# # Test of cast function # # For TIME->DATETIME conversion SET timestamp=unix_timestamp('2001-02-03 10:20:30'); select CAST(1-2 AS UNSIGNED); select CAST(CAST(1-2 AS UNSIGNED) AS SIGNED INTEGER); select CAST('10 ' as unsigned integer); select cast(-5 as unsigned) | 1, cast(-5 as unsigned) & -1; select cast(-5 as unsigned) -1, cast(-5 as unsigned) + 1; select ~5, cast(~5 as signed); explain extended select ~5, cast(~5 as signed); select cast(18446744073709551615 as signed); select cast(5 as unsigned) -6.0; select cast(NULL as signed), cast(1/0 as signed); select cast(1 as double(5,2)); select cast("5.2222" as double(5,2)); select cast(12.444 as double(5,2)); select cast(cast(12.444 as decimal(10,3)) as double(5,2)); select cast(null as double(5,2)); select cast(12.444 as double); select cast(cast("20:01:01" as time) as datetime); select cast(cast("8:46:06.23434" AS time) as decimal(32,10)); select cast(cast("2011-04-05 8:46:06.23434" AS datetime) as decimal(32,6)); --echo # --echo # Check handling of cast with microseconds --echo # select cast(cast(20010203101112.121314 as double) as datetime); select cast(cast(010203101112.12 as double) as datetime); select cast(cast(20010203101112.121314 as decimal(32,6)) as datetime); select cast(20010203101112.121314 as datetime); select cast(110203101112.121314 as datetime); select cast(cast(010203101112.12 as double) as datetime); select cast("2011-02-03 10:11:12.123456" as datetime); select cast("2011-02-03 10:11:12.123456" as datetime(0)); select cast("2011-02-03 10:11:12.123456" as datetime(5)); select cast("2011-02-03 10:11:12.123456" as datetime(6)); select cast("2011-02-03 10:11:12" as datetime(6)); select cast(cast(20010203101112.5 as double) as datetime(1)); select cast(cast(010203101112.12 as double) as datetime(2)); select cast(cast(20010203101112.121314 as decimal(32,6)) as datetime(6)); select cast(20010203101112.121314 as datetime(6)); select cast(110203101112.121314 as datetime(6)); select cast(cast(010203101112.12 as double) as datetime(6)); select cast("2011-02-03 10:11:12.123456" as time); select cast("2011-02-03 10:11:12.123456" as time(6)); select cast("10:11:12.123456" as time); select cast("10:11:12.123456" as time(0)); select cast("10:11:12.123456" as time(5)); select cast("10:11:12.123456" as time(6)); select cast("10:11:12" as time(6)); select cast(cast("2011-04-05 8:46:06.123456" AS datetime) as time); select cast(cast("2011-04-05 8:46:06.123456" AS datetime) as time(6)); select cast(cast("2011-04-05 8:46:06.123456" AS datetime(6)) as time); select cast(cast("2011-04-05 8:46:06.123456" AS datetime(6)) as time(6)); # # Bug #28250: Run-Time Check Failure #3 - The variable 'value' is being used # without being def # # The following line causes Run-Time Check Failure on # binaries built with Visual C++ 2005 # select cast(NULL as unsigned), cast(1/0 as unsigned); select cast("A" as binary) = "a", cast(BINARY "a" as CHAR) = "A"; select cast("2001-1-1" as DATE), cast("2001-1-1" as DATETIME); select cast("1:2:3" as TIME); select CONVERT("2004-01-22 21:45:33",DATE); select 10+'10'; select 10.0+'10'; select 10E+0+'10'; # The following cast creates warnings select CONVERT(TIMESTAMP "2004-01-22 21:45:33" USING latin1); select CONVERT(TIMESTAMP "2004-01-22 21:45:33",CHAR); select CONVERT(TIMESTAMP "2004-01-22 21:45:33",CHAR(4)); select CONVERT(TIMESTAMP "2004-01-22 21:45:33",BINARY(4)); select CAST(TIMESTAMP "2004-01-22 21:45:33" AS BINARY(4)); select CAST(0xb3 as signed); select CAST(0x8fffffffffffffff as signed); select CAST(0xffffffffffffffff as unsigned); select CAST(0xfffffffffffffffe as signed); select cast('-10a' as signed integer); select cast('a10' as unsigned integer); select 10+'a'; select 10.0+cast('a' as decimal); select 10E+0+'a'; select cast("a" as double(5,2)); select cast(1000 as decimal(5,2)); select cast(-1000 as decimal(5,2)); select cast(1000 as double(5,2)); select cast(-1000 as double(5,2)); select cast(010203101112.121314 as datetime); select cast(120010203101112.121314 as datetime); select cast(cast(1.1 as decimal) as datetime); select cast(cast(-1.1 as decimal) as datetime); select cast('0' as date); select cast('' as date); select cast('0' as datetime); select cast('' as datetime); select cast('0' as time); select cast('' as time); select cast(NULL as DATE); select cast(NULL as DATETIME); select cast(NULL as TIME); select cast(NULL as BINARY); # # We have to disable warnings for these as the printed double value is # not portable # --disable_warnings select cast(cast(120010203101112.121314 as double) as datetime); select cast(cast(1.1 as double) as datetime); select cast(cast(-1.1 as double) as datetime); --enable_warnings # # Some EXPLAIN EXTENDED to ensure the print functions are correct # explain extended select cast(10 as double(5,2)); explain extended select cast(10 as double); explain extended select cast(10 as decimal(5,2)); # out-of-range cases select cast('18446744073709551616' as unsigned); select cast('18446744073709551616' as signed); select cast('9223372036854775809' as signed); select cast('-1' as unsigned); select cast('abc' as signed); select cast('1a' as signed); select cast('' as signed); --error ER_M_BIGGER_THAN_D select cast(1 as double(5,6)); --error ER_M_BIGGER_THAN_D select cast(1 as decimal(5,6)); --error ER_TOO_BIG_PRECISION select cast(1 as double(66,6)); --error ER_TOO_BIG_PRECISION select cast(1 as decimal(66,6)); --error ER_TOO_BIG_SCALE select cast(1 as decimal(64,63)); --error ER_TOO_BIG_SCALE select cast(1 as double(64,63)); # # Character set conversion # set names binary; select cast(_latin1'test' as char character set latin2); select cast(_koi8r'ÔÅÓÔ' as char character set cp1251); create table t1 select cast(_koi8r'ÔÅÓÔ' as char character set cp1251) as t; show create table t1; drop table t1; # # CAST to CHAR with/without length # select cast(_latin1'ab' AS char) as c1, cast(_latin1'a ' AS char) as c2, cast(_latin1'abc' AS char(2)) as c3, cast(_latin1'a ' AS char(2)) as c4, hex(cast(_latin1'a' AS char(2))) as c5; select cast(1000 as CHAR(3)); SET STATEMENT sql_mode = 'NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' FOR create table t1 select cast(_latin1'ab' AS char) as c1, cast(_latin1'a ' AS char) as c2, cast(_latin1'abc' AS char(2)) as c3, cast(_latin1'a ' AS char(2)) as c4, cast(_latin1'a' AS char(2)) as c5; select c1,c2,c3,c4,hex(c5) from t1; show create table t1; drop table t1; # # CAST to NCHAR with/without length # select cast(_koi8r'ÆÇ' AS nchar) as c1, cast(_koi8r'Æ ' AS nchar) as c2, cast(_koi8r'ÆÇÈ' AS nchar(2)) as c3, cast(_koi8r'Æ ' AS nchar(2)) as c4, cast(_koi8r'Æ' AS nchar(2)) as c5; SET STATEMENT sql_mode = 'NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' FOR create table t1 select cast(_koi8r'ÆÇ' AS nchar) as c1, cast(_koi8r'Æ ' AS nchar) as c2, cast(_koi8r'ÆÇÈ' AS nchar(2)) as c3, cast(_koi8r'Æ ' AS nchar(2)) as c4, cast(_koi8r'Æ' AS nchar(2)) as c5; select * from t1; show create table t1; drop table t1; # # Bug 2202 # CAST from BINARY to non-BINARY and from non-BINARY to BINARY # create table t1 (a binary(4), b char(4) character set koi8r); insert into t1 values (_binary'ÔÅÓÔ',_binary'ÔÅÓÔ'); select a,b,cast(a as char character set cp1251),cast(b as binary) from t1; set names koi8r; select a,b,cast(a as char character set cp1251),cast(b as binary) from t1; set names cp1251; select a,b,cast(a as char character set cp1251),cast(b as binary) from t1; drop table t1; set names binary; # # The following should be fixed in 4.1 # select cast("2001-1-1" as date) = "2001-01-01"; select cast("2001-1-1" as datetime) = "2001-01-01 00:00:00"; select cast("1:2:3" as TIME) = "1:02:03"; # # Bug #5228 ORDER BY CAST(enumcol) sorts incorrectly under certain conditions # CREATE TABLE t1 (a enum ('aac','aab','aaa') not null); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('aaa'),('aab'),('aac'); # these two should be in enum order SELECT a, CAST(a AS CHAR) FROM t1 ORDER BY CAST(a AS UNSIGNED) ; SELECT a, CAST(a AS CHAR(3)) FROM t1 ORDER BY CAST(a AS CHAR(2)), a; # these two should be in alphabetic order SELECT a, CAST(a AS UNSIGNED) FROM t1 ORDER BY CAST(a AS CHAR) ; SELECT a, CAST(a AS CHAR(2)) FROM t1 ORDER BY CAST(a AS CHAR(3)), a; DROP TABLE t1; # # Test for bug #6914 "Problems using time()/date() output in expressions". # When we are casting datetime value to DATE/TIME we should throw away # time/date parts (correspondingly). # select date_add(cast('2004-12-30 12:00:00' as date), interval 0 hour); select timediff(cast('2004-12-30 12:00:00' as time), '12:00:00'); # Still we should not throw away "days" part of time value select timediff(cast('1 12:00:00' as time), '12:00:00'); # # Bug #7036: Casting from string to unsigned would cap value of result at # maximum signed value instead of maximum unsigned value # select cast(18446744073709551615 as unsigned); select cast(18446744073709551615 as signed); select cast('18446744073709551615' as unsigned); select cast('18446744073709551615' as signed); select cast('9223372036854775807' as signed); select cast(concat('184467440','73709551615') as unsigned); select cast(concat('184467440','73709551615') as signed); select cast(repeat('1',20) as unsigned); select cast(repeat('1',20) as signed); # # Bug #13344: cast of large decimal to signed int not handled correctly # select cast(1.0e+300 as signed int); # # Test that we create the correct types with create ... select cast() # create table t1 select cast(1 as unsigned), cast(1 as signed), cast(1 as double(5,2)), cast(1 as decimal(5,3)), cast("A" as binary), cast("A" as char(100)), cast("2001-1-1" as DATE), cast("2001-1-1" as DATETIME), cast("1:2:3" as TIME); show create table t1; drop table t1; # # Bugs: #15098: CAST(column double TO signed int), wrong result # CREATE TABLE t1 (f1 double); INSERT INTO t1 SET f1 = -1.0e+30 ; INSERT INTO t1 SET f1 = +1.0e+30 ; SELECT f1 AS double_val, CAST(f1 AS SIGNED INT) AS cast_val FROM t1; DROP TABLE t1; # # Bug #23938: cast(NULL as DATE) # select isnull(date(NULL)), isnull(cast(NULL as DATE)); # # Bug#23656: Wrong result of CAST from DATE to int # SELECT CAST(cast('01-01-01' as date) AS UNSIGNED); SELECT CAST(cast('01-01-01' as date) AS SIGNED); --echo End of 4.1 tests #decimal-related additions select cast('1.2' as decimal(3,2)); select 1e18 * cast('1.2' as decimal(3,2)); select cast(cast('1.2' as decimal(3,2)) as signed); set @v1=1e18; select cast(@v1 as decimal(22, 2)); select cast(-1e18 as decimal(22,2)); create table t1(s1 time); insert into t1 values ('11:11:11'); select cast(s1 as decimal(7,2)) from t1; drop table t1; # # Test for bug #11283: field conversion from varchar, and text types to decimal # CREATE TABLE t1 (v varchar(10), tt tinytext, t text, mt mediumtext, lt longtext); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('1.01', '2.02', '3.03', '4.04', '5.05'); SELECT CAST(v AS DECIMAL), CAST(tt AS DECIMAL), CAST(t AS DECIMAL), CAST(mt AS DECIMAL), CAST(lt AS DECIMAL) from t1; DROP TABLE t1; # # Bug #10237 (CAST(NULL DECIMAL) crashes server) # select cast(NULL as decimal(6)) as t1; # # Bug #17903: cast to char results in binary # set names latin1; select hex(cast('a' as char(2) binary)); select hex(cast('a' as binary(2))); select hex(cast('a' as char(2) binary)); # # Bug#29898: Item_date_typecast::val_int doesn't reset the null_value flag. # CREATE TABLE t1 (d1 datetime); INSERT INTO t1(d1) VALUES ('2007-07-19 08:30:00'), (NULL), ('2007-07-19 08:34:00'), (NULL), ('2007-07-19 08:36:00'); SELECT cast(date(d1) as signed) FROM t1; drop table t1; # # Bug #31990: MINUTE() and SECOND() return bogus results when used on a DATE # # Show that HH:MM:SS of a DATE are 0, and that it's the same for columns # and typecasts (NULL in, NULL out). CREATE TABLE t1 (f1 DATE); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('2007-07-19'), (NULL); SELECT HOUR(f1), MINUTE(f1), SECOND(f1) FROM t1; SELECT HOUR(CAST('2007-07-19' AS DATE)), MINUTE(CAST('2007-07-19' AS DATE)), SECOND(CAST('2007-07-19' AS DATE)); SELECT HOUR(CAST(NULL AS DATE)), MINUTE(CAST(NULL AS DATE)), SECOND(CAST(NULL AS DATE)); SELECT HOUR(NULL), MINUTE(NULL), SECOND(NULL); DROP TABLE t1; --echo End of 5.0 tests --echo # --echo # Bug #44766: valgrind error when using convert() in a subquery --echo # CREATE TABLE t1(a tinyint); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (127); SELECT 1 FROM ( SELECT CONVERT(t2.a USING UTF8) FROM t1, t1 t2 LIMIT 1 ) AS s LIMIT 1; DROP TABLE t1; --echo # --echo # Bug #11765023: 57934: DOS POSSIBLE SINCE BINARY CASTING --echo # DOESN'T ADHERE TO MAX_ALLOWED_PACKET set @save_max_allowed_packet=@@global.max_allowed_packet; SET @@GLOBAL.max_allowed_packet=2048; # reconnect to make the new max packet size take effect --connect (newconn, localhost, root,,) SELECT CONVERT('a', BINARY(2049)); SELECT CONVERT('a', CHAR(2049)); SELECT length(CONVERT(repeat('a',2048), CHAR(2049))); connection default; disconnect newconn; SET @@GLOBAL.max_allowed_packet=@save_max_allowed_packet; --echo # --echo # Bug#13519724 63793: CRASH IN DTCOLLATION::SET(DTCOLLATION &SET) --echo # CREATE TABLE t1 (a VARCHAR(50)); SELECT a FROM t1 WHERE CAST(a as BINARY)=x'62736D697468' AND CAST(a AS BINARY)=x'65736D697468'; DROP TABLE t1; --echo # --echo # Bug#13581962 HIGH MEMORY USAGE ATTEMPT, THEN CRASH WITH --echo # LONGTEXT, UNION, USER VARIABLE --echo # Bug#14096619 UNABLE TO RESTORE DATABASE DUMP --echo # SET STATEMENT sql_mode = 'NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' FOR CREATE TABLE t1 AS SELECT CONCAT(CAST(REPEAT('9', 1000) AS SIGNED)), CONCAT(CAST(REPEAT('9', 1000) AS UNSIGNED)); SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; DROP TABLE t1; --echo # End of test for Bug#13581962, Bug#14096619 --echo End of 5.1 tests select cast("2101-00-01 02:03:04" as datetime); select cast(cast("2101-00-01 02:03:04" as datetime) as time); SELECT CAST(CAST('20:05:05' AS TIME) as date); set sql_mode= TRADITIONAL; select cast("2101-00-01 02:03:04" as datetime); select cast(cast("2101-00-01 02:03:04" as datetime) as time); SELECT CAST(CAST('20:05:05' AS TIME) as date); set sql_mode=DEFAULT; # # lp:737458 Casting dates and times into integers works differently # in 5.1-micro # create table t1 (f1 time, f2 date, f3 datetime); insert into t1 values ('11:22:33','2011-12-13','2011-12-13 11:22:33'); select cast(f1 as unsigned), cast(f2 as unsigned), cast(f3 as unsigned) from t1; drop table t1; # # CAST(... AS DATE) and invalid dates # SELECT CAST(TIME('10:20:30') AS DATE) + INTERVAL 1 DAY; SET SQL_MODE=ALLOW_INVALID_DATES; SELECT DATE("foo"); # # CAST and field definition using same fields in LEX # create table t1 (a int, b char(5) as (cast("a" as char(10) binary) + a) ); show create table t1; drop table t1; # # CAST (... BINARY) # select collation(cast("a" as char(10) binary)); select collation(cast("a" as char(10) charset utf8 binary)); select collation(cast("a" as char(10) ascii binary)); select collation(cast("a" as char(10) binary charset utf8)); select collation(cast("a" as char(10) binary ascii)); --echo # --echo # MDEV-11030 Assertion `precision > 0' failed in decimal_bin_size --echo # SELECT * FROM (SELECT IFNULL(CONVERT(NULL, UNSIGNED), NULL)) sq; CREATE TABLE t1 AS SELECT IFNULL(CONVERT(NULL, UNSIGNED), NULL); SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; DROP TABLE t1; CREATE TABLE t1 AS SELECT COALESCE(CONVERT(NULL, UNSIGNED), NULL); SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; DROP TABLE t1; CREATE TABLE t1 AS SELECT CASE WHEN TRUE THEN CONVERT(NULL, UNSIGNED) ELSE NULL END; SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; DROP TABLE t1; CREATE TABLE t1 AS SELECT IFNULL(CONVERT(NULL,SIGNED),CONVERT(NULL,UNSIGNED)) AS a; SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; DROP TABLE t1; CREATE TABLE t1 AS SELECT -1, CONVERT(NULL,SIGNED), CONCAT(CONVERT(NULL,SIGNED)), 1, CONVERT(NULL,UNSIGNED), CONCAT(CONVERT(NULL,UNSIGNED)); SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; DROP TABLE t1; CREATE TABLE t1 AS SELECT CONVERT('',SIGNED), CONCAT(CONVERT('',SIGNED)), CONVERT('',UNSIGNED), CONCAT(CONVERT('',UNSIGNED)); SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; DROP TABLE t1; --echo # --echo # MDEV-12849 Out-of-range errors when casting hex-hybrid to SIGNED and UNSIGNED --echo # SET sql_mode=STRICT_ALL_TABLES; DELIMITER $$; CREATE PROCEDURE p1(hh TEXT) BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE CONCAT('CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE t1 AS SELECT CAST(0x', hh, ' AS UNSIGNED) AS c'); DESCRIBE t1; SELECT c, LENGTH(c) FROM t1; DROP TABLE t1; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE CONCAT('CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE t1 AS SELECT CAST(0x', hh, ' AS SIGNED) AS c'); DESCRIBE t1; SELECT c, LENGTH(c) FROM t1; DROP TABLE t1; SELECT '' AS `------`; END $$ DELIMITER ;$$ CALL p1('FF'); CALL p1('FFFF'); CALL p1('FFFFFF'); CALL p1('FFFFFFFF'); CALL p1('FFFFFFFFFF'); CALL p1('FFFFFFFFFFFF'); CALL p1('FFFFFFFFFFFFFF'); CALL p1('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF'); CALL p1('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF'); CALL p1('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF'); CALL p1('8000000000000000'); CALL p1('80000000000000FF'); CALL p1('800000000000FFFF'); CALL p1('8000000000FFFFFF'); CALL p1('80000000FFFFFFFF'); CALL p1('800000FFFFFFFFFF'); CALL p1('8000FFFFFFFFFFFF'); CALL p1('80FFFFFFFFFFFFFF'); CALL p1('8FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF'); DROP PROCEDURE p1; SET sql_mode=DEFAULT; --echo # --echo # MDEV-12852 Out-of-range errors when CAST(1-2 AS UNSIGNED --echo # SET sql_mode=STRICT_ALL_TABLES; CREATE TABLE t1 AS SELECT CAST(-1 AS UNSIGNED), CAST(1-2 AS UNSIGNED); SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; SELECT * FROM t1; DROP TABLE t1; SET sql_mode=DEFAULT; --echo # --echo # MDEV-12853 Out-of-range errors when CAST('-1' AS UNSIGNED --echo # SET sql_mode=STRICT_ALL_TABLES; CREATE TABLE t1 AS SELECT CAST('-1' AS UNSIGNED); SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; SELECT * FROM t1; DROP TABLE t1; SET sql_mode=DEFAULT; --echo # --echo # MDEV-14376 Explicit CAST(CHAR(N)) erroneously escalates warnings to errors in STRICT_ALL_TABLES --echo # SET sql_mode=STRICT_ALL_TABLES; SELECT CAST('xxx' AS CHAR(1)); CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE t1 (a VARCHAR(1)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (CAST('xxx' AS CHAR(1))); DROP TABLE t1; CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE t1 (a VARCHAR(3)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('xxx'); UPDATE t1 SET a=CAST(a AS CHAR(1)); DROP TABLE t1; DELIMITER $$; BEGIN NOT ATOMIC DECLARE a VARCHAR(30) CHARACTER SET latin1; SET a=CAST('xxx' AS CHAR(1)); END; $$ DELIMITER ;$$ DELIMITER $$; BEGIN NOT ATOMIC DECLARE a VARCHAR(30) CHARACTER SET latin1; SET a=CAST(_latin1'xxx' AS CHAR(1) CHARACTER SET latin1); END; $$ DELIMITER ;$$ DELIMITER $$; BEGIN NOT ATOMIC DECLARE a VARCHAR(30) CHARACTER SET latin1; SET a=CAST(_latin1'xxx' AS CHAR(1) CHARACTER SET utf8); END; $$ DELIMITER ;$$ DELIMITER $$; BEGIN NOT ATOMIC DECLARE a VARCHAR(30) CHARACTER SET utf8; SET a=CAST('xxx' AS CHAR(1)); END; $$ DELIMITER ;$$ DELIMITER $$; BEGIN NOT ATOMIC DECLARE a VARCHAR(30) CHARACTER SET utf8; SET a=CAST(_latin1'xxx' AS CHAR(1) CHARACTER SET latin1); END; $$ DELIMITER ;$$ DELIMITER $$; BEGIN NOT ATOMIC DECLARE a VARCHAR(30) CHARACTER SET utf8; SET a=CAST(_latin1'xxx' AS CHAR(1) CHARACTER SET utf8); END; $$ DELIMITER ;$$ --echo # Conversion problems still escalate warnings to errors (without right truncation) DELIMITER $$; --error ER_CANNOT_CONVERT_CHARACTER BEGIN NOT ATOMIC DECLARE a VARCHAR(30) CHARACTER SET utf8; SET a=CAST(_utf8 0xD18F AS CHAR(1) CHARACTER SET latin1); END; $$ DELIMITER ;$$ --echo # Conversion problems still escalate warnings to errors (with right truncation) DELIMITER $$; --error ER_CANNOT_CONVERT_CHARACTER BEGIN NOT ATOMIC DECLARE a VARCHAR(30) CHARACTER SET utf8; SET a=CAST(_utf8 0xD18FD18F AS CHAR(1) CHARACTER SET latin1); END; $$ DELIMITER ;$$ --echo # CAST(number AS CHAR) escalates warnings to errors on truncation CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE t1 (a VARCHAR(10)); --error ER_TRUNCATED_WRONG_VALUE INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (CAST(123 AS CHAR(1))); DROP TABLE t1; CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE t1 (a VARCHAR(10)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('1'); --error ER_TRUNCATED_WRONG_VALUE UPDATE t1 SET a=CAST(123 AS CHAR(1)); DROP TABLE t1; DELIMITER $$; --error ER_TRUNCATED_WRONG_VALUE BEGIN NOT ATOMIC DECLARE a VARCHAR(10); SET a=CAST(123 AS CHAR(1)); END; $$ DELIMITER ;$$ --echo # CAST(temporal AS CHAR) escalates warnings to errors on truncation CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE t1 (a VARCHAR(10)); --error ER_TRUNCATED_WRONG_VALUE INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (CAST(TIME'10:20:30' AS CHAR(1))); DROP TABLE t1; CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE t1 (a VARCHAR(10)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('1'); --error ER_TRUNCATED_WRONG_VALUE UPDATE t1 SET a=CAST(TIME'10:20:30' AS CHAR(1)); DROP TABLE t1; DELIMITER $$; --error ER_TRUNCATED_WRONG_VALUE BEGIN NOT ATOMIC DECLARE a VARCHAR(10); SET a=CAST(TIME'10:20:30' AS CHAR(1)); END; $$ DELIMITER ;$$ SET sql_mode=DEFAULT; --echo # --echo # MDEV-10307 CAST(11068046444225730969 AS SIGNED) does not return a warning --echo # SELECT CAST(11068046444225730969 AS SIGNED);