/* Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB & MySQL Finland AB & TCX DataKonsult AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* Written by Sergei A. Golubchik, who has a shared copyright to this code */ #define FT_CORE #include "ftdefs.h" #include /* search with boolean queries */ static double _wghts[11]={ 0.131687242798354, 0.197530864197531, 0.296296296296296, 0.444444444444444, 0.666666666666667, 1.000000000000000, 1.500000000000000, 2.250000000000000, 3.375000000000000, 5.062500000000000, 7.593750000000000}; static double *wghts=_wghts+5; // wghts[i] = 1.5**i static double _nwghts[11]={ -0.065843621399177, -0.098765432098766, -0.148148148148148, -0.222222222222222, -0.333333333333334, -0.500000000000000, -0.750000000000000, -1.125000000000000, -1.687500000000000, -2.531250000000000, -3.796875000000000}; static double *nwghts=_nwghts+5; // nwghts[i] = -0.5*1.5**i typedef struct st_ftb_expr FTB_EXPR; struct st_ftb_expr { FTB_EXPR *up; float weight; int yesno; my_off_t docid; float cur_weight; int yesses; /* number of "yes" words matched */ int nos; /* number of "no" words matched */ int ythresh; /* number of "yes" words in expr */ }; typedef struct { FTB_EXPR *up; float weight; int yesno; int trunc; my_off_t docid; uint ndepth; int len; /* ... there can be docid cache added here. SerG */ byte word[1]; } FTB_WORD; typedef struct st_ft_info { struct _ft_vft *please; MI_INFO *info; uint keynr; int ok; FTB_EXPR *root; QUEUE queue; MEM_ROOT mem_root; } FTB; int FTB_WORD_cmp(void *v, byte *a, byte *b) { /* ORDER BY docid, ndepth DESC */ int i=CMP(((FTB_WORD *)a)->docid, ((FTB_WORD *)b)->docid); if (!i) i=CMP(((FTB_WORD *)b)->ndepth,((FTB_WORD *)a)->ndepth); return i; } void _ftb_parse_query(FTB *ftb, byte **start, byte *end, FTB_EXPR *up, uint ndepth, uint depth) { byte res; FTB_PARAM param; FT_WORD w; FTB_WORD *ftbw; FTB_EXPR *ftbe; MI_INFO *info=ftb->info; int r; MI_KEYDEF *keyinfo=info->s->keyinfo+ftb->keynr; my_off_t keyroot=info->s->state.key_root[ftb->keynr]; uint extra=HA_FT_WLEN+info->s->rec_reflength; /* just a shortcut */ if (! ftb->ok) return; param.prev=' '; while (res=ft_get_word(start,end,&w,¶m)) { byte r=param.plusminus; float weight=(param.pmsign ? nwghts : wghts)[(r>5)?5:((r<-5)?-5:r)]; switch (res) { case FTB_LBR: ftbe=(FTB_EXPR *)alloc_root(&ftb->mem_root, sizeof(FTB_EXPR)); ftbe->yesno=param.yesno; ftbe->weight=weight; ftbe->up=up; ftbe->ythresh=0; ftbe->docid=HA_POS_ERROR; if (ftbe->yesno > 0) up->ythresh++; _ftb_parse_query(ftb, start, end, ftbe, depth+1, (param.yesno<0 ? depth+1 : ndepth)); break; case FTB_RBR: return; case 1: ftbw=(FTB_WORD *)alloc_root(&ftb->mem_root, sizeof(FTB_WORD) + (param.trunc ? MI_MAX_KEY_BUFF : w.len+extra)); ftbw->len=w.len + !param.trunc; ftbw->yesno=param.yesno; ftbw->trunc=param.trunc; /* 0 or 1 */ ftbw->weight=weight; ftbw->up=up; ftbw->docid=HA_POS_ERROR; ftbw->ndepth= param.yesno<0 ? depth : ndepth; memcpy(ftbw->word+1, w.pos, w.len); ftbw->word[0]=w.len; if (ftbw->yesno > 0) up->ythresh++; /*****************************************/ r=_mi_search(info, keyinfo, ftbw->word, ftbw->len, SEARCH_FIND | SEARCH_PREFIX, keyroot); if (!r) { r=_mi_compare_text(default_charset_info, info->lastkey+ftbw->trunc,ftbw->len, ftbw->word+ftbw->trunc,ftbw->len,0); } if (r) /* not found */ { if (ftbw->yesno>0 && ftbw->up->up==0) { /* this word MUST BE present in every document returned, so we can abort the search right now */ ftb->ok=0; return; } } else { memcpy(ftbw->word, info->lastkey, info->lastkey_length); ftbw->docid=info->lastpos; queue_insert(& ftb->queue, (byte *)ftbw); } /*****************************************/ break; } } return; } FT_INFO * ft_init_boolean_search(MI_INFO *info, uint keynr, byte *query, uint query_len, my_bool presort __attribute__((unused))) { FTB *ftb; FTB_EXPR *ftbe; uint res; if (!(ftb=(FTB *)my_malloc(sizeof(FTB), MYF(MY_WME)))) return 0; ftb->please=& _ft_vft_boolean; ftb->ok=1; ftb->info=info; ftb->keynr=keynr; init_alloc_root(&ftb->mem_root, 1024, 1024); /* hack: instead of init_queue, we'll use reinit queue to be able * to alloc queue with alloc_root() */ res=ftb->queue.max_elements=query_len/(ft_min_word_len+1); ftb->queue.root=(byte **)alloc_root(&ftb->mem_root, (res+1)*sizeof(void*)); reinit_queue(& ftb->queue, res, 0, 0, FTB_WORD_cmp, ftb); ftbe=(FTB_EXPR *)alloc_root(&ftb->mem_root, sizeof(FTB_EXPR)); ftbe->weight=ftbe->yesno=ftbe->nos=1; ftbe->up=0; ftbe->ythresh=0; ftbe->docid=HA_POS_ERROR; ftb->root=ftbe; _ftb_parse_query(ftb, &query, query+query_len, ftbe, 0, 0); return ftb; } int ft_boolean_read_next(FT_INFO *ftb, char *record) { FTB_EXPR *ftbe, *up; FTB_WORD *ftbw; MI_INFO *info=ftb->info; MI_KEYDEF *keyinfo=info->s->keyinfo+ftb->keynr; my_off_t keyroot=info->s->state.key_root[ftb->keynr]; my_off_t curdoc; int r; /* black magic ON */ if ((int) _mi_check_index(info, ftb->keynr) < 0) return my_errno; if (_mi_readinfo(info, F_RDLCK, 1)) return my_errno; /* black magic OFF */ if (!ftb->queue.elements) return my_errno=HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE; while(ftb->ok && (curdoc=((FTB_WORD *)queue_top(& ftb->queue))->docid) != HA_POS_ERROR) { while (curdoc==(ftbw=(FTB_WORD *)queue_top(& ftb->queue))->docid) { float weight=ftbw->weight; int yn=ftbw->yesno; for (ftbe=ftbw->up; ftbe; ftbe=ftbe->up) { if (ftbe->docid != curdoc) { ftbe->cur_weight=ftbe->yesses=ftbe->nos=0; ftbe->docid=curdoc; } if (yn>0) { ftbe->cur_weight+=weight; if (++ftbe->yesses >= ftbe->ythresh && !ftbe->nos) { yn=ftbe->yesno; weight=ftbe->cur_weight*ftbe->weight; } else break; } else if (yn<0) { /* NOTE: special sort function of queue assures that all yn<0 * events for every particular subexpression will * "auto-magically" happen BEFORE all yn>=0 events. So no * already matched expression can become not-matched again. */ ++ftbe->nos; break; } else /* if (yn==0) */ { if (ftbe->yesses >= ftbe->ythresh && !ftbe->nos) { yn=ftbe->yesno; ftbe->cur_weight=weight; weight*=ftbe->weight; } else { ftbe->cur_weight+=weight; break; } } } /* update queue */ r=_mi_search(info, keyinfo, ftbw->word, USE_WHOLE_KEY, /*ftbw->len,*/ SEARCH_BIGGER , keyroot); if (!r) { r=_mi_compare_text(default_charset_info, info->lastkey+ftbw->trunc,ftbw->len, ftbw->word+ftbw->trunc,ftbw->len,0); } if (r) /* not found */ { ftbw->docid=HA_POS_ERROR; if (ftbw->yesno>0 && ftbw->up->up==0) { /* this word MUST BE present in every document returned, so we can stop the search right now */ ftb->ok=0; } } else { memcpy(ftbw->word, info->lastkey, info->lastkey_length); ftbw->docid=info->lastpos; } queue_replaced(& ftb->queue); } ftbe=ftb->root; if (ftbe->cur_weight>0 && ftbe->yesses>=ftbe->ythresh && !ftbe->nos) { /* curdoc matched ! */ info->update&= (HA_STATE_CHANGED | HA_STATE_ROW_CHANGED); /* why is this ? */ /* info->lastpos=curdoc; */ /* do I need this ? */ if (!(*info->read_record)(info,curdoc,record)) { info->update|= HA_STATE_AKTIV; /* Record is read */ return 0; } return my_errno; } } return my_errno=HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE; } float ft_boolean_find_relevance(FT_INFO *ftb, my_off_t docid __attribute__((unused)), byte *record) { return -1.0; /* to be done via str scan */ } void ft_boolean_close_search(FT_INFO *ftb) { free_root(& ftb->mem_root, MYF(0)); my_free((gptr)ftb,MYF(0)); } float ft_boolean_get_relevance(FT_INFO *ftb) { return ftb->root->cur_weight; } my_off_t ft_boolean_get_docid(FT_INFO *ftb) { return HA_POS_ERROR; } void ft_boolean_reinit_search(FT_INFO *ftb) { fprintf(stderr, "ft_boolean_reinit_search called!\n"); }