# ==== Purpose ==== # # Relocates the relay logs and index file from # a directory into another. The logs relocated # are the one listed in the index file. # # ==== Usage ==== # # [--let $relocate_disable_query_log= 1] # [--let $rpl_debug= 1] # [--let $relocate_is_windows= 0] # [--let $relocate_recreate_index= 0] # [--let $relocate_fix_relay_log_info= 0] # --let $relocate_from= DIR # --let $relocate_to= DIR # --let $relocate_index_file= FNAME # --source include/relocate_binlogs.inc if ($relocate_disable_query_log) { --disable_query_log } --let $_path_separator=/ if ($relocate_is_windows) { --let $_path_separator=\ } if ($relocate_index_file) { SET SQL_LOG_BIN=0; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp(id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, filename VARCHAR(1024)); --let $write_var= --let $_index_file= $relocate_index_file --let $_index_file_basename= `SELECT RIGHT(RTRIM("$_index_file"), LOCATE("$_path_separator",REVERSE(RTRIM("$_index_file"))) -1)` --let $_from= $relocate_from --let $_to= $relocate_into # chmod to allow the following LOAD DATA --chmod 0666 $_index_file --eval LOAD DATA INFILE '$_index_file' INTO TABLE tmp (filename) --let $count= `SELECT count(*) FROM tmp` while ($count) { --let $_filename= `select filename from tmp where id=$count` --let $_filename= `SELECT RIGHT(RTRIM("$_filename"), LOCATE("$_path_separator",REVERSE(RTRIM("$_filename"))) -1)` --move_file $_from/$_filename $_to/$_filename if ($relocate_recreate_index) { if ($relocate_is_windows) { --let $_write_var=$_to\$_filename\n } if (!$relocate_is_windows) { --let $_write_var=$_to/$_filename\n } if (!$write_var) { --let $write_var=$_write_var } if (!`SELECT STRCMP('$write_var', '$_write_var') = 0`) { --let $write_var=$_write_var$write_var } } --dec $count } if (!$relocate_recreate_index) { --move_file $_index_file $_to/$_index_file_basename } if ($relocate_recreate_index) { --let $write_to_file= $_to/$_index_file_basename --source include/write_var_to_file.inc --remove_file $_index_file } DROP TEMPORARY TABLE tmp; if ($relocate_fix_relay_log_info) { CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp(id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, entry VARCHAR(1024)); --let $write_var= # chmod to allow the following LOAD DATA --chmod 0666 $relocate_fix_relay_log_info --eval LOAD DATA INFILE '$relocate_fix_relay_log_info' INTO TABLE tmp (entry) --let $count= `SELECT count(*) FROM tmp` --let $_curr_entry= `SELECT entry FROM tmp WHERE id=1` --let $_curr_entry_basename= `SELECT RIGHT(RTRIM("$_curr_entry"), LOCATE("$_path_separator",REVERSE(RTRIM("$_curr_entry"))) -1)` if ($relocate_is_windows) { --eval UPDATE tmp SET entry='$_to\$_curr_entry_basename' WHERE id=1 } if (!$relocate_is_windows) { --eval UPDATE tmp SET entry='$_to/$_curr_entry_basename' WHERE id=1 } --remove_file $relocate_fix_relay_log_info while($count) { --let $_write_var= `SELECT entry FROM tmp WHERE id= $count` --let $write_var=$_write_var\n$write_var --dec $count } --let $write_to_file= $relocate_fix_relay_log_info --source include/write_var_to_file.inc DROP TEMPORARY TABLE tmp; } SET SQL_LOG_BIN=1; } if ($relocate_disable_query_log) { --enable_query_log }