# ==== Purpose ==== # # Auxiliary file used in include/show_binlog_events.inc and # include/show_relaylog_events.inc. # # ==== Usage ==== # # See include/show_binlog_events.inc --let $include_filename= show_events.inc --source include/begin_include_file.inc --let $_se_old_statement= $statement --let $statement=show BINLOG events if ($is_relay_log) { --let $statement=show relaylog events } if ($binlog_file) { --let $_binlog_file= $binlog_file if ($binlog_file == 'LAST') { if ($is_relay_log) { --let $_binlog_file= query_get_value(SHOW SLAVE STATUS, Relay_Log_File, 1) } if (!$is_relay_log) { --let $_binlog_file= query_get_value(SHOW MASTER STATUS, File, 1) } } --let $statement= $statement in '$_binlog_file' } # Do not modify $binlog_start - if we did, it could wrongly persist until a # later call of show_events.inc. if ($binlog_start) { --let $_binlog_start= $binlog_start } if (!$binlog_start) { # If $binlog_start is not set, we will set it as the fourth event's # position (second in relay log which has not Binlog Checkpoint nor # Gtid_list events). # The first three events (Description Event, Gtid list, and Binlog Checkpoint # event) are always ignored. For description event's length might be changed # because of adding new events, 'SHOW BINLOG EVENTS LIMIT 3' is used to get # the right value. if ($is_relay_log) { --let $_binlog_start= query_get_value($statement LIMIT 1, End_log_pos, 1) } if (!$is_relay_log) { --let $_binlog_start= query_get_value($statement LIMIT 3, End_log_pos, 3) } } --let $statement= $statement from $_binlog_start if ($binlog_limit != '') { --let $statement= $statement limit $binlog_limit } # Execute the statement and write to $output_file --let $output_file= GENERATE --source include/write_result_to_file.inc # Filter the file through the following script. --delimiter || let $script= # todo: use select_columns instead (requires updating all result files) s{([^\t]*\t)[^\t]*(\t[^\t]*\t)[^\t]*\t[^\t]*(\t[^\t]*)}{DOLLAR1#DOLLAR2#\t#DOLLAR3}; s{/\* xid=.* \*/}{/\* XID \*/}; s{table_id: [0-9]+}{table_id: #}; s{file_id=[0-9]+}{file_id=#}; s{block_len=[0-9]+}{block_len=#}; s{Server ver:.*DOLLAR}{SERVER_VERSION, BINLOG_VERSION}; s{GTID [0-9]+-[0-9]+-[0-9]+}{GTID #-#-#}; s{\[([0-9]-[0-9]-[0-9]+,?)+\]}{[#-#-#]}; s{cid=[0-9]+}{cid=#}; s{SQL_LOAD-[a-z,0-9,-]*.[a-z]*}{SQL_LOAD---.}; s{rand_seed1=[0-9]*,rand_seed2=[0-9]*}{rand_seed1=,rand_seed2=}; s{((?:master|slave|slave-relay)-bin\.[0-9]{6};pos=)[0-9]+DOLLAR}{DOLLAR1POS}; s{SONAME ".*"}{SONAME "LIB"}; s{DOLLARmysqltest_vardir}{MYSQLTEST_VARDIR}g; || --let $pre_script= my DOLLARmysqltest_vardir = DOLLARENV{'MYSQLTEST_VARDIR'}; --delimiter ; #--let $select_columns= 1 3 6 --let $input_file= $output_file --source include/filter_file.inc # Write to result file --cat_file $output_file # Remove the file --remove_file $output_file --let $statement= $_se_old_statement --let $include_filename= show_events.inc --source include/end_include_file.inc