# Save the initial number of concurrent sessions connect con1,localhost,root,,; connect con2,localhost,root,,; connect con3,localhost,root,,; connection con1; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1; CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT) ENGINE=innodb; BEGIN; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(1); connection con2; FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK; connection con1; # Sending: COMMIT; connection con2; # Wait until COMMIT gets blocked. # Verify that 'con1' was blocked and data did not move. SELECT * FROM t1; a UNLOCK TABLES; connection con1; # Reaping COMMIT connection con1; BEGIN; SELECT * FROM t1 FOR UPDATE; a 1 connection con2; BEGIN; SELECT * FROM t1 FOR UPDATE; connection con3; FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK; connection con1; COMMIT; connection con2; a 1 COMMIT; connection con3; UNLOCK TABLES; connection con2; COMMIT; connection con1; BEGIN; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(10); FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK; connection con2; FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK; UNLOCK TABLES; BEGIN; SELECT * FROM t1; a 1 10 SHOW CREATE DATABASE test; Database Create Database test CREATE DATABASE `test` /*!40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET latin1 */ COMMIT; # Cleanup connection default; disconnect con1; disconnect con2; disconnect con3; # We commit open transactions when we disconnect: only then we can # drop the table. DROP TABLE t1; # End of 4.1 tests # Wait till all disconnects are completed