/****************************************************** Transaction rollback (c) 1996 Innobase Oy Created 3/26/1996 Heikki Tuuri *******************************************************/ #include "trx0roll.h" #ifdef UNIV_NONINL #include "trx0roll.ic" #endif #include "fsp0fsp.h" #include "mach0data.h" #include "trx0rseg.h" #include "trx0trx.h" #include "trx0undo.h" #include "trx0rec.h" #include "que0que.h" #include "usr0sess.h" #include "srv0que.h" #include "srv0start.h" #include "row0undo.h" #include "row0mysql.h" #include "lock0lock.h" #include "pars0pars.h" /* This many pages must be undone before a truncate is tried within rollback */ #define TRX_ROLL_TRUNC_THRESHOLD 1 /* In crash recovery we set this to the undo n:o of the current trx to be rolled back. Then we can print how many % the rollback has progressed. */ ib_longlong trx_roll_max_undo_no; /* Auxiliary variable which tells the previous progress % we printed */ ulint trx_roll_progress_printed_pct; /*********************************************************************** Rollback a transaction used in MySQL. */ int trx_general_rollback_for_mysql( /*===========================*/ /* out: error code or DB_SUCCESS */ trx_t* trx, /* in: transaction handle */ ibool partial,/* in: TRUE if partial rollback requested */ trx_savept_t* savept) /* in: pointer to savepoint undo number, if partial rollback requested */ { mem_heap_t* heap; que_thr_t* thr; roll_node_t* roll_node; /* Tell Innobase server that there might be work for utility threads: */ srv_active_wake_master_thread(); trx_start_if_not_started(trx); heap = mem_heap_create(512); roll_node = roll_node_create(heap); roll_node->partial = partial; if (partial) { roll_node->savept = *savept; } trx->error_state = DB_SUCCESS; thr = pars_complete_graph_for_exec(roll_node, trx, heap); ut_a(thr == que_fork_start_command(que_node_get_parent(thr), SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0)); que_run_threads(thr); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); while (trx->que_state != TRX_QUE_RUNNING) { mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); os_thread_sleep(100000); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); } mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); mem_heap_free(heap); ut_a(trx->error_state == DB_SUCCESS); /* Tell Innobase server that there might be work for utility threads: */ srv_active_wake_master_thread(); return((int) trx->error_state); } /*********************************************************************** Rollback a transaction used in MySQL. */ int trx_rollback_for_mysql( /*===================*/ /* out: error code or DB_SUCCESS */ trx_t* trx) /* in: transaction handle */ { int err; if (trx->conc_state == TRX_NOT_STARTED) { return(DB_SUCCESS); } trx->op_info = (char *) "rollback"; err = trx_general_rollback_for_mysql(trx, FALSE, NULL); trx->op_info = (char *) ""; return(err); } /*********************************************************************** Rollback the latest SQL statement for MySQL. */ int trx_rollback_last_sql_stat_for_mysql( /*=================================*/ /* out: error code or DB_SUCCESS */ trx_t* trx) /* in: transaction handle */ { int err; if (trx->conc_state == TRX_NOT_STARTED) { return(DB_SUCCESS); } trx->op_info = (char *) "rollback of SQL statement"; err = trx_general_rollback_for_mysql(trx, TRUE, &(trx->last_sql_stat_start)); /* The following call should not be needed, but we play safe: */ trx_mark_sql_stat_end(trx); trx->op_info = (char *) ""; return(err); } /*********************************************************************** Frees savepoint structs. */ void trx_roll_savepoints_free( /*=====================*/ trx_t* trx, /* in: transaction handle */ trx_named_savept_t* savep) /* in: free all savepoints > this one; if this is NULL, free all savepoints of trx */ { trx_named_savept_t* next_savep; if (savep == NULL) { savep = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(trx->trx_savepoints); } else { savep = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(trx_savepoints, savep); } while (savep != NULL) { next_savep = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(trx_savepoints, savep); UT_LIST_REMOVE(trx_savepoints, trx->trx_savepoints, savep); mem_free(savep->name); mem_free(savep); savep = next_savep; } } /*********************************************************************** Rolls back a transaction back to a named savepoint. Modifications after the savepoint are undone but InnoDB does NOT release the corresponding locks which are stored in memory. If a lock is 'implicit', that is, a new inserted row holds a lock where the lock information is carried by the trx id stored in the row, these locks are naturally released in the rollback. Savepoints which were set after this savepoint are deleted. */ ulint trx_rollback_to_savepoint_for_mysql( /*================================*/ /* out: if no savepoint of the name found then DB_NO_SAVEPOINT, otherwise DB_SUCCESS */ trx_t* trx, /* in: transaction handle */ char* savepoint_name, /* in: savepoint name */ ib_longlong* mysql_binlog_cache_pos) /* out: the MySQL binlog cache position corresponding to this savepoint; MySQL needs this information to remove the binlog entries of the queries executed after the savepoint */ { trx_named_savept_t* savep; ulint err; savep = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(trx->trx_savepoints); while (savep != NULL) { if (0 == ut_strcmp(savep->name, savepoint_name)) { /* Found */ break; } savep = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(trx_savepoints, savep); } if (savep == NULL) { return(DB_NO_SAVEPOINT); } if (trx->conc_state == TRX_NOT_STARTED) { ut_print_timestamp(stderr); fprintf(stderr, " InnoDB: Error: transaction has a savepoint %s though it is not started\n", savep->name); return(DB_ERROR); } /* We can now free all savepoints strictly later than this one */ trx_roll_savepoints_free(trx, savep); *mysql_binlog_cache_pos = savep->mysql_binlog_cache_pos; trx->op_info = (char *) "rollback to a savepoint"; err = trx_general_rollback_for_mysql(trx, TRUE, &(savep->savept)); /* Store the current undo_no of the transaction so that we know where to roll back if we have to roll back the next SQL statement: */ trx_mark_sql_stat_end(trx); trx->op_info = (char *) ""; return(err); } /*********************************************************************** Creates a named savepoint. If the transaction is not yet started, starts it. If there is already a savepoint of the same name, this call erases that old savepoint and replaces it with a new. Savepoints are deleted in a transaction commit or rollback. */ ulint trx_savepoint_for_mysql( /*====================*/ /* out: always DB_SUCCESS */ trx_t* trx, /* in: transaction handle */ char* savepoint_name, /* in: savepoint name */ ib_longlong binlog_cache_pos) /* in: MySQL binlog cache position corresponding to this connection at the time of the savepoint */ { trx_named_savept_t* savep; ut_a(trx); ut_a(savepoint_name); trx_start_if_not_started(trx); savep = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(trx->trx_savepoints); while (savep != NULL) { if (0 == ut_strcmp(savep->name, savepoint_name)) { /* Found */ break; } savep = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(trx_savepoints, savep); } if (savep) { /* There is a savepoint with the same name: free that */ UT_LIST_REMOVE(trx_savepoints, trx->trx_savepoints, savep); mem_free(savep->name); mem_free(savep); } /* Create a new savepoint and add it as the last in the list */ savep = mem_alloc(sizeof(trx_named_savept_t)); savep->name = mem_alloc(1 + ut_strlen(savepoint_name)); ut_memcpy(savep->name, savepoint_name, 1 + ut_strlen(savepoint_name)); savep->savept = trx_savept_take(trx); savep->mysql_binlog_cache_pos = binlog_cache_pos; UT_LIST_ADD_LAST(trx_savepoints, trx->trx_savepoints, savep); return(DB_SUCCESS); } /*********************************************************************** Returns a transaction savepoint taken at this point in time. */ trx_savept_t trx_savept_take( /*============*/ /* out: savepoint */ trx_t* trx) /* in: transaction */ { trx_savept_t savept; savept.least_undo_no = trx->undo_no; return(savept); } /*********************************************************************** Rollback or clean up transactions which have no user session. If the transaction already was committed, then we clean up a possible insert undo log. If the transaction was not yet committed, then we roll it back. */ void trx_rollback_or_clean_all_without_sess(void) /*========================================*/ { mem_heap_t* heap; que_fork_t* fork; que_thr_t* thr; roll_node_t* roll_node; trx_t* trx; dict_table_t* table; ib_longlong rows_to_undo; char* unit = (char*)""; int err; mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); /* Open a dummy session */ if (!trx_dummy_sess) { trx_dummy_sess = sess_open(NULL, (byte*)"Dummy sess", ut_strlen((char *) "Dummy sess")); } mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); if (UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(trx_sys->trx_list)) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Starting rollback of uncommitted transactions\n"); } else { return; } loop: heap = mem_heap_create(512); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); trx = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(trx_sys->trx_list); while (trx && (trx->sess || (trx->conc_state == TRX_NOT_STARTED))) { trx = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(trx_list, trx); } mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); if (trx == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Rollback of uncommitted transactions completed\n"); mem_heap_free(heap); return; } trx->sess = trx_dummy_sess; if (trx->conc_state == TRX_COMMITTED_IN_MEMORY) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Cleaning up trx with id %lu %lu\n", ut_dulint_get_high(trx->id), ut_dulint_get_low(trx->id)); trx_cleanup_at_db_startup(trx); mem_heap_free(heap); goto loop; } fork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_RECOVERY, heap); fork->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork, heap); roll_node = roll_node_create(heap); thr->child = roll_node; roll_node->common.parent = thr; mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); trx->graph = fork; ut_a(thr == que_fork_start_command(fork, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0)); trx_roll_max_undo_no = ut_conv_dulint_to_longlong(trx->undo_no); trx_roll_progress_printed_pct = 0; rows_to_undo = trx_roll_max_undo_no; if (rows_to_undo > 1000000000) { rows_to_undo = rows_to_undo / 1000000; unit = (char*)"M"; } fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Rolling back trx with id %lu %lu, %lu%s rows to undo", ut_dulint_get_high(trx->id), ut_dulint_get_low(trx->id), (ulint)rows_to_undo, unit); mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); if (trx->dict_operation) { row_mysql_lock_data_dictionary(trx); } que_run_threads(thr); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); while (trx->que_state != TRX_QUE_RUNNING) { mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Waiting for rollback of trx id %lu to end\n", ut_dulint_get_low(trx->id)); os_thread_sleep(100000); mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); } mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); if (trx->dict_operation) { /* If the transaction was for a dictionary operation, we drop the relevant table, if it still exists */ fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Dropping table with id %lu %lu in recovery if it exists\n", ut_dulint_get_high(trx->table_id), ut_dulint_get_low(trx->table_id)); table = dict_table_get_on_id_low(trx->table_id, trx); if (table) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Table found: dropping table %s in recovery\n", table->name); err = row_drop_table_for_mysql(table->name, trx); ut_a(err == (int) DB_SUCCESS); } } if (trx->dict_operation) { row_mysql_unlock_data_dictionary(trx); } fprintf(stderr, "\nInnoDB: Rolling back of trx id %lu %lu completed\n", ut_dulint_get_high(trx->id), ut_dulint_get_low(trx->id)); mem_heap_free(heap); goto loop; } /*********************************************************************** Creates an undo number array. */ trx_undo_arr_t* trx_undo_arr_create(void) /*=====================*/ { trx_undo_arr_t* arr; mem_heap_t* heap; ulint i; heap = mem_heap_create(1024); arr = mem_heap_alloc(heap, sizeof(trx_undo_arr_t)); arr->infos = mem_heap_alloc(heap, sizeof(trx_undo_inf_t) * UNIV_MAX_PARALLELISM); arr->n_cells = UNIV_MAX_PARALLELISM; arr->n_used = 0; arr->heap = heap; for (i = 0; i < UNIV_MAX_PARALLELISM; i++) { (trx_undo_arr_get_nth_info(arr, i))->in_use = FALSE; } return(arr); } /*********************************************************************** Frees an undo number array. */ void trx_undo_arr_free( /*==============*/ trx_undo_arr_t* arr) /* in: undo number array */ { ut_ad(arr->n_used == 0); mem_heap_free(arr->heap); } /*********************************************************************** Stores info of an undo log record to the array if it is not stored yet. */ static ibool trx_undo_arr_store_info( /*====================*/ /* out: FALSE if the record already existed in the array */ trx_t* trx, /* in: transaction */ dulint undo_no)/* in: undo number */ { trx_undo_inf_t* cell; trx_undo_inf_t* stored_here; trx_undo_arr_t* arr; ulint n_used; ulint n; ulint i; n = 0; arr = trx->undo_no_arr; n_used = arr->n_used; stored_here = NULL; for (i = 0;; i++) { cell = trx_undo_arr_get_nth_info(arr, i); if (!cell->in_use) { if (!stored_here) { /* Not in use, we may store here */ cell->undo_no = undo_no; cell->in_use = TRUE; arr->n_used++; stored_here = cell; } } else { n++; if (0 == ut_dulint_cmp(cell->undo_no, undo_no)) { if (stored_here) { stored_here->in_use = FALSE; ut_ad(arr->n_used > 0); arr->n_used--; } ut_ad(arr->n_used == n_used); return(FALSE); } } if (n == n_used && stored_here) { ut_ad(arr->n_used == 1 + n_used); return(TRUE); } } } /*********************************************************************** Removes an undo number from the array. */ static void trx_undo_arr_remove_info( /*=====================*/ trx_undo_arr_t* arr, /* in: undo number array */ dulint undo_no)/* in: undo number */ { trx_undo_inf_t* cell; ulint n_used; ulint n; ulint i; n_used = arr->n_used; n = 0; for (i = 0;; i++) { cell = trx_undo_arr_get_nth_info(arr, i); if (cell->in_use && 0 == ut_dulint_cmp(cell->undo_no, undo_no)) { cell->in_use = FALSE; ut_ad(arr->n_used > 0); arr->n_used--; return; } } } /*********************************************************************** Gets the biggest undo number in an array. */ static dulint trx_undo_arr_get_biggest( /*=====================*/ /* out: biggest value, ut_dulint_zero if the array is empty */ trx_undo_arr_t* arr) /* in: undo number array */ { trx_undo_inf_t* cell; ulint n_used; dulint biggest; ulint n; ulint i; n = 0; n_used = arr->n_used; biggest = ut_dulint_zero; for (i = 0;; i++) { cell = trx_undo_arr_get_nth_info(arr, i); if (cell->in_use) { n++; if (ut_dulint_cmp(cell->undo_no, biggest) > 0) { biggest = cell->undo_no; } } if (n == n_used) { return(biggest); } } } /*************************************************************************** Tries truncate the undo logs. */ void trx_roll_try_truncate( /*==================*/ trx_t* trx) /* in: transaction */ { trx_undo_arr_t* arr; dulint limit; dulint biggest; ut_ad(mutex_own(&(trx->undo_mutex))); ut_ad(mutex_own(&((trx->rseg)->mutex))); trx->pages_undone = 0; arr = trx->undo_no_arr; limit = trx->undo_no; if (arr->n_used > 0) { biggest = trx_undo_arr_get_biggest(arr); if (ut_dulint_cmp(biggest, limit) >= 0) { limit = ut_dulint_add(biggest, 1); } } if (trx->insert_undo) { trx_undo_truncate_end(trx, trx->insert_undo, limit); } if (trx->update_undo) { trx_undo_truncate_end(trx, trx->update_undo, limit); } } /*************************************************************************** Pops the topmost undo log record in a single undo log and updates the info about the topmost record in the undo log memory struct. */ static trx_undo_rec_t* trx_roll_pop_top_rec( /*=================*/ /* out: undo log record, the page s-latched */ trx_t* trx, /* in: transaction */ trx_undo_t* undo, /* in: undo log */ mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mtr */ { page_t* undo_page; ulint offset; trx_undo_rec_t* prev_rec; page_t* prev_rec_page; ut_ad(mutex_own(&(trx->undo_mutex))); undo_page = trx_undo_page_get_s_latched(undo->space, undo->top_page_no, mtr); offset = undo->top_offset; /* printf("Thread %lu undoing trx %lu undo record %lu\n", os_thread_get_curr_id(), ut_dulint_get_low(trx->id), ut_dulint_get_low(undo->top_undo_no)); */ prev_rec = trx_undo_get_prev_rec(undo_page + offset, undo->hdr_page_no, undo->hdr_offset, mtr); if (prev_rec == NULL) { undo->empty = TRUE; } else { prev_rec_page = buf_frame_align(prev_rec); if (prev_rec_page != undo_page) { trx->pages_undone++; } undo->top_page_no = buf_frame_get_page_no(prev_rec_page); undo->top_offset = prev_rec - prev_rec_page; undo->top_undo_no = trx_undo_rec_get_undo_no(prev_rec); } return(undo_page + offset); } /************************************************************************ Pops the topmost record when the two undo logs of a transaction are seen as a single stack of records ordered by their undo numbers. Inserts the undo number of the popped undo record to the array of currently processed undo numbers in the transaction. When the query thread finishes processing of this undo record, it must be released with trx_undo_rec_release. */ trx_undo_rec_t* trx_roll_pop_top_rec_of_trx( /*========================*/ /* out: undo log record copied to heap, NULL if none left, or if the undo number of the top record would be less than the limit */ trx_t* trx, /* in: transaction */ dulint limit, /* in: least undo number we need */ dulint* roll_ptr,/* out: roll pointer to undo record */ mem_heap_t* heap) /* in: memory heap where copied */ { trx_undo_t* undo; trx_undo_t* ins_undo; trx_undo_t* upd_undo; trx_undo_rec_t* undo_rec; trx_undo_rec_t* undo_rec_copy; dulint undo_no; ibool is_insert; trx_rseg_t* rseg; ulint progress_pct; mtr_t mtr; rseg = trx->rseg; try_again: mutex_enter(&(trx->undo_mutex)); if (trx->pages_undone >= TRX_ROLL_TRUNC_THRESHOLD) { mutex_enter(&(rseg->mutex)); trx_roll_try_truncate(trx); mutex_exit(&(rseg->mutex)); } ins_undo = trx->insert_undo; upd_undo = trx->update_undo; if (!ins_undo || ins_undo->empty) { undo = upd_undo; } else if (!upd_undo || upd_undo->empty) { undo = ins_undo; } else if (ut_dulint_cmp(upd_undo->top_undo_no, ins_undo->top_undo_no) > 0) { undo = upd_undo; } else { undo = ins_undo; } if (!undo || undo->empty || (ut_dulint_cmp(limit, undo->top_undo_no) > 0)) { if ((trx->undo_no_arr)->n_used == 0) { /* Rollback is ending */ mutex_enter(&(rseg->mutex)); trx_roll_try_truncate(trx); mutex_exit(&(rseg->mutex)); } mutex_exit(&(trx->undo_mutex)); return(NULL); } if (undo == ins_undo) { is_insert = TRUE; } else { is_insert = FALSE; } *roll_ptr = trx_undo_build_roll_ptr(is_insert, (undo->rseg)->id, undo->top_page_no, undo->top_offset); mtr_start(&mtr); undo_rec = trx_roll_pop_top_rec(trx, undo, &mtr); undo_no = trx_undo_rec_get_undo_no(undo_rec); ut_ad(ut_dulint_cmp(ut_dulint_add(undo_no, 1), trx->undo_no) == 0); /* We print rollback progress info if we are in a crash recovery and the transaction has at least 1000 row operations to undo */ if (srv_is_being_started && trx_roll_max_undo_no > 1000) { progress_pct = 100 - (ulint) ((ut_conv_dulint_to_longlong(undo_no) * 100) / trx_roll_max_undo_no); if (progress_pct != trx_roll_progress_printed_pct) { if (trx_roll_progress_printed_pct == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "\nInnoDB: Progress in percents: %lu", progress_pct); } else { fprintf(stderr, " %lu", progress_pct); } fflush(stderr); trx_roll_progress_printed_pct = progress_pct; } } trx->undo_no = undo_no; if (!trx_undo_arr_store_info(trx, undo_no)) { /* A query thread is already processing this undo log record */ mutex_exit(&(trx->undo_mutex)); mtr_commit(&mtr); goto try_again; } undo_rec_copy = trx_undo_rec_copy(undo_rec, heap); mutex_exit(&(trx->undo_mutex)); mtr_commit(&mtr); return(undo_rec_copy); } /************************************************************************ Reserves an undo log record for a query thread to undo. This should be called if the query thread gets the undo log record not using the pop function above. */ ibool trx_undo_rec_reserve( /*=================*/ /* out: TRUE if succeeded */ trx_t* trx, /* in: transaction */ dulint undo_no)/* in: undo number of the record */ { ibool ret; mutex_enter(&(trx->undo_mutex)); ret = trx_undo_arr_store_info(trx, undo_no); mutex_exit(&(trx->undo_mutex)); return(ret); } /*********************************************************************** Releases a reserved undo record. */ void trx_undo_rec_release( /*=================*/ trx_t* trx, /* in: transaction */ dulint undo_no)/* in: undo number */ { trx_undo_arr_t* arr; mutex_enter(&(trx->undo_mutex)); arr = trx->undo_no_arr; trx_undo_arr_remove_info(arr, undo_no); mutex_exit(&(trx->undo_mutex)); } /************************************************************************* Starts a rollback operation. */ void trx_rollback( /*=========*/ trx_t* trx, /* in: transaction */ trx_sig_t* sig, /* in: signal starting the rollback */ que_thr_t** next_thr)/* in/out: next query thread to run; if the value which is passed in is a pointer to a NULL pointer, then the calling function can start running a new query thread; if the passed value is NULL, the parameter is ignored */ { que_t* roll_graph; que_thr_t* thr; /* que_thr_t* thr2; */ ut_ad(mutex_own(&kernel_mutex)); ut_ad((trx->undo_no_arr == NULL) || ((trx->undo_no_arr)->n_used == 0)); /* Initialize the rollback field in the transaction */ if (sig->type == TRX_SIG_TOTAL_ROLLBACK) { trx->roll_limit = ut_dulint_zero; } else if (sig->type == TRX_SIG_ROLLBACK_TO_SAVEPT) { trx->roll_limit = (sig->savept).least_undo_no; } else if (sig->type == TRX_SIG_ERROR_OCCURRED) { trx->roll_limit = trx->last_sql_stat_start.least_undo_no; } else { ut_error; } ut_a(ut_dulint_cmp(trx->roll_limit, trx->undo_no) <= 0); trx->pages_undone = 0; if (trx->undo_no_arr == NULL) { trx->undo_no_arr = trx_undo_arr_create(); } /* Build a 'query' graph which will perform the undo operations */ roll_graph = trx_roll_graph_build(trx); trx->graph = roll_graph; trx->que_state = TRX_QUE_ROLLING_BACK; thr = que_fork_start_command(roll_graph, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0); ut_ad(thr); /* thr2 = que_fork_start_command(roll_graph, SESS_COMM_EXECUTE, 0); ut_ad(thr2); */ if (next_thr && (*next_thr == NULL)) { *next_thr = thr; /* srv_que_task_enqueue_low(thr2); */ } else { srv_que_task_enqueue_low(thr); /* srv_que_task_enqueue_low(thr2); */ } } /******************************************************************** Builds an undo 'query' graph for a transaction. The actual rollback is performed by executing this query graph like a query subprocedure call. The reply about the completion of the rollback will be sent by this graph. */ que_t* trx_roll_graph_build( /*=================*/ /* out, own: the query graph */ trx_t* trx) /* in: trx handle */ { mem_heap_t* heap; que_fork_t* fork; que_thr_t* thr; /* que_thr_t* thr2; */ ut_ad(mutex_own(&kernel_mutex)); heap = mem_heap_create(512); fork = que_fork_create(NULL, NULL, QUE_FORK_ROLLBACK, heap); fork->trx = trx; thr = que_thr_create(fork, heap); /* thr2 = que_thr_create(fork, heap); */ thr->child = row_undo_node_create(trx, thr, heap); /* thr2->child = row_undo_node_create(trx, thr2, heap); */ return(fork); } /************************************************************************* Finishes error processing after the necessary partial rollback has been done. */ static void trx_finish_error_processing( /*========================*/ trx_t* trx) /* in: transaction */ { trx_sig_t* sig; trx_sig_t* next_sig; ut_ad(mutex_own(&kernel_mutex)); sig = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(trx->signals); while (sig != NULL) { next_sig = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(signals, sig); if (sig->type == TRX_SIG_ERROR_OCCURRED) { trx_sig_remove(trx, sig); } sig = next_sig; } trx->que_state = TRX_QUE_RUNNING; } /************************************************************************* Finishes a partial rollback operation. */ static void trx_finish_partial_rollback_off_kernel( /*===================================*/ trx_t* trx, /* in: transaction */ que_thr_t** next_thr)/* in/out: next query thread to run; if the value which is passed in is a pointer to a NULL pointer, then the calling function can start running a new query thread; if this parameter is NULL, it is ignored */ { trx_sig_t* sig; ut_ad(mutex_own(&kernel_mutex)); sig = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(trx->signals); /* Remove the signal from the signal queue and send reply message to it */ trx_sig_reply(trx, sig, next_thr); trx_sig_remove(trx, sig); trx->que_state = TRX_QUE_RUNNING; } /******************************************************************** Finishes a transaction rollback. */ void trx_finish_rollback_off_kernel( /*===========================*/ que_t* graph, /* in: undo graph which can now be freed */ trx_t* trx, /* in: transaction */ que_thr_t** next_thr)/* in/out: next query thread to run; if the value which is passed in is a pointer to a NULL pointer, then the calling function can start running a new query thread; if this parameter is NULL, it is ignored */ { trx_sig_t* sig; trx_sig_t* next_sig; ut_ad(mutex_own(&kernel_mutex)); ut_a(trx->undo_no_arr == NULL || trx->undo_no_arr->n_used == 0); /* Free the memory reserved by the undo graph */ que_graph_free(graph); sig = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(trx->signals); if (sig->type == TRX_SIG_ROLLBACK_TO_SAVEPT) { trx_finish_partial_rollback_off_kernel(trx, next_thr); return; } else if (sig->type == TRX_SIG_ERROR_OCCURRED) { trx_finish_error_processing(trx); return; } if (lock_print_waits) { printf("Trx %lu rollback finished\n", ut_dulint_get_low(trx->id)); } trx_commit_off_kernel(trx); /* Remove all TRX_SIG_TOTAL_ROLLBACK signals from the signal queue and send reply messages to them */ trx->que_state = TRX_QUE_RUNNING; while (sig != NULL) { next_sig = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(signals, sig); if (sig->type == TRX_SIG_TOTAL_ROLLBACK) { trx_sig_reply(trx, sig, next_thr); trx_sig_remove(trx, sig); } sig = next_sig; } } /************************************************************************* Creates a rollback command node struct. */ roll_node_t* roll_node_create( /*=============*/ /* out, own: rollback node struct */ mem_heap_t* heap) /* in: mem heap where created */ { roll_node_t* node; node = mem_heap_alloc(heap, sizeof(roll_node_t)); node->common.type = QUE_NODE_ROLLBACK; node->state = ROLL_NODE_SEND; node->partial = FALSE; return(node); } /*************************************************************** Performs an execution step for a rollback command node in a query graph. */ que_thr_t* trx_rollback_step( /*==============*/ /* out: query thread to run next, or NULL */ que_thr_t* thr) /* in: query thread */ { roll_node_t* node; ibool success; ulint sig_no; trx_savept_t* savept; node = thr->run_node; ut_ad(que_node_get_type(node) == QUE_NODE_ROLLBACK); if (thr->prev_node == que_node_get_parent(node)) { node->state = ROLL_NODE_SEND; } if (node->state == ROLL_NODE_SEND) { mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex); node->state = ROLL_NODE_WAIT; if (node->partial) { sig_no = TRX_SIG_ROLLBACK_TO_SAVEPT; savept = &(node->savept); } else { sig_no = TRX_SIG_TOTAL_ROLLBACK; savept = NULL; } /* Send a rollback signal to the transaction */ success = trx_sig_send(thr_get_trx(thr), sig_no, TRX_SIG_SELF, TRUE, thr, savept, NULL); thr->state = QUE_THR_SIG_REPLY_WAIT; mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex); if (!success) { /* Error in delivering the rollback signal */ que_thr_handle_error(thr, DB_ERROR, NULL, 0); } return(NULL); } ut_ad(node->state == ROLL_NODE_WAIT); thr->run_node = que_node_get_parent(node); return(thr); }