--source include/windows.inc if (!$AUTH_NAMED_PIPE_SO) { skip No auth_named_pipe plugin; } INSTALL SONAME 'auth_named_pipe'; --replace_result $USERNAME USERNAME eval CREATE USER '$USERNAME' IDENTIFIED WITH named_pipe; # Connect using named pipe, correct username connect(pipe_con,localhost,$USERNAME,,,,,PIPE); --replace_result $USERNAME USERNAME SELECT USER(),CURRENT_USER(); disconnect pipe_con; connection default; --replace_result $USERNAME USERNAME eval DROP USER '$USERNAME'; # test invalid user name CREATE USER nosuchuser IDENTIFIED WITH named_pipe; --disable_query_log --error ER_ACCESS_DENIED_NO_PASSWORD_ERROR connect(pipe_con,localhost,nosuchuser,,,,,PIPE); --enable_query_log DROP USER nosuchuser; UNINSTALL SONAME 'auth_named_pipe';