTRABACKUP_MAX_DATASINKS 10 static ds_ctxt_t *datasinks[XTRABACKUP_MAX_DATASINKS]; static uint actual_datasinks = 0; static inline void xtrabackup_add_datasink(ds_ctxt_t *ds) { xb_ad(actual_datasinks < XTRABACKUP_MAX_DATASINKS); datasinks[actual_datasinks] = ds; actual_datasinks++; } typedef void (*process_single_tablespace_func_t)(const char *dirname, const char *filname, bool is_remote); static dberr_t enumerate_ibd_files(process_single_tablespace_func_t callback); /* ======== Datafiles iterator ======== */ struct datafiles_iter_t { fil_space_t *space; fil_node_t *node; ibool started; pthread_mutex_t mutex; }; /* ======== Datafiles iterator ======== */ static datafiles_iter_t * datafiles_iter_new() { datafiles_iter_t *it; it = static_cast(malloc(sizeof(datafiles_iter_t))); pthread_mutex_init(&it->mutex, NULL); it->space = NULL; it->node = NULL; it->started = FALSE; return it; } static fil_node_t * datafiles_iter_next(datafiles_iter_t *it) { fil_node_t *new_node; pthread_mutex_lock(&it->mutex); if (it->node == NULL) { if (it->started) goto end; it->started = TRUE; } else { it->node = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(chain, it->node); if (it->node != NULL) goto end; } it->space = (it->space == NULL) ? UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(fil_system.space_list) : UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(space_list, it->space); while (it->space != NULL && (it->space->purpose != FIL_TYPE_TABLESPACE || UT_LIST_GET_LEN(it->space->chain) == 0)) it->space = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(space_list, it->space); if (it->space == NULL) goto end; it->node = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(it->space->chain); end: new_node = it->node; pthread_mutex_unlock(&it->mutex); return new_node; } static void datafiles_iter_free(datafiles_iter_t *it) { pthread_mutex_destroy(&it->mutex); free(it); } #ifndef DBUG_OFF struct dbug_thread_param_t { MYSQL *con; const char *query; int expect_err; int expect_errno; os_event_t done_event; }; /* Thread procedure used in dbug_start_query_thread. */ extern "C" os_thread_ret_t DECLARE_THREAD(dbug_execute_in_new_connection)(void *arg) { mysql_thread_init(); dbug_thread_param_t *par= (dbug_thread_param_t *)arg; int err = mysql_query(par->con, par->query); int err_no = mysql_errno(par->con); DBUG_ASSERT(par->expect_err == err); if (err && par->expect_errno) DBUG_ASSERT(err_no == par->expect_errno); mysql_close(par->con); mysql_thread_end(); os_event_t done = par->done_event; delete par; os_event_set(done); os_thread_exit(); return os_thread_ret_t(0); } /* Execute query from a new connection, in own thread. @param query - query to be executed @param wait_state - if not NULL, wait until query from new connection reaches this state (value of column State in I_S.PROCESSLIST) @param expected_err - if 0, query is supposed to finish successfully, otherwise query should return error. @param expected_errno - if not 0, and query finished with error, expected mysql_errno() */ static os_event_t dbug_start_query_thread( const char *query, const char *wait_state, int expected_err, int expected_errno) { dbug_thread_param_t *par = new dbug_thread_param_t; par->query = query; par->expect_err = expected_err; par->expect_errno = expected_errno; par->done_event = os_event_create(0); par->con = xb_mysql_connect(); os_thread_create(dbug_execute_in_new_connection, par, 0); if (!wait_state) return par->done_event; char q[256]; snprintf(q, sizeof(q), "SELECT 1 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST where ID=%lu" " AND Command='Query' AND State='%s'", mysql_thread_id(par->con), wait_state); for (;;) { MYSQL_RES *result = xb_mysql_query(mysql_connection,q, true, true); bool exists = mysql_fetch_row(result) != NULL; mysql_free_result(result); if (exists) { goto end; } msg("Waiting for query '%s' on connection %lu to " " reach state '%s'", query, mysql_thread_id(par->con), wait_state); my_sleep(1000); } end: msg("query '%s' on connection %lu reached state '%s'", query, mysql_thread_id(par->con), wait_state); return par->done_event; } os_event_t dbug_alter_thread_done; #endif void mdl_lock_all() { mdl_lock_init(); datafiles_iter_t *it = datafiles_iter_new(); if (!it) return; while (fil_node_t *node = datafiles_iter_next(it)){ if (fil_is_user_tablespace_id(node->space->id) && check_if_skip_table(node->space->name)) continue; mdl_lock_table(node->space->id); } datafiles_iter_free(it); } // Convert non-null terminated filename to space name std::string filename_to_spacename(const byte *filename, size_t len) { // null- terminate filename char *f = (char *)malloc(len + 1); ut_a(f); memcpy(f, filename, len); f[len] = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) if (f[i] == '\\') f[i] = '/'; char *p = strrchr(f, '.'); ut_a(p); *p = 0; char *table = strrchr(f, '/'); ut_a(table); *table = 0; char *db = strrchr(f, '/'); ut_a(db); *table = '/'; std::string s(db+1); free(f); return s; } /** Report an operation to create, delete, or rename a file during backup. @param[in] space_id tablespace identifier @param[in] flags tablespace flags (NULL if not create) @param[in] name file name (not NUL-terminated) @param[in] len length of name, in bytes @param[in] new_name new file name (NULL if not rename) @param[in] new_len length of new_name, in bytes (0 if NULL) */ static void backup_file_op(ulint space_id, const byte* flags, const byte* name, ulint len, const byte* new_name, ulint new_len) { ut_ad(!flags || !new_name); ut_ad(name); ut_ad(len); ut_ad(!new_name == !new_len); pthread_mutex_lock(&backup_mutex); if (flags) { ddl_tracker.id_to_name[space_id] = filename_to_spacename(name, len); msg("DDL tracking : create %zu \"%.*s\": %x", space_id, int(len), name, mach_read_from_4(flags)); } else if (new_name) { ddl_tracker.id_to_name[space_id] = filename_to_spacename(new_name, new_len); msg("DDL tracking : rename %zu \"%.*s\",\"%.*s\"", space_id, int(len), name, int(new_len), new_name); } else { ddl_tracker.drops.insert(space_id); msg("DDL tracking : delete %zu \"%.*s\"", space_id, int(len), name); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&backup_mutex); } /* This callback is called if DDL operation is detected, at the end of backup Normally, DDL operations are blocked due to FTWRL, but in rare cases of --no-lock, they are not. We will abort backup in this case. */ static void backup_file_op_fail(ulint space_id, const byte* flags, const byte* name, ulint len, const byte* new_name, ulint new_len) { ut_a(opt_no_lock); bool fail; if (flags) { msg("DDL tracking : create %zu \"%.*s\": %x", space_id, int(len), name, mach_read_from_4(flags)); std::string spacename = filename_to_spacename(name, len); fail = !check_if_skip_table(spacename.c_str()); } else if (new_name) { msg("DDL tracking : rename %zu \"%.*s\",\"%.*s\"", space_id, int(len), name, int(new_len), new_name); std::string spacename = filename_to_spacename(name, len); std::string new_spacename = filename_to_spacename(new_name, new_len); fail = !check_if_skip_table(spacename.c_str()) || !check_if_skip_table(new_spacename.c_str()); } else { std::string spacename = filename_to_spacename(name, len); fail = !check_if_skip_table(spacename.c_str()); msg("DDL tracking : delete %zu \"%.*s\"", space_id, int(len), name); } if (fail) { die("DDL operation detected in the late phase of backup." "Backup is inconsistent. Remove --no-lock option to fix."); } } /** Callback whenever MLOG_INDEX_LOAD happens. @param[in] space_id space id to check */ static void backup_optimized_ddl_op(ulint space_id) { pthread_mutex_lock(&backup_mutex); ddl_tracker.optimized_ddl.insert(space_id); pthread_mutex_unlock(&backup_mutex); } /* Optimized DDL callback at the end of backup that run with --no-lock. Usually aborts the backup. */ static void backup_optimized_ddl_op_fail(ulint space_id) { ut_a(opt_no_lock); msg("DDL tracking : optimized DDL on space %zu", space_id); if (ddl_tracker.tables_in_backup.find(space_id) != ddl_tracker.tables_in_backup.end()) { msg("ERROR : Optimized DDL operation detected in the late phase of backup." "Backup is inconsistent. Remove --no-lock option to fix."); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } /** Callback whenever MLOG_TRUNCATE happens. */ static void backup_truncate_fail() { msg("mariabackup: Incompatible TRUNCATE operation detected.%s", opt_lock_ddl_per_table ? "" : " Use --lock-ddl-per-table to lock all tables before backup."); } /* Retrieve default data directory, to be used with --copy-back. On Windows, default datadir is ..\data, relative to the directory where mariabackup.exe is located(usually "bin") Elsewhere, the compiled-in constant MYSQL_DATADIR is used. */ static char *get_default_datadir() { static char ddir[] = MYSQL_DATADIR; #ifdef _WIN32 static char buf[MAX_PATH]; DWORD size = (DWORD)sizeof(buf) - 1; if (GetModuleFileName(NULL, buf, size) <= size) { char *p; if ((p = strrchr(buf, '\\'))) { *p = 0; if ((p = strrchr(buf, '\\'))) { strncpy(p + 1, "data", buf + MAX_PATH - p); return buf; } } } #endif return ddir; } /* ======== Date copying thread context ======== */ typedef struct { datafiles_iter_t *it; uint num; uint *count; pthread_mutex_t* count_mutex; os_thread_id_t id; } data_thread_ctxt_t; /* ======== for option and variables ======== */ #include <../../client/client_priv.h> enum options_xtrabackup { OPT_XTRA_TARGET_DIR = 1000, /* make sure it is larger than OPT_MAX_CLIENT_OPTION */ OPT_XTRA_BACKUP, OPT_XTRA_PREPARE, OPT_XTRA_EXPORT, OPT_XTRA_PRINT_PARAM, OPT_XTRA_USE_MEMORY, OPT_XTRA_THROTTLE, OPT_XTRA_LOG_COPY_INTERVAL, OPT_XTRA_INCREMENTAL, OPT_XTRA_INCREMENTAL_BASEDIR, OPT_XTRA_EXTRA_LSNDIR, OPT_XTRA_INCREMENTAL_DIR, OPT_XTRA_TABLES, OPT_XTRA_TABLES_FILE, OPT_XTRA_DATABASES, OPT_XTRA_DATABASES_FILE, OPT_XTRA_PARALLEL, OPT_XTRA_EXTENDED_VALIDATION, OPT_XTRA_ENCRYPTED_BACKUP, OPT_XTRA_STREAM, OPT_XTRA_COMPRESS, OPT_XTRA_COMPRESS_THREADS, OPT_XTRA_COMPRESS_CHUNK_SIZE, OPT_LOG, OPT_INNODB, OPT_INNODB_DATA_FILE_PATH, OPT_INNODB_DATA_HOME_DIR, OPT_INNODB_ADAPTIVE_HASH_INDEX, OPT_INNODB_DOUBLEWRITE, OPT_INNODB_FILE_PER_TABLE, OPT_INNODB_FLUSH_METHOD, OPT_INNODB_LOG_GROUP_HOME_DIR, OPT_INNODB_MAX_DIRTY_PAGES_PCT, OPT_INNODB_MAX_PURGE_LAG, OPT_INNODB_STATUS_FILE, OPT_INNODB_AUTOEXTEND_INCREMENT, OPT_INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_SIZE, OPT_INNODB_COMMIT_CONCURRENCY, OPT_INNODB_CONCURRENCY_TICKETS, OPT_INNODB_FILE_IO_THREADS, OPT_INNODB_IO_CAPACITY, OPT_INNODB_READ_IO_THREADS, OPT_INNODB_WRITE_IO_THREADS, OPT_INNODB_USE_NATIVE_AIO, OPT_INNODB_PAGE_SIZE, OPT_INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_FILENAME, OPT_INNODB_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT, OPT_INNODB_LOG_BUFFER_SIZE, OPT_INNODB_LOG_FILE_SIZE, OPT_INNODB_LOG_FILES_IN_GROUP, OPT_INNODB_OPEN_FILES, OPT_XTRA_DEBUG_SYNC, OPT_INNODB_CHECKSUM_ALGORITHM, OPT_INNODB_UNDO_DIRECTORY, OPT_INNODB_UNDO_TABLESPACES, OPT_INNODB_LOG_CHECKSUMS, OPT_XTRA_INCREMENTAL_FORCE_SCAN, OPT_DEFAULTS_GROUP, OPT_CLOSE_FILES, OPT_CORE_FILE, OPT_COPY_BACK, OPT_MOVE_BACK, OPT_GALERA_INFO, OPT_SLAVE_INFO, OPT_NO_LOCK, OPT_SAFE_SLAVE_BACKUP, OPT_RSYNC, OPT_FORCE_NON_EMPTY_DIRS, OPT_NO_VERSION_CHECK, OPT_NO_BACKUP_LOCKS, OPT_DECOMPRESS, OPT_INCREMENTAL_HISTORY_NAME, OPT_INCREMENTAL_HISTORY_UUID, OPT_REMOVE_ORIGINAL, OPT_LOCK_WAIT_QUERY_TYPE, OPT_KILL_LONG_QUERY_TYPE, OPT_HISTORY, OPT_KILL_LONG_QUERIES_TIMEOUT, OPT_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT, OPT_LOCK_WAIT_THRESHOLD, OPT_DEBUG_SLEEP_BEFORE_UNLOCK, OPT_SAFE_SLAVE_BACKUP_TIMEOUT, OPT_BINLOG_INFO, OPT_XB_SECURE_AUTH, OPT_XTRA_TABLES_EXCLUDE, OPT_XTRA_DATABASES_EXCLUDE, OPT_PROTOCOL, OPT_INNODB_COMPRESSION_LEVEL, OPT_LOCK_DDL_PER_TABLE, OPT_ROCKSDB_DATADIR, OPT_BACKUP_ROCKSDB, OPT_XTRA_CHECK_PRIVILEGES }; struct my_option xb_client_options[] = { {"verbose", 'V', "display verbose output", (G_PTR*) &verbose, (G_PTR*) &verbose, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, FALSE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"version", 'v', "print xtrabackup version information", (G_PTR *) &xtrabackup_version, (G_PTR *) &xtrabackup_version, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"target-dir", OPT_XTRA_TARGET_DIR, "destination directory", (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_target_dir, (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_target_dir, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"backup", OPT_XTRA_BACKUP, "take backup to target-dir", (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_backup, (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_backup, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"prepare", OPT_XTRA_PREPARE, "prepare a backup for starting mysql server on the backup.", (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_prepare, (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_prepare, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"export", OPT_XTRA_EXPORT, "create files to import to another database when prepare.", (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_export, (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_export, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"print-param", OPT_XTRA_PRINT_PARAM, "print parameter of mysqld needed for copyback.", (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_print_param, (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_print_param, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"use-memory", OPT_XTRA_USE_MEMORY, "The value is used instead of buffer_pool_size", (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_use_memory, (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_use_memory, 0, GET_LL, REQUIRED_ARG, 100*1024*1024L, 1024*1024L, LONGLONG_MAX, 0, 1024*1024L, 0}, {"throttle", OPT_XTRA_THROTTLE, "limit count of IO operations (pairs of read&write) per second to IOS values (for '--backup')", (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_throttle, (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_throttle, 0, GET_LONG, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, LONG_MAX, 0, 1, 0}, {"log", OPT_LOG, "Ignored option for MySQL option compatibility", (G_PTR*) &log_ignored_opt, (G_PTR*) &log_ignored_opt, 0, GET_STR, OPT_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"log-copy-interval", OPT_XTRA_LOG_COPY_INTERVAL, "time interval between checks done by log copying thread in milliseconds (default is 1 second).", (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_log_copy_interval, (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_log_copy_interval, 0, GET_LONG, REQUIRED_ARG, 1000, 0, LONG_MAX, 0, 1, 0}, {"extra-lsndir", OPT_XTRA_EXTRA_LSNDIR, "(for --backup): save an extra copy of the xtrabackup_checkpoints file in this directory.", (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_extra_lsndir, (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_extra_lsndir, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"incremental-lsn", OPT_XTRA_INCREMENTAL, "(for --backup): copy only .ibd pages newer than specified LSN 'high:low'. ##ATTENTION##: If a wrong LSN value is specified, it is impossible to diagnose this, causing the backup to be unusable. Be careful!", (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_incremental, (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_incremental, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"incremental-basedir", OPT_XTRA_INCREMENTAL_BASEDIR, "(for --backup): copy only .ibd pages newer than backup at specified directory.", (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_incremental_basedir, (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_incremental_basedir, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"incremental-dir", OPT_XTRA_INCREMENTAL_DIR, "(for --prepare): apply .delta files and logfile in the specified directory.", (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_incremental_dir, (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_incremental_dir, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"tables", OPT_XTRA_TABLES, "filtering by regexp for table names.", (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_tables, (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_tables, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"tables_file", OPT_XTRA_TABLES_FILE, "filtering by list of the exact database.table name in the file.", (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_tables_file, (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_tables_file, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"databases", OPT_XTRA_DATABASES, "filtering by list of databases.", (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_databases, (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_databases, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"databases_file", OPT_XTRA_DATABASES_FILE, "filtering by list of databases in the file.", (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_databases_file, (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_databases_file, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"tables-exclude", OPT_XTRA_TABLES_EXCLUDE, "filtering by regexp for table names. " "Operates the same way as --tables, but matched names are excluded from backup. " "Note that this option has a higher priority than --tables.", (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_tables_exclude, (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_tables_exclude, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"databases-exclude", OPT_XTRA_DATABASES_EXCLUDE, "Excluding databases based on name, " "Operates the same way as --databases, but matched names are excluded from backup. " "Note that this option has a higher priority than --databases.", (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_databases_exclude, (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_databases_exclude, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"stream", OPT_XTRA_STREAM, "Stream all backup files to the standard output " "in the specified format." "Supported format is 'xbstream'." , (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_stream_str, (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_stream_str, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"compress", OPT_XTRA_COMPRESS, "Compress individual backup files using the " "specified compression algorithm. Currently the only supported algorithm " "is 'quicklz'. It is also the default algorithm, i.e. the one used when " "--compress is used without an argument.", (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_compress_alg, (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_compress_alg, 0, GET_STR, OPT_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"compress-threads", OPT_XTRA_COMPRESS_THREADS, "Number of threads for parallel data compression. The default value is 1.", (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_compress_threads, (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_compress_threads, 0, GET_UINT, REQUIRED_ARG, 1, 1, UINT_MAX, 0, 0, 0}, {"compress-chunk-size", OPT_XTRA_COMPRESS_CHUNK_SIZE, "Size of working buffer(s) for compression threads in bytes. The default value is 64K.", (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_compress_chunk_size, (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_compress_chunk_size, 0, GET_ULL, REQUIRED_ARG, (1 << 16), 1024, ULONGLONG_MAX, 0, 0, 0}, {"incremental-force-scan", OPT_XTRA_INCREMENTAL_FORCE_SCAN, "Perform a full-scan incremental backup even in the presence of changed " "page bitmap data", (G_PTR*)&xtrabackup_incremental_force_scan, (G_PTR*)&xtrabackup_incremental_force_scan, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"close_files", OPT_CLOSE_FILES, "do not keep files opened. Use at your own " "risk.", (G_PTR*) &xb_close_files, (G_PTR*) &xb_close_files, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"core-file", OPT_CORE_FILE, "Write core on fatal signals", 0, 0, 0, GET_NO_ARG, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"copy-back", OPT_COPY_BACK, "Copy all the files in a previously made " "backup from the backup directory to their original locations.", (uchar *) &xtrabackup_copy_back, (uchar *) &xtrabackup_copy_back, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"move-back", OPT_MOVE_BACK, "Move all the files in a previously made " "backup from the backup directory to the actual datadir location. " "Use with caution, as it removes backup files.", (uchar *) &xtrabackup_move_back, (uchar *) &xtrabackup_move_back, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"galera-info", OPT_GALERA_INFO, "This options creates the " "xtrabackup_galera_info file which contains the local node state at " "the time of the backup. Option should be used when performing the " "backup of MariaDB Galera Cluster. Has no effect when backup locks " "are used to create the backup.", (uchar *) &opt_galera_info, (uchar *) &opt_galera_info, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"slave-info", OPT_SLAVE_INFO, "This option is useful when backing " "up a replication slave server. It prints the binary log position " "and name of the master server. It also writes this information to " "the \"xtrabackup_slave_info\" file as a \"CHANGE MASTER\" command. " "A new slave for this master can be set up by starting a slave server " "on this backup and issuing a \"CHANGE MASTER\" command with the " "binary log position saved in the \"xtrabackup_slave_info\" file.", (uchar *) &opt_slave_info, (uchar *) &opt_slave_info, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"no-lock", OPT_NO_LOCK, "Use this option to disable table lock " "with \"FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK\". Use it only if ALL your " "tables are InnoDB and you DO NOT CARE about the binary log " "position of the backup. This option shouldn't be used if there " "are any DDL statements being executed or if any updates are " "happening on non-InnoDB tables (this includes the system MyISAM " "tables in the mysql database), otherwise it could lead to an " "inconsistent backup. If you are considering to use --no-lock " "because your backups are failing to acquire the lock, this could " "be because of incoming replication events preventing the lock " "from succeeding. Please try using --safe-slave-backup to " "momentarily stop the replication slave thread, this may help " "the backup to succeed and you then don't need to resort to " "using this option.", (uchar *) &opt_no_lock, (uchar *) &opt_no_lock, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"safe-slave-backup", OPT_SAFE_SLAVE_BACKUP, "Stop slave SQL thread " "and wait to start backup until Slave_open_temp_tables in " "\"SHOW STATUS\" is zero. If there are no open temporary tables, " "the backup will take place, otherwise the SQL thread will be " "started and stopped until there are no open temporary tables. " "The backup will fail if Slave_open_temp_tables does not become " "zero after --safe-slave-backup-timeout seconds. The slave SQL " "thread will be restarted when the backup finishes.", (uchar *) &opt_safe_slave_backup, (uchar *) &opt_safe_slave_backup, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"rsync", OPT_RSYNC, "Uses the rsync utility to optimize local file " "transfers. When this option is specified, innobackupex uses rsync " "to copy all non-InnoDB files instead of spawning a separate cp for " "each file, which can be much faster for servers with a large number " "of databases or tables. This option cannot be used together with " "--stream.", (uchar *) &opt_rsync, (uchar *) &opt_rsync, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"force-non-empty-directories", OPT_FORCE_NON_EMPTY_DIRS, "This " "option, when specified, makes --copy-back or --move-back transfer " "files to non-empty directories. Note that no existing files will be " "overwritten. If --copy-back or --nove-back has to copy a file from " "the backup directory which already exists in the destination " "directory, it will still fail with an error.", (uchar *) &opt_force_non_empty_dirs, (uchar *) &opt_force_non_empty_dirs, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"no-version-check", OPT_NO_VERSION_CHECK, "This option disables the " "version check which is enabled by the --version-check option.", (uchar *) &opt_noversioncheck, (uchar *) &opt_noversioncheck, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"no-backup-locks", OPT_NO_BACKUP_LOCKS, "This option controls if " "backup locks should be used instead of FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK " "on the backup stage. The option has no effect when backup locks are " "not supported by the server. This option is enabled by default, " "disable with --no-backup-locks.", (uchar *) &opt_no_backup_locks, (uchar *) &opt_no_backup_locks, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"decompress", OPT_DECOMPRESS, "Decompresses all files with the .qp " "extension in a backup previously made with the --compress option.", (uchar *) &opt_decompress, (uchar *) &opt_decompress, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"user", 'u', "This option specifies the MySQL username used " "when connecting to the server, if that's not the current user. " "The option accepts a string argument. See mysql --help for details.", (uchar*) &opt_user, (uchar*) &opt_user, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"host", 'H', "This option specifies the host to use when " "connecting to the database server with TCP/IP. The option accepts " "a string argument. See mysql --help for details.", (uchar*) &opt_host, (uchar*) &opt_host, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"port", 'P', "This option specifies the port to use when " "connecting to the database server with TCP/IP. The option accepts " "a string argument. See mysql --help for details.", &opt_port, &opt_port, 0, GET_UINT, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"password", 'p', "This option specifies the password to use " "when connecting to the database. It accepts a string argument. " "See mysql --help for details.", 0, 0, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"protocol", OPT_PROTOCOL, "The protocol to use for connection (tcp, socket, pipe, memory).", 0, 0, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"socket", 'S', "This option specifies the socket to use when " "connecting to the local database server with a UNIX domain socket. " "The option accepts a string argument. See mysql --help for details.", (uchar*) &opt_socket, (uchar*) &opt_socket, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"incremental-history-name", OPT_INCREMENTAL_HISTORY_NAME, "This option specifies the name of the backup series stored in the " "PERCONA_SCHEMA.xtrabackup_history history record to base an " "incremental backup on. Xtrabackup will search the history table " "looking for the most recent (highest innodb_to_lsn), successful " "backup in the series and take the to_lsn value to use as the " "starting lsn for the incremental backup. This will be mutually " "exclusive with --incremental-history-uuid, --incremental-basedir " "and --incremental-lsn. If no valid lsn can be found (no series by " "that name, no successful backups by that name) xtrabackup will " "return with an error. It is used with the --incremental option.", (uchar*) &opt_incremental_history_name, (uchar*) &opt_incremental_history_name, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"incremental-history-uuid", OPT_INCREMENTAL_HISTORY_UUID, "This option specifies the UUID of the specific history record " "stored in the PERCONA_SCHEMA.xtrabackup_history to base an " "incremental backup on. --incremental-history-name, " "--incremental-basedir and --incremental-lsn. If no valid lsn can be " "found (no success record with that uuid) xtrabackup will return " "with an error. It is used with the --incremental option.", (uchar*) &opt_incremental_history_uuid, (uchar*) &opt_incremental_history_uuid, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"remove-original", OPT_REMOVE_ORIGINAL, "Remove .qp files after decompression.", (uchar *) &opt_remove_original, (uchar *) &opt_remove_original, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"ftwrl-wait-query-type", OPT_LOCK_WAIT_QUERY_TYPE, "This option specifies which types of queries are allowed to complete " "before innobackupex will issue the global lock. Default is all.", (uchar*) &opt_lock_wait_query_type, (uchar*) &opt_lock_wait_query_type, &query_type_typelib, GET_ENUM, REQUIRED_ARG, QUERY_TYPE_ALL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"kill-long-query-type", OPT_KILL_LONG_QUERY_TYPE, "This option specifies which types of queries should be killed to " "unblock the global lock. Default is \"all\".", (uchar*) &opt_kill_long_query_type, (uchar*) &opt_kill_long_query_type, &query_type_typelib, GET_ENUM, REQUIRED_ARG, QUERY_TYPE_SELECT, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"history", OPT_HISTORY, "This option enables the tracking of backup history in the " "PERCONA_SCHEMA.xtrabackup_history table. An optional history " "series name may be specified that will be placed with the history " "record for the current backup being taken.", NULL, NULL, 0, GET_STR, OPT_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"kill-long-queries-timeout", OPT_KILL_LONG_QUERIES_TIMEOUT, "This option specifies the number of seconds innobackupex waits " "between starting FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK and killing those " "queries that block it. Default is 0 seconds, which means " "innobackupex will not attempt to kill any queries.", (uchar*) &opt_kill_long_queries_timeout, (uchar*) &opt_kill_long_queries_timeout, 0, GET_UINT, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"ftwrl-wait-timeout", OPT_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT, "This option specifies time in seconds that innobackupex should wait " "for queries that would block FTWRL before running it. If there are " "still such queries when the timeout expires, innobackupex terminates " "with an error. Default is 0, in which case innobackupex does not " "wait for queries to complete and starts FTWRL immediately.", (uchar*) &opt_lock_wait_timeout, (uchar*) &opt_lock_wait_timeout, 0, GET_UINT, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"ftwrl-wait-threshold", OPT_LOCK_WAIT_THRESHOLD, "This option specifies the query run time threshold which is used by " "innobackupex to detect long-running queries with a non-zero value " "of --ftwrl-wait-timeout. FTWRL is not started until such " "long-running queries exist. This option has no effect if " "--ftwrl-wait-timeout is 0. Default value is 60 seconds.", (uchar*) &opt_lock_wait_threshold, (uchar*) &opt_lock_wait_threshold, 0, GET_UINT, REQUIRED_ARG, 60, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"debug-sleep-before-unlock", OPT_DEBUG_SLEEP_BEFORE_UNLOCK, "This is a debug-only option used by the XtraBackup test suite.", (uchar*) &opt_debug_sleep_before_unlock, (uchar*) &opt_debug_sleep_before_unlock, 0, GET_UINT, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"safe-slave-backup-timeout", OPT_SAFE_SLAVE_BACKUP_TIMEOUT, "How many seconds --safe-slave-backup should wait for " "Slave_open_temp_tables to become zero. (default 300)", (uchar*) &opt_safe_slave_backup_timeout, (uchar*) &opt_safe_slave_backup_timeout, 0, GET_UINT, REQUIRED_ARG, 300, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"binlog-info", OPT_BINLOG_INFO, "This option controls how XtraBackup should retrieve server's binary log " "coordinates corresponding to the backup. Possible values are OFF, ON, " "LOCKLESS and AUTO. See the XtraBackup manual for more information", &opt_binlog_info, &opt_binlog_info, &binlog_info_typelib, GET_ENUM, OPT_ARG, BINLOG_INFO_AUTO, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"secure-auth", OPT_XB_SECURE_AUTH, "Refuse client connecting to server if it" " uses old (pre-4.1.1) protocol.", &opt_secure_auth, &opt_secure_auth, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, #define MYSQL_CLIENT #include "sslopt-longopts.h" #undef MYSQL_CLIENT { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, GET_NO_ARG, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} }; uint xb_client_options_count = array_elements(xb_client_options); #ifndef DBUG_OFF /** Parameters to DBUG */ static const char *dbug_option; #endif struct my_option xb_server_options[] = { {"datadir", 'h', "Path to the database root.", (G_PTR*) &mysql_data_home, (G_PTR*) &mysql_data_home, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"tmpdir", 't', "Path for temporary files. Several paths may be specified, separated by a " #if defined(__WIN__) || defined(OS2) || defined(__NETWARE__) "semicolon (;)" #else "colon (:)" #endif ", in this case they are used in a round-robin fashion.", (G_PTR*) &opt_mysql_tmpdir, (G_PTR*) &opt_mysql_tmpdir, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"parallel", OPT_XTRA_PARALLEL, "Number of threads to use for parallel datafiles transfer. " "The default value is 1.", (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_parallel, (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_parallel, 0, GET_INT, REQUIRED_ARG, 1, 1, INT_MAX, 0, 0, 0}, {"extended_validation", OPT_XTRA_EXTENDED_VALIDATION, "Enable extended validation for Innodb data pages during backup phase. " "Will slow down backup considerably, in case encryption is used. " "May fail if tables are created during the backup.", (G_PTR*)&opt_extended_validation, (G_PTR*)&opt_extended_validation, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, FALSE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"encrypted_backup", OPT_XTRA_ENCRYPTED_BACKUP, "In --backup, assume that nonzero key_version implies that the page" " is encrypted. Use --backup --skip-encrypted-backup to allow" " copying unencrypted that were originally created before MySQL 5.1.48.", (G_PTR*)&opt_encrypted_backup, (G_PTR*)&opt_encrypted_backup, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, TRUE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"log", OPT_LOG, "Ignored option for MySQL option compatibility", (G_PTR*) &log_ignored_opt, (G_PTR*) &log_ignored_opt, 0, GET_STR, OPT_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"log_bin", OPT_LOG, "Base name for the log sequence", &opt_log_bin, &opt_log_bin, 0, GET_STR, OPT_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"innodb", OPT_INNODB, "Ignored option for MySQL option compatibility", (G_PTR*) &innobase_ignored_opt, (G_PTR*) &innobase_ignored_opt, 0, GET_STR, OPT_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, #ifdef BTR_CUR_HASH_ADAPT {"innodb_adaptive_hash_index", OPT_INNODB_ADAPTIVE_HASH_INDEX, "Enable InnoDB adaptive hash index (enabled by default). " "Disable with --skip-innodb-adaptive-hash-index.", &btr_search_enabled, &btr_search_enabled, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, #endif /* BTR_CUR_HASH_ADAPT */ {"innodb_autoextend_increment", OPT_INNODB_AUTOEXTEND_INCREMENT, "Data file autoextend increment in megabytes", (G_PTR*) &sys_tablespace_auto_extend_increment, (G_PTR*) &sys_tablespace_auto_extend_increment, 0, GET_ULONG, REQUIRED_ARG, 8L, 1L, 1000L, 0, 1L, 0}, {"innodb_data_file_path", OPT_INNODB_DATA_FILE_PATH, "Path to individual files and their sizes.", &innobase_data_file_path, &innobase_data_file_path, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"innodb_data_home_dir", OPT_INNODB_DATA_HOME_DIR, "The common part for InnoDB table spaces.", &innobase_data_home_dir, &innobase_data_home_dir, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"innodb_doublewrite", OPT_INNODB_DOUBLEWRITE, "Enable InnoDB doublewrite buffer during --prepare.", (G_PTR*) &innobase_use_doublewrite, (G_PTR*) &innobase_use_doublewrite, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"innodb_io_capacity", OPT_INNODB_IO_CAPACITY, "Number of IOPs the server can do. Tunes the background IO rate", (G_PTR*) &srv_io_capacity, (G_PTR*) &srv_io_capacity, 0, GET_ULONG, OPT_ARG, 200, 100, ~0UL, 0, 0, 0}, {"innodb_file_io_threads", OPT_INNODB_FILE_IO_THREADS, "Number of file I/O threads in InnoDB.", (G_PTR*) &innobase_file_io_threads, (G_PTR*) &innobase_file_io_threads, 0, GET_LONG, REQUIRED_ARG, 4, 4, 64, 0, 1, 0}, {"innodb_read_io_threads", OPT_INNODB_READ_IO_THREADS, "Number of background read I/O threads in InnoDB.", (G_PTR*) &innobase_read_io_threads, (G_PTR*) &innobase_read_io_threads, 0, GET_LONG, REQUIRED_ARG, 4, 1, 64, 0, 1, 0}, {"innodb_write_io_threads", OPT_INNODB_WRITE_IO_THREADS, "Number of background write I/O threads in InnoDB.", (G_PTR*) &innobase_write_io_threads, (G_PTR*) &innobase_write_io_threads, 0, GET_LONG, REQUIRED_ARG, 4, 1, 64, 0, 1, 0}, {"innodb_file_per_table", OPT_INNODB_FILE_PER_TABLE, "Stores each InnoDB table to an .ibd file in the database dir.", (G_PTR*) &innobase_file_per_table, (G_PTR*) &innobase_file_per_table, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, FALSE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"innodb_flush_method", OPT_INNODB_FLUSH_METHOD, "With which method to flush data.", &srv_file_flush_method, &srv_file_flush_method, &innodb_flush_method_typelib, GET_ENUM, REQUIRED_ARG, IF_WIN(SRV_ALL_O_DIRECT_FSYNC, SRV_FSYNC), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"innodb_log_buffer_size", OPT_INNODB_LOG_BUFFER_SIZE, "The size of the buffer which InnoDB uses to write log to the log files on disk.", (G_PTR*) &srv_log_buffer_size, (G_PTR*) &srv_log_buffer_size, 0, GET_ULONG, REQUIRED_ARG, 1024*1024L, 256*1024L, LONG_MAX, 0, 1024, 0}, {"innodb_log_file_size", OPT_INNODB_LOG_FILE_SIZE, "Ignored for mysqld option compatibility", (G_PTR*) &srv_log_file_size, (G_PTR*) &srv_log_file_size, 0, GET_ULL, REQUIRED_ARG, 48 << 20, 1 << 20, log_group_max_size, 0, UNIV_PAGE_SIZE_MAX, 0}, {"innodb_log_files_in_group", OPT_INNODB_LOG_FILES_IN_GROUP, "Ignored for mysqld option compatibility", &srv_n_log_files, &srv_n_log_files, 0, GET_LONG, REQUIRED_ARG, 1, 1, 100, 0, 1, 0}, {"innodb_log_group_home_dir", OPT_INNODB_LOG_GROUP_HOME_DIR, "Path to InnoDB log files.", &srv_log_group_home_dir, &srv_log_group_home_dir, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct", OPT_INNODB_MAX_DIRTY_PAGES_PCT, "Percentage of dirty pages allowed in bufferpool.", (G_PTR*) &srv_max_buf_pool_modified_pct, (G_PTR*) &srv_max_buf_pool_modified_pct, 0, GET_ULONG, REQUIRED_ARG, 90, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0}, {"innodb_use_native_aio", OPT_INNODB_USE_NATIVE_AIO, "Use native AIO if supported on this platform.", (G_PTR*) &srv_use_native_aio, (G_PTR*) &srv_use_native_aio, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, TRUE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"innodb_page_size", OPT_INNODB_PAGE_SIZE, "The universal page size of the database.", (G_PTR*) &innobase_page_size, (G_PTR*) &innobase_page_size, 0, /* Use GET_LL to support numeric suffixes in 5.6 */ GET_LL, REQUIRED_ARG, (1LL << 14), (1LL << 12), (1LL << UNIV_PAGE_SIZE_SHIFT_MAX), 0, 1L, 0}, {"innodb_buffer_pool_filename", OPT_INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_FILENAME, "Ignored for mysqld option compatibility", (G_PTR*) &innobase_buffer_pool_filename, (G_PTR*) &innobase_buffer_pool_filename, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, #ifndef DBUG_OFF /* unfortunately "debug" collides with existing options */ {"dbug", '#', "Built in DBUG debugger.", &dbug_option, &dbug_option, 0, GET_STR, OPT_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, #endif #ifndef __WIN__ {"debug-sync", OPT_XTRA_DEBUG_SYNC, "Debug sync point. This is only used by the xtrabackup test suite", (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_debug_sync, (G_PTR*) &xtrabackup_debug_sync, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, #endif {"innodb_checksum_algorithm", OPT_INNODB_CHECKSUM_ALGORITHM, "The algorithm InnoDB uses for page checksumming. [CRC32, STRICT_CRC32, " "INNODB, STRICT_INNODB, NONE, STRICT_NONE]", &srv_checksum_algorithm, &srv_checksum_algorithm, &innodb_checksum_algorithm_typelib, GET_ENUM, REQUIRED_ARG, SRV_CHECKSUM_ALGORITHM_CRC32, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"innodb_undo_directory", OPT_INNODB_UNDO_DIRECTORY, "Directory where undo tablespace files live, this path can be absolute.", &srv_undo_dir, &srv_undo_dir, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"innodb_undo_tablespaces", OPT_INNODB_UNDO_TABLESPACES, "Number of undo tablespaces to use.", (G_PTR*)&srv_undo_tablespaces, (G_PTR*)&srv_undo_tablespaces, 0, GET_ULONG, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 126, 0, 1, 0}, {"innodb_compression_level", OPT_INNODB_COMPRESSION_LEVEL, "Compression level used for zlib compression.", (G_PTR*)&page_zip_level, (G_PTR*)&page_zip_level, 0, GET_UINT, REQUIRED_ARG, 6, 0, 9, 0, 0, 0}, {"defaults_group", OPT_DEFAULTS_GROUP, "defaults group in config file (default \"mysqld\").", (G_PTR*) &defaults_group, (G_PTR*) &defaults_group, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"plugin-dir", OPT_PLUGIN_DIR, "Server plugin directory. Used to load encryption plugin during 'prepare' phase." "Has no effect in the 'backup' phase (plugin directory during backup is the same as server's)", &xb_plugin_dir, &xb_plugin_dir, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, {"innodb-log-checksums", OPT_INNODB_LOG_CHECKSUMS, "Whether to require checksums for InnoDB redo log blocks", &innodb_log_checksums, &innodb_log_checksums, 0, GET_BOOL, REQUIRED_ARG, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, {"open_files_limit", OPT_OPEN_FILES_LIMIT, "the maximum number of file " "descriptors to reserve with setrlimit().", (G_PTR*) &xb_open_files_limit, (G_PTR*) &xb_open_files_limit, 0, GET_ULONG, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, UINT_MAX, 0, 1, 0}, {"lock-ddl-per-table", OPT_LOCK_DDL_PER_TABLE, "Lock DDL for each table " "before xtrabackup starts to copy it and until the backup is completed.", (uchar*) &opt_lock_ddl_per_table, (uchar*) &opt_lock_ddl_per_table, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"rocksdb-datadir", OPT_ROCKSDB_DATADIR, "RocksDB data directory." "This option is only used with --copy-back or --move-back option", &xb_rocksdb_datadir, &xb_rocksdb_datadir, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, { "rocksdb-backup", OPT_BACKUP_ROCKSDB, "Backup rocksdb data, if rocksdb plugin is installed." "Used only with --backup option. Can be useful for partial backups, to exclude all rocksdb data", &xb_backup_rocksdb, &xb_backup_rocksdb, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, {"check-privileges", OPT_XTRA_CHECK_PRIVILEGES, "Check database user " "privileges fro the backup user", &opt_check_privileges, &opt_check_privileges, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, GET_NO_ARG, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} }; uint xb_server_options_count = array_elements(xb_server_options); #ifndef __WIN__ static int debug_sync_resumed; static void sigcont_handler(int sig); static void sigcont_handler(int sig __attribute__((unused))) { debug_sync_resumed= 1; } #endif static inline void debug_sync_point(const char *name) { #ifndef __WIN__ FILE *fp; pid_t pid; char pid_path[FN_REFLEN]; if (xtrabackup_debug_sync == NULL) { return; } if (strcmp(xtrabackup_debug_sync, name)) { return; } pid = getpid(); snprintf(pid_path, sizeof(pid_path), "%s/xtrabackup_debug_sync", xtrabackup_target_dir); fp = fopen(pid_path, "w"); if (fp == NULL) { die("Can't open open %s", pid_path); } fprintf(fp, "%u\n", (uint) pid); fclose(fp); msg("mariabackup: DEBUG: Suspending at debug sync point '%s'. " "Resume with 'kill -SIGCONT %u'.", name, (uint) pid); debug_sync_resumed= 0; kill(pid, SIGSTOP); while (!debug_sync_resumed) { sleep(1); } /* On resume */ msg("mariabackup: DEBUG: removing the pid file."); my_delete(pid_path, MYF(MY_WME)); #endif } static std::set tables_for_export; static void append_export_table(const char *dbname, const char *tablename, bool is_remote) { if(dbname && tablename && !is_remote) { char buf[3*FN_REFLEN]; snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"%s/%s",dbname, tablename); // trim .ibd char *p=strrchr(buf, '.'); if (p) *p=0; std::string name=ut_get_name(0, buf); /* Strip partition name comment from table name, if any */ if (ends_with(name.c_str(), "*/")) { size_t pos= name.rfind("/*"); if (pos != std::string::npos) name.resize(pos); } tables_for_export.insert(name); } } #define BOOTSTRAP_FILENAME "mariabackup_prepare_for_export.sql" static int create_bootstrap_file() { FILE *f= fopen(BOOTSTRAP_FILENAME,"wb"); if(!f) return -1; fputs("SET NAMES UTF8;\n",f); enumerate_ibd_files(append_export_table); for (std::set::iterator it = tables_for_export.begin(); it != tables_for_export.end(); it++) { const char *tab = it->c_str(); fprintf(f, "BEGIN NOT ATOMIC " "DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND,SQLEXCEPTION BEGIN END;" "FLUSH TABLES %s FOR EXPORT;" "END;\n" "UNLOCK TABLES;\n", tab); } fclose(f); return 0; } static int prepare_export() { int err= -1; char cmdline[2*FN_REFLEN]; FILE *outf; if (create_bootstrap_file()) return -1; // Process defaults-file , it can have some --lc-language stuff, // which is* unfortunately* still necessary to get mysqld up if (strncmp(orig_argv1,"--defaults-file=",16) == 0) { snprintf(cmdline, sizeof cmdline, IF_WIN("\"","") "\"%s\" --mysqld \"%s\" " " --defaults-extra-file=./backup-my.cnf --defaults-group-suffix=%s --datadir=." " --innodb --innodb-fast-shutdown=0 --loose-partition" " --innodb_purge_rseg_truncate_frequency=1 --innodb-buffer-pool-size=%llu" " --console --skip-log-error --bootstrap < " BOOTSTRAP_FILENAME IF_WIN("\"",""), mariabackup_exe, orig_argv1, (my_defaults_group_suffix?my_defaults_group_suffix:""), xtrabackup_use_memory); } else { sprintf(cmdline, IF_WIN("\"","") "\"%s\" --mysqld" " --defaults-file=./backup-my.cnf --defaults-group-suffix=%s --datadir=." " --innodb --innodb-fast-shutdown=0 --loose-partition" " --innodb_purge_rseg_truncate_frequency=1 --innodb-buffer-pool-size=%llu" " --console --log-error= --bootstrap < " BOOTSTRAP_FILENAME IF_WIN("\"",""), mariabackup_exe, (my_defaults_group_suffix?my_defaults_group_suffix:""), xtrabackup_use_memory); } msg("Prepare export : executing %s\n", cmdline); fflush(stderr); outf= popen(cmdline,"r"); if (!outf) goto end; char outline[FN_REFLEN]; while(fgets(outline, sizeof(outline)-1, outf)) fprintf(stderr,"%s",outline); err = pclose(outf); end: unlink(BOOTSTRAP_FILENAME); return err; } static const char *xb_client_default_groups[]={ "xtrabackup", "mariabackup", "client", "client-server", "client-mariadb", 0, 0, 0 }; static const char *xb_server_default_groups[]={ "xtrabackup", "mariabackup", "mysqld", "server", MYSQL_BASE_VERSION, "mariadb", MARIADB_BASE_VERSION, "client-server", #ifdef WITH_WSREP "galera", #endif 0, 0, 0 }; static void print_version(void) { fprintf(stderr, "%s based on MariaDB server %s %s (%s)\n", my_progname, MYSQL_SERVER_VERSION, SYSTEM_TYPE, MACHINE_TYPE); } static void usage(void) { puts("Open source backup tool for InnoDB and XtraDB\n\ \n\ Copyright (C) 2009-2015 Percona LLC and/or its affiliates.\n\ Portions Copyright (C) 2000, 2011, MySQL AB & Innobase Oy. All Rights Reserved.\n\ \n\ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or\n\ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License\n\ as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2\n\ of the License.\n\ \n\ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n\ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n\ MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n\ GNU General Public License for more details.\n\ \n\ You can download full text of the license on http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt\n"); printf("Usage: %s [--defaults-file=#] [--backup | --prepare | --copy-back | --move-back] [OPTIONS]\n",my_progname); print_defaults("my", xb_server_default_groups); my_print_help(xb_client_options); my_print_help(xb_server_options); my_print_variables(xb_server_options); my_print_variables(xb_client_options); } #define ADD_PRINT_PARAM_OPT(value) \ { \ print_param_str << opt->name << "=" << value << "\n"; \ param_set.insert(opt->name); \ } /************************************************************************ Check if parameter is set in defaults file or via command line argument @return true if parameter is set. */ bool check_if_param_set(const char *param) { return param_set.find(param) != param_set.end(); } my_bool xb_get_one_option(int optid, const struct my_option *opt __attribute__((unused)), char *argument) { switch(optid) { case 'h': strmake(mysql_real_data_home,argument, FN_REFLEN - 1); mysql_data_home= mysql_real_data_home; ADD_PRINT_PARAM_OPT(mysql_real_data_home); break; case 't': ADD_PRINT_PARAM_OPT(opt_mysql_tmpdir); break; case OPT_INNODB_DATA_HOME_DIR: ADD_PRINT_PARAM_OPT(innobase_data_home_dir); break; case OPT_INNODB_DATA_FILE_PATH: ADD_PRINT_PARAM_OPT(innobase_data_file_path); break; case OPT_INNODB_LOG_GROUP_HOME_DIR: ADD_PRINT_PARAM_OPT(srv_log_group_home_dir); break; case OPT_INNODB_LOG_FILES_IN_GROUP: case OPT_INNODB_LOG_FILE_SIZE: break; case OPT_INNODB_FLUSH_METHOD: ut_a(srv_file_flush_method <= IF_WIN(SRV_ALL_O_DIRECT_FSYNC, SRV_O_DIRECT_NO_FSYNC)); ADD_PRINT_PARAM_OPT(innodb_flush_method_names[srv_file_flush_method]); break; case OPT_INNODB_PAGE_SIZE: ADD_PRINT_PARAM_OPT(innobase_page_size); break; case OPT_INNODB_UNDO_DIRECTORY: ADD_PRINT_PARAM_OPT(srv_undo_dir); break; case OPT_INNODB_UNDO_TABLESPACES: ADD_PRINT_PARAM_OPT(srv_undo_tablespaces); break; case OPT_INNODB_CHECKSUM_ALGORITHM: ut_a(srv_checksum_algorithm <= SRV_CHECKSUM_ALGORITHM_STRICT_NONE); ADD_PRINT_PARAM_OPT(innodb_checksum_algorithm_names[srv_checksum_algorithm]); break; case OPT_INNODB_COMPRESSION_LEVEL: ADD_PRINT_PARAM_OPT(page_zip_level); break; case OPT_INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_FILENAME: ADD_PRINT_PARAM_OPT(innobase_buffer_pool_filename); break; case OPT_XTRA_TARGET_DIR: strmake(xtrabackup_real_target_dir,argument, sizeof(xtrabackup_real_target_dir)-1); xtrabackup_target_dir= xtrabackup_real_target_dir; break; case OPT_XTRA_STREAM: if (!strcasecmp(argument, "xbstream")) xtrabackup_stream_fmt = XB_STREAM_FMT_XBSTREAM; else { msg("Invalid --stream argument: %s", argument); return 1; } xtrabackup_stream = TRUE; break; case OPT_XTRA_COMPRESS: if (argument == NULL) xtrabackup_compress_alg = "quicklz"; else if (strcasecmp(argument, "quicklz")) { msg("Invalid --compress argument: %s", argument); return 1; } xtrabackup_compress = TRUE; break; case OPT_DECOMPRESS: opt_decompress = TRUE; xtrabackup_decrypt_decompress = true; break; case (int) OPT_CORE_FILE: test_flags |= TEST_CORE_ON_SIGNAL; break; case OPT_HISTORY: if (argument) { opt_history = argument; } else { opt_history = ""; } break; case 'p': if (argument) { char *start= argument; my_free(opt_password); opt_password= my_strdup(argument, MYF(MY_FAE)); while (*argument) *argument++= 'x'; // Destroy argument if (*start) start[1]=0 ; } break; case OPT_PROTOCOL: if (argument) { if ((opt_protocol= find_type_with_warning(argument, &sql_protocol_typelib, opt->name)) <= 0) { sf_leaking_memory= 1; /* no memory leak reports here */ exit(1); } } break; #define MYSQL_CLIENT #include "sslopt-case.h" #undef MYSQL_CLIENT case '?': usage(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); break; case 'v': print_version(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); break; default: break; } return 0; } static bool innodb_init_param() { srv_is_being_started = TRUE; /* === some variables from mysqld === */ memset((G_PTR) &mysql_tmpdir_list, 0, sizeof(mysql_tmpdir_list)); if (init_tmpdir(&mysql_tmpdir_list, opt_mysql_tmpdir)) { msg("init_tmpdir() failed"); return true; } xtrabackup_tmpdir = my_tmpdir(&mysql_tmpdir_list); /* dummy for initialize all_charsets[] */ get_charset_name(0); srv_page_size = 0; srv_page_size_shift = 0; #ifdef BTR_CUR_HASH_ADAPT btr_ahi_parts = 1; #endif /* BTR_CUR_HASH_ADAPT */ if (innobase_page_size != (1LL << 14)) { size_t n_shift = get_bit_shift(size_t(innobase_page_size)); if (n_shift >= 12 && n_shift <= UNIV_PAGE_SIZE_SHIFT_MAX) { srv_page_size_shift = ulong(n_shift); srv_page_size = 1U << n_shift; msg("InnoDB: The universal page size of the " "database is set to %lu.", srv_page_size); } else { msg("invalid value of " "innobase_page_size: %lld", innobase_page_size); goto error; } } else { srv_page_size_shift = 14; srv_page_size = 1U << 14; } /* Check that values don't overflow on 32-bit systems. */ if (sizeof(ulint) == 4) { if (xtrabackup_use_memory > UINT_MAX32) { msg("mariabackup: use-memory can't be over 4GB" " on 32-bit systems"); } } static char default_path[2] = { FN_CURLIB, 0 }; fil_path_to_mysql_datadir = default_path; /* Set InnoDB initialization parameters according to the values read from MySQL .cnf file */ if (xtrabackup_backup) { msg("mariabackup: using the following InnoDB configuration:"); } else { msg("mariabackup: using the following InnoDB configuration " "for recovery:"); } /*--------------- Data files -------------------------*/ /* The default dir for data files is the datadir of MySQL */ srv_data_home = (xtrabackup_backup && innobase_data_home_dir ? innobase_data_home_dir : default_path); msg("innodb_data_home_dir = %s", srv_data_home); /* Set default InnoDB data file size to 10 MB and let it be auto-extending. Thus users can use InnoDB in >= 4.0 without having to specify any startup options. */ if (!innobase_data_file_path) { innobase_data_file_path = (char*) "ibdata1:10M:autoextend"; } msg("innodb_data_file_path = %s", innobase_data_file_path); /* This is the first time univ_page_size is used. It was initialized to 16k pages before srv_page_size was set */ univ_page_size.copy_from( page_size_t(srv_page_size, srv_page_size, false)); srv_sys_space.set_space_id(TRX_SYS_SPACE); srv_sys_space.set_name("innodb_system"); srv_sys_space.set_path(srv_data_home); srv_sys_space.set_flags(FSP_FLAGS_PAGE_SSIZE()); if (!srv_sys_space.parse_params(innobase_data_file_path, true)) { goto error; } srv_sys_space.normalize_size(); srv_lock_table_size = 5 * (srv_buf_pool_size >> srv_page_size_shift); /* -------------- Log files ---------------------------*/ /* The default dir for log files is the datadir of MySQL */ if (!(xtrabackup_backup && srv_log_group_home_dir)) { srv_log_group_home_dir = default_path; } if (xtrabackup_prepare && xtrabackup_incremental_dir) { srv_log_group_home_dir = xtrabackup_incremental_dir; } msg("innodb_log_group_home_dir = %s", srv_log_group_home_dir); os_normalize_path(srv_log_group_home_dir); if (strchr(srv_log_group_home_dir, ';')) { msg("syntax error in innodb_log_group_home_dir, "); goto error; } srv_adaptive_flushing = FALSE; /* We set srv_pool_size here in units of 1 kB. InnoDB internally changes the value so that it becomes the number of database pages. */ srv_buf_pool_size = (ulint) xtrabackup_use_memory; srv_buf_pool_chunk_unit = (ulong)srv_buf_pool_size; srv_buf_pool_instances = 1; srv_n_page_cleaners = 1; srv_n_file_io_threads = (ulint) innobase_file_io_threads; srv_n_read_io_threads = (ulint) innobase_read_io_threads; srv_n_write_io_threads = (ulint) innobase_write_io_threads; srv_use_doublewrite_buf = (ibool) innobase_use_doublewrite; row_rollback_on_timeout = (ibool) innobase_rollback_on_timeout; srv_file_per_table = (my_bool) innobase_file_per_table; srv_locks_unsafe_for_binlog = (ibool) innobase_locks_unsafe_for_binlog; srv_max_n_open_files = ULINT_UNDEFINED - 5; srv_innodb_status = (ibool) innobase_create_status_file; srv_print_verbose_log = verbose ? 2 : 1; /* Store the default charset-collation number of this MySQL installation */ /* We cannot treat characterset here for now!! */ data_mysql_default_charset_coll = (ulint)default_charset_info->number; ut_ad(DATA_MYSQL_BINARY_CHARSET_COLL == my_charset_bin.number); #ifdef _WIN32 srv_use_native_aio = TRUE; #elif defined(LINUX_NATIVE_AIO) if (srv_use_native_aio) { msg("InnoDB: Using Linux native AIO"); } #else /* Currently native AIO is supported only on windows and linux and that also when the support is compiled in. In all other cases, we ignore the setting of innodb_use_native_aio. */ srv_use_native_aio = FALSE; #endif /* Assign the default value to srv_undo_dir if it's not specified, as my_getopt does not support default values for string options. We also ignore the option and override innodb_undo_directory on --prepare, because separate undo tablespaces are copied to the root backup directory. */ if (!srv_undo_dir || !xtrabackup_backup) { srv_undo_dir = (char*) "."; } log_checksum_algorithm_ptr = innodb_log_checksums || srv_encrypt_log ? log_block_calc_checksum_crc32 : log_block_calc_checksum_none; #ifdef _WIN32 srv_use_native_aio = TRUE; #endif return false; error: msg("mariabackup: innodb_init_param(): Error occured.\n"); return true; } static bool innodb_init() { bool create_new_db = false; /* Check if the data files exist or not. */ dberr_t err = srv_sys_space.check_file_spec(&create_new_db, 5U << 20); if (err == DB_SUCCESS) { err = srv_start(create_new_db); } if (err != DB_SUCCESS) { die("mariabackup: innodb_init() returned %d (%s).", err, ut_strerr(err)); } return(FALSE); } /* ================= common ================= */ /*********************************************************************** Read backup meta info. @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. */ static my_bool xtrabackup_read_metadata(char *filename) { FILE *fp; my_bool r = TRUE; fp = fopen(filename,"r"); if(!fp) { msg("Error: cannot open %s", filename); return(FALSE); } if (fscanf(fp, "backup_type = %29s\n", metadata_type) != 1) { r = FALSE; goto end; } /* Use UINT64PF instead of LSN_PF here, as we have to maintain the file format. */ if (fscanf(fp, "from_lsn = " UINT64PF "\n", &metadata_from_lsn) != 1) { r = FALSE; goto end; } if (fscanf(fp, "to_lsn = " UINT64PF "\n", &metadata_to_lsn) != 1) { r = FALSE; goto end; } if (fscanf(fp, "last_lsn = " UINT64PF "\n", &metadata_last_lsn) != 1) { metadata_last_lsn = 0; } /* Optional fields */ end: fclose(fp); return(r); } /*********************************************************************** Print backup meta info to a specified buffer. */ static void xtrabackup_print_metadata(char *buf, size_t buf_len) { /* Use UINT64PF instead of LSN_PF here, as we have to maintain the file format. */ snprintf(buf, buf_len, "backup_type = %s\n" "from_lsn = " UINT64PF "\n" "to_lsn = " UINT64PF "\n" "last_lsn = " UINT64PF "\n", metadata_type, metadata_from_lsn, metadata_to_lsn, metadata_last_lsn); } /*********************************************************************** Stream backup meta info to a specified datasink. @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. */ static my_bool xtrabackup_stream_metadata(ds_ctxt_t *ds_ctxt) { char buf[1024]; size_t len; ds_file_t *stream; MY_STAT mystat; my_bool rc = TRUE; xtrabackup_print_metadata(buf, sizeof(buf)); len = strlen(buf); mystat.st_size = len; mystat.st_mtime = my_time(0); stream = ds_open(ds_ctxt, XTRABACKUP_METADATA_FILENAME, &mystat); if (stream == NULL) { msg("Error: cannot open output stream for %s", XTRABACKUP_METADATA_FILENAME); return(FALSE); } if (ds_write(stream, buf, len)) { rc = FALSE; } if (ds_close(stream)) { rc = FALSE; } return(rc); } /*********************************************************************** Write backup meta info to a specified file. @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. */ static my_bool xtrabackup_write_metadata(const char *filepath) { char buf[1024]; size_t len; FILE *fp; xtrabackup_print_metadata(buf, sizeof(buf)); len = strlen(buf); fp = fopen(filepath, "w"); if(!fp) { msg("Error: cannot open %s", filepath); return(FALSE); } if (fwrite(buf, len, 1, fp) < 1) { fclose(fp); return(FALSE); } fclose(fp); return(TRUE); } /*********************************************************************** Read meta info for an incremental delta. @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. */ static my_bool xb_read_delta_metadata(const char *filepath, xb_delta_info_t *info) { FILE* fp; char key[51]; char value[51]; my_bool r = TRUE; /* set defaults */ ulint page_size = ULINT_UNDEFINED, zip_size = 0; info->space_id = ULINT_UNDEFINED; fp = fopen(filepath, "r"); if (!fp) { /* Meta files for incremental deltas are optional */ return(TRUE); } while (!feof(fp)) { if (fscanf(fp, "%50s = %50s\n", key, value) == 2) { if (strcmp(key, "page_size") == 0) { page_size = strtoul(value, NULL, 10); } else if (strcmp(key, "zip_size") == 0) { zip_size = strtoul(value, NULL, 10); } else if (strcmp(key, "space_id") == 0) { info->space_id = strtoul(value, NULL, 10); } } } fclose(fp); if (page_size == ULINT_UNDEFINED) { msg("page_size is required in %s", filepath); r = FALSE; } else { info->page_size = page_size_t(zip_size ? zip_size : page_size, page_size, zip_size != 0); } if (info->space_id == ULINT_UNDEFINED) { msg("mariabackup: Warning: This backup was taken with XtraBackup 2.0.1 " "or earlier, some DDL operations between full and incremental " "backups may be handled incorrectly"); } return(r); } /*********************************************************************** Write meta info for an incremental delta. @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. */ my_bool xb_write_delta_metadata(const char *filename, const xb_delta_info_t *info) { ds_file_t *f; char buf[64]; my_bool ret; size_t len; MY_STAT mystat; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "page_size = " ULINTPF "\n" "zip_size = " ULINTPF " \n" "space_id = " ULINTPF "\n", info->page_size.logical(), info->page_size.is_compressed() ? info->page_size.physical() : 0, info->space_id); len = strlen(buf); mystat.st_size = len; mystat.st_mtime = my_time(0); f = ds_open(ds_meta, filename, &mystat); if (f == NULL) { msg("Error: Can't open output stream for %s",filename); return(FALSE); } ret = (ds_write(f, buf, len) == 0); if (ds_close(f)) { ret = FALSE; } return(ret); } /* ================= backup ================= */ void xtrabackup_io_throttling(void) { if (xtrabackup_backup && xtrabackup_throttle && (io_ticket--) < 0) { os_event_reset(wait_throttle); os_event_wait(wait_throttle); } } static my_bool regex_list_check_match( const regex_list_t& list, const char* name) { regmatch_t tables_regmatch[1]; for (regex_list_t::const_iterator i = list.begin(), end = list.end(); i != end; ++i) { const regex_t& regex = *i; int regres = regexec(®ex, name, 1, tables_regmatch, 0); if (regres != REG_NOMATCH) { return(TRUE); } } return(FALSE); } static my_bool find_filter_in_hashtable( const char* name, hash_table_t* table, xb_filter_entry_t** result ) { xb_filter_entry_t* found = NULL; HASH_SEARCH(name_hash, table, ut_fold_string(name), xb_filter_entry_t*, found, (void) 0, !strcmp(found->name, name)); if (found && result) { *result = found; } return (found != NULL); } /************************************************************************ Checks if a given table name matches any of specifications given in regex_list or tables_hash. @return TRUE on match or both regex_list and tables_hash are empty.*/ static my_bool check_if_table_matches_filters(const char *name, const regex_list_t& regex_list, hash_table_t* tables_hash) { if (regex_list.empty() && !tables_hash) { return(FALSE); } if (regex_list_check_match(regex_list, name)) { return(TRUE); } if (tables_hash && find_filter_in_hashtable(name, tables_hash, NULL)) { return(TRUE); } return FALSE; } enum skip_database_check_result { DATABASE_SKIP, DATABASE_SKIP_SOME_TABLES, DATABASE_DONT_SKIP, DATABASE_DONT_SKIP_UNLESS_EXPLICITLY_EXCLUDED, }; /************************************************************************ Checks if a database specified by name should be skipped from backup based on the --databases, --databases_file or --databases_exclude options. @return TRUE if entire database should be skipped, FALSE otherwise. */ static skip_database_check_result check_if_skip_database( const char* name /*!< in: path to the database */ ) { /* There are some filters for databases, check them */ xb_filter_entry_t* database = NULL; if (databases_exclude_hash && find_filter_in_hashtable(name, databases_exclude_hash, &database) && !database->has_tables) { /* Database is found and there are no tables specified, skip entire db. */ return DATABASE_SKIP; } if (databases_include_hash) { if (!find_filter_in_hashtable(name, databases_include_hash, &database)) { /* Database isn't found, skip the database */ return DATABASE_SKIP; } else if (database->has_tables) { return DATABASE_SKIP_SOME_TABLES; } else { return DATABASE_DONT_SKIP_UNLESS_EXPLICITLY_EXCLUDED; } } return DATABASE_DONT_SKIP; } /************************************************************************ Checks if a database specified by path should be skipped from backup based on the --databases, --databases_file or --databases_exclude options. @return TRUE if the table should be skipped. */ my_bool check_if_skip_database_by_path( const char* path /*!< in: path to the db directory. */ ) { if (databases_include_hash == NULL && databases_exclude_hash == NULL) { return(FALSE); } const char* db_name = strrchr(path, OS_PATH_SEPARATOR); if (db_name == NULL) { db_name = path; } else { ++db_name; } return check_if_skip_database(db_name) == DATABASE_SKIP; } /************************************************************************ Checks if a table specified as a name in the form "database/name" (InnoDB 5.6) or "./database/name.ibd" (InnoDB 5.5-) should be skipped from backup based on the --tables or --tables-file options. @return TRUE if the table should be skipped. */ my_bool check_if_skip_table( /******************/ const char* name) /*!< in: path to the table */ { char buf[FN_REFLEN]; const char *dbname, *tbname; const char *ptr; char *eptr; if (regex_exclude_list.empty() && regex_include_list.empty() && tables_include_hash == NULL && tables_exclude_hash == NULL && databases_include_hash == NULL && databases_exclude_hash == NULL) { return(FALSE); } dbname = NULL; tbname = name; while ((ptr = strchr(tbname, '/')) != NULL) { dbname = tbname; tbname = ptr + 1; } if (dbname == NULL) { return(FALSE); } strncpy(buf, dbname, FN_REFLEN - 1); buf[FN_REFLEN - 1] = '\0'; buf[tbname - 1 - dbname] = '\0'; const skip_database_check_result skip_database = check_if_skip_database(buf); if (skip_database == DATABASE_SKIP) { return (TRUE); } buf[tbname - 1 - dbname] = '.'; /* Check if there's a suffix in the table name. If so, truncate it. We rely on the fact that a dot cannot be a part of a table name (it is encoded by the server with the @NNNN syntax). */ if ((eptr = strchr(&buf[tbname - dbname], '.')) != NULL) { *eptr = '\0'; } /* For partitioned tables first try to match against the regexp without truncating the #P#... suffix so we can backup individual partitions with regexps like '^test[.]t#P#p5' */ if (check_if_table_matches_filters(buf, regex_exclude_list, tables_exclude_hash)) { return(TRUE); } if (check_if_table_matches_filters(buf, regex_include_list, tables_include_hash)) { return(FALSE); } if ((eptr = strstr(buf, "#P#")) != NULL) { *eptr = 0; if (check_if_table_matches_filters(buf, regex_exclude_list, tables_exclude_hash)) { return (TRUE); } if (check_if_table_matches_filters(buf, regex_include_list, tables_include_hash)) { return(FALSE); } } if (skip_database == DATABASE_DONT_SKIP_UNLESS_EXPLICITLY_EXCLUDED) { /* Database is in include-list, and qualified name wasn't found in any of exclusion filters.*/ return (FALSE); } if (skip_database == DATABASE_SKIP_SOME_TABLES || !regex_include_list.empty() || tables_include_hash) { /* Include lists are present, but qualified name failed to match any.*/ return(TRUE); } return(FALSE); } const char* xb_get_copy_action(const char *dflt) { const char *action; if (xtrabackup_stream) { if (xtrabackup_compress) { action = "Compressing and streaming"; } else { action = "Streaming"; } } else { if (xtrabackup_compress) { action = "Compressing"; } else { action = dflt; } } return(action); } /* TODO: We may tune the behavior (e.g. by fil_aio)*/ static my_bool xtrabackup_copy_datafile(fil_node_t* node, uint thread_n, const char *dest_name=0, ulonglong max_size=ULLONG_MAX) { char dst_name[FN_REFLEN]; ds_file_t *dstfile = NULL; xb_fil_cur_t cursor; xb_fil_cur_result_t res; xb_write_filt_t *write_filter = NULL; xb_write_filt_ctxt_t write_filt_ctxt; const char *action; xb_read_filt_t *read_filter; my_bool rc = FALSE; /* Get the name and the path for the tablespace. node->name always contains the path (which may be absolute for remote tablespaces in 5.6+). space->name contains the tablespace name in the form "./database/table.ibd" (in 5.5-) or "database/table" (in 5.6+). For a multi-node shared tablespace, space->name contains the name of the first node, but that's irrelevant, since we only need node_name to match them against filters, and the shared tablespace is always copied regardless of the filters value. */ const char* const node_name = node->space->name; const char* const node_path = node->name; if (fil_is_user_tablespace_id(node->space->id) && check_if_skip_table(node_name)) { msg(thread_n, "Skipping %s.", node_name); return(FALSE); } bool was_dropped; pthread_mutex_lock(&backup_mutex); was_dropped = (ddl_tracker.drops.find(node->space->id) != ddl_tracker.drops.end()); pthread_mutex_unlock(&backup_mutex); if (was_dropped) { if (node->is_open()) { mutex_enter(&fil_system.mutex); node->close(); mutex_exit(&fil_system.mutex); } goto skip; } if (!changed_page_bitmap) { read_filter = &rf_pass_through; } else { read_filter = &rf_bitmap; } res = xb_fil_cur_open(&cursor, read_filter, node, thread_n,max_size); if (res == XB_FIL_CUR_SKIP) { goto skip; } else if (res == XB_FIL_CUR_ERROR) { goto error; } strncpy(dst_name, dest_name ? dest_name : cursor.rel_path, sizeof dst_name - 1); dst_name[sizeof dst_name - 1] = '\0'; /* Setup the page write filter */ if (xtrabackup_incremental) { write_filter = &wf_incremental; } else { write_filter = &wf_write_through; } memset(&write_filt_ctxt, 0, sizeof(xb_write_filt_ctxt_t)); ut_a(write_filter->process != NULL); if (write_filter->init != NULL && !write_filter->init(&write_filt_ctxt, dst_name, &cursor)) { msg (thread_n, "mariabackup: error: failed to initialize page write filter."); goto error; } dstfile = ds_open(ds_data, dst_name, &cursor.statinfo); if (dstfile == NULL) { msg(thread_n,"mariabackup: error: can't open the destination stream for %s", dst_name); goto error; } action = xb_get_copy_action(); if (xtrabackup_stream) { msg(thread_n, "%s %s", action, node_path); } else { msg(thread_n, "%s %s to %s", action, node_path, dstfile->path); } /* The main copy loop */ while ((res = xb_fil_cur_read(&cursor)) == XB_FIL_CUR_SUCCESS) { if (!write_filter->process(&write_filt_ctxt, dstfile)) { goto error; } } if (res == XB_FIL_CUR_ERROR) { goto error; } if (write_filter->finalize && !write_filter->finalize(&write_filt_ctxt, dstfile)) { goto error; } pthread_mutex_lock(&backup_mutex); ddl_tracker.tables_in_backup[node->space->id] = node_name; pthread_mutex_unlock(&backup_mutex); /* close */ msg(thread_n," ...done"); xb_fil_cur_close(&cursor); if (ds_close(dstfile)) { rc = TRUE; } if (write_filter && write_filter->deinit) { write_filter->deinit(&write_filt_ctxt); } return(rc); error: xb_fil_cur_close(&cursor); if (dstfile != NULL) { ds_close(dstfile); } if (write_filter && write_filter->deinit) { write_filter->deinit(&write_filt_ctxt);; } msg(thread_n, "mariabackup: xtrabackup_copy_datafile() failed."); return(TRUE); /*ERROR*/ skip: if (dstfile != NULL) { ds_close(dstfile); } if (write_filter && write_filter->deinit) { write_filter->deinit(&write_filt_ctxt); } msg(thread_n,"Warning: We assume the table was dropped during xtrabackup execution and ignore the tablespace %s", node_name); return(FALSE); } /** Copy redo log blocks to the data sink. @param start_lsn buffer start LSN @param end_lsn buffer end LSN @param last whether we are copying the final part of the log @return last scanned LSN @retval 0 on failure */ static lsn_t xtrabackup_copy_log(lsn_t start_lsn, lsn_t end_lsn, bool last) { lsn_t scanned_lsn = start_lsn; const byte* log_block = log_sys.buf; bool more_data = false; for (ulint scanned_checkpoint = 0; scanned_lsn < end_lsn; log_block += OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE) { ulint checkpoint = log_block_get_checkpoint_no(log_block); if (scanned_checkpoint > checkpoint && scanned_checkpoint - checkpoint >= 0x80000000UL) { /* Garbage from a log buffer flush which was made before the most recent database recovery */ msg(0,"checkpoint wrap: " LSN_PF ",%zx,%zx", scanned_lsn, scanned_checkpoint, checkpoint); break; } scanned_checkpoint = checkpoint; ulint data_len = log_block_get_data_len(log_block); more_data = recv_sys_add_to_parsing_buf( log_block, scanned_lsn + data_len); recv_sys->scanned_lsn = scanned_lsn + data_len; if (data_len == OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE) { /* We got a full log block. */ scanned_lsn += data_len; } else if (data_len >= OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE - LOG_BLOCK_TRL_SIZE || data_len <= LOG_BLOCK_HDR_SIZE) { /* We got a garbage block (abrupt end of the log). */ msg(0,"garbage block: " LSN_PF ",%zu",scanned_lsn, data_len); break; } else { /* We got a partial block (abrupt end of the log). */ scanned_lsn += data_len; break; } } if (more_data && recv_parse_log_recs(0, STORE_NO, false)) { msg("Error: copying the log failed"); return(0); } recv_sys_justify_left_parsing_buf(); log_sys.log.scanned_lsn = scanned_lsn; end_lsn = last ? ut_uint64_align_up(scanned_lsn, OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE) : scanned_lsn & ~lsn_t(OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE - 1); if (ulint write_size = ulint(end_lsn - start_lsn)) { if (srv_encrypt_log) { log_crypt(log_sys.buf, start_lsn, write_size); } if (ds_write(dst_log_file, log_sys.buf, write_size)) { msg("Error: write to logfile failed"); return(0); } } return(scanned_lsn); } /** Copy redo log until the current end of the log is reached @param last whether we are copying the final part of the log @return whether the operation failed */ static bool xtrabackup_copy_logfile(bool last = false) { ut_a(dst_log_file != NULL); ut_ad(recv_sys != NULL); lsn_t start_lsn; lsn_t end_lsn; recv_sys->parse_start_lsn = log_copy_scanned_lsn; recv_sys->scanned_lsn = log_copy_scanned_lsn; start_lsn = ut_uint64_align_down(log_copy_scanned_lsn, OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE); do { end_lsn = start_lsn + RECV_SCAN_SIZE; xtrabackup_io_throttling(); log_mutex_enter(); lsn_t lsn= start_lsn; for (int retries= 0; retries < 100; retries++) { if (log_sys.log.read_log_seg(&lsn, end_lsn) || lsn != start_lsn) { break; } msg("Retrying read of log at LSN=" LSN_PF, lsn); my_sleep(1000); } if (lsn == start_lsn) { start_lsn = 0; } else { mutex_enter(&recv_sys->mutex); start_lsn = xtrabackup_copy_log(start_lsn, lsn, last); mutex_exit(&recv_sys->mutex); } log_mutex_exit(); if (!start_lsn) { msg(recv_sys->found_corrupt_log ? "xtrabackup_copy_logfile() failed: corrupt log." : "xtrabackup_copy_logfile() failed."); return true; } } while (start_lsn == end_lsn); ut_ad(start_lsn == log_sys.log.scanned_lsn); msg(">> log scanned up to (" LSN_PF ")", start_lsn); /* update global variable*/ pthread_mutex_lock(&backup_mutex); log_copy_scanned_lsn = start_lsn; pthread_cond_broadcast(&scanned_lsn_cond); pthread_mutex_unlock(&backup_mutex); debug_sync_point("xtrabackup_copy_logfile_pause"); return(false); } /** Wait until redo log copying thread processes given lsn */ void backup_wait_for_lsn(lsn_t lsn) { bool completed = false; pthread_mutex_lock(&backup_mutex); do { pthread_cond_wait(&scanned_lsn_cond, &backup_mutex); completed = log_copy_scanned_lsn >= lsn; } while (!completed); pthread_mutex_unlock(&backup_mutex); } extern lsn_t server_lsn_after_lock; static os_thread_ret_t DECLARE_THREAD(log_copying_thread)(void*) { /* Initialize mysys thread-specific memory so we can use mysys functions in this thread. */ my_thread_init(); for (;;) { os_event_reset(log_copying_stop); os_event_wait_time_low(log_copying_stop, xtrabackup_log_copy_interval * 1000ULL, 0); if (xtrabackup_copy_logfile()) { break; } log_mutex_enter(); bool completed = metadata_to_lsn && metadata_to_lsn <= log_copy_scanned_lsn; log_mutex_exit(); if (completed) { break; } } log_copying_running = false; my_thread_end(); os_thread_exit(); return(0); } /* io throttle watching (rough) */ static os_thread_ret_t DECLARE_THREAD(io_watching_thread)(void*) { /* currently, for --backup only */ ut_a(xtrabackup_backup); while (log_copying_running && !metadata_to_lsn) { os_thread_sleep(1000000); /*1 sec*/ io_ticket = xtrabackup_throttle; os_event_set(wait_throttle); } /* stop io throttle */ xtrabackup_throttle = 0; os_event_set(wait_throttle); io_watching_thread_running = false; os_thread_exit(); return(0); } #ifndef DBUG_OFF /* In debug mode, execute SQL statement that was passed via environment. To use this facility, you need to 1. Add code DBUG_EXECUTE_MARIABACKUP_EVENT("my_event_name", key);); to the code. key is usually a table name 2. Set environment variable my_event_name_$key SQL statement you want to execute when event occurs, in DBUG_EXECUTE_IF from above. In mtr , you can set environment via 'let' statement (do not use $ as the first char for the variable) 3. start mariabackup with --dbug=+d,debug_mariabackup_events */ static void dbug_mariabackup_event(const char *event,const char *key) { char envvar[FN_REFLEN]; if (key) { snprintf(envvar, sizeof(envvar), "%s_%s", event, key); char *slash = strchr(envvar, '/'); if (slash) *slash = '_'; } else { strncpy(envvar, event, sizeof envvar - 1); envvar[sizeof envvar - 1] = '\0'; } char *sql = getenv(envvar); if (sql) { msg("dbug_mariabackup_event : executing '%s'", sql); xb_mysql_query(mysql_connection, sql, false, true); } } #define DBUG_MARIABACKUP_EVENT(A, B) DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("mariabackup_events", dbug_mariabackup_event(A,B);); #else #define DBUG_MARIABACKUP_EVENT(A,B) #endif /************************************************************************** Datafiles copying thread.*/ static os_thread_ret_t DECLARE_THREAD(data_copy_thread_func)( /*==================*/ void *arg) /* thread context */ { data_thread_ctxt_t *ctxt = (data_thread_ctxt_t *) arg; uint num = ctxt->num; fil_node_t* node; /* Initialize mysys thread-specific memory so we can use mysys functions in this thread. */ my_thread_init(); debug_sync_point("data_copy_thread_func"); while ((node = datafiles_iter_next(ctxt->it)) != NULL) { DBUG_MARIABACKUP_EVENT("before_copy", node->space->name); /* copy the datafile */ if(xtrabackup_copy_datafile(node, num)) { die("failed to copy datafile."); } DBUG_MARIABACKUP_EVENT("after_copy", node->space->name); } pthread_mutex_lock(ctxt->count_mutex); (*ctxt->count)--; pthread_mutex_unlock(ctxt->count_mutex); my_thread_end(); os_thread_exit(); OS_THREAD_DUMMY_RETURN; } /************************************************************************ Initialize the appropriate datasink(s). Both local backups and streaming in the 'xbstream' format allow parallel writes so we can write directly. Otherwise (i.e. when streaming in the 'tar' format) we need 2 separate datasinks for the data stream (and don't allow parallel data copying) and for metainfo files (including ib_logfile0). The second datasink writes to temporary files first, and then streams them in a serialized way when closed. */ static void xtrabackup_init_datasinks(void) { /* Start building out the pipelines from the terminus back */ if (xtrabackup_stream) { /* All streaming goes to stdout */ ds_data = ds_meta = ds_redo = ds_create(xtrabackup_target_dir, DS_TYPE_STDOUT); } else { /* Local filesystem */ ds_data = ds_meta = ds_redo = ds_create(xtrabackup_target_dir, DS_TYPE_LOCAL); } /* Track it for destruction */ xtrabackup_add_datasink(ds_data); /* Stream formatting */ if (xtrabackup_stream) { ds_ctxt_t *ds; ut_a(xtrabackup_stream_fmt == XB_STREAM_FMT_XBSTREAM); ds = ds_create(xtrabackup_target_dir, DS_TYPE_XBSTREAM); xtrabackup_add_datasink(ds); ds_set_pipe(ds, ds_data); ds_data = ds; ds_redo = ds_meta = ds_data; } /* Compression for ds_data and ds_redo */ if (xtrabackup_compress) { ds_ctxt_t *ds; /* Use a 1 MB buffer for compressed output stream */ ds = ds_create(xtrabackup_target_dir, DS_TYPE_BUFFER); ds_buffer_set_size(ds, 1024 * 1024); xtrabackup_add_datasink(ds); ds_set_pipe(ds, ds_data); if (ds_data != ds_redo) { ds_data = ds; ds = ds_create(xtrabackup_target_dir, DS_TYPE_BUFFER); ds_buffer_set_size(ds, 1024 * 1024); xtrabackup_add_datasink(ds); ds_set_pipe(ds, ds_redo); ds_redo = ds; } else { ds_redo = ds_data = ds; } ds = ds_create(xtrabackup_target_dir, DS_TYPE_COMPRESS); xtrabackup_add_datasink(ds); ds_set_pipe(ds, ds_data); if (ds_data != ds_redo) { ds_data = ds; ds = ds_create(xtrabackup_target_dir, DS_TYPE_COMPRESS); xtrabackup_add_datasink(ds); ds_set_pipe(ds, ds_redo); ds_redo = ds; } else { ds_redo = ds_data = ds; } } } /************************************************************************ Destroy datasinks. Destruction is done in the specific order to not violate their order in the pipeline so that each datasink is able to flush data down the pipeline. */ static void xtrabackup_destroy_datasinks(void) { for (uint i = actual_datasinks; i > 0; i--) { ds_destroy(datasinks[i-1]); datasinks[i-1] = NULL; } ds_data = NULL; ds_meta = NULL; ds_redo = NULL; } #define SRV_MAX_N_PENDING_SYNC_IOS 100 /** Initialize the tablespace cache subsystem. */ static void xb_fil_io_init() { fil_system.create(srv_file_per_table ? 50000 : 5000); } static Datafile* xb_new_datafile(const char *name, bool is_remote) { if (is_remote) { RemoteDatafile *remote_file = new RemoteDatafile(); remote_file->set_name(name); return(remote_file); } else { Datafile *file = new Datafile(); file->set_name(name); file->make_filepath(".", name, IBD); return(file); } } static void xb_load_single_table_tablespace( const char *dirname, const char *filname, bool is_remote) { ut_ad(srv_operation == SRV_OPERATION_BACKUP || srv_operation == SRV_OPERATION_RESTORE_DELTA); /* Ignore .isl files on XtraBackup recovery. All tablespaces must be local. */ if (is_remote && srv_operation == SRV_OPERATION_RESTORE_DELTA) { return; } if (check_if_skip_table(filname)) { return; } /* The name ends in .ibd or .isl; try opening the file */ char* name; size_t dirlen = dirname == NULL ? 0 : strlen(dirname); size_t namelen = strlen(filname); ulint pathlen = dirname == NULL ? namelen + 1: dirlen + namelen + 2; lsn_t flush_lsn; dberr_t err; fil_space_t *space; name = static_cast(ut_malloc_nokey(pathlen)); if (dirname != NULL) { snprintf(name, pathlen, "%s/%s", dirname, filname); name[pathlen - 5] = 0; } else { snprintf(name, pathlen, "%s", filname); name[pathlen - 5] = 0; } Datafile *file = xb_new_datafile(name, is_remote); if (file->open_read_only(true) != DB_SUCCESS) { die("Can't open datafile %s", name); } for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { err = file->validate_first_page(&flush_lsn); if (err != DB_CORRUPTION) { break; } my_sleep(1000); } bool is_empty_file = file->exists() && file->is_empty_file(); if (err == DB_SUCCESS && file->space_id() != SRV_TMP_SPACE_ID) { os_offset_t node_size = os_file_get_size(file->handle()); os_offset_t n_pages; ut_a(node_size != (os_offset_t) -1); n_pages = node_size / page_size_t(file->flags()).physical(); space = fil_space_create( name, file->space_id(), file->flags(), FIL_TYPE_TABLESPACE, NULL/* TODO: crypt_data */); ut_a(space != NULL); space->add(file->filepath(), OS_FILE_CLOSED, ulint(n_pages), false, false); /* by opening the tablespace we forcing node and space objects in the cache to be populated with fields from space header */ space->open(); if (srv_operation == SRV_OPERATION_RESTORE_DELTA || xb_close_files) { space->close(); } } ut_free(name); delete file; if (err != DB_SUCCESS && xtrabackup_backup && !is_empty_file) { die("Failed to not validate first page of the file %s, error %d",name, (int)err); } } /** Scan the database directories under the MySQL datadir, looking for .ibd files and determining the space id in each of them. @return DB_SUCCESS or error number */ static dberr_t enumerate_ibd_files(process_single_tablespace_func_t callback) { int ret; char* dbpath = NULL; ulint dbpath_len = 100; os_file_dir_t dir; os_file_dir_t dbdir; os_file_stat_t dbinfo; os_file_stat_t fileinfo; dberr_t err = DB_SUCCESS; size_t len; /* The datadir of MySQL is always the default directory of mysqld */ dir = os_file_opendir(fil_path_to_mysql_datadir, true); if (dir == NULL) { return(DB_ERROR); } dbpath = static_cast(ut_malloc_nokey(dbpath_len)); /* Scan all directories under the datadir. They are the database directories of MySQL. */ ret = fil_file_readdir_next_file(&err, fil_path_to_mysql_datadir, dir, &dbinfo); while (ret == 0) { /* General tablespaces are always at the first level of the data home dir */ if (dbinfo.type == OS_FILE_TYPE_FILE) { bool is_isl = ends_with(dbinfo.name, ".isl"); bool is_ibd = !is_isl && ends_with(dbinfo.name,".ibd"); if (is_isl || is_ibd) { (*callback)(NULL, dbinfo.name, is_isl); } } if (dbinfo.type == OS_FILE_TYPE_FILE || dbinfo.type == OS_FILE_TYPE_UNKNOWN) { goto next_datadir_item; } /* We found a symlink or a directory; try opening it to see if a symlink is a directory */ len = strlen(fil_path_to_mysql_datadir) + strlen (dbinfo.name) + 2; if (len > dbpath_len) { dbpath_len = len; if (dbpath) { ut_free(dbpath); } dbpath = static_cast(ut_malloc_nokey(dbpath_len)); } snprintf(dbpath, dbpath_len, "%s/%s", fil_path_to_mysql_datadir, dbinfo.name); os_normalize_path(dbpath); if (check_if_skip_database_by_path(dbpath)) { fprintf(stderr, "Skipping db: %s\n", dbpath); goto next_datadir_item; } /* We want wrong directory permissions to be a fatal error for XtraBackup. */ dbdir = os_file_opendir(dbpath, true); if (dbdir != NULL) { /* We found a database directory; loop through it, looking for possible .ibd files in it */ for (ret = fil_file_readdir_next_file(&err, dbpath, dbdir, &fileinfo); ret == 0; ret = fil_file_readdir_next_file(&err, dbpath, dbdir, &fileinfo)) { if (fileinfo.type == OS_FILE_TYPE_DIR) { continue; } /* We found a symlink or a file */ if (strlen(fileinfo.name) > 4) { bool is_isl= false; if (ends_with(fileinfo.name, ".ibd") || ((is_isl = ends_with(fileinfo.name, ".isl")))) (*callback)(dbinfo.name, fileinfo.name, is_isl); } } if (0 != os_file_closedir(dbdir)) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Warning: could not" " close database directory %s\n", dbpath); err = DB_ERROR; } } else { err = DB_ERROR; break; } next_datadir_item: ret = fil_file_readdir_next_file(&err, fil_path_to_mysql_datadir, dir, &dbinfo); } ut_free(dbpath); if (0 != os_file_closedir(dir)) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Error: could not close MySQL datadir\n"); return(DB_ERROR); } return(err); } /** Assign srv_undo_space_id_start variable if there are undo tablespace present. Read the TRX_SYS page from ibdata1 file and get the minimum space id from the first slot rollback segments of TRX_SYS_PAGE_NO. @retval DB_ERROR if file open or page read failed. @retval DB_SUCCESS if srv_undo_space_id assigned successfully. */ static dberr_t xb_assign_undo_space_start() { pfs_os_file_t file; byte* buf; byte* page; bool ret; dberr_t error = DB_SUCCESS; ulint space; int n_retries = 5; if (srv_undo_tablespaces == 0) { return error; } file = os_file_create(0, srv_sys_space.first_datafile()->filepath(), OS_FILE_OPEN, OS_FILE_NORMAL, OS_DATA_FILE, true, &ret); if (!ret) { msg("Error opening %s", srv_sys_space.first_datafile()->filepath()); return DB_ERROR; } buf = static_cast(ut_malloc_nokey(2U << srv_page_size_shift)); page = static_cast(ut_align(buf, srv_page_size)); retry: if (os_file_read(IORequestRead, file, page, TRX_SYS_PAGE_NO << srv_page_size_shift, srv_page_size) != DB_SUCCESS) { msg("Reading TRX_SYS page failed."); error = DB_ERROR; goto func_exit; } /* TRX_SYS page can't be compressed or encrypted. */ if (buf_page_is_corrupted(false, page, univ_page_size)) { if (n_retries--) { os_thread_sleep(1000); goto retry; } else { msg("mariabackup: TRX_SYS page corrupted.\n"); error = DB_ERROR; goto func_exit; } } /* 0th slot always points to system tablespace. 1st slot should point to first undotablespace which is minimum. */ ut_ad(mach_read_from_4(TRX_SYS + TRX_SYS_RSEGS + TRX_SYS_RSEG_SLOT_SIZE + TRX_SYS_RSEG_PAGE_NO + page) != FIL_NULL); space = mach_read_ulint(TRX_SYS + TRX_SYS_RSEGS + TRX_SYS_RSEG_SLOT_SIZE + TRX_SYS_RSEG_SPACE + page, MLOG_4BYTES); srv_undo_space_id_start = space; func_exit: ut_free(buf); ret = os_file_close(file); ut_a(ret); return error; } /**************************************************************************** Populates the tablespace memory cache by scanning for and opening data files. @returns DB_SUCCESS or error code.*/ static dberr_t xb_load_tablespaces() { bool create_new_db; dberr_t err; ulint sum_of_new_sizes; lsn_t flush_lsn; ut_ad(srv_operation == SRV_OPERATION_BACKUP || srv_operation == SRV_OPERATION_RESTORE_DELTA); err = srv_sys_space.check_file_spec(&create_new_db, 0); /* create_new_db must not be true. */ if (err != DB_SUCCESS || create_new_db) { msg("Could not find data files at the specified datadir"); return(DB_ERROR); } for (int i= 0; i < 10; i++) { err = srv_sys_space.open_or_create(false, false, &sum_of_new_sizes, &flush_lsn); if (err == DB_PAGE_CORRUPTED || err == DB_CORRUPTION) { my_sleep(1000); } else break; } if (err != DB_SUCCESS) { msg("Could not open data files.\n"); return(err); } /* Add separate undo tablespaces to fil_system */ err = xb_assign_undo_space_start(); if (err != DB_SUCCESS) { return err; } err = srv_undo_tablespaces_init(false); if (err != DB_SUCCESS) { return(err); } /* It is important to call xb_load_single_table_tablespaces() after srv_undo_tablespaces_init(), because fil_is_user_tablespace_id() * relies on srv_undo_tablespaces_open to be properly initialized */ msg("mariabackup: Generating a list of tablespaces"); err = enumerate_ibd_files(xb_load_single_table_tablespace); if (err != DB_SUCCESS) { return(err); } debug_sync_point("xtrabackup_load_tablespaces_pause"); DBUG_MARIABACKUP_EVENT("after_load_tablespaces", 0); return(DB_SUCCESS); } /************************************************************************ Initialize the tablespace memory cache and populate it by scanning for and opening data files. @returns DB_SUCCESS or error code.*/ static dberr_t xb_data_files_init() { xb_fil_io_init(); return(xb_load_tablespaces()); } /************************************************************************ Destroy the tablespace memory cache. */ static void xb_data_files_close() { ut_ad(!os_thread_count); fil_close_all_files(); if (buf_dblwr) { buf_dblwr_free(); } } /*********************************************************************** Allocate and initialize the entry for databases and tables filtering hash tables. If memory allocation is not successful, terminate program. @return pointer to the created entry. */ static xb_filter_entry_t * xb_new_filter_entry( /*================*/ const char* name) /*!< in: name of table/database */ { xb_filter_entry_t *entry; ulint namelen = strlen(name); ut_a(namelen <= NAME_LEN * 2 + 1); entry = static_cast (malloc(sizeof(xb_filter_entry_t) + namelen + 1)); memset(entry, '\0', sizeof(xb_filter_entry_t) + namelen + 1); entry->name = ((char*)entry) + sizeof(xb_filter_entry_t); strcpy(entry->name, name); entry->has_tables = FALSE; return entry; } /*********************************************************************** Add entry to hash table. If hash table is NULL, allocate and initialize new hash table */ static xb_filter_entry_t* xb_add_filter( /*========================*/ const char* name, /*!< in: name of table/database */ hash_table_t** hash) /*!< in/out: hash to insert into */ { xb_filter_entry_t* entry; entry = xb_new_filter_entry(name); if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(*hash == NULL)) { *hash = hash_create(1000); } HASH_INSERT(xb_filter_entry_t, name_hash, *hash, ut_fold_string(entry->name), entry); return entry; } /*********************************************************************** Validate name of table or database. If name is invalid, program will be finished with error code */ static void xb_validate_name( /*=============*/ const char* name, /*!< in: name */ size_t len) /*!< in: length of name */ { const char* p; /* perform only basic validation. validate length and path symbols */ if (len > NAME_LEN) { die("name `%s` is too long.", name); } p = strpbrk(name, "/\\~"); if (p && (uint) (p - name) < NAME_LEN) { die("name `%s` is not valid.", name); } } /*********************************************************************** Register new filter entry which can be either database or table name. */ static void xb_register_filter_entry( /*=====================*/ const char* name, /*!< in: name */ hash_table_t** databases_hash, hash_table_t** tables_hash ) { const char* p; size_t namelen; xb_filter_entry_t* db_entry = NULL; namelen = strlen(name); if ((p = strchr(name, '.')) != NULL) { char dbname[NAME_LEN + 1]; xb_validate_name(name, p - name); xb_validate_name(p + 1, namelen - (p - name)); strncpy(dbname, name, p - name); dbname[p - name] = 0; if (*databases_hash) { HASH_SEARCH(name_hash, (*databases_hash), ut_fold_string(dbname), xb_filter_entry_t*, db_entry, (void) 0, !strcmp(db_entry->name, dbname)); } if (!db_entry) { db_entry = xb_add_filter(dbname, databases_hash); } db_entry->has_tables = TRUE; xb_add_filter(name, tables_hash); } else { xb_validate_name(name, namelen); xb_add_filter(name, databases_hash); } } static void xb_register_include_filter_entry( const char* name ) { xb_register_filter_entry(name, &databases_include_hash, &tables_include_hash); } static void xb_register_exclude_filter_entry( const char* name ) { xb_register_filter_entry(name, &databases_exclude_hash, &tables_exclude_hash); } /*********************************************************************** Register new table for the filter. */ static void xb_register_table( /*==============*/ const char* name) /*!< in: name of table */ { if (strchr(name, '.') == NULL) { die("`%s` is not fully qualified name.", name); } xb_register_include_filter_entry(name); } static void xb_add_regex_to_list( const char* regex, /*!< in: regex */ const char* error_context, /*!< in: context to error message */ regex_list_t* list) /*! in: list to put new regex to */ { char errbuf[100]; int ret; regex_t compiled_regex; ret = regcomp(&compiled_regex, regex, REG_EXTENDED); if (ret != 0) { regerror(ret, &compiled_regex, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf)); msg("mariabackup: error: %s regcomp(%s): %s", error_context, regex, errbuf); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } list->push_back(compiled_regex); } /*********************************************************************** Register new regex for the include filter. */ static void xb_register_include_regex( /*==============*/ const char* regex) /*!< in: regex */ { xb_add_regex_to_list(regex, "tables", ®ex_include_list); } /*********************************************************************** Register new regex for the exclude filter. */ static void xb_register_exclude_regex( /*==============*/ const char* regex) /*!< in: regex */ { xb_add_regex_to_list(regex, "tables-exclude", ®ex_exclude_list); } typedef void (*insert_entry_func_t)(const char*); /*********************************************************************** Scan string and load filter entries from it. */ static void xb_load_list_string( /*================*/ char* list, /*!< in: string representing a list */ const char* delimiters, /*!< in: delimiters of entries */ insert_entry_func_t ins) /*!< in: callback to add entry */ { char* p; char* saveptr; p = strtok_r(list, delimiters, &saveptr); while (p) { ins(p); p = strtok_r(NULL, delimiters, &saveptr); } } /*********************************************************************** Scan file and load filter entries from it. */ static void xb_load_list_file( /*==============*/ const char* filename, /*!< in: name of file */ insert_entry_func_t ins) /*!< in: callback to add entry */ { char name_buf[NAME_LEN*2+2]; FILE* fp; /* read and store the filenames */ fp = fopen(filename, "r"); if (!fp) { die("Can't open %s", filename); } while (fgets(name_buf, sizeof(name_buf), fp) != NULL) { char* p = strchr(name_buf, '\n'); if (p) { *p = '\0'; } else { die("`%s...` name is too long", name_buf); } ins(name_buf); } fclose(fp); } static void xb_filters_init() { if (xtrabackup_databases) { xb_load_list_string(xtrabackup_databases, " \t", xb_register_include_filter_entry); } if (xtrabackup_databases_file) { xb_load_list_file(xtrabackup_databases_file, xb_register_include_filter_entry); } if (xtrabackup_databases_exclude) { xb_load_list_string(xtrabackup_databases_exclude, " \t", xb_register_exclude_filter_entry); } if (xtrabackup_tables) { xb_load_list_string(xtrabackup_tables, ",", xb_register_include_regex); } if (xtrabackup_tables_file) { xb_load_list_file(xtrabackup_tables_file, xb_register_table); } if (xtrabackup_tables_exclude) { xb_load_list_string(xtrabackup_tables_exclude, ",", xb_register_exclude_regex); } } static void xb_filter_hash_free(hash_table_t* hash) { ulint i; /* free the hash elements */ for (i = 0; i < hash_get_n_cells(hash); i++) { xb_filter_entry_t* table; table = static_cast (HASH_GET_FIRST(hash, i)); while (table) { xb_filter_entry_t* prev_table = table; table = static_cast (HASH_GET_NEXT(name_hash, prev_table)); HASH_DELETE(xb_filter_entry_t, name_hash, hash, ut_fold_string(prev_table->name), prev_table); free(prev_table); } } /* free hash */ hash_table_free(hash); } static void xb_regex_list_free(regex_list_t* list) { while (list->size() > 0) { xb_regfree(&list->front()); list->pop_front(); } } /************************************************************************ Destroy table filters for partial backup. */ static void xb_filters_free() { xb_regex_list_free(®ex_include_list); xb_regex_list_free(®ex_exclude_list); if (tables_include_hash) { xb_filter_hash_free(tables_include_hash); } if (tables_exclude_hash) { xb_filter_hash_free(tables_exclude_hash); } if (databases_include_hash) { xb_filter_hash_free(databases_include_hash); } if (databases_exclude_hash) { xb_filter_hash_free(databases_exclude_hash); } } /*********************************************************************//** Create log file metadata. */ static void open_or_create_log_file( /*====================*/ fil_space_t* space, ulint i) /*!< in: log file number in group */ { char name[FN_REFLEN]; ulint dirnamelen; os_normalize_path(srv_log_group_home_dir); dirnamelen = strlen(srv_log_group_home_dir); ut_a(dirnamelen < (sizeof name) - 10 - sizeof "ib_logfile"); memcpy(name, srv_log_group_home_dir, dirnamelen); /* Add a path separator if needed. */ if (dirnamelen && name[dirnamelen - 1] != OS_PATH_SEPARATOR) { name[dirnamelen++] = OS_PATH_SEPARATOR; } sprintf(name + dirnamelen, "%s%zu", "ib_logfile", i); ut_a(fil_validate()); space->add(name, OS_FILE_CLOSED, ulint(srv_log_file_size >> srv_page_size_shift), false, false); } /*********************************************************************** Set the open files limit. Based on set_max_open_files(). @return the resulting open files limit. May be less or more than the requested value. */ static uint xb_set_max_open_files( /*==================*/ uint max_file_limit) /*!= max_file_limit) { max_file_limit = rlimit.rlim_cur; goto end; } rlimit.rlim_cur = rlimit.rlim_max = max_file_limit; if (setrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rlimit)) { max_file_limit = old_cur; /* Use original value */ } else { rlimit.rlim_cur = 0; /* Safety if next call fails */ (void) getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rlimit); if (rlimit.rlim_cur) { /* If call didn't fail */ max_file_limit = (uint) rlimit.rlim_cur; } } end: return(max_file_limit); #else return(0); #endif } static void stop_backup_threads() { if (log_copying_stop && log_copying_running) { os_event_set(log_copying_stop); fputs("mariabackup: Stopping log copying thread", stderr); fflush(stderr); while (log_copying_running) { putc('.', stderr); fflush(stderr); os_thread_sleep(200000); /*0.2 sec*/ } putc('\n', stderr); os_event_destroy(log_copying_stop); } if (wait_throttle) { /* wait for io_watching_thread completion */ while (io_watching_thread_running) { os_thread_sleep(1000000); } os_event_destroy(wait_throttle); } } /** Implement the core of --backup @return whether the operation succeeded */ static bool xtrabackup_backup_low() { ut_ad(!metadata_to_lsn); /* read the latest checkpoint lsn */ { ulint max_cp_field; log_mutex_enter(); if (recv_find_max_checkpoint(&max_cp_field) == DB_SUCCESS && log_sys.log.format != 0) { if (max_cp_field == LOG_CHECKPOINT_1) { log_header_read(max_cp_field); } metadata_to_lsn = mach_read_from_8( log_sys.checkpoint_buf + LOG_CHECKPOINT_LSN); msg("mariabackup: The latest check point" " (for incremental): '" LSN_PF "'", metadata_to_lsn); } else { msg("Error: recv_find_max_checkpoint() failed."); } log_mutex_exit(); } stop_backup_threads(); if (metadata_to_lsn && xtrabackup_copy_logfile(true)) { ds_close(dst_log_file); dst_log_file = NULL; return false; } if (ds_close(dst_log_file) || !metadata_to_lsn) { dst_log_file = NULL; return false; } dst_log_file = NULL; if(!xtrabackup_incremental) { strcpy(metadata_type, "full-backuped"); metadata_from_lsn = 0; } else { strcpy(metadata_type, "incremental"); metadata_from_lsn = incremental_lsn; } metadata_last_lsn = log_copy_scanned_lsn; if (!xtrabackup_stream_metadata(ds_meta)) { msg("Error: failed to stream metadata."); return false; } if (xtrabackup_extra_lsndir) { char filename[FN_REFLEN]; sprintf(filename, "%s/%s", xtrabackup_extra_lsndir, XTRABACKUP_METADATA_FILENAME); if (!xtrabackup_write_metadata(filename)) { msg("Error: failed to write metadata " "to '%s'.", filename); return false; } sprintf(filename, "%s/%s", xtrabackup_extra_lsndir, XTRABACKUP_INFO); if (!write_xtrabackup_info(mysql_connection, filename, false)) { msg("Error: failed to write info " "to '%s'.", filename); return false; } } return true; } /** Implement --backup @return whether the operation succeeded */ static bool xtrabackup_backup_func() { MY_STAT stat_info; uint i; uint count; pthread_mutex_t count_mutex; data_thread_ctxt_t *data_threads; pthread_mutex_init(&backup_mutex, NULL); pthread_cond_init(&scanned_lsn_cond, NULL); #ifdef USE_POSIX_FADVISE msg("uses posix_fadvise()."); #endif /* cd to datadir */ if (my_setwd(mysql_real_data_home,MYF(MY_WME))) { msg("my_setwd() failed , %s", mysql_real_data_home); return(false); } msg("cd to %s", mysql_real_data_home); encryption_plugin_backup_init(mysql_connection); msg("open files limit requested %u, set to %u", (uint) xb_open_files_limit, xb_set_max_open_files(xb_open_files_limit)); mysql_data_home= mysql_data_home_buff; mysql_data_home[0]=FN_CURLIB; // all paths are relative from here mysql_data_home[1]=0; srv_n_purge_threads = 1; srv_read_only_mode = TRUE; srv_operation = SRV_OPERATION_BACKUP; log_file_op = backup_file_op; metadata_to_lsn = 0; /* initialize components */ if(innodb_init_param()) { fail: metadata_to_lsn = log_copying_running; stop_backup_threads(); log_file_op = NULL; if (dst_log_file) { ds_close(dst_log_file); dst_log_file = NULL; } if (fil_system.is_initialised()) { innodb_shutdown(); } return(false); } if (srv_buf_pool_size >= 1000 * 1024 * 1024) { /* Here we still have srv_pool_size counted in kilobytes (in 4.0 this was in bytes) srv_boot() converts the value to pages; if buffer pool is less than 1000 MB, assume fewer threads. */ srv_max_n_threads = 50000; } else if (srv_buf_pool_size >= 8 * 1024 * 1024) { srv_max_n_threads = 10000; } else { srv_max_n_threads = 1000; /* saves several MB of memory, especially in 64-bit computers */ } sync_check_init(); ut_d(sync_check_enable()); /* Reset the system variables in the recovery module. */ recv_sys_var_init(); trx_pool_init(); ut_crc32_init(); crc_init(); recv_sys_init(); #ifdef WITH_INNODB_DISALLOW_WRITES srv_allow_writes_event = os_event_create(0); os_event_set(srv_allow_writes_event); #endif xb_filters_init(); xb_fil_io_init(); srv_n_file_io_threads = srv_n_read_io_threads; os_aio_init(srv_n_read_io_threads, srv_n_write_io_threads, SRV_MAX_N_PENDING_SYNC_IOS); log_sys.create(); log_sys.log.create(srv_n_log_files); fil_space_t* space = fil_space_create( "innodb_redo_log", SRV_LOG_SPACE_FIRST_ID, 0, FIL_TYPE_LOG, NULL); for (ulint i = 0; i < srv_n_log_files; i++) { open_or_create_log_file(space, i); } /* create extra LSN dir if it does not exist. */ if (xtrabackup_extra_lsndir &&!my_stat(xtrabackup_extra_lsndir,&stat_info,MYF(0)) && (my_mkdir(xtrabackup_extra_lsndir,0777,MYF(0)) < 0)) { msg("Error: cannot mkdir %d: %s\n", my_errno, xtrabackup_extra_lsndir); goto fail; } /* create target dir if not exist */ if (!xtrabackup_stream_str && !my_stat(xtrabackup_target_dir,&stat_info,MYF(0)) && (my_mkdir(xtrabackup_target_dir,0777,MYF(0)) < 0)){ msg("Error: cannot mkdir %d: %s\n", my_errno, xtrabackup_target_dir); goto fail; } { /* definition from recv_recovery_from_checkpoint_start() */ ulint max_cp_field; /* start back ground thread to copy newer log */ os_thread_id_t log_copying_thread_id; /* get current checkpoint_lsn */ /* Look for the latest checkpoint from any of the log groups */ log_mutex_enter(); reread_log_header: dberr_t err = recv_find_max_checkpoint(&max_cp_field); if (err != DB_SUCCESS) { msg("Error: cannot read redo log header"); log_mutex_exit(); goto fail; } if (log_sys.log.format == 0) { msg("Error: cannot process redo log before MariaDB 10.2.2"); log_mutex_exit(); goto fail; } const byte* buf = log_sys.checkpoint_buf; checkpoint_lsn_start = log_sys.log.get_lsn(); checkpoint_no_start = log_sys.next_checkpoint_no; log_header_read(max_cp_field); if (checkpoint_no_start != mach_read_from_8(buf + LOG_CHECKPOINT_NO) || checkpoint_lsn_start != mach_read_from_8(buf + LOG_CHECKPOINT_LSN) || log_sys.log.get_lsn_offset() != mach_read_from_8(buf + LOG_CHECKPOINT_OFFSET)) goto reread_log_header; log_mutex_exit(); xtrabackup_init_datasinks(); if (!select_history()) { goto fail; } /* open the log file */ memset(&stat_info, 0, sizeof(MY_STAT)); dst_log_file = ds_open(ds_redo, "ib_logfile0", &stat_info); if (dst_log_file == NULL) { msg("Error: failed to open the target stream for " "'ib_logfile0'."); goto fail; } /* label it */ byte MY_ALIGNED(OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE) log_hdr_buf[LOG_FILE_HDR_SIZE]; memset(log_hdr_buf, 0, sizeof log_hdr_buf); byte *log_hdr_field = log_hdr_buf; mach_write_to_4(LOG_HEADER_FORMAT + log_hdr_field, log_sys.log.format); mach_write_to_4(LOG_HEADER_SUBFORMAT + log_hdr_field, log_sys.log.subformat); mach_write_to_8(LOG_HEADER_START_LSN + log_hdr_field, checkpoint_lsn_start); strcpy(reinterpret_cast(LOG_HEADER_CREATOR + log_hdr_field), "Backup " MYSQL_SERVER_VERSION); log_block_set_checksum(log_hdr_field, log_block_calc_checksum_crc32(log_hdr_field)); /* copied from log_group_checkpoint() */ log_hdr_field += (log_sys.next_checkpoint_no & 1) ? LOG_CHECKPOINT_2 : LOG_CHECKPOINT_1; /* The least significant bits of LOG_CHECKPOINT_OFFSET must be stored correctly in the copy of the ib_logfile. The most significant bits, which identify the start offset of the log block in the file, we did choose freely, as LOG_FILE_HDR_SIZE. */ ut_ad(!((log_sys.log.get_lsn() ^ checkpoint_lsn_start) & (OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE - 1))); /* Adjust the checkpoint page. */ memcpy(log_hdr_field, log_sys.checkpoint_buf, OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE); mach_write_to_8(log_hdr_field + LOG_CHECKPOINT_OFFSET, (checkpoint_lsn_start & (OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE - 1)) | LOG_FILE_HDR_SIZE); log_block_set_checksum(log_hdr_field, log_block_calc_checksum_crc32(log_hdr_field)); /* Write log header*/ if (ds_write(dst_log_file, log_hdr_buf, sizeof(log_hdr_buf))) { msg("error: write to logfile failed"); goto fail; } log_copying_running = true; /* start io throttle */ if(xtrabackup_throttle) { os_thread_id_t io_watching_thread_id; io_ticket = xtrabackup_throttle; wait_throttle = os_event_create(0); io_watching_thread_running = true; os_thread_create(io_watching_thread, NULL, &io_watching_thread_id); } /* Populate fil_system with tablespaces to copy */ err = xb_load_tablespaces(); if (err != DB_SUCCESS) { msg("merror: xb_load_tablespaces() failed with" " error %s.", ut_strerr(err)); fail_before_log_copying_thread_start: log_copying_running = false; goto fail; } /* copy log file by current position */ log_copy_scanned_lsn = checkpoint_lsn_start; recv_sys->recovered_lsn = log_copy_scanned_lsn; log_optimized_ddl_op = backup_optimized_ddl_op; log_truncate = backup_truncate_fail; if (xtrabackup_copy_logfile()) goto fail_before_log_copying_thread_start; log_copying_stop = os_event_create(0); os_thread_create(log_copying_thread, NULL, &log_copying_thread_id); /* FLUSH CHANGED_PAGE_BITMAPS call */ if (!flush_changed_page_bitmaps()) { goto fail; } debug_sync_point("xtrabackup_suspend_at_start"); ut_a(xtrabackup_parallel > 0); if (xtrabackup_parallel > 1) { msg("mariabackup: Starting %u threads for parallel data " "files transfer", xtrabackup_parallel); } if (opt_lock_ddl_per_table) { mdl_lock_all(); DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("check_mdl_lock_works", dbug_alter_thread_done = dbug_start_query_thread("ALTER TABLE test.t ADD COLUMN mdl_lock_column int", "Waiting for table metadata lock", 1, ER_QUERY_INTERRUPTED);); } datafiles_iter_t *it = datafiles_iter_new(); if (it == NULL) { msg("mariabackup: Error: datafiles_iter_new() failed."); goto fail; } /* Create data copying threads */ data_threads = (data_thread_ctxt_t *) malloc(sizeof(data_thread_ctxt_t) * xtrabackup_parallel); count = xtrabackup_parallel; pthread_mutex_init(&count_mutex, NULL); for (i = 0; i < (uint) xtrabackup_parallel; i++) { data_threads[i].it = it; data_threads[i].num = i+1; data_threads[i].count = &count; data_threads[i].count_mutex = &count_mutex; os_thread_create(data_copy_thread_func, data_threads + i, &data_threads[i].id); } /* Wait for threads to exit */ while (1) { os_thread_sleep(1000000); pthread_mutex_lock(&count_mutex); bool stop = count == 0; pthread_mutex_unlock(&count_mutex); if (stop) { break; } } pthread_mutex_destroy(&count_mutex); free(data_threads); datafiles_iter_free(it); } bool ok = backup_start(); if (ok) { ok = xtrabackup_backup_low(); backup_release(); DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("check_mdl_lock_works", os_event_wait(dbug_alter_thread_done); os_event_destroy(dbug_alter_thread_done); ); if (ok) { backup_finish(); } } if (!ok) { goto fail; } if (changed_page_bitmap) { xb_page_bitmap_deinit(changed_page_bitmap); } xtrabackup_destroy_datasinks(); msg("Redo log (from LSN " LSN_PF " to " LSN_PF ") was copied.", checkpoint_lsn_start, log_copy_scanned_lsn); xb_filters_free(); xb_data_files_close(); /* Make sure that the latest checkpoint was included */ if (metadata_to_lsn > log_copy_scanned_lsn) { msg("Error: failed to copy enough redo log (" "LSN=" LSN_PF "; checkpoint LSN=" LSN_PF ").", log_copy_scanned_lsn, metadata_to_lsn); goto fail; } innodb_shutdown(); log_file_op = NULL; pthread_mutex_destroy(&backup_mutex); pthread_cond_destroy(&scanned_lsn_cond); return(true); } /** This function handles DDL changes at the end of backup, under protection of FTWRL. This ensures consistent backup in presence of DDL. - New tables, that were created during backup, are now copied into backup. Also, tablespaces with optimized (no redo loggin DDL) are re-copied into backup. This tablespaces will get the extension ".new" in the backup - Tables that were renamed during backup, are marked as renamed For these, file .ren will be created. The content of the file is the new tablespace name. - Tables that were deleted during backup, are marked as deleted For these , an empty file .del will be created It is the responsibility of the prepare phase to deal with .new, .ren, and .del files. */ void backup_fix_ddl(void) { std::set new_tables; std::set dropped_tables; std::map renamed_tables; /* Disable further DDL on backed up tables (only needed for --no-lock).*/ pthread_mutex_lock(&backup_mutex); log_file_op = backup_file_op_fail; log_optimized_ddl_op = backup_optimized_ddl_op_fail; pthread_mutex_unlock(&backup_mutex); DBUG_MARIABACKUP_EVENT("backup_fix_ddl",0); for (space_id_to_name_t::iterator iter = ddl_tracker.tables_in_backup.begin(); iter != ddl_tracker.tables_in_backup.end(); iter++) { const std::string name = iter->second; ulint id = iter->first; if (ddl_tracker.drops.find(id) != ddl_tracker.drops.end()) { dropped_tables.insert(name); continue; } bool has_optimized_ddl = ddl_tracker.optimized_ddl.find(id) != ddl_tracker.optimized_ddl.end(); if (ddl_tracker.id_to_name.find(id) == ddl_tracker.id_to_name.end()) { if (has_optimized_ddl) { new_tables.insert(name); } continue; } /* tablespace was affected by DDL. */ const std::string new_name = ddl_tracker.id_to_name[id]; if (new_name != name) { if (has_optimized_ddl) { /* table was renamed, but we need a full copy of it because of optimized DDL. We emulate a drop/create.*/ dropped_tables.insert(name); new_tables.insert(new_name); } else { /* Renamed, and no optimized DDL*/ renamed_tables[name] = new_name; } } else if (has_optimized_ddl) { /* Table was recreated, or optimized DDL ran. In both cases we need a full copy in the backup.*/ new_tables.insert(name); } } /* Find tables that were created during backup (and not removed).*/ for(space_id_to_name_t::iterator iter = ddl_tracker.id_to_name.begin(); iter != ddl_tracker.id_to_name.end(); iter++) { ulint id = iter->first; std::string name = iter->second; if (ddl_tracker.tables_in_backup.find(id) != ddl_tracker.tables_in_backup.end()) { /* already processed above */ continue; } if (ddl_tracker.drops.find(id) == ddl_tracker.drops.end()) { dropped_tables.erase(name); new_tables.insert(name); } } // Mark tablespaces for rename for (std::map::iterator iter = renamed_tables.begin(); iter != renamed_tables.end(); ++iter) { const std::string old_name = iter->first; std::string new_name = iter->second; backup_file_printf((old_name + ".ren").c_str(), "%s", new_name.c_str()); } // Mark tablespaces for drop for (std::set::iterator iter = dropped_tables.begin(); iter != dropped_tables.end(); iter++) { const std::string name(*iter); backup_file_printf((name + ".del").c_str(), "%s", ""); } // Load and copy new tables. // Close all datanodes first, reload only new tables. std::vector all_nodes; datafiles_iter_t *it = datafiles_iter_new(); if (!it) return; while (fil_node_t *node = datafiles_iter_next(it)) { all_nodes.push_back(node); } for (size_t i = 0; i < all_nodes.size(); i++) { fil_node_t *n = all_nodes[i]; if (n->space->id == 0) continue; if (n->is_open()) { mutex_enter(&fil_system.mutex); n->close(); mutex_exit(&fil_system.mutex); } fil_space_free(n->space->id, false); } datafiles_iter_free(it); for (std::set::iterator iter = new_tables.begin(); iter != new_tables.end(); iter++) { const char *space_name = iter->c_str(); if (check_if_skip_table(space_name)) continue; std::string name(*iter); bool is_remote = access((name + ".ibd").c_str(), R_OK) != 0; const char *extension = is_remote ? ".isl" : ".ibd"; name.append(extension); char buf[FN_REFLEN]; strncpy(buf, name.c_str(), sizeof buf - 1); buf[sizeof buf - 1] = '\0'; const char *dbname = buf; char *p = strchr(buf, '/'); if (p == 0) { msg("Unexpected tablespace %s filename %s", space_name, name.c_str()); ut_a(0); } ut_a(p); *p = 0; const char *tablename = p + 1; xb_load_single_table_tablespace(dbname, tablename, is_remote); } it = datafiles_iter_new(); if (!it) return; while (fil_node_t *node = datafiles_iter_next(it)) { fil_space_t * space = node->space; if (!fil_is_user_tablespace_id(space->id)) continue; std::string dest_name(node->space->name); dest_name.append(".new"); xtrabackup_copy_datafile(node, 0, dest_name.c_str()/*, do_full_copy ? ULONGLONG_MAX:UNIV_PAGE_SIZE */); } datafiles_iter_free(it); } /* ================= prepare ================= */ /*********************************************************************** Generates path to the meta file path from a given path to an incremental .delta by replacing trailing ".delta" with ".meta", or returns error if 'delta_path' does not end with the ".delta" character sequence. @return TRUE on success, FALSE on error. */ static ibool get_meta_path( const char *delta_path, /* in: path to a .delta file */ char *meta_path) /* out: path to the corresponding .meta file */ { size_t len = strlen(delta_path); if (len <= 6 || strcmp(delta_path + len - 6, ".delta")) { return FALSE; } memcpy(meta_path, delta_path, len - 6); strcpy(meta_path + len - 6, XB_DELTA_INFO_SUFFIX); return TRUE; } /****************************************************************//** Create a new tablespace on disk and return the handle to its opened file. Code adopted from fil_create_new_single_table_tablespace with the main difference that only disk file is created without updating the InnoDB in-memory dictionary data structures. @return true on success, false on error. */ static bool xb_space_create_file( /*==================*/ const char* path, /*!(malloc(3U << srv_page_size_shift)); /* Align the memory for file i/o if we might have O_DIRECT set */ page = static_cast(ut_align(buf, srv_page_size)); memset(page, '\0', srv_page_size); fsp_header_init_fields(page, space_id, flags); mach_write_to_4(page + FIL_PAGE_ARCH_LOG_NO_OR_SPACE_ID, space_id); const page_size_t page_size(flags); if (!page_size.is_compressed()) { buf_flush_init_for_writing(NULL, page, NULL, 0); ret = os_file_write(IORequestWrite, path, *file, page, 0, srv_page_size); } else { page_zip_des_t page_zip; ulint zip_size = page_size.physical(); page_zip_set_size(&page_zip, zip_size); page_zip.data = page + srv_page_size; fprintf(stderr, "zip_size = " ULINTPF "\n", zip_size); #ifdef UNIV_DEBUG page_zip.m_start = #endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */ page_zip.m_end = page_zip.m_nonempty = page_zip.n_blobs = 0; buf_flush_init_for_writing(NULL, page, &page_zip, 0); ret = os_file_write(IORequestWrite, path, *file, page_zip.data, 0, zip_size); } free(buf); if (ret != DB_SUCCESS) { msg("mariabackup: could not write the first page to %s", path); os_file_close(*file); os_file_delete(0, path); return ret; } return TRUE; } static fil_space_t* fil_space_get_by_name(const char* name) { ut_ad(mutex_own(&fil_system.mutex)); for (fil_space_t* space = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(fil_system.space_list); space != NULL; space = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(space_list, space)) if (!strcmp(space->name, name)) return space; return NULL; } /*********************************************************************** Searches for matching tablespace file for given .delta file and space_id in given directory. When matching tablespace found, renames it to match the name of .delta file. If there was a tablespace with matching name and mismatching ID, renames it to xtrabackup_tmp_#ID.ibd. If there was no matching file, creates a new tablespace. @return file handle of matched or created file */ static pfs_os_file_t xb_delta_open_matching_space( const char* dbname, /* in: path to destination database dir */ const char* name, /* in: name of delta file (without .delta) */ const xb_delta_info_t& info, char* real_name, /* out: full path of destination file */ size_t real_name_len, /* out: buffer size for real_name */ bool* success) /* out: indicates error. true = success */ { char dest_dir[FN_REFLEN]; char dest_space_name[FN_REFLEN]; fil_space_t* fil_space; pfs_os_file_t file; xb_filter_entry_t* table; ut_a(dbname != NULL || !fil_is_user_tablespace_id(info.space_id) || info.space_id == ULINT_UNDEFINED); *success = false; if (dbname) { snprintf(dest_dir, FN_REFLEN, "%s/%s", xtrabackup_target_dir, dbname); os_normalize_path(dest_dir); snprintf(dest_space_name, FN_REFLEN, "%s/%s", dbname, name); } else { snprintf(dest_dir, FN_REFLEN, "%s", xtrabackup_target_dir); os_normalize_path(dest_dir); snprintf(dest_space_name, FN_REFLEN, "%s", name); } snprintf(real_name, real_name_len, "%s/%s", xtrabackup_target_dir, dest_space_name); os_normalize_path(real_name); /* Truncate ".ibd" */ dest_space_name[strlen(dest_space_name) - 4] = '\0'; /* Create the database directory if it doesn't exist yet */ if (!os_file_create_directory(dest_dir, FALSE)) { msg("mariabackup: error: cannot create dir %s", dest_dir); return file; } log_mutex_enter(); if (!fil_is_user_tablespace_id(info.space_id)) { found: /* open the file and return its handle */ file = os_file_create_simple_no_error_handling( 0, real_name, OS_FILE_OPEN, OS_FILE_READ_WRITE, false, success); if (!*success) { msg("mariabackup: Cannot open file %s\n", real_name); } exit: log_mutex_exit(); return file; } /* remember space name for further reference */ table = static_cast (malloc(sizeof(xb_filter_entry_t) + strlen(dest_space_name) + 1)); table->name = ((char*)table) + sizeof(xb_filter_entry_t); strcpy(table->name, dest_space_name); HASH_INSERT(xb_filter_entry_t, name_hash, inc_dir_tables_hash, ut_fold_string(table->name), table); mutex_enter(&fil_system.mutex); fil_space = fil_space_get_by_name(dest_space_name); mutex_exit(&fil_system.mutex); if (fil_space != NULL) { if (fil_space->id == info.space_id || info.space_id == ULINT_UNDEFINED) { /* we found matching space */ goto found; } else { char tmpname[FN_REFLEN]; snprintf(tmpname, FN_REFLEN, "%s/xtrabackup_tmp_#" ULINTPF, dbname, fil_space->id); msg("mariabackup: Renaming %s to %s.ibd", fil_space->name, tmpname); if (fil_space->rename(tmpname, NULL, false) != DB_SUCCESS) { msg("mariabackup: Cannot rename %s to %s", fil_space->name, tmpname); goto exit; } } } if (info.space_id == ULINT_UNDEFINED) { die("Can't handle DDL operation on tablespace " "%s\n", dest_space_name); } mutex_enter(&fil_system.mutex); fil_space = fil_space_get_by_id(info.space_id); mutex_exit(&fil_system.mutex); if (fil_space != NULL) { char tmpname[FN_REFLEN]; strncpy(tmpname, dest_space_name, FN_REFLEN); msg("mariabackup: Renaming %s to %s", fil_space->name, dest_space_name); if (fil_space->rename(tmpname, NULL, false) != DB_SUCCESS) { msg("mariabackup: Cannot rename %s to %s", fil_space->name, dest_space_name); goto exit; } goto found; } /* No matching space found. create the new one. */ const ulint flags = info.page_size.is_compressed() ? get_bit_shift(info.page_size.physical() >> (UNIV_ZIP_SIZE_SHIFT_MIN - 1)) << FSP_FLAGS_POS_ZIP_SSIZE | FSP_FLAGS_MASK_POST_ANTELOPE | FSP_FLAGS_MASK_ATOMIC_BLOBS | (info.page_size.logical() == UNIV_PAGE_SIZE_ORIG ? 0 : get_bit_shift(info.page_size.logical() >> (UNIV_ZIP_SIZE_SHIFT_MIN - 1)) << FSP_FLAGS_POS_PAGE_SSIZE) : FSP_FLAGS_PAGE_SSIZE(); ut_ad(page_size_t(flags).equals_to(info.page_size)); if (fil_space_create(dest_space_name, info.space_id, flags, FIL_TYPE_TABLESPACE, 0)) { *success = xb_space_create_file(real_name, info.space_id, flags, &file); } else { msg("Can't create tablespace %s\n", dest_space_name); } goto exit; } /************************************************************************ Applies a given .delta file to the corresponding data file. @return TRUE on success */ static ibool xtrabackup_apply_delta( const char* dirname, /* in: dir name of incremental */ const char* dbname, /* in: database name (ibdata: NULL) */ const char* filename, /* in: file name (not a path), including the .delta extension */ void* /*data*/) { pfs_os_file_t src_file; pfs_os_file_t dst_file; char src_path[FN_REFLEN]; char dst_path[FN_REFLEN]; char meta_path[FN_REFLEN]; char space_name[FN_REFLEN]; bool success; ibool last_buffer = FALSE; ulint page_in_buffer; ulint incremental_buffers = 0; xb_delta_info_t info(univ_page_size, SRV_TMP_SPACE_ID); ulint page_size; ulint page_size_shift; byte* incremental_buffer_base = NULL; byte* incremental_buffer; size_t offset; ut_a(xtrabackup_incremental); if (dbname) { snprintf(src_path, sizeof(src_path), "%s/%s/%s", dirname, dbname, filename); snprintf(dst_path, sizeof(dst_path), "%s/%s/%s", xtrabackup_real_target_dir, dbname, filename); } else { snprintf(src_path, sizeof(src_path), "%s/%s", dirname, filename); snprintf(dst_path, sizeof(dst_path), "%s/%s", xtrabackup_real_target_dir, filename); } dst_path[strlen(dst_path) - 6] = '\0'; strncpy(space_name, filename, FN_REFLEN - 1); space_name[FN_REFLEN - 1] = '\0'; space_name[strlen(space_name) - 6] = 0; if (!get_meta_path(src_path, meta_path)) { goto error; } os_normalize_path(dst_path); os_normalize_path(src_path); os_normalize_path(meta_path); if (!xb_read_delta_metadata(meta_path, &info)) { goto error; } page_size = info.page_size.physical(); page_size_shift = get_bit_shift(page_size); msg("page size for %s is %zu bytes", src_path, page_size); if (page_size_shift < 10 || page_size_shift > UNIV_PAGE_SIZE_SHIFT_MAX) { msg("error: invalid value of page_size " "(%zu bytes) read from %s", page_size, meta_path); goto error; } src_file = os_file_create_simple_no_error_handling( 0, src_path, OS_FILE_OPEN, OS_FILE_READ_WRITE, false, &success); if (!success) { os_file_get_last_error(TRUE); msg("error: can't open %s", src_path); goto error; } posix_fadvise(src_file, 0, 0, POSIX_FADV_SEQUENTIAL); dst_file = xb_delta_open_matching_space( dbname, space_name, info, dst_path, sizeof(dst_path), &success); if (!success) { msg("error: can't open %s", dst_path); goto error; } posix_fadvise(dst_file, 0, 0, POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED); /* allocate buffer for incremental backup (4096 pages) */ incremental_buffer_base = static_cast (malloc((page_size / 4 + 1) * page_size)); incremental_buffer = static_cast (ut_align(incremental_buffer_base, page_size)); msg("Applying %s to %s...", src_path, dst_path); while (!last_buffer) { ulint cluster_header; /* read to buffer */ /* first block of block cluster */ offset = ((incremental_buffers * (page_size / 4)) << page_size_shift); success = os_file_read(IORequestRead, src_file, incremental_buffer, offset, page_size); if (success != DB_SUCCESS) { goto error; } cluster_header = mach_read_from_4(incremental_buffer); switch(cluster_header) { case 0x78747261UL: /*"xtra"*/ break; case 0x58545241UL: /*"XTRA"*/ last_buffer = TRUE; break; default: msg("error: %s seems not " ".delta file.", src_path); goto error; } /* FIXME: If the .delta modifies FSP_SIZE on page 0, extend the file to that size. */ for (page_in_buffer = 1; page_in_buffer < page_size / 4; page_in_buffer++) { if (mach_read_from_4(incremental_buffer + page_in_buffer * 4) == 0xFFFFFFFFUL) break; } ut_a(last_buffer || page_in_buffer == page_size / 4); /* read whole of the cluster */ success = os_file_read(IORequestRead, src_file, incremental_buffer, offset, page_in_buffer * page_size); if (success != DB_SUCCESS) { goto error; } posix_fadvise(src_file, offset, page_in_buffer * page_size, POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED); for (page_in_buffer = 1; page_in_buffer < page_size / 4; page_in_buffer++) { ulint offset_on_page; offset_on_page = mach_read_from_4(incremental_buffer + page_in_buffer * 4); if (offset_on_page == 0xFFFFFFFFUL) break; uchar *buf = incremental_buffer + page_in_buffer * page_size; const os_offset_t off = os_offset_t(offset_on_page)*page_size; if (off == 0) { /* Read tablespace size from page 0, and extend the file to specified size.*/ os_offset_t n_pages = mach_read_from_4( buf + FSP_HEADER_OFFSET + FSP_SIZE); if (mach_read_from_4(buf + FIL_PAGE_SPACE_ID)) { if (!os_file_set_size( dst_path, dst_file, n_pages * page_size)) goto error; } else if (fil_space_t* space = fil_system.sys_space) { /* The system tablespace can consist of multiple files. The first one has full tablespace size in page 0, but only the last file should be extended. */ fil_node_t* n = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST( space->chain); bool fail = !strcmp(n->name, dst_path) && !fil_space_extend( space, (ulint)n_pages); if (fail) goto error; } } success = os_file_write(IORequestWrite, dst_path, dst_file, buf, off, page_size); if (success != DB_SUCCESS) { goto error; } } /* Free file system buffer cache after the batch was written. */ #ifdef __linux__ os_file_flush_func(dst_file); #endif posix_fadvise(dst_file, 0, 0, POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED); incremental_buffers++; } free(incremental_buffer_base); if (src_file != OS_FILE_CLOSED) { os_file_close(src_file); os_file_delete(0,src_path); } if (dst_file != OS_FILE_CLOSED) os_file_close(dst_file); return TRUE; error: free(incremental_buffer_base); if (src_file != OS_FILE_CLOSED) os_file_close(src_file); if (dst_file != OS_FILE_CLOSED) os_file_close(dst_file); msg("Error: xtrabackup_apply_delta(): " "failed to apply %s to %s.\n", src_path, dst_path); return FALSE; } std::string change_extension(std::string filename, std::string new_ext) { DBUG_ASSERT(new_ext.size() == 3); std::string new_name(filename); new_name.resize(new_name.size() - new_ext.size()); new_name.append(new_ext); return new_name; } static void rename_file(const char *from,const char *to) { msg("Renaming %s to %s\n", from, to); if (my_rename(from, to, MY_WME)) { die("Can't rename %s to %s errno %d", from, to, errno); } } static void rename_file(const std::string& from, const std::string &to) { rename_file(from.c_str(), to.c_str()); } /************************************************************************ Callback to handle datadir entry. Function of this type will be called for each entry which matches the mask by xb_process_datadir. @return should return TRUE on success */ typedef ibool (*handle_datadir_entry_func_t)( /*=========================================*/ const char* data_home_dir, /*!name, name)); if (!table) { snprintf(name, FN_REFLEN, "%s/%s/%s", data_home_dir, db_name, file_name); return os_file_delete(0, name); } return(TRUE); } /************************************************************************ Function enumerates files in datadir (provided by path) which are matched by provided suffix. For each entry callback is called. @return FALSE if callback for some entry returned FALSE */ static ibool xb_process_datadir( const char* path, /*! suffix_len && 0 == strcmp(fileinfo.name + strlen(fileinfo.name) - suffix_len, suffix)) { if (!func( path, NULL, fileinfo.name, NULL)) { os_file_closedir(dbdir); return(FALSE); } } next_file_item_1: ret = fil_file_readdir_next_file(&err, path, dbdir, &fileinfo); } os_file_closedir(dbdir); } else { msg("Can't open dir %s", path); } /* single table tablespaces */ dir = os_file_opendir(path, FALSE); if (dir == NULL) { msg("Can't open dir %s", path); } ret = fil_file_readdir_next_file(&err, path, dir, &dbinfo); while (ret == 0) { if (dbinfo.type == OS_FILE_TYPE_FILE || dbinfo.type == OS_FILE_TYPE_UNKNOWN) { goto next_datadir_item; } snprintf(dbpath, sizeof(dbpath), "%.*s/%.*s", OS_FILE_MAX_PATH/2-1, path, OS_FILE_MAX_PATH/2-1, dbinfo.name); os_normalize_path(dbpath); dbdir = os_file_opendir(dbpath, FALSE); if (dbdir != NULL) { ret = fil_file_readdir_next_file(&err, dbpath, dbdir, &fileinfo); while (ret == 0) { if (fileinfo.type == OS_FILE_TYPE_DIR) { goto next_file_item_2; } if (strlen(fileinfo.name) > suffix_len && 0 == strcmp(fileinfo.name + strlen(fileinfo.name) - suffix_len, suffix)) { /* The name ends in suffix; process the file */ if (!func( path, dbinfo.name, fileinfo.name, NULL)) { os_file_closedir(dbdir); os_file_closedir(dir); return(FALSE); } } next_file_item_2: ret = fil_file_readdir_next_file(&err, dbpath, dbdir, &fileinfo); } os_file_closedir(dbdir); } next_datadir_item: ret = fil_file_readdir_next_file(&err, path, dir, &dbinfo); } os_file_closedir(dir); return(TRUE); } /************************************************************************ Applies all .delta files from incremental_dir to the full backup. @return TRUE on success. */ static ibool xtrabackup_apply_deltas() { return xb_process_datadir(xtrabackup_incremental_dir, ".delta", xtrabackup_apply_delta); } static void innodb_free_param() { srv_sys_space.shutdown(); free_tmpdir(&mysql_tmpdir_list); } /** Check if file exists*/ static bool file_exists(std::string name) { return access(name.c_str(), R_OK) == 0 ; } /** Read file content into STL string */ static std::string read_file_as_string(const std::string file) { char content[FN_REFLEN]; FILE *f = fopen(file.c_str(), "r"); if (!f) { msg("Can not open %s", file.c_str()); } size_t len = fread(content, 1, FN_REFLEN, f); fclose(f); return std::string(content, len); } /** Delete file- Provide verbose diagnostics and exit, if operation fails. */ static void delete_file(const std::string& file, bool if_exists = false) { if (if_exists && !file_exists(file)) return; if (my_delete(file.c_str(), MYF(MY_WME))) { die("Can't remove %s, errno %d", file.c_str(), errno); } } /** Rename tablespace during prepare. Backup in its end phase may generate some .ren files, recording tablespaces that should be renamed in --prepare. */ static void rename_table_in_prepare(const std::string &datadir, const std::string& from , const std::string& to, const char *extension=0) { if (!extension) { static const char *extensions_nonincremental[] = { ".ibd", 0 }; static const char *extensions_incremental[] = { ".ibd.delta", ".ibd.meta", 0 }; const char **extensions = xtrabackup_incremental_dir ? extensions_incremental : extensions_nonincremental; for (size_t i = 0; extensions[i]; i++) { rename_table_in_prepare(datadir, from, to, extensions[i]); } return; } std::string src = std::string(datadir) + "/" + from + extension; std::string dest = std::string(datadir) + "/" + to + extension; std::string ren2, tmp; if (file_exists(dest)) { ren2= std::string(datadir) + "/" + to + ".ren"; if (!file_exists(ren2)) { msg("ERROR : File %s was not found, but expected during rename processing\n", ren2.c_str()); ut_a(0); } tmp = to + "#"; rename_table_in_prepare(datadir, to, tmp); } rename_file(src, dest); if (ren2.size()) { // Make sure the temp. renamed file is processed. std::string to2 = read_file_as_string(ren2); rename_table_in_prepare(datadir, tmp, to2); delete_file(ren2); } } static ibool prepare_handle_ren_files(const char *datadir, const char *db, const char *filename, void *) { std::string ren_file = std::string(datadir) + "/" + db + "/" + filename; if (!file_exists(ren_file)) return TRUE; std::string to = read_file_as_string(ren_file); std::string source_space_name = std::string(db) + "/" + filename; source_space_name.resize(source_space_name.size() - 4); // remove extension rename_table_in_prepare(datadir, source_space_name.c_str(), to.c_str()); delete_file(ren_file); return TRUE; } /* Remove tablespaces during backup, based on */ static ibool prepare_handle_del_files(const char *datadir, const char *db, const char *filename, void *) { std::string del_file = std::string(datadir) + "/" + db + "/" + filename; std::string path(del_file); path.resize(path.size() - 4); // remove extension; if (xtrabackup_incremental) { delete_file(path + ".ibd.delta", true); delete_file(path + ".ibd.meta", true); } else { delete_file(path + ".ibd", true); } delete_file(del_file); return TRUE; } /** Implement --prepare @return whether the operation succeeded */ static bool xtrabackup_prepare_func(char** argv) { char metadata_path[FN_REFLEN]; /* cd to target-dir */ if (my_setwd(xtrabackup_real_target_dir,MYF(MY_WME))) { msg("can't my_setwd %s", xtrabackup_real_target_dir); return(false); } msg("cd to %s", xtrabackup_real_target_dir); fil_path_to_mysql_datadir = "."; /* Fix DDL for prepare. Process .del,.ren, and .new files. The order in which files are processed, is important (see MDEV-18185, MDEV-18201) */ xb_process_datadir(xtrabackup_incremental_dir ? xtrabackup_incremental_dir : ".", ".del", prepare_handle_del_files); xb_process_datadir(xtrabackup_incremental_dir? xtrabackup_incremental_dir:".", ".ren", prepare_handle_ren_files); if (xtrabackup_incremental_dir) { xb_process_datadir(xtrabackup_incremental_dir, ".new.meta", prepare_handle_new_files); xb_process_datadir(xtrabackup_incremental_dir, ".new.delta", prepare_handle_new_files); } else { xb_process_datadir(".", ".new", prepare_handle_new_files); } int argc; for (argc = 0; argv[argc]; argc++) {} encryption_plugin_prepare_init(argc, argv); xtrabackup_target_dir= mysql_data_home_buff; xtrabackup_target_dir[0]=FN_CURLIB; // all paths are relative from here xtrabackup_target_dir[1]=0; const lsn_t target_lsn = xtrabackup_incremental ? incremental_to_lsn : metadata_to_lsn; /* read metadata of target */ sprintf(metadata_path, "%s/%s", xtrabackup_target_dir, XTRABACKUP_METADATA_FILENAME); if (!xtrabackup_read_metadata(metadata_path)) { msg("Error: failed to read metadata from '%s'\n", metadata_path); return(false); } if (!strcmp(metadata_type, "full-backuped")) { if (xtrabackup_incremental) { msg("error: applying incremental backup " "needs a prepared target."); return(false); } msg("This target seems to be not prepared yet."); } else if (!strcmp(metadata_type, "log-applied")) { msg("This target seems to be already prepared."); } else { msg("This target does not have correct metadata."); return(false); } bool ok = !xtrabackup_incremental || metadata_to_lsn == incremental_lsn; if (!ok) { msg("error: This incremental backup seems " "not to be proper for the target. Check 'to_lsn' of the target and " "'from_lsn' of the incremental."); return(false); } srv_max_n_threads = 1000; srv_undo_logs = 1; srv_n_purge_threads = 1; xb_filters_init(); srv_log_group_home_dir = NULL; srv_thread_concurrency = 1; if (xtrabackup_incremental) { srv_operation = SRV_OPERATION_RESTORE_DELTA; if (innodb_init_param()) { goto error_cleanup; } sync_check_init(); ut_d(sync_check_enable()); ut_crc32_init(); recv_sys_init(); log_sys.create(); recv_recovery_on = true; #ifdef WITH_INNODB_DISALLOW_WRITES srv_allow_writes_event = os_event_create(0); os_event_set(srv_allow_writes_event); #endif dberr_t err = xb_data_files_init(); if (err != DB_SUCCESS) { msg("mariabackup: error: xb_data_files_init() failed " "with error %s\n", ut_strerr(err)); goto error_cleanup; } inc_dir_tables_hash = hash_create(1000); ok = xtrabackup_apply_deltas(); xb_data_files_close(); if (ok) { /* Cleanup datadir from tablespaces deleted between full and incremental backups */ xb_process_datadir("./", ".ibd", rm_if_not_found); } xb_filter_hash_free(inc_dir_tables_hash); fil_system.close(); #ifdef WITH_INNODB_DISALLOW_WRITES os_event_destroy(srv_allow_writes_event); #endif innodb_free_param(); log_sys.close(); sync_check_close(); if (!ok) goto error_cleanup; } srv_operation = xtrabackup_export ? SRV_OPERATION_RESTORE_EXPORT : SRV_OPERATION_RESTORE; if (innodb_init_param()) { goto error_cleanup; } /* increase IO threads */ if (srv_n_file_io_threads < 10) { srv_n_read_io_threads = 4; srv_n_write_io_threads = 4; } msg("Starting InnoDB instance for recovery."); msg("mariabackup: Using %lld bytes for buffer pool " "(set by --use-memory parameter)", xtrabackup_use_memory); srv_max_buf_pool_modified_pct = (double)max_buf_pool_modified_pct; if (srv_max_dirty_pages_pct_lwm > srv_max_buf_pool_modified_pct) { srv_max_dirty_pages_pct_lwm = srv_max_buf_pool_modified_pct; } if (innodb_init()) { goto error_cleanup; } if (ok) { msg("Last binlog file %s, position %lld", trx_sys.recovered_binlog_filename, longlong(trx_sys.recovered_binlog_offset)); } /* Check whether the log is applied enough or not. */ if ((srv_start_lsn || fil_space_get(SRV_LOG_SPACE_FIRST_ID)) && srv_start_lsn < target_lsn) { msg("mariabackup: error: " "The log was only applied up to LSN " LSN_PF ", instead of " LSN_PF, srv_start_lsn, target_lsn); ok = false; } #ifdef WITH_WSREP else if (ok) xb_write_galera_info(xtrabackup_incremental); #endif innodb_shutdown(); innodb_free_param(); /* output to metadata file */ if (ok) { char filename[FN_REFLEN]; strcpy(metadata_type, "log-applied"); if(xtrabackup_incremental && metadata_to_lsn < incremental_to_lsn) { metadata_to_lsn = incremental_to_lsn; metadata_last_lsn = incremental_last_lsn; } sprintf(filename, "%s/%s", xtrabackup_target_dir, XTRABACKUP_METADATA_FILENAME); if (!xtrabackup_write_metadata(filename)) { msg("mariabackup: Error: failed to write metadata " "to '%s'", filename); ok = false; } else if (xtrabackup_extra_lsndir) { sprintf(filename, "%s/%s", xtrabackup_extra_lsndir, XTRABACKUP_METADATA_FILENAME); if (!xtrabackup_write_metadata(filename)) { msg("mariabackup: Error: failed to write " "metadata to '%s'", filename); ok = false; } } } if (ok) ok = apply_log_finish(); if (ok && xtrabackup_export) ok= (prepare_export() == 0); error_cleanup: xb_filters_free(); return ok; } /************************************************************************** Append group name to xb_load_default_groups list. */ static void append_defaults_group(const char *group, const char *default_groups[], size_t default_groups_size) { uint i; bool appended = false; for (i = 0; i < default_groups_size - 1; i++) { if (default_groups[i] == NULL) { default_groups[i] = group; appended = true; break; } } ut_a(appended); } static const char* normalize_privilege_target_name(const char* name) { if (strcmp(name, "*") == 0) { return "\\*"; } else { /* should have no regex special characters. */ ut_ad(strpbrk(name, ".()[]*+?") == 0); } return name; } /******************************************************************//** Check if specific privilege is granted. Uses regexp magic to check if requested privilege is granted for given database.table or database.* or *.* or if user has 'ALL PRIVILEGES' granted. @return true if requested privilege is granted, false otherwise. */ static bool has_privilege(const std::list &granted, const char* required, const char* db_name, const char* table_name) { char buffer[1000]; regex_t priv_re; regmatch_t tables_regmatch[1]; bool result = false; db_name = normalize_privilege_target_name(db_name); table_name = normalize_privilege_target_name(table_name); int written = snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "GRANT .*(%s)|(ALL PRIVILEGES).* ON (\\*|`%s`)\\.(\\*|`%s`)", required, db_name, table_name); if (written < 0 || written == sizeof(buffer) || regcomp(&priv_re, buffer, REG_EXTENDED)) { die("regcomp() failed for '%s'", buffer); } typedef std::list::const_iterator string_iter; for (string_iter i = granted.begin(), e = granted.end(); i != e; ++i) { int res = regexec(&priv_re, i->c_str(), 1, tables_regmatch, 0); if (res != REG_NOMATCH) { result = true; break; } } xb_regfree(&priv_re); return result; } enum { PRIVILEGE_OK = 0, PRIVILEGE_WARNING = 1, PRIVILEGE_ERROR = 2, }; /******************************************************************//** Check if specific privilege is granted. Prints error message if required privilege is missing. @return PRIVILEGE_OK if requested privilege is granted, error otherwise. */ static int check_privilege( const std::list &granted_priv, /* in: list of granted privileges*/ const char* required, /* in: required privilege name */ const char* target_database, /* in: required privilege target database name */ const char* target_table, /* in: required privilege target table name */ int error = PRIVILEGE_ERROR) /* in: return value if privilege is not granted */ { if (!has_privilege(granted_priv, required, target_database, target_table)) { msg("%s: missing required privilege %s on %s.%s", (error == PRIVILEGE_ERROR ? "Error" : "Warning"), required, target_database, target_table); return error; } return PRIVILEGE_OK; } /******************************************************************//** Check DB user privileges according to the intended actions. Fetches DB user privileges, determines intended actions based on command-line arguments and prints missing privileges. May terminate application with EXIT_FAILURE exit code.*/ static void check_all_privileges() { if (!mysql_connection) { /* Not connected, no queries is going to be executed. */ return; } /* Fetch effective privileges. */ std::list granted_privileges; MYSQL_ROW row = 0; MYSQL_RES* result = xb_mysql_query(mysql_connection, "SHOW GRANTS", true); while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(result))) { granted_privileges.push_back(*row); } mysql_free_result(result); int check_result = PRIVILEGE_OK; /* FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK */ if (!opt_no_lock) { check_result |= check_privilege( granted_privileges, "RELOAD", "*", "*"); } if (!opt_no_lock) { check_result |= check_privilege( granted_privileges, "PROCESS", "*", "*"); } /* KILL ... */ if ((!opt_no_lock && (opt_kill_long_queries_timeout || opt_lock_ddl_per_table)) /* START SLAVE SQL_THREAD */ /* STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD */ || opt_safe_slave_backup) { check_result |= check_privilege( granted_privileges, "SUPER", "*", "*", PRIVILEGE_WARNING); } /* SHOW MASTER STATUS */ /* SHOW SLAVE STATUS */ if (opt_galera_info || opt_slave_info || (opt_no_lock && opt_safe_slave_backup)) { check_result |= check_privilege(granted_privileges, "REPLICATION CLIENT", "*", "*", PRIVILEGE_WARNING); } if (check_result & PRIVILEGE_ERROR) { mysql_close(mysql_connection); msg("Current privileges, as reported by 'SHOW GRANTS': "); int n=1; for (std::list::const_iterator it = granted_privileges.begin(); it != granted_privileges.end(); it++,n++) { msg(" %d.%s", n, it->c_str()); } die("Insufficient privileges"); } } bool xb_init() { const char *mixed_options[4] = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}; int n_mixed_options; /* sanity checks */ if (opt_slave_info && opt_no_lock && !opt_safe_slave_backup) { msg("Error: --slave-info is used with --no-lock but " "without --safe-slave-backup. The binlog position " "cannot be consistent with the backup data."); return(false); } if (xtrabackup_backup && opt_rsync) { if (xtrabackup_stream_fmt) { msg("Error: --rsync doesn't work with --stream\n"); return(false); } bool have_rsync = IF_WIN(false, (system("rsync --version > /dev/null 2>&1") == 0)); if (!have_rsync) { msg("Error: rsync executable not found, cannot run backup with --rsync\n"); return false; } } n_mixed_options = 0; if (opt_decompress) { mixed_options[n_mixed_options++] = "--decompress"; } if (xtrabackup_copy_back) { mixed_options[n_mixed_options++] = "--copy-back"; } if (xtrabackup_move_back) { mixed_options[n_mixed_options++] = "--move-back"; } if (xtrabackup_prepare) { mixed_options[n_mixed_options++] = "--apply-log"; } if (n_mixed_options > 1) { msg("Error: %s and %s are mutually exclusive\n", mixed_options[0], mixed_options[1]); return(false); } if (xtrabackup_backup) { if ((mysql_connection = xb_mysql_connect()) == NULL) { return(false); } if (!get_mysql_vars(mysql_connection)) { return(false); } if (opt_check_privileges) { check_all_privileges(); } history_start_time = time(NULL); } return(true); } extern void init_signals(void); #include /* Messages . Avoid loading errmsg.sys file */ void setup_error_messages() { static const char *my_msgs[ERRORS_PER_RANGE]; static const char **all_msgs[] = { my_msgs, my_msgs, my_msgs, my_msgs }; my_default_lc_messages = &my_locale_en_US; my_default_lc_messages->errmsgs->errmsgs = all_msgs; /* Populate the necessary error messages */ struct { int id; const char *fmt; } xb_msgs[] = { { ER_DATABASE_NAME,"Database" }, { ER_TABLE_NAME,"Table"}, { ER_PARTITION_NAME, "Partition" }, { ER_SUBPARTITION_NAME, "Subpartition" }, { ER_TEMPORARY_NAME, "Temporary"}, { ER_RENAMED_NAME, "Renamed"}, { ER_CANT_FIND_DL_ENTRY, "Can't find symbol '%-.128s' in library"}, { ER_CANT_OPEN_LIBRARY, "Can't open shared library '%-.192s' (errno: %d, %-.128s)" }, { ER_OUTOFMEMORY, "Out of memory; restart server and try again (needed %d bytes)" }, { ER_CANT_OPEN_LIBRARY, "Can't open shared library '%-.192s' (errno: %d, %-.128s)" }, { ER_UDF_NO_PATHS, "No paths allowed for shared library" }, { ER_CANT_INITIALIZE_UDF,"Can't initialize function '%-.192s'; %-.80s"}, { ER_PLUGIN_IS_NOT_LOADED,"Plugin '%-.192s' is not loaded" } }; for (int i = 0; i < (int)array_elements(all_msgs); i++) all_msgs[0][i] = "Unknown error"; for (int i = 0; i < (int)array_elements(xb_msgs); i++) all_msgs[0][xb_msgs[i].id - ER_ERROR_FIRST] = xb_msgs[i].fmt; } void handle_options(int argc, char **argv, char ***argv_client, char ***argv_server) { /* Setup some variables for Innodb.*/ srv_operation = SRV_OPERATION_RESTORE; files_charset_info = &my_charset_utf8_general_ci; setup_error_messages(); sys_var_init(); plugin_mutex_init(); mysql_prlock_init(key_rwlock_LOCK_system_variables_hash, &LOCK_system_variables_hash); opt_stack_trace = 1; test_flags |= TEST_SIGINT; init_signals(); #ifndef _WIN32 /* Exit process on SIGINT. */ my_sigset(SIGINT, SIG_DFL); #endif sf_leaking_memory = 1; /* don't report memory leaks on early exist */ int i; int ho_error; char* target_dir = NULL; bool prepare = false; char conf_file[FN_REFLEN]; int argc_client = argc; int argc_server = argc; /* scan options for group and config file to load defaults from */ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { char *optend = strcend(argv[i], '='); if (strncmp(argv[i], "--defaults-group", optend - argv[i]) == 0) { defaults_group = optend + 1; append_defaults_group(defaults_group, xb_server_default_groups, array_elements(xb_server_default_groups)); } if (strncmp(argv[i], "--login-path", optend - argv[i]) == 0) { append_defaults_group(optend + 1, xb_client_default_groups, array_elements(xb_client_default_groups)); } if (!strncmp(argv[i], "--prepare", optend - argv[i])) { prepare = true; } if (!strncmp(argv[i], "--apply-log", optend - argv[i])) { prepare = true; } if (!strncmp(argv[i], "--target-dir", optend - argv[i]) && *optend) { target_dir = optend + 1; } if (!*optend && argv[i][0] != '-') { target_dir = argv[i]; } } snprintf(conf_file, sizeof(conf_file), "my"); if (prepare && target_dir) { snprintf(conf_file, sizeof(conf_file), "%s/backup-my.cnf", target_dir); if (!strncmp(argv[1], "--defaults-file=", 16)) { /* Remove defaults-file*/ for (int i = 2; ; i++) { if ((argv[i-1]= argv[i]) == 0) break; } argc--; } } *argv_client = argv; *argv_server = argv; load_defaults_or_exit(conf_file, xb_server_default_groups, &argc_server, argv_server); int n; for (n = 0; (*argv_server)[n]; n++) {}; argc_server = n; print_param_str << "# This MySQL options file was generated by XtraBackup.\n" "[" << defaults_group << "]\n"; /* We want xtrabackup to ignore unknown options, because it only recognizes a small subset of server variables */ my_getopt_skip_unknown = TRUE; /* Reset u_max_value for all options, as we don't want the --maximum-... modifier to set the actual option values */ for (my_option *optp= xb_server_options; optp->name; optp++) { optp->u_max_value = (G_PTR *) &global_max_value; } /* Throw a descriptive error if --defaults-file or --defaults-extra-file is not the first command line argument */ for (int i = 2 ; i < argc ; i++) { char *optend = strcend((argv)[i], '='); if (optend - argv[i] == 15 && !strncmp(argv[i], "--defaults-file", optend - argv[i])) { die("--defaults-file must be specified first on the command line"); } if (optend - argv[i] == 21 && !strncmp(argv[i], "--defaults-extra-file", optend - argv[i])) { die("--defaults-extra-file must be specified first on the command line"); } } if (argc_server > 0 && (ho_error=handle_options(&argc_server, argv_server, xb_server_options, xb_get_one_option))) exit(ho_error); load_defaults_or_exit(conf_file, xb_client_default_groups, &argc_client, argv_client); for (n = 0; (*argv_client)[n]; n++) {}; argc_client = n; if (innobackupex_mode && argc_client > 0) { /* emulate innobackupex script */ innobackupex_mode = true; if (!ibx_handle_options(&argc_client, argv_client)) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } if (argc_client > 0 && (ho_error=handle_options(&argc_client, argv_client, xb_client_options, xb_get_one_option))) exit(ho_error); /* Reject command line arguments that don't look like options, i.e. are not of the form '-X' (single-character options) or '--option' (long options) */ for (int i = 0 ; i < argc_client ; i++) { const char * const opt = (*argv_client)[i]; if (strncmp(opt, "--", 2) && !(strlen(opt) == 2 && opt[0] == '-')) { bool server_option = true; for (int j = 0; j < argc_server; j++) { if (opt == (*argv_server)[j]) { server_option = false; break; } } if (!server_option) { msg("mariabackup: Error:" " unknown argument: '%s'", opt); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } } } static int main_low(char** argv); static int get_exepath(char *buf, size_t size, const char *argv0); /* ================= main =================== */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { char **client_defaults, **server_defaults; if (get_exepath(mariabackup_exe,FN_REFLEN, argv[0])) strncpy(mariabackup_exe,argv[0], FN_REFLEN-1); if (argc > 1 ) { /* In "prepare export", we need to start mysqld Since it is not always be installed on the machine, we start "mariabackup --mysqld", which acts as mysqld */ if (strcmp(argv[1], "--mysqld") == 0) { extern int mysqld_main(int argc, char **argv); argc--; argv++; argv[0]+=2; return mysqld_main(argc, argv); } if(strcmp(argv[1], "--innobackupex") == 0) { argv++; argc--; innobackupex_mode = true; } } if (argc > 1) strncpy(orig_argv1,argv[1],sizeof(orig_argv1) -1); init_signals(); MY_INIT(argv[0]); pthread_key_create(&THR_THD, NULL); my_pthread_setspecific_ptr(THR_THD, NULL); xb_regex_init(); capture_tool_command(argc, argv); if (mysql_server_init(-1, NULL, NULL)) { die("mysql_server_init() failed"); } system_charset_info = &my_charset_utf8_general_ci; key_map_full.set_all(); logger.init_base(); logger.set_handlers(LOG_FILE, LOG_NONE, LOG_NONE); mysql_mutex_init(key_LOCK_error_log, &LOCK_error_log, MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST); handle_options(argc, argv, &client_defaults, &server_defaults); #ifndef DBUG_OFF if (dbug_option) { DBUG_SET_INITIAL(dbug_option); DBUG_SET(dbug_option); } #endif int status = main_low(server_defaults); backup_cleanup(); if (innobackupex_mode) { ibx_cleanup(); } free_defaults(client_defaults); free_defaults(server_defaults); #ifndef DBUG_OFF if (dbug_option) { DBUG_END(); } #endif if (THR_THD) (void) pthread_key_delete(THR_THD); logger.cleanup_base(); mysql_mutex_destroy(&LOCK_error_log); if (status == EXIT_SUCCESS) { msg("completed OK!"); } return status; } static int main_low(char** argv) { if (innobackupex_mode) { if (!ibx_init()) { return(EXIT_FAILURE); } } if (!xtrabackup_print_param && !xtrabackup_prepare && !strcmp(mysql_data_home, "./")) { if (!xtrabackup_print_param) usage(); msg("mariabackup: Error: Please set parameter 'datadir'"); return(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Expand target-dir, incremental-basedir, etc. */ char cwd[FN_REFLEN]; my_getwd(cwd, sizeof(cwd), MYF(0)); my_load_path(xtrabackup_real_target_dir, xtrabackup_target_dir, cwd); unpack_dirname(xtrabackup_real_target_dir, xtrabackup_real_target_dir); xtrabackup_target_dir= xtrabackup_real_target_dir; if (xtrabackup_incremental_basedir) { my_load_path(xtrabackup_real_incremental_basedir, xtrabackup_incremental_basedir, cwd); unpack_dirname(xtrabackup_real_incremental_basedir, xtrabackup_real_incremental_basedir); xtrabackup_incremental_basedir = xtrabackup_real_incremental_basedir; } if (xtrabackup_incremental_dir) { my_load_path(xtrabackup_real_incremental_dir, xtrabackup_incremental_dir, cwd); unpack_dirname(xtrabackup_real_incremental_dir, xtrabackup_real_incremental_dir); xtrabackup_incremental_dir = xtrabackup_real_incremental_dir; } if (xtrabackup_extra_lsndir) { my_load_path(xtrabackup_real_extra_lsndir, xtrabackup_extra_lsndir, cwd); unpack_dirname(xtrabackup_real_extra_lsndir, xtrabackup_real_extra_lsndir); xtrabackup_extra_lsndir = xtrabackup_real_extra_lsndir; } /* get default temporary directory */ if (!opt_mysql_tmpdir || !opt_mysql_tmpdir[0]) { opt_mysql_tmpdir = getenv("TMPDIR"); #if defined(__WIN__) if (!opt_mysql_tmpdir) { opt_mysql_tmpdir = getenv("TEMP"); } if (!opt_mysql_tmpdir) { opt_mysql_tmpdir = getenv("TMP"); } #endif if (!opt_mysql_tmpdir || !opt_mysql_tmpdir[0]) { opt_mysql_tmpdir = const_cast(DEFAULT_TMPDIR); } } /* temporary setting of enough size */ srv_page_size_shift = UNIV_PAGE_SIZE_SHIFT_MAX; srv_page_size = UNIV_PAGE_SIZE_MAX; if (xtrabackup_backup && xtrabackup_incremental) { /* direct specification is only for --backup */ /* and the lsn is prior to the other option */ char* endchar; int error = 0; incremental_lsn = strtoll(xtrabackup_incremental, &endchar, 10); if (*endchar != '\0') error = 1; if (error) { msg("mariabackup: value '%s' may be wrong format for " "incremental option.", xtrabackup_incremental); return(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if (xtrabackup_backup && xtrabackup_incremental_basedir) { char filename[FN_REFLEN]; sprintf(filename, "%s/%s", xtrabackup_incremental_basedir, XTRABACKUP_METADATA_FILENAME); if (!xtrabackup_read_metadata(filename)) { msg("mariabackup: error: failed to read metadata from " "%s", filename); return(EXIT_FAILURE); } incremental_lsn = metadata_to_lsn; xtrabackup_incremental = xtrabackup_incremental_basedir; //dummy } else if (xtrabackup_prepare && xtrabackup_incremental_dir) { char filename[FN_REFLEN]; sprintf(filename, "%s/%s", xtrabackup_incremental_dir, XTRABACKUP_METADATA_FILENAME); if (!xtrabackup_read_metadata(filename)) { msg("mariabackup: error: failed to read metadata from " "%s", filename); return(EXIT_FAILURE); } incremental_lsn = metadata_from_lsn; incremental_to_lsn = metadata_to_lsn; incremental_last_lsn = metadata_last_lsn; xtrabackup_incremental = xtrabackup_incremental_dir; //dummy } else if (opt_incremental_history_name) { xtrabackup_incremental = opt_incremental_history_name; } else if (opt_incremental_history_uuid) { xtrabackup_incremental = opt_incremental_history_uuid; } else { xtrabackup_incremental = NULL; } if (xtrabackup_stream && !xtrabackup_backup) { msg("Warning: --stream parameter is ignored, it only works together with --backup."); } if (!xb_init()) { return(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* --print-param */ if (xtrabackup_print_param) { printf("%s", print_param_str.str().c_str()); return(EXIT_SUCCESS); } print_version(); if (xtrabackup_incremental) { msg("incremental backup from " LSN_PF " is enabled.", incremental_lsn); } if (xtrabackup_export && innobase_file_per_table == FALSE) { msg("mariabackup: auto-enabling --innodb-file-per-table due to " "the --export option"); innobase_file_per_table = TRUE; } /* cannot execute both for now */ { int num = 0; if (xtrabackup_backup) num++; if (xtrabackup_prepare) num++; if (xtrabackup_copy_back) num++; if (xtrabackup_move_back) num++; if (xtrabackup_decrypt_decompress) num++; if (num != 1) { /* !XOR (for now) */ usage(); return(EXIT_FAILURE); } } #ifndef __WIN__ if (xtrabackup_debug_sync) { signal(SIGCONT, sigcont_handler); } #endif /* --backup */ if (xtrabackup_backup && !xtrabackup_backup_func()) { return(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* --prepare */ if (xtrabackup_prepare && !xtrabackup_prepare_func(argv)) { return(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (xtrabackup_copy_back || xtrabackup_move_back) { if (!check_if_param_set("datadir")) { mysql_data_home = get_default_datadir(); } if (!copy_back()) return(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (xtrabackup_decrypt_decompress && !decrypt_decompress()) { return(EXIT_FAILURE); } return(EXIT_SUCCESS); } static int get_exepath(char *buf, size_t size, const char *argv0) { #ifdef _WIN32 DWORD ret = GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, buf, (DWORD)size); if (ret > 0) return 0; #elif defined(__linux__) ssize_t ret = readlink("/proc/self/exe", buf, size-1); if(ret > 0) return 0; #endif return my_realpath(buf, argv0, 0); } #if defined (__SANITIZE_ADDRESS__) && defined (__linux__) /* Avoid LeakSanitizer's false positives. */ const char* __asan_default_options() { return "detect_leaks=0"; } #endif