/****************************************************** Recovery (c) 1997 Innobase Oy Created 9/20/1997 Heikki Tuuri *******************************************************/ #include "log0recv.h" #ifdef UNIV_NONINL #include "log0recv.ic" #endif #include "mem0mem.h" #include "buf0buf.h" #include "buf0flu.h" #include "buf0rea.h" #include "srv0srv.h" #include "mtr0mtr.h" #include "mtr0log.h" #include "page0page.h" #include "page0cur.h" #include "btr0btr.h" #include "btr0cur.h" #include "ibuf0ibuf.h" #include "trx0undo.h" #include "trx0rec.h" #include "trx0roll.h" #include "btr0cur.h" #include "btr0cur.h" #include "btr0cur.h" #include "dict0boot.h" #include "fil0fil.h" /* Log records are stored in the hash table in chunks at most of this size; this must be less than UNIV_PAGE_SIZE as it is stored in the buffer pool */ #define RECV_DATA_BLOCK_SIZE (MEM_MAX_ALLOC_IN_BUF - sizeof(recv_data_t)) /* Read-ahead area in applying log records to file pages */ #define RECV_READ_AHEAD_AREA 32 recv_sys_t* recv_sys = NULL; ibool recv_recovery_on = FALSE; ibool recv_recovery_from_backup_on = FALSE; ibool recv_needed_recovery = FALSE; ibool recv_lsn_checks_on = FALSE; /* If the following is TRUE, the buffer pool file pages must be invalidated after recovery and no ibuf operations are allowed; this becomes TRUE if the log record hash table becomes too full, and log records must be merged to file pages already before the recovery is finished: in this case no ibuf operations are allowed, as they could modify the pages read in the buffer pool before the pages have been recovered to the up-to-date state */ /* Recovery is running and no operations on the log files are allowed yet: the variable name is misleading */ ibool recv_no_ibuf_operations = FALSE; /* The following counter is used to decide when to print info on log scan */ ulint recv_scan_print_counter = 0; ibool recv_is_from_backup = FALSE; ibool recv_is_making_a_backup = FALSE; ulint recv_previous_parsed_rec_type = 999999; ulint recv_previous_parsed_rec_offset = 0; ulint recv_previous_parsed_rec_is_multi = 0; ulint recv_max_parsed_page_no = 0; /* The maximum lsn we see for a page during the recovery process. If this is bigger than the lsn we are able to scan up to, that is an indication that the recovery failed and the database may be corrupt. */ dulint recv_max_page_lsn; /************************************************************ Creates the recovery system. */ void recv_sys_create(void) /*=================*/ { if (recv_sys != NULL) { return; } recv_sys = mem_alloc(sizeof(recv_sys_t)); mutex_create(&(recv_sys->mutex)); mutex_set_level(&(recv_sys->mutex), SYNC_RECV); recv_sys->heap = NULL; recv_sys->addr_hash = NULL; } /************************************************************ Inits the recovery system for a recovery operation. */ void recv_sys_init( /*==========*/ ibool recover_from_backup, /* in: TRUE if this is called to recover from a hot backup */ ulint available_memory) /* in: available memory in bytes */ { if (recv_sys->heap != NULL) { return; } mutex_enter(&(recv_sys->mutex)); if (!recover_from_backup) { recv_sys->heap = mem_heap_create_in_buffer(256); } else { recv_sys->heap = mem_heap_create(256); recv_is_from_backup = TRUE; } recv_sys->buf = ut_malloc(RECV_PARSING_BUF_SIZE); recv_sys->len = 0; recv_sys->recovered_offset = 0; recv_sys->addr_hash = hash_create(available_memory / 64); recv_sys->n_addrs = 0; recv_sys->apply_log_recs = FALSE; recv_sys->apply_batch_on = FALSE; recv_sys->last_block_buf_start = mem_alloc(2 * OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE); recv_sys->last_block = ut_align(recv_sys->last_block_buf_start, OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE); recv_sys->found_corrupt_log = FALSE; recv_max_page_lsn = ut_dulint_zero; mutex_exit(&(recv_sys->mutex)); } /************************************************************ Empties the hash table when it has been fully processed. */ static void recv_sys_empty_hash(void) /*=====================*/ { #ifdef UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG ut_ad(mutex_own(&(recv_sys->mutex))); #endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */ if (recv_sys->n_addrs != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Error: %lu pages with log records were left unprocessed!\n" "InnoDB: Maximum page number with log records on it %lu\n", recv_sys->n_addrs, recv_max_parsed_page_no); ut_a(0); } hash_table_free(recv_sys->addr_hash); mem_heap_empty(recv_sys->heap); recv_sys->addr_hash = hash_create(buf_pool_get_curr_size() / 256); } #ifndef UNIV_LOG_DEBUG /************************************************************ Frees the recovery system. */ static void recv_sys_free(void) /*===============*/ { mutex_enter(&(recv_sys->mutex)); hash_table_free(recv_sys->addr_hash); mem_heap_free(recv_sys->heap); ut_free(recv_sys->buf); mem_free(recv_sys->last_block_buf_start); recv_sys->addr_hash = NULL; recv_sys->heap = NULL; mutex_exit(&(recv_sys->mutex)); } #endif /* !UNIV_LOG_DEBUG */ /************************************************************ Truncates possible corrupted or extra records from a log group. */ static void recv_truncate_group( /*================*/ log_group_t* group, /* in: log group */ dulint recovered_lsn, /* in: recovery succeeded up to this lsn */ dulint limit_lsn, /* in: this was the limit for recovery */ dulint checkpoint_lsn, /* in: recovery was started from this checkpoint */ dulint archived_lsn) /* in: the log has been archived up to this lsn */ { dulint start_lsn; dulint end_lsn; dulint finish_lsn1; dulint finish_lsn2; dulint finish_lsn; ulint len; ulint i; if (ut_dulint_cmp(archived_lsn, ut_dulint_max) == 0) { /* Checkpoint was taken in the NOARCHIVELOG mode */ archived_lsn = checkpoint_lsn; } finish_lsn1 = ut_dulint_add(ut_dulint_align_down(archived_lsn, OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE), log_group_get_capacity(group)); finish_lsn2 = ut_dulint_add(ut_dulint_align_up(recovered_lsn, OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE), recv_sys->last_log_buf_size); if (ut_dulint_cmp(limit_lsn, ut_dulint_max) != 0) { /* We do not know how far we should erase log records: erase as much as possible */ finish_lsn = finish_lsn1; } else { /* It is enough to erase the length of the log buffer */ finish_lsn = ut_dulint_get_min(finish_lsn1, finish_lsn2); } ut_a(RECV_SCAN_SIZE <= log_sys->buf_size); /* Write the log buffer full of zeros */ for (i = 0; i < RECV_SCAN_SIZE; i++) { *(log_sys->buf + i) = '\0'; } start_lsn = ut_dulint_align_down(recovered_lsn, OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE); if (ut_dulint_cmp(start_lsn, recovered_lsn) != 0) { /* Copy the last incomplete log block to the log buffer and edit its data length: */ ut_memcpy(log_sys->buf, recv_sys->last_block, OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE); log_block_set_data_len(log_sys->buf, ut_dulint_minus(recovered_lsn, start_lsn)); } if (ut_dulint_cmp(start_lsn, finish_lsn) >= 0) { return; } for (;;) { end_lsn = ut_dulint_add(start_lsn, RECV_SCAN_SIZE); if (ut_dulint_cmp(end_lsn, finish_lsn) > 0) { end_lsn = finish_lsn; } len = ut_dulint_minus(end_lsn, start_lsn); log_group_write_buf(LOG_RECOVER, group, log_sys->buf, len, start_lsn, 0); if (ut_dulint_cmp(end_lsn, finish_lsn) >= 0) { return; } /* Write the log buffer full of zeros */ for (i = 0; i < RECV_SCAN_SIZE; i++) { *(log_sys->buf + i) = '\0'; } start_lsn = end_lsn; } } /************************************************************ Copies the log segment between group->recovered_lsn and recovered_lsn from the most up-to-date log group to group, so that it contains the latest log data. */ static void recv_copy_group( /*============*/ log_group_t* up_to_date_group, /* in: the most up-to-date log group */ log_group_t* group, /* in: copy to this log group */ dulint recovered_lsn) /* in: recovery succeeded up to this lsn */ { dulint start_lsn; dulint end_lsn; ulint len; if (ut_dulint_cmp(group->scanned_lsn, recovered_lsn) >= 0) { return; } ut_a(RECV_SCAN_SIZE <= log_sys->buf_size); start_lsn = ut_dulint_align_down(group->scanned_lsn, OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE); for (;;) { end_lsn = ut_dulint_add(start_lsn, RECV_SCAN_SIZE); if (ut_dulint_cmp(end_lsn, recovered_lsn) > 0) { end_lsn = ut_dulint_align_up(recovered_lsn, OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE); } log_group_read_log_seg(LOG_RECOVER, log_sys->buf, up_to_date_group, start_lsn, end_lsn); len = ut_dulint_minus(end_lsn, start_lsn); log_group_write_buf(LOG_RECOVER, group, log_sys->buf, len, start_lsn, 0); if (ut_dulint_cmp(end_lsn, recovered_lsn) >= 0) { return; } start_lsn = end_lsn; } } /************************************************************ Copies a log segment from the most up-to-date log group to the other log groups, so that they all contain the latest log data. Also writes the info about the latest checkpoint to the groups, and inits the fields in the group memory structs to up-to-date values. */ static void recv_synchronize_groups( /*====================*/ log_group_t* up_to_date_group) /* in: the most up-to-date log group */ { log_group_t* group; dulint start_lsn; dulint end_lsn; dulint recovered_lsn; dulint limit_lsn; recovered_lsn = recv_sys->recovered_lsn; limit_lsn = recv_sys->limit_lsn; /* Read the last recovered log block to the recovery system buffer: the block is always incomplete */ start_lsn = ut_dulint_align_down(recovered_lsn, OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE); end_lsn = ut_dulint_align_up(recovered_lsn, OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE); ut_a(ut_dulint_cmp(start_lsn, end_lsn) != 0); log_group_read_log_seg(LOG_RECOVER, recv_sys->last_block, up_to_date_group, start_lsn, end_lsn); group = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(log_sys->log_groups); while (group) { if (group != up_to_date_group) { /* Copy log data if needed */ recv_copy_group(group, up_to_date_group, recovered_lsn); } /* Update the fields in the group struct to correspond to recovered_lsn */ log_group_set_fields(group, recovered_lsn); group = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(log_groups, group); } /* Copy the checkpoint info to the groups; remember that we have incremented checkpoint_no by one, and the info will not be written over the max checkpoint info, thus making the preservation of max checkpoint info on disk certain */ log_groups_write_checkpoint_info(); mutex_exit(&(log_sys->mutex)); /* Wait for the checkpoint write to complete */ rw_lock_s_lock(&(log_sys->checkpoint_lock)); rw_lock_s_unlock(&(log_sys->checkpoint_lock)); mutex_enter(&(log_sys->mutex)); } /*************************************************************************** Checks the consistency of the checkpoint info */ static ibool recv_check_cp_is_consistent( /*========================*/ /* out: TRUE if ok */ byte* buf) /* in: buffer containing checkpoint info */ { ulint fold; fold = ut_fold_binary(buf, LOG_CHECKPOINT_CHECKSUM_1); if ((fold & 0xFFFFFFFF) != mach_read_from_4(buf + LOG_CHECKPOINT_CHECKSUM_1)) { return(FALSE); } fold = ut_fold_binary(buf + LOG_CHECKPOINT_LSN, LOG_CHECKPOINT_CHECKSUM_2 - LOG_CHECKPOINT_LSN); if ((fold & 0xFFFFFFFF) != mach_read_from_4(buf + LOG_CHECKPOINT_CHECKSUM_2)) { return(FALSE); } return(TRUE); } /************************************************************ Looks for the maximum consistent checkpoint from the log groups. */ static ulint recv_find_max_checkpoint( /*=====================*/ /* out: error code or DB_SUCCESS */ log_group_t** max_group, /* out: max group */ ulint* max_field) /* out: LOG_CHECKPOINT_1 or LOG_CHECKPOINT_2 */ { log_group_t* group; dulint max_no; dulint checkpoint_no; ulint field; byte* buf; group = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(log_sys->log_groups); max_no = ut_dulint_zero; *max_group = NULL; buf = log_sys->checkpoint_buf; while (group) { group->state = LOG_GROUP_CORRUPTED; for (field = LOG_CHECKPOINT_1; field <= LOG_CHECKPOINT_2; field += LOG_CHECKPOINT_2 - LOG_CHECKPOINT_1) { log_group_read_checkpoint_info(group, field); if (!recv_check_cp_is_consistent(buf)) { if (log_debug_writes) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Checkpoint in group %lu at %lu invalid, %lu\n", group->id, field, mach_read_from_4(buf + LOG_CHECKPOINT_CHECKSUM_1)); } goto not_consistent; } group->state = LOG_GROUP_OK; group->lsn = mach_read_from_8(buf + LOG_CHECKPOINT_LSN); group->lsn_offset = mach_read_from_4(buf + LOG_CHECKPOINT_OFFSET); checkpoint_no = mach_read_from_8(buf + LOG_CHECKPOINT_NO); if (log_debug_writes) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Checkpoint number %lu found in group %lu\n", ut_dulint_get_low(checkpoint_no), group->id); } if (ut_dulint_cmp(checkpoint_no, max_no) >= 0) { *max_group = group; *max_field = field; max_no = checkpoint_no; } not_consistent: ; } group = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(log_groups, group); } if (*max_group == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: No valid checkpoint found.\n" "InnoDB: If this error appears when you are creating an InnoDB database,\n" "InnoDB: the problem may be that during an earlier attempt you managed\n" "InnoDB: to create the InnoDB data files, but log file creation failed.\n" "InnoDB: If that is the case, please refer to section 3.1 of\n" "InnoDB: http://www.innodb.com/ibman.html\n"); return(DB_ERROR); } return(DB_SUCCESS); } /*********************************************************************** Reads the checkpoint info needed in hot backup. */ ibool recv_read_cp_info_for_backup( /*=========================*/ /* out: TRUE if success */ byte* hdr, /* in: buffer containing the log group header */ dulint* lsn, /* out: checkpoint lsn */ ulint* offset, /* out: checkpoint offset in the log group */ ulint* fsp_limit,/* out: fsp limit, 1000000000 if the database is running with < version 3.23.50 of InnoDB */ dulint* cp_no, /* out: checkpoint number */ dulint* first_header_lsn) /* out: lsn of of the start of the first log file */ { ulint max_cp = 0; dulint max_cp_no = ut_dulint_zero; byte* cp_buf; cp_buf = hdr + LOG_CHECKPOINT_1; if (recv_check_cp_is_consistent(cp_buf)) { max_cp_no = mach_read_from_8(cp_buf + LOG_CHECKPOINT_NO); max_cp = LOG_CHECKPOINT_1; } cp_buf = hdr + LOG_CHECKPOINT_2; if (recv_check_cp_is_consistent(cp_buf)) { if (ut_dulint_cmp(mach_read_from_8(cp_buf + LOG_CHECKPOINT_NO), max_cp_no) > 0) { max_cp = LOG_CHECKPOINT_2; } } if (max_cp == 0) { return(FALSE); } cp_buf = hdr + max_cp; *lsn = mach_read_from_8(cp_buf + LOG_CHECKPOINT_LSN); *offset = mach_read_from_4(cp_buf + LOG_CHECKPOINT_OFFSET); /* If the user is running a pre-3.23.50 version of InnoDB, its checkpoint data does not contain the fsp limit info */ if (mach_read_from_4(cp_buf + LOG_CHECKPOINT_FSP_MAGIC_N) == LOG_CHECKPOINT_FSP_MAGIC_N_VAL) { *fsp_limit = mach_read_from_4( cp_buf + LOG_CHECKPOINT_FSP_FREE_LIMIT); if (*fsp_limit == 0) { *fsp_limit = 1000000000; } } else { *fsp_limit = 1000000000; } /* printf("fsp limit %lu MB\n", *fsp_limit); */ *cp_no = mach_read_from_8(cp_buf + LOG_CHECKPOINT_NO); *first_header_lsn = mach_read_from_8(hdr + LOG_FILE_START_LSN); return(TRUE); } /********************************************************** Checks the 4-byte checksum to the trailer checksum field of a log block. We also accept a log block in the old format < InnoDB-3.23.52 where the checksum field contains the log block number. */ static ibool log_block_checksum_is_ok_or_old_format( /*===================================*/ /* out: TRUE if ok, or if the log block may be in the format of InnoDB version < 3.23.52 */ byte* block) /* in: pointer to a log block */ { if (log_block_calc_checksum(block) == log_block_get_checksum(block)) { return(TRUE); } if (log_block_get_hdr_no(block) == log_block_get_checksum(block)) { /* We assume the log block is in the format of InnoDB version < 3.23.52 and the block is ok */ /* fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Scanned old format < InnoDB-3.23.52 log block number %lu\n", log_block_get_hdr_no(block)); */ return(TRUE); } return(FALSE); } /*********************************************************************** Scans the log segment and n_bytes_scanned is set to the length of valid log scanned. */ void recv_scan_log_seg_for_backup( /*=========================*/ byte* buf, /* in: buffer containing log data */ ulint buf_len, /* in: data length in that buffer */ dulint* scanned_lsn, /* in/out: lsn of buffer start, we return scanned lsn */ ulint* scanned_checkpoint_no, /* in/out: 4 lowest bytes of the highest scanned checkpoint number so far */ ulint* n_bytes_scanned)/* out: how much we were able to scan, smaller than buf_len if log data ended here */ { ulint data_len; byte* log_block; ulint no; *n_bytes_scanned = 0; for (log_block = buf; log_block < buf + buf_len; log_block += OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE) { no = log_block_get_hdr_no(log_block); /* fprintf(stderr, "Log block header no %lu\n", no); */ if (no != log_block_convert_lsn_to_no(*scanned_lsn) || !log_block_checksum_is_ok_or_old_format(log_block)) { /* printf( "Log block n:o %lu, scanned lsn n:o %lu\n", no, log_block_convert_lsn_to_no(*scanned_lsn)); */ /* Garbage or an incompletely written log block */ log_block += OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE; /* printf( "Next log block n:o %lu\n", log_block_get_hdr_no(log_block)); */ break; } if (*scanned_checkpoint_no > 0 && log_block_get_checkpoint_no(log_block) < *scanned_checkpoint_no && *scanned_checkpoint_no - log_block_get_checkpoint_no(log_block) > 0x80000000) { /* Garbage from a log buffer flush which was made before the most recent database recovery */ /* printf("Scanned cp n:o %lu, block cp n:o %lu\n", *scanned_checkpoint_no, log_block_get_checkpoint_no(log_block)); */ break; } data_len = log_block_get_data_len(log_block); *scanned_checkpoint_no = log_block_get_checkpoint_no(log_block); *scanned_lsn = ut_dulint_add(*scanned_lsn, data_len); *n_bytes_scanned += data_len; if (data_len < OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE) { /* Log data ends here */ /* printf("Log block data len %lu\n", data_len); */ break; } } } /*********************************************************************** Tries to parse a single log record body and also applies it to a page if specified. */ static byte* recv_parse_or_apply_log_rec_body( /*=============================*/ /* out: log record end, NULL if not a complete record */ byte type, /* in: type */ byte* ptr, /* in: pointer to a buffer */ byte* end_ptr,/* in: pointer to the buffer end */ page_t* page, /* in: buffer page or NULL; if not NULL, then the log record is applied to the page, and the log record should be complete then */ mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mtr or NULL; should be non-NULL if and only if page is non-NULL */ { byte* new_ptr; if (type <= MLOG_8BYTES) { new_ptr = mlog_parse_nbytes(type, ptr, end_ptr, page); } else if (type == MLOG_REC_INSERT) { new_ptr = page_cur_parse_insert_rec(FALSE, ptr, end_ptr, page, mtr); } else if (type == MLOG_REC_CLUST_DELETE_MARK) { new_ptr = btr_cur_parse_del_mark_set_clust_rec(ptr, end_ptr, page); } else if (type == MLOG_REC_SEC_DELETE_MARK) { new_ptr = btr_cur_parse_del_mark_set_sec_rec(ptr, end_ptr, page); } else if (type == MLOG_REC_UPDATE_IN_PLACE) { new_ptr = btr_cur_parse_update_in_place(ptr, end_ptr, page); } else if ((type == MLOG_LIST_END_DELETE) || (type == MLOG_LIST_START_DELETE)) { new_ptr = page_parse_delete_rec_list(type, ptr, end_ptr, page, mtr); } else if (type == MLOG_LIST_END_COPY_CREATED) { new_ptr = page_parse_copy_rec_list_to_created_page(ptr, end_ptr, page, mtr); } else if (type == MLOG_PAGE_REORGANIZE) { new_ptr = btr_parse_page_reorganize(ptr, end_ptr, page, mtr); } else if (type == MLOG_PAGE_CREATE) { new_ptr = page_parse_create(ptr, end_ptr, page, mtr); } else if (type == MLOG_UNDO_INSERT) { new_ptr = trx_undo_parse_add_undo_rec(ptr, end_ptr, page); } else if (type == MLOG_UNDO_ERASE_END) { new_ptr = trx_undo_parse_erase_page_end(ptr, end_ptr, page, mtr); } else if (type == MLOG_UNDO_INIT) { new_ptr = trx_undo_parse_page_init(ptr, end_ptr, page, mtr); } else if (type == MLOG_UNDO_HDR_DISCARD) { new_ptr = trx_undo_parse_discard_latest(ptr, end_ptr, page, mtr); } else if ((type == MLOG_UNDO_HDR_CREATE) || (type == MLOG_UNDO_HDR_REUSE)) { new_ptr = trx_undo_parse_page_header(type, ptr, end_ptr, page, mtr); } else if (type == MLOG_REC_MIN_MARK) { new_ptr = btr_parse_set_min_rec_mark(ptr, end_ptr, page, mtr); } else if (type == MLOG_REC_DELETE) { new_ptr = page_cur_parse_delete_rec(ptr, end_ptr, page, mtr); } else if (type == MLOG_IBUF_BITMAP_INIT) { new_ptr = ibuf_parse_bitmap_init(ptr, end_ptr, page, mtr); } else if (type == MLOG_FULL_PAGE) { new_ptr = mtr_log_parse_full_page(ptr, end_ptr, page); } else if (type == MLOG_INIT_FILE_PAGE) { new_ptr = fsp_parse_init_file_page(ptr, end_ptr, page); } else if (type <= MLOG_WRITE_STRING) { new_ptr = mlog_parse_string(ptr, end_ptr, page); } else { new_ptr = NULL; recv_sys->found_corrupt_log = TRUE; } ut_ad(!page || new_ptr); return(new_ptr); } /************************************************************************* Calculates the fold value of a page file address: used in inserting or searching for a log record in the hash table. */ UNIV_INLINE ulint recv_fold( /*======*/ /* out: folded value */ ulint space, /* in: space */ ulint page_no)/* in: page number */ { return(ut_fold_ulint_pair(space, page_no)); } /************************************************************************* Calculates the hash value of a page file address: used in inserting or searching for a log record in the hash table. */ UNIV_INLINE ulint recv_hash( /*======*/ /* out: folded value */ ulint space, /* in: space */ ulint page_no)/* in: page number */ { return(hash_calc_hash(recv_fold(space, page_no), recv_sys->addr_hash)); } /************************************************************************* Gets the hashed file address struct for a page. */ static recv_addr_t* recv_get_fil_addr_struct( /*=====================*/ /* out: file address struct, NULL if not found from the hash table */ ulint space, /* in: space id */ ulint page_no)/* in: page number */ { recv_addr_t* recv_addr; recv_addr = HASH_GET_FIRST(recv_sys->addr_hash, recv_hash(space, page_no)); while (recv_addr) { if ((recv_addr->space == space) && (recv_addr->page_no == page_no)) { break; } recv_addr = HASH_GET_NEXT(addr_hash, recv_addr); } return(recv_addr); } /*********************************************************************** Adds a new log record to the hash table of log records. */ static void recv_add_to_hash_table( /*===================*/ byte type, /* in: log record type */ ulint space, /* in: space id */ ulint page_no, /* in: page number */ byte* body, /* in: log record body */ byte* rec_end, /* in: log record end */ dulint start_lsn, /* in: start lsn of the mtr */ dulint end_lsn) /* in: end lsn of the mtr */ { recv_t* recv; ulint len; recv_data_t* recv_data; recv_data_t** prev_field; recv_addr_t* recv_addr; ut_a(space == 0); /* For debugging; TODO: remove this */ len = rec_end - body; recv = mem_heap_alloc(recv_sys->heap, sizeof(recv_t)); recv->type = type; recv->len = rec_end - body; recv->start_lsn = start_lsn; recv->end_lsn = end_lsn; recv_addr = recv_get_fil_addr_struct(space, page_no); if (recv_addr == NULL) { recv_addr = mem_heap_alloc(recv_sys->heap, sizeof(recv_addr_t)); recv_addr->space = space; recv_addr->page_no = page_no; recv_addr->state = RECV_NOT_PROCESSED; UT_LIST_INIT(recv_addr->rec_list); HASH_INSERT(recv_addr_t, addr_hash, recv_sys->addr_hash, recv_fold(space, page_no), recv_addr); recv_sys->n_addrs++; } UT_LIST_ADD_LAST(rec_list, recv_addr->rec_list, recv); prev_field = &(recv->data); /* Store the log record body in chunks of less than UNIV_PAGE_SIZE: recv_sys->heap grows into the buffer pool, and bigger chunks could not be allocated */ while (rec_end > body) { len = rec_end - body; if (len > RECV_DATA_BLOCK_SIZE) { len = RECV_DATA_BLOCK_SIZE; } recv_data = mem_heap_alloc(recv_sys->heap, sizeof(recv_data_t) + len); *prev_field = recv_data; ut_memcpy(((byte*)recv_data) + sizeof(recv_data_t), body, len); prev_field = &(recv_data->next); body += len; } *prev_field = NULL; } /************************************************************************* Copies the log record body from recv to buf. */ static void recv_data_copy_to_buf( /*==================*/ byte* buf, /* in: buffer of length at least recv->len */ recv_t* recv) /* in: log record */ { recv_data_t* recv_data; ulint part_len; ulint len; len = recv->len; recv_data = recv->data; while (len > 0) { if (len > RECV_DATA_BLOCK_SIZE) { part_len = RECV_DATA_BLOCK_SIZE; } else { part_len = len; } ut_memcpy(buf, ((byte*)recv_data) + sizeof(recv_data_t), part_len); buf += part_len; len -= part_len; recv_data = recv_data->next; } } /**************************************************************************** Applies the hashed log records to the page, if the page lsn is less than the lsn of a log record. This can be called when a buffer page has just been read in, or also for a page already in the buffer pool. */ void recv_recover_page( /*==============*/ ibool recover_backup, /* in: TRUE if we are recovering a backup page: then we do not acquire any latches since the page was read in outside the buffer pool */ ibool just_read_in, /* in: TRUE if the i/o-handler calls this for a freshly read page */ page_t* page, /* in: buffer page */ ulint space, /* in: space id */ ulint page_no) /* in: page number */ { buf_block_t* block = NULL; recv_addr_t* recv_addr; recv_t* recv; byte* buf; dulint start_lsn; dulint end_lsn; dulint page_lsn; dulint page_newest_lsn; ibool modification_to_page; ibool success; mtr_t mtr; mutex_enter(&(recv_sys->mutex)); if (recv_sys->apply_log_recs == FALSE) { /* Log records should not be applied now */ mutex_exit(&(recv_sys->mutex)); return; } recv_addr = recv_get_fil_addr_struct(space, page_no); if ((recv_addr == NULL) || (recv_addr->state == RECV_BEING_PROCESSED) || (recv_addr->state == RECV_PROCESSED)) { mutex_exit(&(recv_sys->mutex)); return; } recv_addr->state = RECV_BEING_PROCESSED; mutex_exit(&(recv_sys->mutex)); mtr_start(&mtr); mtr_set_log_mode(&mtr, MTR_LOG_NONE); if (!recover_backup) { block = buf_block_align(page); if (just_read_in) { /* Move the ownership of the x-latch on the page to this OS thread, so that we can acquire a second x-latch on it. This is needed for the operations to the page to pass the debug checks. */ rw_lock_x_lock_move_ownership(&(block->lock)); } success = buf_page_get_known_nowait(RW_X_LATCH, page, BUF_KEEP_OLD, IB__FILE__, __LINE__, &mtr); ut_a(success); #ifdef UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG buf_page_dbg_add_level(page, SYNC_NO_ORDER_CHECK); #endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */ } /* Read the newest modification lsn from the page */ page_lsn = mach_read_from_8(page + FIL_PAGE_LSN); if (!recover_backup) { /* It may be that the page has been modified in the buffer pool: read the newest modification lsn there */ page_newest_lsn = buf_frame_get_newest_modification(page); if (!ut_dulint_is_zero(page_newest_lsn)) { page_lsn = page_newest_lsn; } } else { /* In recovery from a backup we do not really use the buffer pool */ page_newest_lsn = ut_dulint_zero; } modification_to_page = FALSE; recv = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(recv_addr->rec_list); while (recv) { end_lsn = recv->end_lsn; if (recv->len > RECV_DATA_BLOCK_SIZE) { /* We have to copy the record body to a separate buffer */ buf = mem_alloc(recv->len); recv_data_copy_to_buf(buf, recv); } else { buf = ((byte*)(recv->data)) + sizeof(recv_data_t); } if (recv->type == MLOG_INIT_FILE_PAGE || recv->type == MLOG_FULL_PAGE) { /* A new file page may have been taken into use, or we have stored the full contents of the page: in this case it may be that the original log record type was MLOG_INIT_FILE_PAGE, and we replaced it with MLOG_FULL_PAGE, thus we have to apply any record of type MLOG_FULL_PAGE */ page_lsn = page_newest_lsn; mach_write_to_8(page + UNIV_PAGE_SIZE - FIL_PAGE_END_LSN_OLD_CHKSUM, ut_dulint_zero); mach_write_to_8(page + FIL_PAGE_LSN, ut_dulint_zero); } if (ut_dulint_cmp(recv->start_lsn, page_lsn) >= 0) { if (!modification_to_page) { modification_to_page = TRUE; start_lsn = recv->start_lsn; } if (log_debug_writes) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Applying log rec type %lu len %lu to space %lu page no %lu\n", (ulint)recv->type, recv->len, recv_addr->space, recv_addr->page_no); } recv_parse_or_apply_log_rec_body(recv->type, buf, buf + recv->len, page, &mtr); mach_write_to_8(page + UNIV_PAGE_SIZE - FIL_PAGE_END_LSN_OLD_CHKSUM, ut_dulint_add(recv->start_lsn, recv->len)); mach_write_to_8(page + FIL_PAGE_LSN, ut_dulint_add(recv->start_lsn, recv->len)); } if (recv->len > RECV_DATA_BLOCK_SIZE) { mem_free(buf); } recv = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(rec_list, recv); } mutex_enter(&(recv_sys->mutex)); if (ut_dulint_cmp(recv_max_page_lsn, page_lsn) < 0) { recv_max_page_lsn = page_lsn; } recv_addr->state = RECV_PROCESSED; ut_a(recv_sys->n_addrs); recv_sys->n_addrs--; mutex_exit(&(recv_sys->mutex)); if (!recover_backup && modification_to_page) { ut_a(block); buf_flush_recv_note_modification(block, start_lsn, end_lsn); } /* Make sure that committing mtr does not change the modification lsn values of page */ mtr.modifications = FALSE; mtr_commit(&mtr); } /*********************************************************************** Reads in pages which have hashed log records, from an area around a given page number. */ static ulint recv_read_in_area( /*==============*/ /* out: number of pages found */ ulint space, /* in: space */ ulint page_no)/* in: page number */ { recv_addr_t* recv_addr; ulint page_nos[RECV_READ_AHEAD_AREA]; ulint low_limit; ulint n; low_limit = page_no - (page_no % RECV_READ_AHEAD_AREA); n = 0; for (page_no = low_limit; page_no < low_limit + RECV_READ_AHEAD_AREA; page_no++) { recv_addr = recv_get_fil_addr_struct(space, page_no); if (recv_addr && !buf_page_peek(space, page_no)) { mutex_enter(&(recv_sys->mutex)); if (recv_addr->state == RECV_NOT_PROCESSED) { recv_addr->state = RECV_BEING_READ; page_nos[n] = page_no; n++; } mutex_exit(&(recv_sys->mutex)); } } buf_read_recv_pages(FALSE, space, page_nos, n); /* printf("Recv pages at %lu n %lu\n", page_nos[0], n); */ return(n); } /*********************************************************************** Empties the hash table of stored log records, applying them to appropriate pages. */ void recv_apply_hashed_log_recs( /*=======================*/ ibool allow_ibuf) /* in: if TRUE, also ibuf operations are allowed during the application; if FALSE, no ibuf operations are allowed, and after the application all file pages are flushed to disk and invalidated in buffer pool: this alternative means that no new log records can be generated during the application; the caller must in this case own the log mutex */ { recv_addr_t* recv_addr; page_t* page; ulint i; ulint space; ulint page_no; ulint n_pages; ibool has_printed = FALSE; mtr_t mtr; loop: mutex_enter(&(recv_sys->mutex)); if (recv_sys->apply_batch_on) { mutex_exit(&(recv_sys->mutex)); os_thread_sleep(500000); goto loop; } #ifdef UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG ut_ad(!allow_ibuf == mutex_own(&log_sys->mutex)); #endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */ if (!allow_ibuf) { recv_no_ibuf_operations = TRUE; } recv_sys->apply_log_recs = TRUE; recv_sys->apply_batch_on = TRUE; for (i = 0; i < hash_get_n_cells(recv_sys->addr_hash); i++) { recv_addr = HASH_GET_FIRST(recv_sys->addr_hash, i); while (recv_addr) { space = recv_addr->space; page_no = recv_addr->page_no; if (recv_addr->state == RECV_NOT_PROCESSED) { if (!has_printed) { ut_print_timestamp(stderr); fprintf(stderr, " InnoDB: Starting an apply batch of log records to the database...\n" "InnoDB: Progress in percents: "); has_printed = TRUE; } mutex_exit(&(recv_sys->mutex)); if (buf_page_peek(space, page_no)) { mtr_start(&mtr); page = buf_page_get(space, page_no, RW_X_LATCH, &mtr); #ifdef UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG buf_page_dbg_add_level(page, SYNC_NO_ORDER_CHECK); #endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */ recv_recover_page(FALSE, FALSE, page, space, page_no); mtr_commit(&mtr); } else { recv_read_in_area(space, page_no); } mutex_enter(&(recv_sys->mutex)); } recv_addr = HASH_GET_NEXT(addr_hash, recv_addr); } if (has_printed && (i * 100) / hash_get_n_cells(recv_sys->addr_hash) != ((i + 1) * 100) / hash_get_n_cells(recv_sys->addr_hash)) { fprintf(stderr, "%lu ", (i * 100) / hash_get_n_cells(recv_sys->addr_hash)); } } /* Wait until all the pages have been processed */ while (recv_sys->n_addrs != 0) { mutex_exit(&(recv_sys->mutex)); os_thread_sleep(500000); mutex_enter(&(recv_sys->mutex)); } if (has_printed) { fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } if (!allow_ibuf) { /* Flush all the file pages to disk and invalidate them in the buffer pool */ mutex_exit(&(recv_sys->mutex)); mutex_exit(&(log_sys->mutex)); n_pages = buf_flush_batch(BUF_FLUSH_LIST, ULINT_MAX, ut_dulint_max); ut_a(n_pages != ULINT_UNDEFINED); buf_flush_wait_batch_end(BUF_FLUSH_LIST); buf_pool_invalidate(); mutex_enter(&(log_sys->mutex)); mutex_enter(&(recv_sys->mutex)); recv_no_ibuf_operations = FALSE; } recv_sys->apply_log_recs = FALSE; recv_sys->apply_batch_on = FALSE; recv_sys_empty_hash(); if (has_printed) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Apply batch completed\n"); } mutex_exit(&(recv_sys->mutex)); } #ifdef UNIV_HOTBACKUP /*********************************************************************** Applies log records in the hash table to a backup. */ void recv_apply_log_recs_for_backup( /*===========================*/ ulint n_data_files, /* in: number of data files */ char** data_files, /* in: array containing the paths to the data files */ ulint* file_sizes) /* in: sizes of the data files in database pages */ { recv_addr_t* recv_addr; os_file_t data_file; ulint n_pages_total = 0; ulint nth_file = 0; ulint nth_page_in_file= 0; byte* page; ibool success; ulint i; recv_sys->apply_log_recs = TRUE; recv_sys->apply_batch_on = TRUE; page = buf_pool->frame_zero; for (i = 0; i < n_data_files; i++) { n_pages_total += file_sizes[i]; } if (recv_max_parsed_page_no >= n_pages_total) { printf( "InnoDB: Error: tablespace size %lu pages, but a log record on page %lu!\n" "InnoDB: Are you sure you have specified all the ibdata files right in\n" "InnoDB: the my.cnf file you gave as the argument to ibbackup --restore?\n", n_pages_total, recv_max_parsed_page_no); } printf( "InnoDB: Starting an apply batch of log records to the database...\n" "InnoDB: Progress in percents: "); for (i = 0; i < n_pages_total; i++) { if (i == 0 || nth_page_in_file == file_sizes[nth_file]) { if (i != 0) { nth_file++; nth_page_in_file = 0; os_file_flush(data_file); os_file_close(data_file); } data_file = os_file_create_simple(data_files[nth_file], OS_FILE_OPEN, OS_FILE_READ_WRITE, &success); if (!success) { printf( "InnoDB: Error: cannot open %lu'th data file\n", nth_file); exit(1); } } recv_addr = recv_get_fil_addr_struct(0, i); if (recv_addr != NULL) { success = os_file_read(data_file, page, (nth_page_in_file << UNIV_PAGE_SIZE_SHIFT) & 0xFFFFFFFF, nth_page_in_file >> (32 - UNIV_PAGE_SIZE_SHIFT), UNIV_PAGE_SIZE); if (!success) { printf( "InnoDB: Error: cannot read page no %lu from %lu'th data file\n", nth_page_in_file, nth_file); exit(1); } /* We simulate a page read made by the buffer pool, to make sure recovery works ok. We must init the block corresponding to buf_pool->frame_zero (== page) */ buf_page_init_for_backup_restore(0, i, buf_block_align(page)); recv_recover_page(TRUE, FALSE, page, 0, i); buf_flush_init_for_writing(page, mach_read_from_8(page + FIL_PAGE_LSN), 0, i); success = os_file_write(data_files[nth_file], data_file, page, (nth_page_in_file << UNIV_PAGE_SIZE_SHIFT) & 0xFFFFFFFF, nth_page_in_file >> (32 - UNIV_PAGE_SIZE_SHIFT), UNIV_PAGE_SIZE); if (!success) { printf( "InnoDB: Error: cannot write page no %lu to %lu'th data file\n", nth_page_in_file, nth_file); exit(1); } } if ((100 * i) / n_pages_total != (100 * (i + 1)) / n_pages_total) { printf("%lu ", (100 * i) / n_pages_total); fflush(stdout); } nth_page_in_file++; } os_file_flush(data_file); os_file_close(data_file); recv_sys_empty_hash(); } /*********************************************************************** In the debug version, updates the replica of a file page, based on a log record. */ static void recv_update_replicate( /*==================*/ byte type, /* in: log record type */ ulint space, /* in: space id */ ulint page_no,/* in: page number */ byte* body, /* in: log record body */ byte* end_ptr)/* in: log record end */ { page_t* replica; mtr_t mtr; byte* ptr; mtr_start(&mtr); mtr_set_log_mode(&mtr, MTR_LOG_NONE); replica = buf_page_get(space + RECV_REPLICA_SPACE_ADD, page_no, RW_X_LATCH, &mtr); #ifdef UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG buf_page_dbg_add_level(replica, SYNC_NO_ORDER_CHECK); #endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */ ptr = recv_parse_or_apply_log_rec_body(type, body, end_ptr, replica, &mtr); ut_a(ptr == end_ptr); /* Notify the buffer manager that the page has been updated */ buf_flush_recv_note_modification(buf_block_align(replica), log_sys->old_lsn, log_sys->old_lsn); /* Make sure that committing mtr does not call log routines, as we currently own the log mutex */ mtr.modifications = FALSE; mtr_commit(&mtr); } /*********************************************************************** Checks that two strings are identical. */ static void recv_check_identical( /*=================*/ byte* str1, /* in: first string */ byte* str2, /* in: second string */ ulint len) /* in: length of strings */ { ulint i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (str1[i] != str2[i]) { fprintf(stderr, "Strings do not match at offset %lu\n", i); ut_print_buf(str1 + i, 16); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); ut_print_buf(str2 + i, 16); ut_error; } } } /*********************************************************************** In the debug version, checks that the replica of a file page is identical to the original page. */ static void recv_compare_replicate( /*===================*/ ulint space, /* in: space id */ ulint page_no)/* in: page number */ { page_t* replica; page_t* page; mtr_t mtr; mtr_start(&mtr); mutex_enter(&(buf_pool->mutex)); page = buf_page_hash_get(space, page_no)->frame; mutex_exit(&(buf_pool->mutex)); replica = buf_page_get(space + RECV_REPLICA_SPACE_ADD, page_no, RW_X_LATCH, &mtr); #ifdef UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG buf_page_dbg_add_level(replica, SYNC_NO_ORDER_CHECK); #endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */ recv_check_identical(page + FIL_PAGE_DATA, replica + FIL_PAGE_DATA, PAGE_HEADER + PAGE_MAX_TRX_ID - FIL_PAGE_DATA); recv_check_identical(page + PAGE_HEADER + PAGE_MAX_TRX_ID + 8, replica + PAGE_HEADER + PAGE_MAX_TRX_ID + 8, UNIV_PAGE_SIZE - FIL_PAGE_DATA_END - PAGE_HEADER - PAGE_MAX_TRX_ID - 8); mtr_commit(&mtr); } /*********************************************************************** Checks that a replica of a space is identical to the original space. */ void recv_compare_spaces( /*================*/ ulint space1, /* in: space id */ ulint space2, /* in: space id */ ulint n_pages)/* in: number of pages */ { page_t* replica; page_t* page; mtr_t mtr; page_t* frame; ulint page_no; replica = buf_frame_alloc(); page = buf_frame_alloc(); for (page_no = 0; page_no < n_pages; page_no++) { mtr_start(&mtr); frame = buf_page_get_gen(space1, page_no, RW_S_LATCH, NULL, BUF_GET_IF_IN_POOL, IB__FILE__, __LINE__, &mtr); if (frame) { #ifdef UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG buf_page_dbg_add_level(frame, SYNC_NO_ORDER_CHECK); #endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */ ut_memcpy(page, frame, UNIV_PAGE_SIZE); } else { /* Read it from file */ fil_io(OS_FILE_READ, TRUE, space1, page_no, 0, UNIV_PAGE_SIZE, page, NULL); } frame = buf_page_get_gen(space2, page_no, RW_S_LATCH, NULL, BUF_GET_IF_IN_POOL, IB__FILE__, __LINE__, &mtr); if (frame) { #ifdef UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG buf_page_dbg_add_level(frame, SYNC_NO_ORDER_CHECK); #endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */ ut_memcpy(replica, frame, UNIV_PAGE_SIZE); } else { /* Read it from file */ fil_io(OS_FILE_READ, TRUE, space2, page_no, 0, UNIV_PAGE_SIZE, replica, NULL); } recv_check_identical(page + FIL_PAGE_DATA, replica + FIL_PAGE_DATA, PAGE_HEADER + PAGE_MAX_TRX_ID - FIL_PAGE_DATA); recv_check_identical(page + PAGE_HEADER + PAGE_MAX_TRX_ID + 8, replica + PAGE_HEADER + PAGE_MAX_TRX_ID + 8, UNIV_PAGE_SIZE - FIL_PAGE_DATA_END - PAGE_HEADER - PAGE_MAX_TRX_ID - 8); mtr_commit(&mtr); } buf_frame_free(replica); buf_frame_free(page); } /*********************************************************************** Checks that a replica of a space is identical to the original space. Disables ibuf operations and flushes and invalidates the buffer pool pages after the test. This function can be used to check the recovery before dict or trx systems are initialized. */ void recv_compare_spaces_low( /*====================*/ ulint space1, /* in: space id */ ulint space2, /* in: space id */ ulint n_pages)/* in: number of pages */ { mutex_enter(&(log_sys->mutex)); recv_apply_hashed_log_recs(FALSE); mutex_exit(&(log_sys->mutex)); recv_compare_spaces(space1, space2, n_pages); } #endif /*********************************************************************** Tries to parse a single log record and returns its length. */ static ulint recv_parse_log_rec( /*===============*/ /* out: length of the record, or 0 if the record was not complete */ byte* ptr, /* in: pointer to a buffer */ byte* end_ptr,/* in: pointer to the buffer end */ byte* type, /* out: type */ ulint* space, /* out: space id */ ulint* page_no,/* out: page number */ byte** body) /* out: log record body start */ { byte* new_ptr; if (ptr == end_ptr) { return(0); } if (*ptr == MLOG_MULTI_REC_END) { *type = *ptr; return(1); } if (*ptr == MLOG_DUMMY_RECORD) { *type = *ptr; *space = 1000; /* For debugging */ return(1); } new_ptr = mlog_parse_initial_log_record(ptr, end_ptr, type, space, page_no); if (!new_ptr) { return(0); } /* Check that space id and page_no are sensible */ if (*space != 0 || *page_no > 0x8FFFFFFF) { recv_sys->found_corrupt_log = TRUE; return(0); } *body = new_ptr; new_ptr = recv_parse_or_apply_log_rec_body(*type, new_ptr, end_ptr, NULL, NULL); if (new_ptr == NULL) { return(0); } if (*page_no > recv_max_parsed_page_no) { recv_max_parsed_page_no = *page_no; } return(new_ptr - ptr); } /*********************************************************** Calculates the new value for lsn when more data is added to the log. */ static dulint recv_calc_lsn_on_data_add( /*======================*/ dulint lsn, /* in: old lsn */ ulint len) /* in: this many bytes of data is added, log block headers not included */ { ulint frag_len; ulint lsn_len; frag_len = (ut_dulint_get_low(lsn) % OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE) - LOG_BLOCK_HDR_SIZE; ut_ad(frag_len < OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE - LOG_BLOCK_HDR_SIZE - LOG_BLOCK_TRL_SIZE); lsn_len = len + ((len + frag_len) / (OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE - LOG_BLOCK_HDR_SIZE - LOG_BLOCK_TRL_SIZE)) * (LOG_BLOCK_HDR_SIZE + LOG_BLOCK_TRL_SIZE); return(ut_dulint_add(lsn, lsn_len)); } #ifdef UNIV_LOG_DEBUG /*********************************************************** Checks that the parser recognizes incomplete initial segments of a log record as incomplete. */ static void recv_check_incomplete_log_recs( /*===========================*/ byte* ptr, /* in: pointer to a complete log record */ ulint len) /* in: length of the log record */ { ulint i; byte type; ulint space; ulint page_no; byte* body; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { ut_a(0 == recv_parse_log_rec(ptr, ptr + i, &type, &space, &page_no, &body)); } } #endif /* UNIV_LOG_DEBUG */ /*********************************************************** Prints diagnostic info of corrupt log. */ static void recv_report_corrupt_log( /*====================*/ byte* ptr, /* in: pointer to corrupt log record */ byte type, /* in: type of the record */ ulint space, /* in: space id, this may also be garbage */ ulint page_no)/* in: page number, this may also be garbage */ { char* err_buf; fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: ############### CORRUPT LOG RECORD FOUND\n" "InnoDB: Log record type %lu, space id %lu, page number %lu\n" "InnoDB: Log parsing proceeded successfully up to %lu %lu\n", (ulint)type, space, page_no, ut_dulint_get_high(recv_sys->recovered_lsn), ut_dulint_get_low(recv_sys->recovered_lsn)); err_buf = ut_malloc(1000000); fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Previous log record type %lu, is multi %lu\n" "InnoDB: Recv offset %lu, prev %lu\n", recv_previous_parsed_rec_type, recv_previous_parsed_rec_is_multi, (ulint)(ptr - recv_sys->buf), recv_previous_parsed_rec_offset); if ((ulint)(ptr - recv_sys->buf + 100) > recv_previous_parsed_rec_offset && (ulint)(ptr - recv_sys->buf + 100 - recv_previous_parsed_rec_offset) < 200000) { ut_sprintf_buf(err_buf, recv_sys->buf + recv_previous_parsed_rec_offset - 100, ptr - recv_sys->buf + 200 - recv_previous_parsed_rec_offset); fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Hex dump of corrupt log starting 100 bytes before the start\n" "InnoDB: of the previous log rec,\n" "InnoDB: and ending 100 bytes after the start of the corrupt rec:\n%s\n", err_buf); } ut_free(err_buf); fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: WARNING: the log file may have been corrupt and it\n" "InnoDB: is possible that the log scan did not proceed\n" "InnoDB: far enough in recovery! Please run CHECK TABLE\n" "InnoDB: on your InnoDB tables to check that they are ok!\n" "InnoDB: If mysqld crashes after this recovery, look at\n" "InnoDB: section 6.1 of http://www.innodb.com/ibman.html\n" "InnoDB: about forcing recovery.\n"); fflush(stderr); } /*********************************************************** Parses log records from a buffer and stores them to a hash table to wait merging to file pages. */ static ibool recv_parse_log_recs( /*================*/ /* out: currently always returns FALSE */ ibool store_to_hash) /* in: TRUE if the records should be stored to the hash table; this is set to FALSE if just debug checking is needed */ { byte* ptr; byte* end_ptr; ulint single_rec; ulint len; ulint total_len; dulint new_recovered_lsn; dulint old_lsn; byte type; ulint space; ulint page_no; byte* body; ulint n_recs; #ifdef UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG ut_ad(mutex_own(&(log_sys->mutex))); #endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */ ut_ad(!ut_dulint_is_zero(recv_sys->parse_start_lsn)); loop: ptr = recv_sys->buf + recv_sys->recovered_offset; end_ptr = recv_sys->buf + recv_sys->len; if (ptr == end_ptr) { return(FALSE); } single_rec = (ulint)*ptr & MLOG_SINGLE_REC_FLAG; if (single_rec || *ptr == MLOG_DUMMY_RECORD) { /* The mtr only modified a single page */ old_lsn = recv_sys->recovered_lsn; len = recv_parse_log_rec(ptr, end_ptr, &type, &space, &page_no, &body); if (len == 0 || recv_sys->found_corrupt_log) { if (recv_sys->found_corrupt_log) { recv_report_corrupt_log(ptr, type, space, page_no); } return(FALSE); } new_recovered_lsn = recv_calc_lsn_on_data_add(old_lsn, len); if (ut_dulint_cmp(new_recovered_lsn, recv_sys->scanned_lsn) > 0) { /* The log record filled a log block, and we require that also the next log block should have been scanned in */ return(FALSE); } recv_previous_parsed_rec_type = (ulint)type; recv_previous_parsed_rec_offset = recv_sys->recovered_offset; recv_previous_parsed_rec_is_multi = 0; recv_sys->recovered_offset += len; recv_sys->recovered_lsn = new_recovered_lsn; if (log_debug_writes) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Parsed a single log rec type %lu len %lu space %lu page no %lu\n", (ulint)type, len, space, page_no); } if (type == MLOG_DUMMY_RECORD) { /* Do nothing */ } else if (store_to_hash) { recv_add_to_hash_table(type, space, page_no, body, ptr + len, old_lsn, recv_sys->recovered_lsn); } else { /* In debug checking, update a replicate page according to the log record, and check that it becomes identical with the original page */ #ifdef UNIV_LOG_DEBUG recv_check_incomplete_log_recs(ptr, len); #endif /* recv_update_replicate(type, space, page_no, body, ptr + len); recv_compare_replicate(space, page_no); */ } } else { /* Check that all the records associated with the single mtr are included within the buffer */ total_len = 0; n_recs = 0; for (;;) { len = recv_parse_log_rec(ptr, end_ptr, &type, &space, &page_no, &body); if (len == 0 || recv_sys->found_corrupt_log) { if (recv_sys->found_corrupt_log) { recv_report_corrupt_log(ptr, type, space, page_no); } return(FALSE); } recv_previous_parsed_rec_type = (ulint)type; recv_previous_parsed_rec_offset = recv_sys->recovered_offset + total_len; recv_previous_parsed_rec_is_multi = 1; if ((!store_to_hash) && (type != MLOG_MULTI_REC_END)) { /* In debug checking, update a replicate page according to the log record */ #ifdef UNIV_LOG_DEBUG recv_check_incomplete_log_recs(ptr, len); #endif /* recv_update_replicate(type, space, page_no, body, ptr + len); */ } if (log_debug_writes) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Parsed a multi log rec type %lu len %lu space %lu page no %lu\n", (ulint)type, len, space, page_no); } total_len += len; n_recs++; ptr += len; if (type == MLOG_MULTI_REC_END) { /* Found the end mark for the records */ break; } } new_recovered_lsn = recv_calc_lsn_on_data_add( recv_sys->recovered_lsn, total_len); if (ut_dulint_cmp(new_recovered_lsn, recv_sys->scanned_lsn) > 0) { /* The log record filled a log block, and we require that also the next log block should have been scanned in */ return(FALSE); } /* Add all the records to the hash table */ ptr = recv_sys->buf + recv_sys->recovered_offset; for (;;) { old_lsn = recv_sys->recovered_lsn; len = recv_parse_log_rec(ptr, end_ptr, &type, &space, &page_no, &body); if (recv_sys->found_corrupt_log) { recv_report_corrupt_log(ptr, type, space, page_no); } ut_a(len != 0); ut_a(0 == ((ulint)*ptr & MLOG_SINGLE_REC_FLAG)); recv_sys->recovered_offset += len; recv_sys->recovered_lsn = recv_calc_lsn_on_data_add( old_lsn, len); if (type == MLOG_MULTI_REC_END) { /* Found the end mark for the records */ break; } if (store_to_hash) { recv_add_to_hash_table(type, space, page_no, body, ptr + len, old_lsn, new_recovered_lsn); } else { /* In debug checking, check that the replicate page has become identical with the original page */ /* recv_compare_replicate(space, page_no); */ } ptr += len; } } goto loop; } /*********************************************************** Adds data from a new log block to the parsing buffer of recv_sys if recv_sys->parse_start_lsn is non-zero. */ static ibool recv_sys_add_to_parsing_buf( /*========================*/ /* out: TRUE if more data added */ byte* log_block, /* in: log block */ dulint scanned_lsn) /* in: lsn of how far we were able to find data in this log block */ { ulint more_len; ulint data_len; ulint start_offset; ulint end_offset; ut_ad(ut_dulint_cmp(scanned_lsn, recv_sys->scanned_lsn) >= 0); if (ut_dulint_is_zero(recv_sys->parse_start_lsn)) { /* Cannot start parsing yet because no start point for it found */ return(FALSE); } data_len = log_block_get_data_len(log_block); if (ut_dulint_cmp(recv_sys->parse_start_lsn, scanned_lsn) >= 0) { return(FALSE); } else if (ut_dulint_cmp(recv_sys->scanned_lsn, scanned_lsn) >= 0) { return(FALSE); } else if (ut_dulint_cmp(recv_sys->parse_start_lsn, recv_sys->scanned_lsn) > 0) { more_len = ut_dulint_minus(scanned_lsn, recv_sys->parse_start_lsn); } else { more_len = ut_dulint_minus(scanned_lsn, recv_sys->scanned_lsn); } if (more_len == 0) { return(FALSE); } ut_ad(data_len >= more_len); start_offset = data_len - more_len; if (start_offset < LOG_BLOCK_HDR_SIZE) { start_offset = LOG_BLOCK_HDR_SIZE; } end_offset = data_len; if (end_offset > OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE - LOG_BLOCK_TRL_SIZE) { end_offset = OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE - LOG_BLOCK_TRL_SIZE; } ut_ad(start_offset <= end_offset); if (start_offset < end_offset) { ut_memcpy(recv_sys->buf + recv_sys->len, log_block + start_offset, end_offset - start_offset); recv_sys->len += end_offset - start_offset; ut_a(recv_sys->len <= RECV_PARSING_BUF_SIZE); } return(TRUE); } /*********************************************************** Moves the parsing buffer data left to the buffer start. */ static void recv_sys_justify_left_parsing_buf(void) /*===================================*/ { ut_memmove(recv_sys->buf, recv_sys->buf + recv_sys->recovered_offset, recv_sys->len - recv_sys->recovered_offset); recv_sys->len -= recv_sys->recovered_offset; recv_sys->recovered_offset = 0; } /*********************************************************** Scans log from a buffer and stores new log data to the parsing buffer. Parses and hashes the log records if new data found. */ ibool recv_scan_log_recs( /*===============*/ /* out: TRUE if limit_lsn has been reached, or not able to scan any more in this log group */ ibool apply_automatically,/* in: TRUE if we want this function to apply log records automatically when the hash table becomes full; in the hot backup tool the tool does the applying, not this function */ ulint available_memory,/* in: we let the hash table of recs to grow to this size, at the maximum */ ibool store_to_hash, /* in: TRUE if the records should be stored to the hash table; this is set to FALSE if just debug checking is needed */ byte* buf, /* in: buffer containing a log segment or garbage */ ulint len, /* in: buffer length */ dulint start_lsn, /* in: buffer start lsn */ dulint* contiguous_lsn, /* in/out: it is known that all log groups contain contiguous log data up to this lsn */ dulint* group_scanned_lsn)/* out: scanning succeeded up to this lsn */ { byte* log_block; ulint no; dulint scanned_lsn; ibool finished; ulint data_len; ibool more_data; ut_ad(ut_dulint_get_low(start_lsn) % OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE == 0); ut_ad(len % OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE == 0); ut_ad(len > 0); ut_a(apply_automatically <= TRUE); ut_a(store_to_hash <= TRUE); finished = FALSE; log_block = buf; scanned_lsn = start_lsn; more_data = FALSE; while (log_block < buf + len && !finished) { no = log_block_get_hdr_no(log_block); /* fprintf(stderr, "Log block header no %lu\n", no); fprintf(stderr, "Scanned lsn no %lu\n", log_block_convert_lsn_to_no(scanned_lsn)); */ if (no != log_block_convert_lsn_to_no(scanned_lsn) || !log_block_checksum_is_ok_or_old_format(log_block)) { if (no == log_block_convert_lsn_to_no(scanned_lsn) && !log_block_checksum_is_ok_or_old_format( log_block)) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Log block no %lu at lsn %lu %lu has\n" "InnoDB: ok header, but checksum field contains %lu, should be %lu\n", no, ut_dulint_get_high(scanned_lsn), ut_dulint_get_low(scanned_lsn), log_block_get_checksum(log_block), log_block_calc_checksum(log_block)); } /* Garbage or an incompletely written log block */ finished = TRUE; break; } if (log_block_get_flush_bit(log_block)) { /* This block was a start of a log flush operation: we know that the previous flush operation must have been completed for all log groups before this block can have been flushed to any of the groups. Therefore, we know that log data is contiguous up to scanned_lsn in all non-corrupt log groups. */ if (ut_dulint_cmp(scanned_lsn, *contiguous_lsn) > 0) { *contiguous_lsn = scanned_lsn; } } data_len = log_block_get_data_len(log_block); if ((store_to_hash || (data_len == OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE)) && (ut_dulint_cmp(ut_dulint_add(scanned_lsn, data_len), recv_sys->scanned_lsn) > 0) && (recv_sys->scanned_checkpoint_no > 0) && (log_block_get_checkpoint_no(log_block) < recv_sys->scanned_checkpoint_no) && (recv_sys->scanned_checkpoint_no - log_block_get_checkpoint_no(log_block) > 0x80000000)) { /* Garbage from a log buffer flush which was made before the most recent database recovery */ finished = TRUE; #ifdef UNIV_LOG_DEBUG /* This is not really an error, but currently we stop here in the debug version: */ ut_error; #endif break; } if (ut_dulint_is_zero(recv_sys->parse_start_lsn) && (log_block_get_first_rec_group(log_block) > 0)) { /* We found a point from which to start the parsing of log records */ recv_sys->parse_start_lsn = ut_dulint_add(scanned_lsn, log_block_get_first_rec_group(log_block)); recv_sys->scanned_lsn = recv_sys->parse_start_lsn; recv_sys->recovered_lsn = recv_sys->parse_start_lsn; } scanned_lsn = ut_dulint_add(scanned_lsn, data_len); if (ut_dulint_cmp(scanned_lsn, recv_sys->scanned_lsn) > 0) { /* We were able to find more log data: add it to the parsing buffer if parse_start_lsn is already non-zero */ if (recv_sys->len + 4 * OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE >= RECV_PARSING_BUF_SIZE) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Error: log parsing buffer overflow. Recovery may have failed!\n"); recv_sys->found_corrupt_log = TRUE; } else if (!recv_sys->found_corrupt_log) { more_data = recv_sys_add_to_parsing_buf( log_block, scanned_lsn); } recv_sys->scanned_lsn = scanned_lsn; recv_sys->scanned_checkpoint_no = log_block_get_checkpoint_no(log_block); } if (data_len < OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE) { /* Log data for this group ends here */ finished = TRUE; } else { log_block += OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE; } } *group_scanned_lsn = scanned_lsn; if (recv_needed_recovery || (recv_is_from_backup && !recv_is_making_a_backup)) { recv_scan_print_counter++; if (finished || (recv_scan_print_counter % 80 == 0)) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Doing recovery: scanned up to log sequence number %lu %lu\n", ut_dulint_get_high(*group_scanned_lsn), ut_dulint_get_low(*group_scanned_lsn)); } } if (more_data && !recv_sys->found_corrupt_log) { /* Try to parse more log records */ recv_parse_log_recs(store_to_hash); if (store_to_hash && mem_heap_get_size(recv_sys->heap) > available_memory && apply_automatically) { /* Hash table of log records has grown too big: empty it; FALSE means no ibuf operations allowed, as we cannot add new records to the log yet: they would be produced by ibuf operations */ recv_apply_hashed_log_recs(FALSE); } if (recv_sys->recovered_offset > RECV_PARSING_BUF_SIZE / 4) { /* Move parsing buffer data to the buffer start */ recv_sys_justify_left_parsing_buf(); } } return(finished); } /*********************************************************** Scans log from a buffer and stores new log data to the parsing buffer. Parses and hashes the log records if new data found. */ static void recv_group_scan_log_recs( /*=====================*/ log_group_t* group, /* in: log group */ dulint* contiguous_lsn, /* in/out: it is known that all log groups contain contiguous log data up to this lsn */ dulint* group_scanned_lsn)/* out: scanning succeeded up to this lsn */ { ibool finished; dulint start_lsn; dulint end_lsn; finished = FALSE; start_lsn = *contiguous_lsn; while (!finished) { end_lsn = ut_dulint_add(start_lsn, RECV_SCAN_SIZE); log_group_read_log_seg(LOG_RECOVER, log_sys->buf, group, start_lsn, end_lsn); finished = recv_scan_log_recs(TRUE, buf_pool_get_curr_size() - RECV_POOL_N_FREE_BLOCKS * UNIV_PAGE_SIZE, TRUE, log_sys->buf, RECV_SCAN_SIZE, start_lsn, contiguous_lsn, group_scanned_lsn); start_lsn = end_lsn; } if (log_debug_writes) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Scanned group %lu up to log sequence number %lu %lu\n", group->id, ut_dulint_get_high(*group_scanned_lsn), ut_dulint_get_low(*group_scanned_lsn)); } } /************************************************************ Recovers from a checkpoint. When this function returns, the database is able to start processing of new user transactions, but the function recv_recovery_from_checkpoint_finish should be called later to complete the recovery and free the resources used in it. */ ulint recv_recovery_from_checkpoint_start( /*================================*/ /* out: error code or DB_SUCCESS */ ulint type, /* in: LOG_CHECKPOINT or LOG_ARCHIVE */ dulint limit_lsn, /* in: recover up to this lsn if possible */ dulint min_flushed_lsn,/* in: min flushed lsn from data files */ dulint max_flushed_lsn)/* in: max flushed lsn from data files */ { log_group_t* group; log_group_t* max_cp_group; log_group_t* up_to_date_group; ulint max_cp_field; dulint checkpoint_lsn; dulint checkpoint_no; dulint old_scanned_lsn; dulint group_scanned_lsn; dulint contiguous_lsn; dulint archived_lsn; ulint capacity; byte* buf; byte log_hdr_buf[LOG_FILE_HDR_SIZE]; ulint err; ut_ad((type != LOG_CHECKPOINT) || (ut_dulint_cmp(limit_lsn, ut_dulint_max) == 0)); if (type == LOG_CHECKPOINT) { recv_sys_create(); recv_sys_init(FALSE, buf_pool_get_curr_size()); } if (srv_force_recovery >= SRV_FORCE_NO_LOG_REDO) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: The user has set SRV_FORCE_NO_LOG_REDO on\n"); fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Skipping log redo\n"); return(DB_SUCCESS); } sync_order_checks_on = TRUE; recv_recovery_on = TRUE; recv_sys->limit_lsn = limit_lsn; mutex_enter(&(log_sys->mutex)); /* Look for the latest checkpoint from any of the log groups */ err = recv_find_max_checkpoint(&max_cp_group, &max_cp_field); if (err != DB_SUCCESS) { mutex_exit(&(log_sys->mutex)); return(err); } log_group_read_checkpoint_info(max_cp_group, max_cp_field); buf = log_sys->checkpoint_buf; checkpoint_lsn = mach_read_from_8(buf + LOG_CHECKPOINT_LSN); checkpoint_no = mach_read_from_8(buf + LOG_CHECKPOINT_NO); archived_lsn = mach_read_from_8(buf + LOG_CHECKPOINT_ARCHIVED_LSN); /* Read the first log file header to print a note if this is a recovery from a restored InnoDB Hot Backup */ fil_io(OS_FILE_READ | OS_FILE_LOG, TRUE, max_cp_group->space_id, 0, 0, LOG_FILE_HDR_SIZE, log_hdr_buf, max_cp_group); if (0 == ut_memcmp(log_hdr_buf + LOG_FILE_WAS_CREATED_BY_HOT_BACKUP, (byte*)"ibbackup", ut_strlen((char*)"ibbackup"))) { /* This log file was created by ibbackup --restore: print a note to the user about it */ fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: The log file was created by ibbackup --restore at\n" "InnoDB: %s\n", log_hdr_buf + LOG_FILE_WAS_CREATED_BY_HOT_BACKUP); /* Wipe over the label now */ ut_memcpy(log_hdr_buf + LOG_FILE_WAS_CREATED_BY_HOT_BACKUP, (char*)" ", 4); /* Write to the log file to wipe over the label */ fil_io(OS_FILE_WRITE | OS_FILE_LOG, TRUE, max_cp_group->space_id, 0, 0, OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE, log_hdr_buf, max_cp_group); } group = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(log_sys->log_groups); while (group) { log_checkpoint_get_nth_group_info(buf, group->id, &(group->archived_file_no), &(group->archived_offset)); group = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(log_groups, group); } if (type == LOG_CHECKPOINT) { /* Start reading the log groups from the checkpoint lsn up. The variable contiguous_lsn contains an lsn up to which the log is known to be contiguously written to all log groups. */ recv_sys->parse_start_lsn = checkpoint_lsn; recv_sys->scanned_lsn = checkpoint_lsn; recv_sys->scanned_checkpoint_no = 0; recv_sys->recovered_lsn = checkpoint_lsn; /* NOTE: we always do recovery at startup, but only if there is something wrong we will print a message to the user about recovery: */ if (ut_dulint_cmp(checkpoint_lsn, max_flushed_lsn) != 0 || ut_dulint_cmp(checkpoint_lsn, min_flushed_lsn) != 0) { recv_needed_recovery = TRUE; ut_print_timestamp(stderr); fprintf(stderr, " InnoDB: Database was not shut down normally.\n" "InnoDB: Starting recovery from log files...\n"); fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Starting log scan based on checkpoint at\n" "InnoDB: log sequence number %lu %lu\n", ut_dulint_get_high(checkpoint_lsn), ut_dulint_get_low(checkpoint_lsn)); } } contiguous_lsn = ut_dulint_align_down(recv_sys->scanned_lsn, OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE); if (type == LOG_ARCHIVE) { /* Try to recover the remaining part from logs: first from the logs of the archived group */ group = recv_sys->archive_group; capacity = log_group_get_capacity(group); if ((ut_dulint_cmp(recv_sys->scanned_lsn, ut_dulint_add(checkpoint_lsn, capacity)) > 0) || (ut_dulint_cmp(checkpoint_lsn, ut_dulint_add(recv_sys->scanned_lsn, capacity)) > 0)) { mutex_exit(&(log_sys->mutex)); /* The group does not contain enough log: probably an archived log file was missing or corrupt */ return(DB_ERROR); } recv_group_scan_log_recs(group, &contiguous_lsn, &group_scanned_lsn); if (ut_dulint_cmp(recv_sys->scanned_lsn, checkpoint_lsn) < 0) { mutex_exit(&(log_sys->mutex)); /* The group did not contain enough log: an archived log file was missing or invalid, or the log group was corrupt */ return(DB_ERROR); } group->scanned_lsn = group_scanned_lsn; up_to_date_group = group; } else { up_to_date_group = max_cp_group; } ut_ad(RECV_SCAN_SIZE <= log_sys->buf_size); group = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(log_sys->log_groups); if ((type == LOG_ARCHIVE) && (group == recv_sys->archive_group)) { group = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(log_groups, group); } while (group) { old_scanned_lsn = recv_sys->scanned_lsn; recv_group_scan_log_recs(group, &contiguous_lsn, &group_scanned_lsn); group->scanned_lsn = group_scanned_lsn; if (ut_dulint_cmp(old_scanned_lsn, group_scanned_lsn) < 0) { /* We found a more up-to-date group */ up_to_date_group = group; } if ((type == LOG_ARCHIVE) && (group == recv_sys->archive_group)) { group = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(log_groups, group); } group = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(log_groups, group); } /* We currently have only one log group */ if (ut_dulint_cmp(group_scanned_lsn, checkpoint_lsn) < 0) { ut_print_timestamp(stderr); fprintf(stderr, " InnoDB: ERROR: We were only able to scan the log up to\n" "InnoDB: %lu %lu, but a checkpoint was at %lu %lu.\n" "InnoDB: It is possible that the database is now corrupt!\n", ut_dulint_get_high(group_scanned_lsn), ut_dulint_get_low(group_scanned_lsn), ut_dulint_get_high(checkpoint_lsn), ut_dulint_get_low(checkpoint_lsn)); } if (ut_dulint_cmp(group_scanned_lsn, recv_max_page_lsn) < 0) { ut_print_timestamp(stderr); fprintf(stderr, " InnoDB: ERROR: We were only able to scan the log up to %lu %lu\n" "InnoDB: but a database page a had an lsn %lu %lu. It is possible that the\n" "InnoDB: database is now corrupt!\n", ut_dulint_get_high(group_scanned_lsn), ut_dulint_get_low(group_scanned_lsn), ut_dulint_get_high(recv_max_page_lsn), ut_dulint_get_low(recv_max_page_lsn)); } if (ut_dulint_cmp(recv_sys->recovered_lsn, checkpoint_lsn) < 0) { mutex_exit(&(log_sys->mutex)); if (ut_dulint_cmp(recv_sys->recovered_lsn, limit_lsn) >= 0) { return(DB_SUCCESS); } ut_error; return(DB_ERROR); } /* Synchronize the uncorrupted log groups to the most up-to-date log group; we also copy checkpoint info to groups */ log_sys->next_checkpoint_lsn = checkpoint_lsn; log_sys->next_checkpoint_no = ut_dulint_add(checkpoint_no, 1); log_sys->archived_lsn = archived_lsn; recv_synchronize_groups(up_to_date_group); log_sys->lsn = recv_sys->recovered_lsn; ut_memcpy(log_sys->buf, recv_sys->last_block, OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE); log_sys->buf_free = ut_dulint_get_low(log_sys->lsn) % OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE; log_sys->buf_next_to_write = log_sys->buf_free; log_sys->written_to_some_lsn = log_sys->lsn; log_sys->written_to_all_lsn = log_sys->lsn; log_sys->last_checkpoint_lsn = checkpoint_lsn; log_sys->next_checkpoint_no = ut_dulint_add(checkpoint_no, 1); if (ut_dulint_cmp(archived_lsn, ut_dulint_max) == 0) { log_sys->archiving_state = LOG_ARCH_OFF; } mutex_enter(&(recv_sys->mutex)); recv_sys->apply_log_recs = TRUE; mutex_exit(&(recv_sys->mutex)); mutex_exit(&(log_sys->mutex)); sync_order_checks_on = FALSE; recv_lsn_checks_on = TRUE; /* The database is now ready to start almost normal processing of user transactions: transaction rollbacks and the application of the log records in the hash table can be run in background. */ return(DB_SUCCESS); } /************************************************************ Completes recovery from a checkpoint. */ void recv_recovery_from_checkpoint_finish(void) /*======================================*/ { /* Rollback the uncommitted transactions which have no user session */ if (srv_force_recovery < SRV_FORCE_NO_TRX_UNDO) { trx_rollback_or_clean_all_without_sess(); } /* Apply the hashed log records to the respective file pages */ if (srv_force_recovery < SRV_FORCE_NO_LOG_REDO) { recv_apply_hashed_log_recs(TRUE); } if (log_debug_writes) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Log records applied to the database\n"); } if (recv_needed_recovery) { trx_sys_print_mysql_master_log_pos(); trx_sys_print_mysql_binlog_offset(); } if (recv_sys->found_corrupt_log) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: WARNING: the log file may have been corrupt and it\n" "InnoDB: is possible that the log scan or parsing did not proceed\n" "InnoDB: far enough in recovery. Please run CHECK TABLE\n" "InnoDB: on your InnoDB tables to check that they are ok!\n" "InnoDB: It may be safest to recover your InnoDB database from\n" "InnoDB: a backup!\n"); } /* Free the resources of the recovery system */ recv_recovery_on = FALSE; #ifndef UNIV_LOG_DEBUG recv_sys_free(); #endif } /********************************************************** Resets the logs. The contents of log files will be lost! */ void recv_reset_logs( /*============*/ dulint lsn, /* in: reset to this lsn rounded up to be divisible by OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE, after which we add LOG_BLOCK_HDR_SIZE */ ulint arch_log_no, /* in: next archived log file number */ ibool new_logs_created)/* in: TRUE if resetting logs is done at the log creation; FALSE if it is done after archive recovery */ { log_group_t* group; #ifdef UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG ut_ad(mutex_own(&(log_sys->mutex))); #endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */ log_sys->lsn = ut_dulint_align_up(lsn, OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE); group = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(log_sys->log_groups); while (group) { group->lsn = log_sys->lsn; group->lsn_offset = LOG_FILE_HDR_SIZE; group->archived_file_no = arch_log_no; group->archived_offset = 0; if (!new_logs_created) { recv_truncate_group(group, group->lsn, group->lsn, group->lsn, group->lsn); } group = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(log_groups, group); } log_sys->buf_next_to_write = 0; log_sys->written_to_some_lsn = log_sys->lsn; log_sys->written_to_all_lsn = log_sys->lsn; log_sys->next_checkpoint_no = ut_dulint_zero; log_sys->last_checkpoint_lsn = ut_dulint_zero; log_sys->archived_lsn = log_sys->lsn; log_block_init(log_sys->buf, log_sys->lsn); log_block_set_first_rec_group(log_sys->buf, LOG_BLOCK_HDR_SIZE); log_sys->buf_free = LOG_BLOCK_HDR_SIZE; log_sys->lsn = ut_dulint_add(log_sys->lsn, LOG_BLOCK_HDR_SIZE); mutex_exit(&(log_sys->mutex)); /* Reset the checkpoint fields in logs */ log_make_checkpoint_at(ut_dulint_max, TRUE); log_make_checkpoint_at(ut_dulint_max, TRUE); mutex_enter(&(log_sys->mutex)); } /********************************************************** Creates new log files after a backup has been restored. */ void recv_reset_log_files_for_backup( /*============================*/ char* log_dir, /* in: log file directory path */ ulint n_log_files, /* in: number of log files */ ulint log_file_size, /* in: log file size */ dulint lsn) /* in: new start lsn, must be divisible by OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE */ { os_file_t log_file; ibool success; byte* buf; ulint i; char name[5000]; buf = ut_malloc(LOG_FILE_HDR_SIZE + OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE); for (i = 0; i < n_log_files; i++) { sprintf(name, "%sib_logfile%lu", log_dir, i); log_file = os_file_create_simple(name, OS_FILE_CREATE, OS_FILE_READ_WRITE, &success); if (!success) { printf( "InnoDB: Cannot create %s. Check that the file does not exist yet.\n", name); exit(1); } printf( "Setting log file size to %lu %lu\n", ut_get_high32(log_file_size), log_file_size & 0xFFFFFFFF); success = os_file_set_size(name, log_file, log_file_size & 0xFFFFFFFF, ut_get_high32(log_file_size)); if (!success) { printf( "InnoDB: Cannot set %s size to %lu %lu\n", name, ut_get_high32(log_file_size), log_file_size & 0xFFFFFFFF); exit(1); } os_file_flush(log_file); os_file_close(log_file); } /* We pretend there is a checkpoint at lsn + LOG_BLOCK_HDR_SIZE */ log_reset_first_header_and_checkpoint(buf, lsn); log_block_init_in_old_format(buf + LOG_FILE_HDR_SIZE, lsn); log_block_set_first_rec_group(buf + LOG_FILE_HDR_SIZE, LOG_BLOCK_HDR_SIZE); sprintf(name, "%sib_logfile%lu", log_dir, 0); log_file = os_file_create_simple(name, OS_FILE_OPEN, OS_FILE_READ_WRITE, &success); if (!success) { printf("InnoDB: Cannot open %s.\n", name); exit(1); } os_file_write(name, log_file, buf, 0, 0, LOG_FILE_HDR_SIZE + OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE); os_file_flush(log_file); os_file_close(log_file); ut_free(buf); } /********************************************************** Reads from the archive of a log group and performs recovery. */ static ibool log_group_recover_from_archive_file( /*================================*/ /* out: TRUE if no more complete consistent archive files */ log_group_t* group) /* in: log group */ { os_file_t file_handle; dulint start_lsn; dulint file_end_lsn; dulint dummy_lsn; dulint scanned_lsn; ulint len; ibool ret; byte* buf; ulint read_offset; ulint file_size; ulint file_size_high; int input_char; char name[10000]; try_open_again: buf = log_sys->buf; /* Add the file to the archive file space; open the file */ log_archived_file_name_gen(name, group->id, group->archived_file_no); fil_reserve_right_to_open(); file_handle = os_file_create(name, OS_FILE_OPEN, OS_FILE_LOG, OS_FILE_AIO, &ret); if (ret == FALSE) { fil_release_right_to_open(); ask_again: fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Do you want to copy additional archived log files\n" "InnoDB: to the directory\n"); fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: or were these all the files needed in recovery?\n"); fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: (Y == copy more files; N == this is all)?"); input_char = getchar(); if (input_char == (int) 'N') { return(TRUE); } else if (input_char == (int) 'Y') { goto try_open_again; } else { goto ask_again; } } ret = os_file_get_size(file_handle, &file_size, &file_size_high); ut_a(ret); ut_a(file_size_high == 0); fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Opened archived log file %s\n", name); ret = os_file_close(file_handle); if (file_size < LOG_FILE_HDR_SIZE) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Archive file header incomplete %s\n", name); return(TRUE); } ut_a(ret); fil_release_right_to_open(); /* Add the archive file as a node to the space */ fil_node_create(name, 1 + file_size / UNIV_PAGE_SIZE, group->archive_space_id); ut_a(RECV_SCAN_SIZE >= LOG_FILE_HDR_SIZE); /* Read the archive file header */ fil_io(OS_FILE_READ | OS_FILE_LOG, TRUE, group->archive_space_id, 0, 0, LOG_FILE_HDR_SIZE, buf, NULL); /* Check if the archive file header is consistent */ if (mach_read_from_4(buf + LOG_GROUP_ID) != group->id || mach_read_from_4(buf + LOG_FILE_NO) != group->archived_file_no) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Archive file header inconsistent %s\n", name); return(TRUE); } if (!mach_read_from_4(buf + LOG_FILE_ARCH_COMPLETED)) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Archive file not completely written %s\n", name); return(TRUE); } start_lsn = mach_read_from_8(buf + LOG_FILE_START_LSN); file_end_lsn = mach_read_from_8(buf + LOG_FILE_END_LSN); if (ut_dulint_is_zero(recv_sys->scanned_lsn)) { if (ut_dulint_cmp(recv_sys->parse_start_lsn, start_lsn) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Archive log file %s starts from too big a lsn\n", name); return(TRUE); } recv_sys->scanned_lsn = start_lsn; } if (ut_dulint_cmp(recv_sys->scanned_lsn, start_lsn) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Archive log file %s starts from a wrong lsn\n", name); return(TRUE); } read_offset = LOG_FILE_HDR_SIZE; for (;;) { len = RECV_SCAN_SIZE; if (read_offset + len > file_size) { len = ut_calc_align_down(file_size - read_offset, OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE); } if (len == 0) { break; } if (log_debug_writes) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Archive read starting at lsn %lu %lu, len %lu from file %s\n", ut_dulint_get_high(start_lsn), ut_dulint_get_low(start_lsn), len, name); } fil_io(OS_FILE_READ | OS_FILE_LOG, TRUE, group->archive_space_id, read_offset / UNIV_PAGE_SIZE, read_offset % UNIV_PAGE_SIZE, len, buf, NULL); ret = recv_scan_log_recs(TRUE, buf_pool_get_curr_size() - RECV_POOL_N_FREE_BLOCKS * UNIV_PAGE_SIZE, TRUE, buf, len, start_lsn, &dummy_lsn, &scanned_lsn); if (ut_dulint_cmp(scanned_lsn, file_end_lsn) == 0) { return(FALSE); } if (ret) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Archive log file %s does not scan right\n", name); return(TRUE); } read_offset += len; start_lsn = ut_dulint_add(start_lsn, len); ut_ad(ut_dulint_cmp(start_lsn, scanned_lsn) == 0); } return(FALSE); } /************************************************************ Recovers from archived log files, and also from log files, if they exist. */ ulint recv_recovery_from_archive_start( /*=============================*/ /* out: error code or DB_SUCCESS */ dulint min_flushed_lsn,/* in: min flushed lsn field from the data files */ dulint limit_lsn, /* in: recover up to this lsn if possible */ ulint first_log_no) /* in: number of the first archived log file to use in the recovery; the file will be searched from INNOBASE_LOG_ARCH_DIR specified in server config file */ { log_group_t* group; ulint group_id; ulint trunc_len; ibool ret; ulint err; recv_sys_create(); recv_sys_init(FALSE, buf_pool_get_curr_size()); sync_order_checks_on = TRUE; recv_recovery_on = TRUE; recv_recovery_from_backup_on = TRUE; recv_sys->limit_lsn = limit_lsn; group_id = 0; group = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(log_sys->log_groups); while (group) { if (group->id == group_id) { break; } group = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(log_groups, group); } if (!group) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: There is no log group defined with id %lu!\n", group_id); return(DB_ERROR); } group->archived_file_no = first_log_no; recv_sys->parse_start_lsn = min_flushed_lsn; recv_sys->scanned_lsn = ut_dulint_zero; recv_sys->scanned_checkpoint_no = 0; recv_sys->recovered_lsn = recv_sys->parse_start_lsn; recv_sys->archive_group = group; ret = FALSE; mutex_enter(&(log_sys->mutex)); while (!ret) { ret = log_group_recover_from_archive_file(group); /* Close and truncate a possible processed archive file from the file space */ trunc_len = UNIV_PAGE_SIZE * fil_space_get_size(group->archive_space_id); if (trunc_len > 0) { fil_space_truncate_start(group->archive_space_id, trunc_len); } group->archived_file_no++; } if (ut_dulint_cmp(recv_sys->recovered_lsn, limit_lsn) < 0) { if (ut_dulint_is_zero(recv_sys->scanned_lsn)) { recv_sys->scanned_lsn = recv_sys->parse_start_lsn; } mutex_exit(&(log_sys->mutex)); err = recv_recovery_from_checkpoint_start(LOG_ARCHIVE, limit_lsn, ut_dulint_max, ut_dulint_max); if (err != DB_SUCCESS) { return(err); } mutex_enter(&(log_sys->mutex)); } if (ut_dulint_cmp(limit_lsn, ut_dulint_max) != 0) { recv_apply_hashed_log_recs(FALSE); recv_reset_logs(recv_sys->recovered_lsn, 0, FALSE); } mutex_exit(&(log_sys->mutex)); sync_order_checks_on = FALSE; return(DB_SUCCESS); } /************************************************************ Completes recovery from archive. */ void recv_recovery_from_archive_finish(void) /*===================================*/ { recv_recovery_from_checkpoint_finish(); recv_recovery_from_backup_on = FALSE; }