/* Copyright (C) 2000-2003 MySQL AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "mysql_priv.h" #ifdef HAVE_QUERY_CACHE #include #include "emb_qcache.h" void Querycache_stream::store_char(char c) { if (data_end == cur_data) use_next_block(); *(cur_data++)= c; #ifndef DBUG_OFF stored_size++; #endif } void Querycache_stream::store_short(ushort s) { #ifndef DBUG_OFF stored_size+= 2; #endif if (data_end - cur_data > 1) { int2store(cur_data, s); cur_data+= 2; return; } if (data_end == cur_data) { use_next_block(); int2store(cur_data, s); cur_data+= 2; return; } *cur_data= ((byte *)(&s))[0]; use_next_block(); *(cur_data++)= ((byte *)(&s))[1]; } void Querycache_stream::store_int(uint i) { #ifndef DBUG_OFF stored_size+= 4; #endif size_t rest_len= data_end - cur_data; if (rest_len > 3) { int4store(cur_data, i); cur_data+= 4; return; } if (!rest_len) { use_next_block(); int4store(cur_data, i); cur_data+= 4; return; } char buf[4]; int4store(buf, i); memcpy(cur_data, buf, rest_len); use_next_block(); memcpy(cur_data, buf+rest_len, 4-rest_len); cur_data+= 4-rest_len; } void Querycache_stream::store_ll(ulonglong ll) { #ifndef DBUG_OFF stored_size+= 8; #endif size_t rest_len= data_end - cur_data; if (rest_len > 7) { int8store(cur_data, ll); cur_data+= 8; return; } if (!rest_len) { use_next_block(); int8store(cur_data, ll); cur_data+= 8; return; } memcpy(cur_data, &ll, rest_len); use_next_block(); memcpy(cur_data, ((byte*)&ll)+rest_len, 8-rest_len); cur_data+= 8-rest_len; } void Querycache_stream::store_str_only(const char *str, uint str_len) { #ifndef DBUG_OFF stored_size+= str_len; #endif do { size_t rest_len= data_end - cur_data; if (rest_len > str_len) { memcpy(cur_data, str, str_len); cur_data+= str_len; return; } memcpy(cur_data, str, rest_len); use_next_block(); str_len-= rest_len; str+= rest_len; } while(str_len); } void Querycache_stream::store_str(const char *str, uint str_len) { store_int(str_len); store_str_only(str, str_len); } void Querycache_stream::store_safe_str(const char *str, uint str_len) { if (str) { store_int(str_len+1); store_str_only(str, str_len); } else store_int(0); } char Querycache_stream::load_char() { if (cur_data == data_end) use_next_block(); return *(cur_data++); } ushort Querycache_stream::load_short() { ushort result; if (data_end-cur_data > 1) { result= uint2korr(cur_data); cur_data+= 2; return result; } if (data_end == cur_data) { use_next_block(); result= uint2korr(cur_data); cur_data+= 2; return result; } ((byte*)&result)[0]= *cur_data; use_next_block(); ((byte*)&result)[1]= *(cur_data++); return result; } uint Querycache_stream::load_int() { int result; size_t rest_len= data_end - cur_data; if (rest_len > 3) { result= uint4korr(cur_data); cur_data+= 4; return result; } if (!rest_len) { use_next_block(); result= uint4korr(cur_data); cur_data+= 4; return result; } char buf[4]; memcpy(buf, cur_data, rest_len); use_next_block(); memcpy(buf+rest_len, cur_data, 4-rest_len); cur_data+= 4-rest_len; result= uint4korr(buf); return result; } ulonglong Querycache_stream::load_ll() { ulonglong result; size_t rest_len= data_end - cur_data; if (rest_len > 7) { result= uint8korr(cur_data); cur_data+= 8; return result; } if (!rest_len) { use_next_block(); result= uint8korr(cur_data); cur_data+= 8; return result; } memcpy(&result, cur_data, rest_len); use_next_block(); memcpy(((byte*)&result)+rest_len, cur_data, 8-rest_len); cur_data+= 8-rest_len; return result; } void Querycache_stream::load_str_only(char *buffer, uint str_len) { do { size_t rest_len= data_end - cur_data; if (rest_len > str_len) { memcpy(buffer, cur_data, str_len); cur_data+= str_len; buffer+= str_len; break; } memcpy(buffer, cur_data, rest_len); use_next_block(); str_len-= rest_len; buffer+= rest_len; } while(str_len); *buffer= 0; } char *Querycache_stream::load_str(MEM_ROOT *alloc, uint *str_len) { char *result; *str_len= load_int(); if (!(result= alloc_root(alloc, *str_len + 1))) return 0; load_str_only(result, *str_len); return result; } int Querycache_stream::load_safe_str(MEM_ROOT *alloc, char **str, uint *str_len) { if (!(*str_len= load_int())) { *str= NULL; return 0; } (*str_len)--; if (!(*str= alloc_root(alloc, *str_len + 1))) return 1; load_str_only(*str, *str_len); return 0; } int Querycache_stream::load_column(MEM_ROOT *alloc, char** column) { int len; if (!(len = load_int())) { *column= NULL; return 0; } len--; if (!(*column= (char *)alloc_root(alloc, len + sizeof(uint) + 1))) return 1; *((uint*)*column)= len; (*column)+= sizeof(uint); load_str_only(*column, len); return 1; } uint emb_count_querycache_size(THD *thd) { uint result; MYSQL *mysql= thd->mysql; MYSQL_FIELD *field= mysql->fields; MYSQL_FIELD *field_end= field + mysql->field_count; MYSQL_ROWS *cur_row=NULL; my_ulonglong n_rows=0; if (!field) return 0; if (thd->data) { *thd->data->prev_ptr= NULL; // this marks the last record cur_row= thd->data->data; n_rows= thd->data->rows; } result= (uint) (4+8 + (42 + 4*n_rows)*mysql->field_count); for(; field < field_end; field++) { result+= field->name_length + field->table_length + field->org_name_length + field->org_table_length + field->db_length + field->catalog_length; if (field->def) result+= field->def_length; } for (; cur_row; cur_row=cur_row->next) { MYSQL_ROW col= cur_row->data; MYSQL_ROW col_end= col + mysql->field_count; for (; col < col_end; col++) if (*col) result+= *(uint *)((*col) - sizeof(uint)); } return result; } void emb_store_querycache_result(Querycache_stream *dst, THD *thd) { MYSQL *mysql= thd->mysql; MYSQL_FIELD *field= mysql->fields; MYSQL_FIELD *field_end= field + mysql->field_count; MYSQL_ROWS *cur_row= NULL; my_ulonglong n_rows= 0; if (!field) return; if (thd->data) { *thd->data->prev_ptr= NULL; // this marks the last record cur_row= thd->data->data; n_rows= thd->data->rows; } dst->store_int((uint)mysql->field_count); dst->store_ll((uint)n_rows); for(; field < field_end; field++) { dst->store_int((uint)field->length); dst->store_int((uint)field->max_length); dst->store_char((char)field->type); dst->store_short((ushort)field->flags); dst->store_short((ushort)field->charsetnr); dst->store_char((char)field->decimals); dst->store_str(field->name, field->name_length); dst->store_str(field->table, field->table_length); dst->store_str(field->org_name, field->org_name_length); dst->store_str(field->org_table, field->org_table_length); dst->store_str(field->db, field->db_length); dst->store_str(field->catalog, field->catalog_length); dst->store_safe_str(field->def, field->def_length); } for (; cur_row; cur_row=cur_row->next) { MYSQL_ROW col= cur_row->data; MYSQL_ROW col_end= col + mysql->field_count; for (; col < col_end; col++) { uint len= *col ? *(uint *)((*col) - sizeof(uint)) : 0; dst->store_safe_str(*col, len); } } DBUG_ASSERT(emb_count_querycache_size(thd) == dst->stored_size); } int emb_load_querycache_result(THD *thd, Querycache_stream *src) { MYSQL *mysql= thd->mysql; MYSQL_DATA *data; MYSQL_FIELD *field; MYSQL_FIELD *field_end; MEM_ROOT *f_alloc= &mysql->field_alloc; MYSQL_ROWS *row, *end_row; MYSQL_ROWS **prev_row; ulonglong rows; MYSQL_ROW columns; mysql->field_count= src->load_int(); rows= src->load_ll(); if (!(field= (MYSQL_FIELD *) alloc_root(&mysql->field_alloc,mysql->field_count*sizeof(MYSQL_FIELD)))) goto err; mysql->fields= field; for(field_end= field+mysql->field_count; field < field_end; field++) { field->length= src->load_int(); field->max_length= (unsigned int)src->load_int(); field->type= (enum enum_field_types)src->load_char(); field->flags= (unsigned int)src->load_short(); field->charsetnr= (unsigned int)src->load_short(); field->decimals= (unsigned int)src->load_char(); if (!(field->name= src->load_str(f_alloc, &field->name_length)) || !(field->table= src->load_str(f_alloc,&field->table_length)) || !(field->org_name= src->load_str(f_alloc, &field->org_name_length)) || !(field->org_table= src->load_str(f_alloc, &field->org_table_length))|| !(field->db= src->load_str(f_alloc, &field->db_length)) || !(field->catalog= src->load_str(f_alloc, &field->catalog_length)) || src->load_safe_str(f_alloc, &field->def, &field->def_length)) goto err; } if (!rows) return 0; if (!(data= (MYSQL_DATA*)my_malloc(sizeof(MYSQL_DATA), MYF(MY_WME | MY_ZEROFILL)))) goto err; thd->data= data; init_alloc_root(&data->alloc, 8192,0); row= (MYSQL_ROWS *)alloc_root(&data->alloc, (uint) (rows * sizeof(MYSQL_ROWS) + rows * (mysql->field_count+1)*sizeof(char*))); end_row= row + rows; columns= (MYSQL_ROW)end_row; data->rows= rows; data->fields= mysql->field_count; data->data= row; for (prev_row= &row->next; row < end_row; prev_row= &row->next, row++) { *prev_row= row; row->data= columns; MYSQL_ROW col_end= columns + mysql->field_count; for (; columns < col_end; columns++) src->load_column(&data->alloc, columns); *(columns++)= NULL; } *prev_row= NULL; data->prev_ptr= prev_row; return 0; err: return 1; } #endif /*HAVE_QUERY_CACHE*/