-- source include/have_latin2_ch.inc # # Tests with latin2_czech_cs # --disable_warnings drop table if exists t1; --enable_warnings # # Bug#17374: select ... like 'A%' operator fails # to find value on columuns with key # set names latin2; select 'A' = 'a' collate latin2_czech_cs; create table t1 ( id int(5) not null, tt char(255) not null ) character set latin2 collate latin2_czech_cs; insert into t1 values (1,'Aa'); insert into t1 values (2,'Aas'); alter table t1 add primary key aaa(tt); select * from t1 where tt like 'Aa%'; select * from t1 ignore index (primary) where tt like 'Aa%'; select * from t1 where tt like '%Aa%'; select * from t1 where tt like 'AA%'; select * from t1 ignore index (primary) where tt like 'AA%'; select * from t1 where tt like '%AA%'; drop table t1; # End of 4.1 tests set names latin2 collate latin2_czech_cs; --source include/ctype_pad_space.inc --source include/ctype_like_cond_propagation.inc # We can not use ctype_filesort.inc because # order of SPACE and TAB is not strict #--source include/ctype_filesort.inc # # # Bug#29459 server died handling latin2 collate latin2_czech_cs # create table t1 ( a varchar(2) character set latin2 collate latin2_czech_cs, primary key(a) ); insert into t1 set a=0x5ff; insert into t1 set a=0xff; select hex(a) from t1; drop table t1; # # Bug#33452 Primary difference between capital and small letters U and O # create table t1 ( ch varchar(1), name varchar(64) ) character set latin2 collate latin2_czech_cs; insert into t1 values (0x6F,'LATIN SMALL LETTER O'); insert into t1 values (0xF3,'LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH ACUTE'); insert into t1 values (0xF4,'LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX'); insert into t1 values (0xF6,'LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS'); insert into t1 values (0xF5,'LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DOUBLE ACUTE'); insert into t1 values (0x4F,'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O'); insert into t1 values (0xD3,'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH ACUTE'); insert into t1 values (0xD4,'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH CURCUMFLEX'); insert into t1 values (0xD6,'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS'); insert into t1 values (0xD5,'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DOUBLE ACUTE'); insert into t1 values (0x75,'LATIN SMALL LETTER U'); insert into t1 values (0xFA,'LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH ACUTE'); insert into t1 values (0xF9,'LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH RING ABOVE'); insert into t1 values (0xFC,'LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS'); insert into t1 values (0xFB,'LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DOUBLE ACUTE'); insert into t1 values (0x55,'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U'); insert into t1 values (0xDA,'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH ACUTE'); insert into t1 values (0xD9,'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH RING ABOVE'); insert into t1 values (0xDC,'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS'); insert into t1 values (0xDB,'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DOUBLE ACUTE'); select hex(weight_string(ch level 1)) l1, hex(weight_string(ch level 2)) l2, hex(weight_string(ch level 3)) l3, hex(weight_string(ch level 4)) l4, name from t1 order by binary l1, binary l2, binary l3, binary l4; drop table t1; # # Bug#33791 Wrong ORDER BY with latin2_czech_cs # set names utf8; create table t1 ( ch varchar(1), name varchar(64) ) character set latin2 collate latin2_czech_cs; insert into t1 values (0x4F,'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O'); insert into t1 values (0xD3,'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH ACUTE'); insert into t1 values (0xD4,'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH CURCUMFLEX'); insert into t1 values (0xD6,'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS'); insert into t1 values (0xD5,'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DOUBLE ACUTE'); insert into t1 values (0x75,'LATIN _SMALL_ LETTER U'); insert into t1 values (0xFA,'LATIN _SMALL_ LETTER U WITH ACUTE'); insert into t1 values (0xF9,'LATIN _SMALL_ LETTER U WITH RING ABOVE'); insert into t1 values (0xFC,'LATIN _SMALL_ LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS'); insert into t1 values (0xFB,'LATIN _SMALL_ LETTER U WITH DOUBLE ACUTE'); # Testing order by Field_varchar select ch, hex(weight_string(ch level 1)) l1, hex(weight_string(ch level 2)) l2, hex(weight_string(ch level 3)) l3, hex(weight_string(ch level 4)) l4, name from t1 order by ch; alter table t1 modify ch char(1), modify name char(64); # Testing order by Field_char select ch, hex(weight_string(ch level 1)) l1, hex(weight_string(ch level 2)) l2, hex(weight_string(ch level 3)) l3, hex(weight_string(ch level 4)) l4, name from t1 order by ch; # Testing order by Item select ch, hex(weight_string(ch level 1)) l1, hex(weight_string(ch level 2)) l2, hex(weight_string(ch level 3)) l3, hex(weight_string(ch level 4)) l4, name from t1 order by concat(ch); drop table t1; # # Bug #30462 Character sets: search failures with case sensitive collations # SET collation_connection=latin2_czech_cs; CREATE TABLE t1 ENGINE=MYISAM AS SELECT repeat('a', 5) AS s1 LIMIT 0; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('x'),('y'),('z'),('X'),('Y'),('Z'); SELECT * FROM t1 GROUP BY s1; SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY s1; CREATE INDEX i1 ON t1 (s1); SELECT * FROM t1 GROUP BY s1; SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY s1; DROP TABLE t1; set sql_mode=""; --disable_warnings CREATE TABLE t1 ENGINE=INNODB AS SELECT repeat('a', 5) AS s1 LIMIT 0; --enable_warnings INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('x'),('y'),('z'),('X'),('Y'),('Z'); SELECT * FROM t1 GROUP BY s1; SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY s1; CREATE INDEX i1 ON t1 (s1); SELECT * FROM t1 GROUP BY s1; SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY s1; DROP TABLE t1; --disable_warnings SET sql_mode=''; CREATE TABLE t1 ENGINE=FALCON AS SELECT repeat('a', 5) AS s1 LIMIT 0; SET sql_mode=DEFAULT; --enable_warnings INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('x'),('y'),('z'),('X'),('Y'),('Z'); SELECT * FROM t1 GROUP BY s1; SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY s1; CREATE INDEX i1 ON t1 (s1); SELECT * FROM t1 GROUP BY s1; SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY s1; DROP TABLE t1; --disable_warnings SET sql_mode=''; CREATE TABLE t1 ENGINE=MARIA AS SELECT repeat('a', 5) AS s1 LIMIT 0; SET sql_mode=DEFAULT; --enable_warnings INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('x'),('y'),('z'),('X'),('Y'),('Z'); SELECT * FROM t1 GROUP BY s1; SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY s1; CREATE INDEX i1 ON t1 (s1); SELECT * FROM t1 GROUP BY s1; SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY s1; DROP TABLE t1; SET NAMES latin2; # # Bug#37854 Test fails/aborts for collate latin2_czech_cs used with SET and ENUM datatypes # CREATE TABLE t2(colours SET('red','blue','yellow'))CHARACTER SET latin2 COLLATE latin2_czech_cs; CREATE TABLE t1(continent ENUM('Asia', 'Europe','Africa','Antartica'))CHARACTER SET latin2 COLLATE latin2_czech_cs; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES('Asia'); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES('blue'); SELECT * FROM t1; SELECT * FROM t2; DROP TABLE t1, t2; # # Bug#40805 Cannot restore table # CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `ID` smallint(5) unsigned zerofill NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `Post` enum('','B','O','Z','U') COLLATE latin2_czech_cs DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`ID`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=135 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin2; SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; INSERT INTO t1 (ID,Post) VALUES (00041,''); SELECT ID, Post, HEX(WEIGHT_STRING(Post)) FROM t1; DROP TABLE t1; --echo # --echo # Start of 5.6 tests --echo # --echo # --echo # WL#3664 WEIGHT_STRING --echo # set names latin2 collate latin2_czech_cs; --source include/ctype_pad_space.inc # We can not use ctype_filesort.inc because # order of SPACE and TAB is not strict #--source include/ctype_filesort.inc --echo # --echo # Note: --echo # latin2_czech_cs does not support WEIGHT_STRING in full extent --echo # --source include/weight_string.inc --source include/weight_string_chde.inc --source include/weight_string_l1.inc --source include/weight_string_l2.inc --source include/weight_string_l3.inc --source include/weight_string_l4.inc --source include/weight_string_l12.inc --source include/weight_string_l14.inc --echo # --echo # End of 5.6 tests --echo #