--source include/default_optimizer_switch.inc flush status; show status like "%custom_aggregate%"; create table t2 (sal int(10)); create table t3 (sal int(10),id int); insert into t3 values (0,1),(1,2),(2,3),(3,4); delimiter |; create aggregate function f1(x INT) returns int begin declare tot_sum int default 0; declare continue handler for not found return tot_sum; loop fetch group next row; set tot_sum= tot_sum + x; end loop; end| create aggregate function f2 (x int) returns int begin declare counter int default 0; declare continue handler for not found return 0; loop fetch group next row; set counter =counter + (select f1(sal) from t1); end loop; end| delimiter ;| create table t1 (sal int(10),id int(10)); INSERT INTO t1 (sal,id) VALUES (5000,1); INSERT INTO t1 (sal,id) VALUES (2000,2); INSERT INTO t1 (sal,id) VALUES (1000,3); --echo Normal select with custom aggregate function select f1(sal) from t1 where id>= 1; show status like "%custom_aggregate%"; --echo subqueries with custom aggregates explain select * from t1, (select f1(sal) as a from t1 where id>= 1) q where q.a=t1.sal; show status like "%custom_aggregate%"; explain select * from t1, (select sal as a from t1 where (select f1(t3.sal) from t3) >=-1 ) q where q.a=t1.sal; show status like "%custom_aggregate%"; explain select (select f1(sal) as a from t3 where t3.id= t1.id ) from t1 ; show status like "%custom_aggregate%"; explain select (select f1(sal) as a from t3 where t3.id= t1.id ) from t1 ; show status like "%custom_aggregate%"; --echo custom aggregates inside other customm aggregates explain select f2(sal) from t1; show status like "%custom_aggregate%"; --echo cte with custom aggregates with agg_sum as ( select f1(sal) from t1 where t1.id >=1 group by t1.id ) select * from agg_sum; show status like "%custom_aggregate%"; drop table t2,t1,t3; drop function f1; drop function f2;