/****************************************************** Data dictionary creation and booting (c) 1996 Innobase Oy Created 4/18/1996 Heikki Tuuri *******************************************************/ #include "dict0boot.h" #ifdef UNIV_NONINL #include "dict0boot.ic" #endif #include "dict0crea.h" #include "btr0btr.h" #include "dict0load.h" #include "dict0load.h" #include "trx0trx.h" #include "srv0srv.h" #include "ibuf0ibuf.h" #include "buf0flu.h" #include "log0recv.h" #include "os0file.h" /************************************************************************** Gets a pointer to the dictionary header and x-latches its page. */ dict_hdr_t* dict_hdr_get( /*=========*/ /* out: pointer to the dictionary header, page x-latched */ mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mtr */ { dict_hdr_t* header; ut_ad(mtr); header = DICT_HDR + buf_page_get(DICT_HDR_SPACE, DICT_HDR_PAGE_NO, RW_X_LATCH, mtr); buf_page_dbg_add_level(header, SYNC_DICT_HEADER); return(header); } /************************************************************************** Returns a new table, index, or tree id. */ dulint dict_hdr_get_new_id( /*================*/ /* out: the new id */ ulint type) /* in: DICT_HDR_ROW_ID, ... */ { dict_hdr_t* dict_hdr; dulint id; mtr_t mtr; ut_ad((type == DICT_HDR_TABLE_ID) || (type == DICT_HDR_INDEX_ID) || (type == DICT_HDR_MIX_ID)); mtr_start(&mtr); dict_hdr = dict_hdr_get(&mtr); id = mtr_read_dulint(dict_hdr + type, MLOG_8BYTES, &mtr); /* Add some dummy code here because otherwise pgcc seems to compile wrong */ if (0 == ut_dulint_cmp(id, ut_dulint_max)) { printf("Max id\n"); } id = ut_dulint_add(id, 1); mlog_write_dulint(dict_hdr + type, id, MLOG_8BYTES, &mtr); mtr_commit(&mtr); return(id); } /************************************************************************** Writes the current value of the row id counter to the dictionary header file page. */ void dict_hdr_flush_row_id(void) /*=======================*/ { dict_hdr_t* dict_hdr; dulint id; mtr_t mtr; ut_ad(mutex_own(&(dict_sys->mutex))); id = dict_sys->row_id; mtr_start(&mtr); dict_hdr = dict_hdr_get(&mtr); mlog_write_dulint(dict_hdr + DICT_HDR_ROW_ID, id, MLOG_8BYTES, &mtr); mtr_commit(&mtr); } /********************************************************************* Creates the file page for the dictionary header. This function is called only at the database creation. */ static ibool dict_hdr_create( /*============*/ /* out: TRUE if succeed */ mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mtr */ { dict_hdr_t* dict_header; ulint hdr_page_no; ulint root_page_no; page_t* page; ut_ad(mtr); /* Create the dictionary header file block in a new, allocated file segment in the system tablespace */ page = fseg_create(DICT_HDR_SPACE, 0, DICT_HDR + DICT_HDR_FSEG_HEADER, mtr); hdr_page_no = buf_frame_get_page_no(page); ut_a(DICT_HDR_PAGE_NO == hdr_page_no); dict_header = dict_hdr_get(mtr); /* Start counting row, table, index, and tree ids from DICT_HDR_FIRST_ID */ mlog_write_dulint(dict_header + DICT_HDR_ROW_ID, ut_dulint_create(0, DICT_HDR_FIRST_ID), MLOG_8BYTES, mtr); mlog_write_dulint(dict_header + DICT_HDR_TABLE_ID, ut_dulint_create(0, DICT_HDR_FIRST_ID), MLOG_8BYTES, mtr); mlog_write_dulint(dict_header + DICT_HDR_INDEX_ID, ut_dulint_create(0, DICT_HDR_FIRST_ID), MLOG_8BYTES, mtr); mlog_write_dulint(dict_header + DICT_HDR_MIX_ID, ut_dulint_create(0, DICT_HDR_FIRST_ID), MLOG_8BYTES, mtr); /* Create the B-tree roots for the clustered indexes of the basic system tables */ /*--------------------------*/ root_page_no = btr_create(DICT_CLUSTERED | DICT_UNIQUE, DICT_HDR_SPACE, DICT_TABLES_ID, mtr); if (root_page_no == FIL_NULL) { return(FALSE); } mlog_write_ulint(dict_header + DICT_HDR_TABLES, root_page_no, MLOG_4BYTES, mtr); /*--------------------------*/ root_page_no = btr_create(DICT_UNIQUE, DICT_HDR_SPACE, DICT_TABLE_IDS_ID, mtr); if (root_page_no == FIL_NULL) { return(FALSE); } mlog_write_ulint(dict_header + DICT_HDR_TABLE_IDS, root_page_no, MLOG_4BYTES, mtr); /*--------------------------*/ root_page_no = btr_create(DICT_CLUSTERED | DICT_UNIQUE, DICT_HDR_SPACE, DICT_COLUMNS_ID, mtr); if (root_page_no == FIL_NULL) { return(FALSE); } mlog_write_ulint(dict_header + DICT_HDR_COLUMNS, root_page_no, MLOG_4BYTES, mtr); /*--------------------------*/ root_page_no = btr_create(DICT_CLUSTERED | DICT_UNIQUE, DICT_HDR_SPACE, DICT_INDEXES_ID, mtr); if (root_page_no == FIL_NULL) { return(FALSE); } mlog_write_ulint(dict_header + DICT_HDR_INDEXES, root_page_no, MLOG_4BYTES, mtr); /*--------------------------*/ root_page_no = btr_create(DICT_CLUSTERED | DICT_UNIQUE, DICT_HDR_SPACE, DICT_FIELDS_ID, mtr); if (root_page_no == FIL_NULL) { return(FALSE); } mlog_write_ulint(dict_header + DICT_HDR_FIELDS, root_page_no, MLOG_4BYTES, mtr); /*--------------------------*/ return(TRUE); } /********************************************************************* Initializes the data dictionary memory structures when the database is started. This function is also called when the data dictionary is created. */ void dict_boot(void) /*===========*/ { dict_table_t* table; dict_index_t* index; dict_hdr_t* dict_hdr; mtr_t mtr; mtr_start(&mtr); /* Create the hash tables etc. */ dict_init(); mutex_enter(&(dict_sys->mutex)); /* Get the dictionary header */ dict_hdr = dict_hdr_get(&mtr); /* Because we only write new row ids to disk-based data structure (dictionary header) when it is divisible by DICT_HDR_ROW_ID_WRITE_MARGIN, in recovery we will not recover the latest value of the row id counter. Therefore we advance the counter at the database startup to avoid overlapping values. Note that when a user after database startup first time asks for a new row id, then because the counter is now divisible by ..._MARGIN, it will immediately be updated to the disk-based header. */ dict_sys->row_id = ut_dulint_add( ut_dulint_align_up( mtr_read_dulint(dict_hdr + DICT_HDR_ROW_ID, MLOG_8BYTES, &mtr), DICT_HDR_ROW_ID_WRITE_MARGIN), DICT_HDR_ROW_ID_WRITE_MARGIN); /* Insert into the dictionary cache the descriptions of the basic system tables */ /*-------------------------*/ table = dict_mem_table_create((char *) "SYS_TABLES", DICT_HDR_SPACE,8); dict_mem_table_add_col(table, (char *) "NAME", DATA_BINARY, 0, 0, 0); dict_mem_table_add_col(table, (char *) "ID", DATA_BINARY, 0, 0, 0); dict_mem_table_add_col(table, (char *) "N_COLS", DATA_INT, 0, 4, 0); dict_mem_table_add_col(table, (char *) "TYPE", DATA_INT, 0, 4, 0); dict_mem_table_add_col(table, (char *) "MIX_ID", DATA_BINARY, 0, 0, 0); dict_mem_table_add_col(table, (char *) "MIX_LEN", DATA_INT, 0, 4, 0); dict_mem_table_add_col(table, (char *) "CLUSTER_NAME", DATA_BINARY, 0, 0, 0); dict_mem_table_add_col(table, (char *) "SPACE", DATA_INT, 0, 4, 0); table->id = DICT_TABLES_ID; dict_table_add_to_cache(table); dict_sys->sys_tables = table; index = dict_mem_index_create((char *) "SYS_TABLES", (char *) "CLUST_IND", DICT_HDR_SPACE, DICT_UNIQUE | DICT_CLUSTERED, 1); dict_mem_index_add_field(index, (char *) "NAME", 0, 0); index->page_no = mtr_read_ulint(dict_hdr + DICT_HDR_TABLES, MLOG_4BYTES, &mtr); index->id = DICT_TABLES_ID; ut_a(dict_index_add_to_cache(table, index)); /*-------------------------*/ index = dict_mem_index_create((char *) "SYS_TABLES", (char *) "ID_IND", DICT_HDR_SPACE, DICT_UNIQUE, 1); dict_mem_index_add_field(index, (char *) "ID", 0, 0); index->page_no = mtr_read_ulint(dict_hdr + DICT_HDR_TABLE_IDS, MLOG_4BYTES, &mtr); index->id = DICT_TABLE_IDS_ID; ut_a(dict_index_add_to_cache(table, index)); /*-------------------------*/ table = dict_mem_table_create((char *) "SYS_COLUMNS",DICT_HDR_SPACE,7); dict_mem_table_add_col(table, (char *) "TABLE_ID", DATA_BINARY,0,0,0); dict_mem_table_add_col(table, (char *) "POS", DATA_INT, 0, 4, 0); dict_mem_table_add_col(table, (char *) "NAME", DATA_BINARY, 0, 0, 0); dict_mem_table_add_col(table, (char *) "MTYPE", DATA_INT, 0, 4, 0); dict_mem_table_add_col(table, (char *) "PRTYPE", DATA_INT, 0, 4, 0); dict_mem_table_add_col(table, (char *) "LEN", DATA_INT, 0, 4, 0); dict_mem_table_add_col(table, (char *) "PREC", DATA_INT, 0, 4, 0); table->id = DICT_COLUMNS_ID; dict_table_add_to_cache(table); dict_sys->sys_columns = table; index = dict_mem_index_create((char *) "SYS_COLUMNS", (char *) "CLUST_IND", DICT_HDR_SPACE, DICT_UNIQUE | DICT_CLUSTERED, 2); dict_mem_index_add_field(index, (char *) "TABLE_ID", 0, 0); dict_mem_index_add_field(index, (char *) "POS", 0, 0); index->page_no = mtr_read_ulint(dict_hdr + DICT_HDR_COLUMNS, MLOG_4BYTES, &mtr); index->id = DICT_COLUMNS_ID; ut_a(dict_index_add_to_cache(table, index)); /*-------------------------*/ table = dict_mem_table_create((char *) "SYS_INDEXES",DICT_HDR_SPACE,7); dict_mem_table_add_col(table, (char *) "TABLE_ID", DATA_BINARY, 0,0,0); dict_mem_table_add_col(table, (char *) "ID", DATA_BINARY, 0, 0, 0); dict_mem_table_add_col(table, (char *) "NAME", DATA_BINARY, 0, 0, 0); dict_mem_table_add_col(table, (char *) "N_FIELDS", DATA_INT, 0, 4, 0); dict_mem_table_add_col(table, (char *) "TYPE", DATA_INT, 0, 4, 0); dict_mem_table_add_col(table, (char *) "SPACE", DATA_INT, 0, 4, 0); dict_mem_table_add_col(table, (char *) "PAGE_NO", DATA_INT, 0, 4, 0); /* The '+ 2' below comes from the 2 system fields */ ut_ad(DICT_SYS_INDEXES_PAGE_NO_FIELD == 6 + 2); ut_ad(DICT_SYS_INDEXES_SPACE_NO_FIELD == 5 + 2); table->id = DICT_INDEXES_ID; dict_table_add_to_cache(table); dict_sys->sys_indexes = table; index = dict_mem_index_create((char *) "SYS_INDEXES", (char *) "CLUST_IND", DICT_HDR_SPACE, DICT_UNIQUE | DICT_CLUSTERED, 2); dict_mem_index_add_field(index, (char *) "TABLE_ID", 0, 0); dict_mem_index_add_field(index, (char *) "ID", 0, 0); index->page_no = mtr_read_ulint(dict_hdr + DICT_HDR_INDEXES, MLOG_4BYTES, &mtr); index->id = DICT_INDEXES_ID; ut_a(dict_index_add_to_cache(table, index)); /*-------------------------*/ table = dict_mem_table_create((char *) "SYS_FIELDS", DICT_HDR_SPACE,3); dict_mem_table_add_col(table, (char *) "INDEX_ID", DATA_BINARY, 0,0,0); dict_mem_table_add_col(table, (char *) "POS", DATA_INT, 0, 4, 0); dict_mem_table_add_col(table, (char *) "COL_NAME", DATA_BINARY, 0,0,0); table->id = DICT_FIELDS_ID; dict_table_add_to_cache(table); dict_sys->sys_fields = table; index = dict_mem_index_create((char *) "SYS_FIELDS", (char *) "CLUST_IND", DICT_HDR_SPACE, DICT_UNIQUE | DICT_CLUSTERED, 2); dict_mem_index_add_field(index, (char *) "INDEX_ID", 0, 0); dict_mem_index_add_field(index, (char *) "POS", 0, 0); index->page_no = mtr_read_ulint(dict_hdr + DICT_HDR_FIELDS, MLOG_4BYTES, &mtr); index->id = DICT_FIELDS_ID; ut_a(dict_index_add_to_cache(table, index)); mtr_commit(&mtr); /*-------------------------*/ /* Initialize the insert buffer table and index for each tablespace */ ibuf_init_at_db_start(); /* Load definitions of other indexes on system tables */ dict_load_sys_table(dict_sys->sys_tables); dict_load_sys_table(dict_sys->sys_columns); dict_load_sys_table(dict_sys->sys_indexes); dict_load_sys_table(dict_sys->sys_fields); mutex_exit(&(dict_sys->mutex)); } /********************************************************************* Inserts the basic system table data into themselves in the database creation. */ static void dict_insert_initial_data(void) /*==========================*/ { /* Does nothing yet */ } /********************************************************************* Creates and initializes the data dictionary at the database creation. */ void dict_create(void) /*=============*/ { mtr_t mtr; mtr_start(&mtr); dict_hdr_create(&mtr); mtr_commit(&mtr); dict_boot(); dict_insert_initial_data(); }