# # MDEV-25334 FTWRL/Backup blocks DDL on temporary tables with binlog # enabled assertion fails in Diagnostics_area::set_error_status # select @@binlog_format; @@binlog_format MIXED connect con1,localhost,root,,; connection default; # # Test 1 # CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp (a INT); connection con1; FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK; connection default; SET lock_wait_timeout= 1; ALTER TABLE tmp; ERROR HY000: Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction connection con1; unlock tables; connection default; drop table tmp; # # Test 2 (In statement format to ensure temporary table gets logged) # set @@binlog_format=statement; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp (a INT); connection con1; BACKUP STAGE START; BACKUP STAGE BLOCK_COMMIT; connection default; SET lock_wait_timeout= 1; ALTER TABLE tmp; ERROR HY000: Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction connection con1; BACKUP STAGE end; connection default; drop table tmp; disconnect con1;