.TH mysql 1 "19 December 2000" "MySQL @MYSQL_BASE_VERSION@" "MySQL database" .SH NAME mysql \- text-based client for mysqld, a SQL-based relational database daemon .SH USAGE mysql [OPTIONS] [Database] .SH SYNOPSIS .B mysql .RB [ \-B | \-\-batch ] .RB [ \-# | \-\-debug= .IR logfile ] .RB [ \-T | \-\-debug-info ] .RB [ \-e | \-\-exec= .IR command ] .RB [ \-f | \-\-force ] .RB [ \-? | \-\-help ] .RB [ \-h | \-\-host= .IR hostname ] .RB [ \-n | \-\-unbuffered ] .RB [ \-p[pwd] ] .RI [ \-\-password=[pwd] ] .RB [ \-P | \-\-port= .IR pnum ] .RB [ \-q | \-\-quick ] .RB [ \-r | \-\-raw ] .RB [ \-s | \-\-silent ] .RB [ \-S | \-\-socket= .IR snum ] .RB [ \-u | \-\-user= .IR uname ] .RB [ \-v | \-\-verbose ] .RB [ \-V | \-\-version ] .RB [ \-w | \-\-wait ] .SH DESCRIPTION The .IR mysql program provides a curses-based interface to the SQL-based database server daemon, .IR mysqld (1). Full fuller documentation, refer to the HTML documents installed with the package. .SH OPTIONS .TP .BR \-B | \-\-batch Print results with a tab as separator, each row on a new line. .TP \fB\-#\fP|\fB\-\-debug=\fP\fIlogfile\fP Employ the specified debug log. .TP .BR \-T | \-\-debug-info Print debug information upon exiting. .TP \fB\-e | \-\-exec=\fP\fPcommand\fP Execute the specified command and quit .BR ( \-\-batch is implicit). .TP .BR \-f | \-\-force Continue even if the face of a SQL error. .TP .BR \-? | \-\-help Display a help message and exit. .TP \fB\-h\fP|\fP\-\-host=\fP\fIhostname\fP Connect to the specified host. .TP .BR \-n | \-\-unbuffered Flush the buffer after each query. .TP \fB\-p\fP|\fB\-\-password\fP[\fB=\fP\fIpwd\fP] Employ the specified password when connecting to the database server. If a password is not supplied, it will be requested interactively. .TP \fB\-P\fR|\fB\-\-port=\fP\fIpnum\fP Employ the specified port number for connecting to the database server. .TP .BR \-q | \-\-quick Do not cache the result; print it row by row. This may slow down the server if the output is suspended. .TP .BR \-r | \-\-raw Write fields without conversion. (used with .BR \-\-batch ). .TP .BR \-s | \-\-silent Silent mode: reduce the amount of output. .TP \fB\-S\fP|\fB\-\-socket=\fP\fIsnum\fP Employ the specified socket file for connecting to the database server. .TP \fB\-u\fP|\fB\-\-user=\fP\fIuname\fP Employ the specified user name for logging in to the server. .TP .BR \-v | \-\-verbose Verbose mode: write more Specifying this option .I twice produces a tabular output format. .TP .BR \-V | \-\-version Print the .I mysql version number and exit. .TP .BR \-w | \-\-wait Wait and retry if the database server connection is down. .SH FILES .TP 2.2i .I /etc/my.cnf MySQL configuration file .TP .I @bindir@/mysql Client executable .TP .I @libexecdir@/mysqld Server executable .TP .I @bindir@/mysqld_safe executable shell script for starting mysqld safely .TP .I @localstatedir@ location of database files .SH EXAMPLE You can also read a backup dump file back into MySQL with: .TP .BR mysql \fP\fIdatabase\fP .BR < backup-file.sql .SH "SEE ALSO" isamchk(1), isamlog(1), mysqlaccess(1), mysqladmin(1), mysqld(1), mysqld_multi(1), mysqld_safe(1), mysqldump(1), mysql_fix_privilege_tables(1), mysqlshow(1), mysql_zap(1), perror(1), replace(1) .P For more information please refer to the MySQL reference manual, which may already be installed locally and which is also available online at http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en .SH BUGS Please refer to http://bugs.mysql.com/ to report bugs. .SH AUTHOR Ver 6.3, distribution @MYSQL_NO_DASH_VERSION@ Michael (Monty) Widenius (monty@mysql.com), MySQL AB (http://www.mysql.com/) This software comes with no warranty. Manual page by R. P. C. Rodgers, Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communication, U.S. National Library of Medicine (rodgers@nlm.nih.gov). .\" end of man page