# Copyright (C) 2000-2004 MySQL AB
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of version 2 GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as it
# is applied to this software. View the full text of the exception in file
# EXCEPTIONS-CLIENT in the directory of this software distribution.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Library General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
# Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
# MA 02111-1307, USA
# This file is public domain and comes with NO WARRANTY of any kind

target =	libmysqlclient.la
INCLUDES =	-I$(top_builddir)/include -I$(top_srcdir)/include \
		$(openssl_includes) @ZLIB_INCLUDES@

include $(srcdir)/Makefile.shared

libmysqlclient_la_SOURCES = $(target_sources)
libmysqlclient_la_LIBADD = $(target_libadd) $(yassl_las)
libmysqlclient_la_LDFLAGS = $(target_ldflags)
EXTRA_DIST = Makefile.shared libmysql.def dll.c CMakeLists.txt
noinst_HEADERS = client_settings.h

	  set -x; \
	  ss=`echo $(mystringsobjects) | sed "s;\.lo;.c;g"`; \
	  ds=`echo $(dbugobjects) | sed "s;\.lo;.c;g"`; \
	  ms=`echo $(mysysobjects) | sed "s;\.lo;.c;g"`; \
	  vs=`echo $(vio_objects) | sed "s;\.lo;.c;g"`; \
	  scs=`echo $(sql_cmn_objects) | sed "s;\.lo;.c;g"`; \
	  for f in $$ss; do \
	    rm -f $$f; \
	    @LN_CP_F@ $(top_srcdir)/strings/$$f $$f; \
	  done; \
	  for f in $$vs $(vioheaders); do \
	    rm -f $$f; \
	    @LN_CP_F@ $(top_srcdir)/vio/$$f $$f; \
	  done; \
	  for f in $$scs; do \
	    rm -f $$f; \
	    @LN_CP_F@ $(top_srcdir)/sql-common/$$f $$f; \
	  done; \
	  for f in $(mystringsextra); do \
	    rm -f $$f; \
	    @LN_CP_F@ $(top_srcdir)/strings/$$f $$f; \
	  done; \
	  for f in $$ds; do \
	    rm -f $$f; \
	    @LN_CP_F@ $(top_srcdir)/dbug/$$f $$f; \
	  done; \
	  for f in $$ms $(mysysheaders); do \
	    rm -f $$f; \
	    @LN_CP_F@ $(top_srcdir)/mysys/$$f $$f; \
	  done; \
	  rm -f net.c; \
	  @LN_CP_F@ $(top_srcdir)/sql/net_serv.cc net.c ; \
	  rm -f password.c; \
	  @LN_CP_F@ $(top_srcdir)/sql/password.c password.c
	  echo timestamp > link_sources

# This part requires GNUmake
# This makes a distribution file with only the files needed to compile
# a minimal MySQL client library
# For a really minimal distribution (without debugging code) we could
# keep only the stubs for safemalloc.c and debug.c
# A list of needed headers collected from the deps information 000213
nh =		my_global.h config-win32.h dbug.h errmsg.h \
		m_ctype.h m_string.h \
		my_alarm.h my_config.h my_dir.h my_list.h my_net.h my_sys.h \
		mysql.h mysql_com.h mysql_version.h mysqld_error.h \
		mysys_err.h my_pthread.h thr_alarm.h violite.h hash.h \
                sql_common.h ../libmysql/client_settings.h 
# Get a list of the needed objects  
lobjs = $(mysysobjects1) $(dbugobjects) $(mystringsobjects) $(sqlobjects)

	dir=libmysql-$(MYSQL_NO_DASH_VERSION); \
	srcs1=`echo $(lobjs) | sed "s;\.lo;.c;g"`; \
	srcs2=$(target_sources); \
	srcs="$$srcs1 $$srcs2"; \
	objs1=`echo $(lobjs) | sed "s;\.lo;.o;g"`; \
	objs2=`echo $(target_sources) | sed "s;\.c;.o;g"`; \
	objs="$$objs1 $$objs2"; \
	rm -rf $$dir; \
	mkdir $$dir; \
	$(INSTALL_DATA) $$srcs $(mysysheaders) $$dir; \
	for i in $(nh); do $(INSTALL_DATA) ../include/$$i $$dir; done; \
	echo "# A very minimal Makefile to compile" > $$dir/Makefile; \
	echo "# the minimized libmysql library" >> $$dir/Makefile; \
	echo "# This file is autogenerated from Makefile.am" >> $$dir/Makefile; \
	echo 'CFLAGS=	-I. -DMYSQL_CLIENT_NO_THREADS' >>$$dir/Makefile; \
	echo "obj=$$objs"  >>$$dir/Makefile; \
	echo 'all: libmysql.a'  >>$$dir/Makefile; \
	echo 'libmysql.a: $$(obj)'  >>$$dir/Makefile; \
	echo '	$$(AR) r $$@ $$?'  >>$$dir/Makefile; \
	gtar cvzf $$dir.tar.gz $$dir; \
	cd $$dir; gmake

# Don't update the files from bitkeeper