'\" t .\" Title: \fBmysqldump\fR .\" Author: [FIXME: author] [see http://docbook.sf.net/el/author] .\" Generator: DocBook XSL Stylesheets v1.75.2 .\" Date: 11/04/2009 .\" Manual: MySQL Database System .\" Source: MySQL 5.1 .\" Language: English .\" .TH "\FBMYSQLDUMP\FR" "1" "11/04/2009" "MySQL 5\&.1" "MySQL Database System" .\" ----------------------------------------------------------------- .\" * set default formatting .\" ----------------------------------------------------------------- .\" disable hyphenation .nh .\" disable justification (adjust text to left margin only) .ad l .\" ----------------------------------------------------------------- .\" * MAIN CONTENT STARTS HERE * .\" ----------------------------------------------------------------- .\" mysqldump .\" dumping: databases and tables .\" backups: databases and tables .\" databases: dumping .\" tables: dumping .SH "NAME" mysqldump \- a database backup program .SH "SYNOPSIS" .HP \w'\fBmysqldump\ [\fR\fB\fIoptions\fR\fR\fB]\ [\fR\fB\fIdb_name\fR\fR\fB\ [\fR\fB\fItbl_name\fR\fR\fB\ \&.\&.\&.]]\fR\ 'u \fBmysqldump [\fR\fB\fIoptions\fR\fR\fB] [\fR\fB\fIdb_name\fR\fR\fB [\fR\fB\fItbl_name\fR\fR\fB \&.\&.\&.]]\fR .SH "DESCRIPTION" .PP The \fBmysqldump\fR client is a backup program originally written by Igor Romanenko\&. It can be used to dump a database or a collection of databases for backup or transfer to another SQL server (not necessarily a MySQL server)\&. The dump typically contains SQL statements to create the table, populate it, or both\&. However, \fBmysqldump\fR can also be used to generate files in CSV, other delimited text, or XML format\&. .PP If you are doing a backup on the server and your tables all are MyISAM tables, consider using the \fBmysqlhotcopy\fR instead because it can accomplish faster backups and faster restores\&. See \fBmysqlhotcopy\fR(1)\&. .PP There are three general ways to invoke \fBmysqldump\fR: .sp .if n \{\ .RS 4 .\} .nf shell> \fBmysqldump [\fR\fB\fIoptions\fR\fR\fB] \fR\fB\fIdb_name\fR\fR\fB [\fR\fB\fItables\fR\fR\fB]\fR shell> \fBmysqldump [\fR\fB\fIoptions\fR\fR\fB] \-\-databases \fR\fB\fIdb_name1\fR\fR\fB [\fR\fB\fIdb_name2\fR\fR\fB \fR\fB\fIdb_name3\fR\fR\fB\&.\&.\&.]\fR shell> \fBmysqldump [\fR\fB\fIoptions\fR\fR\fB] \-\-all\-databases\fR .fi .if n \{\ .RE .\} .PP If you do not name any tables following \fIdb_name\fR or if you use the \fB\-\-databases\fR or \fB\-\-all\-databases\fR option, entire databases are dumped\&. .PP \fBmysqldump\fR does not dump the INFORMATION_SCHEMA database\&. If you name that database explicitly on the command line, \fBmysqldump\fR silently ignores it\&. .PP To get a list of the options your version of \fBmysqldump\fR supports, execute \fBmysqldump \-\-help\fR\&. .PP Some \fBmysqldump\fR options are shorthand for groups of other options\&. \fB\-\-opt\fR and \fB\-\-compact\fR fall into this category\&. For example, use of \fB\-\-opt\fR is the same as specifying \fB\-\-add\-drop\-table\fR \fB\-\-add\-locks\fR \fB\-\-create\-options\fR \fB\-\-disable\-keys\fR \fB\-\-extended\-insert\fR \fB\-\-lock\-tables\fR \fB\-\-quick\fR \fB\-\-set\-charset\fR\&. Note that all of the options that \fB\-\-opt\fR stands for also are on by default because \fB\-\-opt\fR is on by default\&. .PP To reverse the effect of a group option, uses its \fB\-\-skip\-\fR\fB\fIxxx\fR\fR form (\fB\-\-skip\-opt\fR or \fB\-\-skip\-compact\fR)\&. It is also possible to select only part of the effect of a group option by following it with options that enable or disable specific features\&. Here are some examples: .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} To select the effect of \fB\-\-opt\fR except for some features, use the \fB\-\-skip\fR option for each feature\&. For example, to disable extended inserts and memory buffering, use \fB\-\-opt\fR \fB\-\-skip\-extended\-insert\fR \fB\-\-skip\-quick\fR\&. (As of MySQL 5\&.1, \fB\-\-skip\-extended\-insert\fR \fB\-\-skip\-quick\fR is sufficient because \fB\-\-opt\fR is on by default\&.) .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} To reverse \fB\-\-opt\fR for all features except index disabling and table locking, use \fB\-\-skip\-opt\fR \fB\-\-disable\-keys\fR \fB\-\-lock\-tables\fR\&. .RE .PP When you selectively enable or disable the effect of a group option, order is important because options are processed first to last\&. For example, \fB\-\-disable\-keys\fR \fB\-\-lock\-tables\fR \fB\-\-skip\-opt\fR would not have the intended effect; it is the same as \fB\-\-skip\-opt\fR by itself\&. .PP \fBmysqldump\fR can retrieve and dump table contents row by row, or it can retrieve the entire content from a table and buffer it in memory before dumping it\&. Buffering in memory can be a problem if you are dumping large tables\&. To dump tables row by row, use the \fB\-\-quick\fR option (or \fB\-\-opt\fR, which enables \fB\-\-quick\fR)\&. The \fB\-\-opt\fR option (and hence \fB\-\-quick\fR) is enabled by default in MySQL 5\&.1; to enable memory buffering, use \fB\-\-skip\-quick\fR\&. .PP If you are using a recent version of \fBmysqldump\fR to generate a dump to be reloaded into a very old MySQL server, you should not use the \fB\-\-opt\fR or \fB\-\-extended\-insert\fR option\&. Use \fB\-\-skip\-opt\fR instead\&. .if n \{\ .sp .\} .RS 4 .it 1 an-trap .nr an-no-space-flag 1 .nr an-break-flag 1 .br .ps +1 \fBNote\fR .ps -1 .br .PP \fBmysqldump\fR from the MySQL 5\&.1\&.21 distribution cannot be used to create dumps from MySQL server versions 5\&.1\&.20 and older\&. This issue is fixed in MySQL 5\&.1\&.22\&. (\m[blue]\fBBug#30123\fR\m[]\&\s-2\u[1]\d\s+2) .sp .5v .RE .PP \fBmysqldump\fR supports the options in the following list\&. It also reads option files and supports the options for processing them described at Section\ \&, \(lqCommand-Line Options that Affect Option-File Handling\(rq\&. .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: help option .\" help option: mysqldump \fB\-\-help\fR, \fB\-?\fR .sp Display a help message and exit\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: add-drop-database option .\" add-drop-database option: mysqldump \fB\-\-add\-drop\-database\fR .sp Add a DROP DATABASE statement before each CREATE DATABASE statement\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: add-drop-table option .\" add-drop-table option: mysqldump \fB\-\-add\-drop\-table\fR .sp Add a DROP TABLE statement before each CREATE TABLE statement\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: add-locks option .\" add-locks option: mysqldump \fB\-\-add\-locks\fR .sp Surround each table dump with LOCK TABLES and UNLOCK TABLES statements\&. This results in faster inserts when the dump file is reloaded\&. See Section\ \&7.2.21, \(lqSpeed of INSERT Statements\(rq\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: all-databases option .\" all-databases option: mysqldump \fB\-\-all\-databases\fR, \fB\-A\fR .sp Dump all tables in all databases\&. This is the same as using the \fB\-\-databases\fR option and naming all the databases on the command line\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: all-tablespaces option .\" all-tablespaces option: mysqldump \fB\-\-all\-tablespaces\fR, \fB\-Y\fR .sp Adds to a table dump all SQL statements needed to create any tablespaces used by an NDBCLUSTER table\&. This information is not otherwise included in the output from \fBmysqldump\fR\&. This option is currently relevant only to MySQL Cluster tables\&. .sp This option was added in MySQL 5\&.1\&.6\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: allow-keywords option .\" allow-keywords option: mysqldump \fB\-\-allow\-keywords\fR .sp Allow creation of column names that are keywords\&. This works by prefixing each column name with the table name\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: character-sets-dir option .\" character-sets-dir option: mysqldump \fB\-\-character\-sets\-dir=\fR\fB\fIpath\fR\fR .sp The directory where character sets are installed\&. See Section\ \&9.2, \(lqThe Character Set Used for Data and Sorting\(rq\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: comments option .\" comments option: mysqldump \fB\-\-comments\fR, \fB\-i\fR .sp Write additional information in the dump file such as program version, server version, and host\&. This option is enabled by default\&. To suppress this additional information, use \fB\-\-skip\-comments\fR\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: compact option .\" compact option: mysqldump \fB\-\-compact\fR .sp Produce less verbose output\&. This option enables the \fB\-\-skip\-add\-drop\-table\fR, \fB\-\-skip\-add\-locks\fR, \fB\-\-skip\-comments\fR, \fB\-\-skip\-disable\-keys\fR, and \fB\-\-skip\-set\-charset\fR options\&. .if n \{\ .sp .\} .RS 4 .it 1 an-trap .nr an-no-space-flag 1 .nr an-break-flag 1 .br .ps +1 \fBNote\fR .ps -1 .br Prior to release 5\&.1\&.21, this option did not create valid SQL if the database dump contained views\&. The recreation of views requires the creation and removal of temporary tables and this option suppressed the removal of those temporary tables\&. As a workaround, use \fB\-\-compact\fR with the \fB\-\-add\-drop\-table\fR option and then manually adjust the dump file\&. .sp .5v .RE .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: compatible option .\" compatible option: mysqldump \fB\-\-compatible=\fR\fB\fIname\fR\fR .sp Produce output that is more compatible with other database systems or with older MySQL servers\&. The value of name can be ansi, mysql323, mysql40, postgresql, oracle, mssql, db2, maxdb, no_key_options, no_table_options, or no_field_options\&. To use several values, separate them by commas\&. These values have the same meaning as the corresponding options for setting the server SQL mode\&. See Section\ \&5.1.8, \(lqServer SQL Modes\(rq\&. .sp This option does not guarantee compatibility with other servers\&. It only enables those SQL mode values that are currently available for making dump output more compatible\&. For example, \fB\-\-compatible=oracle\fR does not map data types to Oracle types or use Oracle comment syntax\&. .sp \fIThis option requires a server version of 4\&.1\&.0 or higher\fR\&. With older servers, it does nothing\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: complete-insert option .\" complete-insert option: mysqldump \fB\-\-complete\-insert\fR, \fB\-c\fR .sp Use complete INSERT statements that include column names\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: compress option .\" compress option: mysqldump \fB\-\-compress\fR, \fB\-C\fR .sp Compress all information sent between the client and the server if both support compression\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: create-options option .\" create-options option: mysqldump \fB\-\-create\-options\fR .sp Include all MySQL\-specific table options in the CREATE TABLE statements\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: databases option .\" databases option: mysqldump \fB\-\-databases\fR, \fB\-B\fR .sp Dump several databases\&. Normally, \fBmysqldump\fR treats the first name argument on the command line as a database name and following names as table names\&. With this option, it treats all name arguments as database names\&. CREATE DATABASE and USE statements are included in the output before each new database\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: debug option .\" debug option: mysqldump \fB\-\-debug[=\fR\fB\fIdebug_options\fR\fR\fB]\fR, \fB\-# [\fR\fB\fIdebug_options\fR\fR\fB]\fR .sp Write a debugging log\&. A typical \fIdebug_options\fR string is \'d:t:o,\fIfile_name\fR\'\&. The default value is \'d:t:o,/tmp/mysqldump\&.trace\'\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: debug-check option .\" debug-check option: mysqldump \fB\-\-debug\-check\fR .sp Print some debugging information when the program exits\&. This option was added in MySQL 5\&.1\&.21\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: debug-info option .\" debug-info option: mysqldump \fB\-\-debug\-info\fR .sp Print debugging information and memory and CPU usage statistics when the program exits\&. This option was added in MySQL 5\&.1\&.14\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: default-character-set option .\" default-character-set option: mysqldump \fB\-\-default\-character\-set=\fR\fB\fIcharset_name\fR\fR .sp Use \fIcharset_name\fR as the default character set\&. See Section\ \&9.2, \(lqThe Character Set Used for Data and Sorting\(rq\&. If no character set is specified, \fBmysqldump\fR uses utf8, and earlier versions use latin1\&. .sp Prior to MySQL 5\&.1\&.38, this option has no effect for output data files produced by using the \fB\-\-tab\fR option\&. See the description for that option\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: delayed-insert option .\" delayed-insert option: mysqldump \fB\-\-delayed\-insert\fR .sp Write INSERT DELAYED statements rather than INSERT statements\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: delete-master-logs option .\" delete-master-logs option: mysqldump \fB\-\-delete\-master\-logs\fR .sp On a master replication server, delete the binary logs after performing the dump operation\&. This option automatically enables \fB\-\-master\-data\fR\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: disable-keys option .\" disable-keys option: mysqldump \fB\-\-disable\-keys\fR, \fB\-K\fR .sp For each table, surround the INSERT statements with /*!40000 ALTER TABLE \fItbl_name\fR DISABLE KEYS */; and /*!40000 ALTER TABLE \fItbl_name\fR ENABLE KEYS */; statements\&. This makes loading the dump file faster because the indexes are created after all rows are inserted\&. This option is effective only for nonunique indexes of MyISAM tables\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: dump-date option .\" dump-date option: mysqldump \fB\-\-dump\-date\fR .sp \fBmysqldump\fR produces a \-\- Dump completed on \fIDATE\fR comment at the end of the dump if the \fB\-\-comments\fR option is given\&. However, the date causes dump files for identical data take at different times to appear to be different\&. \fB\-\-dump\-date\fR and \fB\-\-skip\-dump\-date\fR control whether the date is added to the comment\&. The default is \fB\-\-dump\-date\fR (include the date in the comment)\&. \fB\-\-skip\-dump\-date\fR suppresses date printing\&. This option was added in MySQL 5\&.1\&.23\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: events option .\" events option: mysqldump \fB\-\-events\fR, \fB\-E\fR .sp Dump events from the dumped databases\&. This option was added in MySQL 5\&.1\&.8\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: extended-insert option .\" extended-insert option: mysqldump \fB\-\-extended\-insert\fR, \fB\-e\fR .sp Use multiple\-row INSERT syntax that include several VALUES lists\&. This results in a smaller dump file and speeds up inserts when the file is reloaded\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: fields-terminated-by option .\" fields-terminated-by option: mysqldump \fB\-\-fields\-terminated\-by=\&.\&.\&.\fR, .\" mysqldump: fields-enclosed-by option .\" fields-enclosed-by option: mysqldump \fB\-\-fields\-enclosed\-by=\&.\&.\&.\fR, .\" mysqldump: fields-optionally-enclosed-by option .\" fields-optionally-enclosed-by option: mysqldump \fB\-\-fields\-optionally\-enclosed\-by=\&.\&.\&.\fR, .\" mysqldump: fields-escaped-by option .\" fields-escaped-by option: mysqldump \fB\-\-fields\-escaped\-by=\&.\&.\&.\fR .sp These options are used with the \fB\-T\fR option and have the same meaning as the corresponding clauses for LOAD DATA INFILE\&. See Section\ \&12.2.6, \(lqLOAD DATA INFILE Syntax\(rq\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: first-slave option .\" first-slave option: mysqldump \fB\-\-first\-slave\fR, \fB\-x\fR .sp Deprecated\&. Now renamed to \fB\-\-lock\-all\-tables\fR\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: flush-logs option .\" flush-logs option: mysqldump \fB\-\-flush\-logs\fR, \fB\-F\fR .sp Flush the MySQL server log files before starting the dump\&. This option requires the RELOAD privilege\&. Note that if you use this option in combination with the \fB\-\-all\-databases\fR (or \fB\-A\fR) option, the logs are flushed \fIfor each database dumped\fR\&. The exception is when using \fB\-\-lock\-all\-tables\fR or \fB\-\-master\-data\fR: In this case, the logs are flushed only once, corresponding to the moment that all tables are locked\&. If you want your dump and the log flush to happen at exactly the same moment, you should use \fB\-\-flush\-logs\fR together with either \fB\-\-lock\-all\-tables\fR or \fB\-\-master\-data\fR\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: flush-privileges option .\" flush-privileges option: mysqldump \fB\-\-flush\-privileges\fR .sp Emit a FLUSH PRIVILEGES statement after dumping the mysql database\&. This option should be used any time the dump contains the mysql database and any other database that depends on the data in the mysql database for proper restoration\&. This option was added in MySQL 5\&.1\&.12\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: force option .\" force option: mysqldump \fB\-\-force\fR, \fB\-f\fR .sp Continue even if an SQL error occurs during a table dump\&. .sp One use for this option is to cause \fBmysqldump\fR to continue executing even when it encounters a view that has become invalid because the definition refers to a table that has been dropped\&. Without \fB\-\-force\fR, \fBmysqldump\fR exits with an error message\&. With \fB\-\-force\fR, \fBmysqldump\fR prints the error message, but it also writes an SQL comment containing the view definition to the dump output and continues executing\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: host option .\" host option: mysqldump \fB\-\-host=\fR\fB\fIhost_name\fR\fR, \fB\-h \fR\fB\fIhost_name\fR\fR .sp Dump data from the MySQL server on the given host\&. The default host is localhost\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: hex-blob option .\" hex-blob option: mysqldump \fB\-\-hex\-blob\fR .sp Dump binary columns using hexadecimal notation (for example, \'abc\' becomes 0x616263)\&. The affected data types are BINARY, VARBINARY, BLOB, and BIT\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: ignore-table option .\" ignore-table option: mysqldump \fB\-\-ignore\-table=\fR\fB\fIdb_name\&.tbl_name\fR\fR .sp Do not dump the given table, which must be specified using both the database and table names\&. To ignore multiple tables, use this option multiple times\&. This option also can be used to ignore views\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: insert-ignore option .\" insert-ignore option: mysqldump \fB\-\-insert\-ignore\fR .sp Write INSERT statements with the IGNORE option\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: lines-terminated-by option .\" lines-terminated-by option: mysqldump \fB\-\-lines\-terminated\-by=\&.\&.\&.\fR .sp This option is used with the \fB\-T\fR option and has the same meaning as the corresponding clause for LOAD DATA INFILE\&. See Section\ \&12.2.6, \(lqLOAD DATA INFILE Syntax\(rq\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: lock-all-tables option .\" lock-all-tables option: mysqldump \fB\-\-lock\-all\-tables\fR, \fB\-x\fR .sp Lock all tables across all databases\&. This is achieved by acquiring a global read lock for the duration of the whole dump\&. This option automatically turns off \fB\-\-single\-transaction\fR and \fB\-\-lock\-tables\fR\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: lock-tables option .\" lock-tables option: mysqldump \fB\-\-lock\-tables\fR, \fB\-l\fR .sp Lock all tables before dumping them\&. The tables are locked with READ LOCAL to allow concurrent inserts in the case of MyISAM tables\&. For transactional tables such as InnoDB, \fB\-\-single\-transaction\fR is a much better option, because it does not need to lock the tables at all\&. .sp Please note that when dumping multiple databases, \fB\-\-lock\-tables\fR locks tables for each database separately\&. Therefore, this option does not guarantee that the tables in the dump file are logically consistent between databases\&. Tables in different databases may be dumped in completely different states\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: log-error option .\" log-error option: mysqldump \fB\-\-log\-error=\fR\fB\fIfile_name\fR\fR .sp Append warnings and errors to the named file\&. This option was added in MySQL 5\&.1\&.18\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: master-data option .\" master-data option: mysqldump \fB\-\-master\-data[=\fR\fB\fIvalue\fR\fR\fB]\fR .sp Use this option to dump a master replication server to produce a dump file that can be used to set up another server as a slave of the master\&. It causes the dump output to include a CHANGE MASTER TO statement that indicates the binary log coordinates (file name and position) of the dumped server\&. These are the master server coordinates from which the slave should start replicating\&. .sp If the option value is 2, the CHANGE MASTER TO statement is written as an SQL comment, and thus is informative only; it has no effect when the dump file is reloaded\&. If the option value is 1, the statement takes effect when the dump file is reloaded\&. If the option value is not specified, the default value is 1\&. .sp This option requires the RELOAD privilege and the binary log must be enabled\&. .sp The \fB\-\-master\-data\fR option automatically turns off \fB\-\-lock\-tables\fR\&. It also turns on \fB\-\-lock\-all\-tables\fR, unless \fB\-\-single\-transaction\fR also is specified, in which case, a global read lock is acquired only for a short time at the beginning of the dump (see the description for \fB\-\-single\-transaction\fR)\&. In all cases, any action on logs happens at the exact moment of the dump\&. .sp It is also possible to set up a slave by dumping an existing slave of the master\&. To do this, use the following procedure on the existing slave: .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04' 1.\h'+01'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP " 1." 4.2 .\} Stop the slave\'s SQL thread and get its current status: .sp .if n \{\ .RS 4 .\} .nf mysql> \fBSTOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD;\fR mysql> \fBSHOW SLAVE STATUS;\fR .fi .if n \{\ .RE .\} .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04' 2.\h'+01'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP " 2." 4.2 .\} From the output of the SHOW SLAVE STATUS statement, get the binary log coordinates of the master server from which the new slave should start replicating\&. These coordinates are the values of the Relay_Master_Log_File and Exec_Master_Log_Pos values\&. Denote those values as file_name and file_pos\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04' 3.\h'+01'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP " 3." 4.2 .\} Dump the slave server: .sp .if n \{\ .RS 4 .\} .nf shell> \fBmysqldump \-\-master\-data=2 \-\-all\-databases > dumpfile\fR .fi .if n \{\ .RE .\} .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04' 4.\h'+01'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP " 4." 4.2 .\} Restart the slave: .sp .if n \{\ .RS 4 .\} .nf mysql> \fBSTART SLAVE;\fR .fi .if n \{\ .RE .\} .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04' 5.\h'+01'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP " 5." 4.2 .\} On the new slave, reload the dump file: .sp .if n \{\ .RS 4 .\} .nf shell> \fBmysql < dumpfile\fR .fi .if n \{\ .RE .\} .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04' 6.\h'+01'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP " 6." 4.2 .\} On the new slave, set the replication coordinates to those of the master server obtained earlier: .sp .if n \{\ .RS 4 .\} .nf mysql> \fBCHANGE MASTER TO\fR \-> \fBMASTER_LOG_FILE = \'file_name\', MASTER_LOG_POS = file_pos;\fR .fi .if n \{\ .RE .\} .sp The CHANGE MASTER TO statement might also need other parameters, such as MASTER_HOST to point the slave to the correct master server host\&. Add any such parameters as necessary\&. .RE .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: no-autocommit option .\" no-autocommit option: mysqldump \fB\-\-no\-autocommit\fR .sp Enclose the INSERT statements for each dumped table within SET autocommit = 0 and COMMIT statements\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: no-create-db option .\" no-create-db option: mysqldump \fB\-\-no\-create\-db\fR, \fB\-n\fR .sp This option suppresses the CREATE DATABASE statements that are otherwise included in the output if the \fB\-\-databases\fR or \fB\-\-all\-databases\fR option is given\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: no-create-info option .\" no-create-info option: mysqldump \fB\-\-no\-create\-info\fR, \fB\-t\fR .sp Do not write CREATE TABLE statements that re\-create each dumped table\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: no-data option .\" no-data option: mysqldump \fB\-\-no\-data\fR, \fB\-d\fR .sp Do not write any table row information (that is, do not dump table contents)\&. This is very useful if you want to dump only the CREATE TABLE statement for the table\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: no-set-names option .\" no-set-names option: mysqldump \fB\-\-no\-set\-names\fR .sp This option is deprecated\&. Use \fB\-\-skip\-set\-charset\fR instead\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: opt option .\" opt option: mysqldump \fB\-\-opt\fR .sp This option is shorthand; it is the same as specifying \fB\-\-add\-drop\-table\fR \fB\-\-add\-locks\fR \fB\-\-create\-options\fR \fB\-\-disable\-keys\fR \fB\-\-extended\-insert\fR \fB\-\-lock\-tables\fR \fB\-\-quick\fR \fB\-\-set\-charset\fR\&. It should give you a fast dump operation and produce a dump file that can be reloaded into a MySQL server quickly\&. .sp \fIThe \fR\fI\fB\-\-opt\fR\fR\fI option is enabled by default\&. Use \fR\fI\fB\-\-skip\-opt\fR\fR\fI to disable it\&.\fR See the discussion at the beginning of this section for information about selectively enabling or disabling certain of the options affected by \fB\-\-opt\fR\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: order-by-primary option .\" order-by-primary option: mysqldump \fB\-\-order\-by\-primary\fR .sp Sort each table\'s rows by its primary key, or by its first unique index, if such an index exists\&. This is useful when dumping a MyISAM table to be loaded into an InnoDB table, but will make the dump itself take considerably longer\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: password option .\" password option: mysqldump \fB\-\-password[=\fR\fB\fIpassword\fR\fR\fB]\fR, \fB\-p[\fR\fB\fIpassword\fR\fR\fB]\fR .sp The password to use when connecting to the server\&. If you use the short option form (\fB\-p\fR), you \fIcannot\fR have a space between the option and the password\&. If you omit the \fIpassword\fR value following the \fB\-\-password\fR or \fB\-p\fR option on the command line, you are prompted for one\&. .sp Specifying a password on the command line should be considered insecure\&. See Section\ \&, \(lqEnd-User Guidelines for Password Security\(rq\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: pipe option .\" pipe option: mysqldump \fB\-\-pipe\fR, \fB\-W\fR .sp On Windows, connect to the server via a named pipe\&. This option applies only for connections to a local server, and only if the server supports named\-pipe connections\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: port option .\" port option: mysqldump \fB\-\-port=\fR\fB\fIport_num\fR\fR, \fB\-P \fR\fB\fIport_num\fR\fR .sp The TCP/IP port number to use for the connection\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: protocol option .\" protocol option: mysqldump \fB\-\-protocol={TCP|SOCKET|PIPE|MEMORY}\fR .sp The connection protocol to use for connecting to the server\&. It is useful when the other connection parameters normally would cause a protocol to be used other than the one you want\&. For details on the allowable values, see Section\ \&4.2.2, \(lqConnecting to the MySQL Server\(rq\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: quick option .\" quick option: mysqldump \fB\-\-quick\fR, \fB\-q\fR .sp This option is useful for dumping large tables\&. It forces \fBmysqldump\fR to retrieve rows for a table from the server a row at a time rather than retrieving the entire row set and buffering it in memory before writing it out\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: quote-names option .\" quote-names option: mysqldump \fB\-\-quote\-names\fR, \fB\-Q\fR .sp Quote database, table, and column names within \(lq`\(rq characters\&. If the ANSI_QUOTES SQL mode is enabled, names are quoted within \(lq"\(rq characters\&. This option is enabled by default\&. It can be disabled with \fB\-\-skip\-quote\-names\fR, but this option should be given after any option such as \fB\-\-compatible\fR that may enable \fB\-\-quote\-names\fR\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: replace option .\" replace option: mysqldump \fB\-\-replace\fR .sp Write REPLACE statements rather than INSERT statements\&. Available as of MySQL 5\&.1\&.3\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: result-file option .\" result-file option: mysqldump \fB\-\-result\-file=\fR\fB\fIfile_name\fR\fR, \fB\-r \fR\fB\fIfile_name\fR\fR .sp Direct output to a given file\&. This option should be used on Windows to prevent newline \(lq\en\(rq characters from being converted to \(lq\er\en\(rq carriage return/newline sequences\&. The result file is created and its contents overwritten, even if an error occurs while generating the dump\&. The previous contents are lost\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: routines option .\" routines option: mysqldump \fB\-\-routines\fR, \fB\-R\fR .sp Dump stored routines (procedures and functions) from the dumped databases\&. Use of this option requires the SELECT privilege for the mysql\&.proc table\&. The output generated by using \fB\-\-routines\fR contains CREATE PROCEDURE and CREATE FUNCTION statements to re\-create the routines\&. However, these statements do not include attributes such as the routine creation and modification timestamps\&. This means that when the routines are reloaded, they will be created with the timestamps equal to the reload time\&. .sp If you require routines to be re\-created with their original timestamp attributes, do not use \fB\-\-routines\fR\&. Instead, dump and reload the contents of the mysql\&.proc table directly, using a MySQL account that has appropriate privileges for the mysql database\&. .sp This option was added in MySQL 5\&.1\&.2\&. Before that, stored routines are not dumped\&. Routine DEFINER values are not dumped until MySQL 5\&.1\&.8\&. This means that before 5\&.1\&.8, when routines are reloaded, they will be created with the definer set to the reloading user\&. If you require routines to be re\-created with their original definer, dump and load the contents of the mysql\&.proc table directly as described earlier\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: set-charset option .\" set-charset option: mysqldump \fB\-\-set\-charset\fR .sp Add SET NAMES \fIdefault_character_set\fR to the output\&. This option is enabled by default\&. To suppress the SET NAMES statement, use \fB\-\-skip\-set\-charset\fR\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: single-transaction option .\" single-transaction option: mysqldump \fB\-\-single\-transaction\fR .sp This option issues a BEGIN SQL statement before dumping data from the server\&. It is useful only with transactional tables such as InnoDB, because then it dumps the consistent state of the database at the time when BEGIN was issued without blocking any applications\&. .sp When using this option, you should keep in mind that only InnoDB tables are dumped in a consistent state\&. For example, any MyISAM or MEMORY tables dumped while using this option may still change state\&. .sp While a \fB\-\-single\-transaction\fR dump is in process, to ensure a valid dump file (correct table contents and binary log position), no other connection should use the following statements: ALTER TABLE, DROP TABLE, RENAME TABLE, TRUNCATE TABLE\&. A consistent read is not isolated from those statements, so use of them on a table to be dumped can cause the SELECT performed by \fBmysqldump\fR to retrieve the table contents to obtain incorrect contents or fail\&. .sp This option is not supported for MySQL Cluster tables; the results cannot be guaranteed to be consistent due to the fact that the NDBCLUSTER storage engine supports only the READ_COMMITTED transaction isolation level\&. You should always use NDB backup and restore instead\&. .sp The \fB\-\-single\-transaction\fR option and the \fB\-\-lock\-tables\fR option are mutually exclusive, because LOCK TABLES causes any pending transactions to be committed implicitly\&. .sp To dump large tables, you should combine this option with \fB\-\-quick\fR\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: skip-comments option .\" skip-comments option: mysqldump \fB\-\-skip\-comments\fR .sp See the description for the \fB\-\-comments\fR option\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: skip-opt option .\" skip-opt option: mysqldump \fB\-\-skip\-opt\fR .sp See the description for the \fB\-\-opt\fR option\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: socket option .\" socket option: mysqldump \fB\-\-socket=\fR\fB\fIpath\fR\fR, \fB\-S \fR\fB\fIpath\fR\fR .sp For connections to localhost, the Unix socket file to use, or, on Windows, the name of the named pipe to use\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: SSL options .\" SSL options: mysqldump \fB\-\-ssl*\fR .sp Options that begin with \fB\-\-ssl\fR specify whether to connect to the server via SSL and indicate where to find SSL keys and certificates\&. See Section\ \&, \(lqSSL Command Options\(rq\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: tab option .\" tab option: mysqldump \fB\-\-tab=\fR\fB\fIpath\fR\fR, \fB\-T \fR\fB\fIpath\fR\fR .sp Produce tab\-separated data files\&. For each dumped table, \fBmysqldump\fR creates a \fItbl_name\fR\&.sql file that contains the CREATE TABLE statement that creates the table, and a \fItbl_name\fR\&.txt file that contains its data\&. The option value is the directory in which to write the files\&. .sp By default, the \&.txt data files are formatted using tab characters between column values and a newline at the end of each line\&. The format can be specified explicitly using the \fB\-\-fields\-\fR\fB\fIxxx\fR\fR and \fB\-\-lines\-terminated\-by\fR options\&. .sp As of MySQL 5\&.1\&.38, column values are written converted to the character set specified by the \fB\-\-default\-character\-set\fR option\&. Prior to 5\&.1\&.38 or if no such option is present, values are dumped using the binary character set\&. In effect, there is no character set conversion\&. If a table contains columns in several character sets, the output data file will as well and you may not be able to reload the file correctly\&. .if n \{\ .sp .\} .RS 4 .it 1 an-trap .nr an-no-space-flag 1 .nr an-break-flag 1 .br .ps +1 \fBNote\fR .ps -1 .br This option should be used only when \fBmysqldump\fR is run on the same machine as the \fBmysqld\fR server\&. You must have the FILE privilege, and the server must have permission to write files in the directory that you specify\&. .sp .5v .RE .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: tables option .\" tables option: mysqldump \fB\-\-tables\fR .sp Override the \fB\-\-databases\fR or \fB\-B\fR option\&. \fBmysqldump\fR regards all name arguments following the option as table names\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: triggers option .\" triggers option: mysqldump \fB\-\-triggers\fR .sp Dump triggers for each dumped table\&. This option is enabled by default; disable it with \fB\-\-skip\-triggers\fR\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: tz-utc option .\" tz-utc option: mysqldump \fB\-\-tz\-utc\fR .sp This option enables TIMESTAMP columns to be dumped and reloaded between servers in different time zones\&. \fBmysqldump\fR sets its connection time zone to UTC and adds SET TIME_ZONE=\'+00:00\' to the dump file\&. Without this option, TIMESTAMP columns are dumped and reloaded in the time zones local to the source and destination servers, which can cause the values to change\&. \fB\-\-tz\-utc\fR also protects against changes due to daylight saving time\&. \fB\-\-tz\-utc\fR is enabled by default\&. To disable it, use \fB\-\-skip\-tz\-utc\fR\&. This option was added in MySQL 5\&.1\&.2\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: user option .\" user option: mysqldump \fB\-\-user=\fR\fB\fIuser_name\fR\fR, \fB\-u \fR\fB\fIuser_name\fR\fR .sp The MySQL user name to use when connecting to the server\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: verbose option .\" verbose option: mysqldump \fB\-\-verbose\fR, \fB\-v\fR .sp Verbose mode\&. Print more information about what the program does\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: version option .\" version option: mysqldump \fB\-\-version\fR, \fB\-V\fR .sp Display version information and exit\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: where option .\" where option: mysqldump \fB\-\-where=\'\fR\fB\fIwhere_condition\fR\fR\fB\'\fR, \fB\-w \'\fR\fB\fIwhere_condition\fR\fR\fB\'\fR .sp Dump only rows selected by the given WHERE condition\&. Quotes around the condition are mandatory if it contains spaces or other characters that are special to your command interpreter\&. .sp Examples: .sp .if n \{\ .RS 4 .\} .nf \-\-where="user=\'jimf\'" \-w"userid>1" \-w"userid<1" .fi .if n \{\ .RE .\} .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} .\" mysqldump: xml option .\" xml option: mysqldump \fB\-\-xml\fR, \fB\-X\fR .sp Write dump output as well\-formed XML\&. .sp \fBNULL\fR\fB, \fR\fB\'NULL\'\fR\fB, and Empty Values\fR: For some column named \fIcolumn_name\fR, the NULL value, an empty string, and the string value \'NULL\' are distinguished from one another in the output generated by this option as follows\&. .TS allbox tab(:); l l l l l l l l. T{ \fBValue\fR: T}:T{ \fBXML Representation\fR: T} T{ NULL (\fIunknown value\fR) T}:T{ T} T{ \'\' (\fIempty string\fR) T}:T{ T} T{ \'NULL\' (\fIstring value\fR) T}:T{ NULL T} .TE .sp 1 Beginning with MySQL 5\&.1\&.12, the output from the \fBmysql\fR client when run using the \fB\-\-xml\fR option also follows these rules\&. (See the section called \(lqMYSQL OPTIONS\(rq\&.) .sp Beginning with MySQL 5\&.1\&.18, XML output from \fBmysqldump\fR includes the XML namespace, as shown here: .sp .if n \{\ .RS 4 .\} .nf shell> \fBmysqldump \-\-xml \-u root world City\fR 1 Kabul AFG Kabol 1780000 \fI\&.\&.\&.\fR 4079 Rafah PSE Rafah 92020 .fi .if n \{\ .RE .\} .sp .RE .PP You can also set the following variables by using \fB\-\-\fR\fB\fIvar_name\fR\fR\fB=\fR\fB\fIvalue\fR\fR syntax: .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} max_allowed_packet .sp The maximum size of the buffer for client/server communication\&. The maximum is 1GB\&. .RE .sp .RS 4 .ie n \{\ \h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'\c .\} .el \{\ .sp -1 .IP \(bu 2.3 .\} net_buffer_length .sp The initial size of the buffer for client/server communication\&. When creating multiple\-row\-insert statements (as with option \fB\-\-extended\-insert\fR or \fB\-\-opt\fR), \fBmysqldump\fR creates rows up to net_buffer_length length\&. If you increase this variable, you should also ensure that the net_buffer_length variable in the MySQL server is at least this large\&. .RE .PP The most common use of \fBmysqldump\fR is probably for making a backup of an entire database: .sp .if n \{\ .RS 4 .\} .nf shell> \fBmysqldump \fR\fB\fIdb_name\fR\fR\fB > \fR\fB\fIbackup\-file\&.sql\fR\fR .fi .if n \{\ .RE .\} .PP You can read the dump file back into the server like this: .sp .if n \{\ .RS 4 .\} .nf shell> \fBmysql \fR\fB\fIdb_name\fR\fR\fB < \fR\fB\fIbackup\-file\&.sql\fR\fR .fi .if n \{\ .RE .\} .PP Or like this: .sp .if n \{\ .RS 4 .\} .nf shell> \fBmysql \-e "source \fR\fB\fI/path\-to\-backup/backup\-file\&.sql\fR\fR\fB" \fR\fB\fIdb_name\fR\fR .fi .if n \{\ .RE .\} .PP \fBmysqldump\fR is also very useful for populating databases by copying data from one MySQL server to another: .sp .if n \{\ .RS 4 .\} .nf shell> \fBmysqldump \-\-opt \fR\fB\fIdb_name\fR\fR\fB | mysql \-\-host=\fR\fB\fIremote_host\fR\fR\fB \-C \fR\fB\fIdb_name\fR\fR .fi .if n \{\ .RE .\} .PP It is possible to dump several databases with one command: .sp .if n \{\ .RS 4 .\} .nf shell> \fBmysqldump \-\-databases \fR\fB\fIdb_name1\fR\fR\fB [\fR\fB\fIdb_name2\fR\fR\fB \&.\&.\&.] > my_databases\&.sql\fR .fi .if n \{\ .RE .\} .PP To dump all databases, use the \fB\-\-all\-databases\fR option: .sp .if n \{\ .RS 4 .\} .nf shell> \fBmysqldump \-\-all\-databases > all_databases\&.sql\fR .fi .if n \{\ .RE .\} .PP For InnoDB tables, \fBmysqldump\fR provides a way of making an online backup: .sp .if n \{\ .RS 4 .\} .nf shell> \fBmysqldump \-\-all\-databases \-\-single\-transaction > all_databases\&.sql\fR .fi .if n \{\ .RE .\} .PP This backup acquires a global read lock on all tables (using FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK) at the beginning of the dump\&. As soon as this lock has been acquired, the binary log coordinates are read and the lock is released\&. If long updating statements are running when the FLUSH statement is issued, the MySQL server may get stalled until those statements finish\&. After that, the dump becomes lock\-free and does not disturb reads and writes on the tables\&. If the update statements that the MySQL server receives are short (in terms of execution time), the initial lock period should not be noticeable, even with many updates\&. .PP For point\-in\-time recovery (also known as \(lqroll\-forward,\(rq when you need to restore an old backup and replay the changes that happened since that backup), it is often useful to rotate the binary log (see Section\ \&5.2.4, \(lqThe Binary Log\(rq) or at least know the binary log coordinates to which the dump corresponds: .sp .if n \{\ .RS 4 .\} .nf shell> \fBmysqldump \-\-all\-databases \-\-master\-data=2 > all_databases\&.sql\fR .fi .if n \{\ .RE .\} .PP Or: .sp .if n \{\ .RS 4 .\} .nf shell> \fBmysqldump \-\-all\-databases \-\-flush\-logs \-\-master\-data=2\fR \fB> all_databases\&.sql\fR .fi .if n \{\ .RE .\} .PP The \fB\-\-master\-data\fR and \fB\-\-single\-transaction\fR options can be used simultaneously, which provides a convenient way to make an online backup suitable for point\-in\-time recovery if tables are stored using the InnoDB storage engine\&. .PP For more information on making backups, see Section\ \&6.1, \(lqDatabase Backup Methods\(rq, and Section\ \&6.2, \(lqExample Backup and Recovery Strategy\(rq\&. .\" mysqldump: views .\" mysqldump: problems .\" mysqldump: workarounds .PP If you encounter problems backing up views, please read the section that covers restrictions on views which describes a workaround for backing up views when this fails due to insufficient privileges\&. See Section\ \&D.4, \(lqRestrictions on Views\(rq\&. .SH "COPYRIGHT" .br .PP Copyright 2007-2008 MySQL AB, 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. .PP This documentation is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it only under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. .PP This documentation is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. .PP You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with the program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA or see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. .sp .SH "NOTES" .IP " 1." 4 Bug#30123 .RS 4 \%http://bugs.mysql.com/30123 .RE .SH "SEE ALSO" For more information, please refer to the MySQL Reference Manual, which may already be installed locally and which is also available online at http://dev.mysql.com/doc/. .SH AUTHOR Sun Microsystems, Inc. (http://www.mysql.com/).