drop table if exists t1; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1; SHOW COLLATION LIKE 'cp1250_czech_cs'; Collation Charset Id Default Compiled Sortlen cp1250_czech_cs cp1250 34 Yes 2 SET @test_character_set= 'cp1250'; SET @test_collation= 'cp1250_general_ci'; SET @safe_character_set_server= @@character_set_server; SET @safe_collation_server= @@collation_server; SET @safe_character_set_client= @@character_set_client; SET @safe_character_set_results= @@character_set_results; SET character_set_server= @test_character_set; SET collation_server= @test_collation; CREATE DATABASE d1; USE d1; CREATE TABLE t1 (c CHAR(10), KEY(c)); SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM t1; Field Type Collation Null Key Default Extra Privileges Comment c char(10) cp1250_general_ci YES MUL NULL INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('aaa'),('aaaa'),('aaaaa'); SELECT c as want3results FROM t1 WHERE c LIKE 'aaa%'; want3results aaa aaaa aaaaa DROP TABLE t1; CREATE TABLE t1 (c1 varchar(15), KEY c1 (c1(2))); SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM t1; Field Type Collation Null Key Default Extra Privileges Comment c1 varchar(15) cp1250_general_ci YES MUL NULL INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('location'),('loberge'),('lotre'),('boabab'); SELECT c1 as want3results from t1 where c1 like 'l%'; want3results location loberge lotre SELECT c1 as want3results from t1 where c1 like 'lo%'; want3results location loberge lotre SELECT c1 as want1result from t1 where c1 like 'loc%'; want1result location SELECT c1 as want1result from t1 where c1 like 'loca%'; want1result location SELECT c1 as want1result from t1 where c1 like 'locat%'; want1result location SELECT c1 as want1result from t1 where c1 like 'locati%'; want1result location SELECT c1 as want1result from t1 where c1 like 'locatio%'; want1result location SELECT c1 as want1result from t1 where c1 like 'location%'; want1result location DROP TABLE t1; create table t1 (a set('a') not null); insert ignore into t1 values (),(); Warnings: Warning 1364 Field 'a' doesn't have a default value select cast(a as char(1)) from t1; cast(a as char(1)) select a sounds like a from t1; a sounds like a 1 1 select 1 from t1 order by cast(a as char(1)); 1 1 1 drop table t1; # # MDEV-6134 SUBSTRING_INDEX returns wrong result for 8bit character sets when delimiter is not found # SET character_set_client=latin1; SET character_set_connection= @test_character_set; SET collation_connection= @test_collation; SELECT COLLATION('.'), SUBSTRING_INDEX('.wwwmysqlcom', '.', -2) AS c1; COLLATION('.') c1 cp1250_general_ci .wwwmysqlcom set names utf8; create table t1 ( name varchar(10), level smallint unsigned); show create table t1; Table Create Table t1 CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `name` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL, `level` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=cp1250 insert into t1 values ('string',1); select concat(name,space(level)), concat(name, repeat(' ',level)) from t1; concat(name,space(level)) concat(name, repeat(' ',level)) string string drop table t1; DROP DATABASE d1; USE test; SET character_set_server= @safe_character_set_server; SET collation_server= @safe_collation_server; SET character_set_client= @safe_character_set_client; SET character_set_results= @safe_character_set_results; # # MDEV-7149 Constant condition propagation erroneously applied for LIKE # CREATE TABLE t1 AS SELECT REPEAT('a', 10) AS c1 LIMIT 0; SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; Table Create Table t1 CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `c1` varchar(10) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('a'),('a '); SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE CONCAT(c1)='a'; c1 a a SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE CONCAT(c1) LIKE 'a '; c1 a SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE CONCAT(c1)='a' AND CONCAT(c1) LIKE 'a '; c1 a EXPLAIN EXTENDED SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE CONCAT(c1)='a' AND CONCAT(c1) LIKE 'a '; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra 1 SIMPLE t1 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 100.00 Using where Warnings: Note 1003 select `test`.`t1`.`c1` AS `c1` from `test`.`t1` where concat(`test`.`t1`.`c1`) = 'a' and concat(`test`.`t1`.`c1`) like 'a ' DROP TABLE t1; CREATE TABLE t1 AS SELECT REPEAT('a', 10) AS c1 LIMIT 0; SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; Table Create Table t1 CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `c1` varchar(10) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('a'),('a '); SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE 'a'=CONCAT(c1); c1 a a SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE 'a ' LIKE CONCAT(c1); c1 a SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE 'a'=CONCAT(c1) AND 'a ' LIKE CONCAT(c1); c1 a EXPLAIN EXTENDED SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE 'a'=CONCAT(c1) AND 'a ' LIKE CONCAT(c1); id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra 1 SIMPLE t1 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 100.00 Using where Warnings: Note 1003 select `test`.`t1`.`c1` AS `c1` from `test`.`t1` where 'a' = concat(`test`.`t1`.`c1`) and 'a ' like concat(`test`.`t1`.`c1`) DROP TABLE t1; CREATE TABLE t1 AS SELECT REPEAT('a', 10) AS c1 LIMIT 0; SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; Table Create Table t1 CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `c1` varchar(10) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('%'),('% '); SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE '% '=CONCAT(c1); c1 % % SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE 'a' LIKE CONCAT(c1); c1 % SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE '% '=CONCAT(c1) AND 'a' LIKE CONCAT(c1); c1 % EXPLAIN EXTENDED SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE '% '=CONCAT(c1) AND 'a' LIKE CONCAT(c1); id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra 1 SIMPLE t1 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 100.00 Using where Warnings: Note 1003 select `test`.`t1`.`c1` AS `c1` from `test`.`t1` where '% ' = concat(`test`.`t1`.`c1`) and 'a' like concat(`test`.`t1`.`c1`) DROP TABLE t1; CREATE TABLE t1 AS SELECT REPEAT('a', 10) AS c1 LIMIT 0; SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; Table Create Table t1 CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `c1` varchar(10) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('%'),('% '); SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE '%'=CONCAT(c1); c1 % % SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE 'a' LIKE CONCAT(c1); c1 % SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE '%'=CONCAT(c1) AND 'a' LIKE CONCAT(c1); c1 % EXPLAIN EXTENDED SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE '%'=CONCAT(c1) AND 'a' LIKE CONCAT(c1); id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra 1 SIMPLE t1 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 100.00 Using where Warnings: Note 1003 select `test`.`t1`.`c1` AS `c1` from `test`.`t1` where '%' = concat(`test`.`t1`.`c1`) and 'a' like concat(`test`.`t1`.`c1`) DROP TABLE t1; # # MDEV-8694 Wrong result for SELECT..WHERE a NOT LIKE 'a ' AND a='a' # CREATE TABLE t1 AS SELECT SPACE(10) AS a LIMIT 0; SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; Table Create Table t1 CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `a` varchar(10) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('a'),('a '); SELECT a, LENGTH(a) FROM t1 WHERE a NOT LIKE 'a '; a LENGTH(a) a 1 SELECT a, LENGTH(a) FROM t1 WHERE a NOT LIKE 'a ' AND a='a'; a LENGTH(a) a 1 EXPLAIN EXTENDED SELECT a, LENGTH(a) FROM t1 WHERE a NOT LIKE 'a ' AND a='a'; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra 1 SIMPLE t1 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 100.00 Using where Warnings: Note 1003 select `test`.`t1`.`a` AS `a`,octet_length(`test`.`t1`.`a`) AS `LENGTH(a)` from `test`.`t1` where `test`.`t1`.`a` not like 'a ' and `test`.`t1`.`a` = 'a' DROP TABLE t1; # # End of MDEV-8694 # SET @test_character_set= 'cp1250'; SET @test_collation= 'cp1250_czech_cs'; SET @safe_character_set_server= @@character_set_server; SET @safe_collation_server= @@collation_server; SET @safe_character_set_client= @@character_set_client; SET @safe_character_set_results= @@character_set_results; SET character_set_server= @test_character_set; SET collation_server= @test_collation; CREATE DATABASE d1; USE d1; CREATE TABLE t1 (c CHAR(10), KEY(c)); SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM t1; Field Type Collation Null Key Default Extra Privileges Comment c char(10) cp1250_czech_cs YES MUL NULL INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('aaa'),('aaaa'),('aaaaa'); SELECT c as want3results FROM t1 WHERE c LIKE 'aaa%'; want3results aaa aaaa aaaaa DROP TABLE t1; CREATE TABLE t1 (c1 varchar(15), KEY c1 (c1(2))); SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM t1; Field Type Collation Null Key Default Extra Privileges Comment c1 varchar(15) cp1250_czech_cs YES MUL NULL INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('location'),('loberge'),('lotre'),('boabab'); SELECT c1 as want3results from t1 where c1 like 'l%'; want3results location loberge lotre SELECT c1 as want3results from t1 where c1 like 'lo%'; want3results location loberge lotre SELECT c1 as want1result from t1 where c1 like 'loc%'; want1result location SELECT c1 as want1result from t1 where c1 like 'loca%'; want1result location SELECT c1 as want1result from t1 where c1 like 'locat%'; want1result location SELECT c1 as want1result from t1 where c1 like 'locati%'; want1result location SELECT c1 as want1result from t1 where c1 like 'locatio%'; want1result location SELECT c1 as want1result from t1 where c1 like 'location%'; want1result location DROP TABLE t1; create table t1 (a set('a') not null); insert ignore into t1 values (),(); Warnings: Warning 1364 Field 'a' doesn't have a default value select cast(a as char(1)) from t1; cast(a as char(1)) select a sounds like a from t1; a sounds like a 1 1 select 1 from t1 order by cast(a as char(1)); 1 1 1 drop table t1; # # MDEV-6134 SUBSTRING_INDEX returns wrong result for 8bit character sets when delimiter is not found # SET character_set_client=latin1; SET character_set_connection= @test_character_set; SET collation_connection= @test_collation; SELECT COLLATION('.'), SUBSTRING_INDEX('.wwwmysqlcom', '.', -2) AS c1; COLLATION('.') c1 cp1250_czech_cs .wwwmysqlcom set names utf8; create table t1 ( name varchar(10), level smallint unsigned); show create table t1; Table Create Table t1 CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `name` varchar(10) COLLATE cp1250_czech_cs DEFAULT NULL, `level` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=cp1250 COLLATE=cp1250_czech_cs insert into t1 values ('string',1); select concat(name,space(level)), concat(name, repeat(' ',level)) from t1; concat(name,space(level)) concat(name, repeat(' ',level)) string string drop table t1; DROP DATABASE d1; USE test; SET character_set_server= @safe_character_set_server; SET collation_server= @safe_collation_server; SET character_set_client= @safe_character_set_client; SET character_set_results= @safe_character_set_results; CREATE TABLE t1 (a char(16)) character set cp1250 collate cp1250_czech_cs; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (''); SELECT a, length(a), a='', a=' ', a=' ' FROM t1; a length(a) a='' a=' ' a=' ' 0 1 1 1 DROP TABLE t1; CREATE TABLE t1 ( popisek varchar(30) collate cp1250_general_ci NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (`popisek`) ); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('2005-01-1'); SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE popisek = '2005-01-1'; popisek 2005-01-1 SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE popisek LIKE '2005-01-1'; popisek 2005-01-1 drop table t1; set names cp1250; CREATE TABLE t1 ( id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, str VARCHAR(32) CHARACTER SET cp1250 COLLATE cp1250_czech_cs NOT NULL default '', UNIQUE KEY (str) ); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (NULL, 'a'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (NULL, 'aa'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (NULL, 'aaa'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (NULL, 'aaaa'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (NULL, 'aaaaa'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (NULL, 'aaaaaa'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (NULL, 'aaaaaaa'); select * from t1 where str like 'aa%'; id str 2 aa 3 aaa 4 aaaa 5 aaaaa 6 aaaaaa 7 aaaaaaa drop table t1; set names cp1250; create table t1 (a varchar(15) collate cp1250_czech_cs NOT NULL, primary key(a)); insert into t1 values("abcdefghá"); insert into t1 values("ááèè"); select a from t1 where a like "abcdefghá"; a abcdefghá drop table t1; set names cp1250 collate cp1250_czech_cs; SELECT strcmp('a','a '), strcmp('a ','a'); strcmp('a','a ') strcmp('a ','a') 0 0 SELECT strcmp('a\0','a' ), strcmp('a','a\0'); strcmp('a\0','a' ) strcmp('a','a\0') 1 -1 SELECT strcmp('a\0','a '), strcmp('a ','a\0'); strcmp('a\0','a ') strcmp('a ','a\0') 1 -1 SELECT strcmp('a\t','a' ), strcmp('a', 'a\t'); strcmp('a\t','a' ) strcmp('a', 'a\t') 1 -1 SELECT strcmp('a\t','a '), strcmp('a ', 'a\t'); strcmp('a\t','a ') strcmp('a ', 'a\t') 1 -1 create table t1 select repeat('a',4000) a; delete from t1; insert into t1 values ('a'), ('a '), ('a\t'); select collation(a),hex(a) from t1 order by a; collation(a) hex(a) cp1250_czech_cs 61 cp1250_czech_cs 6109 cp1250_czech_cs 6120 drop table t1; # # MDEV-5453 Assertion `src' fails in my_strnxfrm_unicode on GROUP BY MID(..) WITH ROLLUP # SELECT @@collation_connection; @@collation_connection cp1250_czech_cs CREATE TABLE t1 (i INT) ENGINE=MyISAM; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1),(2); SELECT * FROM t1 GROUP BY MID(CURRENT_USER,0) WITH ROLLUP; i 1 1 SELECT * FROM t1 GROUP BY MID('test',0) WITH ROLLUP; i 1 1 DROP TABLE t1; # # MDEV-6170 Incorrect ordering with utf8_bin and utf8mb4_bin collations # SELECT @@collation_connection; @@collation_connection cp1250_czech_cs CREATE TABLE t1 ENGINE=MEMORY AS SELECT REPEAT('a',5) AS a LIMIT 0; INSERT INTO t1 (a) VALUES ("a"); INSERT INTO t1 (a) VALUES ("b"); INSERT INTO t1 (a) VALUES ("c"); INSERT INTO t1 (a) VALUES ("d"); INSERT INTO t1 (a) VALUES ("e"); INSERT INTO t1 (a) VALUES ("f"); INSERT INTO t1 (a) VALUES ("g"); INSERT INTO t1 (a) VALUES ("h"); INSERT INTO t1 (a) VALUES ("i"); INSERT INTO t1 (a) VALUES ("j"); INSERT INTO t1 (a) VALUES ("k"); INSERT INTO t1 (a) VALUES ("l"); INSERT INTO t1 (a) VALUES ("m"); SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY LOWER(a); a a b c d e f g h i j k l m SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY LOWER(a) DESC; a m l k j i h g f e d c b a DROP TABLE t1; set global LC_MESSAGES=convert((@@global.log_bin_trust_function_creators) using cp1250); ERROR HY000: Unknown locale: 'ON' # # Start of 5.6 tests # # # WL#3664 WEIGHT_STRING # # # Note: # cp1250_czech_cs does not support WEIGHT_STRING in full extent # set names cp1250 collate cp1250_czech_cs; select @@collation_connection; @@collation_connection cp1250_czech_cs CREATE TABLE t1 AS SELECT 'a' AS a; SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; Table Create Table t1 CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `a` varchar(1) CHARACTER SET cp1250 COLLATE cp1250_czech_cs NOT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 CREATE TABLE t2 AS SELECT WEIGHT_STRING(a) AS ws FROM t1; SHOW CREATE TABLE t2; Table Create Table t2 CREATE TABLE `t2` ( `ws` varbinary(2) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 SELECT HEX(WEIGHT_STRING(a)) FROM t1; HEX(WEIGHT_STRING(a)) A402 SELECT HEX(ws) FROM t2; HEX(ws) A402 DROP TABLE t2; DROP TABLE t1; CREATE TABLE t1 AS SELECT REPEAT('a',5) AS a; SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; Table Create Table t1 CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `a` varchar(5) CHARACTER SET cp1250 COLLATE cp1250_czech_cs DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 CREATE TABLE t2 AS SELECT WEIGHT_STRING(a) AS ws FROM t1; SHOW CREATE TABLE t2; Table Create Table t2 CREATE TABLE `t2` ( `ws` varbinary(10) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 SELECT HEX(WEIGHT_STRING(a)) FROM t1; HEX(WEIGHT_STRING(a)) A4A4A4A4A40202020202 SELECT HEX(ws) FROM t2; HEX(ws) A4A4A4A4A40202020202 DROP TABLE t2; CREATE TABLE t2 AS SELECT WEIGHT_STRING(a AS CHAR(3)) AS ws FROM t1; SHOW CREATE TABLE t2; Table Create Table t2 CREATE TABLE `t2` ( `ws` varbinary(10) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 SELECT HEX(WEIGHT_STRING(a AS CHAR(3))) FROM t1; HEX(WEIGHT_STRING(a AS CHAR(3))) A4A4A4A4A40202020202 SELECT HEX(ws) FROM t2; HEX(ws) A4A4A4A4A40202020202 DROP TABLE t2; CREATE TABLE t2 AS SELECT WEIGHT_STRING(a AS CHAR(10)) AS ws FROM t1; SHOW CREATE TABLE t2; Table Create Table t2 CREATE TABLE `t2` ( `ws` varbinary(10) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 SELECT HEX(WEIGHT_STRING(a AS CHAR(10))) FROM t1; HEX(WEIGHT_STRING(a AS CHAR(10))) A4A4A4A4A40202020202 SELECT HEX(ws) FROM t2; HEX(ws) A4A4A4A4A40202020202 DROP TABLE t2; DROP TABLE t1; select hex(weight_string('a')); hex(weight_string('a')) A402 select hex(weight_string('A')); hex(weight_string('A')) A401 select hex(weight_string('abc')); hex(weight_string('abc')) A4A5A6020202 select hex(weight_string('abc' as char(2))); hex(weight_string('abc' as char(2))) A4A5A6020202 select hex(weight_string('abc' as char(3))); hex(weight_string('abc' as char(3))) A4A5A6020202 select hex(weight_string('abc' as char(5))); hex(weight_string('abc' as char(5))) A4A5A6020202 select hex(weight_string('abc', 1, 2, 0xC0)); hex(weight_string('abc', 1, 2, 0xC0)) A4 select hex(weight_string('abc', 2, 2, 0xC0)); hex(weight_string('abc', 2, 2, 0xC0)) A4A5 select hex(weight_string('abc', 3, 2, 0xC0)); hex(weight_string('abc', 3, 2, 0xC0)) A4A5A6 select hex(weight_string('abc', 4, 2, 0xC0)); hex(weight_string('abc', 4, 2, 0xC0)) A4A5A602 select hex(weight_string('abc', 5, 2, 0xC0)); hex(weight_string('abc', 5, 2, 0xC0)) A4A5A60202 select hex(weight_string('abc',25, 2, 0xC0)); hex(weight_string('abc',25, 2, 0xC0)) A4A5A602020200000000000000000000000000000000000000 select hex(weight_string('abc', 1, 3, 0xC0)); hex(weight_string('abc', 1, 3, 0xC0)) A4 select hex(weight_string('abc', 2, 3, 0xC0)); hex(weight_string('abc', 2, 3, 0xC0)) A4A5 select hex(weight_string('abc', 3, 3, 0xC0)); hex(weight_string('abc', 3, 3, 0xC0)) A4A5A6 select hex(weight_string('abc', 4, 3, 0xC0)); hex(weight_string('abc', 4, 3, 0xC0)) A4A5A602 select hex(weight_string('abc', 5, 3, 0xC0)); hex(weight_string('abc', 5, 3, 0xC0)) A4A5A60202 select hex(weight_string('abc',25, 3, 0xC0)); hex(weight_string('abc',25, 3, 0xC0)) A4A5A602020200000000000000000000000000000000000000 select hex(weight_string('abc', 1, 4, 0xC0)); hex(weight_string('abc', 1, 4, 0xC0)) A4 select hex(weight_string('abc', 2, 4, 0xC0)); hex(weight_string('abc', 2, 4, 0xC0)) A4A5 select hex(weight_string('abc', 3, 4, 0xC0)); hex(weight_string('abc', 3, 4, 0xC0)) A4A5A6 select hex(weight_string('abc', 4, 4, 0xC0)); hex(weight_string('abc', 4, 4, 0xC0)) A4A5A602 select hex(weight_string('abc', 5, 4, 0xC0)); hex(weight_string('abc', 5, 4, 0xC0)) A4A5A60202 select hex(weight_string('abc',25, 4, 0xC0)); hex(weight_string('abc',25, 4, 0xC0)) A4A5A602020200000000000000000000000000000000000000 select @@collation_connection; @@collation_connection cp1250_czech_cs select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x80 as char))); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x80 as char))) 8123 select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x808080 as char))); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x808080 as char))) 818181232323 select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x808080 as char) as char(2))); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x808080 as char) as char(2))) 818181232323 select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x808080 as char) as char(3))); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x808080 as char) as char(3))) 818181232323 select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x808080 as char) as char(5))); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x808080 as char) as char(5))) 818181232323 select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x808080 as char), 1, 2, 0xC0)); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x808080 as char), 1, 2, 0xC0)) 81 select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x808080 as char), 2, 2, 0xC0)); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x808080 as char), 2, 2, 0xC0)) 8181 select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x808080 as char), 3, 2, 0xC0)); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x808080 as char), 3, 2, 0xC0)) 818181 select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x808080 as char), 4, 2, 0xC0)); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x808080 as char), 4, 2, 0xC0)) 81818123 select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x808080 as char), 5, 2, 0xC0)); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x808080 as char), 5, 2, 0xC0)) 8181812323 select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x808080 as char),25, 2, 0xC0)); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x808080 as char),25, 2, 0xC0)) 81818123232300000000000000000000000000000000000000 select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x808080 as char), 1, 3, 0xC0)); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x808080 as char), 1, 3, 0xC0)) 81 select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x808080 as char), 2, 3, 0xC0)); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x808080 as char), 2, 3, 0xC0)) 8181 select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x808080 as char), 3, 3, 0xC0)); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x808080 as char), 3, 3, 0xC0)) 818181 select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x808080 as char), 4, 3, 0xC0)); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x808080 as char), 4, 3, 0xC0)) 81818123 select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x808080 as char), 5, 3, 0xC0)); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x808080 as char), 5, 3, 0xC0)) 8181812323 select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x808080 as char),25, 3, 0xC0)); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x808080 as char),25, 3, 0xC0)) 81818123232300000000000000000000000000000000000000 select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x808080 as char), 1, 4, 0xC0)); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x808080 as char), 1, 4, 0xC0)) 81 select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x808080 as char), 2, 4, 0xC0)); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x808080 as char), 2, 4, 0xC0)) 8181 select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x808080 as char), 3, 4, 0xC0)); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x808080 as char), 3, 4, 0xC0)) 818181 select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x808080 as char), 4, 4, 0xC0)); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x808080 as char), 4, 4, 0xC0)) 81818123 select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x808080 as char), 5, 4, 0xC0)); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x808080 as char), 5, 4, 0xC0)) 8181812323 select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x808080 as char),25, 4, 0xC0)); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x808080 as char),25, 4, 0xC0)) 81818123232300000000000000000000000000000000000000 select @@collation_connection; @@collation_connection cp1250_czech_cs select collation(cast(_latin1 0xDF as char)); collation(cast(_latin1 0xDF as char)) cp1250_czech_cs select hex(weight_string('s')); hex(weight_string('s')) B902 select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0xDF as char))); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0xDF as char))) BB01 select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0xDF as char) as char(1))); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0xDF as char) as char(1))) BB01 select hex(weight_string('c')); hex(weight_string('c')) A602 select hex(weight_string('h')); hex(weight_string('h')) AC02 select hex(weight_string('ch')); hex(weight_string('ch')) AD03 select hex(weight_string('i')); hex(weight_string('i')) AE02 select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x6368DF as char))); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x6368DF as char))) ADBB0301 select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x6368DF as char) as char(1))); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x6368DF as char) as char(1))) ADBB0301 select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x6368DF as char) as char(2))); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x6368DF as char) as char(2))) ADBB0301 select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x6368DF as char) as char(3))); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x6368DF as char) as char(3))) ADBB0301 select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x6368DF as char) as char(4))); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x6368DF as char) as char(4))) ADBB0301 select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0xDF6368 as char))); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0xDF6368 as char))) BBAD0103 select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0xDF6368 as char) as char(1))); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0xDF6368 as char) as char(1))) BBAD0103 select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0xDF6368 as char) as char(2))); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0xDF6368 as char) as char(2))) BBAD0103 select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0xDF6368 as char) as char(3))); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0xDF6368 as char) as char(3))) BBAD0103 select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0xDF6368 as char) as char(4))); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0xDF6368 as char) as char(4))) BBAD0103 select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x6368DF as char), 1, 2, 0xC0)); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x6368DF as char), 1, 2, 0xC0)) AD select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x6368DF as char), 2, 2, 0xC0)); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x6368DF as char), 2, 2, 0xC0)) ADBB select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x6368DF as char), 3, 2, 0xC0)); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x6368DF as char), 3, 2, 0xC0)) ADBB03 select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x6368DF as char), 4, 2, 0xC0)); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x6368DF as char), 4, 2, 0xC0)) ADBB0301 select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x6368DF as char),25, 2, 0xC0)); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x6368DF as char),25, 2, 0xC0)) ADBB0301000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x6368DF as char), 1, 3, 0xC0)); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x6368DF as char), 1, 3, 0xC0)) AD select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x6368DF as char), 2, 3, 0xC0)); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x6368DF as char), 2, 3, 0xC0)) ADBB select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x6368DF as char), 3, 3, 0xC0)); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x6368DF as char), 3, 3, 0xC0)) ADBB03 select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x6368DF as char), 4, 3, 0xC0)); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x6368DF as char), 4, 3, 0xC0)) ADBB0301 select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x6368DF as char),25, 3, 0xC0)); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x6368DF as char),25, 3, 0xC0)) ADBB0301000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x6368DF as char), 1, 4, 0xC0)); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x6368DF as char), 1, 4, 0xC0)) AD select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x6368DF as char), 2, 4, 0xC0)); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x6368DF as char), 2, 4, 0xC0)) ADBB select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x6368DF as char), 3, 4, 0xC0)); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x6368DF as char), 3, 4, 0xC0)) ADBB03 select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x6368DF as char), 4, 4, 0xC0)); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x6368DF as char), 4, 4, 0xC0)) ADBB0301 select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x6368DF as char),25, 4, 0xC0)); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0x6368DF as char),25, 4, 0xC0)) ADBB0301000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0xDF6368 as char), 1, 2,0xC0)); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0xDF6368 as char), 1, 2,0xC0)) BB select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0xDF6368 as char), 2, 2,0xC0)); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0xDF6368 as char), 2, 2,0xC0)) BBAD select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0xDF6368 as char), 3, 2,0xC0)); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0xDF6368 as char), 3, 2,0xC0)) BBAD01 select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0xDF6368 as char), 4, 2,0xC0)); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0xDF6368 as char), 4, 2,0xC0)) BBAD0103 select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0xDF6368 as char),25, 2,0xC0)); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0xDF6368 as char),25, 2,0xC0)) BBAD0103000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0xDF6368 as char), 1, 3,0xC0)); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0xDF6368 as char), 1, 3,0xC0)) BB select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0xDF6368 as char), 2, 3,0xC0)); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0xDF6368 as char), 2, 3,0xC0)) BBAD select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0xDF6368 as char), 3, 3,0xC0)); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0xDF6368 as char), 3, 3,0xC0)) BBAD01 select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0xDF6368 as char), 4, 3,0xC0)); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0xDF6368 as char), 4, 3,0xC0)) BBAD0103 select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0xDF6368 as char),25, 3,0xC0)); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0xDF6368 as char),25, 3,0xC0)) BBAD0103000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0xDF6368 as char), 1, 4,0xC0)); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0xDF6368 as char), 1, 4,0xC0)) BB select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0xDF6368 as char), 2, 4,0xC0)); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0xDF6368 as char), 2, 4,0xC0)) BBAD select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0xDF6368 as char), 3, 4,0xC0)); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0xDF6368 as char), 3, 4,0xC0)) BBAD01 select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0xDF6368 as char), 4, 4,0xC0)); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0xDF6368 as char), 4, 4,0xC0)) BBAD0103 select hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0xDF6368 as char),25, 4,0xC0)); hex(weight_string(cast(_latin1 0xDF6368 as char),25, 4,0xC0)) BBAD0103000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 select @@collation_connection; @@collation_connection cp1250_czech_cs select hex(weight_string('a' LEVEL 1)); hex(weight_string('a' LEVEL 1)) A4 select hex(weight_string('A' LEVEL 1)); hex(weight_string('A' LEVEL 1)) A4 select hex(weight_string('abc' LEVEL 1)); hex(weight_string('abc' LEVEL 1)) A4A5A6 select hex(weight_string('abc' as char(2) LEVEL 1)); hex(weight_string('abc' as char(2) LEVEL 1)) A4A5A6 select hex(weight_string('abc' as char(3) LEVEL 1)); hex(weight_string('abc' as char(3) LEVEL 1)) A4A5A6 select hex(weight_string('abc' as char(5) LEVEL 1)); hex(weight_string('abc' as char(5) LEVEL 1)) A4A5A6 select hex(weight_string('abc' as char(5) LEVEL 1 REVERSE)); hex(weight_string('abc' as char(5) LEVEL 1 REVERSE)) A4A5A6 select hex(weight_string('abc' as char(5) LEVEL 1 DESC)); hex(weight_string('abc' as char(5) LEVEL 1 DESC)) A4A5A6 select hex(weight_string('abc' as char(5) LEVEL 1 DESC REVERSE)); hex(weight_string('abc' as char(5) LEVEL 1 DESC REVERSE)) A4A5A6 select @@collation_connection; @@collation_connection cp1250_czech_cs select hex(weight_string('a' LEVEL 2)); hex(weight_string('a' LEVEL 2)) 02 select hex(weight_string('A' LEVEL 2)); hex(weight_string('A' LEVEL 2)) 01 select hex(weight_string('abc' LEVEL 2)); hex(weight_string('abc' LEVEL 2)) 020202 select hex(weight_string('abc' as char(2) LEVEL 2)); hex(weight_string('abc' as char(2) LEVEL 2)) 020202 select hex(weight_string('abc' as char(3) LEVEL 2)); hex(weight_string('abc' as char(3) LEVEL 2)) 020202 select hex(weight_string('abc' as char(5) LEVEL 2)); hex(weight_string('abc' as char(5) LEVEL 2)) 020202 select @@collation_connection; @@collation_connection cp1250_czech_cs select hex(weight_string('a' LEVEL 1,2)); hex(weight_string('a' LEVEL 1,2)) A402 select hex(weight_string('a' LEVEL 1-2)); hex(weight_string('a' LEVEL 1-2)) A402 select hex(weight_string('A' LEVEL 1,2)); hex(weight_string('A' LEVEL 1,2)) A401 select hex(weight_string('A' LEVEL 1-2)); hex(weight_string('A' LEVEL 1-2)) A401 # # End of 5.6 tests #