# # This include file is used by more than one test suite # (currently binlog and binlog_encryption). # Please check all dependent tests after modifying it # source include/have_debug.inc; source include/have_innodb.inc; source include/have_log_bin.inc; source include/have_binlog_format_mixed_or_statement.inc; CALL mtr.add_suppression("Error writing file 'master-bin'"); RESET MASTER; CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT PRIMARY KEY) ENGINE=innodb; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(0); SET SESSION debug_dbug='+d,fail_binlog_write_1'; --error ER_ERROR_ON_WRITE INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(1); --error ER_ERROR_ON_WRITE INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(2); SET SESSION debug_dbug=''; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(3); SELECT * FROM t1; # Actually the output from this currently shows a bug. # The injected IO error leaves partially written transactions in the binlog in # the form of stray "BEGIN" events. # These should disappear from the output if binlog error handling is improved # (see MySQL Bug#37148 and WL#1790). --replace_regex /\/\* xid=.* \*\//\/* XID *\// /Server ver: .*, Binlog ver: .*/Server ver: #, Binlog ver: #/ /table_id: [0-9]+/table_id: #/ --replace_column 1 BINLOG 2 POS 5 ENDPOS SHOW BINLOG EVENTS; DROP TABLE t1;