.TH safe_mysqld 1 "19 December 2000" "MySQL @MYSQL_BASE_VERSION@" "MySQL database" .SH NAME mysqld_safe \- start the mysqld daemon on Unix. .SH SYNOPSIS .B mysqld_safe .RB [ \-\-basedir=\fP\fIpath\fP ] .RB [ \-\-core\-file\-size=# ] .RB [ \-\-defaults\-extra\-file=\fP\fIpath\fP ] .RB [ \-\-defaults\-file=\fP\fIpath\fP ] .RB [ \-\-open\-files=# ] .RB [ \-\-datadir=\fP\fIpath\fP ] .RB [ \-\-err\-log=\fP\fIpath \fP] .RB [ \-\-ledir=path ] .RB [ \-\-log=\fP\fIpath\fP ] .RB [ \-\-no\-defaults ] .RB [ \-\-open\-files=# ] .RB [ \-\-pid\-file=\fP\fIpath\fP ] .RB [ \-\-port=# ] .RB [ \-\-socket=\fP\fIpath\fP ] .RB [ \-\-timezone=# ] .RB [ \-\-user=# ] .SH DESCRIPTION mysqld_safe adds some safety features such as restarting the server when an error occurs and logging run-time information to a log file. .BR .TP .BR \-\-basedir=\fP\fIpath \fP .TP .BR \-\-core\-file\-size=# Size of the core file mysqld should be able to create. Passed to ulimit \-c. .TP .BR \-\-defaults\-extra\-file=\fP\fIpath \fP .TP .BR \-\-defaults\-file=\fP\fIpath \fP .TP .BR \-\-datadir=\fP\fIpath \fP .TP .BR \-\-err\-log=\fP\fIpath \fP .TP .BR \-\-ledir=\fP\fIpath \fP Path to mysqld .TP .BR \-\-log=\fP\fIpath \fP .TP .BR \-\-no\-defaults .TP .BR \-\-open\-files=# Number of files mysqld should be able to open. Passed to ulimit \-n. .TP .BR \-\-pid\-file=\fP\fIpath \fP .TP .BR \-\-port=# .TP .BR \-\-socket=\fP\fIpath \fP .TP .BR \-\-timezone=# Set the timezone (the TZ) variable to the value of this parameter. .TP .BR \-\-user=# .SH NOTE Note that all options on the command line to mysqld_safe are passed to mysqld. If you wants to use any options in mysqld_safe that mysqld doesn't support, you must specify these in the option file. .SH "SEE ALSO" isamchk(1), isamlog(1), mysql(1), mysqlaccess(1), mysqladmin(1), mysqld(1), mysqld_multi(1), mysqldump(1), mysql_fix_privilege_tables(1), mysqlshow(1), mysql_zap(1), perror(1), replace(1) .P For more information please refer to the MySQL reference manual, which may already be installed locally and which is also available online at http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en .SH BUGS Please refer to http://bugs.mysql.com/ to report bugs. .SH AUTHOR Ver 1.0, distribution @MYSQL_NO_DASH_VERSION@ Michael (Monty) Widenius (monty@mysql.com), MySQL AB (http://www.mysql.com). This software comes with no warranty. Manual page by L. (Kill-9) Pedersen (kill-9@kill\-9.dk), Mercurmedia Data Model Architect / system developer (http://www.mercurmedia.com) .\" end of man page