--echo # --echo # Test of function defaults for any server, including embedded. --echo # --echo # --echo # Function defaults run 1. No microsecond precision. --echo # let $current_timestamp=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; let $now=NOW(); let $timestamp=TIMESTAMP; let $datetime=DATETIME; source 'include/function_defaults.inc'; --echo # --echo # Function defaults run 2. Six digits scale on seconds precision. --echo # let $current_timestamp=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(6); let $now=NOW(6); let $timestamp=TIMESTAMP(6); let $datetime=DATETIME(6); source 'include/function_defaults.inc'; # # MDEV-20403 Assertion `0' or Assertion `btr_validate_index(index, 0)' failed in row_upd_sec_index_entry or error code 126: Index is corrupted upon UPDATE with TIMESTAMP..ON UPDATE # # ON UPDATE NOW and indexed virtual columns create table t1 (t timestamp, i int, v timestamp as (t) virtual, key(v)); insert t1 (t,i) values ('2006-03-01 23:59:59',1); update t1 set i = 2; check table t1; drop table t1; # ON UPDATE NOW and triggers create table t1 (t timestamp, i int); create trigger tr1 before update on t1 for each row set @new:=new.t; insert t1 (t,i) values ('2006-03-01 23:59:59', 1); update t1 set i = 2; select if(@new = t, 'correct', 'wrong') from t1; drop table t1; # triggers, virtual columns, multi-update create table t1 (i int, j int as (i)); create trigger tr1 before update on t1 for each row set @new:=new.j; insert t1 (i) values (1); update t1, t1 as t2 set t1.i = 2; select if(@new = j, 'correct', 'wrong') from t1; drop table t1; # SET xxx=DEFAULT create table t1 (a int, b varchar(20) default 'foo'); insert t1 values (1,'bla'),(2, 'bar'); select * from t1; update t1 set b=default where a=1; select * from t1; drop table t1; # ON UPDATE NOW and SET xxx=DEFAULT create table t1 ( a int, b timestamp default '2010-10-10 10:10:10' on update now(), c varchar(100) default 'x'); insert t1 (a) values (1),(2); select * from t1; set timestamp=unix_timestamp('2011-11-11 11-11-11'); update t1 set b=default, c=default(b) where a=1; select * from t1; drop table t1; set timestamp=default;