/* * Copyright (c) 2000 * SWsoft company * * This material is provided "as is", with absolutely no warranty expressed * or implied. Any use is at your own risk. * * Permission to use or copy this software for any purpose is hereby granted * without fee, provided the above notices are retained on all copies. * Permission to modify the code and to distribute modified code is granted, * provided the above notices are retained, and a notice that the code was * modified is included with the above copyright notice. * This code was modified by the MySQL team */ /* The following is needed to not cause conflicts when we include mysqld.cc */ #define main main1 #define mysql_unix_port mysql_inix_port1 #define mysql_port mysql_port1 static int fake_argc= 1; static char *fake_argv[]= {(char *)"", 0}; static const char *fake_groups[] = { "server", "embedded", 0 }; #if defined (__WIN__) #include "../sql/mysqld.cpp" #else #include "../sql/mysqld.cc" #endif C_MODE_START #include #undef ER #include "errmsg.h" #include static my_bool org_my_init_done; my_bool server_inited; static int check_connections1(THD * thd); static int check_connections2(THD * thd); static bool check_user(THD *thd, enum_server_command command, const char *user, const char *passwd, const char *db, bool check_count); char * get_mysql_home(){ return mysql_home;}; char * get_mysql_real_data_home(){ return mysql_real_data_home;}; static my_bool STDCALL emb_advanced_command(MYSQL *mysql, enum enum_server_command command, const char *header, ulong header_length, const char *arg, ulong arg_length, my_bool skip_check) { my_bool result= 1; THD *thd=(THD *) mysql->thd; NET *net= &mysql->net; /* Check that we are calling the client functions in right order */ if (mysql->status != MYSQL_STATUS_READY) { strmov(net->last_error, ER(net->last_errno=CR_COMMANDS_OUT_OF_SYNC)); return 1; } /* Clear result variables */ thd->clear_error(); mysql->affected_rows= ~(my_ulonglong) 0; mysql->field_count= 0; thd->store_globals(); // Fix if more than one connect /* We have to call free_old_query before we start to fill mysql->fields for new query. In the case of embedded server we collect field data during query execution (not during data retrieval as it is in remote client). So we have to call free_old_query here */ free_old_query(mysql); result= dispatch_command(command, thd, (char *) arg, arg_length + 1); if (!skip_check) result= thd->net.last_errno ? -1 : 0; if ((net->last_errno= thd->net.last_errno)) { memcpy(net->last_error, thd->net.last_error, sizeof(net->last_error)); memcpy(net->sqlstate, thd->net.sqlstate, sizeof(net->sqlstate)); } mysql->warning_count= ((THD*)mysql->thd)->total_warn_count; return result; } static MYSQL_DATA * STDCALL emb_read_rows(MYSQL *mysql, MYSQL_FIELD *mysql_fields __attribute__((unused)), uint fields __attribute__((unused))) { MYSQL_DATA *result= ((THD*)mysql->thd)->data; if (!result) return NULL; *result->prev_ptr= NULL; ((THD*)mysql->thd)->data= NULL; return result; } static MYSQL_FIELD * STDCALL emb_list_fields(MYSQL *mysql) { return mysql->fields; } static my_bool STDCALL emb_read_prepare_result(MYSQL *mysql, MYSQL_STMT *stmt) { THD *thd= (THD*)mysql->thd; stmt->stmt_id= thd->client_stmt_id; stmt->param_count= thd->client_param_count; stmt->field_count= mysql->field_count; if (stmt->field_count != 0) { if (!(mysql->server_status & SERVER_STATUS_AUTOCOMMIT)) mysql->server_status|= SERVER_STATUS_IN_TRANS; stmt->fields= mysql->fields; stmt->mem_root= mysql->field_alloc; } return 0; } /************************************************************************** Get column lengths of the current row If one uses mysql_use_result, res->lengths contains the length information, else the lengths are calculated from the offset between pointers. **************************************************************************/ static void STDCALL emb_fetch_lengths(ulong *to, MYSQL_ROW column, uint field_count) { MYSQL_ROW end; for (end=column + field_count; column != end ; column++,to++) *to= *column ? *(uint *)((*column) - sizeof(uint)) : 0; } static my_bool STDCALL emb_mysql_read_query_result(MYSQL *mysql) { if (mysql->net.last_errno) return -1; if (mysql->field_count) mysql->status=MYSQL_STATUS_GET_RESULT; return 0; } MYSQL_METHODS embedded_methods= { emb_mysql_read_query_result, emb_advanced_command, emb_read_rows, mysql_store_result, emb_fetch_lengths, emb_list_fields, emb_read_prepare_result }; C_MODE_END void THD::clear_error() { net.last_error[0]= 0; net.last_errno= 0; net.report_error= 0; } static bool check_user(THD *thd,enum_server_command command, const char *user, const char *passwd, const char *db, bool check_count) { thd->db=0; if (!(thd->user = my_strdup(user, MYF(0)))) { send_error(thd,ER_OUT_OF_RESOURCES); return 1; } thd->master_access= ~0L; // No user checking thd->priv_user= thd->user; mysql_log.write(thd,command, (thd->priv_user == thd->user ? (char*) "%s@%s on %s" : (char*) "%s@%s as anonymous on %s"), user, thd->host_or_ip, db ? db : (char*) ""); thd->db_access=0; if (db && db[0]) return test(mysql_change_db(thd,db)); else send_ok(thd); // Ready to handle questions return 0; // ok } /* Make a copy of array and the strings array points to */ char **copy_arguments(int argc, char **argv) { uint length= 0; char **from, **res, **end= argv+argc; for (from=argv ; from != end ; from++) length+= strlen(*from); if ((res= (char**) my_malloc(sizeof(argv)*(argc+1)+length+argc, MYF(MY_WME)))) { char **to= res, *to_str= (char*) (res+argc+1); for (from=argv ; from != end ;) { *to++= to_str; to_str= strmov(to_str, *from++)+1; } *to= 0; // Last ptr should be null } return res; } extern "C" { char ** copy_arguments_ptr= 0; int STDCALL mysql_server_init(int argc, char **argv, char **groups) { char glob_hostname[FN_REFLEN]; /* This mess is to allow people to call the init function without * having to mess with a fake argv */ int *argcp; char ***argvp; int fake_argc = 1; char *fake_argv[] = { (char *)"", 0 }; const char *fake_groups[] = { "server", "embedded", 0 }; if (argc) { argcp= &argc; argvp= (char***) &argv; } else { argcp= &fake_argc; argvp= (char ***) &fake_argv; } if (!groups) groups= (char**) fake_groups; /* Only call MY_INIT() if it hasn't been called before */ if (!server_inited) { server_inited=1; org_my_init_done=my_init_done; } if (!org_my_init_done) { MY_INIT((char *)"mysql_embedded"); // init my_sys library & pthreads } if (init_common_variables("my", *argcp, *argvp, (const char **)groups)) { mysql_server_end(); return 1; } /* Get default temporary directory */ opt_mysql_tmpdir=getenv("TMPDIR"); /* Use this if possible */ #if defined( __WIN__) || defined(OS2) if (!opt_mysql_tmpdir) opt_mysql_tmpdir=getenv("TEMP"); if (!opt_mysql_tmpdir) opt_mysql_tmpdir=getenv("TMP"); #endif if (!opt_mysql_tmpdir || !opt_mysql_tmpdir[0]) opt_mysql_tmpdir=(char*) P_tmpdir; /* purecov: inspected */ umask(((~my_umask) & 0666)); if (init_server_components()) { mysql_server_end(); return 1; } error_handler_hook = my_message_sql; opt_noacl = 1; // No permissions if (acl_init((THD *)0, opt_noacl)) { mysql_server_end(); return 1; } if (!opt_noacl) (void) grant_init((THD *)0); init_max_user_conn(); init_update_queries(); #ifdef HAVE_DLOPEN if (!opt_noacl) udf_init(); #endif if (opt_bin_log) { if (!opt_bin_logname) { char tmp[FN_REFLEN]; /* TODO: The following should be using fn_format(); We just need to first change fn_format() to cut the file name if it's too long. */ strmake(tmp,glob_hostname,FN_REFLEN-5); strmov(strcend(tmp,'.'),"-bin"); opt_bin_logname=my_strdup(tmp,MYF(MY_WME)); } open_log(&mysql_bin_log, glob_hostname, opt_bin_logname, "-bin", opt_binlog_index_name, LOG_BIN, 0, 0, max_binlog_size); using_update_log=1; } (void) thr_setconcurrency(concurrency); // 10 by default if ( #ifdef HAVE_BERKELEY_DB !berkeley_skip || #endif (flush_time && flush_time != ~(ulong) 0L)) { pthread_t hThread; if (pthread_create(&hThread,&connection_attrib,handle_manager,0)) sql_print_error("Warning: Can't create thread to manage maintenance"); } /* Update mysqld variables from client variables if set The client variables are set also by get_one_option() in mysqld.cc */ if (max_allowed_packet) global_system_variables.max_allowed_packet= max_allowed_packet; if (net_buffer_length) global_system_variables.net_buffer_length= net_buffer_length; return 0; } void STDCALL mysql_server_end() { my_free((char*) copy_arguments_ptr, MYF(MY_ALLOW_ZERO_PTR)); copy_arguments_ptr=0; clean_up(0); #ifdef THREAD /* Don't call my_thread_end() if the application is using MY_INIT() */ if (!org_my_init_done) my_thread_end(); #endif /* If library called my_init(), free memory allocated by it */ if (!org_my_init_done) my_end(0); } } /* extern "C" */ C_MODE_START void init_embedded_mysql(MYSQL *mysql, int client_flag, char *db) { THD *thd = (THD *)mysql->thd; thd->mysql= mysql; } void *create_embedded_thd(int client_flag, char *db) { THD * thd= new THD; thd->thread_id= thread_id++; if (thd->store_globals()) { fprintf(stderr,"store_globals failed.\n"); return NULL; } thd->mysys_var= my_thread_var; thd->dbug_thread_id= my_thread_id(); thd->thread_stack= (char*) &thd; thd->proc_info=0; // Remove 'login' thd->command=COM_SLEEP; thd->version=refresh_version; thd->set_time(); init_sql_alloc(&thd->mem_root,8192,8192); thd->client_capabilities= client_flag; thd->db= db; thd->db_length= db ? strip_sp(db) : 0; thd->db_access= DB_ACLS; thd->master_access= ~NO_ACCESS; thd->net.query_cache_query= 0; thd->data= 0; return thd; } C_MODE_END bool Protocol::send_fields(List *list, uint flag) { List_iterator_fast it(*list); Item *item; MYSQL_FIELD *client_field; MYSQL *mysql= thd->mysql; MEM_ROOT *field_alloc; DBUG_ENTER("send_fields"); field_count= list->elements; field_alloc= &mysql->field_alloc; if (!(client_field= thd->mysql->fields= (MYSQL_FIELD *)alloc_root(field_alloc, sizeof(MYSQL_FIELD) * field_count))) goto err; while ((item= it++)) { Send_field server_field; item->make_field(&server_field); client_field->db= strdup_root(field_alloc, server_field.db_name); client_field->table= strdup_root(field_alloc, server_field.table_name); client_field->name= strdup_root(field_alloc, server_field.col_name); client_field->org_table= strdup_root(field_alloc, server_field.org_table_name); client_field->org_name= strdup_root(field_alloc, server_field.org_col_name); client_field->length= server_field.length; client_field->type= server_field.type; client_field->flags= server_field.flags; client_field->decimals= server_field.decimals; client_field->db_length= strlen(client_field->db); client_field->table_length= strlen(client_field->table); client_field->name_length= strlen(client_field->name); client_field->org_name_length= strlen(client_field->org_name); client_field->org_table_length= strlen(client_field->org_table); client_field->charsetnr= server_field.charsetnr; if (INTERNAL_NUM_FIELD(client_field)) client_field->flags|= NUM_FLAG; if (flag & 2) { char buff[80]; String tmp(buff, sizeof(buff), default_charset_info), *res; if (!(res=item->val_str(&tmp))) client_field->def= strdup_root(field_alloc, ""); else client_field->def= strdup_root(field_alloc, tmp.ptr()); } else client_field->def=0; client_field->max_length= 0; ++client_field; } thd->mysql->field_count= field_count; DBUG_RETURN(prepare_for_send(list)); err: send_error(thd, ER_OUT_OF_RESOURCES); /* purecov: inspected */ DBUG_RETURN(1); /* purecov: inspected */ } bool Protocol::send_records_num(List *list, ulonglong records) { return false; } bool Protocol::write() { *next_field= 0; return false; } void send_ok(THD *thd,ha_rows affected_rows,ulonglong id,const char *message) { DBUG_ENTER("send_ok"); MYSQL *mysql= current_thd->mysql; mysql->affected_rows= affected_rows; mysql->insert_id= id; if (message) { strmake(thd->net.last_error, message, sizeof(thd->net.last_error)-1); } DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } void send_eof(THD *thd, bool no_flush) { } void Protocol_simple::prepare_for_resend() { MYSQL_ROWS *cur; MYSQL_DATA *data= thd->data; DBUG_ENTER("send_data"); if (!data) { if (!(data= (MYSQL_DATA*) my_malloc(sizeof(MYSQL_DATA), MYF(MY_WME | MY_ZEROFILL)))) goto err; alloc= &data->alloc; init_alloc_root(alloc,8192,0); /* Assume rowlength < 8192 */ alloc->min_malloc=sizeof(MYSQL_ROWS); data->rows=0; data->fields=field_count; data->prev_ptr= &data->data; thd->data= data; } data->rows++; if (!(cur= (MYSQL_ROWS *)alloc_root(alloc, sizeof(MYSQL_ROWS)+(field_count + 1) * sizeof(char *)))) { my_error(ER_OUT_OF_RESOURCES,MYF(0)); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } cur->data= (MYSQL_ROW)(((char *)cur) + sizeof(MYSQL_ROWS)); *data->prev_ptr= cur; data->prev_ptr= &cur->next; next_field=cur->data; next_mysql_field= thd->mysql->fields; err: DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } bool Protocol_simple::store_null() { *(next_field++)= NULL; ++next_mysql_field; return false; } bool Protocol::net_store_data(const char *from, uint length) { char *field_buf; if (!(field_buf=alloc_root(alloc, length + sizeof(uint) + 1))) return true; *(uint *)field_buf= length; *next_field= field_buf + sizeof(uint); memcpy(*next_field, from, length); (*next_field)[length]= 0; if (next_mysql_field->max_length < length) next_mysql_field->max_length=length; ++next_field; ++next_mysql_field; return false; } #if 0 /* The same as Protocol::net_store_data but does the converstion */ bool Protocol::convert_str(const char *from, uint length) { if (!(*next_field=alloc_root(alloc, length + 1))) return true; convert->store_dest(*next_field, from, length); (*next_field)[length]= 0; if (next_mysql_field->max_length < length) next_mysql_field->max_length=length; ++next_field; ++next_mysql_field; return false; } #endif