--disable_warnings drop table if exists t1; --enable_warnings create table t1(n1 int, n2 int, s char(20), vs varchar(20), t text); insert into t1 values (1,11, 'one','eleven', 'eleven'), (1,11, 'one','eleven', 'eleven'), (2,11, 'two','eleven', 'eleven'), (2,12, 'two','twevle', 'twelve'), (2,13, 'two','thirteen', 'foo'), (2,13, 'two','thirteen', 'foo'), (2,13, 'two','thirteen', 'bar'), (NULL,13, 'two','thirteen', 'bar'), (2,NULL, 'two','thirteen', 'bar'), (2,13, NULL,'thirteen', 'bar'), (2,13, 'two',NULL, 'bar'), (2,13, 'two','thirteen', NULL); select distinct n1 from t1; select count(distinct n1) from t1; select distinct n2 from t1; select count(distinct n2) from t1; select distinct s from t1; select count(distinct s) from t1; select distinct vs from t1; select count(distinct vs) from t1; select distinct t from t1; select count(distinct t) from t1; select distinct n1,n2 from t1; select count(distinct n1,n2) from t1; select distinct n1,s from t1; select count(distinct n1,s) from t1; select distinct s,n1,vs from t1; select count(distinct s,n1,vs) from t1; select distinct s,t from t1; select count(distinct s,t) from t1; select count(distinct n1), count(distinct n2) from t1; select count(distinct n2), n1 from t1 group by n1; drop table t1; # test the conversion from tree to MyISAM create table t1 (n int default NULL); let $1=5000; --disable_query_log begin; while ($1) { eval insert into t1 values($1); dec $1; } commit; --enable_query_log flush status; select count(distinct n) from t1; show status like 'Created_tmp_disk_tables'; drop table t1; # Test use of MyISAM tmp tables create table t1 (s text); let $1=5000; --disable_query_log begin; while ($1) { eval insert into t1 values('$1'); dec $1; } commit; --enable_query_log flush status; select count(distinct s) from t1; show status like 'Created_tmp_disk_tables'; drop table t1; # End of 4.1 tests