.TH ZAP 1 "20 December 2000" .SH NAME zap - a perl script used to kill processes .SH USAGE /usr/bin/mysql_zap [-signal] [-?Ift] pattern .SH SYNOPSIS .B zap .RB [ \-I | \-? ] .RB [ \-f ] .RB [ \-t ] .SH DESCRIPTION .TP .BR zap supports by executing .TP .BR \-I | \-? info .TP .BR \-f force .TP .BR \-t test .SH NOTE If .BR -f isn't given, ask user for confirmation for each process to kill. If signal isn't given, try first with signal 15 and after that with signal 9. If .BR -t is given the processes is only shown on stdout. .SH "SEE ALSO" isamchk (1), isamlog (1), mysqlaccess (1), mysqladmin (1), mysqlbug (1), mysqld (1), mysqldump (1), mysqlshow (1), msql2mysql (1), perror (1), replace (1), mysqld_safe (1), which1 (1), zap (1), .SH AUTHOR Ver 1.0, distribution 3.23.29a Michael (Monty) Widenius (monty@tcx.se), TCX Datakonsult AB (http://www.tcx.se). This software comes with no warranty. Manual page by L. (Kill-9) Pedersen (kill-9@kill-9.dk), Mercurmedia Data Model Architect / system developer (http://www.mercurmedia.com) .\" end of man page