# Prerequisites let collation=utf8mb3_unicode_ci; --source include/have_collation.inc # Initial cleanup --disable_warnings drop table if exists t1,t2; --enable_warnings # # Bug#21380: DEFAULT definition not always transfered by CREATE # TABLE/SELECT to the new table. # CREATE TABLE t1( c1 INT DEFAULT 12 COMMENT 'column1', c2 INT NULL COMMENT 'column2', c3 INT NOT NULL COMMENT 'column3', c4 VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL DEFAULT 'a', c5 VARCHAR(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NULL DEFAULT 'b', c6 VARCHAR(255)) COLLATE latin1_bin; SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; CREATE TABLE t2 AS SELECT * FROM t1; SHOW CREATE TABLE t2; DROP TABLE t1,t2;