#!/usr/bin/perl # -*- cperl -*- use strict; use My::File::Path; use Test::Simple tests => 8; use File::Temp qw / tempdir /; my $dir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 ); my $testdir="$dir/test"; my $subdir= "$testdir/test1/test2/test3"; # # 1. Create and remove a directory structure # mkpath($subdir); ok( -d $subdir, "Check '$subdir' is created"); rmtree($testdir); ok( ! -d $testdir, "Check '$testdir' is gone"); # # 2. Create and remove a directory structure # where one directory is chmod to 0000 # mkpath($subdir); ok( -d $subdir, "Check '$subdir' is created"); ok( chmod(0000, $subdir) == 1 , "Check one dir was chmoded"); rmtree($testdir); ok( ! -d $testdir, "Check '$testdir' is gone"); # # 3. Create and remove a directory structure # where one file is chmod to 0000 # mkpath($subdir); ok( -d $subdir, "Check '$subdir' is created"); my $testfile= "$subdir/test.file"; open(F, ">", $testfile) or die; print F "hello\n"; close(F); ok( chmod(0000, $testfile) == 1 , "Check one file was chmoded"); rmtree($testdir); ok( ! -d $testdir, "Check '$testdir' is gone");